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Academic excellence 2Oll
porting senior seeks
r in sports medicine
By DEAN SIEMON "This year I had to go to
Shelton High School seniorevery contact sport," he said.
Nick Dean loves just about any "I put in a lot of hours. Every
sport ... except baseball,football game. Every basketball
"As long as its fast paced, I game."
like it," Dean said. In addition to working at
With that interest in sports, sporting events, Dean, who is
Dean is set to attend Central on the school's yearbook staff,
Washington University to was also a photographer at
study sports medicine, hoping games.
to become an athletic trainer. "They decided 'He's at all the
"I thought why not do some- games, why not give him a cam-
thing I already know a lotera," Dean said.
about,'he said. Dean said he picked Cen-
Dean took a sports medicine tral Washington after speaking
class last year with the high with family members that have
school's athletic trainer, Kasey graduated from there, as well
Robbins. as friends who are current stu-
ff only took the class becau- dents or alumni.
see it sounded like a fun, out of "It sounds like not only a
the norm P.E. class," Dean said. great place to study, but I can
The requirements for the play rugby," he said.
class included 180 workingDean is also a part of the
hours that match Robbins' con- U-19 men's Shelton Savages
tract hours, rugby team, which is in it's
"If she went to a sportingthird season of existance.
event, I was there," he said. In addition, the Shelton se-
This year, Dean said the nior is a part of the school's
class was so much fun that he chapter of Future Business
took the course again. Leaders of America and the
Nick Dean
manager for the U-19 women's
Shelton Sting rugby team.
ARer initially showing in-
terest in pursuing a career as
a paramedic, Dean said he has
the basic knowledge and skills
to enter sports medicine and
have a dream job in sports.
"Just working as an athletic
trainer for a professional team,"
he said.
Preschool Screening 2Oll for MMK
The Mary M. Knight School district will offer havior. The screening takes about one hour per
a developmental preschool screening for children child. Parents who want to enroll their child in
who will be four by August 31, 2011 from 12:30 preschool or who have concerns about her child's
to 2:30 p.m. by appointment on Monday, June 6, development are encouraged to set up an ap-
2011. The screening is only available for children pointment. Children who are identified with de-
who live in the Mary M. Knight School District. velopmental delays will be given first consider-
Children who wish to attend preschool in fall ation for the preschool openings available. Other
2011 classes should participate in this screening, children will be placed in preschool according to
Children will be screened for speech and lan- age from the oldest to the youngest.
guage development, fine and gross motor coordi- Appointments can be made by calling Carol
nation, learning skills and social/emotional be- Messman at 426-6767 or 1-877-MMK-OWLS.
We deliver
We carry kerosene.
Located at Sanderson
Industrial Park
Comments requested on the
Draft Oakland Bay Water Quality Improvement
and Implementation Plan
There are too many fecal coliform bacteria in Oakland Bay, Hammersley Inlet, and
selected tributaries located in the Kennedy/Goldsborough watershed. During
2004-2006, the Squaxin Island Tribe and the Washington State Department of
Ecology (Ecology) collected water quality data for these waterbodies. This was
done in response to impairment listings on the 303(d) list. Ecology has analyzed
the data and made recommendations to reduce fecal coliform pollution in these
Ecology, Mason County Government,
Squaxin Island Tribe, City of Shelton,
Port of Shelton, WSU Mason
Extension, Mason Conservation
District, shellfish industry and local
business, and other partners associated
with the Oakland Bay Clean Water
District, have been working on a
water quality improvement and
implementation plan to clean up
Unhealthy waters in the Oakland Bay
watershed. The plan identifies
problem areas and implementation
Public comment period
May 9 - June 8, 2011
The draft Plan is avallabla for review at:
Shelton Timberland Library
710 W. Alder St.
Shelton, WA 98584
Mason County Public Health
415 North 6th St.
Shelton, WA 98584
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
300 Desmond Dr. SE
Lacey, WA 98503
Please send comments by June 8, 2011, to Lydia
activities for the various partners. Wagner, Department of Ecology, PO Box 47775,
........ .. . Olympia, WA 98504-7775, or by e-mail at
• l Numerous acuvlucS are currently In. n r c ,wa. ov.
• c, oinpleted, • :
draft Oakland Bay, Hammersley Inlet, and Selected Tributaries Fecal
[ Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality Improvement
/ Report and Implementation Plan is now available for your review. We welcome
/ and ncourage your comments on this draft plan during the public comment period
Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mason County eighth grade
Eighth graders from seven Ma- G. Larson, junior at UPS pre-med
son county schools, who were in the major.
top 10 percent academically in their A common theme of all the speak-
class, were honored at a ceremony ers was that clear goals could be
at the University of Puget Sound on achieved under difficult situation s
Wednesday, April 20. This is the 30th through hard work, parental support
program and is sponsored by Shelton and continuous dedication.
Skookum Rotary Club. The honorees were given certifi-
The honorees were given a tour cates noting their achievement.
of the campus, treated to a lunch, In addition to activities of the day,
and then honored at a ceremony in a photograph of each schools honor-
Kilworth Chapel on the campus. The ees was taken. This photograph is
Master of Ceremony was Patti Case enlarged, framed and mounted in
of Green Diamond Resource Compa- prominent location at each school for
ny. The speakers, included: the admiration of schoolmates.
Dr. George Mills, Senior Vice This program, the Skookum Rotary
President for Admissions at UPS; Jill Scholarship Program, Science Fair,
Himlie, Operation Manager of Wind- provides numerous improvements to
ermere Realty; Audra L. de Laveaga, parks, as well as supporting interna-
senior at UPS and aspiring opera tional projects are made possible by
singer; Amber Finlay, Mason County funds earned at the OysterFest held
Superior Court Judge and Ramsey the first full weekend in October.
Top 10 percent Mason County eighth graders
Grapeview School: Tanner Hamilton, Corbett John-
Allen Corey, Joshua Frederick- son Jr. and Twana Machado
son, Alena Gonzales and Shan-
non McGuire Pioneer School
Brennan Berry, Jared Coulter, "
Hawkins Middle School: Hannah McLeod, Daniel Over-
Morgan Bond, Danielle Bosch, son, Sarai Sandoval, Bryce Taunt
Daniel Burggraaf, Joseph Bux- and Megan Van Marter
ton, Beau Eddy, Malachi Felder,
Cassandra Foltz, AnaMaria Oakland Bay Junior High
Garcia, Sateeva Harris, Alyssa Delaney Atkinson, Kaitlyn
Hedge, Marissa Horton, Saman- Barkley, Kara Barkman, Nicole
tha Johnson, Samantha Leap- Bennington, Alex Blake, Joshua
trot, Conner Lundberg, John Biggs, Darius Burke, Adam Cy-
Maks, Valerie Tiemeyer and Ra- ganowksi, Justin Demattos, Ra-
chelWilson chel Demiero, Sarah Dohring,
Hannah Fleeman, Christopher
Mason County Christian Frost, Sean German, Kayla Gus-
Isaiah Manning tafson, Kassidy Kadoun, Emily
Kester, Casey Lindley, Rosahura
Mary M. Knight School Loza, Georgette Lugalia, Ri-
Lauren Dierkopand ley McDougall, William Miller,
Melodie Snyder Sarah Oakes, Michael Paulson,
Saannah Pearson. Haley Roll-
Hood Canal School ings, Hannah Spencer, Cassan-
David Catts, Sharon Evans, dra Styke and Ryan Taylor.
Look for results from the Junior Level in next week's issue.
Diego Dragon
Hool~UJes Monny .... . Dr: Hook
2911 E. Brockdale Road
hands with Dr. Frederick J. Davis: a highly kilted,