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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 SHELTON-MASON COUNT JOURNAL -- Published in "Chri,t.mastow),,. U.g.A., # Shelton, Wahin Shay Locomotive Envelopes Draw National Attention To This ,boa On her final trip up Raih&apos;oad i lh,r.(ms who wish furth(,r infm'- av,,nllo las( Fri({a T(dlie carried ! mM:itm ,m thi special envehq)e tho mail. I h, moring the Fo)'esl b'sIival a,zd IN THE CAB ()f tile historic i the Shay h)romotive (:ran g't it by Shay ]oeom,)tlve donated to SheI-it;ailing I?,crwyn Thomas tit t-IA. ton by the SimI)SOn l(w.ging corn- ] 6-42€)3. |)any w{is a pat'kse of cnv¢,h,p(,s ...... which are now irl derlllln(I l)y = ='""Resources Oept try. Printed on each erwelope is a i ! '' ' "'''"' '' ':' ' ''' :' ''''''' r'' i V'' ' ' l' ' Says Fire Season forest haekgrolmd. These enve]- op,s were l)repered for distribu- 'lion by Berwyn Th-mas of Stml- tI)n. lqat'h t!nv,lol)e has attacired to it a forest consel'vltiolr silrYllll wllich was issued last year by the postal department. STAMP COLLECTORS from all over the nation, informed by their Iq)ecial newspapers of this c¢rv,,r, hilve alr,ady hegan to order lnor( than 400 of th('.nl, 'Sheltt)rl arid the Forest Irestival will attract Inttionwide puhlicity ())t this spec- Now In Effect Burning permits are lecessary ill ,Vestel'n ,Va.'hingt,)I1 FlIrat aA'Pas :fI'¢)m April 1 until the end of tile Required for any oulside burn- ing except ill appr})ved cmtain,rs ' 1 ' , , , " ) | lhe. pernlzt al'e ISSlled., through l.)e- € { pal'tnlenI ot Natural t.(:!SOU rcis ial islle, .................................................................................... district offices an(| local warderrs, " "'  '  ' or ill s[rlne cases, through mlral WITSIHS FUNERAL ltOMlt. IIYRNE • BATSTONF. 703 Railrsad Avenue PBONI HA 6-4803 fire l.)rotection disLricts. Persons in doubt' as to where they tan ob- permits should contact the nearest office ()l' th). Department ()f N}iltlral tl.es0urces, C01e advised, ' The fire. sea,on nornlally exlerl(| throngh October 15 of each year, unless prohmged by hazardous fire weather. Burning permits will be required east of the Cascade moun- tains from April. 15 on, Cole .added, Tll comnlissioner pointe(t ()tit that all burning shouhl be curt- dueled with caution. Sunny spring days can dry out fern's.and uther. light, dead vegetation within a few hours, Cole warned, and flrus,utart, ing in such matm'ial spread very rapidly, causing great danlage to y(nlng' fo)'('st seedlings 'in pat'ti0t{. t lar. LII i iiii <:i/J)  ii / ;. < !:/,':!!!i >;.ii:j;!i ;i:i :>:i, .: ! They kn()w the tender('St wiy t(r say "Mum, I love you" is t ) give M()thcr, 's Day Fh)wers She will cherisil y,)ur fh)wer gill, whether it's a spy(tel Mother's Day b,)uquet, blo(rming plant, ()r corsage. We guar'antee delivery and satisfaction .... " ..... tloers faJ" away with  ' /:i ¸ > j:: i:::i : *FOW THEY DIb IT--This picture shows the method employed to trek the "Tollie" up Rail- road Avenue and over" to Brewer Park for its final resting place, The huge crane simply picked up a section of track and carried it up front to be used again as rail for the locomotive. Four sections of track were used. SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENTS GATHER As the "Tollie" moved up Railroad Avenue Fri- day sidewalks were lined with interested specta- tors, many of whom became "Certified Sidewalk Superintendents of the Brewer Park &, Railroad !i i : • :+:;:: (i!: > Avenue Transportation Company" through the purchase of "membership cards" sold by the Jayettes for the benefit of the Shay Fund. (,Jour- nal phot,), Ziegler print,) i LETTERS To The Editor The shanleful and shocking fact coordinate your efforts. about private pih)ls in Washington I PRIVATE FLYIN({ is a lot of ;,n t it)st every other sis e of the {f m. Chances are Veil will never tll led Stntes" is that they are have to rise any of'these things - guilty of gross negligence." Theyland that's just'the way it in with re g'uiltv not in tile matter of p{- l insurance. You never 'ant to use luting so much as in negligence in it- you just want to be sure it's equipping their planes with emer- gency gear f o r cross-country flights. Hardly one of these peo- ple would drive down the highway in tile family car without a spare tire in the trunk, and adequate in- sur'/nce to cover' themselves or any other injured parties. These same people think nothing of loading their loved ones in their plane and soaring oft into the wild blue won- ,der without so much as a hand ax, waterpro(rf matches, or' a supply of food sufficient for three days at the minimum-..-not to mention a complete first aid kit (and the first aid training to go with it.) IT I ,AII) THAT there are one hundred and twenty-six planes thai: have been lost in Washington that have neer been found. This is understandable to anyone who has ever fh)wn in Alaska. Wash- ington is a great deal like Alaska and in many ways worse as far as flying in concerned. 'When a light plane goes down in a heavily forested arcs it is literally swal lowed up in the trees. Only smoke fronl three separate bonfires can lead to rescue in such an instance, unless the radio transmitter hap- pens to survive the crash. One of the big points to remem- ber in that crashes in light planes are not usually fatal. But injuries are likely to be incurred. The dan- get of death from shock ks height, (ned when the pilot knows he has crashed in an inaccessible area while flying without a flight plan. The filirig of a flight plan in itself is wonderful insurance. The pilot knows that two hours after his flight plan has elapsed a gigantic search organization swings into action. Hundreds of men and wo- ilen s\\;varnl over tile probztble area of his flight path in their own planos, Civil Air Patrol planes, and I I'SAN l)lanes. If he flew where lie said he was going to fly you can there if you need it. So let's stop this needless toll of private pilots and their inno- cent vie.tims. Let's realize that this country still is a wilderness. Tllat airplane only carries so much gas and it can't stay up in orbit .... so why not file a flight plap telling tile search and rescue people where you expect to be landing and when? You can always call thenl if you change your mind . . . and, like God. they are an ever present help in the time of need. EDMOND C. JEFFERY Star Rt. 2, Box 18 Shelton, Wash. (Former Alaskan Bush Pilot) Slelton. Washington Mlty 6, 195,0 Editor, Shelton-Mason County Jonrnal Shelton, Washington During the last week there has been a great (teal of discussion concerning the ce(lar front that Ila been constructed on the old Cash Grocery building, recently purchased by Dean and Helen Palmer. I was quite surprised to read in last week's issue of the "Journal" that the city commission had de- cided that it had to be torn down. The surprise coming not from any doubt that tile city has the au- thority to order it torn down but from the incomprehensibility of such a decision at that time, thinking tibet any irregularity of construction in the rlnovation of: the building would have beeh no- ticed and corrected by the' city autlmrities during its construc- tion. No doubt there were several inspections necessitated by such renovation and if they were made how could the interior of the buiht- ing be inspected without first hav- ing to pass either by or through tire entrance. This delay either in : be sm'e they will find him. inspection or decision could be i'r', TIlE KNOTHEAD who quite expensive for Mr. and Mrs. [takes off for parts unknown with- Palmer if this new building front i lom filing a flight plan that is is to be torn down. . guilty of gross negligence• He will- The only ottler point of this dis- tully endangers the lives of those cussion that passes my under- who are passengers in his plane standing is the readiness of the plus those who come looking for commission to condemn the front ::: : : :. his downed ship. And it in so un- because it is wood. In a eommu- necessary! One can file a flight nity which relies so heavily upon plan anyway he chooses• He can the lumber industry it is quite reporl that he will be in a certain amazing that its elected officers [vicinity and will return by acer- would be so quick to condemn one 313 RArLROAD PHONE HA 6-6513 Journal Oalifornia Tom Trtlmbal], {or for lhe ,VO$1 l', \\;VIIFe a V,'('(q(. tle is now of the weekly lois, Calif., crlt(rl)rise a.q of His place (in chanieal staff has George Myers. George hails f rO11 OY---- 1k95 itenlSee°nd: time, carried the followil,g "LATEST NEWS!!" tions that the have to face. P(,rsonally. ward lo ()Ill" the building, feel: Helen had done provin K the building and the imaginative use ing for a facade con('rete building, FIRE • AUTO Robed 200 East p|ne GAS-" RALPt[ "If you'd sale wouldn't out of gas," ." We take INT faction ° ! OOLE it MOBIL (sin tinle, he can fly by an airway of its uses. Exactly how nmeh of and estinlate his arrival time, or a fire hazard is this new fronting. hc can simply state ttlat he will Can it be fireproofedT'it really APPROPRIATE BACKGROUID:-Fltting dec- pageant backdrop. ,This Journal photo caught }report in to, a certain station by orat{ohs for "Shay Day" ado ,the L.M. mar- the "Tollie" in front.of the L.M. during Friday's a certain ume after making off necessarYdecided bythattheit citybe tO,1,dYncommission.aS • quee, borrowed from the 1953 Forest Festival dramatic move up Railroad Avenue. ' ,the airway stops at various places. How many other owners in the "[--I|¢hDD(eT FLOWERS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :If weather closes in and he can-commercial area with wood front- First and Present Dairy Support Prices To Be Continued !not proceed to hisdestination he ing. s on their buildings will be re- can always fly to an alterate air- quired to teal" these frontngs Phone port or return to the place of his down. These are a few of the ques- beginning. There is always a tele- Pr,.s¢,nt dairy support pr'ties will dairy [)r'(rducts . . . Wc will, of phone nearby in preplanned flying It,, v()ntinued through tic 1959-60 com's(, (,onlimm t()assisl the dairy and a phone call will allay the nmrketing yea)', which begins industry in every sound way to fears of loved ones and prevent a This Mother's Day ,,,,,, i, according t<, Martin Aus-cxi)and its markets, reduce costs search for a pilot who is down S P E € I A eth, chairman of Mason County and tlelp it build on a l'irn;cr foun- safe. I J'  .AS(? committee. As in the past, (tation." There is no mystery about the: fa)')n prices for milk and butterfat - ................................. emegency equipment a plane will be suPl)orttd through offers should have on cross-country b,, City Accepts For instance, what will Boy.00s Tenn|s butt(+r, cheddar cheese, 'and nonfat you need to properly care for In- dry milk in tar'lot quantities, jured passengers? Answer: tourn- ::" {] I V[ M 0 M ....o...... ,,.,,,,... Lo(omohve iquets, bandages, bandaids, tweez- the program will be 58 cents pe]" * ers, scissors, something to make pound for butter, U.S, Grade A or splints with, aspirin, and a first aid booklet. What do you need for higher, at Seattle; (!,I.S. Grade B , ll survival ° Answer: a sleeping bag, • BLACK butter is 2 ('ents per pound less ; The Shqton City Comnfission 32.75 cents per p(amd f,)r ehed(lr passed resolution 162 Tuesday a tarpaulin (pererably one that is • rubberized, blue on one side, yen • WHITE ' cheese., U.S. Grade A, or higher, wllieh will give the city official low on the other so it can be used PAIR standard moisture basis; and 14.25 ownership of the old shay lucerne- far signalling as well}. Also be- cen.s p,,r l)ound for nonfat dry tive now in Brewer park. sides the hand axe, cooking uten- milk, U.. Exlra Grad,, or higher, "I'll(' papers of ownership will be sils, a sterne stove, knives, forks, sl)ray process (in barrels and turne(I over to the ('it.y formally spoons, cups, dishes, and eomething THONGS -- MEN'S - WOMEN'S - drums). ' ' Ia announcing the continuation :t 2 dedication ceremonies on May to keep water in. What will you in the park. Glenn Correa rep- eat? Answer: chocolate, canned [}AY00 €1 Y[A00! ,,f next season's dairy supports at ,'esented tilt, Simpson company ill goods, crackers, dried potatoes, present levels, Secretary of Agri- tile transaction and was present and emergency canned rations can culture Benson pointed out that at the city commission's meeting usually be found if one scouts 1959 production is not expected to T msday. 0000aAwl00ll|l00lAl00l AUTOMATIC be significantly different fr°n May°rEarlM°°reann°uncedar°undandgetsint°uchwith" • servicemen. The 1957 or 1958 level, increased con- 1hat, the city has ah'eady Imr - You'll also need maps, pocket . sumer incomes are in prospect, chased liability insurance on the compa., fish hooks, Insect repel- . and the conlnercial use of milk locomotive. . products per person is expected to lent, a mirror for signalling, smoke 00J0000IP'MI bHiJlm•  DISHWASHER b,, at ,,,,,st as la,'go an in 1958. - ................................................ flares, and a transistor b,ttery With the rise in population, supply  radio. It's good to know people and the commercial llS( of milk are looking for you and it helps products are expected to be more   nearly in balance--on a fat basis .... FREE FREE than in several years, although there will still be sonic surplus of non-fat dry milk solids. BASED ON analyses by dairy technicians, the secretary said, "It   • • • • "k What could yoUtimegiVe her wonld.____====1.appear __..____that retention_ of the present Support h, vels is desirable that would be mole 00ppre- tOwithProvidethe marginthe level of productiOnof safety to 'as- Our 4dl Anniversary ( sure an adequate supply'.; dated and more helpful to "For good nutrition'," he de- her for years in the future elared, "we need to consume more " SATURDAY ..., MAY €) while at the same pro- 1"!!1 WE[[[ IN tecting your family's health? Washinglon History With Each Gallon Ie.e Cream With Each -Gal. 1¢ NOW ...-flMIV The May 7, 1853 Insu(" of the FORESTS ' ONE QUART SOFT FREEZE ONE PINT SOFT Columbian, Olympia, "'Washington Territory," the hitler used for the MEA FREE FRE "Just as we are going to press, a gentlerlrarl who canle passenger FROSTY MALT GONES SOFT FREEZE FOR THE MODEL SP-40-8 in Lhe steamship 'Cohmlbia' from ' s s # San Francisco, informs ns that ..................................... M,. ......... 00te,,ens. of M00,ss,:,cili,- ALL S,00ES HOT setts, has been appointed Governor ' " 2 FOR-PRIGE OF ONE 2 FOR PRIO! of ashington Territory." • • • ,= Heret:(ifore, this first newspaper € north of the Colmnbia River had Dill@ I design,,ted its location as "Olym- PLUS ©, FE L R" Territory). Isaac I. Stevens' corn- mzmml mission was c.onfirrned by the U.S. Senate and issued on March 17, 1853, practically sevcn weeks prior to the terriLory receiving the word.' The telegraph was nonex- istent until several year's later. The editor notes in another col- umn: "Owingnodoubt to tl, ejoy- [G ful intelligmce of the establish- 114 outh Second Street • Phone IIA 6-4633 ment of the Territory of Washing- ,s. 422 North 1st Street , At Bend in Highway , .-... ton 'our table' has been entirely ,ll[- nle(ted during,, week." 4 SHELTON-MASON COUNT JOURNAL -- Published in "Chri,t.mastow),,. U.g.A., # Shelton, Wahin Shay Locomotive Envelopes Draw National Attention To This ,boa On her final trip up Raih'oad i lh,r.(ms who wish furth(,r infm'- av,,nllo las( Fri({a T(dlie carried ! mM:itm ,m thi special envehq)e tho mail. I h, moring the Fo)'esl b'sIival a,zd IN THE CAB ()f tile historic i the Shay h)romotive (:ran g't it by Shay ]oeom,)tlve donated to SheI-it;ailing I?,crwyn Thomas tit t-IA. ton by the SimI)SOn l(w.ging corn- ] 6-42€)3. |)any w{is a pat'kse of cnv¢,h,p(,s ...... which are now irl derlllln(I l)y = ='""Resources Oept try. Printed on each erwelope is a i ! '' ' "'''"' '' ':' ' ''' :' ''''''' r'' i V'' ' ' l' ' Says Fire Season forest haekgrolmd. These enve]- op,s were l)repered for distribu- 'lion by Berwyn Th-mas of Stml- tI)n. lqat'h t!nv,lol)e has attacired to it a forest consel'vltiolr silrYllll wllich was issued last year by the postal department. STAMP COLLECTORS from all over the nation, informed by their Iq)ecial newspapers of this c¢rv,,r, hilve alr,ady hegan to order lnor( than 400 of th('.nl, 'Sheltt)rl arid the Forest Irestival will attract Inttionwide puhlicity ())t this spec- Now In Effect Burning permits are lecessary ill ,Vestel'n ,Va.'hingt,)I1 FlIrat aA'Pas :fI'¢)m April 1 until the end of tile Required for any oulside burn- ing except ill appr})ved cmtain,rs ' 1 ' , , , " ) | lhe. pernlzt al'e ISSlled., through l.)e- € { pal'tnlenI ot Natural t.(:!SOU rcis ial islle, .................................................................................... district offices an(| local warderrs, " "'  '  ' or ill s[rlne cases, through mlral WITSIHS FUNERAL ltOMlt. IIYRNE • BATSTONF. 703 Railrsad Avenue PBONI HA 6-4803 fire l.)rotection disLricts. Persons in doubt' as to where they tan ob- permits should contact the nearest office ()l' th). Department ()f N}iltlral tl.es0urces, C01e advised, ' The fire. sea,on nornlally exlerl(| throngh October 15 of each year, unless prohmged by hazardous fire weather. Burning permits will be required east of the Cascade moun- tains from April. 15 on, Cole .added, Tll comnlissioner pointe(t ()tit that all burning shouhl be curt- dueled with caution. Sunny spring days can dry out fern's.and uther. light, dead vegetation within a few hours, Cole warned, and flrus,utart, ing in such matm'ial spread very rapidly, causing great danlage to y(nlng' fo)'('st seedlings 'in pat'ti0t{. t lar. LII i iiii <:i/J)  ii / ;. < !:/,':!!!i >;.ii:j;!i ;i:i :>:i, .: ! They kn()w the tender('St wiy t(r say "Mum, I love you" is t ) give M()thcr, 's Day Fh)wers She will cherisil y,)ur fh)wer gill, whether it's a spy(tel Mother's Day b,)uquet, blo(rming plant, ()r corsage. We guar'antee delivery and satisfaction .... " ..... tloers faJ" away with  ' /:i ¸ > j:: i:::i : *FOW THEY DIb IT--This picture shows the method employed to trek the "Tollie" up Rail- road Avenue and over" to Brewer Park for its final resting place, The huge crane simply picked up a section of track and carried it up front to be used again as rail for the locomotive. Four sections of track were used. SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENTS GATHER As the "Tollie" moved up Railroad Avenue Fri- day sidewalks were lined with interested specta- tors, many of whom became "Certified Sidewalk Superintendents of the Brewer Park &, Railroad !i i : • :+:;:: (i!: > Avenue Transportation Company" through the purchase of "membership cards" sold by the Jayettes for the benefit of the Shay Fund. (,Jour- nal phot,), Ziegler print,) i LETTERS To The Editor The shanleful and shocking fact coordinate your efforts. about private pih)ls in Washington I PRIVATE FLYIN({ is a lot of ;,n t it)st every other sis e of the {f m. Chances are Veil will never tll led Stntes" is that they are have to rise any of'these things - guilty of gross negligence." Theyland that's just'the way it in with re g'uiltv not in tile matter of p{- l insurance. You never 'ant to use luting so much as in negligence in it- you just want to be sure it's equipping their planes with emer- gency gear f o r cross-country flights. Hardly one of these peo- ple would drive down the highway in tile family car without a spare tire in the trunk, and adequate in- sur'/nce to cover' themselves or any other injured parties. These same people think nothing of loading their loved ones in their plane and soaring oft into the wild blue won- ,der without so much as a hand ax, waterpro(rf matches, or' a supply of food sufficient for three days at the minimum-..-not to mention a complete first aid kit (and the first aid training to go with it.) IT I ,AII) THAT there are one hundred and twenty-six planes thai: have been lost in Washington that have neer been found. This is understandable to anyone who has ever fh)wn in Alaska. Wash- ington is a great deal like Alaska and in many ways worse as far as flying in concerned. 'When a light plane goes down in a heavily forested arcs it is literally swal lowed up in the trees. Only smoke fronl three separate bonfires can lead to rescue in such an instance, unless the radio transmitter hap- pens to survive the crash. One of the big points to remem- ber in that crashes in light planes are not usually fatal. But injuries are likely to be incurred. The dan- get of death from shock ks height, (ned when the pilot knows he has crashed in an inaccessible area while flying without a flight plan. The filirig of a flight plan in itself is wonderful insurance. The pilot knows that two hours after his flight plan has elapsed a gigantic search organization swings into action. Hundreds of men and wo- ilen s\\;varnl over tile probztble area of his flight path in their own planos, Civil Air Patrol planes, and I I'SAN l)lanes. If he flew where lie said he was going to fly you can there if you need it. So let's stop this needless toll of private pilots and their inno- cent vie.tims. Let's realize that this country still is a wilderness. Tllat airplane only carries so much gas and it can't stay up in orbit .... so why not file a flight plap telling tile search and rescue people where you expect to be landing and when? You can always call thenl if you change your mind . . . and, like God. they are an ever present help in the time of need. EDMOND C. JEFFERY Star Rt. 2, Box 18 Shelton, Wash. (Former Alaskan Bush Pilot) Slelton. Washington Mlty 6, 195,0 Editor, Shelton-Mason County Jonrnal Shelton, Washington During the last week there has been a great (teal of discussion concerning the ce(lar front that Ila been constructed on the old Cash Grocery building, recently purchased by Dean and Helen Palmer. I was quite surprised to read in last week's issue of the "Journal" that the city commission had de- cided that it had to be torn down. The surprise coming not from any doubt that tile city has the au- thority to order it torn down but from the incomprehensibility of such a decision at that time, thinking tibet any irregularity of construction in the rlnovation of: the building would have beeh no- ticed and corrected by the' city autlmrities during its construc- tion. No doubt there were several inspections necessitated by such renovation and if they were made how could the interior of the buiht- ing be inspected without first hav- ing to pass either by or through tire entrance. This delay either in : be sm'e they will find him. inspection or decision could be i'r', TIlE KNOTHEAD who quite expensive for Mr. and Mrs. [takes off for parts unknown with- Palmer if this new building front i lom filing a flight plan that is is to be torn down. . guilty of gross negligence• He will- The only ottler point of this dis- tully endangers the lives of those cussion that passes my under- who are passengers in his plane standing is the readiness of the plus those who come looking for commission to condemn the front ::: : : :. his downed ship. And it in so un- because it is wood. In a eommu- necessary! One can file a flight nity which relies so heavily upon plan anyway he chooses• He can the lumber industry it is quite reporl that he will be in a certain amazing that its elected officers [vicinity and will return by a cer- would be so quick to condemn one 313 RArLROAD PHONE HA 6-6513 Journal Oalifornia Tom Trtlmbal], {or for lhe ,VO$1 l', \\;VIIFe a V,'('(q(. tle is now of the weekly lois, Calif., crlt(rl)rise a.q of His place (in chanieal staff has George Myers. George hails f rO11 OY---- 1k95 itenlSee°nd: time, carried the followil,g "LATEST NEWS!!" tions that the have to face. P(,rsonally. ward lo ()Ill" the building, feel: Helen had done provin K the building and the imaginative use ing for a facade con('rete building, FIRE • AUTO Robed 200 East p|ne GAS-" RALPt[ "If you'd sale wouldn't out of gas," ." We take INT faction ° ! OOLE it MOBIL (sin tinle, he can fly by an airway of its uses. Exactly how nmeh of and estinlate his arrival time, or a fire hazard is this new fronting. hc can simply state ttlat he will Can it be fireproofedT'it really APPROPRIATE BACKGROUID:-Fltting dec- pageant backdrop. ,This Journal photo caught }report in to, a certain station by orat{ohs for "Shay Day" ado ,the L.M. mar- the "Tollie" in front.of the L.M. during Friday's a certain ume after making off necessarYdecided bythattheit citybe tO,1,dYncommission.aS • quee, borrowed from the 1953 Forest Festival dramatic move up Railroad Avenue. ' ,the airway stops at various places. How many other owners in the "[--I|¢hDD(eT FLOWERS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :If weather closes in and he can-commercial area with wood front- First and Present Dairy Support Prices To Be Continued !not proceed to hisdestination he ing. s on their buildings will be re- can always fly to an alterate air- quired to teal" these frontngs Phone port or return to the place of his down. These are a few of the ques- beginning. There is always a tele- Pr,.s¢,nt dairy support pr'ties will dairy [)r'(rducts . . . Wc will, of phone nearby in preplanned flying It,, v()ntinued through tic 1959-60 com's(, (,onlimm t()assisl the dairy and a phone call will allay the nmrketing yea)', which begins industry in every sound way to fears of loved ones and prevent a This Mother's Day ,,,,,, i, according t<, Martin Aus-cxi)and its markets, reduce costs search for a pilot who is down S P E € I A eth, chairman of Mason County and tlelp it build on a l'irn;cr foun- safe. I J'  .AS(? committee. As in the past, (tation." There is no mystery about the: fa)')n prices for milk and butterfat - ................................. emegency equipment a plane will be suPl)orttd through offers should have on cross-country b,, City Accepts For instance, what will Boy.00s Tenn|s butt(+r, cheddar cheese, 'and nonfat you need to properly care for In- dry milk in tar'lot quantities, jured passengers? Answer: tourn- ::" {] I V[ M 0 M ....o...... ,,.,,,,... Lo(omohve iquets, bandages, bandaids, tweez- the program will be 58 cents pe]" * ers, scissors, something to make pound for butter, U.S, Grade A or splints with, aspirin, and a first aid booklet. What do you need for higher, at Seattle; (!,I.S. Grade B , ll survival ° Answer: a sleeping bag, • BLACK butter is 2 ('ents per pound less ; The Shqton City Comnfission 32.75 cents per p(amd f,)r ehed(lr passed resolution 162 Tuesday a tarpaulin (pererably one that is • rubberized, blue on one side, yen • WHITE ' cheese., U.S. Grade A, or higher, wllieh will give the city official low on the other so it can be used PAIR standard moisture basis; and 14.25 ownership of the old shay lucerne- far signalling as well}. Also be- cen.s p,,r l)ound for nonfat dry tive now in Brewer park. sides the hand axe, cooking uten- milk, U.. Exlra Grad,, or higher, "I'll(' papers of ownership will be sils, a sterne stove, knives, forks, sl)ray process (in barrels and turne(I over to the ('it.y formally spoons, cups, dishes, and eomething THONGS -- MEN'S - WOMEN'S - drums). ' ' Ia announcing the continuation :t 2 dedication ceremonies on May to keep water in. What will you in the park. Glenn Correa rep- eat? Answer: chocolate, canned [}AY00 €1 Y[A00! ,,f next season's dairy supports at ,'esented tilt, Simpson company ill goods, crackers, dried potatoes, present levels, Secretary of Agri- tile transaction and was present and emergency canned rations can culture Benson pointed out that at the city commission's meeting usually be found if one scouts 1959 production is not expected to T msday. 0000aAwl00ll|l00lAl00l AUTOMATIC be significantly different fr°n May°rEarlM°°reann°uncedar°undandgetsint°uchwith" • servicemen. The 1957 or 1958 level, increased con- 1hat, the city has ah'eady Imr - You'll also need maps, pocket . sumer incomes are in prospect, chased liability insurance on the compa., fish hooks, Insect repel- . and the conlnercial use of milk locomotive. . products per person is expected to lent, a mirror for signalling, smoke 00J0000IP'MI bHiJlm•  DISHWASHER b,, at ,,,,,st as la,'go an in 1958. - ................................................ flares, and a transistor b,ttery With the rise in population, supply  radio. It's good to know people and the commercial llS( of milk are looking for you and it helps products are expected to be more   nearly in balance--on a fat basis .... FREE FREE than in several years, although there will still be sonic surplus of non-fat dry milk solids. BASED ON analyses by dairy technicians, the secretary said, "It   • • • • "k What could yoUtimegiVe her wonld.____====1.appear __..____that retention_ of the present Support h, vels is desirable that would be mole 00ppre- tOwithProvidethe marginthe level of productiOnof safety to 'as- Our 4dl Anniversary ( sure an adequate supply'.; dated and more helpful to "For good nutrition'," he de- her for years in the future elared, "we need to consume more " SATURDAY ..., MAY €) while at the same pro- 1"!!1 WE[[[ IN tecting your family's health? Washinglon History With Each Gallon Ie.e Cream With Each -Gal. 1¢ NOW ...-flMIV The May 7, 1853 Insu(" of the FORESTS ' ONE QUART SOFT FREEZE ONE PINT SOFT Columbian, Olympia, "'Washington Territory," the hitler used for the MEA FREE FRE "Just as we are going to press, a gentlerlrarl who canle passenger FROSTY MALT GONES SOFT FREEZE FOR THE MODEL SP-40-8 in Lhe steamship 'Cohmlbia' from ' s s # San Francisco, informs ns that ..................................... M,. ......... 00te,,ens. of M00,ss,:,cili,- ALL S,00ES HOT setts, has been appointed Governor ' " 2 FOR-PRIGE OF ONE 2 FOR PRIO! of ashington Territory." • • • ,= Heret:(ifore, this first newspaper € north of the Colmnbia River had Dill@ I design,,ted its location as "Olym- PLUS ©, FE L R" Territory). Isaac I. Stevens' corn- mzmml mission was c.onfirrned by the U.S. Senate and issued on March 17, 1853, practically sevcn weeks prior to the terriLory receiving the word.' The telegraph was nonex- istent until several year's later. The editor notes in another col- umn: "Owingnodoubt to tl, ejoy- [G ful intelligmce of the establish- 114 outh Second Street • Phone IIA 6-4633 ment of the Territory of Washing- ,s. 422 North 1st Street , At Bend in Highway , .-... ton 'our table' has been entirely ,ll[- nle(ted during,, week."