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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 20 RATES 25 words or less (minimum charge) 75c sLugle insertion, $1.25 two insertions. $1.50 three iner- tions. Add/tional insertions 20c each. Larger ads at rate of 10c for each 5 words above 25. Reader notices 15c per line. 75c minimum charge on each notice, Card of Thans, $1.00; oriffinal .poetry 50c per inch; clautfied dis- play rates on request. . Advertisements accepts• over the telephone from lJhone sub- Bcribers. uash should accompany ell other orders or paymett made within five (5) days of the first Insertion to.J ave expense of bill- ieS. An extra charge of 10e will made when bilflng is noon- .try. PHONE 100 l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: on ltood Canal two mtlee from Union. Furnished. four-room house, two-car garage, two lots• Phone Union 303. D4-215-5 FOR SALE: 3-room house with bath on four acres land. Fruit trees and well. On Capitol Hill. Pitons 627-R evenings or Saturday. R4-21-28--5-5 FOR SALE: Small four-room house, reasonable for cash. Two lots. Phone evenings 59W. B 4-28--5-5 REAL BUY for immediate sale, two bedroom modern, downtown loca- tion, wled for electric range, in- cludes Bendix, lectr|c hot water heater and Co,eman circulating heater and 2-Car garage, Only $8800. Pnone 601. Kd-7tfn -I-S.L---. Best cash offc- over $260. Lots I to 6, Block 28, town of Allyn. Walter Berg, 609 No. Proctor St., Tacoma, Wash. B 4-26--5-5 • O ¸ R SALE: bulldozed city lots, $100 and up. To see, phone $23-J or 605 after 4 p.m. P4-285-12 (-L-ET-3Z spar t Ins n t -h'fis e , rooms with electric hot water tank, $4,500.00. Route 3, Box 8, Mrs. Whittle (near Bordeaux school). 4-8 tfn I _ SUMMER HOME at Lost Lake. Three bedrooms, fireplace, insulated through- out. Double plumbing, largo garage. Nice view on lake. $%50O.OO. 16 acres on Lost Lake. Two bedrooms, log house complete- ly furnished. Modern. suitable for sub-dlvision. $7,700,00. Rasmussen Realty & Insurance Agency Montesano  Phone 64- Elma -- Phone 129 5-5-263t FARM FOR SALE HARSTINE ISLAND 40 acres. 30 cleared, four bed- room house, well, barn, pack- ing shed, chicken house, gar- age, fenced, one acre grapes, over 200 prune tre, stream on edge of property, all for $3,500.00. Hans M. Anderson REALTOR I00 Washington Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. Office phone: MAin 3550 Rcsidence: PRoctor 6194 5-5-193t. 5 ACRES, 5-room m6lrn hOtise, one acre of strawberries net last year $600. Also other berries, Close to town. Price $6,300.00. 7 ACRES, 4-room modern house, two acres cleared in fruit, Chick- en house, garage and woodshed. Good soil. Near town. Price $6,300. 40 ACRES, 5-room h0llSe, full basement. 17 acres cleared, plenty of outbuildings. Close to town. Price $6,000.00. Terms. 40 ACRES, three acres in berries. 4-room ntodern home completely furnished. Praqtically new Ford truck, new barn. Will trade for town property. Price $12,500.00, Will give some terms. 5-ROOM modern house, woodshed, arage. Two lots. Capitol Hill. 2,t50.00 down. Price $3,500.00. 5-ROOM modern house. Also a small house on property; Two lots, garage. Capitol Hill. I'ice $5,000, 5-ROOM modern home, two bed- rooms, garage, three lots. One ca- bin rents for $15. Gas range. Price $6,825.00, 5-ROOM modern house, woodshed, garage. Corner lot 100 x ;105. Walking distance to mill. $5,500. 6-ROOM modern home, woodshed, arago. Two lots, Furnace. Price ,850.00. $1,500.00 down. 5-ROOM modern home, garage, lot 60 x 100. Completely redecorated. Stoves, Frigidaire, tables, electric hot water tank, beds. $5,500.00. $1,500.00 down. 5-ROOM modern house, garage. 991 ft. waterfront. $3,500,00, 5-ROOMS, modern housc. Two ca- bins, Modern woodshed, garage. Large chicken house. 387 ft. wa- terfront. Nice point, gravelly beach. Will trade for town prop- erty. Price $16,800.00. WALTER GEORGE REAL ESTATE 124 North First SL PtlONE 46 Evenings Call 724-M @ NOTICE James B. Trovato is no longer with Walter George Real Es- tate, his p|ace having been taken by Jack Cole. mZLZO00-0000ASO00 coum00r IIII I II I I[111 IIIIIII { I I III IIIIII II I I I III , I . .I  III J I I .... / I I I i I/it as re--" REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: ;10 acres unimproved bench land.  mile off Arcadia highway. Would make an ideal ber- ry and chicken ranch, $500. Jack Smith, Rt, 3, Box 212, Shclton, Wn FOR" s'ALE: new " Sixzr0om- m;dern home, Radiant heat. hardwood floor- ng throughout, fireplace, garage attached. Located on 115 x 75' cor- ner lot in Northcllff Schultz Addi- tion. Call 1000 during the day, 851- W evenings. S5-Stfn. (fl-'r, 4-room modern botme, 22 foot glassed In porch, bnseme'nt, shower, stationary tubs. Garden, berries and fruit trees. 90 feet wa- terfront, 240 feet deep. Good fish- lag, boat. Furnished or. unfurnish- ed. Clieap. Ms. Harry Jonnson, ast Side Island Lake. 4-215-5 i)1 'SALE: 25 acre ranch in Agate district. 8-9 acrc,s under cultivation. On blacktop road. School bus goe by. Electric 1 i g h t s. Eight-room house [n fair condition. Fruit trees, berries. Terms or will trade for city property. Norsby, Rt. 2, Box 252. 4-21tfn. Ill I I ONE BLOCK OF CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 9'our bedroom home on Southside hill. Large living and dining room w i t h fireplace, automatic dish- washer and built-in electric range in kitchen with pleasant dinette. Full basement with double garage. Automatic oil furnace with air- conditioner. Beautiful surrounding ground&---90x200 ft, Four room house, electric range and automatic water heater, elec- trio heat. Lot 60x100 ft. a $ $ Iur room hoUSe on lot 90x100 ft. Also 3 unimproved 50x100 ft. lots. Will sell separately or as a unit. Will meke good rental property. Mrs. Claude Danielson Rt. 3, BOX 209-C Phone 348-W 3-17-tfn I FOR SALE New five room modern plastered home with hardwood floors, fire- place, steam heating system with built-in radiators, nice dining room and kitchen with plenty of built-ins, has full basement, laun- dry facilities. Also has game room in basement, paneled, also with fireplace. Eight acres of land, partly cleared, with drilled well, and two-car garage with guest ac- comodatt0ns. This home is located about three miles from town and has everything that anyone could ask for in a fine home. ii i , qF,VV V ,V-lv  V.qqF V ,WT.W;, ,Wr V.,V.V'IVIr fF V .11, V 'V' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: nice 2-story English type home as modern as tomorrow on three acres of land. Full price $6.* 000. First road to left on De,light Park Road. 5-5-12-19 FOR" SALE: 3"00-f-t:'--waterfr0"nt:" mall unfinished house on beach. Over 30 acres upland. One. mile on Bay- shore Road. Andy Boil, Rtc; 2, Box 63A, 5-5-19 /:)i SALE: well located lots on An- fcleslde, on sewer. Corner lots. $600, rms. 769-J-4. T5-6-19 SMALL FARM FOR SALE, about 22 acres good bottom land, Skoko- mlsh Valley, 5-room home, modern plumbing, oil range, some furni- ture, garden tools, brooder, incu- bator, concrete block machine, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, tool shed, some lumber. Lots of fruit and berries. $7500 terms BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE, sweep- ing view of water and mountain. Excellent water system. Large farm house and outbuildings. Mea- dow and orchard, * $ * WATERFRONT H O M E -- Good beach, choice district on Bayshore Road. House in excellent condition. Good heating system and water supply, nice view, spacious grounds reasonably priced. $ * $ POTLATCH HOME--nicely situ- ated. Spacious and modern. Best of construction. Fine heating sys- tem. This home could not be dup- licated for twice the price asked and is in spotless condition. $8000 a $ w DOWN TOWN--large house, close to business district. Make excel- lent duplex or apartments. Good investment property. $7,350. a * $ 4 ACRES finest bottom land, 20 x 24 house, unfinished. Near Garden Tracts, Lower Skokomish Valley. Three acres cleared. $2,500. * $ $ H. L. Olstead Agency 116 N. 2nd  Phone 30 I NEW, 2 BEDROOM HOM FOR SALE Best materials and con- structlon, insulated, t I I e floors, knotty pine living room and dinette. Service room and laundry trays, electric hot water, pressure w t • r system. Over 2 acre, located A mile from Hillcrest on Ar- cadia Road. $8500 - Reasonable Terms -4.14.tfn 2 - BEDROOM Wallander Designed MASONRY HOME • Automatic Oil Heat • Automatic Washer • Automatic Dryer • Pella Venetian Blinds • Fireplace • Attached Garage ONLY $1175 DOWN $55.00 PER MONTH Located at 1216 Turner Street ANGLESIDE II DICK KIEBURTZ CON0000UCrlON CO. Phone 899 4-14-tfn Four room partly finished home with lot cleared and drilled well. Well located on Iland Lake. Pric- ed at $3650 With $1500 down. 40-acre farm, excellent 4-room log home, moden furnishings, with fireplace and eleftric equipment, built.ins and fruit room. Three acres in berries all in excellent condition, drilled well, good barn and plenty of pasture. 1948 new Feral truck and all furniture. This is an excellent place and will make anyone a nice home. Trucl¢ and some acreage can be ommitted. Located about five miles from Shelton, $12,500. 5-rooln modern home with fire- place, electric hot-water heater, wired for electric range, part base- ment with good oil furnace. Has nice yard and garden tract with sizable tract Of property. Located close in with good view. $8,450.00. Several lots on Island Lake at reasonable prices. Large building-" tn good condition with brininess space and good liv- ing quarters, well located on main highway. Has two oil circulators and electric hotwater heater and fireplace. $8,900.00. HERBERT G. ANGLE II FOR SALE- $6375 2 BEDROOM HOUSE at 1419 Fairmont Avenue IN SHELTON Payments $50 Per Month Will Redecorate Call Broadway 4135, Tacoma HOMI00, INCORPORATED 806 Washington Building . Tacoma , SEE OUR NEW HOMES ON ANGLES1DE - 12TtI AND TURNER DICK KIEBURTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. PHONE 899 Builders of Shclton's Finest Homes 4-I l-t£n ITWLV V V lp' 'qp'v'ql. V l.'qp. V 'm," 1 V m 'qp"W  'q' V'WI" 1 WANTED TO BUY: about 300 feet frontage on main highway, any: where between Hoodsport, Potlatch and Junction. State prk'e in first letter. Florence Bell, P. O• Box 162. Yelm. Wash. 4-14--5-5 WTED: girl to care for two school age children In my home. Some housework. Phone 36-W. U4-21--5-5 of all kinds. Any odd Job, large or small. Also rototillcr plowing. Call 59-W. C3-81tfn McNESS DEALERS V surrounding areas. See Kenneth H. Ranf, Route 3, Box 121A. Just off Arcadia Road four blocks from high- way, 4-285-12 ----L--v---f WANTED Opening for ladies between 20 and 50 to conduct Plastic House Parties full or part time, Over 100 items for the home. Car necessary, un- usual opportunity for women. Write Houmehold Plastics Co., Route 8, Box 340, Olympia, Wash. P 4-26--5-5 WANT I'O BUY: old ort tor .Mink f . Mye qnd ammnM F W-v'.--e go. prompt e, c6tn' rvice. Phone  collt. Elms 121-J. Grays Harbor Render- -AI'D: will pay cash for timber stumpage. Write Daniel and Flet- cher Logging Co., P.O. Box 35. oral- la. Wash. ll-dtfn. WIL---IL-LTAKI CAR of children In my home by day or night, also your home evenings. Mrs. Ed Ber- geson, 1411 Railroad. Phone 72R. 12-gtfn. CA'-T--T-IT want tO buy, selT-or-"ex- change cattle of any kind. J. Clark, Box 232, Elma, Wish. 2-17tfn. children day or night in your home or mine. Phone 885-R. K6-10tfn bedroom house in Shelton, no chil- dren. Roy. John DcBoer, Pastor Faith Lutheran Church. Phone 959-M or Inquire 627 J St. 4-21---5-5 W-AT--ID-- repair work or 'm-o of all kinds. Any odd job, large or small. Also rototlller plowing. Call 59-W. C3-31--.4-14 VANTt.D : Used refrlgc,ra---- condition. Call 184-M. J 5-5 "--IL/n by the month. Phone 947-J, L5-5-19 CH'IL-D-(A'ItE. Phone 732-W. Hammond. One child 25e hour. 2 children 40c hour. Lunch included If eared for by the deaf. Will baby sit In your homo evemngs. 5-5-26 LOGS WANTED Highest Cash Price Paid COSELMAN MILL CO. RFD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road 2 Miles East of Hillcrest To the "Sign" I I Register with ua for Employment Service Woman wants baby sitting and light housework. ',V V V V'qv'V V v',I,.V V, v v ,rv.v v v,qv Wp, v,lrv. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Briggs & Straiten 600-1929 MODEL A roadster, $50. Also watt light plant with rubber-eov- .5 h.p. Johnson outboard. $75. J. B. ered heavy duty batteries. Perfect Schott corner Laurel and K Sts.. golllaUgg ,lem; gd ,Mr. View). -- • S p, tin la • 1937 F6iD-Tl3i)()R-'-d--6e-n-h-t-ii'lx 4-286-12 Mark Fay, 518 Park or phone 284-B. Golf set. Four n'ons, two woods. FOR SALE: 1937 Tudor Oldsmobile $50.00. Call 872-R-4. six, can be seen at Anderson Motor R4-28--5-5 Co. Bids accepted. Shelton Brancl Seattle-First National Bank. 5-5tfn FOR SALE: Chicken lertll/zer cow FoR SALE: 1947 Plymouth convert- manure, Skokomish top soil, tl'actor iblc. One day only to highest bid- plowing. Phone 483-W. O2-24tfn der. Phone 552-J. V5-5 .............................................. WE FINANCE on bank tern)s. Up to FOR SALE: pre-war hand-hooked 24 months to pay at Bob Ervin Me- Chinese ru , 9 x 12. Excellent con- dition. Sot coh,riRg, bordered in tors. 633 South First Street, Shelton, blak. Call 462-W. M4-26--5-12, Phone 673. 5-5tfn FOR -S'A-L-? 1936 S[udebaker coup. IIYBRID SWEET CORN, four earl- new paint, flee, good tires, $%0. ties. very delicious. Matures 70 to Phone, 67-J after 6 p.m. C5-5 90 days. Wagoner Feed Store. 219 S. let St., phone 28. 5-Stfn. FOR SALE: '35 Ford tudor, new mo- tor. State tested, excellent running F'LII-VEIi-NGS:e-or-IIn0]eu-m: condition. $200. Phone 860-J-2. installed or lay it yourself. Easy B5-5 terms. 3 years to pay. I,awton Lum- ber, 420 S. F/rat St., phone 66. FOR SALE: '47 Buick sedanette, radio and heater, extras. Roy Peacher, 3-3tfn. phone 69-J. 4-21--5-5 IF-'Y'O'u "ANT'the finest in sleeping FOR SALI : 1946 Cevrolot. 4-Door, comfort, buy a Simmons Beauty Rest deluxe sedan. Will consider trade mattress and box spring, $59,5Ocach. Phone 759-J. Gd-14tfn. Olzen Furniture CO. 4-28 -4--()--TT6-I.--t-wo-ped--ear "CO-O-K; PLANTS at Farmer's Sup- end, 21,000 actual mileage, motor Jn ply, Hillcrcst. 5-5 A-1 condition, $900. Double axis -ISHT-NC TACKLE and licenses. Open logging trailer, 8:25 tires. $800. Glen Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hlllerest Clifford, Star Route 2, Box 51 (Day- Hardware. 5-5 ton). 3-175-12 /FOR SALE: one living rome suite, FOR SALE: 1941 Chevrolet metal-S': clean and In ood condition, also lion Wagon. good condition. $850. tables. Phone 878-J-5. P5-5 See at Hoodsport Mere. Phone FOR SALE: Thayer baby buggy in /toodsportS. ................. B472_8_-.?1 Good condition. Reasonable. In- FOR SALE: 1935 Chew'olet 4-door as- quire 2020 tevens, W 5-5 dan, $200. Bill Dlckic, Journal office. 4-28tfn. • I R SALE: 1946 Plymouth Deluxe 4- door sedan. Heater. new Deluxe seat covers. $1295. Phone 899. K 5-5--19 ELECTROLUX SAJES, SERVICE, SUPPLIES Free Pickup and Delivery Phone Sheltoh 650 125 Cota  Sheton Jack Manley 7-15tfn NICE FAT WORMS FOR FISHING Any Quantity Shelton Worm Ranch 1st & Harvard Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. 3-10-tfn I I I MILL WOOD $10 a load Delivered In Shelton Our Wood Is Always a Cord ACME EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 119 No. 1st Phone 920 or Better to the Load. "'""'"") Enitai Lumber Co. ......... I'ilii:va Park vvv'vTvv'v,v-w, vvvv, [ Phone Hoodsport 38-W-12 FOR SALE: combination radio and I 3-24-tfn phonograph. Crosley console model. | Phone 861-R-1. P5-5 i B---X'B-"CH-I-'Ks," I%w ampshires, i I from flock 7th best in U.S. In egg ..... production last year. Wagoner Feed Store, 219 S. let St., phone 28. MILL WOOD. $11 a load for about 2 cords slabs, edging and planer ends. Biggest load in town. COSELMAN MILL CO." Arcadia Road East to thc "Sign" Phone 867-R-1 | -- SIGNS -- Of All Kinds Neon • Sales & Service MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shclton 21 3-17-tfn Show me the man With soul so dead Who, to himself hath never said, Lumber prices are lower at Coselman's because hc sells direct. 2x4 S4S, good ................ $49.50 2x4 S4S ............................ $30.00 2x6 S4S, good ................ $49.50 Selected knotty cedar pnel- ing v jointed .............. 12,€ Surfaced lumber in all sizes and quality in fir and cedar. Fir logs custom sawed. Wood $11.00 load delivered, about 2 cords. R.F.D. Sheiton, 2 miles East of Hillcrest on Arcadia Road to the "sign." COSELMAN MILL CO. Phone 867-R-1 Evenings KAMILCHE AUTO PARTS New' and Used Trucks For Sale Complete Auto Repair "Ace" Dodge Mechanic R. F. Keyzers Owner PHONE 964-R-1 12-9tt 5-5tfn. FJR'--ALE: Jim Dandy deluxe el-'.  trle churn, four gallon, practically new, $12. Wards 600 separator, $80. First house on left entering Allyn. Hobart Painter. 5-5 BED-'D-IIG PLANTS of all. kinds, stur- dy stock. Wagener Feed Sto. 219 8. 1st St., phone 28. 6-5tfn. NOTICE arc open Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hlllcrest Hardware, 5-Stfn board motor, 1940 model. Phone 964R. N 5-5 F'OR-Ji, LE: arlne Radio 7;a'£" All metal. Pcrfcct for pleasure or work boat. Cost $90. Sell F $50"5-5 Phone 468. -FO --SXLF,--. Sb Fffe-C-b Fh..- i iVSac= rlfice for quick sale. Casor terms. Can be seen in Shelton. Write Tal man Plane Store, 396 So. 12th St.. Salem, Oregon, 5-5--19 FOR SALE: e'¥ washing machlne In good condition, $60. Phone 358-R. B5-5 FOR SALE: one dining room set. light maple, nearly new, fable, buffet, six chairs and pads. Phone 677-M or tnqu|rc 620 Alder. Mc5-5 cheap lhone 350-R or inquire 223 No. 5th St. 6-Stfn b-60i£ rS --PLA-Nr SFa e r ' s Sup- ply, Hillcrcst. 5-5 FOR "SA---L-: rabbits, one bred N-c-w Zealand doe. young rcglstercd buck, Call 559-W. B5-5 antecd for life. Exclusive wlth Lure. bcrmen's Mercantile, 5-5-36 well Pump. almost new. " h.p. mo- tor, $80. Killmer Electric, 207 Cote Street, phone 664. 5-5-19 sale at 20 cents each. J. B. Light- body, Route 8, 2 miles down Cole road. 5-5-13 F6K--S-ALT'-'n'/ce bay sa-d'dTe---m-a. Reasonable, J, N. Clark. Sherwood Creek, Allyn. Phone Shelton 768-J-1. C5-5 alr foam cusbWns in red leatherette, never used. Call 674-W or write  Box S, Journal. $5-5 m and 14 foot V bottoh bests now available. Sturdy, double con- structed, perfectly designed, weighs only 110 pounds. A perfect life- time fishing or healing companion. See thcnl at Clean Furniture Co. 5-5tfn vacuum bottle, $3.3 each wht/o they last at Hlllerest Hardware. 6.5 I I I _ CHICKS - CHICKS A2 BREED - ANY QUANTITY U.S. Certified, U,S. Approved Pullorum freel Also ducklings, goslings, tur- key poults, guinea chicks. FARMERS' SUPPLY I/Allcrest . Phone 812 2-24-tfn I FOR PACKARD CAR AND MARINE MOTORS Sec Your Packard Dealer MISKELLA SUPPLY • Olympia Highway • Your 'EST BET" for REdPRIGERATION, Garden-Tractors, Pumps, Aluminum, Etc. 9-2-fin -- . .... [ Frank Thorp Motors Packard Sales and Service PHONE 6558 222 No. Capitol Way OLYMPIA Quality Used Cam FOR SALE LAWN ORNAMENTS: large assort- ] I mcnt made of watcrproof plywood, I I Nicely finished. Make fine tourist[ I soucvnlrs. Wholesale or rctall. W'e ] | delivcr. Walter Empiit," Aberdeen, I I ..... W_h. ............. !--  II FOR SALE: 8-weeks-old pigs. See F. [I Harrier. 2 miles on the Cole road. | __o_t% a._ B3x_26.. ........... 4==s:2 II FOR SALE: E flat-saxophone. Very cheap. Waterfront property $20 per foot. Inquire 205 E. Pine. Phone 427-W. K4-21tfn. OR SALE: ono single axlo logging trailer, with vacuum brakcs. /nquiro A. A. Cook, Rt. 1, Box 206-A. 4-31-28 'Rr-'SALI: see Olmp,o Mot.or ..em auto parts anaaceeUorlee. rst and Mill-Streets. nhone 6. 7-4tfn Phone 217-J-1 C4-21--5-5 '•OR SALE: cedar planked kiffs and round bottom outboard boats, screw fastened. Reasonable prices. Also small boats built to order. Win. Me- Laughlin. Route 2, Box 224, Shel- ton. Follow the signs from Agate store. 4-14---6-26 c-YOU WANT the finest in sl comfort buy a Simmons Beauty Rest mattress and box spring, $59.50 each. Clean Fhrniture Co. 4-28 2-yard load delivered. 5 dollars. Phone 652. C.A. Flsk. F 4-21 tfn "IV'Oks'JkLi.: ground goat ferttc. Will deliver when notified. Sold by sack only. A. A. Bennett, Rt. 3, Box 247, Shelton. 4-215-26 --S-E.'Monarch eombinatioo el- ectric range, and incinerator, good con- dition, ihone 310-W after 6 p.m. L4-25-5 'O-O'ffALE,d"lcctrie ranges, $35 and up. One oil range in excellent condition. Killmcr Electric, 207 Cota, phone 664. 4-285-1' F-O R---'-'Aff.7--n -  V-c--dF - -ffk-i-t/.-X sf ' boats for rent. Schneldcr's Beacih Pickcring Pass, two miles from Har- aline Island ferry landing, Phone 760-R-2. $4-28--5-12 reasonable fees, First place north of Shelton Valley Grange Hall. Don Nsarhood. 4-7--5-5 F-0--8Ei--pne h.p. Myers pump, a,so -- --.. su Kauon pressure tank, 800 Leer outside wtr#ng. Tom Sergeant, ;apitol Hill. l-6tfn by renting a truck from Den's U- Drive at Frank's Mobilgas Servicc. First and Kaccland. Phone 545. . ply, Hlllcrest. 5-5 trailer, $350. Star Rt, No. Box 14. ..... L!Lllwaup. A-28-5.12 Phone 67. $4-285:5 "i F" Y0 U - N T t i{- fih-6s-t-i comfort, buy a Simnmns Bcauly Rest mattress and box spring, $59.6Ocach, Cleon Furniture Co. 4-38 New Home Sewing Machines Tradc in your old ntachinc on a "NEW IIOME." May bc had in Wahmt or Mahogany cabinet& 01sen Furniture Co. USED,. FOR SALE by owner: 1947 Pontiac] FOR SALE: 8 four-door sedan. Under 16.000 I Also trailer, ll%. like new iu appearance. Call twccn 2nd • . Fessler at 188 from 8:30 - 5 760-R-3 after 6 and all day Saturday FOR SALE: and Sunday. Also have l& ton rood- coupe, radio, el' A flat bed truck for sale. In er, excellent good usable condition. Seven tires miles, 0ri and wheels. F5-5-12 919 E, THREE REAS WHY YOU SltOULD INSURE YoUB:I WITHFARMERS Prompt on the Spot Claims • your local District Ag/nt You Get a National Standard • with no Mileage Restrictions. m Our Continuing Form Policy eliminates Yearly Re-Sale YOU SAVE THE $5,000-$10,000 BODILY INJURY $5,000 PROP. DAMAGE LIABILITY % THE WEST'S LEADING AUTO INSURANCE CARRIER BILL PEARSON District Agent 121 East Grove Street PHONE 654 Each S 1 Plus PoliOY FARMERS INSURANCE OUR PRICES ARE 1947 Frazer heater & overdrive 1946 DeSoto, R. & H., auto. drive • 1941 Plymouth, new paint ........ : ...... 1940 Ford Tudor Deluxe • 1937 BUick, runs good• 1940 Hadson Coach .... ..:.:.::::...:...::": OLYMPIC MOTOR First & Mill Sis. RELIABLE USED CAR S! AT NEW LOW PRICES 41 Char. Coach : .......... : .................... 47 Che. 5-P. Coupe .................. ...... 40 Plymouth Sedan ........................... ' 35 Ford Coach ............................... :." 36 Char. Coach ................................ 47 Plymouth Sedan .......................... We guarantee honest representation as to every used car we sell. ANDERSON MOTOR PHONE 52 USED CARS TERMS AND 1946 Ford Tudor, radio & Black finish, low mileage. 1942 Chevrolet Sedan ................... " Motor, paint, upholstery good. 1939 Mercury Convertible : Radio & heater, leather upholstery, 1936 Pontiac Sedan ..... . .............. """ As is, runs good 1935 Ford Sedan ........................ New motor, extra good tires and AL HUERBY , PHONE 16 5TH & Guaranteed Used Cars By Kimbel Motors 1941 Ford Sedan 4-Door .......... Radio, Heater, New Paint- A-1 1941 Ford Sedan 2-Door ............ Heater, New Paint, 1946 Hudson Super Six Radio, Heater, Seat Covers, lots 1934 Plymouth Coupe - as is , Running Condition 1947 FORD LOGGING Complete with bunks and cab road. 5-spccd main transmission, transmission, heavy duty Clark 1942 International KR10 .......... ,.,'! Chassis and Cab IMMEDIATE DELIVERY New International */', 5, and 1.Ton Pa n¢l KIMBEL MOT lt & ,Iill 1 h°¢