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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 6, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 6, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AUTO STAGE LINES: #ROCEEDINGS OF THE " Brags lines an auto truck ]ines in "Saturday A;-;&apos;-";2;i" '-i::;d-'o'; County Commissioners met 111 special session. Present W. A. Hunter and Win• E. Daniels, chairman, and clerk of tbe boar ., The" follot[hg,bids for the eonstrud- Uohof the SdnnySlde:Skokomlsh bridg E were opened and read at 10 a. m.: Union Bridge Conlpany ...... $23,763.25 The Hart Const. Co. Ins ...... 24,991.00 It. ]£. Mieth ................. 26,100.00 W. T. Butler'.... ............ 27,350.0D Nicholas 'FIdiness ........... 26,750.00 O. H. Stratton .............. 25,400.00 Monson-Trierwciler Co ....... 26,190.0() Moved by W. A. Hunter and seconded by Win. I0. Daniels that the cataract for the construction of the Sunnyside- Skokomish bridge, be awarded to Union Iridge Company, for the amount of $23,763.25 as this wan the lowest and beat bid received. Carried. On motion the board adjourned to me e)t Monday, May 2. 1921. WM. E. DANIELS, Chairman. IONE W• DOYI,E, Clerk.' Monday, May 2, 1921. Board of Coun- ty Commissioners met in special se- slon. Present W. A. Hunter, S. W. Blanton and Chairman %Vm. E, Daniels and clerk of the board. The following bids for supplying the Court House with wood were opened and read at 10 a. m.: John Kneeland. 16-inch wood at $2.40 per rick and 18 Inch at $2.50 per rick. F. H. Stevens. 16 inch and 18 Inch wood at $2.48 per rick. Victor A. Johnson, 16 Inch and 18 inch wood at $3.00 per rick. V. E. Paul $2.30 par rick 16 inch wood and $2.50 per rick 18 inch wood. Moved and carried that the contract be awarded to V• E. Paul as this was best bid received. Petition presented by H. R. Dickinson et al, protesting against further im- provement of the Lake Cushman road and asking that the work be abandoned and that the Hoodsport-Lake Cushman Real estate transfers furnished road be built. Moved and carried that weekly by Mason County Abstract this petition be rejected. Delegation from Detroit and Stadium & Title. Company: appeared before the board urging that Grace I)I Paterson and husband to the Detroit-Extension road be built Le Roy T. Wilson wd; land apnrox 5 Commissioners advise that they will x125 in ne .orner tract 44 Concord build part of tiffs road next year. Beach add., Mason county, con 10. Moved and curried that Edgar J. North Bay-Olympia Oyster Co. to W. Vrlght be appointed justice of the J. Waldrlp and Guy Garfield wd; Oy- )eace for Detroit precinct. star land in North Bay also lots 1 to 14 Engineer filed report of Detroit Ex- bl ] and lots 1 to 7 ine blk 81-Ailyn, tension road• Moved and carried that con 1.00 this report be accepted and that Men- Clyde. J. P, aekus and w to .Tobn T. day, June 6th. 1921. at 10 a. m.. be set ]2eden wd; No. ]4 50 as. lot 6-8-21-1, for the hour and date of iearing. con $1.00. 1,V. T. Putnam and A. I lurbank ap- G(mrge C. Vhle'(,11t and w to Ernest. peared before the board presenting peti- tion urging that the eonlnllssJoners lne E. Valdrip wd; loi 4 scc 21-19-3. build a ferry across Lake Cushman. ex 2. 3 ae cl,n .10. Albert Pfnedt and w to l,outs Pfundt IClled. wd; sw se ]5-21-.t, con $3,000.. l{ond of Harold al] c1 n] O)r the ' establishnlent el tile Low Land rolld GOVT SHOULD PAY MORE .,ed ,.it. t.e bo00,'d 00loved an,1 COl- • ried that th,, hond and pt.titiou be a])- • provbd and that the enginuer be tn- struei.od it, survey and report to tile (Continued from page 1) board. ,MI)v(?d and carried that the bond of 3].7 in WashinTtlm and 71.9 per cent Edgar J. \\;\'right as justl('o or' l}) lmnce in W.voli'nff, for Detroit precinct be al)proved At the thirll session of the sixty- I :xhw,,d and carried ttat the treasurer be Jn,il'tl('.te(] tc [rILnsl'¢'l" [l'ODl |i,e road sixth Congress the Sells bill, which ,,,d bric/gc "Ill t tile S),'('i,d real provided :for graduated allocation Of bond fun, tl e ,mount nf .il0..73 to the 'cost of construction on :th'e basis c.ver paynl,,t latdc ozl Kc,,t & lay: of acreage owned, passed tid House iI,KsDnle contract froln this fund ,by a majority of 220 and received 42{ 1,,l,,eri,,n from t'armin" districts ap- I,t'arod btdurc ,the boar(i askill the :for compared with 33 against in the ,:,,iny t. 11, d ; ((,a, v d.. ,Icv,.d Senate. Eft!errs bare ]Jeell rcne%Ved and carried .hltt 'the e(mnty hold a fair this y(;t{  and lha.t vVar,',,, IAIIC(IIII b€2 to bare the present congress pass the appointed to ace as 1)rusident bill. . ,((,mm'mdva{lon received From tlle Pe- lt is n just and fair measure and 'nmna (h'o,'t. stating' thtt they are in shouhl be enacted intoAaw., for it i laver (,f holding a c'ounty'Tair this fall. nanifestly unfair '•while owning as i ],'lied. loved and seconded that acceptance the:case of evada, nine-tenths of a] ,, b'rcd Wyatt as registration officer be. the land ih the state, for the federal approved goveent,o requie that-half he moved and earriqd that the tress - urer's report for the nlonth of March. expense of constructing mill,roT, post 1921 be approw,d. .. and similar higbsvas b borne'by the l,pies of resolutions passed by the, state. ) "" .... Shelton (]range NO'. ;t(3 and Pomona{ Grange asking that a change be made ] The people of the tes cpncerue( in the office cf the county agriculturist. I sbotild urge their,satin,ors ind rap Movbd: .and. carried that these resohl-. tions be iliad a.s no specific reason was resentati.ves in Congress to pros given for such change. their cause vigorously, for not only i{Uls and regulations and require- is it jUSt but unless some such lief mcnts for tle maintenance of the pri- or adjustment is affected there is mary highways tiled with the board. danger%hat in ffistances like Nevada communication received from P. V. Nonce in regard to construction of ,be the burden will be too great for the Meadows road. As no right of way has taxpayers to endure, with the result been procured the commissioners cannot %hat progress in this respect may be call for contract. 'seriously, impeded: Letter received from Department of , Labor in regard to employing married men on the county roads. Filed• Letter rcc.eived from Eleano I-Ia]l ' " ' asking for samples of products for State Fair, Letter referred to county agent. Letter received from War Department . in regard to the completion of a bridge acrqss Case'& Inlet. On motion the board adjourned o meet the following day. Tuesday, May 3. 1921. oved and carried that the gas report for the month DF April 1921 be approved. Reports of the County Agriculturist and County Nurse for the month of April. 1921 approved and filed• V. E• Paul and Mason County to furnish Court House with 85 rick of 16 inch of V. E. Paul in the sum of $233 be "• '': '(ftPetitere' lno.,,bet-w-eren wood and 15 rick of 18 Inch wood to be delivered September I 1921. Motion made and carried that the cash bond approved. Bid for county printing for the year Tahe oup.,Cn--s00o * submitted by the Mason County Jour- nal. Moved and carried that the Coun- ty allow the Mason Collnty Journal 75c " . Der..coYumn :inch for the first insertion, This season carry  Kodak. and 50 cents per column inch for each subsequent insertion and lhat the bid with you on all your trips, be accepted with the change noted above. Keep pictures to recall the Delegation consisting of the Town faces and scenes. Start the Cot/nctl and Mayor and citizens of the town met with the County Board to year right, discuss the most feasible route to be adopted for the Olympic -Ilghway. otkl $ttl u1ples Motions made by the delegation as follows: Moved and carried that route T/l of the highway coming into the town ""'-g'l{g a.ll pLO-- of Shelton. run along First street to ckman Photo :Railroad st:root. Moved and carried that the route continue alon Railroad Post Ofee Building) Shelton street from First street to Fifth street, and frpt)l IPtfth to Alder over the Cem- etery }[lll. (A]l( motion ununimous.) , Moves and carried that a committee "' ,/ .... be appointed 'to Ihtervtew the State .... ,00,reatrsuit Values M ,At Lower Prices this state, all of which have come into existence :dgring the past six years, L. D, Canrdo is in charge of the !ut¢ !'trin0 section of the De'ptfilent::d l,l,;:',Works, es- timates.//Soine aif? :t=; men have fixed  number of lines: ts high as 3,000, but Mr. Conrad bases his esti- mate  the number of licenses issued last yelv. It is likely, state officials concede, i that many auto stage lines have been: operating under "for hire" licenses and this fact may work to their dis- advantage when they claim prior rights for having been first on the routes tbe seek to cover now. There also will e an interesting 'check-up when the auto transportation section compares its list of stages and auto trucks' with those for which 1921 licenses have been issued. The auto transportation section points out the fact that one of the interesting fea- tures about the new law is that it requires owners to get:,he proper license  in the first instance if they seek protecti0n.j ..... . . :  . Before the rules and regulatiolis that will govern auto transport ati( companies finally are adopted i lea- s will b# given owners at Olympia ay 11= Copies q entative rules ave been distrbuted. :REAL ESTATE TRANSF00S That is :war we are offering in the new- est Curies models for men nd young men. , Young men's brown , and gieen mixed in single and double breasted at $27.50 to $32.50 are exception- al values. Fine blue serge, guaranteed 100 per cent pure wool at $35 E;¢ery piece of mer- chandise in this store is marked to conform to, the New Spring S. (Ofllelal Publication) STATE1KINT .0F.STATE BANK OF SHELTON ...... Rif'the flnaneidl ondition of the State Bank of Shelton, located at Shelton, ,ate,£ ,¢ahmgton, at the close of business on the 28th day of April, 1921. .:e,  " :. A. 'j RESOURCES " : Loans and discounts  . r  ............................ . .. : .;. $451505.46 1 Overdrafts . : :: .......................... None U. S. Bonds, Certificates o'Indebtedness, War' Savings' an(]" " Thrift Stamps. ................ : ............. ' .. ' ...... 78,414.38 Other bonds and warrants .... .................... ....... ... 180,071.70 Banking house..... ................................... , .... 3,000.00 Furniture and fixtures .'... ..... ; .... • ; ..................... 926.10 Cash on hand, clearing house items, and due from approved reserve agents (Legal reserve ........................... 317,022.55 Outside checks and other cash items ......................... 368.78 U. S. Liberty Bonds borrowed ............................... 60,000.00 Total. $1,091,508.97 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund Undivided profi'ts" ieJ 'egegeL "'ieg "&h" : : : : l : : 111"1 : l : 25,0o0.00 34,650.83 Demand deposits .............. , ............................ 639,628.93 Time deposits .............................................. 307,229.21 Bonds, borrowed ........................................... 60,000.00 Total.. State of W''linn','unj" of" Mon: ; ................. $1,091,508.97 I, C. I. Pritchard, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly wear that the foregoing etatement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' . . C.I. PRITCHARD, Caahier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May, 1921. "' ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Shelton, Washington. ' : Correct. Attest: MARK E. REED, ":. GRANT C. ANGLE, "• ' ": ' * Directors. T Highway Commissioner in regard to the route discussed by the present delega- tion. Cilairman of the Board appointed the following: ,V• A. Hunter to rep- resent, the Commissioners, Mr. A, L• cll to represent the Council, Mr. Angle ) represent the citizens, also Mr. Wil- :y, %Va]laee Johnson and Mr• Reed to accompany the delegation. Construction ],ngincer report on tbe Maintenance of the Primary State High- ways for the InOnlh of APril, 1,.}21, ap- proved as fc]h,ws: Navy Yard High- t l Denmson Goods " ........ . : Our Spring shipment of these well known goods has just arrived direct from the East. This shipment includes many items impossible to get on the Coast for several months past. The same quality, and put up as before. In this shipment are tags, gummed labels, pre- serve labels, address labels, sealing wax, gum- mad index and reinforcements, gold and silver stars, crepe paper party hats, decorated shelf paper, napkins, picnic sets, streamers, nut cups and paper flags and fans. The new hand-carved sealing wax seals are in at 50c each. Greeting Cards Scatter cheer with Greeting Cards. We have appropriate cards)for all occasions. TAHUYA Mrs. E. Phanof returned to her 'home in Seattle Thursday after a two weeks' visit with the Lodwicks. A number of our people took in way, Sac. N,,. ]. $75.09: See. 2. $118.39; the O. E. SI. dance at Hoodsport last sac No. 3, $224.03, and t)]ympic Higll- Saturday night and report a fine way: See. No. 1. $56.04: Soc. No. 2. $17.21: Sac. No. 3, $1399.51, and See. 4, time. " $ S374.81. S. Carlsen returned from the Hot Al)Proved and transmitted to the State lltghway,el'. Springs Tuesday and seems o ]lave gained but little relief from his rhea- mat,sin. Charles Sunberg is visltin the Coldenvin's. Mr. and Mrs V. T, Know]ton wore dinner mmsts of tile Kellogg home Wednesday evening. Little Annie Co]devOn has been quite ill but is now improving. An enidemic of colds seems preva- lent in this district. Mrs. Lodwick, Mr.. Phnnof and Mrs. Luark wm'e ffuesl: of Mrs. Knowlton at lunch Wednesday. S]V-ITI'I AND -IGIT GIAD- ' -XAMIIATIOIS S'V('111]] an(1 ],]luhth (Jru(le T,x,qln{na- iion. will be! held on ]lay 19th and 21) t }l, ] .€) : ] at the fo]](,Will p]a,e,s : lillc(dll sc}lcu){ blli|din , Sh,qt())l ('Itr- sla|rs sch,)o] } l () I1 ,'4 (  ( (['11 l'l'¢'lll s('h¢)o] ) , Auat,, chcol. Allyn s(,ho,fl, t{oo(lsport S('|I,)(,} allt{ II:11'sth), S(?}l(.)l. '{'h, nl.oElq{lll for th eXilll*lin[{lion {S {1 f¢)]]OWS: Thursday, A. :lVl',--Clrnmnar, Spelling'. P. M.--{,l}g'},ih t,ra(]e tli,¢lnry :rod ('Iv- J'e.q. ,{IIIIlltki TrEtinil,R'. HOnlt' E((inooltes.  I'JC111 t111•(}. , l-lday, A, IVL.Arlthnot{e. l¢ondin', (v(ntil (Ira(le tlistory. P. /L--l'ilysi- el (,'y, ( ] eo'l'a.]h y. , The General Questi.ns may be an- swered at any (,iH/volli(.nt ttme. TO DESTROY SIGNS I%IAI{y M, KNI(2TTT, o 6 13 0t Lounty Sutennt ndent .... "" ,' ,,'"' i  " 2" The state patrolmen who will be • ' I sent out under the new ]ax tO cover : ' CO3/IUIXTY' CI.IqT3E 'DATES [the highways an(l look out for speed --., ,. ..... [and other 'violators, have been in- Apr. 29, 1921 ...... . J. J....C1oqflfi]hlm/structed': to remove . and de- a ;:, if,21;. .........  ..... <, .... -:'.A,.Uyh.stroy from the right of wav of the '*. 2 .,2 ; .  . , .... %V .%an]l[CllC " . " • • May 13. 1921"..Dayton at. Shelton Valley { state roads all signs and a(lvertmmg, May 16. 1921, Skokolnish, and Hoo(ls [ and ths will include some of the big Ma ]° Cgaal at Hoodsport _ . signs advertising autos n(l equip- V tj 1. 1 .................... A ai:e m " " " MaWr "7' 19')1 Zato$otr ant. The state automobile assocla- May -- 191...,: .......... :..,Krant tmn m also urging ts ,members to 7he Journal Stationery Shop tear down the sgns of all kinds plastered on trees, fences and scenic points along the roads, which dis- figure the beauty of the highways. Aside from getting rid of the un- sightly ads, the object is to leave little to distract atntion from the signals, warnings and direction signs which are authorized by law or nec- essary for th8 proper direction of the traveller. LOGGED-OFF LAND Logged-off land for sale' to actual settlers. Price $3.00 per acre ad up according to location, topography and character of soil. Liberal terms of payment and interest on deferred payments at the rate of six percent per annum. Liberty bonds taken in payment at par, SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY When the surface crunbles under the drag, the road is too dry to drag. The (lust thus formed may blow away, robbing the road of its cement- ing material. CONCRETE WORK I am prepared to put in con- crete sidewalks and do concrete work at the cemetery at reas- onable prices. Let me give you prices on your work. AL STOATS LEAVE ORDERS WITH F. C. WILLEY, SHELTON HOME COOKLNC  , 'QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PEACE TO EAT IS AT ,, Paine's:Restaurant • . SBORT ORDERS , .: ICE CREAM QUICK SER'ICE .... ' AND LUNCHES' I NEW SEASONABLE GOODS I We have just received [rom the East a shipment o! fresh, seamnab]e goods which have been scarce m Shelton [or some time wearing the wrong corset all'your life without kno.wing it • But never without suffering from it in appearance) health, temperor all three. Your first GO$ SAR D >c T ' CaSE scientKically designed, cxpertly chos.en, properly fitted, may very probably mean .:, a total change lathe way your dressmaker ' {peas at youand, the way you loot at j ,.,ourse!f. ' • . : ...... - " We offer these original front lacing corsets • ,,.  ' .t moderate priceswell within the reach of every woman, and we will assume full re- sponsibility for.your con:ple satlsfadtiom Special in Ladies' Silk H00se We have one num- ber of ladles' silk hose which we have decided to close out and are offering it at a big reduction. This is a pure silk hose wfth clock stitching in black only. This is the highest quality silk hose we carry and is of beautiful tex- ture. The former price was $5.00 We are closing, it out at per pmr $3.00. New Notions Trimming Braids, Buttons, Laces, new Collar and Cuff Sets of the latest material and patterns are now in stock in abundance. All kinds of middy trimming and pig tail braids. The new collar and cuff Sets are especially pretty and in big demand. A - Bath Towel Bargain • " During this season of the year you are most likely replenishing your household nleclSf and one of ,the neees#ary articles is bath towels. We have been fortunate in securing a large quantity of fine bleached heavy turkish towels. It is an" extra large ize,' being 26x45 inches. The former price of this towel was 90c each, ,and we are ' , , offering them now at each .... 50e For.Graduation FrOcks Jersey Silk Petticoats New Curtain Goods Graduation Gift For this occasion w. m'e showing This is a new assortment of We are now showing a Suggestions some beautiful nw white and eel- skirts and is one of the nicest lot nice line of curtain nets, at ored organdies. This: is the most we have had and at this prieo of surprisingly low prices. Also EOR THE GIRLS: Silk hose, poPut'gr 'material of the season, $5.00 they will prove fast sellers, new lace panels for windows, Spring Sweater, Hair Ornaments, mni:Veare lucky in being able to and you should select your color %eqr'e it. ' ' ' " while the assortment is complete, doors, etc. Kid Gloves, Dress Materials. Various qualities at 70¢4 90c and We have them in navy, Kelley Let us figure with you FOR THE BOYS: Silk Hose, Caps, $1.25 per yard. green, brown, rose and purple, for your new curtains. Hats Silk Shirts, Shoes. THOS O'NEILL S h( :on,,. . i Washington: