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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. COMMUNITY CLUB II . [ES FRIDAY NIGHT ...l , ing sveral clays in Seattle wil I I subject of fire [ her mother, Mrs. B. A. Ross. Mrs.  ] 8hewn to the] Ross is captain of the juvenile [I try Club at its ldivision of the King county sher-ii In the commun- ] iff's office. Mrs. Evans is expect- [ I night. Two[ed to return on Sunday with all tte Chaser and I friend, who will visit at the Ev-II nd, will beans home. II Jackson of the l Mrs. Tress Rice, who has been l llatrtet of the la house guest at the home of her l I Forest. ] sister, Mrs. Josie Peterson, went I| tee is desired at linto Seattle last Friday to see j| f the club year, [ her physician about an injured I | see continuance I wrist. It is reported that an x-ray | dl improvement lshowed the wrist to be fractured. I| rojeets, design-[ Mrs. Lee Erhart and Mrs. C. E. I| ¢nnunity an at-l Hill, accompanied by Mrs. Harry I| lU!Pped meeting[Yenter of Hoodsport spent Friday I| center, deserve the I in Bremerton, where they attend-I| residents led a meeting of health councils | .* * " !of the state of Washington. The I| ,eters°n is. hostess ] Kitsap_ Health Council acted as ,.the Hood Canallhosts for the interesting programlm a .her LflliwaupJof the day. The Hood Canal we-I| lctlUb, which is a linen are members of the Mason l| e Hood Canal I County District Health and WeN | eeta this noon I fare Council. With them on their)| , )llowed by a meet- I trip to Bremerton were Mrs. Lew- I ] I is Evans and Mrs. Tress Rice, who I | *. .ter E. Carroll, U.S. I were enroute to Seattle that day. ]| :jaoll are expected ] * " * II honolulu to svendl Overnight guests at the Frank • F,,0ay wo,.o 00..11 !. ,  Capt. Carrolrs I and Mrs. D. C. Noonan of Seattle II arroll. Mr Car-[ who had been on a business trip l| "  tlghter, Mrs." J. R. i up the peninsula. Saturday night[| visited Hawaii [ they had as guests their son and I| i, ,o!1 has just corn- I daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. | mlty. They will I Pierpont Robinson of Seattle. Sun- I | m vanclsco, i day the family gathered for din-I1 ii. 11; 1. j. Seers will [ net at the C. E. Hill home, where  | :L;'. " visitin, at the  husband's parents and Miss Mot-It mo and daughter-]rily Hill was home for the week i| , acscovalend s il - II ,o Clyde McKasson I Mis H 1, a student at the wni- I | Wlh go to Tacoma to [ versity of Washington, recently tVU for Mothers' I became- a pledge of Ph,' Mu sorer-II on returned last lty. .kane, where she I M and M, Bert Davis have I 1 funeral services [ been occupying the Lilliwaup cot- I | • . i tage of their son-in-law and | . ..... • I daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart } II vm of the Lilli- f Hedrickson, while awaiting corn- [ |  '. Clter is spend-ipletion of repairs on their home, I| .... r .... [ recently ddmaged by fire. [| | -#'1 1 i Bert Hill was host Thursday [i I  LTra | night at a salmon barbecue sup-II ''' {¢T:- [ per, with Mrs. Hill acting as sec-[I :. J[L |,q MIr lend cook. The entree, a black-1| ]QI  'J [mouth salmon, was furnished by [11 1"" |  [ one of the guests, Dick Addleman. [ 1 L ""JL L'I t',. i Other guests were Archie.Calahan, I | t : ay "Is My Fact | Steve Hale, Harold Mille and Dave I | l" tO_Uld go to Torger [ Collins. [ l t Lincoln school [ A fishing creel, filled with Ore- [ j ag a P.-T.A. meet: I gon holly and salmon berry blos- [ | I1 and "PUt his foot | soms, decorated the buffet. A red [| t .ante for the May t tablecloth covered the supper ta-[| ang discussed ] ble and the host wore a matching [ I ,t date fell on the I red shirt Cards and refreshments I1 pre-school p T A I were enjoyed until the early hours ]l • confllctin f'or' a I of the morning. 'h r bfilongto both,  ' il ". ee spoke up.,, THE FORUM Ill 00aoyll ", .A. Who belong to ization. I have at- Oll, meetings and 1' , , , ' 'l  t_say this, but [ Dear Editor: II ' r :'T.A. seems al Now that the initial excitement ln °uP of women." I of the recent earthquake has I1 ou shouldn't have [ pretty well subsided, and our I II .. • ] three most important west coast I| :_  [ cities, Seattle, Tacoma and Olym-[| llm  pia have determined on grabbing]l -,i-: 'ERRY -['the dubious honor of being the In llfr }"hardest hit, ' Sheltontians can sit } | :] ' ]back and pat themselves on th,ei| ,  'tNDAY |back as living in the "epicenter'll lt es, Inc., this weekleity, where some of our worthy Ill 'r:'t,ll. al Olymnlc Pen.'luniversity professors seem to bell • Slan "- . . ,, .,, ." • • itlsl d service vtalagzeedtlae humdingez ozgmat-[I :i:_[a" :Key"tone route I ed" . n :af  and continu, I If another quake comes along/l '.~ :. lt. due time, let , hope wc can }1 ':.'. _ Island u , ,,,Istill be the epicenter, and we'll l 1 '. cross-sound [gladly let the rest of the state )I aOlls --'" • .. , has been ren-I continue to envy us. In the mean- [ 1 'uon for 1949 ser-}time Shelton is arranging for its)|  :.'. ager H J Ca,.lown spectacular event, and we at I| Y" Major chanesl least can predict it with some ac- | n.g Ule vessel's arlcuracy--red hats and the Forest J| -'"g the Width of'elFestival--and lest we forget. --[l a.Will ]buildings made of brick, cement ll "..b' operate on aland stone took an unmerciful[| .Wt.rtmd trins dIbeating in the quake, but those l | W/..¢mnd at s:00an[bullt of timber are as sturdy as [| ,,, , 3:00 and 5.00J Shelton's major industry. J| • '. l,'-' eYStone at 9:00[ Paul Bunyan. Ill 01 tall  d the extra ent labor egis t' , ' -|| . -  cents, Carroll tion Service which was emascu-/| t I1-- lated from the Department of La- J 1 "mlates20cars bor to become an independent/|  -,°ge of the fer- agency was re-christened "The { 1 ]ls, Will be it Federal Mediation and Concilia-I| .r l:LT and hla crew tlon Service." m 1' -" nort as chief i Its personnel was transferred ll ! bodily from the department to the ] | l new agency. Most of the concila-ln Vto [ ties commissioners now serving in | • _ S I the field had previously function-l1 Pav led in the same capacity under [| he f'deratly I Labor Department direction and|1 .n National' their record of preventin, strikes[n 20 or more under the department s supervt- ]| scrvie, in- sion is imperative,  • rld Wars I eve r one-hundred thousand] non-dlsabil-! (100,00) disputes were settled In they are 60 without work stoppage an morel• Under a re- than 90 per cent of all cases han- m ller dled resulted in settlements with- n - ptro _ " e ' ates, Brl- out work interrupted. Then- r c- I Llewell ord of accomplishment under thell has pointed Department is the best argument In i for the return of the Mediation I• 0, effective Service to the Deprtment of La-Ill abllity re- bor. . . II tsen and lating to tle promotion of wel-]l ms of eith-l fare of forty-four million (44, I II re than 20 000,000) employees, the unite I• lerally rcc- State Departmen of Labor equ-ll ,. ally serves the general interest I| ,ed that all and welfare of all the people of J l older who the country, as does the Depart-ll and II and 1 ment of Agriculture in connection [ • [peacetime with the manifold duties which]l recognized tlmt department performs for I1 20 years, farmers. In eneral, De- If it is In'oper for the agencies  1 or Chief of l which balance the interest of the t• Y Depart-! farmers, and the general public[| C., apply-lagainst each other, It is no ross • I proper to house within the De- | re retired partment of Labor the similar I1 who are task of balancing the interests 'of | by June' wage earners with those of thell entitled, peoplh as a whole. Bring the Con- I| ts ciliation Service back home to the [| n- department where it belongs. In re, It is with the-above fundamen-Jl be tal facts in mind, which are of( jott interest to, and effect labor, _ management ani the general pub- World War lid alike, that I rcspectfull pett- g slbslst-{tton that ou print this letter in e VA dur-,.your paper at an early date. !ary, 1949, Tllanking-you for your cooPl; .provisions atlon in behalf of lalor, one o sportsor- tribunal of labor--management, '  J and the general public effected. . ] Sincerely, "€ to be I Harold Slater, President erected J, Southern Washington Dis- : .... • = trict No. 3, I.W.A. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY, JOURNAL, , , , , ,Pa,. 9 I I I I I I [I I I I I TAKE THE STRINGS OFF YOUR FINGERS...BECAUSE IT'S T/',[|,: I'q1111, ACTION LIVINg[ TALKING IBI)OS|TING FIFTH ANNUAL MASON COUNTY ' FOREST FESTIVAL THURSDAY-FRIDAY' SATUR AY MAY12- 13-14 - .', i It's Timi003'.ViTi OUT'OF'TOWN ] I FRIENDS AND RELATIVES I / j i!i'i!i!!i!:i:: ::;i':,  !::;i': , TO BE YOUR GUESTS FOR THE FESTIVAL WEEKEND it,00 Tim0000Oy. A B00TTON I ! / ,t.s ;,me TO ;.. *t's 00ait :1 PREPARE FOR THE PET PARADE PAUL BUNYAN PARADE ENTRIES i liii [ithi.ting at 1 ". ' .............................. ' SSI:'I(2RTS III Ili, i, IM/lilliil i i:!i00 illl ' .'- " Starting at 10:'30 a.m. Sa,urday, May 14 ..... . :ow III llllllllllllllll I! l llll Saturday will be by Fozest Festival membership button only ',, , I I I I. I I • _J I I i I i ......... . n