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Continued from page B-1
he eagerly awaits the completion
of a new one still in the planning
The Austin, which once had a
small four-cylinder engine in it,
and sat fairly close to the ground,
has a huge V8 engine, an auto-
matic gearbox, and a truly fright-
ening exhaust system, among oth-
er changes.
"I busted the firewall back
nearly 12 inches to fit the V8 in
it," he said.
When asked if the car is fast,
McFarland just said, "Oh it'll go."
Although the car is currently
equipped for grocery runs, McFar-
land said it really only needs one
thing to be ready for a drag race
- a parachute.
"Little kids, old people, don't
matter, this car really attracts
people," he said.
While the "Shine Runner" is
perhaps the most visible of Mc-
Farland's hot rods, he has a Model
A hot rod, his first, a 1941 Willys
hot rod, a 55 ford truck, custom
made teardrop trailer, a rusty
milk truck, several parts cars and
he is also working on an Austin
This, of course, isn't even count-
ing the motorcycles.
The 1941 Willys is by far Mc-
Farland's most unique car, and
along with the Austin, has been
featured in hot rod magazines.
"They call it a lead sled," he
said. "This is a real special car,
there's only one of these in the
world, like that."
The car looks more like the Bat-
mobile than the original Willys
sedan. With a huge Chrysler en-
gine in it, this car also "goes," Mc-
Farland said, but this is one of the
few cars he is afraid to drive to the
limit, because of it's rarity.
"I didn't race it on the (Bonn-
eville) Salt Flats because I was
afraid to wreck it - it's worth
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
McFarland's one of a kind Willys hot rod has won him nu-
merous awards and acclaim from the hot rod community.
a lot of money now," he said. "It'll etc., sound like accidents more
probably do 150 miles an hour." than deliberate choices, building a
Although he resurrected it from hot rod is no easy feat, McFarland
a rusty grave and made some mod- said.
ifications, McFarland said that "I worked as a machinist and
the original, meaner than snot welder my whole life, when I re-
hot rod, was built by an 18 year tired was when I started building
old farm kid in 1959. Back then, them," he said. "It challenges your
the car was called the Cranberry brain. As a machinist you're deal-
Carriage. ing with mathematics all the time,
McFarland's newest project is a and since I retired, I've got to do
very rare car indeed. There aren't that or I'll go crazy - what am I
very many 1938 Austin Bantam's supposed to do, sit in the house
left in this country, and he found and watch television? I can't do it."
one. Actually, as McFarland While McFarland also certainly
pointed out, an American carmak- has the skills to do a full restora-
er licensed the name Austin, while tion on one of these cars, in other
the car was built in pre World War words, restore the car to it's origi-
II New York. nal condition, he doesn't want to
The car may be more rust than do that. For him, being a hot rod-
metal now, but in a little while, der is the only way to be.
McFarland said, it will have a "A hot rodder is a very very
small Ford V8, some new metal special deal. It's a special way of
work, a paint job, and it'll go like living ... a real hot rod is never
stink, done," he said. "I'm always work-
While words associated with ing, always improving and I'm not
building a hot rod, like chop, drop, afraid to do something new."
('~(~g~lz-~13~ my mother in law to most of the
%.J%.J %.g L~JI.~
classes so they're a huge sup-
Continued from page B-1 pert," she said.
Anybody, young or old, can do
Within the next year, Pugh yoga, Pugh said. She also added
said she wants to open her own that contrary to some beliefs,
yoga studio, yoga is not a atrazzge mystical re-
"I know there's a need for it, llgion.
but I'm so busy, I'd rather have "It's not a religion by the way,"
my own studio out here," she said. she said. "You can be of any reli-
For Pugh, yoga has been a gion- I teach at a Christian gym,
lifelong exercise regimen, and in- and have a lunch class with the
creasingly, a way of life. Attorney General for the State of
"I think it really started though Washington."
in high school, my dad was a PE For more information about
teacher and he taught us yoga," signing up for one of Pugh's class-
she said. "I'm just hooked."es, go to Pugh's
Just as yoga started as a faro- next class at Cove Crystals will
ily activity for Pugh, it continues be on May 28 at 11 a.m.
to be so. Pugh shared this recipe for a
"My son comes with me and post yoga meal.
mon ter
and adda sl/v Imon.
Slowly sip water- the lemon will acid
build up in youe said.
Post yoga vegetable bowl
Harstine and are a great team smashing,
bagging and delivering the truck
Continued from page B-1 loads of aluminum to the recycle
site. So if you feel like dropping
Ofcoursetheywantailtoknow your cans offat Bud's, they want
Bud's recycle is and always will the Islanders to know they are
continue there. Son Billy was in- welcome and the coffee is always
trodueed to the art of recycling on. Life goes on and we are all
by Bud when he was about 10 so proud to have them living at
years old. He and neighbor Nick this special place. Welcome to
take the duties very seriously the Portschy family.
McFarland proudly
unveils his newest
purchase, an Ameri-
can Austin Bantam,
which he bought only
this weekend.
is proud to welcome
John Ervin
Toour Sales Team
As previous owner of
Evergree'n Auto Plaza,
John brings decades of
Mason County auto sales
experience to our team. We
invite you to stop by, have a
cup of coffee, and say hello.
] Veteran mathematics teacher,
students for 0ne-to-one tutoring this summer. I
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011 - Page B-5