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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 SFIELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in Cktmasfown, U.S.A." Shelton, Highclimbers Run Away With Track € the 2"20 for hls third Dqutnph of,ers were s¢)phonmre Vinc ........................................................................................ s. +, t,,n ..r.,yc,, tl&apos;emo.d.,00S,the ,,,gh, :.,,,, a to.,1 of p...s ,; ..,., .i--a,, ,. Bi Wi d L CLU ii Ch depth anct some surprising clutch !individually. No other ]ndb.,htu:H set)or teammate Lon l)eyettc tx, azers n an 0se pes'fot'mances into a smashing,'wo n more than one e,'ent, win the g,'ueling 4A,0. sophonmre' J L'L[" ,:cord-making victory in the 195900 h,,ek ,o Sl00elt.,,00 ,e,,,,l .a.e .harpe..l,,, his In One-Run Verdic|s+ ' i Ccr|ts'al . L e a g ij.(! a!l'(l°nfes'!nce isllccess, th¢ Highclinlber:.l won six t'irlest disctls throw at 13 9", and. !track enampionsmp Sat u r a a y i events and shai:ed first place in u the Shelton relay teaml, wlli(!h led iRam Fresh Here v-,. night on Loop Field. seventh, picked ,,p .,,'..+ se,,,,,,, ;rom the s,,,,t. +f.' a .oua00 i When the last of the 13 events places, five thirds and shared tw,*. victory over North Thin,ton with had been completed Bob Snnd's and three fourths with a shtrc in Somers. Bostwick. ltatbe|l and ()n('-rm d,,'cisions went for and Htghclimbers had scored in every another. Deve te handling the bahm in thut ag'ainsl the Shelton Blazers in one of them ,while roiling tip a Jmlior Tom Kendall was Shel- order, away-from+.honse junior high base- tpoint total never before accmn- ton's high point:er with seven Io l,'ifteen different erKries con-Ib all action t)f the past week. Iplished in the history of the con- his credit on a shale of first place tributed to the Highclimber point: The vict<)r:/, by a 6-5 count, w's ference competition as Shelton in the pole vault and a second in total with six sophomores scoring;registered over St. "Martins l,h'osh spread-eagled the field of six rival the low hurdle,; but s,)plmn()r: '26.., points, six juniors 20 1/:;'at Lacey Taesday when pitcher ms in this fashion: Sherry HIbert was the team points, three seniors 12' points. +Bruce Cowan managed to put out Thomps m \\;v Jl s(.ccmd f!i.,.';ht [ wm'khorse, contributing 6] points The chanH)ionsifi p results: the fire just in time after the honors went t,) Jim SJtlwrbmd 50 Years Sbelton 59 1/3 in the four events in which' he par- N t '"fh Thurston 2 5/6 SHOT 'UT Earl Williams NT. Frosh had scored three runs in with Ktl,'t I:Ft)P.IIII and (]]cll t'ob- ' the final inning to match a three- ertson lying for second. ][y Iticipated . thirds in the In'+t! t9' 101 ' x [" o1" Chehalls 23!, 's a- and 22  fos * .... e 100 i' ., (hey recort u rec- T(mv HriM(i, .lira H(ff and I¢1M Jt n p s u u'tn m t t , ..... run burst by the Blazers in the . lml,t ::0 and a leg on the' winning' ' Clmher,erd 48 -  by...Neeley' ,C ;19,)+). .top half of the same frame. F;arl were one-two-three in the Monteanol. Martin**74 :'esay" team." ' " 'Johnt"nucKl,msdl)ennviNT :' warren eit|er S, ! THE i,O, by a 2-I mugin, .%d flight, lo}rtson and Bus fit,'4 ;'I,A(ES in the two s:)rit ,'. ')'" ...........  C:I]]( at t e hands of Washington Calkius had low gr>ss cards in i |{aynmnd i I/3 . ' ...  , [SCw, rve "n'trpe  tulior high in Olympia last. Fri- the second an(t third fli;4ht:. • iwere 'ISI1OIIg the veral Illlpl'e(ll(- ,),  "' .... ; " ' As expected7 or), one new rec- " ' . • ' . ( :,.-,,i u" Bil M(Call NT 1 ,3' Zelt-.(taV in the best pitching duel of ()thor l)rizc aclovemer!:s were: ed clutci performances w ' [h- "' : ...... ' -- " ""; "" ord was set, Earl Williams of ....  'r  12 .tl .' L, un(I i'll' x x !the. sea,on so far. Cowan fanned Eli H.ichards, Iollgest d|'ivt, oil No. helped mount the recoro+.s)rea|€ ng 6t ,, o " ' " :: N?rth Thurston eclipsing the shot F"elton team total ,i " "' " ' put standard not once but twice, _ .(Lector. -. 146 2 , Roger i eleven, walked five in that (me 4; Tony lit)ski, high st:or(, <m lhe • " +" " ' " x as th goen S u7). throwing the big ball 48 feet 5.S Another of tnat nan|re v s 1 t  VA 'con)pared to four strikeonts and l-idden hole; John Cole, elo-est to fourth p 1 a c e sophomore l:)ave OLE ULT - Tom Kendall ten walks iu the St. Martins tri- the pin on No. 3 al 7 feet 5 inches inches in the afternoon qualifying with Larry Larson next at 9 feel. to crack the existing mar of 48' Pearce contributed in the half  and Bruce Aubuchon M tied at umph. 2%", then raising the pinnacle mile. He was entered as an after- 11', Ron Guthrle S and Berme Joe XVatters tripled behind 7 in'ches; Bub Palmer, closest l:o again in the evening finals witl a thought by Coach Sund since there Berg NT tied for 3rd at 10' 9". walks to Bill Sloan and Rich Wat- the pin on second shot on No. 8 was no limit to the entries in the (Record ...... Gene Dunbar S 11' 8" son to open Blazer scoring in the at 7 feet even, with Bob Turfmr throw of 49' 10i". third against St. Martins, then second at 7 feet 1 inches. ONLY TWO other marks were distance events. Pearce needed 1957). 1900 Hank Rose singled home Wayne * * * closely threatened, Elma's brilliant only one more point to win his let- HIGH JUMP ..... Larry Tornow Robin Brockmueller being the ter this year, too, and he got it C 5' 8", Art Bertsch and Dave O1- Carlson, who had tripled, for a WOMEN WINNERS NAMED e Imenace in both the 10O yard dash, with his fourth place, sen both NT tied for 2nd 5' 6", 2-2fifthdeadloakframe tallYoccasionedWhich bybr°kesinglea divisionDUe tOofrainYtheWeatherShelton.Bayshorethe ladies 1950 SURE LOOKS GOOD--Harley Somers (left) and Lon Deyete, :which he won in 10.6 compared to Roy Buzzard, another Shelton Tim Hurst S, Rolf Olson R and two of the three seniors who s¢orsl points for the High€limbers the 10.4 record, and the broad sophomore, came through as a sur- Paul Peterson NT tied for 4th 5' runs scored by St. Martins in the Golf Club had only two golfing World in Saturday night s all-conference' Central League track meet, Jump which he won at 20 feet 8 prise winner in the half mile,and 4". (Record -- 5' 10" McHatton E second and third, days in April. admire the handsome team ohampionlhip trophy Shelton won by inche against a record of 20' 9", set a new school record at 2:06.7 1955). Ray Neuneker's double drove On April 7 fifteen participated in doing so. It was his first victory home two runs and Cowan's walk at stroke play under full handicap a record-breaking point total. Coach Bob Sund looks over their+ Brockmueller was the meet's BROAD JUMP -- t=tobin Brock- with the bags loaded forced in an- with Maxine Manberg and Vir- NOW shoulders in equal enjoyment of his squad's feat. (Journal photo, outstanding performer, Winning of the year after four consequtive reseller E 20' 8", Dave Olsen NT other in the three-run Blazer spy- ginia Aho tied in the first divi- +" SHELTOtl Ziegler print.') : + second place in his previous starts 20' 1", Sherry HaJbe, rt S 19' 6 , , enth which was initiated by Terry sion, Phyllis Munson winner in the this season. He finished strong to Ray Baker S 19' 6%". (Record -- Kadoun,  seventh grader pinch- second division. I,i : pass teammate Dave Roundtree, a 20' 9.i" Don Millich M 1954). hitter who opened the inning 'ith On April 21 in a match VS par I : senior ,and St. Martins brilliant 100-YARD DASH--.Brockmuel- a single. Watson and Rose banged at 85% handicap, 23 took part sophomore Ron Ayotte on the last ler E, Craig Gunther C, Dick Yar- singles during the inning also. with Ruth Heuston winning the Fairmont "€ } turn ,winning by about three yards boro NT, Sherry Halbert S. 10.6 C,OVAN'S TROUBLE in the St. first division, Helen Rockefeller (Formerly in an. exciting finish, seconds. (Record --- 10.4 Millicb M Martins seventh wan caused by the second. AMONG TItE unexpecteds in 1954, McCormack SM 1957, Evans three walks, a hit batter, and a the Highclimber victory parade E 1958). single. was the one-two finish of senior 220-YARD DASH- Brockmuel- The Blazers bagged only two Harley Somers and Kendall in the ler E, Gunther C, tlalbert S, Ken hits and Washington three in the low hurdles. Elma's Roger Weld, Napiontek I. 24.1 seconds, tree- duel Friday with only one of the one of the favorites, was el)re)nat- ord 22.8 Evans E 1958. game's three runs being earneo ...... ed from the running when he took 440-YARD DASH-Vlnee Bost- Washington's third inning tally on a nasty spill rounding the turn wick S, I,oa De3'ette , Roger a triple and single. Watters had but Somers ran by far his finest Garrett C, Bob Steepy C. 55.3 sec- scored Shelton's run in the top race of the season with his 22.5 cads. (Record ........ 52.9 Millich M half of the same frame when he clocking and whether Weld could 1954). got a life on an error, moved to have beaten him anyway is ques- i 88+ YARD RUN ..... Roy Buz- !second on a fly and checked in as tionable, i zard S: Ron Ayotte SM, Dave :Ken Droscher's grounder was The mile was one of the night's 'Roundtree S, Dave Pearee . booted. thrillers. S.helion's husky junior, 2:06.7 (Record ........  2:04.5 Garnett The winning cotmtcr registered Rawlin Mclnelly, won h'is fourth IC 1958). in the sixth on three walks and straight and whipped the only ri+ i ,MILE RUN Rawlin Mvlnellyan error. val who has .taken his measure :, Ralph Sprgllt NT, Roy Ewing The Blazers meet North Thin's-. ..... this year when he overtook Ray-C ' Ken Van Rooy H.. 4:59.0 tgec-ton (m Loop Field ths afternoon, i==r14 mond's Ken Van Rooy on the htst ord 4:,t0.2 Lynn Bender S 1957 'then close out their 1959 schedule turn and pulled away to a five- : yard ¥ictory. : HIGH tl'URDLES Roger next week with ganlcs Tt|esday [:: Van Rooy gave the crowd qsite W¢.ld E, .l,aurie Somers ,i, Tim and Thursday against Vashington !}hsrst S and Jerry Kaija C tied for in Olympia and Jefferson on Loop : a thrill when he opened the last 4th. 16.5 (Record ..... 15.5 McClus-- I,'ield. [ lap with a sprint which carried ky C 1955). The short scores: him 30 yards ahead of McInelly LOW HURDLES ...... Ilarley R Yt E and N o r t h Thurston's Ralph !Somers S, Tom Kendall S, Brace Shelton ......... 002 010 3 (; 8 0 Sprout going around the first turu. Aubuchon M, Rob Betts C. 22.5 St. Martins .... 011 000 3 5 7 1 But he began to fade in the tunnel (Record-+21+3 McClusky C 1954)., Batteties ..... Cowan and Todd; under the baseball graudstand aud RELAY .... Shelton (H. Somers, Ant.onson and Brttdotte. Outboardino's finally yielded the lead first to Boslwick, Halbert, l)eyette), North R H E Sprout, then to McInelly on the Thurston, Chehalis, St. Martins. Shelton ......... 001 000 0 1 '2 2 PWER C'N£MA ON THE CINOERS.-Wa tter, of North Thurston set the meet's only new rec- last turn with Roy Ewing of 1:38,2 (Record .... 1:36.4 Ciehalis Washington+.. 001 001 3 4 PROFIL[ o Shelton junior, scored two thirds in the field ord when he tossed the shot put 49 feet 10/a Chehalis coming on strong to nip 1958). Batteries -+ Cowan and Todd; events in helping Shelton win the Central League inches, Inset shows Ray Baker, Shelton juntor, the Raymond runner at the tape ........................................... Westrom and Shipley. track title Saturday night, is shown here (left) leaping to fourth place in the broad jump. for third place, ..,from getting off a discus heave. Earl William, (right) (Journal photos, Ziegler prints,) OTHER WINNER+ for the EAORETT AOGn$ • x (Ln.e nrom "t0c" ;"'" "- "e )" ,J--=h +" .............................. ,, :,ou ow.00 .......... , .... ,o+ .o,+... l l0--nE T.0K MEET I)U--[NE00-TU[SB-AY- 0AI( HARBOR POST Pil©hes Effedi ely r made out of Bellglass, you know you own B)b Eacrett, assistant bascball V the bestandeverybodyels¢ knows It tool |, ]ason County's gr&de school Field. and football coach at Irene S, Reed • ...=or'g O |[ runners, jumpers and throwers will Twenty-six events will be held high school, and assistant basket- Ed Stock's pitching was the only SOUND MILLWORK CO. If get their annual (,rack at one an- in all, divided into three classes ball coach at Shelton junior hight bright spot of a 9-1 defeat the 'a Mile South of. Shelton  J[other next Tuesday in the 1959 by age, size and grades, with spy- school, has accepted the position Highclimber B team suffered at Phones HA 6-4282 or HA 6-6392 ilK)wants Club rural grade school en events for girls included am- of head football coach at Oak Har- the hands of the Olympia Cubs at _J]track and field meet on "Loop ong them. bor junior high school with assist- Olympia last Saturday. ,1| L _ il I II I, I, Stock pitched four-hit ball dur- +----..-- Besides various running events ant assignments in the other ing the seven innings he handled ' ' ' '"" .... '"" • ' ' ' ' there will be baseball throwing sports for the 1959-60 school year, the mound chores for Coach Bob • high jumping and shot putting, he announced yesterday. Eacrett, but had six runs on the scoreboard due to shaky support. '  't[ i Jerry Bloomfield was potmded New in'side as well S Print'ng ..,o. +.. for three runs in the eigi, t.h, his UTDOORs 2' only inning on the Shelton slab. +e new Jo+sO" Meanwhile, the Little Climbers had no lack at the plate them- O better with selves, garnering only four hits al- e • O :+" '.' though they met the ball squarely make your boat a goodly share of the time only to iii drive the ball right at a defensive I } player. )  ! The only Shelton run was scored  £ £ T H £ M N 0 ........ in the ninth canto when Terry Os- '- I Pays For It+elf + terbergand Stock sandwiched sin- SAEGER MOTOR gles around'a passed ball Bob ) III III II ,i'.i! Kelley and Bloomfield picked up :: .... the other two Shelton safeties. ) pRINTED STATIONERY insures a handy BUpply i The short score: "!: R H E ) of letterheads and envelopes---no time lost looR- ii{ Shelton ...... 000 000 001-- 1 4 6' ) ing, for the proper paper and an envelope. Olympia .... 102 201 O,x--9 6 a Hillcrest Phone HA. li Batteries ...... Stock, Bloomfield .... (8) and Osterberg; Jones and + Bert. When you think of Printmg . . . [i ' +:: Make Pc a ha think what it saves -- NOT what it costs! EAGER ANGLER- 4-year-ohl King salmon of more than 20 +" Roy Grlggs, son of Mr. zul.d Mrs. lb he, caught in llm)d Canal IRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window Chuc,k Griggs, caught the, scv- Sunday, en tout In Track Lake reeent:ly. S envelopes save billing time--get better returns. Lloyd Bulmell of Dayton hvfts a (Wingard Sport Shop phoLos) - $I + * * * * Firestone Clock Radi0+00-+> .o0 ,,,.,, kIGH WATER LOVS FI,HING 200 fish, including a couple of It.m- As a general condition, high wa-its of ct,ttl, roat and some rainbow $&l / + ters have placed lake fishing un-up to 14 inches. Silvers continued Firestone Table Radio |)RINTED BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily des" a slow bell this past week. to he iuactive but a couple of size- Spotty locales have shown some able Doily Varden were caught. (4-A:133) Reg. $19.95 cash sheets," "paid out slips" help keep recorcts activity, Phillips Lake being one. Bill Barnes of Seattle had one of straight, shorten bookkeeping time. Lake Cushman's weekly report by 21, inches and 3 lbs., Bob Coo- Cruet Set Clem Hester indicated some fair per of Silverdale one of 21,.5 (6-G-28) .................................................. Rcg. $2.'79 " results with 70 fishermen taking inches and 3!i lbs. 'Mrs. Hester reports most Suc- Ceramic Trivet + pR,NTED ENVELOPES pay for them,e|,es " u u W L E R S +'+ being enjoyed by those who Serving Sauce . .. .+..+ ,.e +.o,'o..o +.. +O-++> ................................. .o+. ,'.++ time saved writing return addresses, or no weight. + Lloyd Bunnell of Dayton turned Pan +' to Hood Canal for some salt water • JOIN ' ' angling and came up with a 20-Jb.- With Warmer (6-G-21) Reg. PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUSINESSLIKEI , phss King Sunday. Ed Osterberg . ,+.OR. BU.,...-,..I SPRING +, ,,n., o, ,,,+,o,,t. o. Steam Ir0n RestAVhild the same day andEra- LEAGUE mett Laney and Matt Lambert Manning Bowman (14-B309) ...... Reg.$13.95 Dial 6-4412 for your had,, a/4 a.d 4,.,• lb. hlackmduth. Kitchen Clock + ' s NOW PUNCI! (',AJ{DS DUE (14-D-217) ............................ Reg. $6.98 printing needs! +o+m a team wah members Of your family, neighbors or bull- Anglers are not required to have Other Great Buys Not Shown - Come in and Look ine,s frtends. You'll find leagues steelhead punc.h cards in their pos- • for men, yomen, mixed groups session after April 30 and the Shelton Mason County Journal ' +, ,+n,o;. ., ,.o Bowl State Game, Departm,:nt asks that Lunsf0rd s l*e $IO 111@ 317 " . Everyone is welcome. Call, or to facilitate tabulatim of stcel- better yet, drop in and check head catches for the season the with us for a spot. cards should be turne,J in prompt- ]y. PHONE HA 6-8452 Punch cards may be mailed di- . 633 So. First St. rect to any office ef the depart- PHONE HARRISON 6-8476 ; $helton, Wash. ment or turned in a license deal- ere anywhere m e atte. .r':ltF'...t' AUI'; ()I:" :RA Au tntcr.chtb (;O1.;' T(){'ItN'.I++EN'| ' pa mm,n r),i,,'c:' A;':l'+n',t w,,)i l,) I) tt+ux-s day arid a lother ! ill lhe ,%i]ul)stm lh'crcali:m A;) ludics Js scheduled (!]:!Illl'; fi:':;I spli;' ]:a!!d;c:,,, !dl +{;tj. I ()l]l'il;t;llt l him };It ll' I;t V, I:i;jt!' I)!',,p;t r;t I i<)IJS lI!\\;'," i")SE ;ll/d 1)'i!,, '', \\;\'i(i] ,}(!rry i'lll+}lll;tK+, mle T]l<):i/)SOll f(,l' ](P,') tiC|, atld .};:iFlllan bM i'ich:tv, iu \\;";:; lJ!b'4 i;I the asks (hut t]l first flic:;ht, be}find Ashf(u'd +ttu(i r,('r I) M'r ( 6 SFIELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in Cktmasfown, U.S.A." Shelton, Highclimbers Run Away With Track € the 2"20 for hls third Dqutnph of,ers were s¢)phonmre Vinc ........................................................................................ s. +, t,,n ..r.,yc,, tl'emo.d.,00S,the ,,,gh, :.,,,, a to.,1 of p...s ,; ..,., .i--a,, ,. Bi Wi d L CLU ii Ch depth anct some surprising clutch !individually. No other ]ndb.,htu:H set)or teammate Lon l)eyettc tx, azers n an 0se pes'fot'mances into a smashing,'wo n more than one e,'ent, win the g,'ueling 4A,0. sophonmre' J L'L[" ,:cord-making victory in the 195900 h,,ek ,o Sl00elt.,,00 ,e,,,,l .a.e .harpe..l,,, his In One-Run Verdic|s+ ' i Ccr|ts'al . L e a g ij.(! a!l'(l°nfes'!nce isllccess, th¢ Highclinlber:.l won six t'irlest disctls throw at 13 9", and. !track enampionsmp Sat u r a a y i events and shai:ed first place in u the Shelton relay teaml, wlli(!h led iRam Fresh Here v-,. night on Loop Field. seventh, picked ,,p .,,'..+ se,,,,,,, ;rom the s,,,,t. +f.' a .oua00 i When the last of the 13 events places, five thirds and shared tw,*. victory over North Thin,ton with had been completed Bob Snnd's and three fourths with a shtrc in Somers. Bostwick. ltatbe|l and ()n('-rm d,,'cisions went for and Htghclimbers had scored in every another. Deve te handling the bahm in thut ag'ainsl the Shelton Blazers in one of them ,while roiling tip a Jmlior Tom Kendall was Shel- order, away-from+.honse junior high base- tpoint total never before accmn- ton's high point:er with seven Io l,'ifteen different erKries con-Ib all action t)f the past week. Iplished in the history of the con- his credit on a shale of first place tributed to the Highclimber point: The vict<)r:/, by a 6-5 count, w's ference competition as Shelton in the pole vault and a second in total with six sophomores scoring;registered over St. "Martins l,h'osh spread-eagled the field of six rival the low hurdle,; but s,)plmn()r: '26.., points, six juniors 20 1/:;'at Lacey Taesday when pitcher ms in this fashion: Sherry HIbert was the team points, three seniors 12' points. +Bruce Cowan managed to put out Thomps m \\;v Jl s(.ccmd f!i.,.';ht [ wm'khorse, contributing 6] points The chanH)ionsifi p results: the fire just in time after the honors went t,) Jim SJtlwrbmd 50 Years Sbelton 59 1/3 in the four events in which' he par- N t '"fh Thurston 2 5/6 SHOT 'UT Earl Williams NT. Frosh had scored three runs in with Ktl,'t I:Ft)P.IIII and (]]cll t'ob- ' the final inning to match a three- ertson lying for second. ][y Iticipated . thirds in the In'+t! t9' 101 ' x [" o1" Chehalls 23!, 's a- and 22  fos * .... e 100 i' ., (hey recort u rec- T(mv HriM(i, .lira H(ff and I¢1M Jt n p s u u'tn m t t , ..... run burst by the Blazers in the . lml,t ::0 and a leg on the' winning' ' Clmher,erd 48 -  by...Neeley' ,C ;19,)+). .top half of the same frame. F;arl were one-two-three in the Monteanol. Martin**74 :'esay" team." ' " 'Johnt"nucKl,msdl)ennviNT :' warren eit|er S, ! THE i,O, by a 2-I mugin, .%d flight, lo}rtson and Bus fit,'4 ;'I,A(ES in the two s:)rit ,'. ')'" ...........  C:I]]( at t e hands of Washington Calkius had low gr>ss cards in i |{aynmnd i I/3 . ' ...  , [SCw, rve "n'trpe  tulior high in Olympia last. Fri- the second an(t third fli;4ht:. • iwere 'ISI1OIIg the veral Illlpl'e(ll(- ,),  "' .... ; " ' As expected7 or), one new rec- " ' . • ' . ( :,.-,,i u" Bil M(Call NT 1 ,3' Zelt-.(taV in the best pitching duel of ()thor l)rizc aclovemer!:s were: ed clutci performances w ' [h- "' : ...... ' -- " ""; "" ord was set, Earl Williams of ....  'r  12 .tl .' L, un(I i'll' x x !the. sea,on so far. Cowan fanned Eli H.ichards, Iollgest d|'ivt, oil No. helped mount the recoro+.s)rea|€ ng 6t ,, o " ' " :: N?rth Thurston eclipsing the shot F"elton team total ,i " "' " ' put standard not once but twice, _ .(Lector. -. 146 2 , Roger i eleven, walked five in that (me 4; Tony lit)ski, high st:or(, <m lhe • " +" " ' " x as th goen S u7). throwing the big ball 48 feet 5.S Another of tnat nan|re v s 1 t  VA 'con)pared to four strikeonts and l-idden hole; John Cole, elo-est to fourth p 1 a c e sophomore l:)ave OLE ULT - Tom Kendall ten walks iu the St. Martins tri- the pin on No. 3 al 7 feet 5 inches inches in the afternoon qualifying with Larry Larson next at 9 feel. to crack the existing mar of 48' Pearce contributed in the half  and Bruce Aubuchon M tied at umph. 2%", then raising the pinnacle mile. He was entered as an after- 11', Ron Guthrle S and Berme Joe XVatters tripled behind 7 in'ches; Bub Palmer, closest l:o again in the evening finals witl a thought by Coach Sund since there Berg NT tied for 3rd at 10' 9". walks to Bill Sloan and Rich Wat- the pin on second shot on No. 8 was no limit to the entries in the (Record ...... Gene Dunbar S 11' 8" son to open Blazer scoring in the at 7 feet even, with Bob Turfmr throw of 49' 10i". third against St. Martins, then second at 7 feet 1 inches. ONLY TWO other marks were distance events. Pearce needed 1957). 1900 Hank Rose singled home Wayne * * * closely threatened, Elma's brilliant only one more point to win his let- HIGH JUMP ..... Larry Tornow Robin Brockmueller being the ter this year, too, and he got it C 5' 8", Art Bertsch and Dave O1- Carlson, who had tripled, for a WOMEN WINNERS NAMED e Imenace in both the 10O yard dash, with his fourth place, sen both NT tied for 2nd 5' 6", 2-2fifthdeadloakframe tallYoccasionedWhich bybr°kesinglea divisionDUe tOofrainYtheWeatherShelton.Bayshorethe ladies 1950 SURE LOOKS GOOD--Harley Somers (left) and Lon Deyete, :which he won in 10.6 compared to Roy Buzzard, another Shelton Tim Hurst S, Rolf Olson R and two of the three seniors who s¢orsl points for the High€limbers the 10.4 record, and the broad sophomore, came through as a sur- Paul Peterson NT tied for 4th 5' runs scored by St. Martins in the Golf Club had only two golfing World in Saturday night s all-conference' Central League track meet, Jump which he won at 20 feet 8 prise winner in the half mile,and 4". (Record -- 5' 10" McHatton E second and third, days in April. admire the handsome team ohampionlhip trophy Shelton won by inche against a record of 20' 9", set a new school record at 2:06.7 1955). Ray Neuneker's double drove On April 7 fifteen participated in doing so. It was his first victory home two runs and Cowan's walk at stroke play under full handicap a record-breaking point total. Coach Bob Sund looks over their+ Brockmueller was the meet's BROAD JUMP -- t=tobin Brock- with the bags loaded forced in an- with Maxine Manberg and Vir- NOW shoulders in equal enjoyment of his squad's feat. (Journal photo, outstanding performer, Winning of the year after four consequtive reseller E 20' 8", Dave Olsen NT other in the three-run Blazer spy- ginia Aho tied in the first divi- +" SHELTOtl Ziegler print.') : + second place in his previous starts 20' 1", Sherry HaJbe, rt S 19' 6 , , enth which was initiated by Terry sion, Phyllis Munson winner in the this season. He finished strong to Ray Baker S 19' 6%". (Record -- Kadoun,  seventh grader pinch- second division. I,i : pass teammate Dave Roundtree, a 20' 9.i" Don Millich M 1954). hitter who opened the inning 'ith On April 21 in a match VS par I : senior ,and St. Martins brilliant 100-YARD DASH--.Brockmuel- a single. Watson and Rose banged at 85% handicap, 23 took part sophomore Ron Ayotte on the last ler E, Craig Gunther C, Dick Yar- singles during the inning also. with Ruth Heuston winning the Fairmont "€ } turn ,winning by about three yards boro NT, Sherry Halbert S. 10.6 C,OVAN'S TROUBLE in the St. first division, Helen Rockefeller (Formerly in an. exciting finish, seconds. (Record --- 10.4 Millicb M Martins seventh wan caused by the second. AMONG TItE unexpecteds in 1954, McCormack SM 1957, Evans three walks, a hit batter, and a the Highclimber victory parade E 1958). single. was the one-two finish of senior 220-YARD DASH- Brockmuel- The Blazers bagged only two Harley Somers and Kendall in the ler E, Gunther C, tlalbert S, Ken hits and Washington three in the low hurdles. Elma's Roger Weld, Napiontek I. 24.1 seconds, tree- duel Friday with only one of the one of the favorites, was el)re)nat- ord 22.8 Evans E 1958. game's three runs being earneo ...... ed from the running when he took 440-YARD DASH-Vlnee Bost- Washington's third inning tally on a nasty spill rounding the turn wick S, I,oa De3'ette , Roger a triple and single. Watters had but Somers ran by far his finest Garrett C, Bob Steepy C. 55.3 sec- scored Shelton's run in the top race of the season with his 22.5 cads. (Record ........ 52.9 Millich M half of the same frame when he clocking and whether Weld could 1954). got a life on an error, moved to have beaten him anyway is ques- i 88+ YARD RUN ..... Roy Buz- !second on a fly and checked in as tionable, i zard S: Ron Ayotte SM, Dave :Ken Droscher's grounder was The mile was one of the night's 'Roundtree S, Dave Pearee . booted. thrillers. S.helion's husky junior, 2:06.7 (Record ........  2:04.5 Garnett The winning cotmtcr registered Rawlin Mclnelly, won h'is fourth IC 1958). in the sixth on three walks and straight and whipped the only ri+ i ,MILE RUN Rawlin Mvlnellyan error. val who has .taken his measure :, Ralph Sprgllt NT, Roy Ewing The Blazers meet North Thin's-. ..... this year when he overtook Ray-C ' Ken Van Rooy H.. 4:59.0 tgec-ton (m Loop Field ths afternoon, i==r14 mond's Ken Van Rooy on the htst ord 4:,t0.2 Lynn Bender S 1957 'then close out their 1959 schedule turn and pulled away to a five- : yard ¥ictory. : HIGH tl'URDLES Roger next week with ganlcs Tt|esday [:: Van Rooy gave the crowd qsite W¢.ld E, .l,aurie Somers ,i, Tim and Thursday against Vashington !}hsrst S and Jerry Kaija C tied for in Olympia and Jefferson on Loop : a thrill when he opened the last 4th. 16.5 (Record ..... 15.5 McClus-- I,'ield. [ lap with a sprint which carried ky C 1955). The short scores: him 30 yards ahead of McInelly LOW HURDLES ...... Ilarley R Yt E and N o r t h Thurston's Ralph !Somers S, Tom Kendall S, Brace Shelton ......... 002 010 3 (; 8 0 Sprout going around the first turu. Aubuchon M, Rob Betts C. 22.5 St. Martins .... 011 000 3 5 7 1 But he began to fade in the tunnel (Record-+21+3 McClusky C 1954)., Batteties ..... Cowan and Todd; under the baseball graudstand aud RELAY .... Shelton (H. Somers, Ant.onson and Brttdotte. Outboardino's finally yielded the lead first to Boslwick, Halbert, l)eyette), North R H E Sprout, then to McInelly on the Thurston, Chehalis, St. Martins. Shelton ......... 001 000 0 1 '2 2 PWER C'N£MA ON THE CINOERS.-Wa tter, of North Thurston set the meet's only new rec- last turn with Roy Ewing of 1:38,2 (Record .... 1:36.4 Ciehalis Washington+.. 001 001 3 4 PROFIL[ o Shelton junior, scored two thirds in the field ord when he tossed the shot put 49 feet 10/a Chehalis coming on strong to nip 1958). Batteries -+ Cowan and Todd; events in helping Shelton win the Central League inches, Inset shows Ray Baker, Shelton juntor, the Raymond runner at the tape ........................................... Westrom and Shipley. track title Saturday night, is shown here (left) leaping to fourth place in the broad jump. for third place, ..,from getting off a discus heave. Earl William, (right) (Journal photos, Ziegler prints,) OTHER WINNER+ for the EAORETT AOGn$ • x (Ln.e nrom "t0c" ;"'" "- "e )" ,J--=h +" .............................. ,, :,ou ow.00 .......... , .... ,o+ .o,+... l l0--nE T.0K MEET I)U--[NE00-TU[SB-AY- 0AI( HARBOR POST Pil©hes Effedi ely r made out of Bellglass, you know you own B)b Eacrett, assistant bascball V the bestandeverybodyels¢ knows It tool |, ]ason County's gr&de school Field. and football coach at Irene S, Reed • ...=or'g O |[ runners, jumpers and throwers will Twenty-six events will be held high school, and assistant basket- Ed Stock's pitching was the only SOUND MILLWORK CO. If get their annual (,rack at one an- in all, divided into three classes ball coach at Shelton junior hight bright spot of a 9-1 defeat the 'a Mile South of. Shelton  J[other next Tuesday in the 1959 by age, size and grades, with spy- school, has accepted the position Highclimber B team suffered at Phones HA 6-4282 or HA 6-6392 ilK)wants Club rural grade school en events for girls included am- of head football coach at Oak Har- the hands of the Olympia Cubs at _J]track and field meet on "Loop ong them. bor junior high school with assist- Olympia last Saturday. ,1| L _ il I II I, I, Stock pitched four-hit ball dur- +----..-- Besides various running events ant assignments in the other ing the seven innings he handled ' ' ' '"" .... '"" • ' ' ' ' there will be baseball throwing sports for the 1959-60 school year, the mound chores for Coach Bob • high jumping and shot putting, he announced yesterday. Eacrett, but had six runs on the scoreboard due to shaky support. '  't[ i Jerry Bloomfield was potmded New in'side as well S Print'ng ..,o. +.. for three runs in the eigi, t.h, his UTDOORs 2' only inning on the Shelton slab. +e new Jo+sO" Meanwhile, the Little Climbers had no lack at the plate them- O better with selves, garnering only four hits al- e • O :+" '.' though they met the ball squarely make your boat a goodly share of the time only to iii drive the ball right at a defensive I } player. )  ! The only Shelton run was scored  £ £ T H £ M N 0 ........ in the ninth canto when Terry Os- '- I Pays For It+elf + terbergand Stock sandwiched sin- SAEGER MOTOR gles around'a passed ball Bob ) III III II ,i'.i! Kelley and Bloomfield picked up :: .... the other two Shelton safeties. ) pRINTED STATIONERY insures a handy BUpply i The short score: "!: R H E ) of letterheads and envelopes---no time lost looR- ii{ Shelton ...... 000 000 001-- 1 4 6' ) ing, for the proper paper and an envelope. Olympia .... 102 201 O,x--9 6 a Hillcrest Phone HA. li Batteries ...... Stock, Bloomfield .... (8) and Osterberg; Jones and + Bert. When you think of Printmg . . . [i ' +:: Make Pc a ha think what it saves -- NOT what it costs! EAGER ANGLER- 4-year-ohl King salmon of more than 20 +" Roy Grlggs, son of Mr. zul.d Mrs. lb he, caught in llm)d Canal IRINTED STATEMENTS with matching window Chuc,k Griggs, caught the, scv- Sunday, en tout In Track Lake reeent:ly. S envelopes save billing time--get better returns. Lloyd Bulmell of Dayton hvfts a (Wingard Sport Shop phoLos) - $I + * * * * Firestone Clock Radi0+00-+> .o0 ,,,.,, kIGH WATER LOVS FI,HING 200 fish, including a couple of It.m- As a general condition, high wa-its of ct,ttl, roat and some rainbow $&l / + ters have placed lake fishing un-up to 14 inches. Silvers continued Firestone Table Radio |)RINTED BUSINESS HELPS such as "daily des" a slow bell this past week. to he iuactive but a couple of size- Spotty locales have shown some able Doily Varden were caught. (4-A:133) Reg. $19.95 cash sheets," "paid out slips" help keep recorcts activity, Phillips Lake being one. Bill Barnes of Seattle had one of straight, shorten bookkeeping time. Lake Cushman's weekly report by 21, inches and 3 lbs., Bob Coo- Cruet Set Clem Hester indicated some fair per of Silverdale one of 21,.5 (6-G-28) .................................................. Rcg. $2.'79 " results with 70 fishermen taking inches and 3!i lbs. 'Mrs. Hester reports most Suc- Ceramic Trivet + pR,NTED ENVELOPES pay for them,e|,es " u u W L E R S +'+ being enjoyed by those who Serving Sauce . .. .+..+ ,.e +.o,'o..o +.. +O-++> ................................. .o+. ,'.++ time saved writing return addresses, or no weight. + Lloyd Bunnell of Dayton turned Pan +' to Hood Canal for some salt water • JOIN ' ' angling and came up with a 20-Jb.- With Warmer (6-G-21) Reg. PRINTING LOOKS MORE BUSINESSLIKEI , phss King Sunday. Ed Osterberg . ,+.OR. BU.,...-,..I SPRING +, ,,n., o, ,,,+,o,,t. o. Steam Ir0n RestAVhild the same day andEra- LEAGUE mett Laney and Matt Lambert Manning Bowman (14-B309) ...... Reg.$13.95 Dial 6-4412 for your had,, a/4 a.d 4,.,• lb. hlackmduth. Kitchen Clock + ' s NOW PUNCI! (',AJ{DS DUE (14-D-217) ............................ Reg. $6.98 printing needs! +o+m a team wah members Of your family, neighbors or bull- Anglers are not required to have Other Great Buys Not Shown - Come in and Look ine,s frtends. You'll find leagues steelhead punc.h cards in their pos- • for men, yomen, mixed groups session after April 30 and the Shelton Mason County Journal ' +, ,+n,o;. ., ,.o Bowl State Game, Departm,:nt asks that Lunsf0rd s l*e $IO 111@ 317 " . Everyone is welcome. Call, or to facilitate tabulatim of stcel- better yet, drop in and check head catches for the season the with us for a spot. cards should be turne,J in prompt- ]y. PHONE HA 6-8452 Punch cards may be mailed di- . 633 So. First St. rect to any office ef the depart- PHONE HARRISON 6-8476 ; $helton, Wash. ment or turned in a license deal- ere anywhere m e atte. .r':ltF'...t' AUI'; ()I:" :RA Au tntcr.chtb (;O1.;' T(){'ItN'.I++EN'| ' pa mm,n r),i,,'c:' A;':l'+n',t w,,)i l,) I) tt+ux-s day arid a lother ! ill lhe ,%i]ul)stm lh'crcali:m A;) ludics Js scheduled (!]:!Illl'; fi:':;I spli;' ]:a!!d;c:,,, !dl +{;tj. I ()l]l'il;t;llt l him };It ll' I;t V, I:i;jt!' I)!',,p;t r;t I i<)IJS lI!\\;'," i")SE ;ll/d 1)'i!,, '', \\;\'i(i] ,}(!rry i'lll+}lll;tK+, mle T]l<):i/)SOll f(,l' ](P,') tiC|, atld .};:iFlllan bM i'ich:tv, iu \\;";:; lJ!b'4 i;I the asks (hut t]l first flic:;ht, be}find Ashf(u'd +ttu(i r,('r I) M'r (