May 5, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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5".30 - 6.'45 p.m., Shelton
Timberland Library presents
Page Turners Book Discus-
sion, for adults. Road or lis-
ten to "Drood" by Dan Sim-
mons and join others in a
conversation about the book.
Everyone is welcome to join
any or all discussions. For
more information call 426-
6:30 p.m., Hood Canal
Lions Club regular meeting
with a buffet dinner at Union
Fire Hall, 4th St., Union.
11",30, The Shelton-Mason
County Chamber of Com-
merce presents build your
business education series
with Dana Pethia Constant
Contact speaking on e-mall
and social media marketing
at Grove Street Brewhouse
and Tea 233 South First
Street, Shelton.
11".30 ram. - 1 p.m.,
Fiercely independent elders
meets in the Washington
Room. Contact Ray at 898-
2316 for more information.
4" 0 p.m, Generation D
Ribbon Cutting, 218 W. Cota
8" 0 - 2 pJn., Shelton
Olympic College in Shelton
continuing education class
"Coastal navigation for beat-
ers." Navigation in the Puget
Sound, San Juan Islands,
Canadian Gulf Islands and
Washington coastal areas.
This is a two-day class, next
class is scheduled for May
14, same time and place.
Cost $119, call 432-5400 to
9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Old Tim-
ers' Fair 2011 at Mary M.
Knight School in Matlock.
Admission, rides and enter-
tainment are free. Indoor
and outdoor booths, old time
motors and machinery, kids
slide, steam donkeys, an-
tiques, collectibles, child ac-
tivities, music kids carnival
and great food.
9 a.m. - 11 a.m., Annual
4-H Scholarship ride at Pan-
handle Lake. The first ticket
is $7 additional tickets are
$3. Riders can register at 8
a.m. with the first rider out
at 9 last rider out at 11 a.m.
The ride is laid out with rib-
bons and it is usually about
two hours. Rostrooms are
available. Hot dogs, chips
and coke, too. Saddle your
horse and have a fun ride
while supporting your local
9 a.m, - 3 p.m., Shelton
Farmers Market opening
day downtown behind the
Post Office between Third
and Franklin streets.
9 a.m.-3 p.m., The Allyn
Historic Community Church
will host its annual bake and
plant sale at the church on
State Route 3 in downtown
Allyn. The church will be
open for public viewing dur-
ing the hours of the sale
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Master
Gardener Plant Sale at Ma-
Business Expo/Bite of Shelton 2011
Sixty-five local businesses
and restaurants all under
one roof from 7 to 9 p.m. on
Thursday, May 19 at the Pa-
vilion in Shelton. Sample lo-
cal Restaurant's fine fare for
a small fee, meet the owners
of our local businesses and
goods and services available
right here in our own com-
Admission is free, come
for prizes, drawings, specials
and incentives. For more in-
formation, contact us at 426-
2021 or e-mail info@shelton-
discover the wide array of
/ Benefit for Dave Anderson \
Spaghetti Dinner • Silent/Live Auction
Saturday May 21st
Shelton Civic Center • 526 W Cota Street
Doors open at 3 p.m./Dinner at 4 p.m.
Adult: $10~ ca. * Children 12 & under SS~
Buy Tickets at: ~"
Dr Downing's office • Blanton Massage
Coffee Creek Espresso • Joseph's Flower Shop
Tickets will also be available at the door
For Auction Donations Call: Lori Lufkin 491-5480 * Angle Lund 427-7242 • Monica Deemer 490-5958
--- Fi~,ht Strong Dave --- /
Four StarsB~~~ ~ = I
(360) 427.8709 o Open for Supper Tuesd /-Saturday
[] Downtown Sh on • Comer of 3rd and West Ra,road Z -]
Come See Our 1st-Run
Comer ot Mh & Fracddln
] Sat-Sun 1:45pm
Dally 4:30pm
Additional Shows
] Sat-Sun 2:20pm
Atlas Shrugged
Dally 7:00pm
[]~ Additional Shows
Frl-Sat 9:00pm
Fro.5/6 - SUN. 5/8
Source Code
son County Recreation Area
located at 2100 East John's
Prairie Road, Shelton.
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.,
Olympic College in Shelton
continuing education class
"Flagging certification."
Learn what it takes to be-
come a flagger. Certifica-
tion test administered upon
completion of class. Must be
18 years of age or older. Cost
$65, call 432-5400 to register.
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.,
Olympic College in Shel-
ton continuing education
class "Buying and selling on
eBay." Cost $59, call 432-
5400 to register.
11 a.m. - 2 p.m., The
Friends of Shelten Library
will hold a book sale. Check
out the bargains. Proceeds
help fund events and equip-
ment not covered in the li-
brary's regular budget. For
more information call 426-
11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Shelton
Timberland Library presents
Free Comic Book day for all
ages. Pick up a free comic
book and check out the man-
ag, comic book and graphic
novel collections available at
the library. Limited to one
free comic per person. Spon-
sored by Olympic Cards and
Comics and the Friends of
the Library. For more infor-
mation call 426-1362.
1 - 3 p.m., Cancer support
group meets at Mason Gen-
eral Hospital. For more infor-
mation call 456-8266.
19 a.m.-4 p.m., Old Tim-
ers' Fair 2011 at Mary M.
Knight School in Matlock.
Admission, rides and enter-
tainment are free. Indoor
and outdoor booths, old time
motors and machinery, kids
slide, steam donkeys, an-
tiques, coUectibles, child ac-
tivities, music kids carnival
and great food.
2 p.m., Shelten Spiri-
tual Cinema will screen its
monthly film at the PUD 3
Auditorium, 307 W. Cota
Street. There is no charge for
admission, but donations are
most welcome. Donations are
used to pay the license fee for
these films, with any funds
beyond that going to SOCK
(Save Our County's Kids)
youth programs in Shelton.
11:30 a.m., Mason Gen-
eral Hospital Auxiliary will
meet in the Ellinor Room
at the hospital. Make your
lunch reservation by May 5
by calling Norma Anstey at
426-3514 or Olive Lanman
11:30 a.m., Mason Coun-
ty Multiple Sclerosis Sup-
pert Group monthly meet-
Old Timers' Fair 2011
Noni Howard
• Admission • Rides
Entertainment J"'
(360) 482-3382
May 7th & 8th, 2011
Leroy Valley
Mary M. Knight Sehool (360,,:76,,
Matlock, Washington
(360) 426-1509
Saturday 900 - 6190 • Sunday los00.4:00
Sefl • Demonstrate • Exhibit
Old Time Motors & Machinery }
[ Kids Slide • Steam Donkeys[
| Antiques • Collectlbles [
~Chlld Activities. Music. Kids Carnival • Great g0odJ
• t"
(only) wi
ing at Route 66 Grill, 506 W.
Railroad Ave., Shelten. The
meeting is open to those that
are interested. To obtain ad-
ditional information please
call Debby Zillmer at 877-
1 p.m., United Way of
Mason County is holding a
meeting of the Community
Services Group. The Volun-
teer coordinators will hold a
meeting at 1 p.m. The Large
Group Topic will be held at 2
p.m. and will cover program/
agency updates. At 3 p.m.
the housing coalition will be
held. Everyone is welcome.
The meetings will be held at
the Public Works Building at
100 W. Public Works Dr. in
2 - 4 p.m., every second
Tuesday, Parkinson's sup-
port group meeting will be
at the Timberland Library
in Shelton. Caregivers, fam-
ily, support people welcome.
For additional information
contact Robecca at 426-6197.
4 p.m., The regular meet-
ing of the Mason County
Transportation Authority
Board is scheduled at Mason
transit's Business Office lo-
cated at 790 E. Johns Prairie
9 a.m., Shelton Timber-
land Library presents Com-
puter classes: e-mail 101.
Sign up for a free Internet e-
mail account and learn how
to check, send and reply to
messages. Computer Com-
fort is strongly recommended
before taking this class if you
are new to computers. This
program begins before the
library is open. Those reg-
istered will be admitted to
the library for the class. For
more infor~nation call 426-
1 - 3 p~n., Support Group
for Chronic Pain and Other
Invisible disabilities. Meet-
ing schedule and further in-
formation at 426-0900. We
offer something every week,
alternating weeks we have
regular meetings at the hos-
pital or local coffee get to-
gether on opposite weeks ev-
ery Wednesday.
1:30 p.m., The Shelten
Timberland Library Board
will meet. For more informa-
tion call 426-1362.
3 - 5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents Wii
Rock Wii-nesdays. Play Wii
and other games, watch mov-
ie and have refreshments
with friends. The Friends
of the Shelton Timberland
Library provide snacks and
supplies. For move informa-
tion call 426-1362.
6:30 p.m., ESA Beta Zeta
business meeting at the
home of Darlene, co hostess
is Helen. Michele will give an
educational on hearing loss.
Next meeting will be post
convention BBQ/potluck at
Forest Fe
is com"
June 2nd- June 5th
Carnival, Vendors, Good Timber-
Music and Tales, Fun Run, Bicycle Run,
Logging Show, 94.5 ROXY Family Fun,
Fireworks, Car Show-off,
Kiwanis Duck float.
Don't forget to buy a
Forest Festival button
These buttons are not only an
attractive souvenir, they provide
revenue enabling Forest Festival to
continue. Please buy a button
and support Forest Festival
Mark the dates on your calendar/
For additional information see
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011 - Page B-3