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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 "&apos;o- SHELL TEAM WINS II00m. TIGHT DECISION ., VING MERCHANTS LEAGUE w ,. "ALLORY'-SA00O[OPREP ,JollllSoll'. Shell Service *141., :11 ..... ; ,IF-I-'- I t'r{,pl)'S Rexall 81or'v .. ,t:;., 2l L,:  Thacker;iv li]le{'tric .... :;7 - 31 Kimbel h/h}t{}rs In{'... 3l :;I o,y+. P+.. ....... "" To,0 [m,[o w,, Zi{,leP's C; mera ho 1) ;l}' 37]2: \\;%;e'stPr)l Meal ..... 28 .10 I)()II'S Hying A. Sez'vice 2.1 II ltiKh garne Dean Perry 2°.1 Ul) their second hall' l)lay last w,','k ]" i IrvilgQ sqtl{,eZillg' hi}lilt! {}lit! slim galu St. hhu'tins ,1 8 36 67 two-ply blow by MMlory ahead ()f Prepp's l{cxalI Stm'e 1-; .... • . were tile title @hvn the two rivals b:d- M{mh,sano ...... 2 6 21 37 0linty Dealer J, 6-6389 ROAD tied to a 2-2 Malemate in tile cur- tain-drt}pping match. The league's allllUll p{)st-s(,;i- son banquet will 1),, held this S:t- ur(lliy night at the M{)ose Hall aI, 6:00 l}.nl, for all h,aoue ]n(,mt}{.rs and tileir wives. Trophies and 1}'U,'-off {_'i]tl{!l,:.s will tie l}PCscnt('d. iliil I lRi i TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal .{Jakland Bay tides are one tlottr and fi5 minutes later.) Frhi!ly, May High ............ 4:27 a.m. 1(t.7 12 Low * ......... 11:20 a.m. -1.0 ft High ........... 6:22 p.m, 11.t it. Low .............. 11:47 pro, {;,2 {t at,,rday, May 9 <' *e /]: i, *u 6.4:=1= I.;Lvm{md .......... 2 6 18 78 l']lma .................. 0 . 8 19 64 This Tuesday ,h,qhm .1-6, St. Martins 1-1 Last Friday {"h,'halis ,1-2, Shelt, m 2-2 St. Martins 6-9, Ehna 1-6 N,}Pth ThuPston-Raymond post- , ]}{Hlod, Iv!t TrOllltds. North 'Phurst{m 2. Bethell ( non- COll. ) * This Friday Ch(.halis at North Tlmrston Mc}ntcs;,m} at Elms Slwlt(m, {}pea date. Efi!ective pitching backed by solid {h'fensive play carried the lligh('limhers to another twin win ill C{'ntl*al Ieague baseball action Tuesday a ft{!Pno{}n lit Loop Field• ST. MARTINS was the victim this time, 4-1 and 6-1. in games ,',;hilll'd fl'l)Dl I()IIIOITOW to Ttles- Iligh ....... ,1:53 a.m. 10.5 l't. dy and l'r{}m the St. Martins dia- I,ow . .... ll:h3 a.m. -I.2 fl. nmnd h} l,o}p Field because of a High ........ 6:59 pall. 11.6 II. c{ml'lict in the p'n'ochial school's lin(ll)', ,lnv Ill acl:ivity sche lille. Low " 0'2q'a m 6.5 "{ A "/ m-conf(r,,nce game the ]-Iigl .............. .521 'n/ 10.3 11. Climbers were originally sched- I,mv " .......... 1'/27 )m -l 2 f' ulc{l to pla • 'd ()lympia Tuesday l:[igh .............. 7::9 p.m. 1 1.7 ft. has b't'l] nDvt'{t to an as yet un- Monday iM,v I 1 dee d '{1 {late At this writing Low -.. "{:12 "a.m. fix fl. Shelt(,n's nexi action is at North High ......... 2. 5;53 a.m. 100 ft. Thurst{nl May 15. Low . ........... i:43 p.m. -I.1 ft. The Highelimbe r molmd duo of Iligh,. . ....... 8."°',3 pm 11 7 fl t lorry. M'dl, r:y' ,'tnd Jim Sargent 'l'ued,tv M k, I" set th(, visiting Preps down with Low 2"03  n ;f ' no e:rned ruls, six bits, and 16 High ......... 6:2q i(m 9'6 it. strikeouts ill the 12 innings of i Low .......... 1:4:; p.m. -{IS. ft. action. Hi {55  m ll 6 ft I Mallory was far the more effect- .: " .,e.hV, iq'. da.,,","'{a., ..... 13 ie., all v:ing but one. hit and fan- ,Low . .............. 2:59 a.m. 6.9 fl. mag eleven while giving up only High ............. 7:13 a.m. 9.1 ft me walk. In addition, the Shel- w " ) " ft ion southp.lw produced three hits Lo ............ 2.,8 p.m. 0., . : .... . - ,H,gh. ;,.hurd 9,.55m1.4 11.{)f,. 'l*w,;ga;{!Cl21{lat,b}at{sld?r':gbtrhe3 Lo%v "i'00  m 67 t"I ru ,'. ) of his blows was a High .......... 810g m' { ft' d.ubte which aided Sargent's tri- L(;w _....'6 3:18 l;'m' iii f{i u,nph. P'-h " " 1 R' ,, 2' ".2" ll(' I't SARGENT WAS touched for II.€ ..: .............. U:'|*tk p,lll , ) . , .................................. five safctms by the Preps, one in l*llli} rlPllgq 17lh, ellfqi ¢?aeh inning the Rangers came to ....... ." .................... the plate but he escaped un- Shelton ,}9 1,/3, North Thurston .... 27 5/6 Chehalis 2U Elnv 20 scathed despite four additional Mont'esano 7, St. Ma{Ttins 4 Ray' wa|ks he gave up except for a mond 1 1/,,. ' " well-smashed Mngle to right field Port Angeles 123 2/3, Forks whic!] was bo.oted, into a home "0 1/3 Neah Bat, 5 Jovce 2 run m the second inning. " I-lo',,',;-n, :, {:,',',;,,.d',/,." Junior shortstop Kerm Liver- Olv;;i'/{;;;':';"2":'e'*:;e 2`.::'"'r-'' more was the day's batting star " ' .............. " .... *" with five hits and a wall{ in six ,-* ................................ limvs at bat, including a first I Ilk( E Pi0i pd,me dvnbie. The feat gave him \\;J) v a.r a conference batting average of i_//LUOSHInGTOn .,l9 on 13 hits in 31 ,it bats and '.']_,,ell," " ...... an all-season fignre of .35 on 15- ' & I;i:11:1:11 for :;9 iii ii ie mw ' . , "-'ar-- A1 Snnth ('(}ntributed two doub- dole Deauly Service • Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE lea among his three hits for the (h]y and scored ttle opening run in the first inning of the first g'lme after his initial two,sack blow on tw() following infield outs. RAY MANKE singled and eventually tallied an unearned run on an error ill the third and Liv- ermore's double started a two-run fourth which sewed up the verdict \\;vlum a walk to Rog Hermes, a wild pitch, an error and Denny Teml)h.'s single followed. The run scored off Mallory was put aboard by Manke's error and put ill position when Temple let Mallory's beautiful pick-off throw get ;lway for a two-base bobble Al Schorno bagged t. Martins' only hit to drive in the run. The Climbers won the second ganle on two unearned runs right in the first inning. After the first two ba'tters'fanned, Mallory, Liv- el'more and Garth Getty walked in EDWARD'S SALON 114 SO. 4th HA 6"2431 S! Only 3 More Days a fire sale! I'm still in the building -- Dean's still in New OF GIVE-AWAY PICTURE PRIOES Any Portrait Ever \\; Taken By Dean An 6ize Up to 11x 14 11x14 and 16x20 / Price Wedding Reprints Any Size $1 49 ,o i ,i mixed with a ball(, two wild I)itch's-. and a stoel fir an- other pair of nmrkers m the sec- ond, and singles by Sargent and Smith and two St. Martins errors allowed another pair to check in doring the final Climb,r turn at bat in the fourth. The Shelton infield turued in two ground ball double plays dnr- ing the day and both Bob Fitchett and Temple made beautiful traps on the same play when St. Martins shortstop Johnson hit cleanly to rightfield in the first game sev- enth but was thrown out at first. The Climbers left 11 runners stranded in the first game, six in the second for a season total now of 81 in ten conference games. The short scores: FIRST GAME R H E St. Martins 000 001 0 .-1 1 :t Shelton ...... 101 200 x---4 1'1 2 Battertes--Bucsko and Roulego; Mallory and Hermes. SECOND GAME ', R H E St. Martins ........ 010 00-1 5 2 Shelton .............. 220 2x -6 6 1 Batte,,ries .... Morley, Johnson (2), Acuff {3) and Bucsko; Sar- gent and Hermes. Phyl Zleil;ler's 180 Average Tops Loague WOMEN'S INDUPTKIAL (fiual 2rid halt'} W L Insulating Board .......... 44 20 Purchasing ............... , .... 401& 23 Olympic Plywood ........ 35 29 Accounting .................... 32 . 32 Loggers .......................... 30!. 33 Lnmber .......................... 30 34 Engineering .................. 25 39 Research ........................ 19 45 High gbme -- Phyl Ziegler 204 High total --- Phyl Ziegler 548 Insulating Board's padding came in handy as the women. Indus- h'ial bowling league wound up its second half schedule last week, a 1-3 loss to tailend Research (Steila Howard 418} suffered in spite of Phyl Ziegler's night-topping 204 and 548 scores, merely reducing IBP'g final title margin to 3V., games when second place Pur- chasing {Bonnie Schwarck 425) scored a 3-1 success against Ac- counting (Helen Rice 519). IBP earned the right to meet first half champ Lumber for the .;season crown. Other curtain-drop- pers found Engineering •(LaVonne Cole 419) blanking the Loggers (Marie Runnion 438) and Olympic Plywood (Sara Anderson 469 winning a 3-! nod over Lumber (Jean Rau 507). The annual joint post-season meeting and luncheon with the Simpson men's league will be held tonight at 7:30 at which awards will be presented and next season's officers elected. Phyllis Ziegler's 180 average was easily best in the league for the just-completed season. Others in the top ten were Jean Rau 168, Helen Rice 165, Jane White 160, LaVonne Cole 159, Betty Olson 157, Joan SoWers '157, Sara Ander- son 155, June Loving 153, and Joyce Dion 151. eason high scoring marks were these: High individual gan/es -- Phyl Ziegler and Marie Runnion I tied at 225; high individual series ---Phyl Ziegler 612 and Jean Rau 599; high team game -- Purchas- ing 961 and Lumber 934; high team series -- Purchasing 2650 and Olympic Plywood 2571. OASOADE VIOTOR IN PiN 00AYDFF Four members of the Cascade- Olympic Costructi0!l Company bowling team hit over 500 in win- nig the Fraternal League cham- pionship  playoff-with the Active Club Friday night• This is how the roll-off scoring went:  i CASCADE I ACTIVlANS I Whitmarsh 501 .Anderson 550 I Morken 510[ Ma 495 C'lave]and 45[ l.Wplden 452 .]'.Howard 5151G.Stewart 429 Clark 5tPl IAndberg 496 Totals 25391 Total 2494 Seasonal awards went to Walt ElIott for the high three-game in- dividual serle at 668, Ed Griffen r high single game at 257, Jess illips for rolling a 201 triplicate, arid 'Stah James for being the most improved bowler during the season• James raised.his average 18 pins during the course of the schedule. INTER,COMMUNITY DINNER $00NEDuLED Shlton, Hoodsport, Union and 3elfair civic-minded individuals will rub elbows at an inter-com- munity dinner sponsored by the Shelton Chamber of Commerce next Thursday evening at Alder- brook Inn which will: 1---Officially greet the :1959 tour- ist season on Hood Canal, ; 2--Honor the top ten scholars in I the senior class at Irene s. Reed high school. George Prescott, head of the Tourist Bureau of the State De- partment of Commerce & Econom- ic Development, and H. DeWayne Kreager, director of that depart- ment, wall be the program: speak- era. A capacity crowd of 120 per- sons is expscted to attend. Tickets are now availate' through the _Chamber of Commerce here, the Itoodaport Commercial Club, the Union Community Club and the Belfair Ccmlerciat lab. I'm cleaning out files. Come through the pictures for the ant. i ¸¸¸ 2 £:: ::i! ¸ : ,+, +: ++  + ..... ;,: !!iiii :?ii  i :: THE LADIES OF ST. DAVID'S Episcopal churchwomen, wilt be served. All women of church witt again sponsor the annual spring sil- Mason county ,are cordially invited, reported Mrs. ver tea from 2 to 4P30 p.m., Tuesday in the Ferald tDill, general chairman. Pictured at a Guild rooms of the church. Chamber music for recent planning meeting of the tea are Mrs. Her- the event will be played by Mrs. Dean Palmer, bert G. Moore, pouring; Mrs. Orville Moran, Mrs. Harvey Hillman and Mrs• Oliver Ashford, president of St• Cecilia's Guild; Mrs. Franz an organ interlude will be played by Mrs. Charles Rauscher, president of St. David's Guild, and Lewis• Lady Baltimore cakes, made by the Mrs. Dill. (Journal photo, Ziegler pri$t.) ....................................................................................................................... -r---- ..................................................... Gid Scouls Oamp To Run June 15.26 st'Aku( "Day camping daze" has the. mins of Mlson e{l,nty (  s . Bt'ownie and lrl NcouI, as thev look fol'war(I to the lllnlll[ [*all-, bandle Lake Day Camp June. 15 to 26. Mrs. Jalnes flartley has repnlt- ed the need for a waterfront direc- tor for the camp, thqllirelnents for the salaried position at the calnp is a senior life s.'tving certificate or waler safety instrucLor's certl- ficate. Anyone having the Pequire- nmnts md wishing to apply ape aaked t,) contact Mrs. :Hart.h,3L IA 6-2126. The program outlined for the Day Camp are outd{mr cooking, hiking, games, natm'e study, arts, crafts, singing, awinlming, fotk dancing, camp crafts and Sl)edial events. GHner Wo00!rs Seeking Donatiens C/mtribut ions to the Cttncer Crusade fund drive are now being received by tile vohmteers workig in bott the city and the county. The campaign, which will con- tinue through this month, Is also strengthened through nlany mem- orial don%tions througho,,t tht, yea I. Those wishing to mnke memor- ial donations may contact Mrs. ' V. T (?onnolly, 32,1 I.aur(,I street who "is the nem{n•ial chairmun fnr • ...  the Mason County cancer society. |iliil Journal Want Ads Pay ii I • i i ;":' .... : ............ :" ................................ III . I You Can Owu I • • I i ;ii I this Mae D-80 I . lilli00 I .... • ..... : ..... ' I i :! !' ' 15 ::i': -- : " :'r :'q"' q ,, i $ 9.501 - +, Ill i SHELTON MARINE ! . , • QUEEN'S TRIPS START .... - ------- '" . ................. • 114'lldl IlflklI I Wit,h a visit to the Olympia Ju- . ,-- - ,,, , . ........ AMI Ill" VI II IU I nior Chamber of Commerce last /4111'1 lllh II II III I night: the vi.ttatton of Queen All- l i I i i Ai l P  I I • ,"v,,. v,", I dren Kneeland and her royal court If'If IIIIIIll IN' .lJI, Id/ll IIF to advertise the 1959 Forest Fes- llhglll lllqPO I ..... lILrIIFlr'IIVI1k II&IFrIll1& IIIIII'IH II 111 I. %, I uwu began. !,11 il ! ,1 I She was accompanied la,t night AtTT n TITTOIr RA lllllll ......... , by Princ.ess Karen W'estlund: ++ x.,, +t.JJ..., -I- J.l,u'J* CLINT WlLLOIYR EARNS TRIP The entire eonrt, inclnding Steve Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Clinton Willour, by virtue of an Pa)ckefeller, who enacts the role .... __ .... outstanding life insurance produc- of Paul Bunyan, will make the iii UI Arm- I tion .')-eat" in 1958 has qualified for traditional visit to Olympia next linli ni4io =I the Nolihwesten National L fe Monday " T .... ' (}n ' " ' r "o GAS ANKS SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Insurance Company's convent This includes a visit to the G v- to California tlfis month, ernor' office in the mornirig and _ _ | _. |., . Se_ | _ J| • II • • He and his wife. Dot: will l+ave to the Olympia Kiwani, Club at uoon s rlumning,' flOOtilll H0$t MGIOI on May 11th and will visit the ffoon fin' a program which will be 623 So. First * Les Hansen, Owrter Grand Canyon enroutc to the con- an,inter-chlb visit by theoShelton .. .  i 4 | vention headquarters, whi(:h is the K1w'inls Club. , . .... 2-. -" ? ..... Ambassador Hotel in Los Ange ................................................................................... T,,,- ........ --" ..................................................................... ----T Mother's Choice L Our Salurday Nighl DELUXE SMORGASBORD les, From there they will spend some time in San Francisco be- fore returning home. Mr. arid Mrs Willour reside at 522 South 14th in Shelton. $ $ $ STORE NAME CIIANGED Jim Roush has changed the name of the HillcresL Hardware which he founded and has person- ally operated sines WoPld War 11, to the Shelton Marine Supply. He is' confihing his stock here- after to marine hardware, boats, motors, trailers, etc., and will con- tinue to act as local dealer for the McCulloch power chain saw. He will continue as the Evinrude out- board moto agency here also. $ $ $ 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. SmOrgasbord .. ........... $1.25 Adults Children under 12 .................. $1.00 Tiny Tots ................................ Free entitled "Nuts," and is a short story pyachological character stu- dy, She eaterod the competition through the Olympia Writers Inc., Ltd., of which .she is a member. Her'home ts at 901Caade' St,, Shelton. . ' . . . SholtOnian Wins Top Plaoe tor Manuscripl A former Journal staff member, Mrs. Mildred (Mickeyl Green- walt, now woPkiag in the State Department of Conservation and Natural Rsourcea, has been ac- corded, first place in a judging of manuscripts by tle n6ted author, Helen Zola Ro. Mrs. reewalt's manuscript is G Or Our Special Sunday MOTHER:S .DAY DINNER COMP'00TE Sl.60 SUNDAV DINNER ._ Special Prices for Children PAUL BUNYAN GRILL SHELTON HOTtL NEW UNDAY HOURS -. 7 A.M. TO 8 P. M. 111[ FOR MOTHER - . L i [ Large Cattleya Orchid Corage Fee With Purchase of Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Range, Dishwasher, Freezer or Hot Water Heater :I: $ Here's your chance to give Mother an appliance to make her work easier all year .... long -- and a lovely orchid corsage for,i Mother's Day. Eelis and Valley Appllam (enter 128 South Seeond - - Pho H& 6.466 I I I I IllUll i I IJ [ IIllll 1959 "'o- SHELL TEAM WINS II00m. TIGHT DECISION ., VING MERCHANTS LEAGUE w ,, "ALLORY'-SA00O[OPREP ,JollllSoll'. Shell Service-141., :11 ..... ; ,IF-I-'- I t'r{,pl)'S Rexall 81or'v .. ,t:;., 2l L,:  Thackerav li]le{'tric .... :;7 - 31 Kimbel h/h}t{}rs In{'... 3l :;I o,y+. P+.. ....... "" To,0 [m,[o w,, Zi{,leP's C; mera ho 1) ;l}' 37]2: \\;%;e'stPr)l Meal ..... 28 .10 I)()II'S HYing A. Sez'vice 2.1 II ltiKh garne Dean Perry 2°.1 Ul) their second hall' l)lay last w,','k ]" i IrvilgQ sqtl{,eZillg' hi}lilt! {}lit! slim galu St. hhu'tins ,1 8 36 67 two-ply blow by Mallory ahead ()f Prepp's l{cxalI Stm'e 1-; .... • . were tile title @hvn the two rivals b:d- M{mh,sano ...... 2 6 21 37 0linty Dealer J, 6-6389 ROAD tied to a 2-2 Malemate in tile cur- tain-drt}pping match. The league's allllUll p{)st-s(,;i- son banquet will 1),, held this S:t- ur(lliy night at the M{)ose Hall aI, 6:00 l}.nl, for all h,aoue ]n(,mt}{.rs and tileir wives. Trophies and 1}'U,'-off {_'i]tl{!l,:.s will tie l}PCscnt('d. iliil I lRi i TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal .{Jakland Bay tides are one tlottr and fi5 minutes later.) Frhi!ly, May High ............ 4:27 a.m. 1(t.7 12 Low * ......... 11:20 a.m. -1.0 ft High ........... 6:22 p.m, 11.t it. Low .............. 11:47 pro, {;,2 {t at,,rday, May 9 <' *e /]: i, *u 6.4:=1= I.;Lvm{)nd .......... 2 6 18 78 l']lma .................. 0 . 8 19 64 This Tuesday ,h{,lhm .1-6, St. Martins 1-1 Last Friday {"h,'halis ,1-2, Shelt, m 2-2 St. Martins 6-9, Ehna 1-6 N,}Pth ThuPston-Raymond post- , ]}{Hlod, Iv!t TrOllltds. North 'Phurst{m 2. Bethell ( non- COll. ) * This Friday Ch(.halis at North Tlmrston Mc}ntcs;,m} at Elms Slwlt(m, {}pea date. Efi!ective pitching backed by solid {h'fensive play carried the lligh('limhers to another twin win ill C{'ntl*al Ieague baseball action Tuesday a ft{!Pno{}n lit Loop Field• ST. MARTINS was the victim this time, 4-1 and 6-1. in games ,',;hilll'd fl'l)Dl II)IIIOITOW to Ttles- Iligh ....... ,1:53 a.m. 10.5 l't. dy and l'r{}m the St. Martins dia- I,ow . .... ll:h3 a.m. -I.2 fl. nmnd h} l,o}p Field because of a High ........ 6:59 pall. 11.6 II. c{ml'lict in the p'n'ochial school's lin(ll)', ,lnv Ill acl:ivity sche lille. Low " 0'2q'a m 6.5 "{ A "/ m-conf(r,,nce game the ]-Iigl .............. .521 'n/ 10.3 11. Climbers were originally sched- I,mv " .......... 1'/27 )m -l 2 f' ulc{l to pla • 'd ()lympia Tuesday l:[igh .............. 7::9 p.m. 1 1.7 ft. has b't'l] nDvt'{t to an as yet un- Monday iM,v I 1 dee d '{1 {late At this writing Low -.. "{:12 "a.m. fix fl. Shelt(,n's nexi action is at North High ......... 2. 5;53 a.m. 100 ft. Thurst{nl May 15. Low . ........... i:43 p.m. -I.1 ft. The Highelimbe r molmd duo of Iligh,. . ....... 8."°',3 pm 11 7 fl t lorry. M'dl, r:y' ,'tnd Jim Sargent 'l'ued,tv M k, I" set th(, visiting Preps down with Low 2"03  n ;f ' no e:rned ruls, six bits, and 16 High ......... 6:2q i(m 9'6 it. strikeouts ill the 12 innings of i Low .......... 1:4:; p.m. -{IS. ft. action. Hi {55  m ll 6 ft I Mallory was far the more effect- .: " .,e.hV, iq'. da.,,","'{a., ..... 13 ie., all v:ing but one. hit and fan- ,Low . .............. 2:59 a.m. 6.9 fl. mag eleven while giving up only High ............. 7:13 a.m. 9.1 ft me walk. In addition, the Shel- w " ) " ft ion southp.lw produced three hits Lo ............ 2.,8 p.m. 0., . : .... . - ,H,gh. ;,.hurd 9,.55m1.4 11.{)f,. 'l*w,;ga;{!Cl21{lat,b}at{sld?r':gbtrhe3 Lo%v "i'00  m 67 t"I ru ,'. ) of his blows was a High .......... 810g m' { ft' d.ubte which aided Sargent's tri- L(;w _....'6 3:18 l;'m' iii f{i u,nph. P'-h " " 1 R' ,, 2' ".2" ll(' I't SARGENT WAS touched for II.€ .. .............. U:'|*tk p,lll , ) . , .................................. five safctms by the Preps, one in l*llli} rlPllgq 17lh, ellfqi ¢?aeh inning the Rangers came to ....... ." .................... the plate but he escaped un- Shelton ,}9 1,/3, North Thurston .... 27 5/6 Chehalis 2U Elnv 20 scathed despite four additional Mont'esano 7, St. Ma{Ttins 4 Ray' wa|ks he gave up except for a mond 1 1/,,. ' " well-smashed Mngle to right field Port Angeles 123 2/3, Forks whic!] was bo.oted, into a home "0 1/3 Neah Bat, 5 Jovce 2 run m the second inning. " I-lo',,',;-n, :, {:,',',;,,.d',/,." Junior shortstop Kerm Liver- Olv;;i'/{;;;':';"2":'e'*:;e 2`.::'"'r-'' more was the day's batting star " ' .............. " .... *" with five hits and a wall{ in six ,-* ................................ limvs at bat, including a first I Ilk( E Pi0i pd,me dvnbie. The feat gave him \\;J) v a.r a conference batting average of i_//LUOSHInGTOn .,l9 on 13 hits in 31 ,it bats and '.']_,,ell," " ...... an all-season fignre of .35 on 15- ' & I;i:11:1:11 for :;9 iii it ie ml ' . , "-'ar-- A1 Snnth ('(}ntributed two doub- dole Deauly Service • Our Specialty Expert Styling & Cutting FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PHONE lea among his three hits for the (h]y and scored ttle opening run in the first inning of the first g'lme after his initial two,sack blow on tw() following infield outs. RAY MANKE singled and eventually tallied an unearned run on an error ill the third and Liv- ermore's double started a two-run fourth which sewed up the verdict \\;vlum a walk to Rog Hermes, a wild pitch, an error and Denny Teml)h.'s single followed. The run scored off Mallory was put aboard by Manke's error and put ill position when Temple let Mallory's beautiful pick-off throw get ;lway for a two-base bobble Al Schorno bagged t. Martins' only hit to drive in the run. The Climbers won the second ganle on two unearned runs right in the first inning. After the first two ba'tters'fanned, Mallory, Liv- el'more and Garth Getty walked in EDWARD'S SALON 114 SO. 4th HA 6"2431 S! Only 3 More Days a fire sale! I'm still in the building -- Dean's still in New OF GIVE-AWAY PICTURE PRIOES Any Portrait Ever \\; Taken By Dean An 6ize Up to 11x 14 11x14 and 16x20 / Price Wedding Reprints Any Size $1 49 ,o i ri mixed with a ball(, two wild I)itch's-. and a stoel fir an- other pair of markers m the sec- ond, and singles by Sargent and Smith and two St. Martins errors allowed another pair to check in doring the final Climb,r turn at bat in the fourth. The Shelton infield turued in two ground ball double plays dnr- ing the day and both Bob Fitchett and Temple made beautiful traps on the same play when St. Martins shortstop Johnson hit cleanly to rightfield in the first game sev- enth but was thrown out at first. The Climbers left 11 runners stranded in the first game, six in the second for a season total now of 81 in ten conference games. The short scores: FIRST GAME R H E St. Martins 000 001 0 .-1 1 :t Shelton ...... 101 200 x---4 1'1 2 Battertes--Bucsko and Roulego; Mallory and Hermes. SECOND GAME ', R H E St. Martins ........ 010 00-1 5 2 Shelton .............. 220 2x -6 6 1 Batte,,ries .... Morley, Johnson (2), Acuff {3) and Bucsko; Sar- gent and Hermes. Phyl Zleil;ler's 180 Average Tops Loague WOMEN' INDUPTKIAL (fiual 2rid halt'} W L Insulating Board .......... 44 20 Purchasing ............... , .... 401& 23 Olympic Plywood ........ 35 29 Accounting .................... 32 . 32 Loggers .......................... 30!. 33 Lnmber .......................... 30 34 Engineering .................. 25 39 Research ........................ 19 45 High gbme -- Phyl Ziegler 204 High total --- Phyl Ziegler 548 Insulating Board's padding came in handy as the women. Indus- h'ial bowling league wound up its second half schedule last week, a 1-3 loss to tailend Research (Steila Howard 418} suffered in spite of Phyl Ziegler's night-topping 204 and 548 scores, merely reducing IBP'g final title margin to 3V., games when second place Pur- chasing {Bonnie Schwarck 425) scored a 3-1 success against Ac- counting (Helen Rice 519). IBP earned the right to meet first half champ Lumber for the .;season crown. Other curtain-drop- pers found Engineering •(LaVonne Cole 419) blanking the Loggers (Marie Runnion 438) and Olympic Plywood (Sara Anderson 469 winning a 3-! nod over Lumber (Jean Rau 507). The annual joint post-season meeting and luncheon with the Simpson men's league will be held tonight at 7:30 at which awards will be presented and next season's officers elected. Phyllis Ziegler's 180 average was easily best in the league for the just-completed season. Others in the top ten were Jean Rau 168, Helen Rice 165, Jane White 160, LaVonne Cole 159, Betty Olson 157, Joan SoWers '157, Sara Ander- son 155, June Loving 153, and Joyce Dion 151. eason high scoring marks were these: High individual gan/es -- Phyl Ziegler and Marie Runnion I tied at 225; high individual series ---Phyl Ziegler 612 and Jean Rau 599; high team game -- Purchas- ing 961 and Lumber 934; high team series -- Purchasing 2650 and Olympic Plywood 2571. OASOADE VIOTOR IN PiN 00AYDFF Four members of the Cascade- Olympic Cotruetl0!l Company bowling team hit over 500 in win- nig the Fraternal League cham- pionship  playoff-with the Active Club Friday night• This is how the roll-off scoring went:  i CASCADE I ACTIVlANS I Whitmarsh 501 .Anderson 550 I Morken 510[ Ma 495 C'lave]and 45[ l.Wplden 452 .]'.Howard 5151G.Stewart 429 Clark 5tPl IAndberg 496 Totals 25391 Total 2494 Seasonal awards went to Walt ElIott for the high three-game in- dividual serle at 668, Ed Griffen r high single game at 257, Jess illips for rolling a 201 triplicate, arid 'Stah James for being the most improved bowler during the season• James raised,his average 18 pins during the course of the schedule, INTER,COMMUNITY DINNER $00NEDuLED Shlton, Hoodsport, Union and 3elfair civic-minded individuals will rub elbows at an inter-com- munity dinner sponsored by the Shelton Chamber of Commerce next Thursday evening at Alder- brook Inn which will: 1---Officially greet the :1959 tour- ist season on Hood Canal, ; 2--Honor the top ten scholars in I the senior class at Irene s. Reed high school. George Prescott, head of the Tourist Bureau of the State De- partment of Commerce & Econom- ic Development, and H. DeWayne Kreager, director of that depart- ment, wall be the program: speak- era. A capacity crowd of 120 per- sons is expscted to attend. Tickets are now availate' through the _Chamber of Commerce here, the Itoodport Commercial Club, the Union Community Club and the Belfair Ccmlerciat lab. I'm cleaning out files. Come through the pictures for the Want. i ¸¸¸ 2 £:: ::i! ¸ : ,+, +: ++  + ..... ;,: !!iiii :?ii  i :: THE LADIES OF ST. DAVID'S Episcopal churchwomen, wilt be served. All women of church witt again sponsor the annual spring sil- Mason county ,are cordially invited, reported Mrs. ver tea from 2 to 4P30 p.m., Tuesday in the Ferald tDill, general chairman. Pictured at a Guild rooms of the church. Chamber music for recent planning meeting of the tea are Mrs. Her- the event will be played by Mrs. Dean Palmer, bert G. Moore, pouring; Mrs. Orville Moran, Mrs. Harvey Hillman and Mrs• Oliver Ashford, president of St• Cecilia's Guild; Mrs. Franz an organ interlude will be played by Mrs. Charles Rauscher, president of St. David's Guild, and Lewis• Lady Baltimore cakes, made by the Mrs. Dill. (Journal photo, Ziegler pri$t.) ....................................................................................................................... -r---- ..................................................... Gid Scouls Oamp To Run June 15.26 st'Aku( "Day camping daze" has the. mins of Mlson e{l,nty Bt'ownie and lrl NcouI, as thev look fol'war(I to the lllnlll[ [*all-, bandle Lake Day Camp June. 15 to 26. Mrs. Jalnes flartley has repnlt- ed the need for a waterfront direc- tor for the camp, thqllirelnents for the salaried position at the calnp is a senior life s,'tving certificate or waler safety instrucLor's certl- ficate. Anyone having the Pequire- nmnts md wishing to apply ape aaked t,) contact Mrs. :Hart.h,3L IA 6-2126. The program outlined for the Day Camp are outd{mr cooking, hiking, games, natm'e study, arts, crafts, singing, awinlming, fotk dancing, camp crafts and Sl)edial events. GHner Wo00!rs Seeking Donatiens C/mtribut ions to the Cttncer Crusade fund drive are now being received by tile vohmteers workig in bott the city and the county. The campaign, which will con- tinue through this month, Is also strengthened through nlany mem- orial don%tions througho,,t tht, yea I. Those wishing to mnke memor- ial donations may contact Mrs. ' V. T (?onnolly, 32,1 I.aur(,I street who "is the nem{n•ial chairmun fnr • ...  the Mason County cancer society. ||liil Journal Want Ads Pay ii I • i i ;":' .... : ............ :" ................................ III . I You Can Owu I • • I i ;ii I this Mae D-80 I . lilli00 Ir .... • ..... : ..... ' I i :! !' ' 15 ::i': -- : " :'r :'q"' q ,, i $ 9.501 - +, Ill i SHELTON MARINE ! . , • QUEEN'S TRIPS START .... - ------- '" . ................. • 114'lldl IlflkWI I Wit,h a visit to the Olympia Ju- . ,-- - ,,, , . ........ A MIIII" VIIIIU I nior Chamber of Commerce last /4111'1 lllh II II III I night: the vi.ttatton of Queen All- l i I i i Ai l P  I I • ,"v,,. v,", I dren Kneeland and her royal court It'll IIIIIIll IN' .lJI, Id/ll IIF to advertise the 1959 Forest Fes- llhglll lllqPO I ..... lILrIIFlr'IIVI1k II&IFrIll1& IIIIII'IH II 111 I. %, I uwu began. !,11 il ! ,1 I She was accompanied la,t night AtTT n TITTOIr RA lllllll ......... , by Princ.ess Karen W'estlund: ++ x.,, +t.JJ..., -I- J.l,u'J* CLINT WlLLOIYR EARNS TRIP The entire eonrt, inclnding Steve Boil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core Clinton Willour, by virtue of an Pa)ckefeller, who enacts the role .... __ .... outstanding life insurance produc- of Paul Bunyan, will make the iii UI Arm- I tion .')-eat" in 1958 has qualified for traditional visit to Olympia next linli ni4io =I the Nolihwesten National L fe Monday " T .... ' (}n ' " ' r "o GAS ANKS SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Insurance Company's convent This includes a visit to the G v- to California tlfis month, ernor' office in the mornirig and _ _ | _. |., . Se_ | _ J| • II • • He and his wife. Dot: will l+ave to the Olympia Kiwani, Club at uoon s rlumning,' flOOtilll H0$t MGIOI on May 11th and will visit the ffoon fin' a program which will be 623 So. First * Les Hansen, Owrter Grand Canyon enroutc to the con- an,inter-chlb visit by theoShelton .. .  i 4 | vention headquarters, whi(:h is the K1w'inls Club. , . .... 2-. -" ? ..... Ambassador Hotel in Los Ange ................................................................................... T,,,- ........ --" ..................................................................... ----T Mother's Choice L Our Salurday Nighl DELUXE SMORGASBORD les, From there they will spend some time in San Francisco be- fore returning home. Mr. arid Mrs Willour reside at 522 South 14th in Shelton. $ $ $ STORE NAME CIIANGED Jim Roush has changed the name of the HillcresL Hardware which he founded and has person- ally operated sines WoPld War 11, to the Shelton Marine Supply. He is' confihing his stock here- after to marine hardware, boats, motors, trailers, etc., and will con- tinue to act as local dealer for the McCulloch power chain saw. He will continue as the Evinrude out- board moto agency here also. $ $ $ 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. SmOrgasbord .. ........... $1.25 Adults Children under 12 .................. $1.00 Tiny Tots ................................ Free entitled "Nuts," and is a short story pyachological character stu- dy, She eaterod the competition through the Olympia Writers Inc., Ltd., of which .she is a member. Her'home ts at 901Caade' St,, Shelton. . • o . . SholtOnian Wins Top Plaoe tor Manuscripl A former Journal staff member, Mrs. Mildred (Mickeyl Green- walt, now woPkiag in the State Department of Conservation and Natural Rsourcea, has been ac- corded, first place in a judging of manuscripts by tle n6ted author, Helen Zola Ro. Mrs. reewalt's manuscript is G Or Our Special Sunday MOTHER:S .DAY DINNER COMP'00TE Sl.60 SUNDA DINNER ._ Special Prices for Children PAUL BUNYAN GRILL SHELTON HOTtL NEW UNDAY HOURS -. 7 A.M. TO 8 P. M. 111[ FOR MOTHER - . L i [ Large Cattleya Orchid Corage Fee With Purchase of Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Range, Dishwasher, Freezer or Hot Water Heater :I: $ Here's your chance to give Mother an appliance to make her work easier all year .... long -- and a lovely orchid corsage for,i Mother's Day. Eelis and Valley Appllam (enter 128 South Seeond - - Pho H& 6.466 I I I I IllUll i I IJ [ IIllll