May 7, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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10 --'-
i i i
200 E. Pin Ph. HA 6-4147
lit ..... _-
New LM Sarvioe
Spring Weddings • • •
Brightly Formal I
Handsomely carrel, t, and )
comfortable! A large selec-
tion. available for summer
formals. Sparkling 11 giLt-
weight . . . just Sight. :!or
your wedding! Complete f)r-
real rental .rvice.
• y Don Eveteth
CLOQUALLUM. -- Bill Johnson
was hurt at Work Wednesday of
htst week. A big lng hit him md
buckled his knee, inflicting very
painful injuries, He has been ill
the new River Hospital, Raymond,
sine,,, receiving treatment. At the
present he has casts on beth h'gs
and after this week may No to
Seattle for further treatment at.
the Orthopedic Hospital.
Miss Toni Lou Anonsen was the
hoBored guest at a br'idal shower
Wednesday evenitlg at tile Grang,
hall. '/?he tables were ch,coraled
with spring flowers and candles
arm basket of flowers brightened
the hall. Neveral gmes were en-
joyed by tile guests, then the
many gifts were opened. Refresh-
ments of cake and jcllo ,were
.served by the hostesses. Mrs Al-
bert Lelult, Mrs. Joe McAlfrey
and Mrs, Arthur Hliboki.
Among tl0se present were Mrs.
Harold Lbvrdtl, Mrs. John Kor-
zeniowski, Mrs. 'Roy:Bflduc, Mrs.
Bob Trail, Mrs. Void York, Mrs.
Dottle .len l-hinter, Miss Wilma
Bohlur. MrR. Doreen StevenS, Mrs.
Bill ,Valko, Mrs. Ernest Lnerls-
€'her, Mrs. Lob; NTcLaulllin, Mrs.
Alf.'cd Anderson Mrs, Len An-
der:,m. Mrs. XA'a!',.(,r" Chappel. Miss
S'z:,al :lt(t Miss S.lly /)tn:d(:ld.
Mrs. Au!on A[l,r.;i,l]. Mi:;s Sherry
trl('l ..i.':S ;andr: M(:Aifr(,v. Mi..:
.|l"" ,'\\;/]*ll,¢'Ln ],' . linrrv" Matll-
HIV,'. Mi,;:i Ntli'll M,th,'\\;vs. Miss
Margie Lee Htiboki. Mrs. Har:'iet
Cll:)l)p,l, Mrs.. Marion Eveleth.
Mrs. LoRoy Bohluc, Miss Helen
Walko. Mrs. Charles Oppelt.
Unable to attend but sending
gifts we|'e Mrs. Alex Anensen,
Mrs, George Leboki, Mrs. Beverly
Mallett, Mrs. Sid Baines, Mrs. Ha-
zel Bet,vorth Mrs. Elsie Sauer,
Ytrs. StevenS, :. Susie Hltboki.
Mrs. JMrn Whltlhg
r. and Mrs. Tom Kearny re-
ceived news of the aryStl "of. a
go It RIGHT...The FIRST TIME...[
NOTHING can replace the entirriental value
of the ORIGINAL engagement ring you give
•.. so don't be "high- into buying
Ib "€ome-ons". No "phony discounts". yiNe-a-ways". !
Bud terms.., I
standard of the world
In nOrlsmast 7.8.9t.,"
By Dora Hearing
MATIA)CK. -- There will be a
bbnefit dance at the Matlock
Grange hall this Saturdsy night,
givn by Mason county road crew.
Matlock Grange held their reg-
ular meeting Friday evenlnu mul
took in two new P0embers. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of ShtJ-
ton, and Mrs. R. E Bradbery's
birtlutay was celebrated, On Sat-
urday evbning Matloc k Grange
Iwas host to the visiting Grangers
of Mason county, when the Talent
Shows were put on. There were
over 80 pnple present.
The men pUL on plastic veneer
on all the tables at the Granite
and otlr home e(:onomics c}lair-
man Mrs. Blain Bunco made new
curtains lor the main hall and
dining room.
Mr. and Mrs. Veto. Duckritz of
Rochester were Smday dinner
gue,uts of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing. , .
This comnmnity mourhs the
pas,,dng of our old neighbor and
friend, Mrs. Alm Nye. he
passed away Sun(ly Itwnint4 at
thr Tacoma Ceneral Hospital af-
ter n long illn(ss. Our sympathy
is pxtended to the families
The Matlock L,dies Club enter-
t,'-Iilh!tt lh.' l-)lytll La, ds ' (lut)
la.t week 'rhur,;,f/av with Mrs.
Marv Tveii :and Mrs. ][i] \\;' gl .lt)
I/Ill!c*, hostesses. Mr. Earl Moore.
the tn;tyt)r of Shcltnn. gave tin a
very interesting talk on civil de-
Last week {Vednesday the 7h
and 8th grades and their teachers
and room mothers enjoyed a day
at the airport in Seat;tie and Wood-
land Park. Wayne Evers took
them in the school bus and • very
enjoyable trip and picnic hmch
at the park.
A birthday larty last week
Monday evef41ng was given in hon-
o" of Mrs. Noland Avery s birth-
day. Those present were lVr, and
Mrs. William Avery, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Rothrock and family, Bill
Walker, Paul Rossmaier and Bet-
new grandson at the home of their
son. P. E,, Kearney, in East Prov-
idence, R.I.
Frank "pud" Whiting and
Wayne Holliday attended the races.
in Elma Sunday.
Pete BcdHag and son, Dale, and
grandson, Bradley, were commu-
nity visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearson
ad Judy and Melinda attended
"Academy Day" at Auyurn Mon-
SheRon Lodge No. 1684
Charles Savage, Governor
Phone HA *-4815
Walter Tyynismaa. Soy.
Phone HA 6-322
2rid and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Arport
'Princess Karen Westlund Tells Her FeelmJ-'b°utSTlAt" .County's A.nual Fete
Forest Festival means to me a wonderful week-
end. There is alWays so much exeitemeRt and
there are thrills with every moment. I didn't come
in close contact with the forest festival until my
high school years. Just getting ready for the fez-
tival is tun. When you sell at bti0hs on pageant
nights and during the logger show you are killing
two birds with nne stone--you can watch the shows
while you work and help make the festival a
One wonderful part abput our forest festival
is that it attracts .thousa.nds of people and it real-
ly makes us important. It makes me proud. They
may not realize it, but we teach these people aboul
our liv}qihood The festival also is a good oppor-
tunity to zrmet ew triend.
TI;IE FOREST FESTIVAL g zves me a good,
clean,,happy feeling' inside. It just seems as though
eVcn'yone [S trying to help me have a time I will
remember always, and with so many smiling faces
I just feel hubbly all over.
Forest festival is not only a celebration to me,
but it also has a true nleaning behind it As a
little girl I can remember how I used to play in
the fol'es,g, I can remember how I used to run
al'on tratls near a creel( which ran wihl, and I
Wct on picnics and wam in hikes suz'rounded by
fm:uts. Now that I have grown older, I see a phase
of the forest. that I hadn't understood or uotieed
:ts :. child 1 have noticed Lhe heauty of the forests.
IN THE SUMMER there are luxurious shades
of reen, in the fall the trees give the hills a my.-
terimm effect by their dark, rich colors, in the
winter when it snow,% tile trt,e look aM though they
wore covered by a cloud which luddles close o l)r*t-
tect lht.m, and in the spring th'are are tiny buds
on the trees which give the atmosphere s bright,
glowing feeling.
The forest festival reminds me of tile fun I have
lind at the celebration. It also rem)nds me of tile
beaut" of the forests and my ehkldhood memories KAREN WESTLUND
in the forest. Can you imagin what our town, Fo'rest Festivai Princess
our world, would be like withbut the forests?: Our
hills would be bare, there would be no proUection Washington is a green state, though, and I wish
for wildlife, there would be no shade on hot smnmer people would only realize the importance of our
days, and Chore would be no wood to build with slogsn "Keep ",shlngton Green."
ty and Lydia Filyaw and the No-
land Avery family.
Word was received here of the
death of Grant Rlckes0n in Se-
attle. He was a former MaLlock
Gone Brown left by plane Sun-
day for a vacation trip t Hawaii.
©nnis Reed returned Sunday
frdm Pittsburgh, Pa., where he
has spent two weeks visiting rel-
atives. He. also went and re-
ttrned by plane.
We want to welcome the Bill
Kingery family'of Shelton who
moved to the Lyman Kingery
farm here Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lud Ros.aier
and Grandpa Neer spent Sunday
afternoon at Ruchcster with %ud's
fol ks.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman attended Pomona Grange
at Agate Sunday and in the eve-
ntng the Portmans called on Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Welander of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uler-
week of Kennewick, Wash., and
Bernal Btmce of Seattle were
weekend guests of tJe Blain
Bunco family. Mrs. Underwood is
a sister of the Bunees.
Mr. and Mrs. Blnin Bunco will
go to Agate GranKe Monday night
where Skol(omlsh will pttt o the
3rd and lth degrees. The Mat-
leek Grang¢ have quite a few
candidt{]s to go aldo.
D,ne 00|ty ¥1n00 In New
Dinners from . . . $1.30"
High on the list of vitu reeordett by owners of the 1959
Cadillac is its incredible smoothne. A surprisingly large
number have even taken th tim from lffull schedule of
events to write letters prdising i smooth, level ride on
neglected by-ways atad its smooth, quiet operation in
every kind of motoring situatldn. Make it a point to
visit your Authorized Cadilhic dealer for a fimt-haad ex-
perience of. the wwld's /in,st miles between start and top.
News From Harstine Is/and
By Donetta Glaser
ttARSTINE H a r s t I n e Z
land ladies entez'tameu the Picker-
ing ladies on Friday of this week.
There were some thirty ladies at-
tending. The Hartstine'ladies serv-
ed a lovely chicken dinner with all
the trimrnings. After dinner they
held a plant and bake sale. The
Pickering ladies left on the ferry,
tired but happy. We shall look for-
ward to our visit to Picketing the
end of the year and we shall
erly look fomvard to having them
bal( next year.
The next regular m'eeting of the
Ladies Club is today (Thursday)
at the home of Mrs. Anna G laser
at Ballow, This will be the last
regular meeting until fall.
Philip and David and Nancy
Barnett were very tickled with a
surprise visit from their grand-
parents of Riverton, Wash. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Walton came out for
the weekend to visit with the Bed
Barnetts. The boys took them on
a grand tour of the Island and
later showed them their skill in
riding their new bicycles.
It's hard to tell which was the
most populated spot on.the Istad
this weekend. We think Point Wil-
son wins again, Herb Spahr and
Patty and Mr. and Mrs. Owens,
the Jerrells and Wangelins, the
Nemies and the Birches and the
Gilku all came out to take a last
look around before the ferry went
out of service. Sunday eveninff
Point Wilson had several callers
visiting with the Chaffees were
Mr. and Mrs. h.vie Wingert and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lohrer.
The South End of the Island
had lots of company too. Mrs.
Watts haft company by LAND,
SEA, AND AIR. Dr. Win. Watts
was out by boat with three of his
boys, Dr. and Mrs, Robert Morton
and their three children came bY
air in I)r. Morton's yellow sea-bee
and Mrs. Watts and two of her
'gz'andchildren came in ,her green
,four wheel jeep. While the Carl
Eshelmans of Taconla came out
to do some hlst minute work on
their place and the O/sons of Cos-
mopolis and Mr and Mrs. Bunk of
Vder were also out this weekend.
Babe and Carolyne Baker of Se-
attle came out to visit Grandma
Dugdale and see that she was all
set for the .ferry lay-off.
Hilma and Irvie Vingert spent
a few days in Sequim this past
Miss Cindy Waite attended a
fun party at the Jobies on Friday
Little Danny Hanson grandson
of the Andy Stamborskeys is in
the Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle
trying to shake off a virus bug
and get in tile best of condition for
his now famous Miracle Heart Op-
eration at the May() Clinic later
or] this spring.
The H. V. Glasers and kidletts
took Grandma Glaser to Tacoma
Sunday to spend a while with her
(laughter and children the Stephan
Franiches. Grandma will take care
of the children while Helen is )n
the hospital awaiting the arrival
of old Dec Stork. This will be
grandcifild number nineleen for
the Glasers.
Dick and Cherr} Knauf and the
children escorted Thelma Capper
and Dorothy Den-Herder of Olym-
pia on a trip around tile Island
Sunday. Dick and Cherry enjoy
showing the beautifnl Island to
their friends.
VIr. and Mrs. Sidney Bauns-
gard of Lakewood spent the week-
enti with the Nels Baunsgards.
Wednesday the°. school ctfildren
had a double birthday pary for
1st and Grove 8ts. • Phone HA 6-4426
Danny Knauf an Ruth Whngert.
-Tle" chi]tlren enJoyed cak and
soft drinks, later they played
gamas, and exchaflged gifts.
Monday saw the last, shipment
of oysters to the Iilton cannery go
off by barge. The cannery will
resume operation in mid-October.
The Harstine Island ferry men
were extremely busy this: past
Sunday as time neared fo}" the
ferry to o into drydock. All the
lucky people who own two cars
brought their extga one across to
the mainland. It looks like new
and used car lot in front of the
Seeds. Thfs is an annual ,event
and we think the government
should ie us a extra income
tax deduction as necessary ex-
penditure for the ear we must
have in order to su,'vive while the
ferry m i0 drydock. We have no
idea how long the ferry will be
indisposed but however short is
too long.
Mr. Ralph Wingert was home
for a short visit with his ptrents,
the .krthur Wingerts.
We would like to.Wish some very
happ31 b[rthda,a this week. We
would' like o say a very happy
birthday to Miss Ritp Middlestet-
ter who will celebrate her birth-
day on May 7. Rita will be. sweet
seventeen. She resides in edro
Wooney and is a subscriber to
this paper. We want to dxtend
happy birthday to Rita's father,
By Grace Petty
KAMILCHE..--The drill team of
Progress Grange will put on the
5th degree at their hall this Sat-
urday evening, May 8. al 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson were
last Monday evening dinner guests'
of the Ernest Booths in Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cimster Richards
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Waldrip
made a weekend trip to t}e Dalles,
Oregon, where they attended the
yearly gathering of the Waste
County Pioneers.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty spent
a recent weekend clam digging,
and worldng on their lot aL South
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alvers(m left
early last Tuesday morning for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wright
Vargarson in Idaho City, Idaho.
On their way home Thursday they
stopped to see a sister, Mz's. Teke
I,arson, in Bend, Oregon.
Ed Krise is slowly recuperating
from his recent illness.
My mistake -- the Minnegishi
twins have only been in school
here this year, coming to the
United States a year ago this
Mrs. Art Nelson, Mrs. Fdwin
Petty, along with Mrs. Lee Carl-
son, Mrs. Otto Bnllinger and Mrs.
Roy Petty of Shelton, attended
the first evening ballgame ill Se-
attle between the Salt Lake Bees
and the Seattle Rainiers, Friday
Mrs. Mark (Marj) Craddick left
Sunday by plane from Sea-Tee
for Platinum, Alaska, north of
Memo, for a'two week visit with
her husband who works in the
power house, of the platinum
mine. M'. and Mrs. L. G. Jacket
of San Francisco, Calif., Mary's
pents, are staying in her home
while she L gone.
Open house after the remodeling
of their store was held last Frf-i
day and Saturday by the Lam-
bert Grocery. Mrs, Oliver I Pat-
ricia) Petty was the winner of the
large size GE deep cooker and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Otto and
family of Littlerock, Mr. and Mrs..
Jim Griggs and two children and
mother, Mrs. Sadie Griggs of
Olympia, were Sunday guests of
the Martin Otto family.
"1Irs. Bush, who lives on the l
Harry Scott place and is a sister
of Mrs. Leighton Haskell, ha, her
th'ree-year-old grandson, Larry
Booth, living with her now.
Mrs. Robert Petty of the Sko-
komish Valley and two small ehil- :
dr.en spent Wednesday night at'
the Edwin Petty home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson, Mr.
and. Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little
Skookum ere guests of the Le-
land Hudsons, aL,o of Little Skoo-
kum, at the smorgasbord dinner at
the Shelton Hotel Saturday night.
The Lake Isa.beIla Women's
Club will meet Wednesday noon,
May 13th, for a potluck lunch
and busi, ness meeting in the Ed-
win Petty home at Karilch. o
Mrs. 'Len C(ffe"z'en[" tv ' das
last weekend in the hospital for
observation and treatment and
will be confined to heii home alr
this week.
Ronnie Abe, 7th grade student
at tle Kamilche Valley school,
had the mLfortune of haying a,l
mixture from a chemistry set blow
i his face, burning it badly,
Sunday morning. It was nec-
for him to spend a week
-in the .hospital, returning home
last Saturday.
Mr. arid Mrs. Alvin Nagel, Geri
and Mrvin, and Norman Peter-
eit,were Saturday evening guests
of the Carl Moons !n TLmwater,
Nickel Improve Cast Iron
?h6 additio of one per cent
to cast 'irdn will incre&se its
to 20 per cent ahd a
time retain exceFent ma-.
By Top
Only th'
ter tank.
2 B.B. -
8 B.B."
3 B.a. -
4 B.R. -
.... HOQUI/
NEVER toll EARLY. ,.
'Now Is TheTime To..
Mr. Fat Middlestetter, on May 10. FOR Y
Miss Ctteryl Meeks will celebrate
her day on May 14 and to Mrs.
Ann Yates our volunteer mail car-
rier on her birthday Mayl0--Many 1/2 %
happy return of the day from all J er
your island friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Wingert
have sold the old-Aunty Johnson
place to Mr. and Mrs. Steg Gab-
rielSen of Gig Harbor.
The Harstine Island Grange was
very happy to have over hhlf of
its membership at 'the traveling
gavel meeting of the Twanoh
Grange in the Belfair Fire Hall
Friday night.
,The Harstine Grange wili dec-
orat the window of the Morgan
Dress Shop in Shelton in a Pio-
neer motif, according to the wishes
of the Festival board. Anyone
with antique articles are asked to
donate them for this one week
display. Each article will be
marked as to the age of the ar-
ticle and the name of the donor.
Mrs. Dotty Lane of Shelton is
recuperating at her home after
havirg been hospitalized. Mrs.
CIenn Ystes spent a few days
helping out :after her return. :rs.
Lane's daughter is Mrs. Arlo Win-
gert. .,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rodgers of
McDermot, Nevada, spent two
friends on the Island.
All accounts Insured up to $10,000 bY
Security Bldg., Olylpi&,/W
Cal"lton I. Sears, President
V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. J)HN I.
Hazel Walmer, SeCretary-Tress V. R.
Eugene Dcaan, Asst. Secy.-Treas. J.C.
J. C. Minshuil, Vice President
10 --'-
i i i
200 E. Pin Ph. HA 6-4147
lit ..... _-
New LM Sarvioe
Spring Weddings • • •
Brightly Formal I
Handsomely carrel, t, and )
comfortable! A large selec-
tion. available for summer
formals. Sparkling 11 giLt-
weight . . . just Sight. :!or
your wedding! Complete f)r-
real rental .rvice.
• y Don Eveteth
CLOQUALLUM. -- Bill Johnson
was hurt at Work Wednesday of
htst week. A big lng hit him md
buckled his knee, inflicting very
painful injuries, He has been ill
the new River Hospital, Raymond,
sine,,, receiving treatment. At the
present he has casts on beth h'gs
and after this week may No to
Seattle for further treatment at.
the Orthopedic Hospital.
Miss Toni Lou Anonsen was the
hoBored guest at a br'idal shower
Wednesday evenitlg at tile Grang,
hall. '/?he tables were ch,coraled
with spring flowers and candles
arm basket of flowers brightened
the hall. Neveral gmes were en-
joyed by tile guests, then the
many gifts were opened. Refresh-
ments of cake and jcllo ,were
.served by the hostesses. Mrs Al-
bert Lelult, Mrs. Joe McAlfrey
and Mrs, Arthur Hliboki.
Among tl0se present were Mrs.
Harold Lbvrdtl, Mrs. John Kor-
zeniowski, Mrs. 'Roy:Bflduc, Mrs.
Bob Trail, Mrs. Void York, Mrs.
Dottle .len l-hinter, Miss Wilma
Bohlur. MrR. Doreen StevenS, Mrs.
Bill ,Valko, Mrs. Ernest Lnerls-
€'her, Mrs. Lob; NTcLaulllin, Mrs.
Alf.'cd Anderson Mrs, Len An-
der:,m. Mrs. XA'a!',.(,r" Chappel. Miss
S'z:,al :lt(t Miss S.lly /)tn:d(:ld.
Mrs. Au!on A[l,r.;i,l]. Mi:;s Sherry
trl('l ..i.':S ;andr: M(:Aifr(,v. Mi..:
.|l"" ,'\\;/]*ll,¢'Ln ],' . linrrv" Matll-
HIV,'. Mi,;:i Ntli'll M,th,'\\;vs. Miss
Margie Lee Htiboki. Mrs. Har:'iet
Cll:)l)p,l, Mrs.. Marion Eveleth.
Mrs. LoRoy Bohluc, Miss Helen
Walko. Mrs. Charles Oppelt.
Unable to attend but sending
gifts we|'e Mrs. Alex Anensen,
Mrs, George Leboki, Mrs. Beverly
Mallett, Mrs. Sid Baines, Mrs. Ha-
zel Bet,vorth Mrs. Elsie Sauer,
Ytrs. StevenS, :. Susie Hltboki.
Mrs. JMrn Whltlhg
r. and Mrs. Tom Kearny re-
ceived news of the aryStl "of. a
go It RIGHT...The FIRST TIME...[
NOTHING can replace the entirriental value
of the ORIGINAL engagement ring you give
•.. so don't be "high- into buying
Ib "€ome-ons". No "phony discounts". yiNe-a-ways". !
Bud terms.., I
standard of the world
In nOrlsmast 7.8.9t.,"
By Dora Hearing
MATIA)CK. -- There will be a
bbnefit dance at the Matlock
Grange hall this Saturdsy night,
givn by Mason county road crew.
Matlock Grange held their reg-
ular meeting Friday evenlnu mul
took in two new P0embers. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Thayer of ShtJ-
ton, and Mrs. R. E Bradbery's
birtlutay was celebrated, On Sat-
urday evbning Matloc k Grange
Iwas host to the visiting Grangers
of Mason county, when the Talent
Shows were put on. There were
over 80 pnple present.
The men pUL on plastic veneer
on all the tables at the Granite
and otlr home e(:onomics c}lair-
man Mrs. Blain Bunco made new
curtains lor the main hall and
dining room.
Mr. and Mrs. Veto. Duckritz of
Rochester were Smday dinner
gue,uts of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Hearing. , .
This comnmnity mourhs the
pas,,dng of our old neighbor and
friend, Mrs. Alm Nye. he
passed away Sun(ly Itwnint4 at
thr Tacoma Ceneral Hospital af-
ter n long illn(ss. Our sympathy
is pxtended to the families
The Matlock L,dies Club enter-
t,'-Iilh!tt lh.' l-)lytll La, ds ' (lut)
la.t week 'rhur,;,f/av with Mrs.
Marv Tveii :and Mrs. ][i] \\;' gl .lt)
I/Ill!c*, hostesses. Mr. Earl Moore.
the tn;tyt)r of Shcltnn. gave tin a
very interesting talk on civil de-
Last week {Vednesday the 7h
and 8th grades and their teachers
and room mothers enjoyed a day
at the airport in Seat;tie and Wood-
land Park. Wayne Evers took
them in the school bus and • very
enjoyable trip and picnic hmch
at the park.
A birthday larty last week
Monday evef41ng was given in hon-
o" of Mrs. Noland Avery s birth-
day. Those present were lVr, and
Mrs. William Avery, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Rothrock and family, Bill
Walker, Paul Rossmaier and Bet-
new grandson at the home of their
son. P. E,, Kearney, in East Prov-
idence, R.I.
Frank "pud" Whiting and
Wayne Holliday attended the races.
in Elma Sunday.
Pete BcdHag and son, Dale, and
grandson, Bradley, were commu-
nity visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearson
ad Judy and Melinda attended
"Academy Day" at Auyurn Mon-
SheRon Lodge No. 1684
Charles Savage, Governor
Phone HA *-4815
Walter Tyynismaa. Soy.
Phone HA 6-322
2rid and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Arport
'Princess Karen Westlund Tells Her FeelmJ-'b°utSTlAt" .County's A.nual Fete
Forest Festival means to me a wonderful week-
end. There is alWays so much exeitemeRt and
there are thrills with every moment. I didn't come
in close contact with the forest festival until my
high school years. Just getting ready for the fez-
tival is tun. When you sell at bti0hs on pageant
nights and during the logger show you are killing
two birds with nne stone--you can watch the shows
while you work and help make the festival a
One wonderful part abput our forest festival
is that it attracts .thousa.nds of people and it real-
ly makes us important. It makes me proud. They
may not realize it, but we teach these people aboul
our liv}qihood The festival also is a good oppor-
tunity to zrmet ew triend.
TI;IE FOREST FESTIVAL g zves me a good,
clean,,happy feeling' inside. It just seems as though
eVcn'yone [S trying to help me have a time I will
remember always, and with so many smiling faces
I just feel hubbly all over.
Forest festival is not only a celebration to me,
but it also has a true nleaning behind it As a
little girl I can remember how I used to play in
the fol'es,g, I can remember how I used to run
al'on tratls near a creel( which ran wihl, and I
Wct on picnics and wam in hikes suz'rounded by
fm:uts. Now that I have grown older, I see a phase
of the forest. that I hadn't understood or uotieed
:ts :. child 1 have noticed Lhe heauty of the forests.
IN THE SUMMER there are luxurious shades
of reen, in the fall the trees give the hills a my.-
terimm effect by their dark, rich colors, in the
winter when it snow,% tile trt,e look aM though they
wore covered by a cloud which luddles close o l)r*t-
tect lht.m, and in the spring th'are are tiny buds
on the trees which give the atmosphere s bright,
glowing feeling.
The forest festival reminds me of tile fun I have
lind at the celebration. It also rem)nds me of tile
beaut" of the forests and my ehkldhood memories KAREN WESTLUND
in the forest. Can you imagin what our town, Fo'rest Festivai Princess
our world, would be like withbut the forests?: Our
hills would be bare, there would be no proUection Washington is a green state, though, and I wish
for wildlife, there would be no shade on hot smnmer people would only realize the importance of our
days, and Chore would be no wood to build with slogsn "Keep ",shlngton Green."
ty and Lydia Filyaw and the No-
land Avery family.
Word was received here of the
death of Grant Rlckes0n in Se-
attle. He was a former MaLlock
Gone Brown left by plane Sun-
day for a vacation trip t Hawaii.
©nnis Reed returned Sunday
frdm Pittsburgh, Pa., where he
has spent two weeks visiting rel-
atives. He. also went and re-
ttrned by plane.
We want to welcome the Bill
Kingery family'of Shelton who
moved to the Lyman Kingery
farm here Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Lud Ros.aier
and Grandpa Neer spent Sunday
afternoon at Ruchcster with %ud's
fol ks.
Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl
Portman attended Pomona Grange
at Agate Sunday and in the eve-
ntng the Portmans called on Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Welander of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Uler-
week of Kennewick, Wash., and
Bernal Btmce of Seattle were
weekend guests of tJe Blain
Bunco family. Mrs. Underwood is
a sister of the Bunees.
Mr. and Mrs. Blnin Bunco will
go to Agate GranKe Monday night
where Skol(omlsh will pttt o the
3rd and lth degrees. The Mat-
leek Grang¢ have quite a few
candidt{]s to go aldo.
D,ne 00|ty ¥1n00 In New
Dinners from . . . $1.30"
High on the list of vitu reeordett by owners of the 1959
Cadillac is its incredible smoothne. A surprisingly large
number have even taken th tim from lffull schedule of
events to write letters prdising i smooth, level ride on
neglected by-ways atad its smooth, quiet operation in
every kind of motoring situatldn. Make it a point to
visit your Authorized Cadilhic dealer for a fimt-haad ex-
perience of. the wwld's /in,st miles between start and top.
News From Harstine Is/and
By Donetta Glaser
ttARSTINE H a r s t I n e Z
land ladies entez'tameu the Picker-
ing ladies on Friday of this week.
There were some thirty ladies at-
tending. The Hartstine'ladies serv-
ed a lovely chicken dinner with all
the trimrnings. After dinner they
held a plant and bake sale. The
Pickering ladies left on the ferry,
tired but happy. We shall look for-
ward to our visit to Picketing the
end of the year and we shall
erly look fomvard to having them
bal( next year.
The next regular m'eeting of the
Ladies Club is today (Thursday)
at the home of Mrs. Anna G laser
at Ballow, This will be the last
regular meeting until fall.
Philip and David and Nancy
Barnett were very tickled with a
surprise visit from their grand-
parents of Riverton, Wash. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Walton came out for
the weekend to visit with the Bed
Barnetts. The boys took them on
a grand tour of the Island and
later showed them their skill in
riding their new bicycles.
It's hard to tell which was the
most populated spot on.the Istad
this weekend. We think Point Wil-
son wins again, Herb Spahr and
Patty and Mr. and Mrs. Owens,
the Jerrells and Wangelins, the
Nemies and the Birches and the
Gilku all came out to take a last
look around before the ferry went
out of service. Sunday eveninff
Point Wilson had several callers
visiting with the Chaffees were
Mr. and Mrs. h.vie Wingert and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lohrer.
The South End of the Island
had lots of company too. Mrs.
Watts haft company by LAND,
SEA, AND AIR. Dr. Win. Watts
was out by boat with three of his
boys, Dr. and Mrs, Robert Morton
and their three children came bY
air in I)r. Morton's yellow sea-bee
and Mrs. Watts and two of her
'gz'andchildren came in ,her green
,four wheel jeep. While the Carl
Eshelmans of Taconla came out
to do some hlst minute work on
their place and the O/sons of Cos-
mopolis and Mr and Mrs. Bunk of
Vder were also out this weekend.
Babe and Carolyne Baker of Se-
attle came out to visit Grandma
Dugdale and see that she was all
set for the .ferry lay-off.
Hilma and Irvie Vingert spent
a few days in Sequim this past
Miss Cindy Waite attended a
fun party at the Jobies on Friday
Little Danny Hanson grandson
of the Andy Stamborskeys is in
the Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle
trying to shake off a virus bug
and get in tile best of condition for
his now famous Miracle Heart Op-
eration at the May() Clinic later
or] this spring.
The H. V. Glasers and kidletts
took Grandma Glaser to Tacoma
Sunday to spend a while with her
(laughter and children the Stephan
Franiches. Grandma will take care
of the children while Helen is )n
the hospital awaiting the arrival
of old Dec Stork. This will be
grandcifild number nineleen for
the Glasers.
Dick and Cherr} Knauf and the
children escorted Thelma Capper
and Dorothy Den-Herder of Olym-
pia on a trip around tile Island
Sunday. Dick and Cherry enjoy
showing the beautifnl Island to
their friends.
VIr. and Mrs. Sidney Bauns-
gard of Lakewood spent the week-
enti with the Nels Baunsgards.
Wednesday the°. school ctfildren
had a double birthday pary for
1st and Grove 8ts. • Phone HA 6-4426
Danny Knauf an Ruth Whngert.
-Tle" chi]tlren enJoyed cak and
soft drinks, later they played
gamas, and exchaflged gifts.
Monday saw the last, shipment
of oysters to the Iilton cannery go
off by barge. The cannery will
resume operation in mid-October.
The Harstine Island ferry men
were extremely busy this: past
Sunday as time neared fo}" the
ferry to o into drydock. All the
lucky people who own two cars
brought their extga one across to
the mainland. It looks like new
and used car lot in front of the
Seeds. Thfs is an annual ,event
and we think the government
should ie us a extra income
tax deduction as necessary ex-
penditure for the ear we must
have in order to su,'vive while the
ferry m i0 drydock. We have no
idea how long the ferry will be
indisposed but however short is
too long.
Mr. Ralph Wingert was home
for a short visit with his ptrents,
the .krthur Wingerts.
We would like to.Wish some very
happ31 b[rthda,a this week. We
would' like o say a very happy
birthday to Miss Ritp Middlestet-
ter who will celebrate her birth-
day on May 7. Rita will be. sweet
seventeen. She resides in edro
Wooney and is a subscriber to
this paper. We want to dxtend
happy birthday to Rita's father,
By Grace Petty
KAMILCHE..--The drill team of
Progress Grange will put on the
5th degree at their hall this Sat-
urday evening, May 8. al 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson were
last Monday evening dinner guests'
of the Ernest Booths in Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Cimster Richards
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Waldrip
made a weekend trip to t}e Dalles,
Oregon, where they attended the
yearly gathering of the Waste
County Pioneers.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty spent
a recent weekend clam digging,
and worldng on their lot aL South
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Alvers(m left
early last Tuesday morning for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wright
Vargarson in Idaho City, Idaho.
On their way home Thursday they
stopped to see a sister, Mz's. Teke
I,arson, in Bend, Oregon.
Ed Krise is slowly recuperating
from his recent illness.
My mistake -- the Minnegishi
twins have only been in school
here this year, coming to the
United States a year ago this
Mrs. Art Nelson, Mrs. Fdwin
Petty, along with Mrs. Lee Carl-
son, Mrs. Otto Bnllinger and Mrs.
Roy Petty of Shelton, attended
the first evening ballgame ill Se-
attle between the Salt Lake Bees
and the Seattle Rainiers, Friday
Mrs. Mark (Marj) Craddick left
Sunday by plane from Sea-Tee
for Platinum, Alaska, north of
Memo, for a'two week visit with
her husband who works in the
power house, of the platinum
mine. M'. and Mrs. L. G. Jacket
of San Francisco, Calif., Mary's
pents, are staying in her home
while she L gone.
Open house after the remodeling
of their store was held last Frf-i
day and Saturday by the Lam-
bert Grocery. Mrs, Oliver I Pat-
ricia) Petty was the winner of the
large size GE deep cooker and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, Otto and
family of Littlerock, Mr. and Mrs..
Jim Griggs and two children and
mother, Mrs. Sadie Griggs of
Olympia, were Sunday guests of
the Martin Otto family.
"1Irs. Bush, who lives on the l
Harry Scott place and is a sister
of Mrs. Leighton Haskell, ha, her
th'ree-year-old grandson, Larry
Booth, living with her now.
Mrs. Robert Petty of the Sko-
komish Valley and two small ehil- :
dr.en spent Wednesday night at'
the Edwin Petty home.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson, Mr.
and. Mrs. Ira Stansbury of Little
Skookum ere guests of the Le-
land Hudsons, aL,o of Little Skoo-
kum, at the smorgasbord dinner at
the Shelton Hotel Saturday night.
The Lake Isa.beIla Women's
Club will meet Wednesday noon,
May 13th, for a potluck lunch
and busi, ness meeting in the Ed-
win Petty home at Karilch. o
Mrs. 'Len C(ffe"z'en[" tv ' das
last weekend in the hospital for
observation and treatment and
will be confined to heii home alr
this week.
Ronnie Abe, 7th grade student
at tle Kamilche Valley school,
had the mLfortune of haying a,l
mixture from a chemistry set blow
i his face, burning it badly,
Sunday morning. It was nec-
for him to spend a week
-in the .hospital, returning home
last Saturday.
Mr. arid Mrs. Alvin Nagel, Geri
and Mrvin, and Norman Peter-
eit,were Saturday evening guests
of the Carl Moons !n TLmwater,
Nickel Improve Cast Iron
?h6 additio of one per cent
to cast 'irdn will incre&se its
to 20 per cent ahd a
time retain exceFent ma-.
By Top
Only th'
ter tank.
2 B.B. -
8 B.B."
3 B.a. -
4 B.R. -
.... HOQUI/
NEVER toll EARLY. ,.
'Now Is TheTime To..
Mr. Fat Middlestetter, on May 10. FOR Y
Miss Ctteryl Meeks will celebrate
her day on May 14 and to Mrs.
Ann Yates our volunteer mail car-
rier on her birthday Mayl0--Many 1/2 %
happy return of the day from all J er
your island friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvie Wingert
have sold the old-Aunty Johnson
place to Mr. and Mrs. Steg Gab-
rielSen of Gig Harbor.
The Harstine Island Grange was
very happy to have over hhlf of
its membership at 'the traveling
gavel meeting of the Twanoh
Grange in the Belfair Fire Hall
Friday night.
,The Harstine Grange wili dec-
orat the window of the Morgan
Dress Shop in Shelton in a Pio-
neer motif, according to the wishes
of the Festival board. Anyone
with antique articles are asked to
donate them for this one week
display. Each article will be
marked as to the age of the ar-
ticle and the name of the donor.
Mrs. Dotty Lane of Shelton is
recuperating at her home after
havirg been hospitalized. Mrs.
CIenn Ystes spent a few days
helping out :after her return. :rs.
Lane's daughter is Mrs. Arlo Win-
gert. .,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rodgers of
McDermot, Nevada, spent two
friends on the Island.
All accounts Insured up to $10,000 bY
Security Bldg., Olylpi&,/W
Cal"lton I. Sears, President
V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pres. J)HN I.
Hazel Walmer, SeCretary-Tress V. R.
Eugene Dcaan, Asst. Secy.-Treas. J.C.
J. C. Minshuil, Vice President