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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 5, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Classified Service &apos;VrlvV V V V 'V VVV*VIV V VVV VV Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. II III I I I I SITON-MASON COT.Th'TY JOT.NAL llD_ellj lU..l.2"l.Ll I - Am A (L,r ILLTTffiWTL ! NOTICE AND-SUMMONS ,wvv.vv'* t-q.., FORI'CI.,OSU RE NO. 33 FOR SALE: 5-acre travl. 2-room I [ IN THF, RUPERIOR COURT I_)p THE ,qT ATI, 6)P WA, IJ IN Cq.)N FOR MASON COUNTY 1.1-A, W4-21--5-5 ,{/SON COUNTY, WASI]INCTON, a Mtlnlvipa} ('l)t'|)l)r.:Hh+ii tin(i onp of tho house. Cblcl+.on house. Wot+dsht,d. (lrlll+d well, electrieily. Four lnih•s SOlllh of SIlelton. £2250. Rt. 1, I;ox ",;ff S-KfJi.::--l;7,5,,7-w,,n bUiff mr, d+.r.n train+,, bTlSernont, (ornate fireplav,,, kitchen wltt, bxfiit-inm, wh'- ed for electric rang,., automatic el- e[:trlI' water heater, floored attic. (+bi('k(q hi)use, t'abin• garage, grav- 113' water system, throe avrPs. Ten olil(,s fr.ln Shelton in Sk+,komish valhy. Phone 216J-5 evenings. J4-21--5-5 SoattD North cad Lake Washington waterfront properly (5 room *house J50 ft. irontage) to trade for Hood Canal i.ose. Might consider water- front or view property near Shelton. Call Union 25L Fl-13tfn Title+ Insuranee.---Ah,trsets--Escrows 'N'G]?IV, SIDE AI)I)ITION. f.r sale by N I! E L T O N - B E I, I. own+.r, threo-year-t)ld modern home. Abstract & 'Title Co.. inc. two hi,dreams, fireplace, hardwood 119 S. 4th (Bell bld.) Shelton, Wn. floors, autonmiie oil furnave, full PliaNt+, 65 l)asornent t)edroom t'inisiwd in base- +1 101 (W 1714 East 9th, Olympia ' ' [ Phone 3486 or 7026 1-15--tfn H H ', Mutual Automobile Insurance COllision Coverage On Cars as Old as r+dlql+ 1937 For Qualified Applicants +thtes, Serene for Policy Holders +;+00ansfers Now Available at BOB ERVIN MOTORS Street ,. Get Mason County agent for Puget Sound Title Iosurance Com- Irony of Seattle Member Washington I.and Tille Ass'n. American Title Ass'n. I Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Cat, tents Hauled Away PROFESSIONAL hosiery mending, prompt service. 1402 E. Ellinor. P5-5 ' SEWING tL.s p,p EXPERT WORK. Reasonable eharge Estimates made in your home by a courteous, oonued emptoye, No o1 llgation. Leave calls at The Journal Shelton, Phone 100. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, 510 1. 4th Ave. Olympia PR,SCRIPTION SRVI(., on medi- ca£ e.ontrat old age autstance, or direct wlttl you on your dector°s order. Preppfa Drug Store, Second and Rail. 10-$tf. FLOORS SXN'D"]:J and REY'iI"IS-E-b; New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes, J. A. Sohlange, Box 28, Belfair. Phone Bell&Jr 5-3951. 7-17-47t fn. 7DA.Y OR NIGHT guaranteed service o name or auto radios. Free estimates gladly given if desired. Reasonable prices. Free pickup and delivery. Cloned Friday evenings and Satur. days, or leave work at Klllmer Elee- tt'ie. BURGESON I%ADIO SERVICE. 1221 Franklin. near Loop Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-tfn HEMSTCHIN@: 10e yar, alao but- tonhoilng. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 406 Az. esdla_Aenu.e. (rner £2eadia ImlJ tmtmaary Btr(t -)=tht I I II PLUMBING. HEATING Sexauer System Repairing Pumps, Hot Water Tanks and Plumbing Fixtures. Licensed Master Plumber Ernest Swearingen Phone 405-W Star Rt. 2, Box 97, Shelton 12-9tfn. I I Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS NEy Shelton 166 )H,nt. l-)lw)ne 31,i-W (.r inquire 1019 Olympia Ave. W3-24tfn "'OR SALE:rew h(nilc <n Hood Canal 100 x 20<.) ft. lot, 300 ft. front Canal. ]'Jiving room. kitchen, fonr bedrooms. bath, otility room. elo.ets and ('up- boards. HotpoJnt electric water heat(,r, Beautifully finished rooms in knotty cedar and white pine, hardwood and tile floors. Must he seen to be appreciated. Phone 342. 'Union. or se, M. C. Stark. Water- wheel Grocery. 4-28 FOR S.LE: "tract-ot i;Jn-d-f0-htmg--o£ hrghway on Bayshore $400, ,5o down, $20 pet' ntonth. Also choice lots on Anglcside. Phone 769-J-4. 4-28t.fn EQUITY in two-year-old ntodern three bedroom honte, completely furnished, electric range and hot water heater, garage, four blocks from high 'school. Write Box P, c-o Journal. P4-21tfn, FOR RENT FOI RENT: sleeping room, centrally located. Phone 643 or inquire 311 North Fourth Street. C3-31tfn, one stile north of Hoodsport, $25 pet. month. Inquire Dusty Rhodes Resort. Phone Hoodsport 15-W-ll. 3-1Otfn. C-OLD- STORA - BOXES f0r rent- Phone 992. Mt. View Lockers, StaP Route 1, Box 32-B. 3-24tfn "T--YP-E-W¢ FOR RENT: Inquire Journal Office. 4-21tfn hy renting a truck from Den's U- Drive at Frank's Mohllgas Service, First and Kneeland. Phone 545. 4-21--5-5 ''OR RENT or will share: nicely fur- nished country home. Nine rooms. No drinkers. Phone 920 Y4-28--5-12 FOR RENT: partly furnished apart- ment, 207 Cota Street, Phone 664. K4-28 FOR RENT: 2*room apartment, partly furnished, small garden if desired, Phone 863-R-5, L5-5 FOR RENT: single and double fur- nished cottages, everything furnish- ed. 20 minutes from Shelton. $25 and $35 per me. Dusty Rhodes, Hoodsport. Phone 15-W-ll. 5-5-19 FOR RENT: Six-rome, partly fur- nished house. Inquire at Eagle __Barber.Sho_p_ ........ L 5-5 FOR RENT: modern 2*bedroom ome . hardwood floors, wire'd for range. electric water heater ad garage, $55. Available Immediately. 512 Ar- cadi a. Inquire at 715-W or 521 Alder. M5-5 FOR RENT: furnished apt. corner 4th and Franklin. W. 1'. Jacbbs. 563-W between 5 and 7 evenings. FOR RENT: house in Skokomish Val- ley, Good garden spot. Plenty of fruit. Phone 863-R-5, L5-i-12 FOR RENT: ])'artly furnished tlree + room house, good location. Phone 964-R-I daytime and evenings 965- R-2. K5-5 FOR RENT: sleeping rooms, $20.00 pet' month. 122 East Cota,v5.5.12.19 I II I II APPLIANCES FOR RENT Hilco Electric lloor Sanders Johnson Electric Floor, Polish- Ira Sterling Electric portable hand Sanders Keavy Duty Clark Electric Floor Waxer. LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. 1st Phone 56 2-10-tfn lVliseellaneous WEt ARE BITYING acvap Iron, Junk, batteries-- uBea cars and wreks. Rodger Bros. 9arage, 1 mile soUt on Olympia l-gway. P-4-tfn I0'V--E--Y'-C)URSELF and saute ' one-alf by renting_ a truck from Den's U- Drive at FranK's Mobllgas Service, First and Kneemnd. Phone 5t15. 4-21--5-5 I,OST: Pair 8,25x20 thmls hoiwo(,n [ Shel(op anti Mason Lake on [rni+)n [ Tl'uck If'all. }'1owartl, i)hone 769-.1-5. 1++ 4:s:+: r!::, I,'()UNIt: nJtll't,tl do'" aft,n(/ higlvwav. Owner id(,nliiy at Jt)urn.,d of(i('0 {or rot:lain. F5-5 - , ........................... - 5:#,:+r, LOST: stnall blattk zipper lJlih(Sn cith.,r in or in front ,)I Tt,p fiat Sunday night. Reward if I(,und, Margaret Dursnd. Pbt)ne 223-W. D5-5 ng Thursday either at junh)r high school or between juni,)r hi'h and First and l'+lr kiln• l:)i(n¢ ' iS]-R. D5-5 Lb-gY}'-% lr-'5=oiin-i-giiff ,V,'- ++h,;id "" inch in (li0rn(,t('r. t,ttll.n .to JOtlvna[ offit'e. C5-5 .J CARD OF THANK. May wc +,xtond in this way our sin- vor,, al)i)t'Pciatlon for tin + kindn(,.mses, syntpathios and beautiful floral l)i('('es ('ollnti(,.. ' (,[ III,' lat(, ,)I" Washington, l)]nintif f. -- VS, Maekle en(! L(,wls. :lit persons herc- iMaft(,l' till]led as owno/'s Of any of tlt(' bereinaftPr descrli)ed real proper- ly. and all 1)crs()ll. Llnkll)wn ownlBg ()r ('fainting to own, of Ital'ittg OV ,Iniming t< liar" nny right title. slate, intProst of equity in :tad to shid prol)crty or tiny part thereof. Defendants : Yon. and eac]l of yon. aro herey ..tifiod that the above named plain- tiff, Mason C()unly, a nlunJcipai cor- poration, and on+, of LIte lawfully I')l"Mq niT, P d and existiBg c+)tlntios Of the Stale'of Washington. is the owner and holders of n certificate of delin- tqumcy issued in one co)'tlfi(,ate in ,oak form and dated lhe ]6lh (lay of April 1949 I)y the Treasurer of said Mason Cotmly. Washington and is- sued to the said Mason County f,)r offered US during our bereavero(,nt of tile several amounts due and OwlBg our beloved husband and 10rathe).. for 1axes on each nnd every Iol, Mrs, C,. !.*-W;!!.rs.,. 'tcrs tract, or parcel of land hereinafter mr. nnu tfs. t:a. "'" ":'m more partirularly described and set Mt lnd lrs taIllPy wit r' 1oIt S it" t n" - ' '. . == 2.. .... lli" '' " a ! to+ion t DPlng set out op- Mr ann mt' toy t.nn ng, l)oi'e 'at" tel"( - ' " ,,..;, , .e..s •• 1 , t 'a ] 'tl 'ular uscrtptlon and n, waj ?,, h(,ing rite antount due and delinquent , ,l+'vanK waters , upon each particular lot, Lract. or • . .... r n=, mttANKS ' parcel of ,land respectively for taxes --" • ! ......... +t at'f-'* f r the 3' at' 1943 for which said we wtsn to express ,uc .' 'L t'lt M1% - ' "---t'- I i) S ...... e •  tt O o?I x.,Oun C a m riga[ el Ior - gratitude for the sympathy, kit in as cios--e -- t :,:-^..:; •+.,.,,t¢+.,.It..,. and asistanee .atO-ttvP .bautul fief :Se?.-_._, ;. ....... .+.. v..+. ..... .f, v" ' : " - o p. r' o re/crence to each parucutar al oflerings given US dnx'mg th I)ss destr;''i - ( o ........... " " ' "* " ^+kt t  'J Oil 11 )r 1[t l+ogel.nsr with au Ot our son anu O1'I'¢II •• i te  " ' e  " -- " ......... e n eest coats 'lFld p natties 'thereon :m: '+' f, , ........... m"'+'libN' I ' 'co 'p 'ati n to who or wltictl --- "' " ....... t It, at tfelt I a d p operty Is assessed being set We wtsn tO expreas ou' ' t 1;olth witheach ....... • ' • e" s " . Wartieular description gratitude for the sympathy k ndn..;s. | all of ^  :2.  ..... ;.:'. . . - ' ..... uu prt pt'rty eng situate(1 In and assistance, also the beautiful +'l,,nl ffa,,/n'a ff yen us dttring the [ Mason Cotmty. State of Washmgton• ........ I% e : ..... 2"'"Z'°'.'- =2. e I nd b ing more part cularly described lOSS O1 our IOVeO 01 ,. + | • ..... Mr' and Mrs, Thomas Harrison L as follows, to-Wit: ' ' .... I Original Certificate 'No, 1, Roll.l, }Page 20, Line 20. Assessed tO Mackie q,v,r,Fwvvvv•rvvvvv'vv'vv' I and Lewis SWt NWt/ tC.y • 'a, IITnllel!lVlgM Iwp 2 "J.. "R.'+L W.W.: 17;. II IMIII. III lrl|lli|.ll|oJ'lllll'l I'n Cwtificate 1943, Certificate $5.2o, aJUUSilJI a gtaVaaamv*S Oil in l ( • ,, .,,.+,,,,+,,,, I _ • 'g a C,rtiflcate No.. 9, Roll 2 I ge I03, Line 34 Assessed to Ostboe' 1 1 1" 1"  1 1" ' 1  +4r 1  1+ ' Pa Ronald E, ct ux'; NW:t£ SWl£ Sec: NO. 14436 t9, Twp, 22 N., R, 3, tv'.W.M. 'Year .NOTICE TO CREDITOR T J in Crtiflcatt 1948 Certificate $6.88. IN TIE SUPERIOR COURTo HE Original Certificate No. 10, Roll 2, STATE OF WASHINGT O , Page 103, Line 35. A.sessed to Ostboe, THE COUNTY OF MASON . .  [Ronald E. et ux; SW SW, Sec. In the Matter of the stae m wm-I , "lwp. 22 N., R, 3, W.W.M. Year rex" ALlison, Deceased.. ..... ]In Certificate 1943, Certificate $6,88. N.otice Is .herebYeengtVe_oita atlpOglal Certificate No, 11, ,Roll 2. unuersigne(t nan o , P.p. +., .. ], . g 148, Line 37, Assessed to Long- has qualified as j Executrt{x z tpel aKer. lrdie C.; SWI£ SWV¢. Sec. above entitled estate; ,tna a ,_ per- I 35, Twp. 23 N,. R. 3,, W,W.M. Year sons herin claims aga!nst sal(t <e- in uertificate 1943 Certificate $11 05 ceased areghereby required to ervc Original Certificate "o 23"Roli--3 the same, duly verifies, on sate xe.+l page 82, Line 19 Asscsso'd t) Newell' cut, ix or her attorneys of ,leer'it at Helen Hillel Tract No 2 2Rot. l ,S:e/" g , • , , , , v • , ,' : on acing at within six months after tit9 dat+ +of the quarlcr Se(tlon Corner between samefirst wiLLPUblicati°nbe barred.°( tnis nou(', or tnc RangeSeeLi°ns" 4 11West,& 14W,M... Townshirun NorthP 22" N,.129 Date of first pubtiea{ton May 5. links to a post wltlch is the starting point of Lake Cushman Road and 1949. SOPHIA E. ALLISON, Executrix of said EsLate Star Route 2, Box 315 Belfair. Washingten WATT & PERRINE, Attorneys for Estate Kltsap County Bank Building P,O. Box 455, Port Orchard, Wash. 5-5-12-19+26--4t. NO. 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of IIarold Strandwold, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, George +C. Strand- Or!g.thai Certificate No. 31, Roll 4, wold has been appointed ann nas 'ag. lZg, Line 14. AsSessed to Rivers. .ualified as Administr+'or 00e,00ert+ 34. Twp Annexed of the estate ot n  .. . , w.w.£, xear in Cer- Strandwold, deceased; and it)at a.l+l tificate 1943,. Certificate $1052, pcraQns having claims against toe sale._ Urig)na£ certificae No, 32, Rail 5, estate of the said dcccasetl are. nereb.y | ag 1,z; 121he 45, Assmsed to Maness. .reluh'e4.t.8rve the.+sata duty. vert-| eVbIIe; vac. Sherwood Ave. 10' xide fica in" duplicate, wlIh .t. necand , 'rd++Patt-'0, BI "Bff 2fIyff." Yea in vouche attachea, : upon toe una ,r.- ] t'lln.cate  l,,J, ll+, Certificate $,22,. signed Administrator Wlt+.h reWciolldAn[ pslg!nal_+,.ertlficate No. 33, Roll 5, nexed or his attorney at 'e. " .  3"/, tin 38, Assessed to Landin, the law of(leeof B; l.anlin}on, +A, W. Trustee; Detroit No. 2, Lots Angle Bullding+aShedton+, wasntnh(i)t  l^atd 2. ,BIk. 19. Yea[' in Certificate and file suchiainm xoletner  18,. t:ertlficate $,52. proof of service with the cmrK of the Original Certificate No, 34, Roll 5, above entitled Court .within.xfi(r Fage37,__Line 44, Assessed to Landtn, months after %he da.t( ott o .  . W. c':l:rustce; Vac., Sts. and Alleys publication of this notlc +,  s( re uJ+l)s 1 and 2 Detroit No. 2, BJk. 5th i949, or all claims not . l.a :- 19 Year In Certificate 194 Certificate seated and filed will be forever b '- ,z/. which bears North 75 degrees 05' East; thence run along the South side of said road 40 chains 75 links: thence+ North 14 ° 55' West. 91 links and set the Southwest aTorner to a tract of land described an follows: Thence South 7 ° 05' West 6.75 chains; thence North 14 ° 55', West 2 chains 25 links; thence North 87" 36' East 6.40 chains: thence South 14" 15 East 86 Unks to the Southeast Corner of thin tract of land. Year in Certificate 1943, Certificate $2.50, 0rlginal Certificate No. 24, Roll Page 91. Line 7. Assessed to Owner: UnkngnLNWV÷ NW% except NE/,, +'.Jec. zti, Twp, 22 N.. R. 4, W,W.M. Year in Certificate 1943, Certificate $7,06. red. GEORGE C, STRANDVOLD. Administrator With WiLl An- nexed of Estate of Haroht Strandwold deceasc(I, Address: P.O. Box 307 Shelton. Washington B, FRANKLIN I-IEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash. .5-5-12-19-26--4t. NOTICE TO NOjRITORS TO PREbtENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STAT] OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Charlie P. Waters, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha Mamie E, Waters has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Will and of the estate of CI]arlte On Contract with the p. Waters, Deceased, and that all per- sons having claims against the said Mason County Medical Assn. -A-IT0-6LICS ANONYMOUS "n- Deceased or the said estute are hereby ThnrsdaY eva]sings at 8 p,m, at We- required to erye the ss, me. duly vert- EER Or Direct to You Service man's ulub i ldg., 10th & Washing- fled with the nec0sary vouchers a- ton, Olymp Wash. 3-17tfn. tached upon the undersigned Admin* P R E P P ' S obeIG -p+ower--;pr--'n$:--a-Kd istratrlx or her Attorney of Record at garden se.tce. Phone 941-W or Box the law office of Cba& R. Lewis, 119 Drug Store I H, Journal. H3+31tfn. South Fourth Seet.• Bell Building, P+L-0"Wf-IG- AND DI-S-C'I-NG. Henry Shelton, Mason uounty, washington, Boysen. Phone 922. 3-17tfn. the same being designated as the place for the transaction of the busi- 2rid & lilPO Phone 89 -I]-BLE. The best one-man b++l = ness of the said estate, and file such hess In Shelton. ar required. Write claims together ith poof of service J. R, Watkins CO., 17 Dexter Ave. with the Clerk of the jbove (,utitled Seattle. Wash. "W4-75:- court within 6 months after the date I00.LEWIS - '-'- ' ...... ++ the first publication of this notice, " lAW responsible )-wit: May 5, 1949, or all claims not ,++€ lrth St. by anyone but ) served' and filed shall be forever ,q, _ for PAT KINDRE barred. _,md+i-Cry MAMIE E. WATERS Adminlstratrlx m IMMEDIATE 15. at .s,ano ,,a00e .coco Grounds. C.AS. R. LEWIS ,.... See program, elsewhere in thla is- Attorney for said Estate sue. CASH00LOANS  5"5"12 Bell Buildlng' 119 S°uth F°urth St" "ABSOL-T.+L-Y--R1E.--t-7-idy---{TiI = Shelton, Mason County, Wash)ngton,  tars I'r.taay, ay 6 only, 6 Pyrex 5-5-12-19-26--4t, LL. . chip.resistant glasses. They're strict- ly a gift. you don't have to buy a ' N(). 2087 .... , / LAW thing. Hiller_est Hardware. 5-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORR TO iUilding FREE yO_ LADI-E-day , May 6' P.R]:SENT AND FIL: CLAIMS .t] ilia] ank only,  P'yre resistant glasses while IN THE SUPERIOR COURT.OF THE they last. o strings, nothing to STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR " 8helten E D D Y huy, they're just a gift. Hillcrest MASON COUNTY " Hardware. r,  IN PROBATE ......... ,7V- ' .. " In the Matter of the Ftate of Lewis BUSINESS F L strings atPached, nothing to buy, hasNinaqualifiedH" Bare,ashaSAdminla,atrlxbeen appointedof andthe y x ", g ass .s. no NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN 'that PRING S E R V I C E Hlllerest aruware o-5 vv,,-'vv--',,¢vv,v,rvw estate of LeWis G. Bare, Deceasea ann • * 1e" the said Deceased or the said estate Pi, ltervlces PHONE 540 ,,.,vv','vv''" -, vv"''v""""'.'m',' are hereby required tO serve the same, that all p00rsons having el+Jots ,gal., duly verified with the necesearY vote I |Ytttmt 120 South 'Fnird Street, v_a.t!n.$, _arro..wlng with tractor. Call Admlnistratrlx or her Attorney 9f PLOWING., BLA.DINo. scooping, exca- chers attached upon the undersigned Phone 565 Shelton, Wash. vnunp Harale. Rotate 1 Box 137 Record at the law office of Chas. 1 phone 75651 ' . ...2 .............. , o-ut. Lewis, 119 S.outh Fourth Street Belt  " I+OR -.+R-__/-O-N- a-+'a ,Building, Shelton, Mason' Qunt¥, supports, phone ?:J for nnoln. -- - ment or cau at 1416 Summl'riv Washington, the same being 0esig" nated as the place for the transaction 'c E.F. FULMER 9-20-46tfni of the business of the Raid estate, and f'-a-r:ec-.d file auCh cLatms together with pea0( , entitl6d ourt Within'6 months after • DECORATOR Oil sTv  and.. turnace vacuum of service with the Clerk of the above Painting; IIang- days, 702 evenings. Olympia. Wash. this notice, to-wit: MaY 5, 1949. or 11)...e) ' cleane,. 't'ee e+stllP.ate. Phone 3486 the date of the first publication Pf a00am00E ing, Spray'-00eNPamtlng P3-2[€ ehaltall claimShe foreve+n°t SObered.Served and filed made NINA H. BARE, ++' • PHONE 00 es. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., . Adml'nistratrix .... ,or write me, Star Route, Allyn 4o8, Cots Street. S2-24tfn CHAS. Original Certificate No, 43, Roll 5, Page 73, Line 32, Assessed tn Martz W. J,; Lakewood Plat "C", Lots 24 to 27 inclusive, Blk, 7. Year Jn Cer- tificate ]943, Certificate $.83. Original Certificate No. 46. Roll 6, Page 141. Lin'e 33. Assessed to Ander- sen, Helen McReavy; Union City, Ex. cept right of way Lots 1 to 13 inclu- sive.- Blk. 56. Year in Certificate 1943, Certificate $6.09, Original Certificate No, 47. Roll 6, Page 159, Line 24, Asseed to John- son. Dan; McReavy's Third Add to Union City; Lot 16,, Blk. 18. Year In Certificate 1941, Certificate $.14. That any of the foregoing lots tracts, or parcels of land herelnbefor described and having been Included in the Certificate of Delinquency here- tofore issued to Mason County will be sold subject to any local Improve- ment assessments for paving, drainage, irrigation, or any other kind or sort of local Improvement Msessments law- ftflly assessed, / ENGINEERED ELECTI00C00L:SERVICE HIGHEST QUALITY WIRING ...... I" ..... : : CRAIG P. ELIOT ....... • ' •REGISTERED LICENSED and ONDED Engineer - Electrical - Contractor P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K St. Mountain View Mason _ INVITATION TO BID Public utnlty eeeive sealed ler and other which\\; may . lnforr0ation may be se- cured from the District's office. .A certified check for 5% of the bid price must accompany the bid, The uommissloners reserve the right reject any or all bids• PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT T. W, Secretary 6-5-12--2t. That all of the several amounts hereiflabove set opposite th-e several descriptions of each particular lot, tract, or parcel of real property bear interest at the rate ot twelve per- cent (12%) per annum frmn and In- cluding the I6th day of April, 1949, until ,the payment thereof be made, era, judgntent ente'ed herein. You, and each of you, are herehy sflmmoned to appear within Mxty nays (60 day++) after the date of the first publfcatipn of titia summons and notice, to-wit: within sixty days after the 21st day of April, 1949. x¢lUsive of said date, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and serve a copy of your answer upon undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office address hereinl/Iow given, or Pay the amount as.herln)ibove set forth upon each of maid traete or parcels of rear prpPerty of which you are the owner +Or re- puted owner, or in which you own or claim to owner have, or claim to have, any right, title or Interest therein, together with all costs, in- tel'eat or penalties attached thereto. in the event of your failure t 9 ap- pear and defend such action ann pay the amount due on such lot, tract, or parcel of land assessed to you, or in which -4u have an interest as herelnabov 'tated, Judgment will be rendehd against you and against the loft. tact, or percel of  land, fore- eloing thereon the lteh of Mason Couhty for Rs certificate ' of delin- quency, Which includes all taxes, pen- altles, interest, and  €ots against each of said ,lots. trac, or parcels of land tlp to and ineluding the date o 'whlel said certificate was Issued. Any pleading_ answer, appearance. o+? proceas,':shail be. served upon the tadersigned, attorney for the Plain- tiff. Mv, sn (Jaunty, at .his, office be- low stated," and a copy therfof filed With . the+ Clerk of th "above' entltlea court ..... .... • " MASON COUNTY, A Municipal Corporatlon, by 8. E. SMITH " Treurer '+ ' + .. B. PRANKLIN HEUSTON, Prosecuting Attorney, and Attorney for Plaintiff-:. • heren. Qfflce, and Pct .Qfftce 'Ad-. o@ess of Attorney for Plain- tiff [? " 'Mason -Cotint?- Court ,ouse Sheltgn,..Wtahington. • No 3 Pub. April 2I, 28, May 5, 120 19. 2. I949. . cALL FO HIDS . SEALID BIDS fll+ be received bY tI0 "iJllX+d, 6f" C+0h+t " CrointeLoners ot Man ,CMuty. '.UP -te 2;00- p m. Men- any', ":m'e 9th, I94. ,( their 0ffico in the +Court House; for repairing the cop0iitl0n rooJ[ on the Mason County Court House. overall dlmen siena. 11' x 70'. C01d material pre- ferred and must carry ten year guar- antee. m.Datmthis 18th dy of Arll,, 104, CS00I.mofftRa LYLE O'DELL. Chairman. 4-21-28--5-5--9t. NOTICE, (')F RAI.E OF STATE TIDE ].AN 1). NOTICE IS IIEREBY (HVEN That on Tuesday tit,, 7tl) (]a' of June, 1949, c0mtn(.ncing ai ten oqq+k in hc forenoon of :+ailJ day, NIX fr()nl of L)1, IIlain enl rl n('e thief Ii1 ||le '.?oU II| y ('(,ILrt lit)its(' in the ('ily of ,h,,It(Pn. t'OtttUy Of Mason. star,' of as]linl+:- |(ill. by Ihe <2otlnLy Au(lit()r tit S:£O.| COUltty, the folh+winK d,,scril)t.,d stall, tide hmtl.o,• tt.g,,thcr with th0 lnllH'(e.'o- )lit'ors situated thereon, will bt, snld at l)uhlic not'ties Io tlt, hi'host bidtior ll]el'efot'+ to-wit: NOTE,--No one except t+itizons of the United States. or )orsons who httt'o declared tht,ir Intent on to i),.- COllie Stir'b, (:an pu'cbast, state iallds. AJ'PLI('ATit)N NO. 11781 The tide lands of lhe ,eeond clas., owned l)y th+' State ,,f WaslliuJLflon, situate in front <if, adjseent t+) or abutt ng upon tim west 207.90 i(,ct ,if the east 1033.72 fc(,t of hit 1, s(,ction 18. tnwnshJp 31 north, range I w,,st. W.M.. with a fr,)ntage of 3.23 lineal t:In£ins. Ttlq)rc tll" less, a])p I'aiscd ;I" $45.00 pcr lim,al chain, or $145.35. Said lands will be sold for no! less titan the appraised vahl(" above stat,.d and upon tlte terlns and (,onditions f()i- lowing: l Not lens than one-tnth of the pur- | chase, price musl be paid at the tithe of sale. The purchaser, if he he not tlc owner of the improvements, must forthwith pay to thv officer m,qklng tit(' sale tim full amount of the ap- praised value of the ltuprovenlents, as above stated One-tenth of the tits'- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with LBterest on all deferr- ed payments at the rate of nix per centum per anntun: Provided, That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, Interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed, The pur- obtaining consent of the Comntisslon- er of+ Puhllc Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price 'has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made ,subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores_minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and condi- tions .prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relatin to easements for rights- of-way and the carrying of thnber, stone, minerals and othr products ov- er the same, JACK TAYLOR, Commissioner of Public Lands. 5-5-12-19-26--6-2--5t. NO. 195++ NOTICE OF HEAR|NG ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the matter of the estate of Dolt .H. McKay, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Alva McKay, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Don H. McKay, Deceased, bas filed with the clerk of the above en- ,titled t ourt her Final Report and Petition for DistrlbBtion ask ng the coUrt to settle and approve tile same distribute the property to tile per- sons thereto entitled and to discharge said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Distributilt will betheard on Friday, tle 27th da" of May, 1949, at the hour of 10 o clock at the Court Room in the Court House in Shclton, Wash- ington. Dated this 22nd da+V of April. 1949, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk (SEAL) CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bell Building. 119 South Fourth Street, wheltnn, Mason County, ashlngton. 4-200-5-5-12.1900t ., gi00iJ of Was%3;gtan OFF]C}; OF SUPEbVI.()II I)F HYDRAiLICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 875'$ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notlce is hereby given that Ear] H Monaghan, of Belfalr Stat  at Washington, )ruder date of April 11, 1949, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, an application for a permit to divert the public waters of an unnanted spring tributary of Little Mission Creek. in the amount of 0.1 second- foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each yeac for the purpose of Irrigation and con- ttuuously for domestic supply; that the approximate point of diversion Is located within the SE of tim SWt£ of Section 36, Township 23 N.. Range 2 W.W.M,, tn Mason County. A map showhlg the location and pmn of said diversion and the place of the propos- ed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olym- pia, Washington, together with such other Information as Is required by law, Any person, firm or corporation whose-right will be Injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of I-lydrau. lies. at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire to nmke. with- in thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is May 5, 1949. WLtness my hand and official meal this 18th day of April, A,D, 1949, (SEAL) CHAS, J. BARTHOLET, State Supervisor of Hydraulics. 4-28---5-5--2t. NO. 20'$8 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Armstrong, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John D. Armstrong. Administrator of the estate of Mary Armstrong, De- ceased, has filed with the clerk of, the above entitled court, his. Final Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the court to settle a.nd approve the same, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled an to discharge the said Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petltktn or Distribution will be heard on Frid+y tne I3th uay of May, :1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock at the Court Room In the Court House in Shelton, Wash- inton. (SEAL)' ated ,this., 14thi day of ,April, 1949.. HARRY DEYETTE, County Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate  Bell Btltldlng, 119 Seuth Fourth St. Shelton, Mason County Wash|ngton. NOTICE OF WARRANT CALI, ' Notice 'Ishereby given fht tile' tel= lowing Mason County Warrants are called for payment at .the office of the Treasurer of, ald CoUnty. and that interest wlJl cease on the+ date of thepublicatien of this notice: CURRENT EXPENSE FUNO--War- rant Nos, 555 to 508 inclusive. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.']0 BUILD- ING-Warrant Nos. 23 'to 29 inclu- sive. ' ' (SEAL) • S. E. SMITH, • • Tasurer of Mason County Washington. Dated at Shelton, Washington, May E 1949, . 5-511.. NOTICE"TO "BIDDER " " Notice in hereby given that the City of Shelton, Washington, will re- ceive ssa}ad, bids to fuerdsh .-and in- stall a new burner for use with Btrchfleld boiler, size 1271, and in- stallation of three motorized one clock tllermostat thermoaaeu- snd .other. equipment. Tle bids will be opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m.,', Lay ]0tK Full specifications may be obtained from the office of the CRy Clerk, The City reerves the right to re- ject any or all bids, AIMA K. CATT0. City Clerk 4-25--5-52t Read Journal WantAds NO. 2O7," NOTICE TO CREI)ITOIt Tt) I)bFSENT AND I.'lLI.; ('LAIMP,; ]N THE SIHaERIOf ('OUtC[' (')b" 'lTII)V STATE OF WASHIN(ITON V't)H MA()N COUNTY IN PROBATE tn the ++h*Ll 'r (if lllt, 1?,i.q [ o tfl' IPraok"W'. (:t %'I'I'. Lr)('(('ase(l. NOTT(H+ I.q' [ll,',fIl,:l;Y ;IVAN thnl l.lo|len i,, (ilty*,r Itns ))+,,,a Olr)'l)oilti(+tl and ha,'+ t unlifb,d ;is Athuini.trde'ix (fl" Ill(' (',+tint(' +,1' ]Crank %V+ 4;flyer, Dccoae(I. nnd tlto. tll pf, r,ons lav- in ciaints 0galtlst ihe said D(,('easc, d el • the Baitl pSlalO tiff' hor,,i)y )',,quh'Pd to se, rve the satlo, tlulY vvtq|'ivd !With ttle IleC++ssary voucbors flttnched npon Iho undersigned Admtaistrntvix ,)r ]wr Attorney (,f Record at tt(' tttw offi('e of Chas, R. L(,wis. 11.q Sotlt]1 F,,)lli'l}t Street, Bell I+:uihllng, Sh,'l(,m. Masoe , C¢,t nty, Wa,qhingh)n, th,' do,,dgnat0d place for tbe traasac+ti,m ¢)f th(' i)ttsi+ ness €)t' the said ctalo, aad fih' Llt'l] vlaims Iogeilter with i)t'(')of of ,ervico with the clerk of Ill(' ahoy,, entith,d coBrt within 6 tnontlts after' the date t)f the fi'st pt|])lication t)f this noli(,e, Io-wil: April 14, 19t9. t)r all ,'hlitns not st) s,rved and filed shall h(, f()t'- ever barred. I]ELLEN L. GIlYER. Adntinistratrix t)f said (,state. CT-tAS, R, LEWIS Attorney for said "Estate 119 South l+'ourtb St,. /:lcll ,uil(lin, Shell<in. Mason County. Washiltgttm. 4-14-21-26--5-5- -4t. NO, I3 NOTICE OP IIEAKINf FINAL REPORT AND IETITION FOb ,BISTb[bllTIGN IN THE SUPERIOR COUl%T OP THE STATE OF WASHfNGTON FCXR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Juanita M, Roundtree+ Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN: Tirol Hattie F. )oundtre.e. Adminlstratrix of the estate of 3"uanita M• Round- tree, dee:eased, has filed in the office of tie Cqerk (if said court her final report and petition for distribution, asking' the court to sett1,, said report, to distribute the property tit the pet'- sons entitled thereto and to dist, harge aid Adnttnlstratrix. and that said report and petition will be heartl on tbe 21 day of May 1949, at the iour of 10 o clock a,m. on said day tit the court honsc in Shelton. Washington. Dated this l day of April, 1949, (SEAL) HARRY DEYETT F *Ch,rk of said Couv|. J'. W GRAHAM, Attorney for Administra(rtx Govey Bldg., Shelton, Washington 4-2-28.--5-53t NO, 200 NOT[CE TO CREDITOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In tbc Maiter of the Estate of Julianna Emerson, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : that letters of administration on above + entitled (.state were granted I,) the undersigned on the 19tlt day of F'tq)•, 1949. by said superior court. Notice is furttter given that all l)er- sons having claims againsl said (,state are hot'eby requit'(+d It) s(,rve th('l)l. with ne('ossat'y vouchers. .tptm lhc AdminJstrator ,if sa[ct estate ()r upon the allbrncy of record for said estate, J, W. Grahaut, R+oont 5, Gc, vey Bldg., She]ton Wash.. being tht. plat(, des- ignat(,d Jot" ihe transaction ¢)f ltt+ business of said estate, and file the ame with the Clerk of said c()ttl't. togethe.r with proof of' SU('I] ser's'Ic(', within six nt,))tths aftt, r fh't date t,|' pAubllcatlon of this n.tic(, tit wit pril 28th. 1949, or said Olainm will be forever barrPd. DANIEL W. EMER.SON Administrator of said (.state. J. W. GRAHAM. attorney f(w Adndntstrator. Room 5. Gerry Bldg., Shell on. Waslt. 4-2--5-5-12.]9--4t Mt. View Alliance Chapel Rev. Thee, W. Chapman, Pastor 9:45 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Service 7:30 P.m. Inspirational Service A Hearty Welcome to,APL • St. David'a Episcolml Chureh 4th & Cedar St. Cburt'h ,%,h(ml all p;v'fde) 9:45 n.r). M()lltilU.f Pra.%-eP aTt(I Prfnt')n, II:l.I}l. Iev, Ft.;tncl i! Rail, Reelnr BAHIS00 CHURCH 5. (5, I3OVEE, Pastor WARREN HALE, Assistant Preaching set+vices: Bible School, 9:45 A.M. Morning' Worhlp, 11 A.M. Young People s, 6:30 p.m. Eventng Worslxip, 7:30 p.m. We preach Christ Crucified, Risen. aud Coming Again. A cordial invitation is extended to all. --1 t, ,, UNITY TRUTH CENTER Mina H0ckett, Leader 408 Cota Street Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School; 8:00 p.m. Services. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. ClaSs Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study, 1:30 Wednesday Meditation Healing Work - All Welcome TO ALL INTERESTED ]N CHinCH 0F CHRIS00 Meetings Each Sunday _ M. For Bible Study and Communion Call MRS. H. L. MILLER Phone 72-R -- Or W. KOBEL, Phone 614-R-1 For Information Foursquare Church 910  Dearborn &t. Sunday School9:45 Worship Service11:l Crusader Service--6:45 Evangelistic Service---7:45 REV. E. E. FITCH Pastor ,L u ,, , J. i i h First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone 276 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 11 a.m. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister ASSEMBLY OF" GOD TABERNACLE 130 EAST PINE ST. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Worship service 11 a,tn. Evangelistic, 7:45 p.m, Young People's ServiceTuesday, 7:45 p.m. Jubilee Service --Friday, 7:45 p.m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS i First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON ' Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, S01entllt Boston, Mass, Subject Next Sunday: "Adam and Fallen Man" SUNDAY SCHOOL ,T 9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7:45o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the services and visit I the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN 1 by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister ) MAY 5; 1949. During the past years I have seen many ©hange| made and put into practice, of the doctrine of htg Adventilt denomination, My posit}on o+f Intimate association with the founders ad leaders haa given to me a most extraordinary knowledge and underatanding of the spiritual mischief to. man- kind, and enables me to'discharge my Divine commission of warning. I solemnly protest that I am nqt motivated by any sordid ambition, as some have accused me, aa they also cused Jesus Christ, saying "Did we not Imy Well that he hath a devil?' Time amply shewed who it was thus possesaed, aa it surely will Ii-this case. A characteristic of,Truth iS that it is "Jesus Christ. the lame ylterdy, today, and forever.". Because of that quality one can trust his word in a l places, times, and under all circumstances. B Vt it is not so with thls people. At the beginning, when they T+re a poor people and few in number, they shewed tn doctrine and practice much brotherly love towaPd+aFI men/boasting of their quality over other Christians, in no :tdiscrimnation. upon any person because of rape, color, nationality, Or creed, saying /'We hold it a MOST GRI,IE:VOUS SIN in the sight of God to be thus guBty upon mankind." Also, so aacred did they esteem the Sabbath that no financial busine+m of al!y loft was done on that day. About three years a) at. a seli of the Montana " COnference, I reminded therff'0f Kl{,,fil'rm6P+;pra¢{i6e, where-, Upon a leading official, replied t mtr OYee+thit is;Io, but now " we have gotten away from ALL OF.THAT FOO4,1SHNESS." At a sexton of the Chesapeake Conference i+1 Baltimore, Md,, during a sosaion of that conference, in arcady. Of-the COMMON- WEALTH FEATURE of the Church as ,etablthed at Penta. <:oit;'when':lo"man claimed ownership of aUtlbt hich he p0s- seamed; (Acts 2, and 4) and dist,,ribqtlon wasmade to all b4P lievera according as he' had need, Wfie'reuln':a I.dlnfl offldal aP.ked, "Yes that was pa0titable while th CIUp0h Waaa babe, and in ita swaddling clothes, but ow it ie mLh ourown thel41 thildieh things, and forsaken them." Yet Juat tmnpare the aplritual power the believers enjoTed while pratioina thole so.alled "childish things," and garbe .1101 iaddttna (Continued from this point in the next i.ue of Tha Journal)]