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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rk,00 10 ; - i I II I Ill II I I I e This --:,,w":l" --Mr. a,, Mrs. W. L. ,a,the:s, 603 Park Street Shelton, WINS A QUART (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of their favorite flavor absolutely free if called for by next Wednesday. In the Ice Cream Everyone Raves About Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month "BANANA NUT" SCOTT'S ICi: CREAM Second and Franklin Streets Phone 202 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Daily, lnelflding Sundays and Holidays Calling All Hill-Billies Western Old Time & Scandinavian Music DANCE Every Saturday Night 9:30 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.  With Music By Oakie and His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys Eleven radio musicians and singers featuring Jeannie, our champion cow-girl yodeler, JohQy Williams and his Missus, Hill.Billy Harmonizers at the TROPICS BALLROOM $1.00 PER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Selmeiders Prairie 8 Miles from Olympia on Shelton Highway A R A U NT ' THEATRE 8helton, Wash• THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENTDIRECT FROM SEATTLE'S LEADING THEATRES. Sunday -Wednesday May 8 - 11 TWO FEATLES WkqREN DOUGLAS • 6RANT WITHERS BORZAGE00 productiorl of stsrt],s DANE CUiiK • GAlL RUSS[LL [IH[L DARRYMOR[ wh ALLYH IOSLYfl. lt[X INiliSUil • HRT MOIUll A EEPIJlUg PRESENTATION Thursday - Saturday, May. 5 - 7 TWO FEATURES h lonely wife_and a wanderer who understood! LYNNE ROBERTS RUSS HAYDEN 60RDON JONES Doc Stork Flies To Wingert Home On Harstine, Girl By Mrs. E:arl Harriman Old l)oc Stork flew by Satin'- day llOFing, April 30, and left :1 baby girl hi, the home of Mr. "tnd Mrs. Artimr V¢ingert. We extend: t'¢mKr;itllla tions.. Ila|:dine grangers attending ] Agate Grange's 40t.h anniversary nl.Iw(lay cvening were Mr. and Mrs. Che:ter Steckenbaeh, Mr. and Mrs..loire L. HiteheociL Mr. and Mrs. Fh'icl; Christensen, Mrs. N;u'l .I.Iarrirnan and Mr:. Will;t Milh an(l (laughie|' Ann. The eve- ning was enjoyed. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jacobson and family of t.andle week end guests at tt]e Osear Jaeobson home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons en-, tel'tllin(,(I ovel' the week end Dr. anti ]11's. i, E, Shenl¢. of South Bend. Mrs. Bill Mathews and son Nor- man of Seattle were week end guests at the honle of Mrs, Ma- thew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry G. Sinclair. Dick and Joe Glaser spent sev- eral days last week in Spokane at the home of their sister and fam- ily, Mr. an(l Mrs. ],alu'en Sim- n-ions. (nests rJt the Roscoe Page home Saturday were Mrs. Bertha Page and Mrs. Virgie Kinyon and daughter Donna Mae of :Picker- ing. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitch- eock spent Sunday in Shelton at tin, home of Mrs. Hitc, hcock's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. led Whaley. Earl Harriman and son Clyde were father and son birthd'y din- nor guests MOnday evening at lhe home of Mr. Harriman's mo- ther, Mrs. Mamie Nicholson of Agate. Mr. and Mrs. Rosco( Page and daughter Marlene attended "The Choirs Come ' ' ' " Smgm', at the Irene S. Reed High School Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Simons and family of Port Angeles were week end guests on the island. Miles Da.rland returned home Monday afternoon from n. week spent, in the hospital. w V 'W " ' v V V q. "V v '%'. 'v""'' "e' ".,' V v 'v "W V  V ' PICKERING By Emily M. Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Sig Jolmnnsen of Everett spent the April 23 week end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Christensen. Guests of the Christensens this past week end were Dave Render and John Frederickson of Seattle and Mr. anti Mrs, Glen l, tarriman of Vaughn. Mrs. Roy Page, Mrs. Jessie Jones and Mrs. Isabel Droscl]er were guests of the Harstine La- dies Club .when they met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roscoe Page. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong and Mrs. Frank Wylie went to Yaki- ma last Frida.y and returned Tuesday. Mrs. Wylie visited her sister, Mrs Richard Oswin and family, l'he Strongs took their: dog for entry in the Yakima Dog Show. We understand it just missed winning a prize at a pre- vious show. Mrs. Em Welty spent the week end in Seattle with her grand- daughter, Mrs. Robert Hottelling and family. The I. K. Shefler family have moved but are still on Pickering, at the "Ball place" now owned by Mr. Werberger. When the LeRoy Fuller family were returning from Agate last Wednesday a rear door of the car came open and little Ruth fell out on her head, cutting a gash that required several stitches. She is recovering satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart Goetsch of Belfair were supper guests at the George Carlson home Thurs- day evening. Mabel Wylie was home frets Ta- coma from Friday to Tuesday. She will be home permanently a little later. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. White of Seattle spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Alice Gray, A wise man will desire no more than he may get justly, use sober- ly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly. Richard E. Burton Friday-Saturday, May 6-7 Laraine Day, Kirk Douglas, Kcenan Wym, llelen Walker "MY DEAR SECRETARY" Rudy Vallee, Florence Bates What reality happens when the Boss is "in conference!" Adults 50c. Children 15c .......... O .......... Sunday thru Tues., May 8-I0 He made History when he made love! "ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN" Color by Technicolor Errol Flynn, Yiveca Llndfors Big! and Bold! and Breathlessly Told!! Adults 50c, yl]il(lren 15c Wed,-Thurs., May l 1-12 DOUBLE FEATD'RE Gay Madison, Diana Lynn "TEXAS, BROOKLYN AND HEAVEN" James Dunn, Flo,'cnce Bates SecQnd }tit "OKLAHOMA RAIDERS" Tex I{it er Fuzzy Knlgit, Jennifer Holt, Johnny Bond ant his Rh'cr Valley Boys ! amuro-tAOn corerS; JOTmTAr RULES FOR FOREST FESTIVAL LOGGER SPORTS S H()W ON MAY 14 ANNOUNCED BY ROY KIMBEL ' Rules for the Loggers Sports Show which will featm'e the clos- ing' afternoon of the Mason Court- ly Forest Festival on Sattu'day, May 14. were announced today by (hairman Roy Kimbel. Entries for each e.vent will he received up tO I p.m. on the day of the contest, one hour before the show opens, Kimbel said. Con- testants are urged to mail in en- tries ill advance of that time to either Roy Kimbe], Hokie Hok- on.'on or Archie Adams. Entries made at Loop Field should be fin ed with the individual contest chairmen named below in the rules section. Kimbel said the logging show will feature a new exhibition ev- ent, the topping of a 90 foot fir tree by Bob Marshall of Shelton, a veteran of :14 years in the log- ging game. Marshall, now in 'the jewelry repair business here, won the 71948 logging show high-elimb- ing contest but will not compete in that event this year. "This year's contests are to be run wiLh track meet precision," Kimbel said. "We want all contest- ants at the field an hour before the show starts and each man is to be in place when time for his event is called." Kimbel said a fence is to en- close the show arena this year to prevent spectators from crowd- ing into dangerous areas. Only of- ficials wearing badges and quali- fied press representatives will be allowed on the playing field during the show. Contest rules follow: TleEE-CI,IMBIN CONTEST Chairmn, MaurJce Anderson 1. Each contestant must furn- ish his own climbing gear, which will meet specifications of stan- dard equipment. 2. Contest will be limited to nine entries. 3. Tile defending champion is assured of entry. All others will draw lots to determine entry. 4. Climber sha follow safety measures, snch as proper tying of rope, unnecessary slack. 5. Winner will be determined on fastest time. 6. There will e no rating down. I,AI, I,ING , CONTEST Chairman, George Frish :I. Team will be composed of two nlen. 2. Contestants wiil furnish their own tools. 3. 7!/' falling saw will be used. 4. Regulation falling axes must be used. 5. Tree must be felled from springboard. 6. Tree must be felled on a spe- cified mark. Red Cross To Hold 7. 1-)efendinff champions are as- sured entry. All others will draw h)ts to determine entry. POWER SAW CONTEST" Chairman, Ernle Dahman ]. Any make or type of saw is eligible using a maximum five- foot bar. 2. Two contestants will comprise a team. 3. An obstacle course will be a part of the contest. 4. Saws must be stopped while in transportation. 5. Two cuts will be made, sev- eral rods apart, one cut from the top and one cut from tile bottom. CIi RITMAS-TREE TYING Chairman, George Frisk :1. Three men or women com- prise a team. 2. Five- to six-foot trees will be used, four in a I)undle, five bundles. 3. Trim, tie, saw butts and tag. 4. Five trees to each bundle, no loose branchs or untied tips. 5. Butts to be uniformly trim- reed. TRUCK DRIVING Chairmen, Jack Kimbel and Walt Sorenson :1. Contest is limited to six con- testants. 2. The defending champion is assured of entry. All others will draw lots to determine entry. 3. All entrants must be bona fide logging truck drivers. 4. All contestants will drive the same truck. 5. Truck used will be loaded with approximately 1500 feet. 6. Contest will be decided on time and points, determined by each contestant's ability to go through obstacle course. BUCKING CONTEST Chairman, Carroll Mercer 1. Contestants will draw num- bers for their logs 1 - 2 or 3. 2. Contestants will buck with regular 7-foot saws. 3. Contest will be against time. 4. Logs will be 30 to 32 inches and will be marked and barked before the starting gun. 5. One oiler will be permitted. 6. A four-inch wafer will be cut--no wedges permitted. 7. The defending champion is assured of entry, 8. Contest is limited to nine en-I tries. All others will draw lots "tel determine entry. SPLICING CONTEST" Chairman, Ned Rucker 1. Two contestants will com- . prise a team. 2. Contest will be limited to six team entries. 3. The defending champions are assured of entry. All others will draw lots to determine entry. 4. Each team will be required his own Ma|'lin spikes and h;nn- meT'. 8. Line will hc in l>)ace hefore contest begins. TUG-OF-WAI. Chairmen, Don Sperling and Bill Judah 1. Each team shall be composed of ten men and a coach. 2. Sustained pull will he for sixty seconds only. The side with the flag on their side of the cen- ter line shall be declared the win- ner. 3. Contestants ]nay wear talk boots. 4. A process of elimination will determine the winner. 39 "- "quauc Schools to splice one eye splice in one inch A record of 39 American Red six strand steel core line. Each Cross aquatic schools wil be con- strand including core to be tuck- duCted this summer' at 30 points l e three times. 5. Splice will be judged for speed throughout the country to train] and neatness, speed being the pre- instructors in water safety, first[ dominating factor. aid and accident prevention, Ped Cross headquarters in Washing- 6. Lines, railroad spikes, etc, ton, D.C., has announced, will be supplied by the commit- Of the schools scheduled for the tee in charge. Well Dril Water Wells -- Test OUR WORKMANSHIP GUARAITEED Bedell Drilling LAURENCE BEDELL (formerly Davidson Drilling Co.) Route 3. Box 101, Shelton "Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well?" MY MOTHER Mother's Day Is Next Sunday .... Don't Let Yourself Forget It IT'S FUNNY how it took you all the years of your find out that Mothers are really people, just like anybody else. WHEN YOU were very, very young, Mother was a sort of lent slave who picked up the spoons you threw gleefully from your high chair. A little later, Mother was the conjurer who producedyour shining new bicycle. And still later on, Mother w reliable person who stayed up to finish your new party dress or you a long letter when you were homesick. YOU TOOK these things as a matter-of-course.., ithardly to you that she was giving up her own precious leisure or pretty clothes to do them for you. BUT YOU'VE grown up now. You know now that Mother i human as the rest of us--hungry for appreciation, and thankS, love. Be glad it isn't too late to give them to her! There are delightfully tangible ways of expressing it. IN MEMORY OF YOUR M000ER Northwest, Camp Longfellow on Wildcat lake near Bremerton will hold classes during the perio d June 20 to 30. Purpose of the school is to pro- vide trained aquatic leaders thru an intensive ten-day instruction period that includes life saving, swimming, diving, small craft op- eration, first aid and accident pre- vention. Eligible to enroll are men and women over :t8 who are good swimmers, in sound physical con- dition, and who agree to instruct others after tley complete the course. Last year 3,466 students attend- ed 37 Red Cross aquatic schools, bringing to 25,000 the number of Red Cross-trained water safety instructors. More than 600,000 cer- tificates were issued to persons completing swimming and life- saving courses taught by these instructors during the year. Bremerton College Giv Scholarships Two scholarships of a years' tuition each at Olympic Junior College in Bremerton are avail- able to seniors graduating from higl school in thin area. The Bremerton Symphony As- sociation offers the awards to en- courage students of certain instru- ments to continue their education n the local junior college. The student need not be a music ma- Jor bu must play a symphonic iument. Students selected will become members of the remer- ton Symphony Orchestra, for which college credits are earned. Players of the viola, violin, oboe, bassoon, cello, french horn and trombone will be considered for the awards. High school students who are interested should make immediate application to the mu- sic director of their school. Gil- bert N. Burns, who conducts the orchestra, may be contacted di- rectly at the Olympic Junior CoN lege in Bremerton. Final auditions will be held on Monday, May 23, in the OJC music room, located at 157h an d Chester,__Bremerton___ H00DSPORT 00IllE FRIDAY, MAY 6 "Too Young to Know" Joan Leslie- Robert Hutton SUNDAY, MAY 8 "Nightmare Alley" Tyrone Power - Joan Blondell. 7. Each contestant will bring k- Compliments Where o, LAWTON Home LUMBER CO. ATTENTION, RESPONSIBLE DRIVERS... SAVE 1!;5 TO 25% on insurance covering loss or damage yaw automobile through GENERAL AMERICA'S These strong capital stock €ompan;es lead a providing responsible drlvers wlth better ot lower cost.... Ask us about it, now! ] ] 116 North Second St., Shelton Telephone 30 GENERAL INSURANCE EOMPANY DF AMERICA FIRST NATIONAL INSURANCE g0. OF AMERICA GENERAL CASUALTY COMPANY OF AM : HOME GFFICES-SEATTI.E, WABHINBTC]N H. K. DENT, PtsS,h