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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 6, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 6, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&lt;IFarm Creek Put to Work c i! • f=W .......... ..J .... I Extract from Extension Service News, Coun orrespondence .... Washington State College. (FromFarmers' Bulletin No. 33)  bicycle wheel with tin cups sol-  -T[dered to the rim to catch the water - I piped from a small stream, generates t VICTOR the power that lights the farm home STADIUM I I of Burt Hurst in Mason County. The l Mrs. C. W. Baird, who has been a Mrs. Chas. Kertz called at home-made Pelton wheel on the out- Bremerton visitor for a few days, re- Halvor Dahl's l-riday afternoon, side of the shed is conected by belt turned home this morning. She re- Saturday afternoon Mrs. Baker of and pulley to a dynamo. This simple :ports a fine time in her" sojourn. Rocky Bay entertained at an infer- There was quite a bunch of Sta- real gathering. A delightful collation arrangement furnishes all the lights diumites journeyed to Shelton this was served and a pleasant afternoon needed for the house. morning to see the county commis-,enjoyed. Those present were Mes- Many farms could be equipped, ac- ioners about their new proposed dames Thompson, Skene, Kertz, H. ! road. Messrs. Baird, Britton, 0degard, Dahl, Sisson, Heckman, NelsonjW. cording to A. B. Crane, extension pillman, Walker and Cronquist were Nieman, Stock, C. Anderson and Miss agricultural engineer of the State Helen Thompson. College, with all the modern electrical mong those making the trip. " Mrs. Knute Dahl called on Mrs. F. conveniences of the city, by utilizing Kenneth Whittaker of the Goodro M. Sisson and Mrs. C. C. Smith the creeks that run through their loggin company camp was a week- Thursday afternoon. end visitor at the Rauschert farm. Friday afternoon Mrs. Emil Larsen places. While here he concluded he would try entertained Mrs. C. C. Smith and Another cleverly harnessed water his skill at canoeing, but the canoe daughters Clara and Pauline in honor power, is that on the place of R. S. refuse to behave and Kenneth turn- of Mildred Larsen's second birthday. bled into the salt chuck for a May Mrs. F. B. Sisson and daughter Smith at Yelm, who uses an under- <lay bath. Helen accompanied by Miss Mabel shot, home-made wheel in a drainage August Anderson was home last Smith went to Tacoma Saturday ditch to pump water from a spring -week. While here he helped his sis- morning on the mail boat and re- to an elevated tank. The spring is ter Mrs. K. Sund with- her farm turned by way of Vaughn Saturday located above the drainage ditch and work. evening. Mr. C. W. Baird got lonesome while Robert Hagar motored to Olympia the water is piped to the pump which friend mille was away so he hied Saturday and returned Sunday. He in turn forces it to a 5000 gallon himself to Allyn last Sunday. was accompanied by his sister Mrs. tank. With no labor on his part Mr. Mrs. Alice R. Morris of Tacoma Brown and Miss Dagmar Smith. returned home last week after spend- Several of the Victor people jour- Smith has running water in the,house. ing a couple of days at the Hansen neyed to the Rocky Creek school The cost of installing these home- house Sunday to attend a icnic there made con),eniences is not great out- home. which for some reson failed to mR- side of the labor that the farmer puts Oscar Sund was a Stadium caller terialize, so they returned with all last week as it was too wet to work the good eats they had carried, in himself. The dynamo usually in camp. Mrs. Christain Smith entertained doesn't rnn ove $,00, the price de- Mrs. Win. Blomgren was a caller Saturday in honor of her son Don-lpending upon the amount of power at the Hansen home last Thursday. ald's second birthday. Mrs. C. C. that is available and the work that .S. Hansen was home over Sunday. Smith and daughters Pauline and: Mrs. Nellie Conlin returned to Ta- Clara were guests for the afternoon, can,be done. coma last week after spending a cou- Mr. Stock and son Willie called at ple of days at the Hansen farm. She Larsen's Sunday afternoon. "i" likes the free country life and says it Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Larsen en- 'seems good to get away from town. tertained for dinner Mr. and Mrs. ALLYN I The weather man is giving us a Hans Lund and4wo children, o!. / A dance was held at the Victor Duke's Mixture of weather these school house Saturday evening and a Mr. and }irs. Alexis Zandell and days. very good time was reported although children, Mrs. John Reed and daugh- there was a shortage in refreshments ter Gertrude, Miss Anna Johnson, and owing to the impromptu nature of Messrs. Claude Jackson, Victor Rais- OLYMPIA SI00TON the affair but there was plenty of oni, Kenneth Hagen and Joe Martel " coffee. , attended the Victor (lance Saturday There will be a basket social and night and report'the usual good AIL STAf dance held the coming Saturday. time. Everybody is cordially invited and Gustav Tillquist spent Friday in the ladies requested to bring refresh- Tacoma. ments for two in a fancy box or Tom Read and the Misses Mae DAILY SCHEDULE basket. Read and Ruby Reed were in Bremer- ton Saturday and attended the (lance LEAVES OLYMPIA  SHELTON VALLEY '# there in the evening• From Bus Station Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen of (Phone 22)  ....... . Shelton, former Allyn residents, spent Sunday at the Cleveland home. Mrs. Joe Deer and daughters, Mrs. Anson Cleveland of Bremerton 7 a.m. 11 a.m. Joe Parsons of Shelton and Miss Alta spent the week end with his parents Deer of Seattle spent last Friday at and brothers. p. In. the Bennett home. The Misses Lena Buding and Mar- The Misses Esther Carlson and guerite Hjort entertained their young Edna Wiss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wan- friends at the former's home, Satur- LEAVES HELTON dell and daughter Myrtle, E. B. Rob- day, in honor of Lona's twelfth birth- From Hotel Shelton inson and Allie and Lynn Robinson of day anniversary. Games were en- Shelton) Mrs. Ed. Sullivan and son joyed as well as a dainty lunch. Lena 8:30 a. m. 1 p.m. Herbert of Kennydale and J. A. Roles received many pretty gifts, q:he hap- of Little Rock were visitors and call- py uests departed at 5:00 p. m., 4:45 p.m. ers at the Huntley home Sunday. :wishing her many hapuy returns of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shelton, Fred the day. Shelton of Camp 1, "Junior" Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson and and Lynn Robinson drove to Elma Sunday and spent the day with Mr. family motored to Goodro's Camp L. M. STEWART, and Mrs. Gardner Kirkwood. Sunday where they spent the day. Mrs. August Peterson was in Mrs. H. Wnisor, the Misses Winsor Bremerton Monday on business. ' Prop. and Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Weserling and son spent Sunday at the Frank Ben- (laughter and Lee Baker were ffi , ,, nett home. Shelton on busine.s Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Erickson and H son spent Sunday at the Wesserling NEWABLINGTON OTEL Miss Marjorie Miller spent Sutur- e I FIRST AVENUE AND SPRING STREET, SEATTLE  1 day in Seattle. • • SAME STAFF, SAME RATES AS OLD ARLINGTON 1 A John Campbell, Victor Raisoni. q Kenneth Hagen and Johnnie Reed 0 N E .D O L L A R .R 00 M S with the Vauhn ball t(,am went to Puyallup Sunday where they played THIS HOTEL IS NOT OWNED BY JAPANESE the Pyanup tam. The so,'e was FREE BUS MEETS ALL TRAINS 10 to 6 in favor of I'uvallup. Mabel Hjort f Vaughn has been viitin" her mother for several days. ' She returned Tuesday. There was some little  excitement here Tuesday evening when the Shel- ve' ton-Bremmon, stage was run into by Lumber and Shingles 00omo The stage was" smashed and the of- ficers' car went into the ditch, but fortunately no one was injured. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND. DRESSED LUM.BER AND SHINGLES, CEDAR FENCE P.0STS, dressed and tapered, SIDEWALK LUMBER in 6 ft lengths, if desired. CEDAR BEE BOX LUMBER. ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE FURNISHED AND DELIVERED TO ANY PART, OF THE CITY OR COUNTRY, ON SHORT NOTICE. WRITE OR PHONE US YOUR ORDER. PHONE 333. Shelton Lumber & Shingle Company I II I I I Expert Repairing FEEDING COWS IN THE DARK "When I bought my farm two years ago there was a herd of s'crub cows on it," writes a Wisconsin farm- er to a field agent of the Dairy Divi- sion, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. "I joined the cow-testing asso- ciation, and soon found that my scrub cows were a failure, so I disposed of them and bought some pure bred and grade Holstein cows. The cow-test- ing association is a guideboard on the way to better dairying and a big saving in feeds, as one can feed to ' much better advantage where produc- tion is known. Trying to feed with- Satisfaction Guaranteed out records of your cows is like ing in the dark. Z, AITO  A:N'D AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE When you plan your fishing trip on Hoods Canal, see us. will get you there and back. :$'ZO" O"Jt, IFABX, UNION GARA00 LOGGED OFF A, lY'O  '1'10][ BO0 r 'Z-B, 'I[TJB8 W.A. NOBLES LAND For sale in this County to Actual We Settlers on easy terms. Price $5,00 per acre and up. Write for map giving all information. HARRY OSWIN Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. Tacoma, Washington i THREE MILLIONS IN ROAD CONTRACTS ARE NOW UNDER WAY WORK THIS YEAR ON EVERYI[ STATE PRIMARY HIGHWAY f ! Olympia, May --.With the con- 'tracts awarded by the Highway Corn- / mittee this week,,- the State has 3,- 000,000 worth of road improvements" under way and by • the end of the onth will have added approximate- ly $1,250,000 more. Every state pri- mary highway is represented by con- tracts awarded. The largest single job is 8V miles of paving and thd  construction of three bridges on the Tenino-Grand Mound link of the Pacific highway which when finished will complete the paving of that road in Thurston county. On its present trip through East- ern Washington the Highway Com- mittee, headed by Gov. Louis F. Hart, will go over all proposed new work andexamine progress on contracts already lef. Grade crossing problems are to be studied with Directo E. V. Kuykendall of the Department of Public Works who accompanies the party and who participates with Coy. Hart in the celebration of the open- ing of the Pasco bridge May 6. , An investigation or reconnaisance trip from Goldendale up the Columbia i river as far as Plymouth, opposite Umatil]a, Oregon, will reinforce the committee's data on this proposed ex- tension of t ael North Bank Highway. I The committee hopes ultimately a better grade can be found for the road between Goldendale and Mab- ton that connects the North Bank and Inland Empire Highways--though neither of these plans can beicarried out immediately. The Highway Committee expects to spend three weeks in Eastern Wash- ington, returning through Snoqualmie Pass, which pioneer auto parties al- ready have traversed. The state high- way division under Supewisor James Allen has been clearing the Sunset Highway through the Pass by a steam shovel, openin the eight mile section between Gold Creek and Sue- "Here's Real Tobacco" says the Good Judge That given a man more genuine chewing sads- faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smaller chew,lastslonger .-so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich, to- bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put u in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco quahnie River wide enough for autos to pass at any point. King and Kit- titas counties cleared the' snow from their share of the road so tourists within a week or so 'will be guaran- teed a remarkable 'cross-mountain iouney along a good road bed, flank- ed by snow banks rising twelve to fteen feet. PLASTER BOARD The new Washington Plaster Wall Board, manufactured in this state, is the ideal wall lining. Won't warp, burn, buckle, or be affecd by wear!h- er 'conditions. A sheet of rock, same as plaster, but easily ,applied to new or old buildings. Sheets 32 and 48 inches wide, 6 to 12 feet long. The new price reduction brings it to $57 er thousand, delivered in Shelton. For samples and infornmtion ask at Journal Stationery Shop. SHELTON LAUNDRY Now equipped with power ma- chinery for first class work. FAMILY LAUNDRY A SPECIALTY Cloaks and Suits cleaned, pressed and dyed. CENTRAL HOTEL Rooms for transients T. HAGIWARA, Prop. Ford1 TRADE MARK $625.00 F. O. B. DETROIT What Henry Ford Says About Machine Power Farming "In the tractor the farmer now has a machine in which is harnessed one of the most adaptable, efficient, economical sources of power in the world--the internal combustion engine." "The tractor will multiply the productive capacity of each individual farm worker from three to four times over. 'qt will put the farmer on a par with the city manufactur- er. It will put his produce-preducing factory--for that is what a farm is--on to an efficient production basis. "It will enable each worker to earn so much more that he can be paid more and still leave a greater profit for the man who hires him. It will enabl,e the farmer to work fewer hours in the day, giving him more time to enjoy life. "I believe the tractor will make farming what it ought to be--the most pleasant, the most healthful, the most profitable business on earth." "The House of Prompt Service" Wallace Johnson Motor Co. Shelton, Washington