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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 2 SI,TON-MASON COCIY JOURNAE- Published in "Chr,stmastmvn, U. helton, Lqhln SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S I BLOUSES JAMAICAS SHORT SHORTS Solids Stripes H, i, ql i, iii DAY AND MOTHER (ESPECIALLY i, Garland Sweaters s69s Swim Suits q3 9s , FROM PARKER'S) i Smart Two Piece DRESSES *1195 LOVES CLOT PEOAL :::H: R S o $ ,CAPRI Top Sail, Plaids, Solids Etc PARKER'S MR. and MRS. SHOP - 123 Railroad Ave. GOING TO [WARC to View SEATTLE ? &tt..,,, .,SOEO" ] S, Security Problem Cortland Skinner (f tire Olym- JItLML,P  Be a . DORIC guestl [pia office o:f Departnwnt of So- |clal Security will be speaker at • Center of Downtown the r,,guh, r ,n,,,'ting of 'the Maso. CoUnty chapter of Washington As- SooHIo socia ti,,n for Retarded Chil(lrcn at • Modern, comfortable rooms -- IV, radio e Golden Egg D;ning Room and Cogee Shop • Oeken Bucket Lounge • Parking Available • No Charge for Children Under 14 • Honor All Major Cred;t C,r $ Fj SO 250 meres from 3 G. L Potty, Mgr. VRITIE FOR ATTPCTIYE FOLDER 8 p,ln., let'iday, in lcge)'s School. The public is invited and ques- ti():s about s(;cial security prob- l('>, will be w(ilc:oi])e. The II(>w ol'.ficcrs for the 1959- 60 term will be Lestt!r S1)ilseth, presldt.nt;V[rs. M. Rebnlan, vie(; president; M's. Carl Kimbcl, sec- retary; Dr,t1 Smith, tre,sllro)' a)ld trustees, Boh Kimbel, Mrs. M. D. Parrelt arid Mr.. Les Spilseth. Anyone interested In the prob- lems of rotarded children are wel- come at. the meetings. Odd Fellows to Salute Rebekahs A Mother's I)sy program is planned for Friday evening's meeting of the Ruhy Reh'kah I.a)dge No. 75 at eight Cclock ill tho Odd Fellows hail. In charge of the program will he Odd Fel- lows, Delmar Cole, T. J, Watts and 'arl Moore. Refreshments will be served by Orin Ellison, Robert Boad and Clay Berry. The Rebekahs will sponsor a food sale Friday in the Tradewell Store. I I I I I I I / I II II II • WE'RE BACK IN BUSIN THIS AD WORTH $3.00 TO YOU On Bill's Septic Tank Service PHONE HA 6-2442 - FOR APPOINTMENT i II I II I I I i I I Rayonier Pays Property Tax Under Protest The fir';t half of tile 1959 prop- ery t, ax(-'s levied by Mason Coun- ty agnin,% lhc, l,ayonivr Shelton lmlp mill wore paid htsl. Thursday andre" protest. This confirmed a previnus statement that the com- pany would take such acti(m fol- lowing ils unsuccessful appeals for leliof before both the Mason Coun- ty Board of Equalization and the Stato Tax Commission. IN A 1,ETTER to John B. Cole, Mason County Treasurer, Rayon- ier contends that the 1959 tax is based st)on all excessive arid un- lawful valuation. The company has argued that the assessment should be equalized and reduced because the nfil! has been closed and non- operating since.' August. 9, 1957, and that the value of a manufac- turing plant is, in large part, de- termined by its ability to produce inconle. G. C. Eek, Rayonier spokesman. also pointed oat that the Shelton plant is obsolete and is not capa- ble of producing the quality of chemical cellulose for which there is current customer demand. Eck emphasized that Rayonter recognizes its obligation to con- tribute its fair share of revenue to support local govemmcnt and has taken this into consideration in making its determination of the true value of the property. PAYMENT UNDER protest pernfits the company to take fur- ther legal action should it so de- WIN HONORS IN VFW ESSAY CONTEST-- George Wagner, a sixth grade student at Mt. View school, and Jill Jeffery of the Evergreen school are shown here accepting honorable men. tion citations from Larry Godwin, adjutant ARMY TAPE RECORDINGS SLA TED MAY M cide. An extremely interesting pro- ............................................ gram will be in store fez' all who attend the P.T.S.O. meeting Thurs- SASHAYERS PLAN J day :May 14. The meeting will be- ' m at 8 00 m in theJumo }hgh BIRTIIDAY DANCE Is : ... ,,. ,  ...... , i School Aunil;orium. L'ne alty ;'Jansnayel's Setluare [ .v v,x,,r-.'smA,r,w"wA't- ÷o , Danse club will hold its amal I r, =,,,.=,,,,,.-.=v,,,-, v= btrthdav arty on Ma'v 23 at the ]c°rding will be played to the audi- ' ", '- ' ' > ence This is an informational type Woman s chzbhousc at Ice'fitch ....  . from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. All inter- tape, made up by the )etense Le- partment. It is an investigation of the mass surrender of troops dur- eased square dancers are invited to attend. Caller for the evening will be the well-known Willis Dodge of Tacoma. Journal Want Ads Pay FERGUSON FLOWERS ing tile Korean War. The tape is a narration by a convincing and capable agent of the Army Medical Corps. He is speaking to a meeting of Navy Personnel of tile San Francisco Bay Area. The question of why U. S sol- diers submitted to brain washing is answered. How to prevent such a submission in the future is an all important conclusion that must be heard' to be believed. All par- ents with children of any age from the cradle through the teen years should be vitally interested. Par- ents have an important job to do ami one that many parents prob- ably never thought of before. THE CONCLUSIONS made from questioning thousands of return- ing U. S. prisoners of war are startling and sizould cause all adults to take stock of their think- ing concerning the raising of their children. 'World to Christ WS(N Theme • "]'lie World to Christ We Bring,' will be the program pre- sented by Mrs. H. W. McClary at Wednesd'ay's meeting of the Woman's Sncicty of Christian Ser- vice in the Methodist church. The meeting slated to begin at 7:30 will be the annual joint meeting with the Wesley Circle Mrs..Charles T. HaSten will be in charge of the worship service and will install tile new officers. Mrs. Mell Mmson's Circle will be hostess, Births Clinic tIospltal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolden, 643 Dearborn, a boy, April 29. Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, 815 Cascade, a boy, May 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mann, 1331 West Turner, a boy, May 6. SURPRISE VISIT: Mrs. H. G. Berg was pleasanly surprised by an unexpected visit last week from her son, Richard, and his wife. Mr. Berg's trip, made as a representative of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce in con- junction with the first through flight of the new PNA Airlines from Kodiak to Seattle. WARC RUMMAGE SALE The Mason County Chapter, Washington Association for Re- tarded Children, is simnsoring a rummage sale, May 15 and 16, in a building located between First and Second Streets on Cots. Any- one wishing to donate to the sale is asked to call HA 6-3724. PLANT AND RLIIMMAGE SAIX: A plant and rummage sale is slaled for Friday and Saturday, in the old dimestore on Cots Street by the members of the three guilds of St. Mary's Altar Society. I • Beautiful potted plants or corsages for Mother's Day. • Send flowers by wire. • Colorfdl arrangements made to order, Y0u'll love our spring-fresh plants , . . " They add color and charm to any room. Give a heavenly bouquet to delight your , "best girl." k A pleasing surprise for distant Morns ( are flowers by wire from Ferguson'sl 103 RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8153 quartermaster of the VFW for their essays on the sgbje©t "What a loyal American means to me." The pair received a Forest Festival button besides the citation. Mark Zerr of Bordeaux school won first place in the contest, i Journal photo, iegler print.) Nearly New Sale Special Music Sided Soars for Hospital Bordeaux Program The "Nearly New" sale last weekend netted the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild over $600 for the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. The Guild members wish' to thank all those who donated to I the sale and the public for its all out support of the ploject, report- ed Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, general chairman. The next meeting of the Guild will be held following a 12:30 hm- cheon Friday, May 15, in the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel. Mrs. F. C. Rockefeller will be co-hostess. Jobies to Elect New Officers Election of officers will be the main order of business for Friday evening's meeting of Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's Daughters in the Masonic Temple. The girls will also complete plans for the rummage sale on May 15 and 16. All members are asked to bring their rummage to this meeting. A car wash will also be discnssed for June 6. Approximately 25 members at- tended the fun party at the home of Honored Queen Valerie Lath- am's home, last Friday evening. L(@p J.O.G. Plans' Saturday Car Wash A meeting of the H. Enzo Loop Junior Orthopedic Guild wa"s held Monday in the Colonial House. Plans were made for the trip to the ocean, May 16. A bit of the unusual will be pre- sented in special music slated for Bordeaux PTA meeting at 8 ).m., Wednesday, in the Bordeaux mhool.. Music will be from the Elizabethan era by the Madrigal singers; Mrs. John Steinberg, Mrs. Bruce Kreger, Mrs. Anch'ew Bee- llk, Mrs. Freeman Felt, Bob Deth- lefs, Franklin Herrick, Louis Carl- son and Frank Porter 'During the short business meet- ing officers for the 1959-60 term will be installed New officers are Mrs. Richard Boiling, president; Mrs. Robert Nutt, first vice' pres- ident; Mrs. Bill White, second vice president; Mrs. Kelly Nutt, secre- tary and Mrs. Bmme Nelson, treas- urer. Dirt Dobbers Journey To District Meeting Several members of the Dirt Dobbers Garden Club attended the district Garden Club meeting last week in Bremerton. Those attend- ig flom the local club were Mrs. A. Goodwin, Mrs. Ivan Hootman, Mrs. George Inhoff, Mrs. Ira Yule, Mrs. J. F. Statsbery and Mrs. Ivar Carder. During the meeting new officers were elected for the William Jones spoke to the goup on orinthology and showed pic* turss of local birds. The Dirt Dobbers were asked to be acting clerks of the judgin contest on floral arrangements. NAVY MOTHERS CLUB This Saturday a car wash is planned by the girls flom 10 a.m. ' The regular hi-monthly meeting until 5 p.l. at the Union 76 sta- of the Mason County'Navy Moth- tion. Each ear will be washed for era Club will be held at 8 p.m., a dollar donation to the Seattle today,, Thursday, in the Memorial Ciflldren's Orthopedic Hospital. hall. ZONTA CLUB The regular dinner meeting of the Zonta Club will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 14, in the Colonial House. CANAL COURT SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Joe Huntley entertained 11 members of the Canal Court, Or, der of Amaranth Social Club at a potluck hmcheon and meetinglast Monday. . 'Marriages Applying for mariage licenses in the Mason county court house this past week were; Ronald R. Edstrom, legal, Port Orchard and Helen P. Rowley, le- gal, Bremerton. Wayne D, Smith, 33, Mt. Ver- non and Joanna Auklsmd, 15, Port Townsend. Joseph Wellman, 30, Tacoma and Gladys White, 39, Olympia. Charles Fletschman, 52, Shel- ton and Lucy Schofield, 43, Shel- toil Harold E. Baxter, 66, Port An- geles and Esta L. Spiegel, 67, Port Angeles. RUMMAGE SALE Ellinor Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star "will sponsor a rum- mage sale from 8:30 until 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday, in the PUD building. BRIDAL SIlOWER: Miss Glen- da Robertson was recently hon- ored by a bridal shower in the home of Mrs. Roy Rector, by tale members of St. Edward's Cath01Io church char. Daughters Fete Morns at Music Tea Mothers were honored at a mus- Ical tea givenby their daughters In Treble Cleijunior music club on Monday afternoon at the home of their counselor, Mrs. Louis Bock. This tea is held anmmlly during National Music Week, Tie program included a flute duet by Judy Antonsen and Linda Charrier, piano solos by Lois Lau- zon and Gayle Steensen, and a clarinet duet by Susan Hartline and Diane Antonsen, Leslie Sur- ratt sang "The Bells of St. Mary's." Members of the club sang two German folk songs and con- cluded the program with the sing- ing of "America the Beautiful." On display were the club's ,crapbook and awards from tim State and National Federation of Music Clubs with which Treble Clef is affiliated. tA 420 SOUTH Open 'til J.V. owner & KIMBEL'S QUALITY CA 1956 Plymouth Custom 'V8' Radio - Heater- Powerflite New Rebuilt Engine - Real Clea 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' 4-Door Heater - Standard Transmission . New paint 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Door Radio - Heater - Powerflite Transmission : Steering & Brakes - New Tires & paint 1955 Chrysler St. Regis 2-Door Radio- Heater- Powerflite Power Steering and Brakes - ShOt 1955 Ramble,ross Country Station fa g on Radio - Heater - Overdrive -- USED PICKUJPS -'- 1955 Dodge (Late Series) 3-Speed Transmission - 8-Ft. Box 1955 International ½-Ton PickuP t 3-Speed - Heater- New paint 1954 International R-112 8-Pass 4-Speed - 700 6-Ply Tires - Heater - 1953 Ford 'V8' -Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt Eng Ins See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st & KIMBEL MOT Chrysler -, Plymouth - Inte Rambler- American - Metropolitan 7o7 So. First St. 61FTS FOR MOTHER FROM MODE O' DAY FROCK SHOP EVERGREEN SQUARE PHONE HA 6-8293 Roes Bloom on CottOn Batiste snoop set Lullaby of roses.., oUP new qleepytime melody that's soft aa a cloud, carefree as a dream. The fbrtc is no-iron cotton batiste, adorned with lace. Panties are ruffled to match the own, S-M-L. Very Special good night sweet prints Drift off to d:eamland in a young, crefree gown of SOft cotton batiste... Jcattered with ull-blowa roses. Waltz |cngth, with buttons from the shapely neck tO the flounce'. S-M-L x. Pa 2 SI,TON-MASON COCIY JOURNAE- Published in "Chr,stmastmvn, U. helton, Lqhln SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S I BLOUSES JAMAICAS SHORT SHORTS Solids Stripes H, i, ql i, iii DAY AND MOTHER (ESPECIALLY i, Garland Sweaters s69s Swim Suits q3 9s , FROM PARKER'S) i Smart Two Piece DRESSES *1195 LOVES CLOT PEOAL :::H: R S o $ ,CAPRI Top Sail, Plaids, Solids Etc PARKER'S MR. and MRS. SHOP - 123 Railroad Ave. GOING TO [WARC to View SEATTLE ? &tt..,,, .,SOEO" ] S, Security Problem Cortland Skinner (f tire Olym- JItLML,P  Be a . DORIC guestl [pia office o:f Departnwnt of So- |clal Security will be speaker at • Center of Downtown the r,,guh, r ,n,,,'ting of 'the Maso. CoUnty chapter of Washington As- SooHIo socia ti,,n for Retarded Chil(lrcn at • Modern, comfortable rooms -- IV, radio e Golden Egg D;ning Room and Cogee Shop • Oeken Bucket Lounge • Parking Available • No Charge for Children Under 14 • Honor All Major Cred;t C,r $ Fj SO 250 meres from 3 G. L Potty, Mgr. VRITIE FOR ATTPCTIYE FOLDER 8 p,ln., let'iday, in lcge)'s School. The public is invited and ques- ti():s about s(;cial security prob- l('>, will be w(ilc:oi])e. The II(>w ol'.ficcrs for the 1959- 60 term will be Lestt!r S1)ilseth, presldt.nt;V[rs. M. Rebnlan, vie(; president; M's. Carl Kimbcl, sec- retary; Dr,t1 Smith, tre,sllro)' a)ld trustees, Boh Kimbel, Mrs. M. D. Parrelt arid Mr.. Les Spilseth. Anyone interested In the prob- lems of rotarded children are wel- come at. the meetings. Odd Fellows to Salute Rebekahs A Mother's I)sy program is planned for Friday evening's meeting of the Ruhy Reh'kah I.a)dge No. 75 at eight Cclock ill tho Odd Fellows hail. In charge of the program will he Odd Fel- lows, Delmar Cole, T. J, Watts and 'arl Moore. Refreshments will be served by Orin Ellison, Robert Boad and Clay Berry. The Rebekahs will sponsor a food sale Friday in the Tradewell Store. I I I I I I I / I II II II • WE'RE BACK IN BUSIN THIS AD WORTH $3.00 TO YOU On Bill's Septic Tank Service PHONE HA 6-2442 - FOR APPOINTMENT i II I II I I I i I I Rayonier Pays Property Tax Under Protest The fir';t half of tile 1959 prop- ery t, ax(-'s levied by Mason Coun- ty agnin,% lhc, l,ayonivr Shelton lmlp mill wore paid htsl. Thursday andre" protest. This confirmed a previnus statement that the com- pany would take such acti(m fol- lowing ils unsuccessful appeals for leliof before both the Mason Coun- ty Board of Equalization and the Stato Tax Commission. IN A 1,ETTER to John B. Cole, Mason County Treasurer, Rayon- ier contends that the 1959 tax is based st)on all excessive arid un- lawful valuation. The company has argued that the assessment should be equalized and reduced because the nfil! has been closed and non- operating since.' August. 9, 1957, and that the value of a manufac- turing plant is, in large part, de- termined by its ability to produce inconle. G. C. Eek, Rayonier spokesman. also pointed oat that the Shelton plant is obsolete and is not capa- ble of producing the quality of chemical cellulose for which there is current customer demand. Eck emphasized that Rayonter recognizes its obligation to con- tribute its fair share of revenue to support local govemmcnt and has taken this into consideration in making its determination of the true value of the property. PAYMENT UNDER protest pernfits the company to take fur- ther legal action should it so de- WIN HONORS IN VFW ESSAY CONTEST-- George Wagner, a sixth grade student at Mt. View school, and Jill Jeffery of the Evergreen school are shown here accepting honorable men. tion citations from Larry Godwin, adjutant ARMY TAPE RECORDINGS SLA TED MAY M cide. An extremely interesting pro- ............................................ gram will be in store fez' all who attend the P.T.S.O. meeting Thurs- SASHAYERS PLAN J day :May 14. The meeting will be- ' m at 8 00 m in theJumo }hgh BIRTIIDAY DANCE Is : ... ,,. ,  ...... , i School Aunil;orium. L'ne alty ;'Jansnayel's Setluare [ .v v,x,,r-.'smA,r,w"wA't- ÷o , Danse club will hold its amal I r, =,,,.=,,,,,.-.=v,,,-, v= btrthdav arty on Ma'v 23 at the ]c°rding will be played to the audi- ' ", '- ' ' > ence This is an informational type Woman s chzbhousc at Ice'fitch ....  . from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. All inter- tape, made up by the )etense Le- partment. It is an investigation of the mass surrender of troops dur- eased square dancers are invited to attend. Caller for the evening will be the well-known Willis Dodge of Tacoma. Journal Want Ads Pay FERGUSON FLOWERS ing tile Korean War. The tape is a narration by a convincing and capable agent of the Army Medical Corps. He is speaking to a meeting of Navy Personnel of tile San Francisco Bay Area. The question of why U. S sol- diers submitted to brain washing is answered. How to prevent such a submission in the future is an all important conclusion that must be heard' to be believed. All par- ents with children of any age from the cradle through the teen years should be vitally interested. Par- ents have an important job to do ami one that many parents prob- ably never thought of before. THE CONCLUSIONS made from questioning thousands of return- ing U. S. prisoners of war are startling and sizould cause all adults to take stock of their think- ing concerning the raising of their children. 'World to Christ WS(N Theme • "]'lie World to Christ We Bring,' will be the program pre- sented by Mrs. H. W. McClary at Wednesd'ay's meeting of the Woman's Sncicty of Christian Ser- vice in the Methodist church. The meeting slated to begin at 7:30 will be the annual joint meeting with the Wesley Circle Mrs..Charles T. HaSten will be in charge of the worship service and will install tile new officers. Mrs. Mell Mmson's Circle will be hostess, Births Clinic tIospltal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolden, 643 Dearborn, a boy, April 29. Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, 815 Cascade, a boy, May 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mann, 1331 West Turner, a boy, May 6. SURPRISE VISIT: Mrs. H. G. Berg was pleasanly surprised by an unexpected visit last week from her son, Richard, and his wife. Mr. Berg's trip, made as a representative of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce in con- junction with the first through flight of the new PNA Airlines from Kodiak to Seattle. WARC RUMMAGE SALE The Mason County Chapter, Washington Association for Re- tarded Children, is simnsoring a rummage sale, May 15 and 16, in a building located between First and Second Streets on Cots. Any- one wishing to donate to the sale is asked to call HA 6-3724. PLANT AND RLIIMMAGE SAIX: A plant and rummage sale is slaled for Friday and Saturday, in the old dimestore on Cots Street by the members of the three guilds of St. Mary's Altar Society. I • Beautiful potted plants or corsages for Mother's Day. • Send flowers by wire. • Colorfdl arrangements made to order, Y0u'll love our spring-fresh plants , . . " They add color and charm to any room. Give a heavenly bouquet to delight your , "best girl." k A pleasing surprise for distant Morns ( are flowers by wire from Ferguson'sl 103 RAILROAD PHONE HA 6-8153 quartermaster of the VFW for their essays on the sgbje©t "What a loyal American means to me." The pair received a Forest Festival button besides the citation. Mark Zerr of Bordeaux school won first place in the contest, i Journal photo, iegler print.) Nearly New Sale Special Music Sided Soars for Hospital Bordeaux Program The "Nearly New" sale last weekend netted the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild over $600 for the Seattle Children's Orthopedic Hospital. The Guild members wish' to thank all those who donated to I the sale and the public for its all out support of the ploject, report- ed Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, general chairman. The next meeting of the Guild will be held following a 12:30 hm- cheon Friday, May 15, in the home of Mrs. Roy Kimbel. Mrs. F. C. Rockefeller will be co-hostess. Jobies to Elect New Officers Election of officers will be the main order of business for Friday evening's meeting of Bethel No. 37, Order of Job's Daughters in the Masonic Temple. The girls will also complete plans for the rummage sale on May 15 and 16. All members are asked to bring their rummage to this meeting. A car wash will also be discnssed for June 6. Approximately 25 members at- tended the fun party at the home of Honored Queen Valerie Lath- am's home, last Friday evening. L(@p J.O.G. Plans' Saturday Car Wash A meeting of the H. Enzo Loop Junior Orthopedic Guild wa"s held Monday in the Colonial House. Plans were made for the trip to the ocean, May 16. A bit of the unusual will be pre- sented in special music slated for Bordeaux PTA meeting at 8 ).m., Wednesday, in the Bordeaux mhool.. Music will be from the Elizabethan era by the Madrigal singers; Mrs. John Steinberg, Mrs. Bruce Kreger, Mrs. Anch'ew Bee- llk, Mrs. Freeman Felt, Bob Deth- lefs, Franklin Herrick, Louis Carl- son and Frank Porter 'During the short business meet- ing officers for the 1959-60 term will be installed New officers are Mrs. Richard Boiling, president; Mrs. Robert Nutt, first vice' pres- ident; Mrs. Bill White, second vice president; Mrs. Kelly Nutt, secre- tary and Mrs. Bmme Nelson, treas- urer. Dirt Dobbers Journey To District Meeting Several members of the Dirt Dobbers Garden Club attended the district Garden Club meeting last week in Bremerton. Those attend- ig flom the local club were Mrs. A. Goodwin, Mrs. Ivan Hootman, Mrs. George Inhoff, Mrs. Ira Yule, Mrs. J. F. Statsbery and Mrs. Ivar Carder. During the meeting new officers were elected for the William Jones spoke to the goup on orinthology and showed pic* turss of local birds. The Dirt Dobbers were asked to be acting clerks of the judgin contest on floral arrangements. NAVY MOTHERS CLUB This Saturday a car wash is planned by the girls flom 10 a.m. ' The regular hi-monthly meeting until 5 p.l. at the Union 76 sta- of the Mason County'Navy Moth- tion. Each ear will be washed for era Club will be held at 8 p.m., a dollar donation to the Seattle today,, Thursday, in the Memorial Ciflldren's Orthopedic Hospital. hall. ZONTA CLUB The regular dinner meeting of the Zonta Club will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, May 14, in the Colonial House. CANAL COURT SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. Joe Huntley entertained 11 members of the Canal Court, Or, der of Amaranth Social Club at a potluck hmcheon and meetinglast Monday. . 'Marriages Applying for mariage licenses in the Mason county court house this past week were; Ronald R. Edstrom, legal, Port Orchard and Helen P. Rowley, le- gal, Bremerton. Wayne D, Smith, 33, Mt. Ver- non and Joanna Auklsmd, 15, Port Townsend. Joseph Wellman, 30, Tacoma and Gladys White, 39, Olympia. Charles Fletschman, 52, Shel- ton and Lucy Schofield, 43, Shel- toil Harold E. Baxter, 66, Port An- geles and Esta L. Spiegel, 67, Port Angeles. RUMMAGE SALE Ellinor Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star "will sponsor a rum- mage sale from 8:30 until 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday, in the PUD building. BRIDAL SIlOWER: Miss Glen- da Robertson was recently hon- ored by a bridal shower in the home of Mrs. Roy Rector, by tale members of St. Edward's Cath01Io church char. Daughters Fete Morns at Music Tea Mothers were honored at a mus- Ical tea givenby their daughters In Treble Cleijunior music club on Monday afternoon at the home of their counselor, Mrs. Louis Bock. This tea is held anmmlly during National Music Week, Tie program included a flute duet by Judy Antonsen and Linda Charrier, piano solos by Lois Lau- zon and Gayle Steensen, and a clarinet duet by Susan Hartline and Diane Antonsen, Leslie Sur- ratt sang "The Bells of St. Mary's." Members of the club sang two German folk songs and con- cluded the program with the sing- ing of "America the Beautiful." On display were the club's ,crapbook and awards from tim State and National Federation of Music Clubs with which Treble Clef is affiliated. tA 420 SOUTH Open 'til J.V. owner & KIMBEL'S QUALITY CA 1956 Plymouth Custom 'V8' Radio - Heater- Powerflite New Rebuilt Engine - Real Clea 1956 Ford Customline 'V8' 4-Door Heater - Standard Transmission . New paint 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4-Door Radio - Heater - Powerflite Transmission : Steering & Brakes - New Tires & paint 1955 Chrysler St. Regis 2-Door Radio- Heater- Powerflite Power Steering and Brakes - ShOt 1955 Ramble,ross Country Station fa g on Radio - Heater - Overdrive -- USED PICKUJPS -'- 1955 Dodge (Late Series) 3-Speed Transmission - 8-Ft. Box 1955 International ½-Ton PickuP t 3-Speed - Heater- New paint 1954 International R-112 8-Pass 4-Speed - 700 6-Ply Tires - Heater - 1953 Ford 'V8' -Ton Panel 3-Speed - Heater - Rebuilt Eng Ins See our large selection of Used on display on our lot at So. 1st & KIMBEL MOT Chrysler -, Plymouth - Inte Rambler- American - Metropolitan 7o7 So. First St. 61FTS FOR MOTHER FROM MODE O' DAY FROCK SHOP EVERGREEN SQUARE PHONE HA 6-8293 Roes Bloom on CottOn Batiste snoop set Lullaby of roses.., oUP new qleepytime melody that's soft aa a cloud, carefree as a dream. The fbrtc is no-iron cotton batiste, adorned with lace. Panties are ruffled to match the own, S-M-L. Very Special good night sweet prints Drift off to d:eamland in a young, crefree gown of SOft cotton batiste... Jcattered with ull-blowa roses. Waltz |cngth, with buttons from the shapely neck tO the flounce'. S-M-L x.