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!, Unless you live in a cave, by
now you should have heard that
the U.S. killed Osama bin Laden in
a mansion in pakistan last week.
• The Shelton-Mason County
Chamber of Commerce has finally
hired a new director, Heidi Mc-
Cutcheon. The 1996 Shelton High
School graduate moved back to
Shelton in 2009 and has been fill-
ing in as director since Terry Jef-
fries resigned in January. Hope-
fully her local connections make
up for her lack of experience.
• Part of Shelton Commissioner
Jack Miles wasted time and money
asking the port to reimburse him
for legal expenses generated when
he sued a port employee. No sur-
prise the action was voted against
2-1 and the port only wasted time
and a smaller amount of money.
•/the city of Shelton began tak-
ing public input on a rezone effort
near downtown that the city be-
lieves will make regulations "eas-
ier to apply," according to Steve
Going the city's community and
economic development director.
Rezoning near historic districts
can be difficult, but it looks like
beth the city and its citizens are
doing their due diligence.
• Another SHS graduate made
the big time. Caleb Schauderaff,
who has been playing college foot-
ball for Utah, was draRed by the
Super Bowl Champion Green Bay
Packers in the sixth round. Sadly
the Seahawks and the Packers
don't have a scheduled game this
season, although the 12th Man
might consider that a blessing.
• Shelton continues to be the
front runner for a new DOC West-
side Prison Reception Center, a fa-
cility that will create some 500 new
jobs. A public hearing is slated for
6 p.m. this Friday, at the Mason
County Public Works office.
• The recent installation of
a new x-ray and metal detector
screening station at the Mason
County Courthouse has increased
security without creating too much
of an inconvenience.
• The shenanigans continue at
the Be]fair Water District (see this
week's Herald).
• Mariah Carey gave birth to
Journal L er Poli
Can't get no
with the
must be
very clean,
they have now as there
have undoubtedly been
technological advances
since their present system
was installed. Adage would
not have been a problem
either but they finally
pulled back and let Mr. Cox
and his friends win again.
If we let this keep happen-
ing; people of Shelton and
Mason County, don't com-
plain when you are asked to
make up the difference with
your property taxes for your
basic services that Simpson
and the Timber industry is
paying now. They cannot
keep absorbing the unrea-
sonable demands on their
resources forever.
Larry Hager
Editor,'the Journal
to the editor. We will print signed, original letters i
provide contact and ad-
and errors havel believeto refutel amthegOinglettertO dre info ationfor the Journal.
from Mr. John Cox; pub-
Editor, the Journal lished here on April 28. It
I am saddened and dis- is not that he doesn't know
appointed at the loss of what he is talking about, line, Coffee Creek, North- challenge your readers to love in Mason County. An
your local, weekly newspa- he does; that is why it is so cliff, Peacock Ridge -just look at the list and ask the environment, which, along
per, which has apparently " disturbing, to name the ones I know following questions: the way, sequesters carbon,
been replaced by a social He says that the corn- about. I am hard pressed to 1. Which businesses on produces oxygen, provides
calendar. You obviously pany that makes Shelton understand how a primar- this list pay real estate habitat for wildlife, sup-
must not have proofreaders a prosperous community ily residential development, property taxes that support plies recreational opportu-
to correct the misspellings is somehow reminiscent of even with some retail/ all local governments, but nities, as well as produces
and inaccurate information, a malignant tumor; that professional services, will particularly support local wood products that provide
~id do you not have suf- . Simpson and Olympic panel be a large economic driver school districts? Not an shelter for the wcrld. Put
ent reporters that can are gross polluter's. These The forest ~o this community. The big public agencies/districts in- yourself in the place of a
get out and report county are lies, Mr. Cox; told for draw of this location is the cluding the Hospital, PUD, forestland owner. You make
news? I see nothing about your own selfish reasons; easy access to Highway Port, MC Transit, local gov- a large investment at the
our county commissionto sway public opinion for 101. Why is that? Well, the ernment, or an activity on beginning, buying the land
meetings like we used to. In your own nefarious pur- main reason is that mosttribal property, and/or reforesting a site.
fact, I see very little county poses; but if no one refutes is the people who might live in2. Which businesses are For the next 40 plus years,
news at all. Most folks want them they will stand, at that development will bedirectly supported by local you pay property taxes ev-
to know when neighbors or least for some of your audi- driving to Olympia and be- taxes, paid by private prop- ery year; often you invest in
friends lose their home to ences. All industries have yond, for their core employ- erty owners? Most of those additional treatments and
fire. lf they happen to live to be very clean now if they driver for ment. Andyes, theymay listed in No. l receive direct youwait. While you wait,
in the city, it's reported, wish to stay in business stop at the new pizza shop, public funding, to some de- state and local governments
What about car accidents? as they are inspected on probable with an associated gree, or cause diminished can, and usually do, take
According to the paper, a regular basis. It'snever MC and closure of an existing pizza public tax receipts, asisthe part ofyour investment
there must not be any un- enough though is it Mr. place, in the development, case of tribal businesses, away through new regula-
less it's a fatality. Thereare Cox? benefits all toget their family dinner 3. Once you eliminate tions, rnlings andinter-
a lot of things going on in I wonder who pays your on the way home. entities using question one pretations. People dump
our county that would be wages; one of the environ- Several letters and edi-and two, which remaininggarbage on your property,
news to a great number of mental organizations no Editor, the Journal torials in your paper have business are more than just steal brush and other prod-
people, doubt. It doesn't matter For the past several now focused on the Simp-retail businesses providing ucts, tear up roads and oth-
Last weeks Journal was which one as all of theirmonths, I have held offson cogeneration proposal, consumer goods and set- erwise disrespect the land
the final straw, not only goals are the same, to shut writing a letter in response That focus has not only tar- vices? and your investment in it.
for me but for numerous down industry, to several common themes geted the cogen project, but At this point, your listPeople complain that when
people I talked to. I read I grew up in a timber of your paper, a guest edito- also the Shelton industrial is pretty short of the area your trees are finally ready
and re-read the paper and town and I recall how it rial and various letters to waterfront, forest manage- businesses that provide to harvest, you decide to get
was shocked at no reporting used to be as far as poilu- the editor. I cannot refrain ment and specific compa-core economic vitality and the best price, which may
of Pioneer Schools' bond re- tion. It used to be pretty any longer, nies. The letter last week local jobs. Other thingsbe to a market in Japan. Or
suits. Nothing. But an ever- bad with the old wigwam First I want to be trans- talked about the relation- to consider are the direct now they complain about
bigger insult was about burners belching smoke parent about two things. I ship between the industry financial impacts these the local mills, which are
the Easter egg hunt that and sparks 24/7; but thathave spent my entire career on the waterfront, provid- companies have on local trying to become even more
made front page. Steph's is not the case anymore, in various aspects of forest ing jobs and the citizens of activities from Forest Fes- competitive.
Espresso has put together Virtually all mills have ef- management, primarily Shelton, who "allow" it, in rival, to musical events, to Individuals may not like
and funded that event for ficient boiler systems now working for private indus- order to keep those jobs. "you name it" through the businesses they perceive as
the last few years. This that produce steam as a try. Second, I was not in The writer may see the generosity of their owners ugly or parasitic, just as I
young lady has given her heat source for drying lure- favor of the Adage power waterfront as a "tumor" but and employees, may not agree with people
time, money and support to ber and also; yes, for gener- plant, but not for many of I see it as a huge invest- But let's now move on towho condemn local indus-
many fundraisers through- ating electricity, the reasons espoused by lo- ment by several companies; the even larger non-finan- tries or support causes I
out the county, but the egg As for emissions from cal groups and journalists, an investment not only cial impacts of these compa- perceive as ugly. Just as
hunt has been her largest, this kind of a system, there Recently, you and others in their business but also nies, in particular the wood the right of free speech is
To ignore her efforts was is hardly none; other than have supported the rezon- in our community. Those " products processors on the protected by our constitu-
at least, insulting. Journal- steam that is, released to ing of the Shelton Hills investments provide bothwaterfront and elsewhere, tions, so is the protection
ilma, sir, has taken several . regulate the pressure in property near the airport. I financial and non-financial These businesses provideof private property. I, for
steps backwards. If you are the systein. As far aS the am indifferent to this par- benefits to all. a strong local market for one, am glad we have lo-
tmsure of my dissatisfac- Co-Gen plant that Simpsonticular issue, but question Let me start with the logs and other forest prod- cal businesses willing to
tion with your reporting, wants to put in, the City• why this specific project is financial benefits that go ucts. That strong marketresponsibly take the risk,
please call me, the list is of Shelton wouldn't even perceived as so important well beyond providing jobs. provides incentive to local with their private property,
quite long. know it wasthere other to Shelton's economic de- Please review the recently landowners to manage most for the benefit of both their
Irene Goldeby than maybe it would help velopment when there are published 50 Top County of their lands for forestry, owners and the community
Shelten their utility bills. It would already so many similarEmployers in your Mason which in turn provide the in which they operate.
be even cleaner that whatprojects already in the pipe- County Profile insert. Ienvironment most of us Robert G. Rogers
Shelton-Mason County
She~ton-Mason County Joumal is a member of Rick Kennedy, publisher Advertising: Composing room:
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