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Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 5, 2011
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PUD 1 awarded for 'Grace under Pressure' By NATALIE JOHNSON Last October Mason County PUD 1 was faced with a dilemma it had nev- er faced before - the water in two of its wells tested positive for E. coli. In conjuction with na- tional drinking water week, this month, the Washing- ton State Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water will recognize PUD 1 for "Grace Under Pres- sure," during the disaster, according to a health de- partment press release. "We had heavy rains in September and early Oc- tober of that year - it con- taminated the Canal Mu- tual and Minerva Terrace water systems," said Joc- elyne Gray, PUD l's Direc- tor of operations for water. "This is the first time PUD 1 had any problems with water contamination." That heavy rainfall, amounting to about 200 percent above normal, washed material contami- nated with E. coli down the hillsides and into the wells, Gray said. Gray said that PUD 1 employees were surprised that the Canal Mutual well Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Mason County PUD 1 will receive an award May 10 for actions to correct an E. coli con- taminaiton in two wells last fall. was contaminated consid- race on December 23. Both ering that it was only a few chlorination systems are years old. now permanent to ensure After discovering that such a contamination will the wells were contami- not happenagain. nated, PUD officials estab- "It's a continuous chlo- lished a boil water order, rine system," Gray said. then hand delivered notifi- The health department cations to affected custom- is recognizing the PUD ers and gave out bottled for not only its efforts to water, contain the contamination To contain the E. coli quickly, but also for work- contamination, the PUD ing closely with customers. installed chlorination sys- Denise Clifford, director terns on the two affected of the health department's wells. The chlorination sys- office of drinking water will tern on the Canal Mutual present the award on May well was active on Novem- 10, during the POD com- ber 19, and at Minerva Ter- mission meeting. Located on Hwy. 101 between Shelton & Olympia 360.426.4743 Journal photos by Natalie Johnson Above, Sharon Brocha admires her prizewimlin.g e.xperiln_ enta], off painting "Sentinel." Below, art lovers admire paintings Saturday at the Peninsula Art Association's Spring Art Fair at the Shelton Civic Center. By NATALIE JOHNSON r The Peninsula Art Association wrapped up another Spring Art Show Saturday with a ceremony honoring the top artists from the event. Event organizer Connie Simpson said that judge Susan Christian looked for sto- rytelling in the pieces she chose for awards. "She said she is drawn to images that tell a story," Simpson said. h Winners included Jim Brock, who was awarded a first place ribbon for photogra- phy for his photo, "Dawn," of Flaming Gey- ser Park in Auburn. Brock said that his photo, of fallen leaves in the park, was more or less accidental. "I just happened to be there before the parks department cleaned up the leaves," he said. While many photographers have switched to digital images, Brock said that he used a film camera for this picture. "I held out as long as I could," he said. "My grandmother bought me my first cam- era in the 1970s." Sharon Brocha also won a first prize rib- bon for her experimental painting called "Sentinel." "I started with oil, then I put paste and beach sand on it," she said. "I like really solitary things - I will usually look for something peaceful, but this is not." With dwindling numbers of attendees and sponsors, the art association is debat- ing holding the art Show next year. Spring Art Show Prizewinnem Oil, ~ Third Place - tmna Rrst P]a~ - Sharon Second Pla~ - Lo~ Guard~. Beck - =$~ent Nelson- a-bata bing Tmditioml To Novelty. "]By Appointment Only" Pastry Chef Ava Friday, May 13th at 6:00 The Shelton Civic Auditorium Call 426-9733 for more information Proudly sponsored by: Be sure to buy a ticket for the $500] Raffle Prize! , I Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011