May 6, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 6, 1921 |
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mm.,,.a,,! t'RD ATI.. CIM ht':M,
= , . ........... ..... •,. L|I
| Local and Personal ;. r,.qE ,
E J..A beautiful dinner and family
• : '" E,gathering was: held at the home of
uuuluuiuul Mr• and Mrs. Robelq; F. Simpson on
_ . .. ....... . bun(lay, lvlay 1st, in nonor of neir
Mrs. M. E. teed was a bea:le lvloners uay, unoay, vay 8th. gohlen wedding annlversay," and al-
visitor last week.
Angus O'Neill spent several days
on business in Seattle last week.
Wilfred and'Ray Bordeaux spent
9,ednesday in tovn from Bordeaux.
Miss 51,rtle McIlvain was a guest
last wdek'of Miss Carmelita O'Neill.
• i
• Mr. and MA.-Tegtmeyer
have gone to Tacoma to spend a
Tomiqy O'Neill was home over last
Week-end from the University at Se-
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garfield of Allyn
were visitors tO O1)npia ion business
Monday- .....
' Adan E'ckert, W." 0. Eckert and
Edgar ;J. Wright were visitors from
Detroft Monday' on county business.
" lrs.,o . F.Pixlev and Mrs. Harry
Osin Union (ity, were among
the shopping visitors in town Monday
According t'----' paper a
marriage license was issded last week
to Victor P. Bunnell and a young lady
of that city.
]Irs. S. G. Simpson came from
Seattle Monday to spend the week
The orchards are taking on the
tint of the apple blossom.
William Shorter is having his home
at Pine and Fifth newly shingled. .
F. C. Willey is building an exten-
sive barn on his tract at the Seventh
;treet bridge.,
so of Mr. Simpson's 74th birthday.
Their descendants were gathered for
the occasion from near and far, and
including the fourth generation, and
there were many tokens presented
to the happy couple to keel) the day
fesh in memory.
Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were mar-
ried February 21st, 1871, at Hunters-
ville, Ohio, and eight years later they
Cherries, wl@ seeme(t to be hu] moved to Buffalo county, Neb., where
by frost, app6 / to, be turning out the, remained about ten years. In
as well as us 188) the" came to Washington with
"- il' ' at 5"c I their chiidren and settled in Shelton,
ee wna one dollar w (to , I - ,still livin in the home they started
Donald & Co's Dollar Day sale, Wed- hi'lc." +,,vo" *.al's a'o,
• ,y- . . ,
nesday, May llth. l 'los ,resent for the anmversary
The date for the annual hi,h dinner numbered thirty-mght as. fol-
n ' " : lows' Mr and Mrs. R. F. Simpson;
school eomme cement has been set l,,..':_ k¥:. ;t,.-ames-Sam-
for Friday, May 27th. IW[. ,u ,:,. Mv'le and" Sadie
William Cowling is havin 'his Fisk of Shelton; Mr. and Mt. G. A.
Third street home freshly shingled Swanson; MVs ROse Jennings and
and is also adding an o.amental children of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. C.
wire fence.
.The Weather of the week warms
slowly but as the rains have broken
away, a season of spring sunshine
may be looked for.
The Skokomish Vali'ey Home Eco-
nomics Club will meet Thursday, May
llth, at the home of Mrs. J. Jemison.
All should attend.
.I. B. Schumacher is this week
J. Woods, Fred, arold, Ada,: Martha
and Nancy Jane WoGds, of Burling'
ton; Mrs. Myrtle Brobeck; Eula, Ir-
ene and Raymond, Tacoma; William
L. Simpson, Marion Parrish; Lester
L. and R0bert Leslie of Shelton; Mrs.
Anita Frank and baby Kathryn of
SanFrancisc6; Low Reed and son
Shelly of Matlock; Mrs. Mose Price
and son Ralph of Shelton; ,Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Lynn, Jeanette, James
and Dolores, Shelton.
Five of the nine great-grandchil-
-::,.! OIORCll NOTI00
; : m "
lO o,o,oo00 Vest Pocket
Preaching 11 o'clock.
Evening" servlees at 7:30. AU graphi
Preaching at Skokomish first Sun- to C
day of each month at 3 p. m.
Prayer Meting 7:30 Thursday
The public is cordially invited to O a
these meetings.
W. H. Thomas, Pastor.
' .... Here it isa c t u a 1
size. You see for
Sunday school at 10 a. m,
Morning service at 11 a.m. yourse.' that you can •
Young people's meeting at 6:30 wear °t. And small as
p. m.
Eveaing service at 7:30 p. m, it is, ihe V.P.K. is
Prayer meeting on Thursday night ....... : .... :
at 7:30. Addison Self, Pastor. i a realcamera in ev-
• ;*' : ' i!;e/Y sense of the Word ,
• CATHOLIC CHURCH ;/t --the proof is in the
"St. Edawrds Catholic Church,
On Second Sundays fist Mass is at
8:00 a. m. and secondMassat 10:45
also in b'he!to n. ,iOn fourth Sufidays
Mass at Shelton at' 9:09 a. m.
Send all calls and messa'es to
ReD. j.oln'Maher, Ltceey, Wash.
Estate of Joe Hamuesser, C. I.
Ptchard reappointed (]min'itrator.
This esta was taken in cha:rge by
the alien property custodian during
the war, and has ju.t been returned
to the local cou for final settlement.
Estate 5]ary Dory, deceased, Bert
Cruson appointed administrator.
.... Price 8.0b .
Picture, 1 x 2%. in,
and arran'e to take up her residence
here for the smnmev.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. GriEf's, who
have spent a month lookinr over
Oretron returned this week and think
it looks more like home in Mason
Mr. and Mrs" G. C. Angle, Mr. and
I}.s. Maurice Needham and Robert
Angle visited Tacoma Sunday and
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
poving his family to town from the
farm down the bay, to occupy the
homo purchased last winter at First
anti F]'anMin stre(,ts. ,,
After usil crud oil for fuel for
the past six years the Peninsular
machine shops went back to co:'dwood
this week, because of the scarcity
and increasing cost of the oil.
If you own a dog >'our dog tax is
payable now at the office of the Coun-
gar Murncn. ty Treasurer and delinquent after
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shannon and June .lst. The penalty is the dog.
The first installment of real prop- i
baby of Tacoma, came over Thursday erty taxes is also due by thai'date. I
to vivit at Frisken Y and the James
Carstairs farm on the West tiatsop The annual Mother's Day service]
river, will be given at the Methodist church]
next Sunday morning, May 8, at the]
Russell S. Callow, who recently usual hour, and a special song ser-]
gave up logging and moved to Seat-
tle, has been appointed secretary of vice in the evening at 8 o'clock. The
the Dime & Dollar Savings Associa- public is cordially invited to attend
tlon. a growin financial institution these services.
in tha¢" city.
Fred Hanson was over from Eneti
Saturday and reports starting a new
dock near his store at that point for
tonvenience in handling his freight
and also for loading scows with the
hardwood lumber which is being cut
at the mill in Skokomish Valley.
J. E. Connolly Vincent Connolly,
Edward-..Faubert, W. H. Smith, ,Leo
Bordeaux and Angus O'Neill were in
Olymlia Sunday to attend the big ini-
tiation *of the Knights of•Colulbus.
Dr. Shimek was taken along as their
contribution to the exercises.
{ r • • "" • " :,i
. R. A. Hilligos was a visitor from
oodsport Monday. Mr. Hilligos is
h the forest Ye'erve and says-th
ourist travel is expected to be Very
beady onthe Olympic peninsula this
reason and an enlarged force of ran-
gers will be put on to keep the visit-
ors herded and prevent forest fires•
Ronald and Angus McDonald were
sitors from Kmilche Wednesday.
aau e McDonald mill is still idle be-
se!neither the lumber or the slfin-
le market offers encouragement be-
cause of the slow demafid from East-
ern markets to which the mill sends
lractically all :ff its product.
Sam. Schumacher, ho has spent
he ast year in Lps Angeles, re-
turned to Shelton last week and plans
o spend the summer here. The days
Were rather hilly' when Sam first
drifted home and he threatened to
, back to the hotter clime if it did-
warm up soon. So it's warming
.: William O'Shaughnessy returned
ruesday evening from Seattle where
he was called to see his daughter,
Mrs. : Margaret Anderson, who was
onsi¢lered in a hopeless condition. He
was accompanied by another daughetr
Mrs..Frad Ferris, of Matlock. Mrs.
Anderson was recently brought down
fromi Ketchikan, Alaska, in an ad-
"vaneed Stage of Briht's disease, but
when Mr. O'Shaughnessy left was
shoving marked improvement.
The Journal has received invitation
to be present at the exercises for the
graduating class of the Swedish hos-
pital Training School for Nurses. in
the Swedish Tabernacle, Seattle, on
ay 18th. The invitation comes from
iss Mary Catherine Baldwin who is
omp]eting her third year at the
twedish hospital and graduating with
onor, and includes Shelton High
School Alumni and all Shelton
friends, and she would be pleased to
ave all who can. attend.
Miss Baldwin is a native daughter
i f Shelton, and not a few people from
ere have beenpatients at the Swed-
h hospital during her term of ser-
ce, and speak highly, of her pro-
ress. Her many nends in the coun-
ty will be pleased at.her success and
lad to know that she is now full-
ledged and competept for any call.
The Shelton Elks Association form-
ulated plans at their meeting on
Tuesday evening for.a big dance ,to
he given here some z]me' nex monn.
Arrangements are in view to over-
come the difficulties to Olympia vis-
itors on that occasion in case the
highway is closed for paving at that
time. The matter of a local baseball
team met with the favor of the meet-
ng and a willingness was signified to.
help create local interest and support
a team if one was organiezd.
In the last two yea 12,000 women
and: girls in Oregon, Washington,
}daho and Alaska have reived ]n-
structi0ns in home hygiene and care
of the sick from graduate nurses
sent out by the Northwestern Divi-
sion of the American Red Cross.
Because all Odd Fellows looked
alike to him the "make-up" man on
last week's Journal placed the Re-
bekah degree staff under the Odd
Fellow district convention story. Also
the name of Margaret Carstairs was
omitted from the staff. Otherwise
both stories are fairly correct.
Thompson and Dunbar have their
fine new deluxe 14-pasgenger bus
making their daily runs "o Olympia
and expect to continue the new ma-
chine as long as the highwty is :kept
open. The down Sound cii:ies have
nothing on Shelton in the bus line.
Thee dnnual town clein-ip Was fair-
ly successful, as th crew claimed to
hrlve carted away and buried at the
dump enough trash and decaying
matter to poison a city. Sh¢Iton
ought to feel much better fol" the
purging, but there Still remains more
to be'done-in the line of cleaning
and primpin up for summer visitors
and the good work should continue.
lifford Derosia has purchased the
old Schumacher house which was
just moved from the new building
site. and it is again on rollers bound
for the Kneeland block, corner of
Eighth and Cots streets, where it
will find a permanent resting place
as the Derosia home. This is the
third move for the building and the
second move for the big two story
restaurant building.
On account of the popularity of
the. feature film "Dinty" which will
be shown at the Lyric Theatre next
Wednesday evening Mr. Graham has
decided to give two complete shows
on that evening in order to handle
the crowd. The first shov will com-
mence at 7 p. m., and the second at
9 p. m. Patrons are urged to •come
early for the first show. He also
announces that hereafter there will
be no show on Tlmrsday evenings
unless especially advertised.
Lee Baker. and H. H. Wesserling
were visitors from Allyn before the
,County Boat-d Monday with the pet-
ilion of the North Bay and Belfair
residents for a port district at Allyn.
As the new law does not come into
effect until June 17th it was decided
to defer the call for election and
other preliminaries until after that
date. The residents at that end of
the county believe that apubllc dock
would add much to the development
of that section and are willing to in-
corporate a port distrlct in order to
ca'ry the project through.
(Revised May 5, 1921)
Butterfat .4,9
Oats, per io':::::::::::::::: .oo
Potatoes, per ton ............ 25.00
Eggs ......................... 20
Retail Prlee.
Alfalfa Hay. ................ 30.00
Alfalfa meat 2.10
Bacon, per pound ............. 46
Best Lard, ten pounds ...... 2.25
Butter, two poundd ........... 70
Chop ............. • .......... 2.00
Corn ........................ 2.40
Flour, .per sack: .... ......... 2.50
Ground Barley • ............. 2.40
Ham, per pound .............. 40
Mill run, 80 pounds ..... ;.;.. 1.40"
Oats ........................ 2.75
Oil meal .................... 3.65
Scratch feed ................ 2.90
Wheat, 125 pounds, ....:.(.... 8.60
Sugar, per 100 pounds ..... 9•25
The local America--'--- Legion Post
held its monthly meeting at the Town
Hall Wednesday night. Following the
meeting the boys were surprised by
a lunch of ice cream, cake and coffee
erved by a number of their sisters.
dren were present, and the only ab- In the matter of V'rcd Christain,
sent members of the family were failure to pay reward toward Ire sup-
Roh,,rt Parrish and Mrs. Magrie port of chihiren, order issued giving
two weeks to appear and show
attle. The court set Saturday, May 14t:h,
for the drawina" of a jury list of
Ca,'lson and their families from Se-
The Kamilche Cougars defeated the
ninety names to hear the condemna-
tion suits of the city of Tacoma for
Cushman power site lands, right of
way and damage contests.
Summit baseball team m a fourteen
inning battle staged on the old Roll- Hoodsport, Agate and Kamilche
way grounds last Sunday. It was a divided the (lance crowds last Satur-
lively game with many errors on clay evening, with a large number of
the part of both teams on account of local, people attending each.
rain• The Kamilche boys now wish ------7-;-
to schedule a game with the Shelton
high school team.
The local Boy Scout organization
entertained 'at the Odd Fellows hall
Monday evening with a lively social
which was well attended. The even-
ing was spent in games and music
and refreshments were served by the
scouts. The boys also provided the
guests with a program of entertain-
ment. The balance of the receipts
of the social will be used to help de-
fray the expenses of the scouts' an-
nual mountain trip.
Miss Hannah Lawson. who has
bedn in charge'of the Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital since it was opened six
months ago, closed her ,services and
left for California ]Vlonda/. Miss
Marha Whitman. who has also been
connected with the local institution
since its opening, succeeds Miss Law-
son in its management.
Reductions in silver-plated knives
and forks and spoons average from
12/ to 20 per cent, and in sterling
20 per cent. The new prices were
effective May 1st. I. N. Wood, Jew-
eler, Shelton.
The local committee announces
June 1, 2 and 3 as the dates upon
which the Chautauqua will be leld
here. Every effort has been made to
bring before the people of this county
a group of entertainers in various
lines and the program will touch all
phases of life for the help, encour-
agement and entertainment of people
of every taste.
If you like music the Oakley Con:
cert Trio, with their program o
vocal and instrumental nuntbers or
the Emerson Winter Company with
pianologues, bird imitations and cos-
tume sketches will please you. Frank
Await with the Hawaiian guitar (and
Miss Mackenzie in piano sketches
and songs will be equally entertain-
Edwaru Tomlinson of Atlanta, Ga.,
Harry Hibschman of Spokane, and
Dr. G. M. Klepfer of Spokane will
deliver a series of lectures on Amer-
icanism and American ideals in a
most vigorous and convincing style.
Miss Maybelle Lahatte will appear
;n a program of Lories for vt,m and
old. The American-All Detachment
will presenf a program of song and
other entertainment features.
At a meeting of the guarantors on
Tuesday evening Mrs. M. D. Knee-
land was selected chairman and C. A.
Paine secretary-treasurer. Commit-
tees were selected and plans are now
being- worked out for the sale of
enough tickets to,make the Chautau-
qua pay out and leave a substantial
balance for the Memorial Fund.
Everyone interested in good, whole-
some entertainment should buy a
ticket and sell one to their.neighbor.
Adult season ticket $2.00, children's
ticket $1.00.
A constantly increasing demand for
farm lands in this state is reported
by Land CommiSsioner C. V. Savidge,
who is now preparing for the July
sale of state lands.
"For the past two years the appli-
cations for purchase of state lands
have increased 50 per cent over the
total for any similar period," said Mr.
Savidge. "Whether due to demands
of immigrants or a genuine 'back to
the farm movement' we cannot de-
termine, but we know there never has
been a time when state agricultural
lands have been in as great demand.
Market conditions minimize the de-
mand for timber lands."
is now on display in our
You will find here the
new styles and shapes.
. J "'.
l i Surday," May 7th
,, Wil|iam ):ox :pre'Kents:
startling story of a dual
Sunday, May 8th
Metro Pictures present:
Episode Four of
"The Lost City"
The great wild animal serial
Wednesday, May 11
Two Shows 7 & 9 p.m.
Marshall Neilan presents his
great boy star.
Scenario by •Marion Fairfax
A First National Attraction
and Ford Educational Weekly
/'o accommodate the crowds
t..who wish to see this big fen-
,lure two complete show will
,be run. Come early. First
show at 7 o'clock,
I Don't let then miss this
'igo-S-how-;n Thursday Evening
Hereafter unless Specially Ad-
I vertised.
r '
00mre00: ($irt (00ra00uute
Nothing is more dear to the heart
of tie sweet girl graduate than gifts
of Jewelry. . .
They are both sensible and approprg-
ate: A few of the scores of ugges-
tions are:
00ooh, 00eweler
The Shelton Pharmacy
A Prompt and Reliable Prescription Service
and a good place to buy your Drugs
, and Toilet Staples
Fine Candies and Gift Novelties
Try our fountain service for ice cream and
• cooling drinks
,, Wynne Stewart, Prop.
'are what the public wants and this store stands ready to help
the public,
EXTRA SPECIAL Today and Sattrday Only
CORNED :BEEF, per pound ...................... 1 5C
PICKLED PIGS' FEET, 2 lbs for'. .......... " ...... 25€
COMPOUND ................. . ......................
• . 25c
PURE A.R D .....................................
MAY 11
We will ieature a 0he.Dollar Day
You will find manybargains through-
out the dry goods department for $1.
A few more pieces of plaid ginghams •
have arrived in yellow and blue; also a
few pieces of dependable Jap Crepe.
The latest in Collar and Cuff Sets,
hemstitched and,embroidery trimmed.
McDonald & Co: