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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON-MAON 1959 and Goodwin&apos;s Evergreen Service lPi'eaentative in Mason County for " Oil & Wood  III I pRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE PAPER HANGING O PAINTING 6 Plaster Board Taping • E.F. FULMER Phone HA 6-4913 Gerry Villines, Walt" Wolden Repeat Vows i Baskets of while steel< and Ipailie daisies banked lhe altar j,lf lhe Methodisl elllll*cb fill' the I1 *cent wedding of Mrs. Gerry Vil- h es, d:mghler of Mr. and Mrs. !l[. (). Villines, to Mr. Walter \\;V. i\\;Vohi,,n, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. iE. Wohh,n. ! The I,w. Charles T. tlatien of- ;fiemted at the double ring nup- i tl:lls. Mrs. Harvey Hilhnan, organ- ist, played "Boca/ so" and "] Love You Tlluly. '' I,'or her weo(ting the m'ide chose : a navy blue knit mill with \\;vhitp !accessories and red rose corsage. The coupli:fs italy attendants were Mr. Robert Wolden, brother of the bridegrnom, and Mrs. James Howell. Mrs. Howell was dressed in a pale bhm knit suit.with wlaite accessories alld red rose corsage. A reception honoring the young couple was held immediately fol- lowing the ceremony at the home of Mrs. Madeline Anderson. Botl- quets of stock, painted daisies and daffodils decorated the Anderson home for the occasion. A white linen cloth graced "the bride's table attractively arranged with daffodils apd white , lending the backgrotlnd for thd: wedding cake which was topped bY nlinlitur.e white Weddin bells. Serving the appointments were Mes(lames WtllMm Furlong, bon, Pogreba, t{cu Smith, Patll Irreder- ickson. Gerald Burger and Mrs. I4ay Hall; . The new Mr. and Mrs. Wolden are making their home at 50:3 i Bellevue. Mrs. Wohten is employ, led at the helton branch of the Seattle-First National "Bank and Mr. Wolden is a service salesman for Northwest Industrial Laundry, Centralia. Out-of-town guests attending tie wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Seth Myhr, Contralto; Mrs. Chary .ty Villines, Eima; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ackley and Mrs. William Ca lvert, McCleary; Mrs. b'red i Hawttmrne and Mrs. William Bax- ter, Tacoma. When People Have A Cho,ce ... w,tap" na CREAM JOURNAL  Ptii ed in "Ch'ri.¢tmastow,, U.8.A.," Shelton, Washington [  • JF mlW 1, l_JltUll::l bqJUlL OICttA 1 30 t I g I V O/1 t $ /Officers Installation , - " "Y .... / The public is invite t to attend ( lel POlt0r * ,, Phons HA. 6-4412 ):the itlslallati(m of officers fill' j.., i,aill'(!l C(,u't No. 26, Order of Alll- I ;trlllh, ill , ) hi., Satuldav, int Fall Weddini,00 Planned MR. AND MRS. GEORGE H. WAGENER wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lynne Marie, to Mr. Rolla Wallace Halbert, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla W. Halbert. Miss Wagener attended Washington State College, where she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and is now attending the Univer- sity of Washington where she is a junior in speech education and was recently pledged to Zeta Phi Eta, honorary national speech sorority. Mr. Halbert attends the University of Washington where he is affiliated with Sigma Nu fraternity and is majoring in en- gineering. A fall wedding is planned. (Dean phot,).l In Store After Store Throughout The County Where Oarigold I)mpotos . . . II Wins! • " Bird Walchers Invited Pinochle Players To Audubon Meeting Slate Final Game They Choose o Audohon Society of Olym-The last game of tile S[{A Pi- pie cordially invites the public to noehle sea;;ou until fall will i)e • • • • a special meeting at 8 p.ln., Fri- play(,d :il ,'iglll. o'('h,ck Tuesday d day ,in the assembly hall of the ill lh*' Armol'V, preccd,'d by a tur- St,}te Museum, Olympia, when Dr, R('V dinner " el. tlw lVl,,thodist Arthur A. Allen' will show iris ch{n'ch at 6::{0 p.rn. son Bay". Mrs. Viola Ltlllgen, 70.10 Hnc{ Chill'-: ma Dr. Allen, tl'le tirst )l'ofessor of i]es Dahhnan, 5850 at last wee, lC'd B ornithology ill America was the meeting of Ihe club SPcond high founder al(t is now ai,ectol, of the winners were Mrs. Betty Kuhnle laboratory bf ornithology at Cor-]6qlS0 Pall] ('ase. 54;30 Travel- nell University and a frequenl: ink pinochh, prizes awarded contrlhntor to the Nhtional ,Go()- MI'. and Mrs. t£alph SLockweil. ducts graphic magazine as well as the Six ,nenfl)if)'s of the local club r o author of several books on birds, joined in ;t l'ltixer Kanle at Camp Because It's Local hrigold Dairy Products Are Produced and Processed In Mason and Kitsap Oounties. :ML. Moriah Masonic Temple. l (.)fii(!(.rs l,) be insl.alied are. IYI;1- iri,' liUlUliim. Itoyal Matron and i\\;Villianl H. Anderson, l{oyal Pa- l ,',HI ; i]s1 hel' Antlerson, associate nml.rou; C, harlcs 'Vrage, ;issociate i patv,,n; Clm ]'ies Vv'right, secre- ,,lay; El:ie Wilson, Ireasurer; Ma- bh' Ailken, (!end|let l'ess; Gr;:tee \\;Veils, ass()(:iat,' colldtlctress; Ir- i l3tq:'d F¢untliOll, three year trustee. ! Appointive oficers to be install- ie,I ave (:Ice i,'isher, nmrshal In the i tqtSI ; tl'Oll(! ,l'Itckson, nlal'silal in I he west : iAl\\;vt'enc(! Fisher, pre- i late; Georgia ttellman, standmd ] I)P;t i'(w; Elllnly Pel crson, truth; ; I{11111 I,al hanL faith; Lucllle i Speoce, wis(Iom; Catht, rine Glla- dt!l'sen, ('hal'ity; Lee Gundersen, 'hi:hriall; Iea Larson, nltlsician; IThe)dore Deer, selitinel and Ellis ,Vclls, warder. VFW Aux. Names Dept. Delegates At the la,nl meeting of the Vet- erans of li'¢fi'eign Wars Auxiliary eleciitm of department delegates to the (b,,partmcnt conventinn in Tucoma ,lunc 10 was hehl. ThoSe eleetcd were Miss Marian John- son, MI's. Jessie Cox, Mrs. Frances Moake and Mrs. l'im'ence Hamli- hm. Alt,q'nales are Mrs. Sue. Weaver, Mrs. Nellie H, iter, "Mrs. Lenora l?,org and Mrs. Amy Frank. More plans were discussed' a,rld 'arrangements ms(to for the fifth dislriet lneeting to be hehl May 16, in Shelton. President Mi-s. Betty Godwin, t;rcstding at her first m'eeting, an- nOilnced th0 following clmirmen for tim year: Mrs, Frank, Amer- icanism;" Ml;'S. Cox, Bttddy Poppy, 'trance.r, Gold Star Mothers; Mrs. [ \\;Vi aver, (ommunlty service; Mrs P'ae Robinson, essay, membership, youth activities; Mrs. Colleen Gep- I lt't, publicity, hospital; Mrs, Vir- gie Cleveland, co-hospital; Mrs. Lucy Edmiston, legislative, Ih- tilmai Memorial building; liss Marian Johnson, national home, civil defense, Cascade council rep- resentative; Mrs. Daisy Pinney, Mrs. lwothy Surratt. rehabilita- tion and service officers; Mrs. Me- rle McKay, scholarship; Mrs. Vi- bla Lnugen, house committee; Mrs. Lucille Speece, chairman and Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Florence Hamilton, ways and means. It was voted to make a contri- l)tlI;iot io the summer recreation Ill'( )g l'a.m. Shelton Student To Teach In Vancouver Ninety-three student teachers fr,)m Ci-,ntral Washington College of Hducaiion at Ellensburg are receiving on-the-spot training in seven school districts in the state lhu'ing the Spring quarter, ac- Cording to Dr. Roy Ruebel, direc- tor of student tt'4aehing. George Booth of Shelton will teach at V ancouver. Timsc towns aiding the college in one of the final steps of the teacher-trairfing program a r e" Bellevue, Ellensburg, Kirkland, Kittitas. Vancouver. Wenatchee Dr: Allen's expeditions have (])'is(lnh recently, and Yaktma. taken him from the Columbiar .............................................................................. Andes to the tundra of Alaska. Hudson Bay, shores of Labrador. Mexico, the Panama jungles and from Florida to California. He is on the West coast now for the purpose of recording local bird ongs. . Raflreshments will be served for lowing the film for those wishing to meet Dr. Allen. Oarol t)offman Altonds Linfleld l)ampus Day Kitsap.Mas0n Dairymen's Assn. llb AND GROVE • • Phone 'ILL4. 6-4473 Carol Coffman, 724 W. Harvard. Shelton, was among some 280 Northwest young people consider- ing 'c(hlle next fall to attend an- nual Campus Day at Lirffiehi col- lege, MoMinnville. Ore.. April 25. Students met professors in their depdrtments of part|qular interest and attended sample college class sessions and athletic and so- clal fnnctlon dtlrlng the day. In the evening they were enter- tained at a banquet and were guests at the annual Mu Phi Epsi- Ion song contest. C00nsus Asked at VI'A.Meet Rudy Oltman, Sheltofl'iuperin- tendent of schools'. Pttil'sted a pre-school census from the" Mason county PTA Council last Wednes- day. The request was gven in or- der to better enable the estimate of new additional building of class rooms. Mrs. Harry Tokes and Mra. Moritz Schmidt were named co- chairmen of the census Mrs. Jack Powell. reported or her husband's behalf of the juve- nile book and magazine problem. It was also voted to have parents present at the Friday night show in order to curtail misbehavior. Mrs. John Pill was chosen to at- tend the state convention May 5-8 in Yakima. Following the meeting training for 1959-60 PTA officers was held. Election Scheduled B Evergreen Aux. ection of officers will be held at the next meeting of the Ever- green Orthopedic Auxiliary a 8 p.m.. today, Thursday, in the new McCleary home of Mrs. Phillip G. Morrison. Retiring officers are Mrs. Del- bert M. Johnson, president, Mrs. L. L McInelly, secretary and Miss Clara L. Hanson, treasfirer. EQUIETRLa, N ..... Judy Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hale, Hoodsport was among the 43 students who rode In the an- nual Lindenwood College horse show last Saturday. Tle show, presented by Beta Chi. the campus Club, of which Misa Hale is ia an event of the an ay-Ptrnts weekend the college. Mother'i Dk Sunday, May 10 TI4E GIFT BOX Chocolates and butter bons .114 11. .2.16  lha. *SJ amhivety oum .., McCONKEY'S Drug Oenler 306 Railroad Pharmcl 329 Railroad Pa I Pt.lmtet's No, 1 Avat]able in Oilmpm [NtW for nlineral wealth in 'vVasifington and their requests for information and advice prompted the State Dl- [FAMILY PLAN/ vision of Mines and Geology of the Department of Conserwtion to publish a booklet, "Prospecting in \\;Vashington," wifici was released :or distribution today in Olympia. Tile report dvscribes types of ore (leposit.' and lhe minerals and locks associated with them. It in- chules instrucl.ions fo r l)rospe.ctors, descriptions of placer and lode sampling me.thods and directions fm  claim staking. Reference is made to so,urces of lnfo!'mati0n on mining law and to other sources on subje(.ts of int.erest to prospec- tors, Mothers Feted At 'r' W.C.I.U. Meet "Mothers' Day" was the ttaeme LIFE INSURANCE of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union meeting last Friday, in t [E l'tbrr'*'''' tie Fatth Lutheran church, foIllSw- ing a no-h0st luncieon served at tables decm'ated with Imquets of F iBOn YOU t.  I spring fh)wers. Mrs. Agnus Kan- "- gas wits in charge of the arrange- " YOUR WIF W nlents. The afternoon program was  AD CHILDREN opened by the devotions led by Mrs. Olive Quarrier with Bible verses admonishing mothers on t, he right training of their ehil- AT NEW LOW COS]' dren, The Rev. J, Bernhard Bretiietm, 'past. of ihe church, sang "How Great ThOu ArU'. "Mrs, Rachel T0u need money if you lose Chase, di'cctor of child Welfare, yo:urwtfeorachild-justasyour widow seeds money ff she lose gave an instructive talk ()r child, care, bringing out the dangers of you. So-Farmcrs announces s the constiht watch of TV pro- uaiqueaewF-L-E-X-I-B-L-E gl,ams where ns and alcohol plit that provides death bene- beverage adwrtising are made at- ltts to either survivor, with the tractive to the child. This is often unusual[eaturel: th cause of child delhnquency. She also reported on the "Good • peanent insurance /or ymr. lews" Bible classes for children wif leld in Shelton this year and urged mother. to enroll their chil- • paid-in.full life insurams for dren In the classes again next widow and ihildren year. s eover children born sfter pol- Miss Elsie Deweli reviewed a icy is issued chapter of the study book, "Slmd- ow Over America". A timely ac- s rights for children to convert count of her trip to Mexico was to other insutmce, st qge , given by Mrs. L. D. Hack, which WithOUt medical examination, was of particular interest to the Aboontouninsurablsehildron! group because of the scheduled • youtfdmilY'sinsurapaidvp WCTU world convention, in Mex- if yd.'re dilabled ice City this October. It eots much less, now, to |eL Shelton Trio on Honor , new protection. Look in your Roll at University phone book, under Farmers lao More than 825 Uniwn'sity nf Suranee Croup-call your neigh- Washington students wet'(, listed brlood agent for fuU details ot[ on the undergraduate scholarship this remarkableF-L-E-X-l- honor, roll for Winter Quarter, ' B-L-Epoltt% tailored to fit your 1959, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, regis- himilys nee€is. trar, announced today. Among the group are Lawrence Gosser, Sue Greenwalt and Patrlcia Price of lrAgMEI NEW hORLD LI TO bc eligible for l.he Its{, stu- "" " ' dents must carry 12 academic hem's of studies and maintain at least a 3.5 grade-point average?. A 4.0 average ix straight "A".  .r IECENT VISITOR: Mr. and Mrs, Harry Powell. Jr. and fam- ily visited with friends and rela-[ AUT0*LITsFIRE.TRUCK.BUSINESS., lives i Mason e(iunty htst week, [ whi'eHarryP°well'Sr"madelastl MLi PEARS01 minute preparhtions to move to" hls son's'home ih Tula Rosa, N, M. ................................... MASON COUNTY AGENT The nickel-coppe: ore body in 125 North 5th Street the Sudbury District of O(ttario i Phone HA 6-3061 almost two 'miles 10ng and more SHELTON. WASH than 4.000 feet deep. 20 Ye00s Ago McConkeY'a pharmacy, serving Mason County readents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the files of yeeryear. We hope it ia of intereat to you. i mm  mm m m mmummm mmmmmmm mum w  mm mmm m mmmlm mmm m  m mmmmm m m m m m TUESDAY, MAY 2, 193.--ProducLng the greatest seorc (H' hie per,lal bowlirtg eareer, I. H, Woods set a new all-time rec- ord with hl 6?2 aerte at the Northwest /nternatlonal BowlinR conlress in Spokane. Two new airplanes, both seaplanes, were acitied to Mason County's air flet over the weeken4 with delivery bein made to I)i'. B. I€/. Collier and Merrltt KI0ran. Mrs. Jeanette Ottermatt is the general chairman for the anntml" penny drive sponaOred by the Children's Orthopedir hospital. Bcase Of unprecedented dry weather, the departnlent of Conservation and Development annomw.ed the closing of certain parts of,, the county. Mrs. Frank Swanson and Mrs. Kemeth Calkins enterhdned Friday afternoon with a silver tea to benefit the Bordeaux PTA hot hmoh fund. ' Gtleat for the afternoon tea were Mrs. Gcorgr Herzog, Mrs. Crarencc Arbogast. Mrs. Ed Conner. Mrs. Maurice Ktnaey;' Ms. Wt}lm Roger, Mrs. Htarry Dittman, Mrs. Kenney, Miss Inga KrtstiOl, MiSs Doris Torte and Mrs. C. C. Gibbs. THURSDAY,, MAY ,4, 193-r-. Homer Taylor, vice-princil)al and athletic dii'ector at Irene S'. Reed high school has been ap- pbinte!, ild$,flbI( tli'CttSr #/lti Amlerian Leiotl Junior baseball c}i/ich here fbr the ummer. Fire which broke But ;it: the attic of*{he Al Gondwin home on Cott street between Seeond and Tird street0 was prevented trdm spreading to the nearby woodefi buildinga of ,lerry Val- ley's blacksmith shop an the ub Cigar store by the quick irival of'the tty five department this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gua wrtson of Arcadia returned to Sllelton from s trtpto Ing BeAch, Caltfnrnta. Denial by the tte Supregm Court, of a rehearing on his appea f, rom the, verdict of girllty to murdering his wLfc rendered by a Mason County superior court .last summer left Benhard R, Iuchl frmer mtltworker anll lyflhnesota policeman With executiwe clemency or appeal to the U. S. SUl)reme Court ItS his only remaining hope for hi lile ......... Mra, Charles Savage and Paul and Jt/stin Keever spent the past we'k |a Olympia a, tteadlog..tle Adult Leaders Recreation school Which is sponsored by the National Recreatinnal Institute m LeW Y0rR. Re-opning after s two months closure, the Stop hm Cafe will be rollenel for lUItesa thls Saturday by Mrs. Nollmi Chaac, who was the original owner. For Over 24 Years it Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS "TO SERVE YOU 806 RAILROAD Phons HA 6-34SS ,m00iL00O00 Phono HA i-44SS SHELTON-MAON 1959 and Goodwin's Evergreen Service lPi'eaentative in Mason County for " Oil & Wood  III I pRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE PAPER HANGING O PAINTING 6 Plaster Board Taping • E.F. FULMER Phone HA 6-4913 Gerry Villines, Walt" Wolden Repeat Vows i Baskets of while steel< and Ipailie daisies banked lhe altar j,lf lhe Methodisl elllll*cb fill' the I1 *cent wedding of Mrs. Gerry Vil- h es, d:mghler of Mr. and Mrs. !l[. (). Villines, to Mr. Walter \\;V. i\\;Vohi,,n, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. iE. Wohh,n. ! The I,w. Charles T. tlatien of- ;fiemted at the double ring nup- i tl:lls. Mrs. Harvey Hilhnan, organ- ist, played "Boca/ so" and "] Love You Tlluly. '' I,'or her weo(ting the m'ide chose : a navy blue knit mill with \\;vhitp !accessories and red rose corsage. The coupli:fs italy attendants were Mr. Robert Wolden, brother of the bridegrnom, and Mrs. James Howell. Mrs. Howell was dressed in a pale bhm knit suit.with wlaite accessories alld red rose corsage. A reception honoring the young couple was held immediately fol- lowing the ceremony at the home of Mrs. Madeline Anderson. Botl- quets of stock, painted daisies and daffodils decorated the Anderson home for the occasion. A white linen cloth graced "the bride's table attractively arranged with daffodils apd white , lending the backgrotlnd for thd: wedding cake which was topped bY nlinlitur.e white Weddin bells. Serving the appointments were Mes(lames WtllMm Furlong, bon, Pogreba, t{cu Smith, Patll Irreder- ickson. Gerald Burger and Mrs. I4ay Hall; . The new Mr. and Mrs. Wolden are making their home at 50:3 i Bellevue. Mrs. Wohten is employ, led at the helton branch of the Seattle-First National "Bank and Mr. Wolden is a service salesman for Northwest Industrial Laundry, Centralia. Out-of-town guests attending tie wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Seth Myhr, Contralto; Mrs. Chary .ty Villines, Eima; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ackley and Mrs. William Ca lvert, McCleary; Mrs. b'red i Hawttmrne and Mrs. William Bax- ter, Tacoma. When People Have A Cho,ce ... w,tap" na CREAM JOURNAL  Ptii ed in "Ch'ri.¢tmastow,, U.8.A.," Shelton, Washington [  • JF mlW 1, l_JltUll::l bqJUlL OICttA 1 30 t I g I V O/1 t $ /Officers Installation , - " "Y .... / The public is invite t to attend ( lel POlt0r * ,, Phons HA. 6-4412 ):the itlslallati(m of officers fill' j.., i,aill'(!l C(,u't No. 26, Order of Alll- I ;trlllh, ill , ) hi., Satuldav, int Fall Weddini,00 Planned MR. AND MRS. GEORGE H. WAGENER wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lynne Marie, to Mr. Rolla Wallace Halbert, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolla W. Halbert. Miss Wagener attended Washington State College, where she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and is now attending the Univer- sity of Washington where she is a junior in speech education and was recently pledged to Zeta Phi Eta, honorary national speech sorority. Mr. Halbert attends the University of Washington where he is affiliated with Sigma Nu fraternity and is majoring in en- gineering. A fall wedding is planned. (Dean phot,).l In Store After Store Throughout The County Where Oarigold I)mpotos . . . II Wins! • " Bird Walchers Invited Pinochle Players To Audubon Meeting Slate Final Game They Choose o Audohon Society of Olym-The last game of tile S[{A Pi- pie cordially invites the public to noehle sea;;ou until fall will i)e • • • • a special meeting at 8 p.ln., Fri- play(,d :il ,'iglll. o'('h,ck Tuesday d day ,in the assembly hall of the ill lh*' Armol'V, preccd,'d by a tur- St,}te Museum, Olympia, when Dr, R('V dinner " el. tlw lVl,,thodist Arthur A. Allen' will show iris ch{n'ch at 6::{0 p.rn. son Bay". Mrs. Viola Ltlllgen, 70.10 Hnc{ Chill'-: ma Dr. Allen, tl'le tirst )l'ofessor of i]es Dahhnan, 5850 at last wee, lC'd B ornithology ill America was the meeting of Ihe club SPcond high founder al(t is now ai,ectol, of the winners were Mrs. Betty Kuhnle laboratory bf ornithology at Cor-]6qlS0 Pall] ('ase. 54;30 Travel- nell University and a frequenl: ink pinochh, prizes awarded contrlhntor to the Nhtional ,Go()- MI'. and Mrs. t£alph SLockweil. ducts graphic magazine as well as the Six ,nenfl)if)'s of the local club r o author of several books on birds, joined in ;t l'ltixer Kanle at Camp Because It's Local hrigold Dairy Products Are Produced and Processed In Mason and Kitsap Oounties. :ML. Moriah Masonic Temple. l (.)fii(!(.rs l,) be insl.alied are. IYI;1- iri,' liUlUliim. Itoyal Matron and i\\;Villianl H. Anderson, l{oyal Pa- l ,',HI ; i]s1 hel' Antlerson, associate nml.rou; C, harlcs 'Vrage, ;issociate i patv,,n; Clm ]'ies Vv'right, secre- ,,lay; El:ie Wilson, Ireasurer; Ma- bh' Ailken, (!end|let l'ess; Gr;:tee \\;Veils, ass()(:iat,' colldtlctress; Ir- i l3tq:'d F¢untliOll, three year trustee. ! Appointive oficers to be install- ie,I ave (:Ice i,'isher, nmrshal In the i tqtSI ; tl'Oll(! ,l'Itckson, nlal'silal in I he west : iAl\\;vt'enc(! Fisher, pre- i late; Georgia ttellman, standmd ] I)P;t i'(w; Elllnly Pel crson, truth; ; I{11111 I,al hanL faith; Lucllle i Speoce, wis(Iom; Catht, rine Glla- dt!l'sen, ('hal'ity; Lee Gundersen, 'hi:hriall; Iea Larson, nltlsician; IThe)dore Deer, selitinel and Ellis ,Vclls, warder. VFW Aux. Names Dept. Delegates At the la,nl meeting of the Vet- erans of li'¢fi'eign Wars Auxiliary eleciitm of department delegates to the (b,,partmcnt conventinn in Tucoma ,lunc 10 was hehl. ThoSe eleetcd were Miss Marian John- son, MI's. Jessie Cox, Mrs. Frances Moake and Mrs. l'im'ence Hamli- hm. Alt,q'nales are Mrs. Sue. Weaver, Mrs. Nellie H, iter, "Mrs. Lenora l?,org and Mrs. Amy Frank. More plans were discussed' a,rld 'arrangements ms(to for the fifth dislriet lneeting to be hehl May 16, in Shelton. President Mi-s. Betty Godwin, t;rcstding at her first m'eeting, an- nOilnced th0 following clmirmen for tim year: Mrs, Frank, Amer- icanism;" Ml;'S. Cox, Bttddy Poppy, 'trance.r, Gold Star Mothers; Mrs. [ \\;Vi aver, (ommunlty service; Mrs P'ae Robinson, essay, membership, youth activities; Mrs. Colleen Gep- I lt't, publicity, hospital; Mrs, Vir- gie Cleveland, co-hospital; Mrs. Lucy Edmiston, legislative, Ih- tilmai Memorial building; liss Marian Johnson, national home, civil defense, Cascade council rep- resentative; Mrs. Daisy Pinney, Mrs. lwothy Surratt. rehabilita- tion and service officers; Mrs. Me- rle McKay, scholarship; Mrs. Vi- bla Lnugen, house committee; Mrs. Lucille Speece, chairman and Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Florence Hamilton, ways and means. It was voted to make a contri- l)tlI;iot io the summer recreation Ill'( )g l'a.m. Shelton Student To Teach In Vancouver Ninety-three student teachers fr,)m Ci-,ntral Washington College of Hducaiion at Ellensburg are receiving on-the-spot training in seven school districts in the state lhu'ing the Spring quarter, ac- Cording to Dr. Roy Ruebel, direc- tor of student tt'4aehing. George Booth of Shelton will teach at V ancouver. Timsc towns aiding the college in one of the final steps of the teacher-trairfing program a r e" Bellevue, Ellensburg, Kirkland, Kittitas. Vancouver. Wenatchee Dr: Allen's expeditions have (])'is(lnh recently, and Yaktma. taken him from the Columbiar .............................................................................. Andes to the tundra of Alaska. Hudson Bay, shores of Labrador. Mexico, the Panama jungles and from Florida to California. He is on the West coast now for the purpose of recording local bird ongs. . Raflreshments will be served for lowing the film for those wishing to meet Dr. Allen. Oarol t)offman Altonds Linfleld l)ampus Day Kitsap.Mas0n Dairymen's Assn. llb AND GROVE • • Phone 'ILL4. 6-4473 Carol Coffman, 724 W. Harvard. Shelton, was among some 280 Northwest young people consider- ing 'c(hlle next fall to attend an- nual Campus Day at Lirffiehi col- lege, MoMinnville. Ore.. April 25. Students met professors in their depdrtments of part|qular interest and attended sample college class sessions and athletic and so- clal fnnctlon dtlrlng the day. In the evening they were enter- tained at a banquet and were guests at the annual Mu Phi Epsi- Ion song contest. C00nsus Asked at VI'A.Meet Rudy Oltman, Sheltofl'iuperin- tendent of schools'. Pttil'sted a pre-school census from the" Mason county PTA Council last Wednes- day. The request was gven in or- der to better enable the estimate of new additional building of class rooms. Mrs. Harry Tokes and Mra. Moritz Schmidt were named co- chairmen of the census Mrs. Jack Powell. reported or her husband's behalf of the juve- nile book and magazine problem. It was also voted to have parents present at the Friday night show in order to curtail misbehavior. Mrs. John Pill was chosen to at- tend the state convention May 5-8 in Yakima. Following the meeting training for 1959-60 PTA officers was held. Election Scheduled B Evergreen Aux. ection of officers will be held at the next meeting of the Ever- green Orthopedic Auxiliary a 8 p.m.. today, Thursday, in the new McCleary home of Mrs. Phillip G. Morrison. Retiring officers are Mrs. Del- bert M. Johnson, president, Mrs. L. L McInelly, secretary and Miss Clara L. Hanson, treasfirer. EQUIETRLa, N ..... Judy Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hale, Hoodsport was among the 43 students who rode In the an- nual Lindenwood College horse show last Saturday. Tle show, presented by Beta Chi. the campus Club, of which Misa Hale is ia an event of the an ay-Ptrnts weekend the college. Mother'i Dk Sunday, May 10 TI4E GIFT BOX Chocolates and butter bons .114 11. .2.16  lha. *SJ amhivety oum .., McCONKEY'S Drug Oenler 306 Railroad Pharmcl 329 Railroad Pa I Pt.lmtet's No, 1 Avat]able in Oilmpm [NtW for nlineral wealth in 'vVasifington and their requests for information and advice prompted the State Dl- [FAMILY PLAN/ vision of Mines and Geology of the Department of Conserwtion to publish a booklet, "Prospecting in \\;Vashington," wifici was released :or distribution today in Olympia. Tile report dvscribes types of ore (leposit.' and lhe minerals and locks associated with them. It in- chules instrucl.ions fo r l)rospe.ctors, descriptions of placer and lode sampling me.thods and directions fm  claim staking. Reference is made to so,urces of lnfo!'mati0n on mining law and to other sources on subje(.ts of int.erest to prospec- tors, Mothers Feted At 'r' W.C.I.U. Meet "Mothers' Day" was the ttaeme LIFE INSURANCE of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union meeting last Friday, in t [E l'tbrr'*'''' tie Fatth Lutheran church, foIllSw- ing a no-h0st luncieon served at tables decm'ated with Imquets of F iBOn YOU t.  I spring fh)wers. Mrs. Agnus Kan- "- gas wits in charge of the arrange- " YOUR WIF W nlents. The afternoon program was  AD CHILDREN opened by the devotions led by Mrs. Olive Quarrier with Bible verses admonishing mothers on t, he right training of their ehil- AT NEW LOW COS]' dren, The Rev. J, Bernhard Bretiietm, 'past. of ihe church, sang "How Great ThOu ArU'. "Mrs, Rachel T0u need money if you lose Chase, di'cctor of child Welfare, yo:urwtfeorachild-justasyour widow seeds money ff she lose gave an instructive talk ()r child, care, bringing out the dangers of you. So-Farmcrs announces s the constiht watch of TV pro- uaiqueaewF-L-E-X-I-B-L-E gl,ams where ns and alcohol plit that provides death bene- beverage adwrtising are made at- ltts to either survivor, with the tractive to the child. This is often unusual[eaturel: th cause of child delhnquency. She also reported on the "Good • peanent insurance /or ymr. lews" Bible classes for children wif leld in Shelton this year and urged mother. to enroll their chil- • paid-in.full life insurams for dren In the classes again next widow and ihildren year. s eover children born sfter pol- Miss Elsie Deweli reviewed a icy is issued chapter of the study book, "Slmd- ow Over America". A timely ac- s rights for children to convert count of her trip to Mexico was to other insutmce, st qge , given by Mrs. L. D. Hack, which WithOUt medical examination, was of particular interest to the Aboontouninsurablsehildron! group because of the scheduled • youtfdmilY'sinsurapaidvp WCTU world convention, in Mex- if yd.'re dilabled ice City this October. It eots much less, now, to |eL Shelton Trio on Honor , new protection. Look in your Roll at University phone book, under Farmers lao More than 825 Uniwn'sity nf Suranee Croup-call your neigh- Washington students wet'(, listed brlood agent for fuU details ot[ on the undergraduate scholarship this remarkableF-L-E-X-l- honor, roll for Winter Quarter, ' B-L-Epoltt% tailored to fit your 1959, Mrs. Ethelyn Toner, regis- himilys nee€is. trar, announced today. Among the group are Lawrence Gosser, Sue Greenwalt and Patrlcia Price of lrAgMEI NEW hORLD LI TO bc eligible for l.he Its{, stu- "" " ' dents must carry 12 academic hem's of studies and maintain at least a 3.5 grade-point average?. A 4.0 average ix straight "A".  .r IECENT VISITOR: Mr. and Mrs, Harry Powell. Jr. and fam- ily visited with friends and rela-[ AUT0*LITsFIRE.TRUCK.BUSINESS., lives i Mason e(iunty htst week, [ whi'eHarryP°well'Sr"madelastl MLi PEARS01 minute preparhtions to move to" hls son's'home ih Tula Rosa, N, M. ................................... MASON COUNTY AGENT The nickel-coppe: ore body in 125 North 5th Street the Sudbury District of O(ttario i Phone HA 6-3061 almost two 'miles 10ng and more SHELTON. WASH than 4.000 feet deep. 20 Ye00s Ago McConkeY'a pharmacy, serving Mason County readents for more than 24 years, brings you this column taken from the files of yeeryear. We hope it ia of intereat to you. i mm  mm m m mmummm mmmmmmm mum w  mm mmm m mmmlm mmm m  m mmmmm m m m m m TUESDAY, MAY 2, 193.--ProducLng the greatest seorc (H' hie per,lal bowlirtg eareer, I. H, Woods set a new all-time rec- ord with hl 6?2 aerte at the Northwest /nternatlonal BowlinR conlress in Spokane. Two new airplanes, both seaplanes, were acitied to Mason County's air flet over the weeken4 with delivery bein made to I)i'. B. I€/. Collier and Merrltt KI0ran. Mrs. Jeanette Ottermatt is the general chairman for the anntml" penny drive sponaOred by the Children's Orthopedir hospital. Bcase Of unprecedented dry weather, the departnlent of Conservation and Development annomw.ed the closing of certain parts of,, the county. Mrs. Frank Swanson and Mrs. Kemeth Calkins enterhdned Friday afternoon with a silver tea to benefit the Bordeaux PTA hot hmoh fund. ' Gtleat for the afternoon tea were Mrs. Gcorgr Herzog, Mrs. Crarencc Arbogast. Mrs. Ed Conner. Mrs. Maurice Ktnaey;' Ms. Wt}lm Roger, Mrs. Htarry Dittman, Mrs. Kenney, Miss Inga KrtstiOl, MiSs Doris Torte and Mrs. C. C. Gibbs. THURSDAY,, MAY ,4, 193-r-. Homer Taylor, vice-princil)al and athletic dii'ector at Irene S'. Reed high school has been ap- pbinte!, ild$,flbI( tli'CttSr #/lti Amlerian Leiotl Junior baseball c}i/ich here fbr the ummer. Fire which broke But ;it: the attic of*{he Al Gondwin home on Cott street between Seeond and Tird street0 was prevented trdm spreading to the nearby woodefi buildinga of ,lerry Val- ley's blacksmith shop an the ub Cigar store by the quick irival of'the tty five department this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gua wrtson of Arcadia returned to Sllelton from s trtpto Ing BeAch, Caltfnrnta. Denial by the tte Supregm Court, of a rehearing on his appea f, rom the, verdict of girllty to murdering his wLfc rendered by a Mason County superior court .last summer left Benhard R, Iuchl frmer mtltworker anll lyflhnesota policeman With executiwe clemency or appeal to the U. S. SUl)reme Court ItS his only remaining hope for hi lile ......... Mra, Charles Savage and Paul and Jt/stin Keever spent the past we'k |a Olympia a, tteadlog..tle Adult Leaders Recreation school Which is sponsored by the National Recreatinnal Institute m LeW Y0rR. Re-opning after s two months closure, the Stop hm Cafe will be rollenel for lUItesa thls Saturday by Mrs. Nollmi Chaac, who was the original owner. For Over 24 Years it Has Been McCONKEYS FOR DRUGS TWO LOCATIONS "TO SERVE YOU 806 RAILROAD Phons HA 6-34SS ,m00iL00O00 Phono HA i-44SS