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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. FREE CHECK" UP CLEAN AND CHECK Furnace Before Spring Cleaning DI LORETO FURNACE &amp; SHEET METAL 415 SOUTH FIRST ST. PHONE 208 d" f°r all she One for YO U! 'aps she's always good watch. beyond words an Elgin. So beautiful y dependable• r Elglns front 2 t 75 i " - $'9. aelude Federal tax. tLGIN has  the DuraPower Mainspring * Iade of "lgilo¥" metal. Pat.hi ladlnl NEUENSCHWANDER BUilding JEWELER Phone 74-W Mrs. Hansen Gives Palaverer Godfrey Festival Red Hat Arthur Godfrey, the plump and prolific radio palaverer, will be learning about the Mason County Forest Festival this week. And maybe he'll gush off something about it. As a (:ortribution toward fes- tival publicity, Mrs. J. C. Hansen of 707 Cedar street, last week air-mailed Articulate Arthur a festival red hat (Size 7.) and a cluster of festival publicity pamphlets. "I don't know what he'll say," said Mrs. Hansen: "But when :that hat slides down over his face he ought to make some kind of an outburst." Pulp-Men Wage Session In Portland Recessed The Pacific Coast pulp and pa- per wage conference which has been in session at Portland has been recessed to resume on Sep- tember 19. A total of 120 delegates from 40 local unions of the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Paper Mak- ers and the International Bro- therhood of Pulp Sulphtte and Pa- per Mill Workers {both AFL) and 100 management representatives from 33 pulp. and paper plants in Washington, Oregon and Califor- nia were in attendance. John Sherman, Tacoma, vice- president of the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers was chair- man of the union bargaining com- mittee and A. R. Heron, San Francisco, vice president of Crown Zellerbach Corporation, was chair- man of the employer's negotiating committee. Ray's Jewelry 117 Cots Phone 633 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE CUB-SCOU'IS-INALLYN EN JOY OF DEN MOTHER pop and ice cream will be offered. Drawing of the lucky number for the lovely set of pastel pottery 1 dinnerware will be a highliglt of] the evening. I The date of the kitchen party  has been changed from Friday to Saturday evening. This is due to  the Grapeview-Allyn Fire Depart- ment dance which will be hchl at the Be lfai,ly,,::no2 .F,:!!a < night. Seattle-First National I Bank Plugs Our Festival Recognition is being yiven to the Mason County Forest Festi- val by the Seattle-First National Bank which is calling attention to this celebration by messages in the metropolitan newspapers of Seattle and by radio announce- 1 ments. In urging support of this fes- tival and attendance at the pa- geant, the bank pays tribnte to the importance o1: the forest in- PARTY AT HOME, By Esther Shepherd The Cub Scouts had a very in- teresting meeting at the home of Den Mother Mrs. R. Shepherd on April 28. Present were Kirby Cleveland, Norman Brown, Larry Valley, Bobble Vasbinder, Jimmie Trefethen, Jackie Shepherd and Cub Master Howard Winn. Harold Brown. who conducted this meeting, told of his scouting experiences. Mrs. Elton Cleveland, acting irr the capacity of Den Mother, was also present. Election of officers was held with Kirby Cleveland as Denner, Jackie Shepherd as Keeper of the Buckskin and Scout Wesley Stock as Den Chief. After the meeting the boys practiced a group of scout songs and then played games. Cake and pop were served by the Den Mo- thers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Budding, who recently sold their home here, left for Kelso last Friday where they will make their home. Mrs. George Milosevich enjoyed a telephone call from her son Hollywood, Calif., Fri- day evening. He reported enjoy- ing California. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nelson enjoyed a visit from his mother, from Seattle, over the week end. A number of good catches of fish from Spencer Lake have been displayed in Allyn. The trout are nine to 18 inches long. Dean Cook, 10, caught 16 trout one Sunday, i a good fisherman, we would say. Mr. and Mrs.*George* * Harthill left Sunday morning for Elkhart, Ind., by car to be with .their daughter and family who lost their I two-year-old son by drowning j last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schofield and family motored to Seatt'le Satm'day for a visit with Mrs. Schofield's mother. Sunday they enjoyed the float parade of flow- ers and returned lame late in the evening. The Allyn Community Sunday School held a May Day party Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Skene. They enjoy- ed a May-pole dance, played cro- quet and games. Refreshments were served. • $ * A good time is in store for all who will attend the Kitchen Pal'- ty to be held at 7:30 p.m. Satm.- day in the Allyn school. Bingo and card games will be played with prizes for all winners. A variety of good food, coffee, ¢ WITH USEFUL, PRACTICAL GIFTS LIKE THESE FOR LASTING REMEMBRANCE " Q • PYREX PRETTY Bowls ........ $2.95 Double Boiler .. $3.45 Percolators-- Size$2.45 6-cup size $2.95 Teapot ............... $1.95 Dishes ............ $2.95 TABLE AND KITCHENWARE H0"¢K,N00 Gorgeous 10)yal Ruby Flower Vases--- 9-inch size 35¢ - 6-inch size 15¢ ROYAL Creamer 15¢ - Cup & Saucer 25¢ RUBY Sugar Bowl 15€ - Sherbet dish 15¢ Cup & Saucer 25¢ - Fruit dish 10¢ ROYAL Dinner Plate 25¢ - Pie Plate 10¢ Veg. bowls 29¢ - Salad plates 20¢ RUBY Cocktail and Water Glasses .. 10¢ . HEAT.PROOF FIRE KING-- Cup and Saucer 25¢ - Plates (9-inch) 25¢ Large Cups, each 15¢ - Bowls (5-inch) 15¢ Casseroles .................................. 60¢ sad 75¢ ii I SILEX COFFEE MAKER ................... $8.95 , With Electric Hot Plate .......... $2.19 )€orated White Set $2.95 IBakinl Dishes, ek. APRONS for. DAINTY and LOVELY MOTHERS with bibs, ruffled bottoms, decorations ........................ 79¢ & 98¢ Aprins without bibs, 39¢ - With tab pockets ........................................... 49¢ &Proas with bibs and pockets, from ........................................... 69¢ to $1.89 ItANDKERCHIEFS ................ 59¢ and 69¢ °t3 In Floral Patterns UMBRELLAS $3.39 and $3.79 dustry to Western Washington and points out the necessity of better protection for this great resource. "Because of the close contact which out  bank has with all parts of the state, through our 46 bank- ing offices," stated Lawrence M. Arnold, chairman of the Seattle- First National, "We are keenly interesLed in the development and preservation of its major indus- tries. The Mason County Festival visualizes the spirit of logging and lumbering and supports the' cam- paign to keep Washington Green. "The progressive community of Shelton is to be congratulated up- on the enterprise and enthusiasm which has made this festival one of the state's most colorful cele- brations." Skokomish Grangers Cancel May 13 Meeting Skokomish grangers will dis- pense w i t h their regularly- scheduled meeting of Friday, M'ay 13 in order that all may attend the Mason County Forest Festi- val pageant at Loop Field, Ches- ter Valley, grange master, has announced. The first known ascent of Mt. Olympus in Washington State was by Col. Benjamin F. Shaw, Henry D. Cook and two Makah Indians in 1854. MADE BY t • • LU.RAY PASTELS Cup and Saucer ...................... 45¢ Cream and Sugar Set ........ $1.59 Saute Dishes .......................... 20¢ 7-Inch Dinner Plates ........ 25¢ 9-Inch Dinner Plates ............ 39¢ Medium Soup Bowls .............. 35¢ Meat Platters .......................... 69¢ 9-Inch Vegetable Dishes ...... 59¢ LUGGAGE [ANDKERCHIEFS ................ 89¢ and 98¢ Qt 3, Flowered, Lace Corners Always Makes a Useful and Appreciated Gif LIGHTWEIGHT SUITCASES-- $2.69 - $2.79 - $2.89 OVERNIGHT BAGS--- $1.59 -$1.89 - $2.69 - $2.79 = $2.89 VANITY CASES--- of Imitation Allegator with Full Mirror Without Shelf $3.39 With Shelf .... $3.69 HatBoxes (imitation allegator) Girls size $1.69 -.Adult size $2.79 Matching Vanity & Hat Boxes ( ......................................................................  ........................................................................ e , -. Rayonier Quarterly .... Notes Show Sales Decline From 1948 layonier Incorporated, producer of hig'hly purified wood cellulose, m its quarterly report to stock- hohlers shows first-quarter sales of $13,351,147 compared with $15,- ,106,987 for the correspondinK per- iod of 1948. Net income for this period of ]949 amounted to $2,- 016,422 and $2,460,679 in the first quarter of the previous ye:tr. Af- ter payment of p:.'eferred divi- dends, this represented $1.7t per ::hare on the t:(:),nnnon .io(k for t he ('tu'rent period, as ¢'o:':ipare(l wiLil 2.16 per shal'e ill the first qt{ar- Ler of 1948. This decrease in net inconlc l'e- fleets a reduction of about six- ieen per cent in tonnage of sales during the first quarter of 1949, compare(i to the corresponding period in ]9.18, due to temporary curtailment of production by vis- ('ose rayon an(I acetate yarn pro- ducers, Rayonicr's principal cus- tomers. The consolidated balance sheet of the company and its subsidi- aries as of March 31, shows cur- rent assets of $22,108,027 cud current liabilities of $5,683,763. i Journal Classified Ads .... Inex- pensive but effective. N O MEAL To Prepare On Her Day MOTHER'S DAY should be free of cook- ing and dishes. Instead, take her out for a delicious, tastily-served meal. DELIGHT HER with food--excellently preparedgraciously served. Give Mother a chance to relax and let us play host for her big day of the year. INCIDENTALLY . . . Why not delight Mother with a candy gift from our large assortment? We have on!y the best. Ritners' Car( FIRST AND RAILROAD II NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY IT... GETA GI['T['0i00 MOTHER FOR COMFORT, THRIFT, LONG WEAR, .. IT'S Wonderful NYLON! Quick=tubbing Smooth-fltting SLIPS You just can't beat nylon! Take tiffs slip for instance!, |)'= =|l hltlon.fbvK':-: ..... from the straps down to the pretty trimmed hem. Dip it in soap and water . . . hang it up  it's dry in no time and ready to wear again! (You doR't even have to iron it!) Yours in pink, white, or b|uc. Sizes 32 to 40. MUUI3FILAMENT RAYON CREPES HOW they wear . .'.'how tley:fR . . . how they're styled! Appliqued top and ruf. fled. hem in 4 soft pastels and white. Sizes 32-40. Typical Penney value 2"98 RAYON CREPE00 Starring in PENNEY'$ SLIP FAIR: these smart Cynthias.* Strong seams, four gores, double front and back. Yours in tearose or white. 32-44, 46-52. 1"98 MIRACLE BRA TOP SLIP of sleek.fitting rayon knit. Tubs in a wink, no ironing. 32.40. 11,98 TRIM TAILORED Page .15 RED AND GREEN ORESr FESI IVAL HA]\\;00 FOREST FESTIVAL BUTTONS TOO WATClt FOR PENNEY'S STYLE SttOW In the Store . MAY 1 9 T H TO 20TH FESTIVAL REB HATS 98 + 410 Railroad , 1,$9 Avenue INC. ' 5-10-15C STORE ii ..... , . .,T T| .... ii I 9:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. I STORE HOURS SATURDAY, MAY 14TH 8 A.M. TO 11 A.M.