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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PR I 12 THIS BOOKLET will help your woodbnds py! Tree growing pays in Washington! This booklet has been prepared for you by the Washington State Forestry Conference to help you make a continuing income kern your tm woods. Timber is a crop.., a crop with growing markets. Many id4¢ woodlands can be tcrncd into profit...for Find out how! tKHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNkI Recently the Shelton Business and Profes- Opal Packard, Cora Kelly, Alice GaBs, Dimple siena[ Women entertained B.P.W. members from Elma, McCleary and Aberdeen at a Pioneer Party at the Lincoln gym. More than 100 guests, dressed in pioneer costumes, enjoyed the evening of folk and square dancing. Sbelton women in- cluded in the above picture are Margaret Newell, Alice Frisk, Virginia Ellis, Barbara Coleman, Norris, Mable Burke, Dorothy Bell, Irene Hughes, Pearl Gaffney, Teresa Kruiswyk, Fie Ford, Danna Aggas, Margaret Morrison, Marie Ger- hart, Maybelle Daniels and Alice Diehl. The last evening of B.P.W. sponsored folk dancing will be ton.ight,. May 5, at the Lincoln gym. Many people have participated in this activity during the winter months. Mt. Olive Lutheran Belfair Women's Club Plan Music Program For Combined Observance Combining the observance of National Music Week and Moth- er's Day, the Belfair Women's Club will hear a program of mu- sic at its regular meeting at 8 p.m. May 11, at the Belfair grade school. Miss Jerry Updike, of Bremer- ton, will present a selection of impersonations and Miss Murleen Ahl, of Belfair, will sing several songs appropriate to Mother's Day. Plans for the Mason County District Federated Women's Clubs convention to be held June 1, at Alderbrook Inn on Hood Canal will be discussed during the busi- ness meeting. Edward Bartsch Honor Guest at Dinner Party Dr, and Mrs. Paul Schlosser en- tertained delightfully at dinner on Mondayevening in honor of Ed- ward Bartsch, president of Ray- onier Incorporated, and a group of friends at the family home on Pine street, Mr. Bartsch was in Shelton in connection with busi- ness of the company's plant here. Covers were laid for the honor guest, John Sullivan of Seattle, Mr. aml Mrs. George Cropper, Mr'. and Mrs. Winston Scott. Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Parrett, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jessup and the host and hostess. Officers For Coming Year To Be Installed Officers of te Prent Tacher Club of the Midle Skokomish Val- ley will be installed by Mrs, Fralk cis Radtke, at the regular meet- ing this evening, May 5, at the sclool house. All members are urged to at- tend this meeting and take part in the important discussions on the school picnic and pro school clinic. ATTEND OLYMPIA MEETING Mns. Orlc. Gontcr and Mrs. George Cropper, of the Shclton Garden Club were ghosts at the Olympia Garden Club's spring meeting held last week at the Olympia Presbyterian church. Of special iuterest at tile meeting was a talk given by the club president, Mrs. C. W. Mclnturf, on seed planting. %VEEK END GUEST Miss Nora Pike was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. LePage of Arcadia Road. Women Hold Meet I A cake and ice cream booth in I front of the post office during the l Forest Festival was planned by the Mr. Olive Lutheran Church Ladies Aid at the last meeting. All members were asked to bring cake. Plans were also made for a large delegation from Shelton to attend the Concordia Guild rally at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Olympia, which took place on May 3. A wedding shower will be given in honor of Mrs. Isabelle McElroy at the meeting of May 27. The new electric stove purchased for the church by the Ladies Aid has been installed. Thelma Williams has been ap- pointed recording secretary re- placing Mildred Greenwalt. Co- hostesses at this meeting were Mrs. Ellen Harrison and Mrs. Ada Hurst. W.C.T.U. MEETING Women of the Shelton Woman's Christian Tempcrance Union are asked to remember that the next meeting will be held on Friday, May 6, at the home of Mrs. ClXgra Getty. The meeting will begin with a one o'clock potluck luncheon, t , s',r,4,gr,4 .... " Yes t While Americans are calling for more lumber--more paper--more plywood--they are starting a woods fire every 4% minutes. Smokers, campers, deliberate fire.bugs, all add to this needless destruction. Our forests can grow the wood we need--if we will protect them. Let's start now I Help prevent forest ,., fires! Keep America Green/ J II GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY I! DEWATT()-F-OLKS VISIT DIRKS FARM AT CAMANO ISLAND By Anne Y. King Mrs. Ruth Yates of Tillicum Ranch, her four children, and her mother, Mrs. L, Ham Kean of Bremerton,,- spent a (lay visiting tim Camano Island farm of Clar- ence Dirks, writer of the column "Diary of a City-Bred Farmer" in a Seattle newspaper. Mr. Dicks gavq¢ the children a lamb to raise. on their ranch, and a most inter- esting tour of his farm was en- joyed •  MRS tiENRY tlANSEN has re- turned from lmr nursing duties in Bremerton and is once more man- aging the Dewatto store. Mr'. Hansen, although continuing his work in Brcmcrton, will join her fox" week ends. Mrs. Lizzie Bedell spent a week in Seattle visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Denny and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Williams. The Williams lived in Dewatto for many years. We were sorry to hear that Er- nest Brown was taken suddenly ill. His sister, Mrs. Hazel Willis of Tacoma, took him to her home until he recovers. We hope to see him back in Dcwatto soon• Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baxter and two sons of Port Orchard 'spent Sunday with his uncle, Lee Baxter'. FRAN PEARCE and sons Rob- crt and Richard are busy again transporting oysters to their De- watto "oyster farm." They hope the oysters will soon grow fat and saleable, Mrs. Ruth Yates, Mrs. Irene Batten and Mrs. Ruby Matson are in charge of the bakery section of the Carnival to be held in the Tahuya gym Saturday, May 7. We hop many from Dewatto as well as Tahuya will attend. The pro- ceeds will benefit the children of the Tahuya school. The Carnival is being put on by tlc Tahuya Community Club. As of March 1, 1949, accord- ing to VA reports, 1,418,618 World II veterans had securcd loans to purchase homes under I the provisions of Tle American Legion-sponsored G. I. Bill of Rights, 104.042 had received busi- xe luaus and 49,87 fanlt luaas. ROY J. KIMBEL ENTERPRISES GEO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRU00ION CO. RAYONIER INCORPORATED Townnd Club Meets At Simantle Home Mr. and Mrs. Lenhard Simantle entertained the Townsend Club No. 3 at their home April 30. Following the business meeting refreshments were served to the following members and guests: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willis, Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, Jack Smith, Mrs. Grace LePage, Mrs. Clara Getty, Mrs. H. A. Beisen and the i host and hostess. The next meeting will be aL the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hul- bert at 8 p.m. May 7. GERbIAN REFUGEE WILL SPEAK AT MEETING Dr. Anna Berlincr, German re- fugee psychologist in the opto- metry department of Pacific Uni- versity at Forest Grove, Oregon, and Dr. Harold Haynes, visual training specialist at Pacific Uni- versity will be guest slakers at .the annual meeting of the Wash- ington Optometric Association in Seattle on May 7 and 8. Dr. Glenn Landers will attend this meeting from Shelton. HILLCRE,T CATIIOLIC LADIES WILL HOLD SALE The Hillcrest Catholic Ladies Circle is busy making prepara- tions for a food and fancy work sale to be held May 7. The sale will begin at 10 a.m. at the Lumbcrmen's Mercantile Company. 4-H BENEFIT DANCE The Little Egypt 4-H Club wishes to thank those who con- tributed to the success of the Pan- handle Lake camp site benefit dance Saturday, April 23, at the Dayton Community Hall. Espec- fully'appreciated was the aid given by merchants and those who sold tickets. RAINBOW MEETING Election of officers will be held at the regular meeting of the Rain- bow for girls. Plans for the For- est Festival float and concessions will be di:cussed. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 on Monday, May 9. CATHOLIC WOMEN TO SERVE LUNCH MAY 14 Ladies of St. Edward's Catholic church, at 3rd and Pine, will serve luncheon, cafeteria style after the Forest Festival parade on May 14. The menu will include salads, hot- dishes, hot dogs and desserts, ac- cording to the elmirmen, Mrs. J. T. Shimek and ]Vlrs. Roy Rcctor. TIMBER IS CROP... DON"" BURN IT S o c ial. Ev e n t s AIRPORT Barbara Nelson, Society Editor Phone 100 CE Reception Honors Concert Star John Carter and Pianist Wednesday evening, following the final concert of the current Community Concert series, nearly 100 people gathered at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Collie," to honor John Carter and his accom- panist, Robert McDonald. Dr. and Mrs. Collier were as- sisted by the executive board of the Mason County Community Concert Association. During the reception Mr. Carter proved himself as talented a story teller as his concert had proved him a ginger, by delighting his audience with humorous anecdotes relating to his concert tours throughout the United States and Canada• Pouring at the beautifully ap- pointed tea table were Mrs. Orval Anderson and Mrs. Miriam Chris- tian. RACHEL KNOTT ORTHOPEDIC GUILD The Guild met last Friday after- noon for hmcheon at the home of Mrs. William McKenzie. Serving as co-hostess was Mrs. Harold Ahlskog. Plans for the guild's participa- tion in the annual penny drive were discussed during the business session. The next meeting will be held on May 20 with luncheon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Parrett. TO VISIT GRANDCHILD Mrs. Fred Rose of Route 3 left this week to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rose in St. Maries, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Rose became parents of a baby daughter born April 22 in St. Marics. C. FRED SMITH Says: This Way to Happiness Everybond wants to be happy. But the curious thing about happiness is that, if you go after it directly, you'll never find it-- or never keep it. Happiness will elude you---slip away from you. One of the surest ways to happiness is through security. Make your livelihood secure, your home secure--and happi- ness will come to you. Let's talk it over. I'm glad to number among my business friends many happy people .... husbands, wives and unmarried people, too, whose homes and lifes are financially secure. C. FRED SMITH NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Shelton, Washington REBEKAHS WILL SERVE LUNCH AFTER PARADE The Rebekahs will serve cafe- teria style hmch at the I.O.O.F. hall following the Forest Festival parade on May 14. Mrs. Eugene Martin, luncheon chairman, invites the public to attend. The next regular meeting of the Rebekahs will be held at 8 p.m. May 13 in the I.O.O.F. hall. ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING There will be a meeting of St. Mary's Altar Society today, May 5, in the chnrch parlors following the missionary services. NOW oPEN DALLY ' Short Orders Lunches Pies Soft Bertha I At Mason THE GREAT00 NEW 00stinghous Refrlgerator-Fr, I Combination by new, exclusive, © Get COLDER COLD for faster food steady, safe cold for normal food-kee Freeze Chest and Ice Cube Storage "! and store safely 56 pounds of food mc alone holds 108 cubes--new Butter Meat Keeper--two big Humidrawers-- other great features in the grand, new M ¢ / • THE ARISTOCRAT 10 This finest of all Refrigerator-Fre nations is in a class by itselfl IAct Nowl Stop in and see these GRE/ WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS N4 Shelton B. W. SOPER Govey Building Phone t! Tune In Ted Malone ... every morning, 9AW-42,11 . . . ABC Network 25 Years Ago ChrysTer revo- lutionized automobile power with the first high comprcs- sion engine in America . ; giving Chrysler owners the advantages of smoother. more powerful, more efft- cient engine power during all the years the others were developing their high compression cugincsl New Waterproof Ignitian S yd. With Chryslerl Drive th r°ul water safel, weat Ch Still More New Chrysler Developmsnls for Finer Performance I New Generator gives longer life, more current output, restores battery drain more quickly. New Air Cleaner, more efficient, more compact! New improved 0il Fi]terfilters all your o[ll stretches engine life! More new developments than we can describe. Come let us demonstrate this magnificent Chryslcr Spitfire Engine and amazing l'rcsto- mati }luid Drive Transmission;;; get Ore good dtiztgs first frara C_ryd. s ressor typC . • I1 ' )rocker star ;I i longe[¢' fcrc.C Sx .7 eg'rol Fruid Drive Prcsfo..tic Fluid KIMBEL MOTORS, 2'07 FIRST