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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
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elevation 14,408 the Iritish The pcnk mountain ill I FOR WOMEN Hosiery Linger/e Dresses Coats Rainwear Sportswear Accessories qills, Inc. 00iNN Wash, In Hood r YENTERS HONORED, 40th ANNIVERSARY Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Yenter of T-Toodsporl. were sm'pri.ed oll lheh d0th wed(ling anniversary, April 28, when 28 of lheir neiifl)or:l and friends gathered at tlm George Jackson home for a pot- luck dinner. The party was ar- ranged by Mrs. George Jac, kson. Mrs. William Gilbert anti Mrs. Herbert Oickenson who planned an evening of games. A purse was presented to lho renters by the group to be use(I for a gift of their own choice Tim Yenters have spent 25 years at Hoodsport and are well known tl'oughout the county. Their friends wish them many more yearn of happinesh. Women take to good hearted rnen. Also from. ES- MEATS - PRODUCE SHOPPING CENTER (Where Buying Is A Pleasure) ON BEAUTWUL HOOD CANAL t,, EVans Lilliwaup 15W1 W.R. Hatch I ANN KENNY GIFTS HOOD CANAL UNION, WASH. New Location FLAGWOOD BUILDING ON THE HIGHWAY Queen... For a Day Treat Her Like a Queen By Dining Out On MOTHER'S DAY IIOODSPORT CAFE JOSIE LASSOIE Canal W Jackson Gives Fire Prevention Speech At Meet Monday Hio'hliohting " meeting of t4m l loo(Isport (1onll]lcrcirll CIub Men- (lay tug'hi was a fire-prevention tqlk by (leorKe H..Iacicson, who read a poem by Dr. (loorge Stans- field and screened I.wo IT. S. For- est Sol-vice filrns. IMMEIHATE ACTION was tak- en by the gronp to enter a float in tim Forest 1,'estival Parade of May 14. /)ave Anderson. chairman of tile parade committee, is as- sisted by Billy Gilbert. Ed Des- champ, Roland Hill, Gordon Dick- enson and Glenn Lockwood, Reports on the progress made to secure new str'eet lamps for Hoodsport revealed that donations have been mounting4". Contribu- lions have come in irom Mrs. Ab- bey, Mrs, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aselson. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson, Mrs. Mac Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mr. ant[ Mrs. Earl LinscoLt, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Webster. The American Legion auxiliary of the Hood Canal post and the Young Women's Club have do- nated. Wally ()live and Floyd Gibson turned in the contents from their bottle. "What Would You Give for Watts?" TIlE (;I,IJB WII,L present a fmmtain pen to the eighth grade graduate making the most im- provement during the school year. Nasturiums will be planted on the nchool yard hill. The sugges- tion was made by Mrs. %Villiam Gilbert. A special meeting of ,the Com- mercial Club will be held June 6, and if weather permits a pic- nic will be featured. Committee in charge includes Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mille, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKiel and Mr. and Mrs. Hem-y McClanahan. Following the meeting the Lockwoocs anti Linscotts served supper. Films On Teeth And Fire Prevention Set For Skokomish Meet Two subjects, dental health and fire prevention, will be illustrated by moving pictures at a meeting of the Lower Skokomish sehorol P.-T.A at 8 o'clock tonight in the school house. The dental film will show the technique of applying sodium flu. oride to children's teeth. It will be accompanied by a talk by Mrs. C. E. Hill on the objectives of a county-wide school dental health program now being planned. Members of the Hood Canal Wo- man's Club are backing this com- munity program as their special project for tile year• Mrs. Hill is project committee chairman and is on the dental-health planning committee. " Forest Smoke Chaser and Ton- gass Timberland are the titles of fire-prevention fihns to be screen- ed by George Jackson of the Shel- ton Ranger district of the Olym- pic National Forest. New officers are to be installed at this meeting, which is the last one of the school year. Tom Pulsi- fer, as president, heads the list of officers to be installed. ' A t()tal of 100.!188 new applica- tions from World War II veter- ans for schooling and training un- der The American Legion-sponsor- ed G. I. Bill of Rights was re- ceived by the VA during the month of February, 1949. NOW Is the Time • , . To Get Your Boat Shipshape For GOOD FISHING AHEAD Supplies and Equipment C o m m u n i t i e sl Hooo Lwo-0000, . TO HOLD TEA An invitation is extended to ev- eryone interested to attend the  I open hesse and tea with which the l-Iood Canal Woman's Club PETERSONS RETURN TO CUSHMAN Hoodsport P.-T.A. AFTER VACATION IN CALIFORNIA By Frhnee ]Radtke r. and Mrs. W. G, Peterson returned Friday from a two-week trip to Los Angeles. They traveled down by way of train, and mo- tored back with Mrs. Mable Min- chef who plans to visit her son, Carol Mincher and family at Yak- ima. While in California, tim Peter- sons were entertained with a visit to Balboa Beach to see Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crmier who took them for a boat ride. They were also dinner guests of the ormiern at the Huntfflgton Park Hotel in Pasadena. Weather in Los Angeles was beautiful, said Mrs. Peterson, and flowers in full bloom, but she was glad to get home. They were en- tertained by many friends and rel- atives and stopped on the return journey to call on Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson in their place of business at Marysville, Calif. Don Reader of Port Angeles was a week end visitor of John Laramie. May 11 is the date for/:he next Cushman party which will be given in the home of Mrs. Art Gilmore who will be assisted by Mrs. Del Laramie. Mrs. Gilmore {s also entertaining ladies of the Cushman sewing club on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. Dell Laramie reaped a large harvest of birthday pres- ents last week. This lucky lady gets birthday presents and Mo- ther's Day gifts combined, her birthday being April 28. Mrs. Laramie received word that the Harry Sheltons have ar- rived at their destination. Sitka, Alaska. Th trip was pleasant and not unusually rough. Mid-week guests of the Sand. rigs were Mr. and Mrs. David Due and children of Tacoma. Mrs. Edward Radtke, in com- pany with Mrs. Helen Cook and Mrs. Mardy Gable, will travel to Skokomish Valley tonight for the Parent-Teacher installation of of- ficers. Hoodsport school teachers are interested in meeting folks of other communities and viewing their Parent-Teacher efforts. Mrs. Radtke will furnish music for the evening program and may be ac. c0mpanied by son Jim and his musical saw. Mrs. David Collins is recuper- ating nicely and able to be about. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke left for Seattle Monday where Mrs. Radtke will see her doctor for a checkup. Edward Radtke seems to be improving since his last eye oper- ation and was able to start work Monday. Gus Pendland has erected a fine new fence which is planned to SMITH MARINE Phone Union 462 serve a dual purpose, keeping the .dog in the yard, and the skunks out of his basement. He hasn't forgotten those unwelcome visi- tors last winter. HOODSPORT SCHOOL CHILDREN VISIT BIG CITY ON TOUR On a field trip last Friday Rich- ard Sparls, Hoodsport school prin- cipal and Mrs. Helen Cook, fifth and sixth, grade teacher, took chil- dren of'the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades on a bus trip to Seattle. THERE THEY went through the new Post-Intelligencer build- ing,and saw how newspapers are planned and printed. Boys and girls were impressed with the pro- cesses news goes through from the time it is gathered by the re- porter until it appears on the street as a newspaper. The children later lunched at Woodland park, and visited the University of Washington campus and government canal locks. All felt they hal gained much in the way of educatibn. Hoodsport school children were pleased to see in the Sunday Se- attle Times a picture of former primary teacher, Mrs. Lee Wiggs, who taught at Hoodsport school last year and now teaches at Car- bonado where she has three seta of twins in her classroom. Work is progressing on the Hoodsport school musical "Echoes of Playland," which will be shown May 20 at the school. An inter- esting feature of the entertain- ment will be the presentation of a musical number by 60 children in costume. Words and music were composed especially for the event by Mrs. Frances Radtke. ANOTHER OBGINAL song will[ be presented for the firs' time, as composed, words and tune by Penny Brown, third grad- er in Richard Bates room. Mo- thers are busily making costumes of rainbow colors to be used in the skits. Large plans are being made for the tree of swings, teet- er totters and a rainbow. Every- one is invited. SHURFINE STORE AT BELFAIR JOINS ASSOCIATED GROCEI00 By Dollle M. Parsons ,:.. Street.Lighting Jamboree in Allyn Draws Big Crowd A street-lighting jamboree held in Allyn last Friday night was an impressive affair featuring a long parade of cars and trucks, snappy entertainment am speeches. Starting from Belfair Barn about 40 cars, paced by a decor- ated truck owned by Fred Stock, brought the occasion to a climax in Allyn. Riding in the truck were Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and the entertain- ers known as Bremerton HilF Bill- ies. Kelly conducted the Allyn program, giving a talk on the ad- vantages of living in a small community. Mr. Snell of Belfair appeared in a genuine Oklahoma Indian ,chief costume and bounced ar- ound before the delighted specta- tors in an Indian dance. Chil, dren enjoyed it. Roasted • welners, marshmallows, pop and coffee were enjoyed by a huge bonfire on the beach. Dancing took place until wee hours of the morning at the Wee Pause. Music was donated by the Evergreen orchestra of Grape- view and the Ar-Own boys gave Emmett's Shurfine Store has become one of the members of Associated Grocers. The Cooperative group ,is able to buy economically, and Savings afforded participating members can be passed to customers, Associated Grocers have a self- service cash and carry branch at CityDock. In addition to groceries, meat and produce, Emmett's A. G, store carries a line of hardware and feed. Twelve girl scouts and their chaperones hiked to St. Albans' Girl Scout camp Friday and camp- ed over night. They returned Sat- urday. Girl scouts taking the trip were Julie Ainaworth, Sally Brown, Wanda Crow, Sandra De Leo, Jeanine Denevan, Betty Koeler, Geraldine Kreidler, Beulah Mc- Kimson, Virginia Rickabaugh, Margie Sanderlin, Joanne Woolo dridge, and Barbara Howe. Chaperones were Mona Croush, Mrs. W. L, McKimson and Mrs. 'C. C. Townsend. While at camp the girls worked on their camp craft and hiked. Mr. Snell, who is caretaker of the camp, donned his Indian cos- tume and entertained the girls at their camp fire Friday night. Mrs. Kreidler and Mrs. Wool- dridge brought supplies and had . lunch with the girls Saturday. i the buns. The trip was planned by Mrs. Bon I -- T-- -" = hie De Leo. i I c , I ... omplete our Donna Olsen and Betty Vaughnl spent Thursday fishing at Lake l FE Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miles are I Homebuilders of H o o ds p o r t the proud parents Of a baby: church are proceeding with ar- ! W0i:;?: i |Cd--=l | daughter. They have named her,rangements for their mother- Lynn Dell. daughter entertainment to be giv. Dick McKimson and Harold Wil- en ,at the church May 6. All wo- liams spent Sunday fishing at men of the church and community Kreidler's Lake. They came home are urged to attend. No special in- with a nice catch, vitation is necessary. Dorothy Newkirk. Donna O1sen Mrs. Clarence A. Black of Se- attle will speak. Mrs. Harold Sund, reception chairman, states that a visiting pianist from Seattle will also be on hand. Prizes will be offered mothers who are oldest, youngest and the one attending from the farthest distance. Mrs. Ada Yocum is in charge of the decorations, and Mrs. Laura Osleson the refreshments, Ladies need not have a daughter to bring but can attend anyway• All are welcome. Also of interest in the Hoodsport Church coming ev- ents will be a talk during the morning Mother's Day church service by Ray Mainwarlng of Shelton who is a graduate of the and L@na Fusauchia .drove into Bremerton Saturday evening to bowl. Dorothy Newkirk won a pin for the ladies' 200 club, bowl- ing a score of 218. Evelyn Beck made a business trip to Bremerton Saturday. Sunday guests at the Chauncey Vaughn home were Mr. Vaughn's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vaughn of Manchester and his grandmother, Mrs, Myrtle Vaughn of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons and daughter Vicky of Bremerton vis- ited with the H. L. Parsons Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. "Slim" Henning- son drove to Spokane to visit rel- The Lustre Lasts! MOTHER'S DAY GIVE Group To Install Officers May 1.6 By Frances Radtke I Mrs. Alice McClanahan an- nounces a change in the P.-T.A. meeting night this month. Instead uf th regular May 12 meeting, the Forest Festival made it neces- sary to change the date to May 16 when a potluck dinner will be held in the school basement at 6:30 p.m. Following dinner, a short business meet will be held, new officers installed, and a pro- gram presented. CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yenter who pass- ed their 40th wedding anniversary last Thursday with best wishes from many friends. Guests in Hoodsport several days of last week were Mrs. Mary Jane Kilby and dahghter, Mrs. Art Heath of Vashon. Mrs. Kilby plans to sell her Hoodsport home near i the barber shop. Mrs. Helen Mathewn was de- tained in Hoodsport after expect- ing to leave for Los Angeles on the first of May. She will stay to rent or sell her house which was unexpectedly Vacated. Forty people were served at a affle breakfast arranged by I members of the Amaranth at the ,home of Dess Haines in Hoods- port, Breakfast began at 9 o'clock Sunday morning and continued throughout the day• MR. HAINES MADE all the waffle batter, Dave Anderson cooked waffles and Sveh Larson fried eggs and bacon. Guests ar- rived from many points on the canal including Shelton. All cheer- fully helped wash dishes and clean up. A house warming was held for Mr. and Mrs. Harrier Barber in Olympia by Hoodsport friends of the couple, who presented them with a beautiful silver sugar and creamer. The Barbers have re- cently opened their new apart- ment house in Olympia. which was built and designed by Mr. Barber, architect. Attending from Hoodsport were Mr. and Mrs. Em- ery Winters, Mr, and Mrs• M. VanLaanen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob ]earden and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKiel. Mrs. T. B. Smith returned home after visiting friends in Seattle on Saturday. Guests of Mrs. Shirley O'Neil over Snday were Mr. and Mrs. Roland LaFay of Seattle. Mrs, Alice McClanahan enter- tained her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greg- ory during lasJ, week and took them home to eattle on Friday night. Mrs. Gregory is awaiting the arrival of the stork at any moment. FISHERMEN about Hoodsport have been taking many salmon from Hood Canal. Among the lucky ones last week were Dick Addleman, Hank Hanson, Jim Chard. An unidentified m an brought in a 20-pounder Monday moruiag. bess Haines is building an addi- tion to tle Ahl house. New part will consist of a woodshed and garage. Mrs. Jean Bearden received word that her mother, Mrs. O. H. Han- son, will spend the winter with her. husband in Hoodsport, The Hansons have been fishing in Al- aska for the past nine years. A' picnic table, bench and sand box have been added to the tennis court playground during the week- end. School director Robert Smith and Ed Deschamps were seen con- structing these improvements, Capt. Vancouver formally took possession of the territory about Puget Sound for Great Britain on June 4, 1792• It was in this man- ner that Possession Sound upon which lierett, Wash., is situated got its name, During February, 1949, there were 64%113 World War II veter- ans out of work and drawing un- employment compensation under The American Legion-sponsored G. L Bill of Rights, according to VA records. will entertain on Thursday aftra'- noon. ]9 in the May Hoodsport school audil orinm, h n ;Indian l theme will be featnrcd for the program, arranged by clmirman, Mrs. Helen Andersen of Union. Mrs. Mabel Avey is chairman for the tea. Mrs. Marion Garland of Brem- erton, well known for her book reviews and dramatic work, will present Indian dances and songs on the open house program. There will alo be musical umbers from the Skokomisl reservation, an ex- MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERS Large asortment of ROSE BUSHES IN POTS at 35¢ to $1.10 each Assortment of Other PLANTS IN POTS BELFAIR GARDENS 1000 feet north Allyn canal road junction, 5-5-1t II  vuxt w' ¢aata.." e" hibit of Indian art, including ex- pert basket weaving, and a talk on the problems and future of In- dians in America and in our own community. SPRING,S in the air ltt "SPRING in Your , Car! 1)y hhvlng us perform these Important Services $ Cltangn Oil : Lubrl(to Drain, Flush and Roflll Radiator • Adjust Ch|teh and Brakes • Cheek and Align Front Wheels if necesnary Official AAA Service Headquarters Complete Automotive" Repai ILFAIR GARAGE PHONE 5-4191 24-Hour Wrecker Service I I I I I I Kem-Glo, the Miracle Finish EMIL LAUBER PHONE 7 GFRT LAUBER H00DSPORT LUmER C0. Lumber, Building Materials, Hardware and Paint Com1lete Builders' Service FRIGIDAIRE - APPLIANCES Aluminum Hats for Loggers When On The Canal perfect POSTURIZED seating light-weight and the 6-foot heavy- on a cloud• Many arm styles in and Colonial with appropriate fabrics Visit The A smooth, satiny, Los Angeles Bible Institute. Mo- easily washabls olives over the week end. ]thers will also receive prizes at finish--iOren, bathroomkitch' L------- I . this time for the youngest, old- walls, or any I S I! eat and'mother in attendance with oom. See the the most children. Mr. Mainwar- TO C LNDA.Y beautilul colors II , ing will also speak at the eve- ,Gala,, FRED sing service • ' Mrs. Fay Garley of Aberdeen '3,40 I Motor Service lis expected for aretm*n engage- ment to Hoodsport, May 15. This : tz nil @ ,,.]1 ,I date is being dedio00ted to mission- Gallon BELFAIR , ary Sunday, and those interested are invited to bring a basket lunch 'tl Complete Automotive Repair I and spend the day art the church. Miss Garley will speak in the ]'.,. 24=Hour Wrecker Service J morning and evening. Everyone is DICK BEUCHEL troll| " ,.,Beacon'l invited tOpointCOme. PHONE 5-4651 -- 5-3682 I Bible study will be held tonight • . J at the,WNN ,le or the:Eldbn- COMFORTABLE L Unmn - Phone 387 = r  " .... area. ELDON HOTEL COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE SHORT ORDERS LUNCHES Also Board and Room by Day or Week FOR BUDGET BUYING Every Day GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES TRY HOODSPORT MERCANTILE Floyd and Marge Gbson • To Gladden Her Heart On Mother's Day G,ve Her a Cake Specially Prepared By HOOD CANAL HOME BAKERY POTLATCH ,. A Festive t Tribute On Mother's Day At RAU'S CHICKEN DINNER rINN Serving A Special Menu In HER Honor 3 Miles East of Union Phone 294 ANNOUNCING Emmett's Shurfine Store ) NOW KNOWN,, AS EMMETT'S A. G. FOOD STORE Anywhere II I I I II BELFAIR We Will Meet Any Prices, I1   I II 1 I II IL