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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pagel4 FIRE CARBINES AT FORT TO QUALIFY Sixteen members of Battery B, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL 700th Anti Aircraft Artillery Bat- talion of the Washington National Guard, Shelton's battery, fired .30 I Ellis, Ellen French, Robert Huis- 1[ relead. caliber carbines at F'ort Lewis]ingh, Itarold Moore, Tony Nel-[ Anyone interested in joining the Sunday to qualify for ratings. [son, Ken Rose, Tommy Wehql, l Guard may contact Sgt. Harold Men who tried for scores of/Byr(m VCinne, Gene Wells, I{en 1!:. Morrill at tlu Armory located marksmen, sharpshooters or ex-/Gohrick and Bernie tteuer, at Shelton Airport or by phonmg pert= were Earl W41es, TheOdore | Fhml scores have nbt yet been Shelton 848. Matlock Grangers Slate Pie Social By Dora llcaring Matlock Grange will hold a Pie Social aL the regular meeting thi: YO DA00E Neglect Your Clothes. With the Cost of Living Going Higher It Is Only Good Judgment to Take Care of Your Clothes. There Is No Better Way to Preserve Them Than to Let ITs Regularly Clean Them. @ PARTICULAR PEOPLE PATRONIZE PANTORIUM CLFANERS & TAILORS Phone 86 215 South 2nd St. Your Rawleigh dealer can now supply you with National Soap Company PLAYMATE BRAND SOAP SO Lbs. Washing Powder .............. *8.7S SO Lbs. There- with water softener.. $10.S0 50 Lbs. Morsuds - Ever, bobb,o washes double ........................ s15 (1€ per lb. discount on 100-lb. lots in any combination) WI:IOLESALE PRICES QUOTED ON REQUEST LES FORD- 729  ' Cota, Shelton Studebaker Champion 4-door sedan for thrlft as well as style... Studebakeds the Here's what you get for your Studebaker dollar New decorator-fabric upholsteries • New body colors • Self-adjusting brakes • Vari- able ratio ('extra-leverage" steering • Pan- oranfic vision • Seats centered between the axles • Low center of gravity • Glare-proof "black light" instrument dials • Auto* rustic hill holder--available on Champions at slight added coat, but standard on other models, a Automatic overdrive, Clima- tizer heating •nd ventileting, white side- wall tires and wheel Irim rings or discs are optional at extra coat on all models. buy word IlE clean-lined look of a 1949 Studebaker tells you it s a car with the right build for thrift. You don't see a trace of cumbersome excess bulk in those trim, graceful body contours. There's no gas- wasting surplus poundage in the rugged Studebaker chassis underneath. This is motoring's most advanced kind of design- iog--it cuts driving costs substantially every mile. Stop in for a look around and let us give you the names of some Studebaker owners to check with. You'll be amazed to learn what they save. ANDERSON MOTOR COMPANY FIRST AND COTA STREETS, SHELTON, WASH PHONE 52 Saturtlay night. Proceeds will be used to build a new chim0ey. Mrs. William Dietz and graD(I- father. William Necr, of Olymt)ia, spent Monday witl Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nye at the Lud Rossmaier home, and Mr. Neer remained during the week. Mrs. Elmer Bradl)erry spent Frithty will! Mrs. Mike Kilgore of Montesano. Mrs. L. I). Portman had a hm- cheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Elvin Hearing's birthday Those present were Mrs. A. Portman, Mrs. Iterbert Italia, Mrs. R. E. Bradberry, Mrs. A. Rcdiska, Mrs. Forrest Green, Mrs. ttarold E1- lingson, the honored guest and host. Mrs. Hearing received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barker spent Satm'day afternoon with Mrs. Rediska and Mr. anti Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry and Shirley and Dick Hopkins were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rowe, of Shelton, i.he occasion being Mrs. Brad- berry's birthday. The Matlock Grange Ladies Club entertained the Riverside Chib Thursday. The Club ladies judged the aprons for Mat- lock club. First prize went to Au- gusta Portman; second, to Anna Kingery; third, to Alma Nye. Mrs. Margaret Lock received first on hapd bags. Mrs. Marie McKay visited Mrs. Gilbert Bordeatt of Olympia Sat- urday. Mr. and Mt:s. R. E. Bradberry, Shirley and Dick Hopkins, Mrs. Marie McKay sp.ent Saturday eve- ning with Mr. antl Mrs. E1vin Hearing and Mrs. Rediska. MARCH BOND SALES INCREASE TO EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS Residents in the state of Wash- ington purchased over eight mil- lion dollars worth of United States savings bonds during March, the Treasury Department has an- nounced. Total sales were $8,182,264, of which almost six million were in E savings bonds. "March sales in Mason county represent an crease over the pre- vious month," L. A. Carlson, coun- ty chairman, said. "Although the people were concerned with paying their income taxes in :March, they took time off to continue the high volume of savings bonds purchases that have taken place since the first of the year. Their continuous buying indicates once again their desire to save regularly through the purchasing of U. S. savings bonds." Total sales in Mason county for the first three mouths of this year now equal $56,906. Tllroughout the state sales of savings bonds in March increased in 24 counLies. Clark county led the state with a 458 per cent in- ere'•so in E bond sales, while King ctiunty led in 'total volume of sales with $3,287,402. Grapev'w Firemen Schedule Dance At Barn Friday Night By Lydia Wren Grapeview Fire Department will sponsor a dance at Bishop's Barn in Belfair on Friday evening, May 6. Proceeds will go toward fin- ishing tlle local fire hall. Music is by the local Evergreen orches- tra. Mrs. Walter Eckert has return- ed to her ilome from the Clinic Hospital in Shelton very much improved in health. Her sister, Miss Louise Natscheim of Taco- ma, is visiting at the Eckert home. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert's grandson, Bobby E.crett, made the headlines in the sports sectim of the Journal last week for his good work as pitcher of the Hi- climbers. Julius and Russel Stock's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stock, until recently of Rocky Bay, have pur- chased a home in Allyn. SARAH ECKERT Orthopedic Auxiliary is going into production of a play, My Sister Eileen. The first get-together was last Men- 'day evening. There will be about 20 characters. The date of the show will be about June 15. Mrs. Howard Somers is director and Mrs. Paul Luther, assistant. Dr. and Mrs. George Berglund, brain surgeon, of Portland, Ore., spent last week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hillman. Some of our local musicians, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bacon, Messrs. Julius Stock and Lock Wren went to Allyn last Friday evening to help our neighbors to the north celebrate the installa- tion of stree$ lights. Grapeview Community Club's meeting will be held Friday eve- ning, May 6 at the school house. Grapeview school board of dis- trict No. 54---Howard Seiners, president; Bert Strickland, clerk; and John Stevens--held its an- nual hearing of the preliminary budget 1949-50, on April 25 at the school house. The main topics were the question of increasing the teaching staff to two teachers and the question of school transportfl- tion. About 20 were present at the meeting, GRANGE NEWS: 23 members of Fairharbor Grange were guests of Twanoh Grange in a Traveling Gavel ceremony at Victor Hall, April 27. Fairharbor Grange offi- cers conducted the meeting witl about 60 Grangers present. Twa- noh .Grangers put on an enter- taining program. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Palms at- tended Southside Grange to see the first and second degree in- stallation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. Pahns and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Van Valkenburg at- tended the third and fourth in- stallation at Shelton Valley grange last Thursday evening'. Mr. and Mrs. Van Valkenburg with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Pahns, Mr. and Mrs. Lombard and Clara Eddy visited the Agate Grange's 40th anniversary meet° ing last Saturday evening. It was held in honor of the charter memo bars. Lumber Co. 1324 OLYMPIC IHGHWAY OO Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAINTS @O HAULING ' BUILDING SUPPLIES /"WOVEN WED O, .\\; in #RE£N, BED, BROWN, =4.95 #I #r £0 YgSgE$ Wonderful new light. stepping feeling! Woven tropical multlcolor with )our choice of green, red, brown or natural predom- inating.., matched by a leather .cmvred platform. SHOE DEPARTMENT Established 1895 1949 Spring Home Show Sunday, May 8t AT 12TH AND TURNER '(ANGLESIDE)- FROM 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ,AND THE LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE COMPANY EXTEND YOU A CORDIAL INVITATION TO VISIT This Model Itome and See the 1949 Trends In Home Building and Home Furnishings WOLLANDER "PUGff SOUNDER" DESIGN Angleside Addition Two Bedroom, Attached Garage Sturdy Masonry Construction Beautiful Kentile Floors Hawthorne Sandstone Brick Fireplace Autonmtic Oil lleat Frigidaire Automatic Washer Frigidaire Automatic Clothes Dryer 40-Gallon Electric Hot Water Tank F.It.A. Approved and Financed w ) l  , L 1 IIONE 899 r COMPLETELY FURNISHED AND DECORATED by Our INTERIOR DECORATING DEPARTMENT FURNITURE DEPARTMENT ,.. Established 1895 .................................... ...,.: ..... 6 ............................................. "' J