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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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959 BUilding otl Request AHELTON-MASON CON'T J6U'RNAL--. PuhlLshed Weather High Low Precip. April 29 . 5Gdeg. 52 dog. 2.91 in. April ;;0 57(h.'. :Sdeg'. 0,1Gin. May 1 .... 5S (:h!'. 35 (h'g ....... Ma' 2 .... 59 (h'g '. ?,6 deg. 0.02 in. May "/ .... 57 deg. "W, deg. 0.02 ill. Nl:ly I 5t (It'. :6 (h'g. 0.3; in. Mny 5 . 6'l ('h'g. 32 dog ..... t.Hyt )niol. Tllcol'pol'at t'd. road hugging! : ;:; :ii ii :/i,!!::/i/,i ,::H ), I WOODSMEN COMING UP--University of Washington forestry student Paul Bourgault, right, of Shelton, is among a group of 13 senior logging engineering students from the UW College of For- estry who are working during the spring quarter with the State Dept. of Natural Resources on the State's Sustained Yield Forest No. 2 in the Sultan Basin of Snohomish county.' Bourgault, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Bourgault of Star Route 1, Box 144, is shown with a fellow student, Chuck MaoLearnsberry of Lake Sawyer, as they use a compass to help lay out a future iD. €€ "' Ohrlstmaown. iT.,q.A., ghe!to6, Washinl 1National Hospital Week To Be Observed May I0- 17 With the announcement thatl National Hospital Week will be' obst, rved in Shelton Genoral thls- pital next week, May 10 through 17, Mrs. Helen McCann, ho.pital administrator reported nn Stilt](' of the problems facing the local hos- pital. EVERY DAY Shelton General spends an average of $25.48 for the care of each patient, The medical and scientific miracles of recent years have had an enor- mous in]pact on hospital costs, ac- cording to Mrs, McCann, with the new treatment methods, drugs, coroph,x equipment nn(l more highly-trained personnel. Last year 1391 persons were ads mitted to the hospital, 400 less than ten years ago and 2984 lab- orah)ry tests wel/e performed and 1609 x-rays taktL MRS. McCANN said the aver- age number of days a patient spends in Shelton General Hos- pital is 5.8. This is apl)roximate- ly half the length of confinement of ten years ago. Since the pa- tient receives more services than ever before in a shorter time, the hospital costs are concentrated rather than spread ont over S hmger period. Even so, the l¢)cal hospital's charges are the h)west :h/°^ are five inches farther apart. "' Widens the stance, not the car, Ves t You road huin stability, less lea . " o g , and sway. Only Pontiac has it! logging road. in the state and it iE one of the ............................................................................................. few fully approved and accredited Two Shelton Ministers End Service Here "rite loss of two devoted and at-' tive ministers will be felt deeply in Shelton this summer. The Rev- erend Charles T. Hatten, pastor of the Methodist church will enter Store Windows Due Decoration Plans for the decorating of store windows in Shelton during the Forest Festival were disctlssed Monday night at the Mason Coun- ty Historical Society's meeting held in the P,U.D. building. According to present plans, the county's ten Granges will do the work in conjunction with the, so- senti-retirement and move tn Ta- ciety. coma; and The Reverend J. Bern- THE CLUB selected an ox cart hard Be(helm has resigned his drawing depicting the hauling of pastorate at F a i t h Lutheran logs. as the insignia for its ate- church to take the pulpit at Bu- tionery and en.vek)pea. The draw- rich. ing was subnuttea Dy Juhe sum- REVEREND Hatten's retire- mers, a student in the Shelton ment will cumulate 47 years of high school drawing class, who full time activity in the ministry, was given a cash award and letter He and Mrs. Ha'tten became part-I of commenaatl0n for ner entry, net's in marriage and the ministry Twenty-nine members attended 47 years ago in Illinois. Serving the meeting. The next meeting of five years in Illinois, they came the society will be held on June 1 west and had churches m Spokane, and will be the last one for the Spokane Valley, and Colville In-. summer. dian Reservation. Then they went to Alaska where for 12 years they had charge of the Jessie Lee Home for orphan children in Seward, Alaska. They also were at the Hy- der church in Alaska for two years. Returning to thu states, they spent 4 years at White Swan; seven at Pasco, 6 at Centyalia and then on t(l Shelton whtve they have been for the past 4 years. ' ½1NCE BEING in Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Hatten, she is one of the first women licensed as a local preacher in the church, have been extrem(!ly ac.tive in memhership work and especially in developing the Sunday School program. Bretheim and Daniel 5, and Jo- 'Ann 4, will take a trip to Wis- consin to visit relatives. Temporary replacement for Rev- erend Bretheim will be James Armstrong a 3rd year Augsberg ,Seminary student. Too Late To 01assify , , , ,,, i _Zl ii i i FOR RENT -- 2 Imdrolml unfurnish,,d house, $50,(R) l)er nmnth. Phon(! HA 6-8486, Angleide. .................. M. 5(7. tf a LoST -- boy's red 24 inch Schwinn bi- cyvle at edge of woods at 7th and May. Filltlev please l't}tIll'll to 717 Following his sermon June 13 Mny St. or (,all HA 6-4628, Reward. they will leave for Tacoma where ................................................. N 5/7 they have bought a house and Mr'. 2 BEDROOM Charnler Island Lake. Hatten will work with the mem- Owner must sacrifice attractive home on thv lake, concrete bulkhvud, patio. bership program of the Mason Karag'e, good well and gal'dvlliltg tr, Methodist church, liFt,l(. Full l)ri('( , ()lily $7,,),i(l (!all Ktlrt Mann. Waterfront R(!alty. t'hone HA A successor for Reverend Hat- 6-8535. 5/7 ten will be named at conference v(; R meeting June 3. nmnth. Wat(wfront Realty. Phone REVERENI) Bretheim, his wife ..... FlA. 6-8535. ............................................ 5_.(7 and 2 children, will finish 7 years of work in the Shelton Faith Lu- lheran church with his sermon July 12. He will begin his new YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER SHELTON MOTOR 00. 233 OUTH 1ST ST. SHELTON, WN. assignment at Bethel Lutheran church in Burten on August 1. During his stay in Shelton his church membership has doubled, and the church became self sup- porting in 1957. For the past two years he has been president of the Mason Cmmty Ministerial Associ- ation and is a Rotary Club mem- ber. A new parsonage is being built at the Burien church, and while waiting for its completion Mrs. Prolessiona! Care For the Clothes You Wear / FOR SAI,E- Three bedroom house 704 Euclid. Carport. Fireplace. Hard- w(md floors. Plastered wails. Phone IIA 6-3180. O 5/7 tfn Illel'si,!g Inlet, Ollt llliiO fl'OlH town, fOUl" roOlll hottse, hardwood floors, electric heat, tile bath a14 tile kit- then, $16,500. Phone HA 6-4775 or P.C).Box 237, Shellon. R 5/7-21 ;ltX(iC, a, iJLY N EW--O./go'-'-ne¥ caulks, size 8 $17.50, milk goat $12.50. Cross-cut haw, 6 ft, $12.50. Phone HA 6-8772. No Saturday ealls. N 5/? WANTED 2 or a bedrdom ne{se, shdh acreage for pasture close to town. Phene 8-8843. ] 5/7 truck $250. Phrase HA 6-11397, Mc $17 , i II ii I . ii Legal ltblieatlons u i J i , . ii Na Ill0 NOTICE TO CREDITORR (In Pobale) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter, f the Estat of W. G, POTTS, Deceased. DRY P i; . ' ? by the Joint Council of Acc)'cdi- tation of the National Hospital Association and American Medi- cal Associati()n. "Fch service the hospital pro- vides for the community costs money," Mrs. McCann said. "Just buying a new piece of equipment is not the whole story. A life- saving addition may mean hiring Sheriff's Posse In Perform May 23 Plans for the Mason County Sheriff's Posse play day, May 23 will be completed at a special meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday at the home of Alf Ribbans. The playday's events Will in- clude grand entry, pole bending, a Texas barrel race, flag race, trail- el' race, both team and individual events. A trophy will be awarded to the winner receiving the high- est nur4)er of points during the day's events. The public is invited and admission is free for those wishing to view tile skills of horse i and rider beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the airport, Skating Parly Planned For Kids Salurday Mason County boys and girls will be admitted free to the Shel- ton Roller arena this Saturday for two sessions of skating. Admittance to the rink can be gained by showing a children's Forest Festival button. A rental of 25 cents will be charged for skates. The first session will begin at 10 a.m. an drnn until noon. The second session will run from 1:30 p:m. until 4. new personnel and establishing new procedures and records. Al)l)roxinlately 60 per cent (if the hospital's costs today are for wages and salarie.. But the need for personnel new, r ends, and it is hoped that more and more young I)eople will realize the sat- isfactim found in hospital work not only in medical but in admin- istrative careers." ],, RI I .... I,I II _, II1,1 , 11, =,] L II I I I i . I , I YOU SHOULD KNOW... iL HA 6-8139 . i,, ii ii P00,F s . .i ill i i[ CLII00T WILLOUR "Is your estate guarded against going through administration twice ?" N/W NATIONA L Li Incur=hoe ¢or  i iii i lU I I II I II II IIII I II IHII II [I JI IIII I I For Mother A SMART, COMFORTABLE CHAIR In her favorite color and fabric Available also in Rocker or Roto-Rocker MOTHER WILL ENJOY IT!! Olsen Furniture Company 328 COTA HA 6-4702 I IlllI I I I III I I _ • II I I lll I I BET THE ONE YOU'Ll: EVENTUALLY WANT! REPRIGERATOR- FREEZER BIG 100 LB. SEPARATE ZERO DEGREE FOOD FREEZER FREEZER DOOR RACKS : i:!qi:i:: AUTOMATIC CYCLE DEFROST • Nqtlce is hereby given that th .un- (leralgned hm$ been appointed and la? qqallfied as taxecutor of the estate o! G W. G, Potts. Deceased; that all per- ceased are hereby, required to serve the same aUly verified. On said execa* I I TWO DOORS tor or Ita attorneys of record at the I| address below stated, and file the I I s&me with the Clerk of said Qotrt, to- I I gether with proof of such servk'e With- [I in six months after tl}e date ol first II PORCELAIN publi;atlon of this'otice, or the same will be barred. 195 Date of first pblicatlon, May 7, 9. by PACIFIC NATION.L ANK xe(,utor of said Estate t IDING CRISPERS I  2.d *, S.a,Ue, W.,h. AD{USTARIE EGG RACKS Terhune, lchlosstein & Riveland Attorneys for Estate, I 1003 Smith Tower Seattle, Wash. /7-!4o1 at  ADJUSTABLE ALUMINUM , DOOR RACKS o. zme LE mntl)u DIG 14 CU. H. No'rm: or 'azva aa CAPACITY OF Bli,'&i, ESTATE Y I I oo,,,,o,,,. $:taa i 0,00.e ,.. o, ..,,,.o,o, .o, e v r .,..,, 00ouNT, towm tact mm ,d _ t..2,. /) t -- _ rn the Mtter of the ltate of FRANK WATER, Deceassd. the said Administr&tor. will n Or after lng described real property situated in er e Mason Coan, y. Washington: Eas" IIm Here's ev, rytlg you could want in a 2-do.or The Ea|t half (Z½) of the t $2 50 Week Rfrlgerator-freezcr. The Su.Ipr Custom has excltlng Monday through Frid_ay _) half (E) of the Wet half (W½) of the East half (E½) of the North= " lUXttW features and new tnmline, styling. Automatic .. east qaarter (NEA) lying NorthaO.r COMPARE cycle defrosting in rfrigerator eliminates defrosting '=--' the Coanty Road u' now locatea na S North,in use,Rangein Section4 WestlS'w.M.,T°whshiPc0ntaln-21 THIS VALUE worlds because ere is no defrost water to empty... ln 5,5 acres, more or less, together the Super Custom is always defrosted. Trimline stying .w th the appurtenances thereunto be- permits flush fit installation with your base cabin¢ts tot ,o,,glng. _ a modem built-is look. rium Cle ""'"'"""""""°'"°°" aners ""'" *°"''"'°'"*"'"' ""*'°' L00o,,b W ¥o€ ney, Robert I,. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Cotn't' before $2 o'clock noon, May 18, 1959. Said property will be offended for AND TAILORS sale for cash. or cash and/or credit, and the salt, shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of aald Court. 215 SOUTH ND STREET * PHONE HA 6-3371 • Where the Charm o/ Newness Is Restored The Admlnlstz,ator r.serves the right to l'()j(ct any and all bids. DATED tll. Tth day of April, 1959, Administrator ROY J. tANNING Star Route I, Box 99 Shelton. Washing(ca ROBERT L, 'SNYDER Covey Buildipg Shelton, w#rinton Attorney fur • Adtiaitrltor 1;) " 4/30-:-5/7- 3t Olsen Furniture Company 959 BUilding otl Request AHELTON-MASON CON'T J6U'RNAL--. PuhlLshed Weather High Low Precip. April 29 . 5Gdeg. 52 dog. 2.91 in. April ;;0 57(h.'. :Sdeg'. 0,1Gin. May 1 .... 5S (:h!'. 35 (h'g ....... Ma' 2 .... 59 (h'g '. ?,6 deg. 0.02 in. May "/ .... 57 deg. "W, deg. 0.02 ill. Nl:ly I 5t (It'. :6 (h'g. 0.3; in. Mny 5 . 6'l ('h'g. 32 dog ..... t.Hyt )niol. Tllcol'pol'at t'd. road hugging! : ;:; :ii ii :/i,!!::/i/,i ,::H ), I WOODSMEN COMING UP--University of Washington forestry student Paul Bourgault, right, of Shelton, is among a group of 13 senior logging engineering students from the UW College of For- estry who are working during the spring quarter with the State Dept. of Natural Resources on the State's Sustained Yield Forest No. 2 in the Sultan Basin of Snohomish county.' Bourgault, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Bourgault of Star Route 1, Box 144, is shown with a fellow student, Chuck MaoLearnsberry of Lake Sawyer, as they use a compass to help lay out a future iD. €€ "' Ohrlstmaown. iT.,q.A., ghe!to6, Washinl 1National Hospital Week To Be Observed May I0- 17 With the announcement thatl National Hospital Week will be' obst, rved in Shelton Genoral thls- pital next week, May 10 through 17, Mrs. Helen McCann, ho.pital administrator reported nn Stilt](' of the problems facing the local hos- pital. EVERY DAY Shelton General spends an average of $25.48 for the care of each patient, The medical and scientific miracles of recent years have had an enor- mous in]pact on hospital costs, ac- cording to Mrs, McCann, with the new treatment methods, drugs, coroph,x equipment nn(l more highly-trained personnel. Last year 1391 persons were ads mitted to the hospital, 400 less than ten years ago and 2984 lab- orah)ry tests wel/e performed and 1609 x-rays taktL MRS. McCANN said the aver- age number of days a patient spends in Shelton General Hos- pital is 5.8. This is apl)roximate- ly half the length of confinement of ten years ago. Since the pa- tient receives more services than ever before in a shorter time, the hospital costs are concentrated rather than spread ont over S hmger period. Even so, the l¢)cal hospital's charges are the h)west :h/°^ are five inches farther apart. "' Widens the stance, not the car, Ves t You road huin stability, less lea . " o g , and sway. Only Pontiac has it! logging road. in the state and it iE one of the ............................................................................................. few fully approved and accredited Two Shelton Ministers End Service Here "rite loss of two devoted and at-' tive ministers will be felt deeply in Shelton this summer. The Rev- erend Charles T. Hatten, pastor of the Methodist church will enter Store Windows Due Decoration Plans for the decorating of store windows in Shelton during the Forest Festival were disctlssed Monday night at the Mason Coun- ty Historical Society's meeting held in the P,U.D. building. According to present plans, the county's ten Granges will do the work in conjunction with the, so- senti-retirement and move tn Ta- ciety. coma; and The Reverend J. Bern- THE CLUB selected an ox cart hard Be(helm has resigned his drawing depicting the hauling of pastorate at F a i t h Lutheran logs. as the insignia for its ate- church to take the pulpit at Bu- tionery and en.vek)pea. The draw- rich. ing was subnuttea Dy Juhe sum- REVEREND Hatten's retire- mers, a student in the Shelton ment will cumulate 47 years of high school drawing class, who full time activity in the ministry, was given a cash award and letter He and Mrs. Ha'tten became part-I of commenaatl0n for ner entry, net's in marriage and the ministry Twenty-nine members attended 47 years ago in Illinois. Serving the meeting. The next meeting of five years in Illinois, they came the society will be held on June 1 west and had churches m Spokane, and will be the last one for the Spokane Valley, and Colville In-. summer. dian Reservation. Then they went to Alaska where for 12 years they had charge of the Jessie Lee Home for orphan children in Seward, Alaska. They also were at the Hy- der church in Alaska for two years. Returning to thu states, they spent 4 years at White Swan; seven at Pasco, 6 at Centyalia and then on t(l Shelton whtve they have been for the past 4 years. ' ½1NCE BEING in Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Hatten, she is one of the first women licensed as a local preacher in the church, have been extrem(!ly ac.tive in memhership work and especially in developing the Sunday School program. Bretheim and Daniel 5, and Jo- 'Ann 4, will take a trip to Wis- consin to visit relatives. Temporary replacement for Rev- erend Bretheim will be James Armstrong a 3rd year Augsberg ,Seminary student. Too Late To 01assify , , , ,,, i _Zl ii i i FOR RENT -- 2 Imdrolml unfurnish,,d house, $50,(R) l)er nmnth. Phon(! HA 6-8486, Angleide. .................. M. 5(7. tf a LoST -- boy's red 24 inch Schwinn bi- cyvle at edge of woods at 7th and May. Filltlev please l't}tIll'll to 717 Following his sermon June 13 Mny St. or (,all HA 6-4628, Reward. they will leave for Tacoma where ................................................. N 5/7 they have bought a house and Mr'. 2 BEDROOM Charnler Island Lake. Hatten will work with the mem- Owner must sacrifice attractive home on thv lake, concrete bulkhvud, patio. bership program of the Mason Karag'e, good well and gal'dvlliltg tr, Methodist church, liFt,l(. Full l)ri('( , ()lily $7,,),i(l (!all Ktlrt Mann. Waterfront R(!alty. t'hone HA A successor for Reverend Hat- 6-8535. 5/7 ten will be named at conference v(; R meeting June 3. nmnth. Wat(wfront Realty. Phone REVERENI) Bretheim, his wife ..... FlA. 6-8535. ............................................ 5_.(7 and 2 children, will finish 7 years of work in the Shelton Faith Lu- lheran church with his sermon July 12. He will begin his new YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER SHELTON MOTOR 00. 233 OUTH 1ST ST. SHELTON, WN. assignment at Bethel Lutheran church in Burten on August 1. During his stay in Shelton his church membership has doubled, and the church became self sup- porting in 1957. For the past two years he has been president of the Mason Cmmty Ministerial Associ- ation and is a Rotary Club mem- ber. A new parsonage is being built at the Burien church, and while waiting for its completion Mrs. Prolessiona! Care For the Clothes You Wear / FOR SAI,E- Three bedroom house 704 Euclid. Carport. Fireplace. Hard- w(md floors. Plastered wails. Phone IIA 6-3180. O 5/7 tfn Illel'si,!g Inlet, Ollt llliiO fl'OlH town, fOUl" roOlll hottse, hardwood floors, electric heat, tile bath a14 tile kit- then, $16,500. Phone HA 6-4775 or P.C).Box 237, Shellon. R 5/7-21 ;ltX(iC, a, iJLY N EW--O./go'-'-ne¥ caulks, size 8 $17.50, milk goat $12.50. Cross-cut haw, 6 ft, $12.50. Phone HA 6-8772. No Saturday ealls. N 5/? WANTED 2 or a bedrdom ne{se, shdh acreage for pasture close to town. Phene 8-8843. ] 5/7 truck $250. Phrase HA 6-11397, Mc $17 , i II ii I . ii Legal ltblieatlons u i J i , . ii Na Ill0 NOTICE TO CREDITORR (In Pobale) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter, f the Estat of W. G, POTTS, Deceased. DRY P i; . ' ? by the Joint Council of Acc)'cdi- tation of the National Hospital Association and American Medi- cal Associati()n. "Fch service the hospital pro- vides for the community costs money," Mrs. McCann said. "Just buying a new piece of equipment is not the whole story. A life- saving addition may mean hiring Sheriff's Posse In Perform May 23 Plans for the Mason County Sheriff's Posse play day, May 23 will be completed at a special meeting at 7 p.m., Wednesday at the home of Alf Ribbans. The playday's events Will in- clude grand entry, pole bending, a Texas barrel race, flag race, trail- el' race, both team and individual events. A trophy will be awarded to the winner receiving the high- est nur4)er of points during the day's events. The public is invited and admission is free for those wishing to view tile skills of horse i and rider beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the airport, Skating Parly Planned For Kids Salurday Mason County boys and girls will be admitted free to the Shel- ton Roller arena this Saturday for two sessions of skating. Admittance to the rink can be gained by showing a children's Forest Festival button. A rental of 25 cents will be charged for skates. The first session will begin at 10 a.m. an drnn until noon. The second session will run from 1:30 p:m. until 4. new personnel and establishing new procedures and records. Al)l)roxinlately 60 per cent (if the hospital's costs today are for wages and salarie.. But the need for personnel new, r ends, and it is hoped that more and more young I)eople will realize the sat- isfactim found in hospital work not only in medical but in admin- istrative careers." ],, RI I .... I,I II _, II1,1 , 11, =,] L II I I I i . I , I YOU SHOULD KNOW... iL HA 6-8139 . i,, ii ii P00,F s . .i ill i i[ CLII00T WILLOUR "Is your estate guarded against going through administration twice ?" N/W NATIONA L Li Incur=hoe ¢or  i iii i lU I I II I II II IIII I II IIIIIIIII II [I JI IIII I I For Mother A SMART, COMFORTABLE CHAIR In her favorite color and fabric Available also in Rocker or Roto-Rocker MOTHER WILL ENJOY IT!! Olsen Furniture Company 328 COTA HA 6-4702 I IlllI I I I III I I _ • II I I lll I I BET THE ONE YOU'Ll: EVENTUALLY WANT! REPRIGERATOR- FREEZER BIG 100 LB. SEPARATE ZERO DEGREE FOOD FREEZER FREEZER DOOR RACKS : i:!qi:i:: AUTOMATIC CYCLE DEFROST • Nqtlce is hereby given that th .un- (leralgned hm$ been appointed and la? qqallfied as taxecutor of the estate o! G W. G, Potts. Deceased; that all per- ceased are hereby, required to serve the same aUly verified. On said execa* I I TWO DOORS tor or Ita attorneys of record at the I| address below stated, and file the I I s&me with the Clerk of said Qotrt, to- I I gether with proof of such servk'e With- [I in six months after tl}e date ol first II PORCELAIN publi;atlon of this'otice, or the same will be barred. 195 Date of first pblicatlon, May 7, 9. by PACIFIC NATION.L ANK xe(,utor of said Estate t IDING CRISPERS I  2.d *, S.a,Ue, W.,h. AD{USTARIE EGG RACKS Terhune, lchlosstein & Riveland Attorneys for Estate, I 1003 Smith Tower Seattle, Wash. /7-!4o1 at  ADJUSTABLE ALUMINUM , DOOR RACKS o. zme LE mntl)u DIG 14 CU. H. No'rm: or 'azva aa CAPACITY OF Bli,'&i, ESTATE Y I I oo,,,,o,,,. $:taa i 0,00.e ,.. o, ..,,,.o,o, .o, e v r .,..,, 00ouNT, towm tact mm ,d _ t..2,. /) t -- _ rn the Mtter of the ltate of FRANK WATER, Deceassd. the said Administr&tor. will n Or after lng described real property situated in er e Mason Coan, y. Washington: Eas" IIm Here's ev, rytlg you could want in a 2-do.or The Ea|t half (Z½) of the t $2 50 Week Rfrlgerator-freezcr. The Su.Ipr Custom has excltlng Monday through Frid_ay _) half (E) of the Wet half (W½) of the East half (E½) of the North= " lUXttW features and new tnmline, styling. Automatic .. east qaarter (NEA) lying NorthaO.r COMPARE cycle defrosting in rfrigerator eliminates defrosting '=--' the Coanty Road u' now locatea na S North,in use,Rangein Section4 WestlS'w.M.,T°whshiPc0ntaln-21 THIS VALUE worlds because ere is no defrost water to empty... ln 5,5 acres, more or less, together the Super Custom is always defrosted. Trimline stying .w th the appurtenances thereunto be- permits flush fit installation with your base cabin¢ts tot ,o,,glng. _ a modem built-is look. rium Cle ""'"'"""""""°'"°°" aners ""'" *°"''"'°'"*"'"' ""*'°' L00o,,b W ¥o€ ney, Robert I,. Snyder, or the Clerk of said Cotn't' before $2 o'clock noon, May 18, 1959. Said property will be offended for AND TAILORS sale for cash. or cash and/or credit, and the salt, shall be subject to the confirmation and approval of aald Court. 215 SOUTH ND STREET * PHONE HA 6-3371 • Where the Charm o/ Newness Is Restored The Admlnlstz,ator r.serves the right to l'()j(ct any and all bids. DATED tll. Tth day of April, 1959, Administrator ROY J. tANNING Star Route I, Box 99 Shelton. Washing(ca ROBERT L, 'SNYDER Covey Buildipg Shelton, w#rinton Attorney fur • Adtiaitrltor 1;) " 4/30-:-5/7- 3t Olsen Furniture Company