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il , .
SttELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton,
Les Joslin
Dale Neff Receives
Technisal Instruction
[)ale It. Neff, airnmn apprentice
IJSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
IL Neff of Sh,qton, is attending
a course of instruction at the
Naval Air Technical Training Un-
it:, Philadelphia, Pa.
The course of instruction in-
cludes the operation, maintenance
an(l repair of aircraft carrier cats-
pull arresting gear, and optional
landing systems.
Before entering the Navy last
October, he graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School and was em-
ployed by Safeway Inc.
Ronald L. Brown of Rt. 2, Box
846 is now undergoing basic train-
ing at Fort Ord, Calif.
He was formerly employed at
the Olympic Plywood plant in
Shelton. Pvt. Brown entered the
army on March 15, 1959.
County Gets More
State School Money
Mason collnl:y hts received tile
8th of ten monthly allotments
from tile Currenl. State School
Fund and the State School Equa, li-
zation Fund for the 1958-59 .ch(ml
year, according to Lloyd J. An-
drews, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction.
The allotments in the amount of
$85,653.06 from the Current State
School Fund and $7,728.95 from
the State School Equslation
Fund for the month of April bring
the total amount of State money
received for the current school
year to $711,172.20 •
Nickel Outlook Good
It is estimated that the free
world's nickel producing capacity
in 1961 will be about 650,000 000
pounds annually, or about 235,-
000, pounds greater than total free
world consumption for both ely-
l ilion and defense purposes In 1957.
Grape vie w News
GRAPEVIEW.. Enttmsiasm on weekend gue:ts, the Wayne Mot-
the pa.rt of glmsts and instigators
ITlld(? il I'l!:l .illcCtS ()f the Moth-
ors' Chlb Ilard Time Dance this
past Saturday night. Some high-
lights of the ewming were: Old
friend I.)ck Wren back in the or-
chestra again, looking pretty chip-
per in spite of him recent illness;
Julte Stock's necktie; Sylvia Hen-
sen and Rnss Wellses' $3.00 pie;
with hot coffee, delicious salad,
sanlwlches and pie to top them
all. Quite a few gqmsts from "out
of town" joined tile fun. From
Dayton came the Harold I.-
Gardes, daughter Lorna and the
LeGardes' son and wife; the Bob
Lemons and 'the Dillenburg. (The
Daytonites invited all to a return
"engagement" at the Dayton Com-
munity Hall May 9"). From Allyn
and vicinity came the Smiths,
Wynns, Kowalczyks and Bakers;
from Gig Harbor, the John Val-
leys. Rod and Sylvia Hansens'
sos of South Bend, Wash., also
joined the. party. Many thanks
and credits go to the, volunteer
musicians, Julie Stock, Ruth
Wells, Lock Wren and Joc Engen
( professionals from Bremerton
were Esther I,undgren and Clar-
ence Ednlim); to the food com-
mittee chairman Ju0y Staudt, gen-
eral trouble-shooter (Chlb V. P.)
Louise Okonek and all the willing
hands donated by the other moth-
era. Ah eager clean-up commit-
tee (Wells•s, Okoneks, Tobeys
and Engens) aided by Hanscn,
Morris and Staudt topped the
"clean up" hy dlsmantllng the
school stage curtains for repair
before enjoying several hours of
"brunch" and relaxation at the
Okonek residence.
TIME FOR "Buddy Poppies"
once again, so say I)uise and My-
ron Polk, co-chairnlen for the
Nuel CurUs ,Post this year. AS
has been done before, our 4-H girls
will aid in the poppy sale held an-
nually at the Grapeview Grocery
under the guidance of Sarah
Tsehida. This year the sale has
been stepped up a week, being
held May 15 and 16, to avoid in-
terference with any Forest Fes-
tival activities, but as before,
steaming hot coffee (courtesy of
Julie and Doris) and delk:ious
eookles (product of Louise Polk's
kitchen) will be served to poppy
buyers. Also selling poppies for
breezy buys
in Allyn and Pope's Grocery in
Belfair. As an additional note,
L)uise Polk would very nmch ap-
preciate any donations of ribbon,
II both new and used, for use in
ben may be left at the Grapeview
' : ton Polk household was Louise's
", mother, Mrs. Vina Lacasse o( Port
• Angeles. During her week's stay
one highlight for Mrs. Lacasse
was the Sunday spent at Grayland
where she observed while "the
children" industriously dug their
limit of luscious razor clams.
Local residents who gain access
to their homes by use of the road
more commonly known as Penne-
KOOL AID "ALL 6/200€ beras' road, state themselves to
! m FLAVORS be very grateful to the Mason
...................... connty commissioners, our county.
engineer and road crew for the
0iLl PICKLES NALLEY'S Whole or/119' vast improvement thereon af-
fected and declare that it has been
Kosher ...... 2-GAL, transformed into a regular boul-
evard. However, as with even the
POTATO CHIPS NALLEY'S 49 € best of roads, traffic hazards do
' exist.. Latest one threatening the
• ........... 10ya-OZ. "Pennebera Boulevard" is one here
.-..-unidentified housewife and two
small freedom-loving "weaner"
DEVILED HAM °.=,woo° 35'
...................... 4y2-OZ. Grapevicw is one.e again hon-
ored by one of our local lads!
0ATE BAR 00]iX BETTY 37 ¢ Young Earl Fulmer submitted the
winning design for a new memor-
CROCKER 14-OZ. ial bookplate for the Shelton pub-
lic library. His design, which will
"" , .... be used to identify books dedicated
• to the library, was chosen from
more than twenty entries from the
school art classes and displayed
a Shay-type locomotive.
Back to the Banana Belt for the
FINE Having spent the past three
Choc. ]}. 6-OZ. months in San Diego, ,'rank in-
Lb. 11 • tends to annual repeat this for-
................... mat.
Last week was obviously birth-
day week at the Howard Settlers'
Butter Sparkle Vanilla, reMdenec, Tiny Kristi Irene eel-
Chocolate, ebrated her first anniversary amid
7 Strawberry, pink frosting and friends last
Y2-GAL. Tuesday. evening (April 28) and
.......................... Lb. youngest son Donald reached the
ancient age of eight May 1. This
ItAPKiNS young man celebrated Saturday
KRAFT by having Leslie Okonek, Joel
"--€ --iilll 5.oz. Zehe and Donald Pogreba up for
a typical birthday luncheon fol-
lowed by an outdoor efficiency and
.......... endurance trial of all birthday
Crackers ter Claytons' Sr. were Mr. and
• NO. 1'S Mrs. Louie Sitzberger of Seattle.
• Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Sltzberger
are sisters and filled several hours
'€ of the weekend with a visit with
their brother, Mr. Albert Rich-
.............. ........... ards.
, SUNNEE DR. AND MRS. R. D. MacRae's
MILK 8oz Sheridan, Oregon, visitors arrived
in time Saturday to help nephew
Joe celebrate hts 18th birthday.
Rae's sister and husband, Mr. and
SWANSON'S Mrs. Stanley Tatom. The family
:)00ALL "0059 ,o,oo. Beef. group spcnt a leim,rcly Sunday
Turkey, 8-oz. touring this area of the Puget
• SUNNEE Pofa k 35 Soundcoltntry. Of special inter-
'u,l'on ............. .. 11 Sandw,ch Steaks salmoneStwasH°°dCanalandals°thehatchery, lOne trough
had over 60,000 baby salmon: The
C count being made by weight) Men-
FRESH EGGS o.,,oo,0000rc w, oo.
joyed by the" group, namely the
Tatom# 29th wedding anniversary.
The Tatoms plan to spend about
20083' Shortening a week or so resting and visiting
12€ OFF with the MacRaes before their re-
3-LB. TIN turn to Sheridan.
Weekend guests of the Edwin
Griggs were Mrs. Griggs' broth-
* er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wray of Tacoma. Saturday eve
Steve's MEATS
POT ROAST ""°' °°*'
US No. 1 Good
Shank half .................... LB.
Federal Brand,
6-8 lb. average ...................... LB.
Fresh frozen ............ . .... LB.
C00RROTS Petite., No. ,,
Cello Package .............................. EACH
Whole ................................ LB.
",,0,,,, Ralph's
sing was pleasantly spent enjoy-
ing a delicious dinner followed by
viewing color slides of the beauti-
ful Daffodil Parade held last
month in Tacoma.
Must be Home-Coming Week at
the C. W. Walkers'! Down from
Bellingham to spend last week
was their daughter Barbara and
family, the Joe Shahans and
daughters Valerie, Joni and Beth.
Joe, who is a contractor and build-
er, spent the week forever endear-
ing himself to the Walkers by
"building them a concrete retain-
ing wall. Monday evening the Val-
ker' anxiously anticipated the ar-
rival of daughter Beverly who is
a stewardess on the Pan American
Polar flight. Beverly was sched-
uled to have returned to San
Francisco by Wednesday, her cur-
rent assignment being the Wed-
nesday flight to Bankok and Ma-
All calm'ie counters tgnore the
following notice if you (:an: The
Teens 4-H Club plans to hold a
Bake Sale at the Grapcview Gro-
cery this Saturday, May 9 from
10.00 to 5:00 p.m.!
Local residents wer. on the
verge of building a facsimile of
Noah's Ark this past week and
sure 'huff, a check with local
weatherman Walter Eckert
brought to light the facts ...... just
the faet! Walter etate that we
Southside Plans
Grange Dinner
Saturday Hight
By Mrs. Ray Knttcha
SOUTHSIDE .... A reminder of
the Southside Grange Auxiliary is
sponsoring a southern bean din-
ner of "Lima beans and ham", or
"baked beans and ham", for $1.00
fro" a generous helping on May 9
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the
Grange hall. The public i invited
to attend.
OUTHSIDE Grange has plan-
ned an after church picnic for
Mother's Day, May 10 at Walker
Park, or if It rains it will be held
at the Grange Ilall.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Wolden Sunday were Mrs.
Arthur Wolden and daughter Lou
Ann oi Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Wolden, Gary and Carol, and Mr.
Bob Wolden and dhughtem Bu-
• helle and Kim.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggert were
callers on Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Chappell of Mill Creek road Sun-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs H. E. Wolden have
, new grandson Jeffrey Wayne
l:.()rn to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolden
on April 29.
Mrs. M. Brobeck attended the
wedding of her grandson Lome
Horaski April 25 at Buekley.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kriefels and
family, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Kriefels has moved to Tacoma to
WEEKEND visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Kratcha gnd Janice were
Walt Krateha of Shelton. John and
Glen Kratcha of Siletz, Oregon,
they also visited Mrs. Alfred Ka-
doun and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston of Matlock. Oth-
ers spending the weekend with the
Ray Krtcha's were Melvin
Schwede, George Boyce and Tom
Roberts of Fort Lewis,
had over six inches of rain in
three days and we quote: Monday
night and Tuesday--2 and 10/100
inches; Tuesday night and Wed-
nesday ..... 3 and 15/100 inches;
Wednesday and 16/100
inches"• ........ the most copious do-
nation from Jupe Pluvius in sev-
eral years! !
The Peninsula Light Company
of Gig Harbor hopes that our re-
cent inconvenience of having had
daily power shut-offs will be more
than repaid when the laying of an
underwater cable from Rocky Bay
to a point near AI and Florence
Kendalls' property is completed.
More power to uS' in our cxmtin-
ued community growth!
Sixteen feet of maritime pulchri-
tude has joined the Howard Cook
menage! "Cleo's Rug" (the Magic
Carl)eL??) is a trim aqua and
white sixteen-foot Skagit conver-
tible, this wo,'thy craft having
been officially christened by Mar-
garet Sunday morning. Ben
Voyage and Smooth Sailing! .....
Congratulations are in order for
Bryan Rauschert {Ted's brother}
who embarked a week ago Monday
on a new job and new life in mm-
ny Florida. Bryan, who has been
living in Hoquiam, Washington
with his family and working for
Rayonier, lnc. was promoted to
:manager of Rayonier's branch in
i Fernandina, Florida. He drove
:down last week, stopping at Fort
i Woz'th, Texas for a visit with his
nephew Tyrone and wife with
plans to stay in Florida until
school is out this summer when
he will return to pick up his wife
Margie, and two daughters in Ho-
quiam. Bryan has been spending
weekends and vacations here at
his beach property near Stadium
since childhood and has many
friends here. We all wish him the
best of luck.
Pae 15
Prompt Dalivery Service
of Quality Concrefe
'LL "
7th ar¢l Park St.
PHONE HA 6-6661
tv service
Your let should be repaired
only by a qualified technlcia,
',We wvke @
On moddg
HA 6-4633 • 114 S. 2nd
(Timber Appliance Bldg.)
get y0ur color in
Eesy to matck
AT I)..rl CoIors crt#t for you, yet with standard
paint uniformityl You can match your furnishings
and get the exact shade again henever you want it
Schorn Vogue Decor is st brand aew paint idea
designed to help you be your own successful deco-
rator! With the aid. of Vogue Decor's exclusiva
l t6-Color Guide Book, you can give your home
new interest, new joy-of-living #asily and rdy. Not
only a mixing guide, hut a color plan as well, it
helps you choose exactly the right paint shades.
Remember, Schora Vogue Decor gives you paint
mixed to the exact shade you need, whether a quart
or a gallon. It comes in Schorn's famous finishes
Blankit, Satinmode and Vitaglass--for every room
in the house. You'll love what you can do with
$choro Vogue Decorl
First and Pine • Phone HA 6-4393
i I I I i
il , .
SttELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A." Shelton,
Les Joslin
Dale Neff Receives
Technisal Instruction
[)ale It. Neff, airnmn apprentice
IJSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
IL Neff of Sh,qton, is attending
a course of instruction at the
Naval Air Technical Training Un-
it:, Philadelphia, Pa.
The course of instruction in-
cludes the operation, maintenance
an(l repair of aircraft carrier cats-
pull arresting gear, and optional
landing systems.
Before entering the Navy last
October, he graduated from Irene
S. Reed High School and was em-
ployed by Safeway Inc.
Ronald L. Brown of Rt. 2, Box
846 is now undergoing basic train-
ing at Fort Ord, Calif.
He was formerly employed at
the Olympic Plywood plant in
Shelton. Pvt. Brown entered the
army on March 15, 1959.
County Gets More
State School Money
Mason collnl:y hts received tile
8th of ten monthly allotments
from tile Currenl. State School
Fund and the State School Equa, li-
zation Fund for the 1958-59 .ch(ml
year, according to Lloyd J. An-
drews, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction.
The allotments in the amount of
$85,653.06 from the Current State
School Fund and $7,728.95 from
the State School Equslation
Fund for the month of April bring
the total amount of State money
received for the current school
year to $711,172.20 •
Nickel Outlook Good
It is estimated that the free
world's nickel producing capacity
in 1961 will be about 650,000 000
pounds annually, or about 235,-
000, pounds greater than total free
world consumption for both ely-
l ilion and defense purposes In 1957.
Grape vie w News
GRAPEVIEW.. Enttmsiasm on weekend gue:ts, the Wayne Mot-
the pa.rt of glmsts and instigators
ITlld(? il I'l!:l .illcCtS ()f the Moth-
ors' Chlb Ilard Time Dance this
past Saturday night. Some high-
lights of the ewming were: Old
friend I.)ck Wren back in the or-
chestra again, looking pretty chip-
per in spite of him recent illness;
Julte Stock's necktie; Sylvia Hen-
sen and Rnss Wellses' $3.00 pie;
with hot coffee, delicious salad,
sanlwlches and pie to top them
all. Quite a few gqmsts from "out
of town" joined tile fun. From
Dayton came the Harold I.-
Gardes, daughter Lorna and the
LeGardes' son and wife; the Bob
Lemons and 'the Dillenburg. (The
Daytonites invited all to a return
"engagement" at the Dayton Com-
munity Hall May 9"). From Allyn
and vicinity came the Smiths,
Wynns, Kowalczyks and Bakers;
from Gig Harbor, the John Val-
leys. Rod and Sylvia Hansens'
sos of South Bend, Wash., also
joined the. party. Many thanks
and credits go to the, volunteer
musicians, Julie Stock, Ruth
Wells, Lock Wren and Joc Engen
( professionals from Bremerton
were Esther I,undgren and Clar-
ence Ednlim); to the food com-
mittee chairman Ju0y Staudt, gen-
eral trouble-shooter (Chlb V. P.)
Louise Okonek and all the willing
hands donated by the other moth-
era. Ah eager clean-up commit-
tee (Wells•s, Okoneks, Tobeys
and Engens) aided by Hanscn,
Morris and Staudt topped the
"clean up" hy dlsmantllng the
school stage curtains for repair
before enjoying several hours of
"brunch" and relaxation at the
Okonek residence.
TIME FOR "Buddy Poppies"
once again, so say I)uise and My-
ron Polk, co-chairnlen for the
Nuel CurUs ,Post this year. AS
has been done before, our 4-H girls
will aid in the poppy sale held an-
nually at the Grapeview Grocery
under the guidance of Sarah
Tsehida. This year the sale has
been stepped up a week, being
held May 15 and 16, to avoid in-
terference with any Forest Fes-
tival activities, but as before,
steaming hot coffee (courtesy of
Julie and Doris) and delk:ious
eookles (product of Louise Polk's
kitchen) will be served to poppy
buyers. Also selling poppies for
breezy buys
in Allyn and Pope's Grocery in
Belfair. As an additional note,
L)uise Polk would very nmch ap-
preciate any donations of ribbon,
II both new and used, for use in
ben may be left at the Grapeview
' : ton Polk household was Louise's
", mother, Mrs. Vina Lacasse o( Port
• Angeles. During her week's stay
one highlight for Mrs. Lacasse
was the Sunday spent at Grayland
where she observed while "the
children" industriously dug their
limit of luscious razor clams.
Local residents who gain access
to their homes by use of the road
more commonly known as Penne-
KOOL AID "ALL 6/200€ beras' road, state themselves to
! m FLAVORS be very grateful to the Mason
...................... connty commissioners, our county.
engineer and road crew for the
0iLl PICKLES NALLEY'S Whole or/119' vast improvement thereon af-
fected and declare that it has been
Kosher ...... 2-GAL, transformed into a regular boul-
evard. However, as with even the
POTATO CHIPS NALLEY'S 49 € best of roads, traffic hazards do
' exist.. Latest one threatening the
• ........... 10ya-OZ. "Pennebera Boulevard" is one here
.-..-unidentified housewife and two
small freedom-loving "weaner"
DEVILED HAM °.=,woo° 35'
...................... 4y2-OZ. Grapevicw is one.e again hon-
ored by one of our local lads!
0ATE BAR 00]iX BETTY 37 ¢ Young Earl Fulmer submitted the
winning design for a new memor-
CROCKER 14-OZ. ial bookplate for the Shelton pub-
lic library. His design, which will
"" , .... be used to identify books dedicated
• to the library, was chosen from
more than twenty entries from the
school art classes and displayed
a Shay-type locomotive.
Back to the Banana Belt for the
FINE Having spent the past three
Choc. ]}. 6-OZ. months in San Diego, ,'rank in-
Lb. 11 • tends to annual repeat this for-
................... mat.
Last week was obviously birth-
day week at the Howard Settlers'
Butter Sparkle Vanilla, reMdenec, Tiny Kristi Irene eel-
Chocolate, ebrated her first anniversary amid
7 Strawberry, pink frosting and friends last
Y2-GAL. Tuesday. evening (April 28) and
.......................... Lb. youngest son Donald reached the
ancient age of eight May 1. This
ItAPKiNS young man celebrated Saturday
KRAFT by having Leslie Okonek, Joel
"--€ --iilll 5.oz. Zehe and Donald Pogreba up for
a typical birthday luncheon fol-
lowed by an outdoor efficiency and
.......... endurance trial of all birthday
Crackers ter Claytons' Sr. were Mr. and
• NO. 1'S Mrs. Louie Sitzberger of Seattle.
• Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Sltzberger
are sisters and filled several hours
'€ of the weekend with a visit with
their brother, Mr. Albert Rich-
.............. ........... ards.
, SUNNEE DR. AND MRS. R. D. MacRae's
MILK 8oz Sheridan, Oregon, visitors arrived
in time Saturday to help nephew
Joe celebrate hts 18th birthday.
Rae's sister and husband, Mr. and
SWANSON'S Mrs. Stanley Tatom. The family
:)00ALL "0059 ,o,oo. Beef. group spcnt a leim,rcly Sunday
Turkey, 8-oz. touring this area of the Puget
• SUNNEE Pofa k 35 Soundcoltntry. Of special inter-
'u,l'on ............. .. 11 Sandw,ch Steaks salmoneStwasH°°dCanalandals°thehatchery, lOne trough
had over 60,000 baby salmon: The
C count being made by weight) Men-
FRESH EGGS o.,,oo,0000rc w, oo.
joyed by the" group, namely the
Tatom# 29th wedding anniversary.
The Tatoms plan to spend about
20083' Shortening a week or so resting and visiting
12€ OFF with the MacRaes before their re-
3-LB. TIN turn to Sheridan.
Weekend guests of the Edwin
Griggs were Mrs. Griggs' broth-
* er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wray of Tacoma. Saturday eve
Steve's MEATS
POT ROAST ""°' °°*'
US No. 1 Good
Shank half .................... LB.
Federal Brand,
6-8 lb. average ...................... LB.
Fresh frozen ............ . .... LB.
C00RROTS Petite., No. ,,
Cello Package .............................. EACH
Whole ................................ LB.
",,0,,,, Ralph's
sing was pleasantly spent enjoy-
ing a delicious dinner followed by
viewing color slides of the beauti-
ful Daffodil Parade held last
month in Tacoma.
Must be Home-Coming Week at
the C. W. Walkers'! Down from
Bellingham to spend last week
was their daughter Barbara and
family, the Joe Shahans and
daughters Valerie, Joni and Beth.
Joe, who is a contractor and build-
er, spent the week forever endear-
ing himself to the Walkers by
"building them a concrete retain-
ing wall. Monday evening the Val-
ker' anxiously anticipated the ar-
rival of daughter Beverly who is
a stewardess on the Pan American
Polar flight. Beverly was sched-
uled to have returned to San
Francisco by Wednesday, her cur-
rent assignment being the Wed-
nesday flight to Bankok and Ma-
All calm'ie counters tgnore the
following notice if you (:an: The
Teens 4-H Club plans to hold a
Bake Sale at the Grapcview Gro-
cery this Saturday, May 9 from
10.00 to 5:00 p.m.!
Local residents wer. on the
verge of building a facsimile of
Noah's Ark this past week and
sure 'huff, a check with local
weatherman Walter Eckert
brought to light the facts ...... just
the faet! Walter etate that we
Southside Plans
Grange Dinner
Saturday Hight
By Mrs. Ray Knttcha
SOUTHSIDE .... A reminder of
the Southside Grange Auxiliary is
sponsoring a southern bean din-
ner of "Lima beans and ham", or
"baked beans and ham", for $1.00
fro" a generous helping on May 9
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the
Grange hall. The public i invited
to attend.
OUTHSIDE Grange has plan-
ned an after church picnic for
Mother's Day, May 10 at Walker
Park, or if It rains it will be held
at the Grange Ilall.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Wolden Sunday were Mrs.
Arthur Wolden and daughter Lou
Ann oi Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Wolden, Gary and Carol, and Mr.
Bob Wolden and dhughtem Bu-
• helle and Kim.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggert were
callers on Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Chappell of Mill Creek road Sun-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs H. E. Wolden have
, new grandson Jeffrey Wayne
l:.()rn to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolden
on April 29.
Mrs. M. Brobeck attended the
wedding of her grandson Lome
Horaski April 25 at Buekley.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kriefels and
family, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Kriefels has moved to Tacoma to
WEEKEND visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Kratcha gnd Janice were
Walt Krateha of Shelton. John and
Glen Kratcha of Siletz, Oregon,
they also visited Mrs. Alfred Ka-
doun and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston of Matlock. Oth-
ers spending the weekend with the
Ray Krtcha's were Melvin
Schwede, George Boyce and Tom
Roberts of Fort Lewis,
had over six inches of rain in
three days and we quote: Monday
night and Tuesday--2 and 10/100
inches; Tuesday night and Wed-
nesday ..... 3 and 15/100 inches;
Wednesday and 16/100
inches"• ........ the most copious do-
nation from Jupe Pluvius in sev-
eral years! !
The Peninsula Light Company
of Gig Harbor hopes that our re-
cent inconvenience of having had
daily power shut-offs will be more
than repaid when the laying of an
underwater cable from Rocky Bay
to a point near AI and Florence
Kendalls' property is completed.
More power to uS' in our cxmtin-
ued community growth!
Sixteen feet of maritime pulchri-
tude has joined the Howard Cook
menage! "Cleo's Rug" (the Magic
Carl)eL??) is a trim aqua and
white sixteen-foot Skagit conver-
tible, this wo,'thy craft having
been officially christened by Mar-
garet Sunday morning. Ben
Voyage and Smooth Sailing! .....
Congratulations are in order for
Bryan Rauschert {Ted's brother}
who embarked a week ago Monday
on a new job and new life in mm-
ny Florida. Bryan, who has been
living in Hoquiam, Washington
with his family and working for
Rayonier, lnc. was promoted to
:manager of Rayonier's branch in
i Fernandina, Florida. He drove
:down last week, stopping at Fort
i Woz'th, Texas for a visit with his
nephew Tyrone and wife with
plans to stay in Florida until
school is out this summer when
he will return to pick up his wife
Margie, and two daughters in Ho-
quiam. Bryan has been spending
weekends and vacations here at
his beach property near Stadium
since childhood and has many
friends here. We all wish him the
best of luck.
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