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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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agent, opened the program with a 0rt talk on Grang$ insurance. is was followed by a group singing the new Wash. State song Washington My Heme", an ac- rdian solo by James Olson, a sng by Susan and Jan Valley, a tl on the "Wilderness Bill" by )nita Dugger, and concluding vHth a tableau directed by Mrs. ary Hunter. Several Granges re represented but as Skoko- hish was the only one with a pro- Iram, they won the right to enter uae sub-regional elimination con- test. We think our Lecu,'er should le congratulated for her good Work. Mr and Mrs. Marshall Vail of Renton spent the weekend with his parents, I Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak, and Mrs. Chuck Minor Surprised Mrs. Arlene Stanley with a birthday party at the Stanley residence. on Tuesday evening April 28th the summer home of Mrs. Bill Htter near Union, was prettily de,rated to honor Mrs. Jerry Rlchert with a baby shower. Host- esss assisting Mrs. Hunter were Mrs. Bob Cleveland, Mrs Art Nick- latti and Mrs. Stan Lyman. The attractive center piece on the re- fre$hment table was a tiny baby balnette swinging inside a rose glass bowl flanked on either side with flowered tapers. Baby bingo WaS played and later a delicious desert followed by the opening of gifts. Those attending were Mes- dames Kurt Broman, Ed. Dunbar Ken Evans, Wayne Herren, Robert Whitmarsh, Jim Cross, Larry  Cor- BY, Jim Hunter Start Johnson Floyd Ridout, Glen Sowers, and the hostesses Carol Hunter, Ezes- tins Nlcklaus, Bey Lyman, and Etella Cleveland, and the honor est Mrs. Ann Richert. Those sending gifts but unable to be present were Mesdames Dan Da- vids0n, Jim Dean, Dick Holland George Hunter, Ken Smith, Gene White, Walt Wolden and Jack Christenson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak drove to Kixkland Sunday to visit their son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doak. We are happy to report that Maxlne and Artie Tozter are home r spending some time in the tc Hospital but are not able :go back to school for another week. inda Coffey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denver Beardon, is in the Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle for surgery. ;, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley Itttended the Gavel meeting at Twanoh Grange last Friday eve- ¢t and also the Pomona meet- lgTat Agate on Sunday. ;M_ra. ugene Brown ,repent th Kkend', Ihattl vttng rellL tives. Her mother, Mrs. Ira Llbby, returned home with her fox" an in- definite visit. Ted Rlchert returned home last Ta,[uhrday from a business trip to ., Mrs. Retta Jacobsen was pre- paved to entertain the women's: Club last Wednesday, but due to I the high water only those in the upper Valley could attend, Mrs. 14 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington :Middle Skokomish A//yn News Items of Interest B and 0 Tax Now Douglas Howell Takes l:il00 ,,,1, r, wi,h,, . C, rps l}ase, Twentyniuc Palms, k',;* By Mary Valley • [ By Marlene B.rge,on ,Follies They 00hem as ab Extended to Rentals Desert Training (:.,. l's. Anita Dugger, th L.eturer[ ALLYN -- Saturday Mr. and solutely superb and tim coslun,- . ..... i fr ;Skokomtsh Grange, presented /Mrs. Ellen Cleveland went for a ing and skating as bevond de-1 as a restm ot tne recent c.xm> t hI::}.rine Sgl. l)otghs J. I](\\;\',ql !Mavim.'Fhe re4im*'nt,l)ivision at:a unitcampOf I'endle-the ls the5' Talent' program sponsored byllittle pleasure drive around Fair- seril)tion It: was hard t) believe sion of the business and (u'cupa- husband of the f,)rmcr Miss I)e- fen. C;dif., look pal in ,ll l)hass therange Insurance Association, tfax and Wilkeson. They reporled, ........ Ithe performers were on sltales. Ilion tax to realty Is:taTs and t'crll- ]ol'e.¢; l, t{itg]lllld of Still' l.oll{(! 2, ()I' arlillery Slll)pOl'l ['Foil! battery l Saturday at the Matlock the (lay as mostly sunny and the Mrs. Richard Sharer informs us lain, numerous inquiries are ting Belfair, completed two weeks of le\\;,i:q firing to fully coordinated .range hall. Chester Valley, the scenery beautiful. Saturday eve- that their little Patsy who has received from farm and building k0komish Grange i n s u r a n c e ning Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland re- a congenital dislocatior'{ of the hip owners at the 19 distzct offices of day-and-night desert training Ap- regimental fire missions. The purpose of the training was has recently had her periodic check-up and is doing nicely. Pat- sy can now walk without braces and the doctor says she may try roller skating if she likes. Happy day for Patsy as that is one of her desires, we understand. Calling on Mrs. Fred Edman, Sunday, was Mrs. Mable Schubert and Dr. Norman Magneson M. D. of Tacoma. eeived a phone call from their son, Kirby, who is attending Western Washington College of Education in Bellingham, that he and two others would be leaving Sunday morning, May 3, to d[ive to Reno, Nevada to attend a Student Body Leadership Conference which will last about three days Kirby and his friends expect to spend a little time just sight-seeing and return Sunday, May 10. They are driving by way of the coastal route as far as San Francisco and then will cut across to Reno. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood drove to Tacoma, Sathrday to at- tend his sister and brother-in-law's fiftieth wedding anniversary. The celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters was held in the Riverside Grange Hall. There were fifty in attendance, all immediate rllatives of the family, including their c h i I d r e n, grandclxildren, great-grandchildren and other rel- atives. Friday Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk, Mrs. Howard Wynn and Mrs. Rod Hansen all motored to South Bend where they enjoyed a stork showex on Mrs. Wayne Morris who was formerly of Allyn. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Austin are the proud owners of a 150 horse power inboard 22 foot Owens Cab- in Cruiser. Saturday el4en of them, Mrs. Austin's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Hart- hill of Seattle and their two chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. Austin and their children all made an enjoy- able voyage from Seattle to the Allyn dock where the boat is moored. The Harthllls spent the weekend with the Austins Mr. Charles Baird was the hon- ored guest at a surprise birthday party given by his wife's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellamy in their home Sun- day. Happy birthday Mr. Baird and may there be many more. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tschida spent a pleasant Saturday evening with the Gerald Needlam family at Dayton Peak, viewing their pic- tures on Alaska. The Needlmms recently returned from a vacation trip to Fairbanks, Alaska. They drove by way of the Alcan High- way. A grand adventure. Congratulations to Eddie West- et for his ability to win ftnst prize in the Forest Festival Poster Contest. Eddie is a student in the Allyn Elementary School. Mr. Western also informs us he is all set to serve those interested in his line of service which con- sists mainly'of automotive and boa t repairs, With a mechanic on duty at all times and a 24-hour towing service. It cheers us to heat" of the sum- met cottages again being occupied fd'r even an occasional weekend. We know that summer is neat'. So we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lunn again this weekend for a re- peat and Mr. and Mrs. Richard i Johnson to their little summer' cottage for over Saturday and Sunday. Both families are from Seattle. Sunday Mrs Dorothy Clark and her mother Mrs. M. W. Boyer the State Tax Commission as well as at Olympia headquarters, ac- cording to Chairman William S. Schumaker. District managers are explaining how the tax applies, he said. If not already registered, owners of apartments, ofice buildings or realty engaged in renting and leas- ing activities are to obtain a cer- owners of farm lands are exempt from tax only if rental receipts, together with other income subject to business and occupation tax, are less than $3,600 a year or an aver- age of $300 a month. However, when receipts reach that amour it is the owner's re- sponsibility to apply immediately tificate of registration. They and for a certificate. to sharpen the regiment's techni- ques in supporting the Corp's new landings with troop-carrying heli- copters. Triple Alloy Steels The first steels '.onaining three lal]oying elements, nickel, chrom- ium and molybdenum were intro- . duced during World War I. Well Drill Washington - Grown Whole Chickens WATER WELLS -- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Pound €OCKTAI00 WESCO FI RST-OF-TH E. 29 SEASON - 7 to 9-lb. sizes LB. HALIBUT CREE 3a!tta Dugger and Mrs. Roberts Ragan. Mrs. Winntfred O'Neil visited at the Eugene Brown home on Sun- day. Mrs. Ethel Richert visited her son Roger in Seattle one day last week. Next Friday evening wtll be the only meetirg of the Grange this mth so it is hoped we will have a good attendance. The Chaplain ha charge of the Lecture program and there will be a memorial serv- Ice. B. Evans Now 25 Cent Pkg..of Vaughan's Flower Seeds in Each Pkg. of and All the Crew at NEEDHAM'S SHOP-RITE 303 TINS SWANSDOWN ANGEL Bake Mother a Delicious Angel Food Cake on This Her Special Day 15-OZ. BOX ...... MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 6-OZ. JAR PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., FRI., SAT., MAY 7 - 8 " 9.'" WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 46-0Z. Tin... 29 CRISCO 3-LB. 7 9 TIN..... CHAMPION MAYONNAIS MD NAPKINS, JELL.O ALL FLAVOR VARIETY qt PKGS. :b Amy Training Lloyd B. Evans, Rt. 1, BOX 496, ]ton Is now with the army at Port Ord, Calif. i* lIe is currently undergoing the tret cycle of buic Infantry train- .. at this Infantry Training ter. The eight-week training '59 '59 BROWN 'N SERVE- SAUSAGES Fully Cooked Links 8-oz. Pkg. drove to Seattle to attend the Ice (ORn o, Jack Sluafl Serving CREAM 30a On Airorafl Oarrier Jack E. Stuart Jr., seaman, USN, son of Jack E. Stuart of BEIIn Sportsman Motel, Shelton, depart- S & W Whole ed Norfolk Va., April 24 aboard i the Navy's newest attack aircraft Green - 303 Tins !carrier USS Independence for a two-month training and shake- down cnzise in the Caribbean. On April 13, t he Independence TUng '*""" left the New York Naval Ship- CHUNK yard for Norfolk to load aircraft and air group personnel to parti- % cipate In the ship's training cruise. Base of operations will be Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. program consists of courses in troop information, general mili- tary subjects, tactical training and weapons instruction. PAULEY MOTORS NEEDHAM'S "FRESH AS A DAISY PRODUCE" BUTTER New Crop California . . . Tender, 6weet Kernels Ears Grapefruit CARROTS Indian River Pink Fancy Fresh CELLO BAG 9 CREAM CHEESE PHILADELPHIA 39 8-OUNCE ....................... COTTAGE KRAFT  41 L. CHEESE .................... PINT DARIGOLD PRINTS OR CUBES Ib "/ESCO PITTED RIPE OLIVES ........ .o, TIN PACIFIC PEARL CRAB ............ 1"IN GOLDEN FLUFFO . . . 3-lb. Wheat, Corn, Rye, Chippers, NABISCO THINS ..... lb. bo Blueberry PANCAKE FLOUR ..... 13-oz. RING DODGE AND PLYMOUTH NEW CARS THEIE CARl IN ITOCK Cars in Itook Total Price Plymouth Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00 Plymouth Belvedere 4 door .......... $3187.00 Plymouth Station Wagon .............. $3433.00 1'59 Dodge Coronet 4 door ..................... $3309.00 :i!)59 Pickup (2) ........................................ $2295.00 :! '59 Hillmma 4 door .................................. $2029.00 AII Cars have Automatio Push Button Transmission (except iHillman). 6everal have Power Steering and Radios. TIRED OF BIG GAS BILLS? 1 TRY HILLHAN MINX For the Highent Trade-In Prioes -- See BUD PAULEY Pauley Motors Dodge,- Plymouth Agency I$T AND RAILnOAO • PHONE HA 1411 DEL MONTE SLICED J) ' PINEAPPLE ......  Flat tin NALLEY'S SYRUP ........................ 22-0z. DREAM WHIP .................................... 2.oz. 43 39 25 SH )N agent, opened the program with a 0rt talk on Grang$ insurance. is was followed by a group singing the new Wash. State song Washington My Heme", an ac- rdian solo by James Olson, a sng by Susan and Jan Valley, a tl on the "Wilderness Bill" by )nita Dugger, and concluding vHth a tableau directed by Mrs. ary Hunter. Several Granges re represented but as Skoko- hish was the only one with a pro- Iram, they won the right to enter uae sub-regional elimination con- test. We think our Lecu,'er should le congratulated for her good Work. Mr and Mrs. Marshall Vail of Renton spent the weekend with his parents, I Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minor, Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak, and Mrs. Chuck Minor Surprised Mrs. Arlene Stanley with a birthday party at the Stanley residence. on Tuesday evening April 28th the summer home of Mrs. Bill Htter near Union, was prettily de,rated to honor Mrs. Jerry Rlchert with a baby shower. Host- esss assisting Mrs. Hunter were Mrs. Bob Cleveland, Mrs Art Nick- latti and Mrs. Stan Lyman. The attractive center piece on the re- fre$hment table was a tiny baby balnette swinging inside a rose glass bowl flanked on either side with flowered tapers. Baby bingo WaS played and later a delicious desert followed by the opening of gifts. Those attending were Mes- dames Kurt Broman, Ed. Dunbar Ken Evans, Wayne Herren, Robert Whitmarsh, Jim Cross, Larry  Cor- BY, Jim Hunter Start Johnson Floyd Ridout, Glen Sowers, and the hostesses Carol Hunter, Ezes- tins Nlcklaus, Bey Lyman, and Etella Cleveland, and the honor est Mrs. Ann Richert. Those sending gifts but unable to be present were Mesdames Dan Da- vids0n, Jim Dean, Dick Holland George Hunter, Ken Smith, Gene White, Walt Wolden and Jack Christenson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak drove to Kixkland Sunday to visit their son and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doak. We are happy to report that Maxlne and Artie Tozter are home r spending some time in the tc Hospital but are not able :go back to school for another week. inda Coffey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denver Beardon, is in the Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle for surgery. ;, Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley Itttended the Gavel meeting at Twanoh Grange last Friday eve- ¢t and also the Pomona meet- lgTat Agate on Sunday. ;M_ra. ugene Brown ,repent th Kkend', Ihattl vttng rellL tives. Her mother, Mrs. Ira Llbby, returned home with her fox" an in- definite visit. Ted Rlchert returned home last Ta,[uhrday from a business trip to ., Mrs. Retta Jacobsen was pre- paved to entertain the women's: Club last Wednesday, but due to I the high water only those in the upper Valley could attend, Mrs. 14 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington :Middle Skokomish A//yn News Items of Interest B and 0 Tax Now Douglas Howell Takes l:il00 ,,,1, r, wi,h,, . C, rps l}ase, Twentyniuc Palms, k',;* By Mary Valley • [ By Marlene B.rge,on ,Follies They 00hem as ab Extended to Rentals Desert Training (:.,. l's. Anita Dugger, th L.eturer[ ALLYN -- Saturday Mr. and solutely superb and tim coslun,- . ..... i fr ;Skokomtsh Grange, presented /Mrs. Ellen Cleveland went for aing and skating as bevond de-1 as a restm ot tne recent c.xm> t hI::}.rine Sgl. l)otghs J. I](\\;\',ql !Mavim.'Fhe re4im*'nt,l)ivision at:a unitcampOf I'endle-the ls the5' Talent' program sponsored byllittle pleasure drive around Fair- seril)tion It: was hard t) believe sion of the business and (u'cupa- husband of the f,)rmcr Miss I)e- fen. C;dif., look pal in ,ll l)hass therange Insurance Association, tfax and Wilkeson. They reporled, ........ Ithe performers were on sltales. Ilion tax to realty Is:taTs and t'crll- ]ol'e.¢; l, t{itg]lllld of Still' l.oll{(! 2, ()I' arlillery Slll)pOl'l ['Foil! battery l Saturday at the Matlock the (lay as mostly sunny and the Mrs. Richard Sharer informs us lain, numerous inquiries are ting Belfair, completed two weeks of le\\;,i:q firing to fully coordinated .range hall. Chester Valley, the scenery beautiful. Saturday eve- that their little Patsy who has received from farm and building k0komish Grange i n s u r a n c e ning Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland re- a congenital dislocatior'{ of the hip owners at the 19 distzct offices of day-and-night desert training Ap- regimental fire missions. The purpose of the training was has recently had her periodic check-up and is doing nicely. Pat- sy can now walk without braces and the doctor says she may try roller skating if she likes. Happy day for Patsy as that is one of her desires, we understand. Calling on Mrs. Fred Edman, Sunday, was Mrs. Mable Schubert and Dr. Norman Magneson M. D. of Tacoma. eeived a phone call from their son, Kirby, who is attending Western Washington College of Education in Bellingham, that he and two others would be leaving Sunday morning, May 3, to d[ive to Reno, Nevada to attend a Student Body Leadership Conference which will last about three days Kirby and his friends expect to spend a little time just sight-seeing and return Sunday, May 10. They are driving by way of the coastal route as far as San Francisco and then will cut across to Reno. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockwood drove to Tacoma, Sathrday to at- tend his sister and brother-in-law's fiftieth wedding anniversary. The celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters was held in the Riverside Grange Hall. There were fifty in attendance, all immediate rllatives of the family, including their c h i I d r e n, grandclxildren, great-grandchildren and other rel- atives. Friday Mrs. Frank Kowalczyk, Mrs. Howard Wynn and Mrs. Rod Hansen all motored to South Bend where they enjoyed a stork showex on Mrs. Wayne Morris who was formerly of Allyn. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Austin are the proud owners of a 150 horse power inboard 22 foot Owens Cab- in Cruiser. Saturday el4en of them, Mrs. Austin's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sherry Hart- hill of Seattle and their two chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. Austin and their children all made an enjoy- able voyage from Seattle to the Allyn dock where the boat is moored. The Harthllls spent the weekend with the Austins Mr. Charles Baird was the hon- ored guest at a surprise birthday party given by his wife's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellamy in their home Sun- day. Happy birthday Mr. Baird and may there be many more. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tschida spent a pleasant Saturday evening with the Gerald Needlam family at Dayton Peak, viewing their pic- tures on Alaska. The Needlmms recently returned from a vacation trip to Fairbanks, Alaska. They drove by way of the Alcan High- way. A grand adventure. Congratulations to Eddie West- et for his ability to win ftnst prize in the Forest Festival Poster Contest. Eddie is a student in the Allyn Elementary School. Mr. Western also informs us he is all set to serve those interested in his line of service which con- sists mainly'of automotive and boa t repairs, With a mechanic on duty at all times and a 24-hour towing service. It cheers us to heat" of the sum- met cottages again being occupied fd'r even an occasional weekend. We know that summer is neat'. So we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lunn again this weekend for a re- peat and Mr. and Mrs. Richard i Johnson to their little summer' cottage for over Saturday and Sunday. Both families are from Seattle. Sunday Mrs Dorothy Clark and her mother Mrs. M. W. Boyer the State Tax Commission as well as at Olympia headquarters, ac- cording to Chairman William S. Schumaker. District managers are explaining how the tax applies, he said. If not already registered, owners of apartments, ofice buildings or realty engaged in renting and leas- ing activities are to obtain a cer- owners of farm lands are exempt from tax only if rental receipts, together with other income subject to business and occupation tax, are less than $3,600 a year or an aver- age of $300 a month. However, when receipts reach that amour it is the owner's re- sponsibility to apply immediately tificate of registration. They and for a certificate. to sharpen the regiment's techni- ques in supporting the Corp's new landings with troop-carrying heli- copters. Triple Alloy Steels The first steels '.onaining three lal]oying elements, nickel, chrom- ium and molybdenum were intro- . duced during World War I. Well Drill Washington - Grown Whole Chickens WATER WELLS -- TEST Bedell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL Phone HA. 6-4713 Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Pound €OCKTAI00 WESCO FI RST-OF-TH E. 29 SEASON - 7 to 9-lb. sizes LB. HALIBUT CREE 3a!tta Dugger and Mrs. Roberts Ragan. Mrs. Winntfred O'Neil visited at the Eugene Brown home on Sun- day. Mrs. Ethel Richert visited her son Roger in Seattle one day last week. Next Friday evening wtll be the only meetirg of the Grange this mth so it is hoped we will have a good attendance. The Chaplain ha charge of the Lecture program and there will be a memorial serv- Ice. B. Evans Now 25 Cent Pkg..of Vaughan's Flower Seeds in Each Pkg. of and All the Crew at NEEDHAM'S SHOP-RITE 303 TINS SWANSDOWN ANGEL Bake Mother a Delicious Angel Food Cake on This Her Special Day 15-OZ. BOX ...... MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 6-OZ. JAR PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., FRI., SAT., MAY 7 - 8 " 9.'" WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 46-0Z. Tin... 29 CRISCO 3-LB. 7 9 TIN..... CHAMPION MAYONNAIS MD NAPKINS, JELL.O ALL FLAVOR VARIETY qt PKGS. :b Amy Training Lloyd B. Evans, Rt. 1, BOX 496, ]ton Is now with the army at Port Ord, Calif. i* lIe is currently undergoing the tret cycle of buic Infantry train- .. at this Infantry Training ter. The eight-week training '59 '59 BROWN 'N SERVE- SAUSAGES Fully Cooked Links 8-oz. Pkg. drove to Seattle to attend the Ice (ORn o, Jack Sluafl Serving CREAM 30a On Airorafl Oarrier Jack E. Stuart Jr., seaman, USN, son of Jack E. Stuart of BEIIn Sportsman Motel, Shelton, depart- S & W Whole ed Norfolk Va., April 24 aboard i the Navy's newest attack aircraft Green - 303 Tins !carrier USS Independence for a two-month training and shake- down cnzise in the Caribbean. On April 13, t he Independence TUng '*""" left the New York Naval Ship- CHUNK yard for Norfolk to load aircraft and air group personnel to parti- % cipate In the ship's training cruise. Base of operations will be Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. program consists of courses in troop information, general mili- tary subjects, tactical training and weapons instruction. PAULEY MOTORS NEEDHAM'S "FRESH AS A DAISY PRODUCE" BUTTER New Crop California . . . Tender, 6weet Kernels Ears Grapefruit CARROTS Indian River Pink Fancy Fresh CELLO BAG 9 CREAM CHEESE PHILADELPHIA 39 8-OUNCE ....................... COTTAGE KRAFT  41 L. CHEESE .................... PINT DARIGOLD PRINTS OR CUBES Ib "/ESCO PITTED RIPE OLIVES ........ .o, TIN PACIFIC PEARL CRAB ............ 1"IN GOLDEN FLUFFO . . . 3-lb. Wheat, Corn, Rye, Chippers, NABISCO THINS ..... lb. bo Blueberry PANCAKE FLOUR ..... 13-oz. RING DODGE AND PLYMOUTH NEW CARS THEIE CARl IN ITOCK Cars in Itook Total Price Plymouth Fury 4 door .................... $3451.00 Plymouth Belvedere 4 door .......... $3187.00 Plymouth Station Wagon .............. $3433.00 1'59 Dodge Coronet 4 door ..................... $3309.00 :i!)59 Pickup (2) ........................................ $2295.00 :! '59 Hillmma 4 door .................................. $2029.00 AII Cars have Automatio Push Button Transmission (except iHillman). 6everal have Power Steering and Radios. TIRED OF BIG GAS BILLS? 1 TRY HILLHAN MINX For the Highent Trade-In Prioes -- See BUD PAULEY Pauley Motors Dodge,- Plymouth Agency I$T AND RAILnOAO • PHONE HA 1411 DEL MONTE SLICED J) ' PINEAPPLE ......  Flat tin NALLEY'S SYRUP ........................ 22-0z. DREAM WHIP .................................... 2.oz. 43 39 25 SH )N