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, urn' mliqllll IIII
Young pup
s as
North Mason's
ole va u Iter
By DEAN SIEMON Dittmer said that Jensen
North Mason High School reminded him of a former
sophomore Nick Jensen teammate at Shelton High
never tried pole vaulting be- School in 1966 named Mike
fore this season. Johnson, a Shelton Invite
"It just looked like funchampion in 1964.
and I waned to try it," Jen- "He's got Mike's speed
sen said. and upper body strength,"
In fact, one Week beforeDittmer said.
the first meet of the season, Dittmer said his main
Jensen picked up the pole focus in helping Jensen is
for the first time in his life, the takeoff once the pole is
which was not made for his planted.
"I'll get him off the
128-pound frame.
"We didn't have a pole ground," Dittmer said.
for his weight," North Ma- Jensen is focused on ira-
son assistant coach Dan proving his body position
once he is going up towards
Dittmer said. "Then we
scrounged up the money for the set height.
a pole for him." "Getting my feet and hips
The new pole, which is for over my head and I need to
vaulters up to 135 pounds, look back on my top hand,"
was given to Jensen a week Jensen said.
Jensen could be a favor-
ago. ite in the upcoming Olym-
In Saturday's 51st an-
nual Shelton Invitational pic League Championships
track and field meet at Shel- today at North Kitsap High
ton High School, Jensen was School, as well as the sub-
competing with the top pole district meet on May 14 at
vaulters in the state, finish- Port Angeles High School.
ing fifth place with a person- But Dittmer said coach-
al best height of 12 feet. His ing can only do so much for
previous personal best was a developing vaulter such as
under 10 feet. Jensen.
The first place vaulter "You got to be a real self-
was Lynden High School'smotivator to be a pole vault-
Gibb Dallas at 14 feet, nine er," Dittmer said.
inches, followed by Blaine Jensen has already set
High School's Brett Matt- his personal goals and look-
son's 14 feet. ing ahead to the next couple
Shelten High School's of years at North Mason.
Bryton Rodgers (13 feet, six "My goal is to pass the
inches) and Indi Endicott North Mason school record
(12 feet, six inches) were at [13 feet, 11 inches]," Jen-
ahead of Jensen respective- sen said. "Hopefully by next
ly. year I'll get it."
"I've been pole vaulting
for five or six weeks and I'm
already here," Jensen said.
Second loss
for Climbers
Shelton High School boys
golf suffered their second
loss of the season, at Madro-
na Links Golf Course in Gig
Harbor, to Gig Harbor High
School, 71-69.
"We knew going in it was
going to be tight," Shelton
head coach Mark Jensen
said. "We didn't play as well
as we could have."
The Highclimbers (7-2)
were led by Colton Gett with
17 total points with a round
of 37 in the nine-hole match.
Zach Lurid scored 14
points in his round of 41.
Alec Martinson and Grant
Cation each scored 13 points
in their rounds of 41.
Gig Harbor was led by
Hunter Lott and Andy
Brown, each scoring 16
"We weren't playing as
good top to bottom," Jensen
May 2 at Madrona
Links Golf Course in Gig
Gig Harbor 71, Shelton 69
Point system - Bogey 1;
Par 2; Birdie 3; Eagle 5; Hole
in one 7; Double eagle 8
Shelton - Gett, 17
points (37); Lurid, 14 points
(41); Martinson, 13 points
(41); Cation, 13 points (41);
Browning, 12 po'mts (42)
Gig Harbor - Lott, 16
points (38); Brown, 16 points
(39); Purdy, 15 points (39);
Westmondland, 13 points
14 ); U t rbri j 7]
Zenakla Hil~
Michelle Johnson, HIM
Stephanie Kling, Lab
Christina Lohmeyer, ICU
Susana Lopez, BO
Shanna Marsh, Ortho
Sara Massine, ICU
Terry Megiveron, Admin
Katherine Mix, BC
Trina Morgan, DI
Sara Nash, BC
Rebecca Penoyar, Lab
Jennifer Price, CNS
Sally Radcliffe, MGHEC
Kristina Rank, EVS
Sally Root, ICU
Cheryl Schultz, ICU
Yong Ki Shin, M.D., Hosp
Marcie Smith, CNS
Wendy Stanley, BO
Sandra Strohschein, Lab
Patricia Tiatia-Tuli, OBP
Karen Visser, PACU
Tracie Wales, BC
Alyson Waylett, OBP
North Mason High School's Nick Jensen, seen during
ton, has been quickly developing as the Bulldogs' top
sport for. the first time one week before the season.
Marjode Haviland, Surg
Darlene Hersh, HIM
Daniel Hoosier, ICU
"Shannon Hubert, ED
Journal phpto by Dean Siemon
Saturday's Shelton Invitational in Shel-
pole vaulter this season, despite trying the
Sandra Stra~ld, CNS
Jane Job, PACU
Barbara Lazowicki, EVS
Andrea Mackiewicz, PACU
Brenda McLaughlin, EVS
Morning McLay, ICU
Sharon Milner, PACU
April Muhlhauser, HIM
Jody Olsen, DI
Barbara Parker, ICU
Elizabeth Pate, MSP
Gustavo Perez, DI
Pam Corey, HIM
Debra Perritt, Pharm Linda Deyette, MSP
Sandra Sipe, EVS Claudia Hawley, HR
Jamie Tiffany-Schumacher, Cynthia Lacy, DI
vicE?white, HIM Cheryl Stanley
~j~cha, EVS
:John Cruse, CNS Arlene Hutchins, ICU
Karen Day, Pharm /~
Tracy Huston, Surg
Richard Jones, DI
Hazeline Ligman, BC
Suzanne Rudoll, HIM
Shannon Stevens, Surg
Craig Thurston, Surg
Admin Administration
BC Birth Center
BO Business Office
CNS Culinary & Nutrition Services
'- DI Diagnostic Imaging
ED Emergency Department
EVS Environmental Services
HIM Health Information
Hosp Hospitalist
HR Human Resources
HS House Supervisors/Staffing
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IT Information Technology
Lab Laboratory
MGHEC MGH Eye Clinic
MGHSC MGH Surgery Clinic
MSP Med/Surg/Peds
MVWHC Mountain View Women's
Health Clinic
NA Nursing Admin
OBP Oakland Bay Pediatrics
Ortho MGH Orthopedics
PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Pharm Pharmacy
RT Respiratory Therapy
Surg Surgical Services
Pam Corey
• Claudia
Hawley Cynthia Lacy
Not pictured:
Cheryl Stanley and
Linda Deyette
Arlene Hutchins
We want to thank our employees, allied health
professionals, and physicians for all they have
done to help care for Mason County
for the past 43years.
901 Mountain View Drive, Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-1611, from Allyn (360) 275-86t4
www.Ma$onGenera!.com Years of service up
|g the one gflOll,
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 5, 2011 - Page C-3