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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. , ImUs Its ma©h sever storel Three models--S134.95 to . $189.95. Easy terms. Liberal trade-in. See them today! EELLS & VALLEY APPLIANCE CENTER 123 S. 2nd St. ---Phone 334 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI5 , ..... I I I r ! HASKELLS TO OPEN LILLIWAUP CAFE With Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haskell as new proprietors, the Lilliwaup Cafe will reopen for business this month, the exact day to be an- nounced later. Mrs. Ella Dailey, Mrs. Haskell's mother, of Tacoma, who has had experience in restaur- ant cooking and operation, will assist in the business. The Haskells are well.known  here as the managers of the new movie theater at Hoodsport. They are busy redecorating the restaur- ant in preparation for their open- ing day. m Skokomish Grange Puts On Drill At Shelton Grange By Signe A. Kneeland There was attendance of many grangers last Thursday evening when the Skokomish grange drill team put on the work in the third and fourth degrees, at the grange hall in Shelton Valley• This Thursday will be the busi- ness meeting of Shelton Grange 403 so all interested turn out. The rain this last week curtailed farm work for Dick Kimbel who is working the Rutledge plaee but did not stop him from locating a short circuit in the phone line he put tip for the benefit of the Vallcy folks about a year and a half ago. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater left Saturday morning for Ellensburg to visit their daughter, Betty, who is attending college there. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steward of Ar- cadia whose daughter, Mary Stew- ard, is also a student at the E1- le, nsburg college. On Sunday the ]party went to Yakima to see the I apple orchards They re- in bloom. turned to Shelton Sunday eve- Mrs. Wayne Glover and Mrs: Joe Kneeland attended the Busy Fingers Sewing Club which met with Mrs. W. H. Smith of Shel- ton Thursday evening of last week. The Bookmobile comes through the Valley regularly now. Anyone in need of reading material can take advantage of this service. Mrs. Joe Kneeland and son Ron- aid and Granny Kneeland lunched with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCon- key last Friday after shopping at I the busy Shelton stores in the forenoon. Adults and Youngsters Work to Complete 4-II Camp at Panhandle Lake With members of the Grays Harbor Pomomt grange building the new dining hall at the Pan- handle 4-H camp and yomgstcr:, parents and leaders undertaking other projects, members of the board of trustees for the associa- tion expect that several more vig- orous work days will result in the finishing of construction. Mason county camp will be held July 25 to 29 for members of 4-H units. Grays Harbor groups will hold their summer camp July 18 to 22. Projects yet to be completed consist of plumbing the lodge and caretaker's cottage, wiring the caretaker's cottage, setting up the new power plant, building a pump house, completing the dock facil- ities, and general clean-up work. Three board members were ap- pointed on a committee to let bids' and plan more detailed construc- tion of the dining hall which will be built by the grange. Commit- tee members consist of Mrs. Fred Cotey, and Talmon Hall, of Elms, and Andrew Kruiswyk, Jr., of Shelton. I r-- Panhandle Camp trustees will[ be in charge of 'the work day[ groups. J Poet Casey Condon Wins Commendation Caseg Condon, tenth grade stu- dent at Irene S. Reed High School, won a conmendation for his poe- try entry ih Scholastic Magazines' 1949 Scholastic Writing Awards. They competed with students from 47 states, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and the Virgin Islands for cash and merchandise prizes and 40th Anniversary 1 Observed By Agate Grangers April 30 Members of Agate (;ra:,ge held their 40th anniversary ccle0ra[ion April 30 with over 100 gr'angers and friends of the grange in at- tendance from all parts of Mason ', county. The speaker, deputy Ted Loyd, addressed the charter members, grangers and friends and point- ed out that the progress of the group h/is been accomplinhed by hard-working individuals. [ Charter ln',mber: were intro- du(-ed individually, and corsags ]i were presented the ladies. Mrs. Hattie Pr'escott, home ec- onomics chairman, served lunch during the evening. She was as- sisted by members of her com- mittee. Dancing and catls were the oc- casion's entertainment. Charter members present in- cluded George andLantz Wiss, Chester Rosenburg and his mo- ther, Mrs. Hannah Peterson, Al- ma Hurst, Eula Daniels Martin and her father, William E. Dan- iels, Ira Libby and his wife, Effie SEWING MACHINE BUYERS! The only place you can obtain a new household SINGER* Sewing Machine--or one reconditioned by SINGERis from your SINGER SEWING CENTER ! Any other stores or repair shops which offer "rebuilt," "factory-rebuilt," or "reconditioned" ma ...... chines are not sponsored by SINGER. The SINGEI SEWING CENTER serving this are a ie listed .12cloy  ONLY here can you obtain ... I. SINGER Sewing Machines. t (Starting at $89.50) 2. SINGER Sewing Machines reconditlened by SINGER with warranted SINGER parts. 3. Guaranteed repairs by SINGER e based on written estimates furnished in nSvance. SIN6E "" 510 EAST 4TH AVE. OLYMPIA PHONE 7586 scholarships. Libby. Jansson Finishes Boot i Training In San Diego l, Donald C. Jansson, seaman re-t' cruit, .USN, son of Mrs. John , Yansson of Route 1, Shelton, re-t cently completed recruit training ] at the Naval Training Center, San ' Diego, Calif. Jansson entered the Nawll serv- , ice Jan. 24, 1949, at the Naval [, Recruiting Station, Seattle. [: Before entering the Navy, he attended Irene S. Reed High , I ' '  r Page 7 Read Journal Want Ads Use Journal Want Ads Send Flowers! Make Morn Queen for a Day! Shower her with fra- grant flowers from our ideal displayl It costs a lot less than you thlnkl We'll Wire Flowers-. Anywhere F E R G U S 0 N F L 0 W E R S 103 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 232 School. F. • . • $5.95 and $7.95 PeP- It- ev. '. • $1.19 to $3.75 JEWELRY EAR RINGS $1.00 to $3.95 ROPE PEARLS s2.25 ....... NECKLACES Silyer, Gold and Rhinestones $2.95 & up BRACELETS $1.00 to $5.95 PINS $1 to $12.95 HANDBAGS S4.9s SCATTER PINS Sl.00 b / / j-- °,,. . "-.,,.._ ACCESSORIES AND LINGERIE DEPARTMENT ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( NYLON SLIPS $5.95 and up • • • • • • • e • • • i • RAYON CREPE SLIPS ...... $4.50 and up Burmill Rayon Lace Trim SCARFS s2.2S and Up SUMMER SUITS In Tropical Fabrics Sizes 10 to 20 sl 7.95 to s25.00 _ - _ , - _ , Seersucker HOUSE COATS In Gay Prints, Wrap krounds and Zippers Sizes 10 to 52 $4.95 and $6.95 s5.95 to $6.25 Here tire enticing blouse selections Mother will wear and wear. ,Excitingly fashioned with new V-necklines . . , classic convertible collars and ever-Popular jewel necklines." So dainty! So lovely! For Wear-everywhere! $5.95 READY TO WEAR DEPT. ROll collae, V- neckline blouse, C a p sleeves. $5.95 Established 1895