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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 SHELTON-MASON COITNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Chr{stma.fown "SHOW "HOW AND TELL WHY"is the motto of 4-H demon- strations. LEWIS J0LLIFF of Kamilche is following this phil- osophy as he demonstrates transplanting cabbage plants. This was his entry in the recent 4-H County Demonstration Contest. He is a member of the Kamilche Kubs led by Bruce Nelson. (Extension photo, Ziegler print.) IOLLY HANSEN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hanson, walked off with a blue ribbon at the 4-H Demonstration Contest recently in Shelton. She showed expert touch in pie crust mak- ing and is a member of the Kamilche Powderettes whose leader= are Mrs. Ed Fischer and Mrs. Bruce Nelson. (Extension,photo, Ziegler print. ) tER Neva Ith a oham- in mar- go on to 4-H Lkima this fall. 'ed as one of rs of the re- She is the nd Mrs. Mar- ( Extension sis up Fire fa.talitie a possible death toll of annua activities be by Junio sponsor of th( program lo With th rance Company fires at Ch in Arkan the serious Lmportance o month 30 die in fires. National Fir, statistic,, than 35 pe involve chil of age. Death alone number. said. This wa: dl-time rec senseless trag ag wi] the in are Junto: To o graduatln[ Success o light party 4. been call evening, e, an( schoo] Martha n Wednes Nurs €ason on Chap. of Alex- early :Mrs. Ma- Bremer- years. held at 1 Funer- of the Inter- Memorial son, Harold T: nephew, Carl tad: niece Eth- ALL took first second by the lub last made the at an Yards. lo£t pro rth plae cock at bar cock Ilugene will had as its elementary Pierce the annual I [ Tri-County [ As- [ Education Group Officers The Shelton Education Associa- deaux Elementary School, presi- dent; Winn Bartholmew, teacher, Bordeaux Elementary School, sec- retary; and Nits Mericle, teacher, Mountain View Elementary School, treasurer. The newly-elected president of the association departed on Fri- tion during its monthly meeting a' ',y May 1, for Spokane, wi]ere he the Evergreen Elementary Scho,- ,viil attend the two ctay meeting elected the following as their o1"- of the Washington Education As- ricers for the school year 1959-60: sociati')n Representative Assembly Victor Swanson, Principal of Boy- ins a delegate of the local unit. WEEK- END BARGAINS MARKED DOWN FOR MOTHER'S DAY! Just 9 of These! Rayon Lined i Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 Washable Waffle Weave $8 OO CO[ON LONG COATS ........... Now • 19 Reduced fear MotheP's Day! Waffle Weave Washable $',00 SHORT COATS ............................. No.w u-- sizes 8 to 16. Colors Pink, Blue, Rose. Rayon lined. 6 Give-Away Priced! Red and blue. Milium lined. ' A, LL'WOOL FLEECE DRESS $tr=00 COATS, Sizes 8-12 ................. Now JUt/---- 15 To Sell! Juniors, Misses, Half Sizes * ODDS AND ENDS BETTER DRESSES ......................... Reduced to Only 19 Sizes 12 to 20. Reduced to Clear! CIRCLE SKIRT COTTON DRESSES, 6-Yard Sweep ........ Now =2.oo 35 Greatly Reduced] Sizes 10 to 20's WASIIABLE PLEATED PLAID WOOL/ORLON SKIRTS ........ Now $00.00 Just 13 of these! Sizes 12 to 16. Bargains WASHABLE QUILTED NYLON ROBES, Prints, Plains ...... $8.00 5 Only! A Robe Mother Will Appreciate WASHABLE COTI'ON LONG ROBES,' Sizes 12-14's .... Now Just 3 of These! Black, White, Grey, Sizes 12-14 BROCADED RAYON $8.00 LONG COATS, Fully lined ...... Now Just 1 Left of These Pretty Coats, To Clear! RICH ORLON PILE SItORT COAT, Nylon lined .. Now ,12.oo 8 of These! 2 Black, Brown, Tweeds, Rayon Lined WATER REPELLENT RAYON $C.00 TWEED RAIN COATS ......... Now MEN'S WEAR PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY! Just 5 Left! Tan, Washable, 4 Med., 1 Large | RIBBED ORLON SLEEVELESS $A.OO SWEATER VESTS .................. Now ' "W---- Just 24. Sanforized. Machine Washable MEN'S SUNTAN SHIRTS Sizes 16-17 only ................ Now For ,1.7s Just 25. Sizes 15 and 16 Only. Shop Early! MEN'S Sanforized Chambray WORK SHIRTS ................. Bargain Only 30 of These! Grey Color. Washable. Special! MEN'S FLEECE IANED $ta00 SWEAT SHIRTS, sizes sml, med ..... .i.---- 8 Only. Washable Blue Denim and Grey Twill. 40 to 46 BLANKET LINED OVERALL $AsOO JACKETS, Zipper front .......... Now 2 Only! size 38, Snap Front. Rayon Lined. Save! ALL WOOL MELTON $1,OO GREY JACKETS, knit trims .. Now 150 of Thesel Woven Gingham Plaids, Stripes, Prints MEN'S BETTER LONG SLEEVE $t,50 SPORT SHIRTS ................. To Clear .t--- Every shirt sanforizcd, many "Wash 'n Wear" Save! Just 1 of These! Smart Herringbone Design MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COAT, size 40, 3-button ...... Now ,15.oo • Just 2 of Theset Charcoal Color. Size 42 LONG SLEEVE WASHABLE WOOL KNIT VESTS ! ......... r ._ Now $00,OO ,,,% Last Rites Held For John F. Gill Funeral services were held at 1 p_ m., Saturday for John F. Gill, o , Lilliwaup, who died Wednesday at his home Route 1 Box 121, Lilli- waup. Services were held under lhe direction of the Rev. Charles T. Hatten in the chapel of Witsiers Funeral Home. Burial was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Mr. Gill was born Nov. 6, 1888 in Noel, Me. and had made his home in Mason county for the past two and one half years. Surviving are his wife, Dora E., Lilliwaup; a son, Ff'ank Gill, Lil- liwaup; tvo daughters, Mrs..Clay- ton Busch, Brandon, Ore.; Mrs. James Dayson, Sunnyvale, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Maude Kirby, Kamiah, Ida.; Mrs. Temps Bart- tlet, Kamiah, Ida. and four grand- children. 100 of These! Full Size, Novelty Designs! "T.V." Trays at SpeoialPriee Tubular steel legs, black enamel. Choice JustQ Shop today ! I'Terrific Bargain! Solid Foam Core. Zip-off Cover! 14-In. Foam Latex Filled, * Corduroy Covered Pillows.., [ Drastical y veclueed. Wide assortment of colors. Just 12 Left of This One. Washable Covers! 18x 18-In. Corduroy ,Covered, Foam Filled T.V. Pads -r B ark, green, blue, tan, red colors. Now Just BOYS' DEPARTMENT MARKDOWNS! 100 of These! ,Ginghams and Foulard Prints BOYS' LONG SLEEVE $1 oo SPORT SHIRT CLEARANCE! ....... " Sizes 6 to 16 Yrs., Sanforized. Drastically Reduced 4 ONLY ORLON SLIP-ON =,..nn SWEATERS, Sizes 4, 6 years .. Now 2 ONLY! BOYS' WOOL $[[ 00 JACKETS, Sizes 6 - 8 years, lined .... qle• 11 Only! Knit, Colors: Turquoise, Tan, Charcoal WASHABLE WOOL SLEEVELESS VESTS, Sizes 8-16 .. Ideal for Playwear! Sizes 6 to 16 Years BOYS' FLEECE LINED SWEAT SHIRTS, Colored ...... Now '1.°° 150 Prs. Elastic Waist Band, Sizes 6 to 16 Years KNIT BRIEFS ............................ Prs. 35 Only! Sanforized. Sizes 6-10-12-18 Only! BOYS' FLANNEL PLAID SPORT SHIRTS ............ Choice Now 61VE-AWAY PRIOES IN 61RLS' DEPT.! 5 Only! Sizes 12-14 Yrs. Tan, Blue, Red GIRLS' WASHABLE POPLIN $300 JACKETS, Warm lined ............ Now " 13 Reduced! Circula," Skirt. Sizes 7-8-10-14 Years MYLAR STITCHED 2-PC. COTTON DRESSES ................. Now 14 Left of These! Sizes 8 to 14 Years GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES, Broken Styles ....................... To Clear $3,00, Just 1 of These! "Rayon Lined! RED ALL WOOL FLEECE COAT, Size 6 years .......... Now Just - I ......... 6 of These, 3 Boys', 3 Girls', Sizes 1, 2, 3, Years TODDLERCOAT AND CAP SETS Wool fleeces .................................. Now Just 10 of These! White or Navy Blue, 1, 2, 3, Yrs. TODDIER GIRLS" PRINCESS $2 Do STYLE COTTON DRESSES ............ ' 20 Only! Waterproof, Sizes 4 to 14 Yrs. PLASTIC OVER STRIPED $AaOO RAYON RAIN COATS ............ Now 7 Only! With Bonnets, Rayon Lined, Full Length WATER REPELLENT TAPESTRY TWEED RAIN COATS ...................... s8.00 14 Only! Sizes 14 Yrs. Blue, Pink, Green NEOPRENE RAIN COATS Slicker styled ......... : ................... Now Just 14 Drastically. Redfaced! Sizes 8 to 14 Yrs. SIIEER NYLON FUSSY SUMMER DRESSES. ..... Now Just =4,oo 10 Only! Sizes 5 to 14 Yrs., Rayon Lined WASHABLE COTTON WAFFLE $S CO WEAVE DRESS COATS ........ Now " 3 ONLY WASHABLE , $ 00 COTTON COA'], Sizes 3, 6x .. Now 48s JUST 2 WASHABLE COTTON ,4oo I LONG COATS, 14 years ............. Now " I i , " Shelton, Washington ,, , , ..... III I,, doesn't have a searchlight, take \\;. along a good, strong electric spot.. By Ted Kesting Here's a remark you used to hear often around fishing resorts and boat docks: "And I was caught out after dark . . ." It isn't said much any more, states Willard Crandall, Boating Editor of Sports Afield Magazine. Nw sportsmen stay out or go out after dark on purpose. Modern equipment is making it safe, sensible and prac- tical in an increasing number of cases. Adequate lights are easil.y in- stalled in conjunction with gene- ator - fitted electric - starting out- boards. There's a stream of elec- tric juice, just like an inboard. Or, for any boat, easy-to-install lights that meet all requirements of law are obtainable, powered by self-contained dry batteries. GOING SLOW is the key to damage-free night boating. Fa- miliar waters or not, underwater obstructions usually can't be de- night until it's "too late. Floating objects may also go un- sighted. And the boat's exact lo- cation, in relation to known chan- nel edges, never seems as certain as in daytime. But, when the boat is moving slowly, a "collision" #with even a rock will probably result only in a scratched hull, and there's little possiblity of ground- in the boat. DON'T WORRY if shore .lines se reversed or misshaped on your first night run over well- known territory, it's a natural feeling. You'll quickly get ad- justed, however. If your boat ught or flashlight. The latter SHould be four cells, or up. It's a wonder what this "light on the subject" will do while you're learn- mg night driving. Remember, tqhe lights required by law are to en- able other boats to see you. A swinging searchlight, and the like, you use to spot driftwood, navi- gational obstructions, landmarks and boats. It is not to be used continually, except in difficult sit- nations. The experienced piio wants no ilgtt shining in his race or reflecting into his eyes fror the water, during night cruising. That way, the ptpils of his eyes open the widest, permitting him the best vision. For peace and security tomor- row, prepare today. Buy U. S. Sav- ings Bonds. Bonds help build peace power. Page , ..... ' 0 P " ;" TR lOS 0LOSED WATCH FOR RE-OPENING DANCE AT MATTOCK GRANGE HALL Saturday, May 9 9:30 'TIL 2:00 • Door Prize • Refreshments Served • Everybody Wel¢oms • Music by Grange Tune Toppers Each 2nd & 4th Saturday -- ii BLUE OX THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 8, 9, 10 HOUSEBOAT Starring Sophia Loren, Cary Grant Somebody's ' rocking Cary's dreamboat of a houseboat. Cary's mamma and papa to 3 wild, wonderftl kids. Sophia's the girl he has hires to help. She cart's cook or clean but her other talents make playing house a ball for all. Plus TARAWA BEACHHEAD Starring Kerwin Matthews and Julia Adams The bloodiest battle in Marine history! The Marines did it be- fore and they can do it again! Ask any Marine who was there. If they could land on Tarawa they could laird anywhere. Due to special arrangements Walt Dlsney's "THE SHAGGY DOG" will play six big days beginning Wednesday, May 20-21-22. 23-24-25--Forest Festival Week. Special Matinee Saturday, May 23, 12:00 p.m. Continuous. Admission Children 35€, Students 75€, Adults 85€. , i , i Shop Friday Nite 'Til 8:30 GP00E MOTHER BETTER GIFT t[mnk,, to Penney's wonderful values! iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii ii!ii!ii!i!!i!!!i! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAMOUS MAKER'S JEWELRY SPECIAL! Sinwlated pearls! Aurora pins! Plastic flowers! Moonstones! Frosted stones! White beads ! Earrings ! Neck- lae! Bracelet=! Pins! SEAMLESS GAYMOOES IN ' SMARTEST.SUMMER TINTS 'Give her Gaymodes that hgve everything . . . the sheerness she wants com- bined with the wear she wants. (double-loops .give double protection against runs) 6 lovely fashion Proporioned tints! Slze, 8a to 11 TALL Z AOONNA NYLON FANCY PANTS SATINY-SOFT NYLON TRICOT "FEATHER TIQUE" Luxtlrious slips in smooth nyh)n tricot trimmed with permsnent pleated ruffles and dainty lfice. Hand-washes and dries quickly ready to wear. Proportioned sizes. t:' . ! : , Sizes 32 to 40 New brief styles! See lace ruffles and tiers, "Charles, ton" fringes, embroidered overlays and appliques! Pretty new lingerie huesl Pretty price, too! 1959 SHELTON-MASON COITNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Chr{stma.fown "SHOW "HOW AND TELL WHY"is the motto of 4-H demon- strations. LEWIS J0LLIFF of Kamilche is following this phil- osophy as he demonstrates transplanting cabbage plants. This was his entry in the recent 4-H County Demonstration Contest. He is a member of the Kamilche Kubs led by Bruce Nelson. (Extension photo, Ziegler print.) IOLLY HANSEN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hanson, walked off with a blue ribbon at the 4-H Demonstration Contest recently in Shelton. She showed expert touch in pie crust mak- ing and is a member of the Kamilche Powderettes whose leader= are Mrs. Ed Fischer and Mrs. Bruce Nelson. (Extension,photo, Ziegler print. ) tER Neva Ith a oham- in mar- go on to 4-H Lkima this fall. 'ed as one of rs of the re- She is the nd Mrs. Mar- ( Extension sis up Fire fa.talitie a possible death toll of annua activities be by Junio sponsor of th( program lo With th rance Company fires at Ch in Arkan the serious Lmportance o month 30 die in fires. National Fir, statistic,, than 35 pe involve chil of age. Death alone number. said. This wa: dl-time rec senseless trag ag wi] the in are Junto: To o graduatln[ Success o light party 4. been call evening, e, an( schoo] Martha n Wednes Nurs €ason on Chap. of Alex- early :Mrs. Ma- Bremer- years. held at 1 Funer- of the Inter- Memorial son, Harold T: nephew, Carl tad: niece Eth- ALL took first second by the lub last made the at an Yards. lo£t pro rth plae cock at bar cock Ilugene will had as its elementary Pierce the annual I [ Tri-County [ As- [ Education Group Officers The Shelton Education Associa- deaux Elementary School, presi- dent; Winn Bartholmew, teacher, Bordeaux Elementary School, sec- retary; and Nits Mericle, teacher, Mountain View Elementary School, treasurer. The newly-elected president of the association departed on Fri- tion during its monthly meeting a' ',y May 1, for Spokane, wi]ere he the Evergreen Elementary Scho,- ,viil attend the two ctay meeting elected the following as their o1"- of the Washington Education As- ricers for the school year 1959-60: sociati')n Representative Assembly Victor Swanson, Principal of Boy- ins a delegate of the local unit. WEEK- END BARGAINS MARKED DOWN FOR MOTHER'S DAY! Just 9 of These! Rayon Lined i Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 Washable Waffle Weave $8 OO CO[ON LONG COATS ........... Now • 19 Reduced fear MotheP's Day! Waffle Weave Washable $',00 SHORT COATS ............................. No.w u-- sizes 8 to 16. Colors Pink, Blue, Rose. Rayon lined. 6 Give-Away Priced! Red and blue. Milium lined. ' A, LL'WOOL FLEECE DRESS $tr=00 COATS, Sizes 8-12 ................. Now JUt/---- 15 To Sell! Juniors, Misses, Half Sizes * ODDS AND ENDS BETTER DRESSES ......................... Reduced to Only 19 Sizes 12 to 20. Reduced to Clear! CIRCLE SKIRT COTTON DRESSES, 6-Yard Sweep ........ Now =2.oo 35 Greatly Reduced] Sizes 10 to 20's WASIIABLE PLEATED PLAID WOOL/ORLON SKIRTS ........ Now $00.00 Just 13 of these! Sizes 12 to 16. Bargains WASHABLE QUILTED NYLON ROBES, Prints, Plains ...... $8.00 5 Only! A Robe Mother Will Appreciate WASHABLE COTI'ON LONG ROBES,' Sizes 12-14's .... Now Just 3 of These! Black, White, Grey, Sizes 12-14 BROCADED RAYON $8.00 LONG COATS, Fully lined ...... Now Just 1 Left of These Pretty Coats, To Clear! RICH ORLON PILE SItORT COAT, Nylon lined .. Now ,12.oo 8 of These! 2 Black, Brown, Tweeds, Rayon Lined WATER REPELLENT RAYON $C.00 TWEED RAIN COATS ......... Now MEN'S WEAR PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY! Just 5 Left! Tan, Washable, 4 Med., 1 Large | RIBBED ORLON SLEEVELESS $A.OO SWEATER VESTS .................. Now ' "W---- Just 24. Sanforized. Machine Washable MEN'S SUNTAN SHIRTS Sizes 16-17 only ................ Now For ,1.7s Just 25. Sizes 15 and 16 Only. Shop Early! MEN'S Sanforized Chambray WORK SHIRTS ................. Bargain Only 30 of These! Grey Color. Washable. Special! MEN'S FLEECE IANED $ta00 SWEAT SHIRTS, sizes sml, med ..... .i.---- 8 Only. Washable Blue Denim and Grey Twill. 40 to 46 BLANKET LINED OVERALL $AsOO JACKETS, Zipper front .......... Now 2 Only! size 38, Snap Front. Rayon Lined. Save! ALL WOOL MELTON $1,OO GREY JACKETS, knit trims .. Now 150 of Thesel Woven Gingham Plaids, Stripes, Prints MEN'S BETTER LONG SLEEVE $t,50 SPORT SHIRTS ................. To Clear .t--- Every shirt sanforizcd, many "Wash 'n Wear" Save! Just 1 of These! Smart Herringbone Design MEN'S ALL WOOL SPORT COAT, size 40, 3-button ...... Now ,15.oo • Just 2 of Theset Charcoal Color. Size 42 LONG SLEEVE WASHABLE WOOL KNIT VESTS ! ......... r ._ Now $00,OO ,,,% Last Rites Held For John F. Gill Funeral services were held at 1 p_ m., Saturday for John F. Gill, o , Lilliwaup, who died Wednesday at his home Route 1 Box 121, Lilli- waup. Services were held under lhe direction of the Rev. Charles T. Hatten in the chapel of Witsiers Funeral Home. Burial was in Shel- ton Memorial Park. Mr. Gill was born Nov. 6, 1888 in Noel, Me. and had made his home in Mason county for the past two and one half years. Surviving are his wife, Dora E., Lilliwaup; a son, Ff'ank Gill, Lil- liwaup; tvo daughters, Mrs..Clay- ton Busch, Brandon, Ore.; Mrs. James Dayson, Sunnyvale, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Maude Kirby, Kamiah, Ida.; Mrs. Temps Bart- tlet, Kamiah, Ida. and four grand- children. 100 of These! Full Size, Novelty Designs! "T.V." Trays at SpeoialPriee Tubular steel legs, black enamel. Choice JustQ Shop today ! I'Terrific Bargain! Solid Foam Core. Zip-off Cover! 14-In. Foam Latex Filled, * Corduroy Covered Pillows.., [ Drastical y veclueed. Wide assortment of colors. Just 12 Left of This One. Washable Covers! 18x 18-In. Corduroy ,Covered, Foam Filled T.V. Pads -r B ark, green, blue, tan, red colors. Now Just BOYS' DEPARTMENT MARKDOWNS! 100 of These! ,Ginghams and Foulard Prints BOYS' LONG SLEEVE $1 oo SPORT SHIRT CLEARANCE! ....... " Sizes 6 to 16 Yrs., Sanforized. Drastically Reduced 4 ONLY ORLON SLIP-ON =,..nn SWEATERS, Sizes 4, 6 years .. Now 2 ONLY! BOYS' WOOL $[[ 00 JACKETS, Sizes 6 - 8 years, lined .... qle• 11 Only! Knit, Colors: Turquoise, Tan, Charcoal WASHABLE WOOL SLEEVELESS VESTS, Sizes 8-16 .. Ideal for Playwear! Sizes 6 to 16 Years BOYS' FLEECE LINED SWEAT SHIRTS, Colored ...... Now '1.°° 150 Prs. Elastic Waist Band, Sizes 6 to 16 Years KNIT BRIEFS ............................ Prs. 35 Only! Sanforized. Sizes 6-10-12-18 Only! BOYS' FLANNEL PLAID SPORT SHIRTS ............ Choice Now 61VE-AWAY PRIOES IN 61RLS' DEPT.! 5 Only! Sizes 12-14 Yrs. Tan, Blue, Red GIRLS' WASHABLE POPLIN $300 JACKETS, Warm lined ............ Now " 13 Reduced! Circula," Skirt. Sizes 7-8-10-14 Years MYLAR STITCHED 2-PC. COTTON DRESSES ................. Now 14 Left of These! Sizes 8 to 14 Years GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES, Broken Styles ....................... To Clear $3,00, Just 1 of These! "Rayon Lined! RED ALL WOOL FLEECE COAT, Size 6 years .......... Now Just - I ......... 6 of These, 3 Boys', 3 Girls', Sizes 1, 2, 3, Years TODDLERCOAT AND CAP SETS Wool fleeces .................................. Now Just 10 of These! White or Navy Blue, 1, 2, 3, Yrs. TODDIER GIRLS" PRINCESS $2 Do STYLE COTTON DRESSES ............ ' 20 Only! Waterproof, Sizes 4 to 14 Yrs. PLASTIC OVER STRIPED $AaOO RAYON RAIN COATS ............ Now 7 Only! With Bonnets, Rayon Lined, Full Length WATER REPELLENT TAPESTRY TWEED RAIN COATS ...................... s8.00 14 Only! Sizes 14 Yrs. Blue, Pink, Green NEOPRENE RAIN COATS Slicker styled ......... : ................... Now Just 14 Drastically. Redfaced! Sizes 8 to 14 Yrs. SIIEER NYLON FUSSY SUMMER DRESSES. ..... Now Just =4,oo 10 Only! Sizes 5 to 14 Yrs., Rayon Lined WASHABLE COTTON WAFFLE $S CO WEAVE DRESS COATS ........ Now " 3 ONLY WASHABLE , $ 00 COTTON COA'], Sizes 3, 6x .. Now 48s JUST 2 WASHABLE COTTON ,4oo I LONG COATS, 14 years ............. Now " I i , " Shelton, Washington ,, , , ..... III I,, doesn't have a searchlight, take \\;. along a good, strong electric spot.. By Ted Kesting Here's a remark you used to hear often around fishing resorts and boat docks: "And I was caught out after dark . . ." It isn't said much any more, states Willard Crandall, Boating Editor of Sports Afield Magazine. Nw sportsmen stay out or go out after dark on purpose. Modern equipment is making it safe, sensible and prac- tical in an increasing number of cases. Adequate lights are easil.y in- stalled in conjunction with gene- ator - fitted electric - starting out- boards. There's a stream of elec- tric juice, just like an inboard. Or, for any boat, easy-to-install lights that meet all requirements of law are obtainable, powered by self-contained dry batteries. GOING SLOW is the key to damage-free night boating. Fa- miliar waters or not, underwater obstructions usually can't be de- night until it's "too late. Floating objects may also go un- sighted. And the boat's exact lo- cation, in relation to known chan- nel edges, never seems as certain as in daytime. But, when the boat is moving slowly, a "collision" #with even a rock will probably result only in a scratched hull, and there's little possiblity of ground- in the boat. DON'T WORRY if shore .lines se reversed or misshaped on your first night run over well- known territory, it's a natural feeling. You'll quickly get ad- justed, however. If your boat ught or flashlight. The latter SHould be four cells, or up. It's a wonder what this "light on the subject" will do while you're learn- mg night driving. Remember, tqhe lights required by law are to en- able other boats to see you. A swinging searchlight, and the like, you use to spot driftwood, navi- gational obstructions, landmarks and boats. It is not to be used continually, except in difficult sit- nations. The experienced piio wants no ilgtt shining in his race or reflecting into his eyes fror the water, during night cruising. That way, the ptpils of his eyes open the widest, permitting him the best vision. For peace and security tomor- row, prepare today. Buy U. S. Sav- ings Bonds. Bonds help build peace power. Page , ..... ' 0 P " ;" TR lOS 0LOSED WATCH FOR RE-OPENING DANCE AT MATTOCK GRANGE HALL Saturday, May 9 9:30 'TIL 2:00 • Door Prize • Refreshments Served • Everybody Wel¢oms • Music by Grange Tune Toppers Each 2nd & 4th Saturday -- ii BLUE OX THEATRE Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 8, 9, 10 HOUSEBOAT Starring Sophia Loren, Cary Grant Somebody's ' rocking Cary's dreamboat of a houseboat. Cary's mamma and papa to 3 wild, wonderftl kids. Sophia's the girl he has hires to help. She cart's cook or clean but her other talents make playing house a ball for all. Plus TARAWA BEACHHEAD Starring Kerwin Matthews and Julia Adams The bloodiest battle in Marine history! The Marines did it be- fore and they can do it again! Ask any Marine who was there. If they could land on Tarawa they could laird anywhere. Due to special arrangements Walt Dlsney's "THE SHAGGY DOG" will play six big days beginning Wednesday, May 20-21-22. 23-24-25--Forest Festival Week. Special Matinee Saturday, May 23, 12:00 p.m. Continuous. Admission Children 35€, Students 75€, Adults 85€. , i , i Shop Friday Nite 'Til 8:30 GP00E MOTHER BETTER GIFT t[mnk,, to Penney's wonderful values! iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii ii!ii!ii!i!!i!!!i! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAMOUS MAKER'S JEWELRY SPECIAL! Sinwlated pearls! Aurora pins! Plastic flowers! Moonstones! Frosted stones! White beads ! Earrings ! Neck- lae! Bracelet=! Pins! SEAMLESS GAYMOOES IN ' SMARTEST.SUMMER TINTS 'Give her Gaymodes that hgve everything . . . the sheerness she wants com- bined with the wear she wants. (double-loops .give double protection against runs) 6 lovely fashion Proporioned tints! Slze, 8a to 11 TALL Z AOONNA NYLON FANCY PANTS SATINY-SOFT NYLON TRICOT "FEATHER TIQUE" Luxtlrious slips in smooth nyh)n tricot trimmed with permsnent pleated ruffles and dainty lfice. Hand-washes and dries quickly ready to wear. Proportioned sizes. t:' . ! : , Sizes 32 to 40 New brief styles! See lace ruffles and tiers, "Charles, ton" fringes, embroidered overlays and appliques! Pretty new lingerie huesl Pretty price, too!