May 5, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Mason
County Senior Activities Center
at 826 W. Railroad Ave. The Shel-
ten senior center hours are from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through
Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
on Friday. The center's telephone
desk (426-7374) is closed for lunch
from noon till 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m., bridge - signup the day
1 p.m., bingo.
2 p.m., treats from Fir Lane
8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 - 11 a.m., open line dance.
9 a.m., - 1 p.m., sewing circle.
12 p.m., lunch: spensord by MC-
SAA: baked potate bar
I p.m., MCSAA goes to the movies
7 - 10 p.m., Washington Old Time
Thursday Monday
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga. 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi. Wednesday
9-11 a.m., intermediateJadvanced 9 a.m., beginning line dance.
line dancing. 10 - 11 a.m., intermediate/ad- 8 and 8:30 a.m., tai chi.
9 - 12 a.m., EZ Crafters. vanced line dancing. 9 a.m., beginning line dancing.
10:30 - 11:30 a.m., blood pressure 12 p.m., lunch: swiss steak 10 a.m., intermediate/advanced
checks I p.m., game day. line dancing.
10:30 a.m., long term care plan- i p.m., watercolor class. 12 p.m., lunch: egg salad sandwich
ning I p.m., pinochle, i p.m., game day.
12 p.m., lunch: sweet and sour perk 2 p.m., treats from Capital place i p.m., pinochle
Foot care by appointment
8:05 a.m., gentle, restorative yoga.
9 - 11 a.m., intermediate/advanced
line dancing.
9 a.m. - i p.m.,sewing circle.
10:30 a.m., info. and assistance,
Meridee Anderson LMT AAA
11 a.m., music: Evelyn Trenchk-
12 p.m., lunch: chicken broccoli al-
12:30 p.m., bridge signup day be-
Halle Marie
Halle Marie Moore
was born April 10, 2011
at Mason General Hos-
pital in Shelten to Shan-
non Bolender and Eric
Moore of Shelten. She
weighted eight pounds
and 15 ounces and was
20.5 inches long. She is
welcomed by her siblings
Andrew, six and Laney
Moore, three and by her
grandparents Dave Bo-
lender of Shelten, Jack
and Sandy Moore of Shel-
ten and Tracy Keefer and
Jerry Miller of Shelton.
MC high-school
women students
will be honored
Four Mason County high school
women students will be honored at
a reception hosted by the American
Association of University Women.
The reception will be held at 7
p.m. on Tuesday, May 17 at the
Olympia County and Golf Club.
The students are nominated
by their teachers for outstanding
scholarship in the fields of sci-
ence; technology and math. From
North Mason High School Shan-
tell Spring Freeman in math and
Amanda Johnson in science. From
Shelton High School Kathryn My-
ers in science and math and Norah
Manteya in technology.
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which
includes vaccine, wormier,
spay/neuter plus $10 city li-
New dogs are brought in
all the time. Call 427-7503
or visit the shelter at 902
West Pine Street. Dogs may
be viewed at:
The hours are Monday
thru Friday from 11 a.m. to
4 p.m. The shelter is closed
Saturday and Sunday.
Current listings:
Labrador mix, male,
three years old.
Newfoundland mix, male
three to four years.
Shepherd Mix female
seven years.
Prince William is an
energetic young kitten. He
has been practicing the
royal rub and purr, toy at-
tack and chase and kitty
meows. Prince William is
looking for a kitty kingdom
with a sunny windowsill,
daily food and water and
a safe warm bed. Prince
William would really like
Princess Kate to share the
special kitty kingdom with
him too. For information
on Prince William, Prin-
cess Kate and other indoor
only kitties call 584-0594
or leave a message at 426-
Meet Spike and Bunny.
Spike is a three year-old Akita
mix who is very friendly and
playful. He gets along well with
other dogs, is house trained and
would love a lwme with older
kids. Bunny is a Lab mix and
was very shy when she first came
to us. She has adapted well and
is now ready for a loving, secure
home of her own. If you would
like to meet either Spike or
Bunny please call Adopt-A-Pet
at 432-3091 or visit our website
Noon and 5:30 p.m., Al-
coholics Anonymous, 125
West Cota Street.
5:30 p.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Mason Gen-
eral Hospital, Washington
5 p.m., New Community
Church of Union office, 310
Dalby Road, Suite 3.
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, The Right
Path, North 80 Tribal Cen-
ter Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third
and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Friends of Bill
W. Chapter at Hood Canal
Community Church, 81
Finch Creek Road, Hood-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous, Mountain View A1-
fiance Church, 314 East J
11 a.m., NA, United
Methedist Church 1900
King Streel~.',
Noon, AI,Anon family
group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church. Call 427-6831.
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.,
AA, 125 West Cota Street.
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re-
covery, 419 Railroad Av-
enue. Childcare provided.
Call 426-8461.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport 125 West Cota Street.
Library. 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
8 p.m., NA, Ellinor Anonymous, Belfair's
Room, Mason General Hos- New Hope, Belfair Baptist
pital, 901 Mountain View Church.
Drive. 7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, Third
Saturdaysand Cedar streets.
10 a.m., Overeaters 7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-
Anonymous, Saint David's mous, Mountain View A1-
Church. liance Church, 314 East J
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, Street.
125 West Cota Street. 7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
7 p.m., Narcotics Anony- Health and Rehabilitation
mous, EUinor Room at Ma- Center, 2430 North 13th
son General Hospital, 901 Street.
Mountain View Drive.
10 p.m., The Point Is,
Easy Does It, 125 West Cota
6:30 p.m., AA open meet-
ing, Hoodsport Library.
7:15 p.m.,Narcotics
Sundays Anonymous, Mountain
8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and View Alliance Church, 314
7:30 p.m., AA, 125 West East JStreet.
Cota Street. 7 p.m., Depressed Anon-
9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall, ymous, at Mason General
Third and Cota streets. Hospital, 901 Mountain
3 - 5 p.m., Freedom in View Drive.
Recovery, New Horizens
Church, 307 East F Street.
4 - 6' p.m., Gateway to 9:30 a.m., AI-Anon faro-
recovery at Gateway Chris- fly group, Skokomish In-
tian Fellowship, 405 S. 7th dian Assembly of God, 1925
Street. Highway 101.
4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport 11 a.m., Narcotics Anon-
Library for women 0X !Y. ' ymous, United Methodist
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth Church 1900 King Street.
Anonymous, Spinners Gone 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Straight, St. David's Episco- Anonymous, Spinners Gone
pal Church, 324 West Cedar Straight, St. David's Episco-
Street. pal Church, 324 West Cedar
Mondays 7 p.m., NA at Mountain
Noon and 5:30 p.m., AA, View Alliance Church, 314
East J Street.
Sat. May 7th
9.'00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
3rd & Cedar
(behind Post Office)
Featuring local musical artist Jeremy 5erwer ! lain. Ipm
Shelton Farmers Market h open every
Saturday May- September
Please join us May 14m for Letter Carriers Food
Drive Event with ROXY 94.5 LIVE Broadcast
Help Us Stamp Out Hunger In Our Community
Floor lamps, chandeliers,
artwork, cut glassware, art
matboard galore, display and
jewelry cases and much more.
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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011