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-+ u
Rayonier Offers
r Convenient Terms
* assle Rates
, NoSY
• €¢ ,
-- published in Cl+rlstmastou,U.[
Booklet for ,++ we+, ***,, ++,+ ,+ + +
ging +t'irlYl, tit(' (:()nlplHly's North- H( )( )I )SPOI:'F Miss .tk'l;ll';tl'el
west Timber Divisi m took over While ('eh:q)l'tI('l her ,Q61J| I)il'!h-
,d" I(:aghlg r tit' l,I *tt tit,' >+?:lh"Sllh£ ! P, otl's Nursing' h()llli,, i"l'lOIldS
rugged ()tympie P,,ninsula at the :.lnd rolalives whosharcd ',he ll*o;tl.
Cl[),e o| %%q)rld vVar' II. Polliny: ",vilh hpl' \\;vot.e MI's. SIII'I \\;Vilite,
}!2 :++,:: ::?; 'i:','?::!: ::?:: +' ++ "*'++ '+*+* ++** '* '+
" }: "'" ; >' '- iIlc]lldpd stetp.1 i(comot[v. °flltit:e CtlYli)belI, MI's. \\;Vativ Mohr-
:'t' I ( i' ' ,:tonY. de.;cl'ipti,m. P, aldwin 'M'al-Ira:,, m and Mrs. G,iv Ki,.I'qa,,ici,.
s mc t h'ts. Mll<;l(i()s. al(t (dhel' rod-lype [
the fast dying era of railr()/td log-I eIigill('s as well ;iv Climax and MIL AND MI{14. Ken Kral and
ging was tothy dllllOllnce(] hy L. ] Shay gttilr'(,(t loconlotives until re- children ()f the Slflle b'isheries de-
.I. F,)rre, Nr}rthwost Tinlher l)l+l ct,n{iy were still in daily use. A l:mrtnwnt "will be Sl)endiug lwo
,,,ow me,+,, " H d"oo'sport Potlakb News
(* e (ff the lst of this atmn', / ,
Mgging r'aih'oa(ts, Ferry+;! poirltedi I
IIt. Through tile' acquisiti(m t)f I
vision Min tr fir Rayn ier In-I stleeted few of these bconmtives] mt)nlhs al the "(]arden". Mr. Kral
ason CountySavings eorp(:,rat, d, According" to, For-]are l)i(*lur,.(I in "i!]nd of an Era."iis s bi01oRist on tilt, M,*lbom',m
rest. this I:)ooklel was prepared inl Smm ()1! ill(' t)ht)loglaphs ehostm IIak' hrojeeI.
wla ' Jl.,.--,.=, • K&lllnl +t ,-.J*tAtlJi, ua;iaAc'lt'l%/t°J'|lrW r£-R. ])()nso tD. a g)ro,ing, d(.nlalld, on [ reah b',ick thr()llgh nlOl', tha|l ! Tht, sixth .,'rllde Girl St,elliS live
the part [)l ralh'oa(llng enthusmsts ] half a century of the I.ggin'g in- i husv doing needle wt)ri+, pro jr'el.
Title Insurance Bldg. r(t uthers for phot(graphs and ldustry's coh){'ful past. The en-iThe'v :ire making and stuffing
inforlllfl|iou t)ll cl)nll)an (')A'[ (d] dine "types sh(,wn are typical of :"htl{lll)tV dllmpty" and t,mhroid)r-
' I II . - and operated steam locomotives. I tilt? many that did st) nmeh 1L) give inp f'.(:es on them.
* " ---I thi. period its color :m(I I.;T(,atlless Troop 29. fifth gl'mt( (;irl
era [)f "railroad b)ginff." 1)ca Ericson, of Sht,lttm. wilh :t
r According h) t¢(,rr(sl, sic:tin lo- ;talk on Costa Rica.
I L nioUves will m,m he ((mH)letely The Henry Flansen fa|+lrlily ale
ARGI OR SMALL | replaced in the c(mpa y s tree proudly traveling in a new 16 ft
'[ " r 1'4 ! ha,'vesti,,g ope,'ations. "It is our o,,thoard. Can't ,,',tit till it's siding
Edger and Vibtor es hi,pc that ]'aih'oading enthusi.,sts weather.
! fT,, If | and ,tilers will find ill tile pages of
e .... o o+ oo o+ + +ore+ i ++ + ++ +
' !1 tion and photographs they desire,'"Teen Dreams" was on the "Slair-
I lJW[ IhVVII VHIIIIIV' J[ but some of the color that the era way to ttw Stars" TV t)rogram on
| ]F[I II of railroad logging once held," Channel 13.
....... , |[ Forrest said. Skip A. Hash, F.T.A.S.N., is
| | ][9. Home II END OF an Era booklets (:an home on leave In May he ,,ill
I " .IL:,a\\;% __ • .+ : : , +, ........... II be obtained free through any Ray- leave foNorfolk, Vs. to mect his
| 'lt | A U |] onler Incorporated mill or office ship the-kiSS Holder DDE 819. On
in Western %rashingt0n. Rayonier Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Cltfforrl
l rLK rVLIInBI[O Jlofices are located in Port Angeh:s, \\;Vhitcombe and children, Gene,
| "-"'"'-" " 11Hoqmam. Shelton, Sappho and Se- Don, and Ginger of Tact)ma were
I ll¢ian & E.rell Lumimr €o, l] TM w+, ,+,+,,, +,-,+,+h,++
: ' t ................................... and Mrs. Delbert Athow of Span-
!away. Overnite and Sunday guests
" Tough Ductile Iron were Mr. and Mrs. Vrally Andcr-
I .,.ore. ,..,, it °' +' ''°n, +° + +" °+
ductile iron also compares fawlr- of Shelton. The Ray Hashes cele-
I ' ....... ....... , ............. t . . .,-ably with carbon steel in strength, brated their wedding anniversary
wiLh thpir Ktwsls.
'I'Jl, so\\;'erlth and eighth gl.tll'lel's
of tilt. Lower Skokt+mish School
held a d;ulce on Ii'riday t, vening.
.MI{,'4. III'RT T'+VElqD was h(m-
ot'0d vvith a t);t|)v shov,,el, ill the
home (q" Mrs. Leiu Sandvi K. Many
4lf th( CllShlll/l n \\;vonl('ii assisled
with tile ;tl't'angel]lel+lts with Mrs.
Dave Ct)liins furnishing a beauli-
frilly decorated c,d<e \\;vith decor-
aletl ea 1,:e bootees l)er(hed on top.
Mrs. Bill Henner trimned the
bathinett( for the pr0scnts. Ab(mt
twenty wolnen fronl hoth Cush-
nlal/ l)htllts, j<Jincd ill the games
Pdl(l fllll with prizes going to Mrs.
Da\\;'t C()llins. Mrs. John Laraluie,
and Mrs. Bm't Tweed.
I.[oger Sct)t I arid his fiancee,
Nlol'g:ll'0t I+htt'nl(,lee were weekend
visihlrs in the Andy Scott heine.
Rog'er is finishing ills b'orcstry
cou)'se at tile ^iT" with fiel(I worlc
at (Ilenwood near Vqlit.e Salmon.
Sunday railers at the Scott lmme
\\;veI+e Mrs. Everett Parnte]ee and
Mrs. [{(filer of CenLralia and Mrs.
Glen Roller tinct chihh'en of Shet-
Also visiting with their parents
the Scotts and Rosie Smith were
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scott and chil-
dren of Olympia.
Mr .and Mrs. Nell North of Se-
attle were weekend visitors in the
Clarence Hicks home. They were
showing off their new toy French
poodle "Frosty".
Mrs. Max Schmidt Sr. was home
for a week from Camp Grisdale
due to the snow and bad weather.
Sixteen women attended a baby
shower in honor of Mrs. Oliver
Buckles held ill the hotue of Mrs.
George Yocum and assisted by
Mrs. Andy Scott R.elay game
This small world gets bigger every year
To help meet your growing demand for
petroleum products, we invested $235 million
for exploration and developmen£in 21 states
of the U. S. and 12 other Western Hemisphere
Our research and technical service staff has
grown to 1400 people. Today we make more
than 1000 products not )ld 15 years ago.
During that time our research budget more
than tripled.
Producing and distributing products takes
continuing investments in new refinery equip-
ment, pipelines, tankers, trucks and trailers.
Last year, $108 million went into these new
The exciting dortd within a drop of off keeps growg as we make discoveries that
bring new ad better products into your World.,
Even now, these products enter every hour of your day -- from automotive fuels and
lubricants to synthetic fibers for blankets you sleep under at night and clothes you wear
during the day.
Wax containers that preserve food; plastics, paints, photographic film, detergent,
medicines, synthetic rubber and thousands of other items for farms, homes, industry
and the Armed Forces now are made better because of oil ingredients which Standard
supplies to manufacturers.
..... But th'm, 'I. ftu--much more. And so last year, as everyyear,• _ ..,.°ne. :°f
our biggest jobs s finding ways to make off serve you better -=- using esearch to
create rmv and improved products, and building facilities to pqt these products to work.
Here are some of the things we did during 1958 to expand the world within a drop of oil:
Our ,395 employees were paid $281million
in wages and benefits. Standard's 52,754
stockholders received nearly 4¢ for each
dollar of the market value of atockholdinp.
, Standard was one of the largest customers
in the West. Our purchases included 50,000
items.., helped provide jobs and payrolls for
more than I0,000 firms ia htmdreds o/West-
ern communities,
Through affiliates, we helped advance prog
tess in more than 70 free Eastern Hemisplre
countries. Oil development helps provide
jobs; supplies funds for education, health
and housing.
, plaza+ahead to. se+ou better :<+:,, ....... , ........ .....
WAll, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Gott and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland
(left to right) shared in a royal Honolulu wel-
come on arrival by Northwest Airlines last week.
The Mason county delegatian joined with a party
of 50 grocers from threughout Washington State
to bring greetings ,from the E
the new 50th State. The
state food dealers from their
Hawaiian Village, made tours
cane flelda and Dole pineapple
with considerable ?un arid
Walklkl beach.
were played with all winning
prizes, the winning team were pre-
sented cookie cutters and the los-
ers, baby tears plants Other prizes
were won by Mrs. Roy Pierce,
Mrs. Tom Seiger, and Mrs. Leslie
MR. AND MRS. Gordon Win-
gard of Tacoma and four children
were callers in the Bill Renner
home at Cushman. Sunday aftet
noon the two families took a ride
up to the Staircase and we/'e
amazed at the amount of pople
already out riding in the hills.
The children of Mrs. Emery
Winters' kindergarten class will
hold a modern art exhibit on Wed-
nesday, May 13, at 11:00 a.m. in
the kindergarten room at the
Hoodsport School. Not to be out-
done by a Van Gogh exhibit this
will be strictly "abstract art".
Anyone interested is invited to at-
tend and coffee will be served.
The Preschool picnic will be held
on May 14 at the home of Mrs.
Bart Robbins at Hamma Hamma
Farms. If it rains the picnic will
be held on May 21. Anyone in-
terested in preschool for next year
is invited to come also. A plan-
ned potluck dinner will be served
and if you haven't been contacted
by either Mrs. Robbins or Mrs.
Jim Dean, you are urged to call
them. You are expected to furnish
your own table service.
Marvin Bailey was chosen
"King" of the Junior High Prom
on Friday evening in the Shelton
Jnior High School. His date for
the evening was Deenie Dudley,
daughter of Mrs. Betty Dudley of
Shelton. The tlteme of the Dance
was "Holiday in Stardom"• Mar-
vin is the son of Mr .and Mrs.
Earl Jagnow. Chaperones for the
evening from Potlatch were Mr.
and Mrs. John Pill.
Mr and Mrs. John Parsons of
Hoquiam are spending several
days at the John Pill home. Mrs.
Pill with Mrs. Dick Belling of
Shelton are traveling to Yakima
to attend the P.T.A. Convention
Sunday callers in the Ken Si-
mons home at Potlatch were Mr.
and Mrs. Duke Arnold, Mrs. Marie
Jorgensen and Chris Nelson.
The Hoodsport Commercial Club
will meet on Monday May 11 in
the School basement with a pot-
luck dinner. The public is invited.
:The dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m.
:For the evenings entertainment,
I slides and pictures of some of the
local members vacation trips will
be shown.
MEMBERS OF the Lower Sko-
komish P.T.A will hold a Bake
Sale at Carpenters store in Hoods-
port on Friday May 8 in the
morning. Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and
Mrs. Ray Peterson are in Charge
:of the sale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shortsleeves
are spending some time visiting
H0odsport. They have been living
in Bellingham during the winter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Linscott
and boys were weekend visitors at
the Karl LinscoLt home.
i The Lower Skokomish P.T.A.
and the Hoodsport P.T.A. will hold
a joint meeting on Monday, May
11, at the Lower Skokomish
School. There will be Installatloll
of Officers. Refreshments will be
served by Mrs. Ray Peterson, Mrd
Glenn Gee, Mrs. Bud McDowell
If your child should acci-
dentally injure some mem-
ber of the public, either at
home or away, you might
be sued for thousands of
dollars. Better m'ab sur
, Comprehensive Personal
, Liability coverage is in-
t €luded in your personal
insurance program.
I 4th & R.R.
HiA 6.8272
River Causes
FI00d Bm,00e
• By Mrs. T. B. +ldeh
BRINNON -- The Dosewallips
River went on a rampage last
Wednesday night following the
heavy rain and melting snow in
the mountains. The Edward Har-
ri home was endangered as the
river course changed and headed
:for the house taking about 4 acres
i of fine garden land. Several fruit
trees were washed away and sev-
eral1 other large trees, one of
which fell over the electric wires
causing an outage all over town.
The County road crews arrived
Thursday morning, hauling rock
from Quilcene to hold back the
river. By the timely action the
pump house was saved though the
river had already undermined the
building. The Harris home is above
the Dosewallips Bridge and isa
part of the property the State
Parks 4:)epartment have been ne-
gotiating to buy ,or public recre-
i MR. AND MRS. Walter A. Kelly
:atterded the openingession of
the Rotary Disti'ict fevence,
:which was held in Port Angeles
Sunday evening in the new audi-
In lieu of a house to house call,
three coffee hours were given fop
the annual Cancer drive, by Mrs.
Erwin Kelly, Mrs. T. B. Balch and
and Mrs. Dick Buechel.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott trav-
eled to Seattle on Wednesday to
attend the Ice Follies with the
Kenneth Linscott family as a
birthday present to Kenneth•
Mrs. Maude Crosby will "Make
a Dollar Grow" with a silver tea
at her home on Thursday May ]:4.
Beginning at 1:30 p.m. guests may
play cards, tour the lovely gar-
den, or Just visit.
Visitors at the L. X. Evans
home were Mrs. Nina Hathaway
of Upper Hob Store and Phyllis
Brink of Forks. On Friday and
Saturday guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Harrington and Marian
Draper of Port Angeles and Se-
attle. "
JERRY SMITH celebrated his
sixth birthday with cookies for his
kindergarten friends on Wednes-
day, May 6. In the evening a f/m-
ily dinner for the Ray Petersons
and Smiths featured a lovely cake
made by his aunt.
Mrs. Leland
;62'.00 was
Sgt. J L.
when proud
eral weeks
ting along
Mrs. Clair
care-taker at
for Mt.
for a visit
son-in-law and
Mrs. Edgar
Ray G
her to the plane
Coach for a
lumbia and
Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday visitors
Jim Chaffee o
Other callers
Mrs. John K
Triton Cove,
Johnson of
and Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs.
tended the
Marie phil.tip s
sented as- one,
Mr. and
son, owners of
ty at
Thomas "Hall
bnsh, which
viously had
the Maples
Mrs. Lloyd
operating a
Hall plaqe
Creek about
will continue
business there.
An all nigh
held at the
from 8 p.m.
urday. On
good turn-out
roof is
tar paper.
There will
the Brinnon
8 with exhibits
preceding th
and everyon,
The newly
installed as
Shedden (
Mrs. Jaekie
Imlborfent as the trousseau, - fo ;nv;fa
wedding or to announce thaf you are
Unsurpassed in qualify; velvafy raised
tre Exlresslve )aper af e price fhaf
her lper ever made.
:1 "N,w tat y,u .it t, [,,
[ J( t )Y Vtfnta Courtenay,, ".!
l | o+n ImpOrtant ;oaa[ customs
av,, td,r ca//&, r*, '
-+ u
Rayonier Offers
r Convenient Terms
* assle Rates
, NoSY
• €¢ ,
-- published in Cl+rlstmastou,U.[
Booklet for ,++ we+, ***,, ++,+ ,+ + +
ging +t'irlYl, tit(' (:()nlplHly's North- H( )( )I )SPOI:'F Miss .tk'l;ll';tl'el
west Timber Divisi m took over While ('eh:q)l'tI('l her ,Q61J| I)il'!h-
,d" I(:aghlg r tit' l,I *tt tit,' >+?:lh"Sllh£ ! P, otl's Nursing' h()llli,, i"l'lOIldS
rugged ()tympie P,,ninsula at the :.lnd rolalives whosharcd ',he ll*o;tl.
Cl[),e o| %%q)rld vVar' II. Polliny: ",vilh hpl' \\;vot.e MI's. SIII'I \\;Vilite,
}!2 :++,:: ::?; 'i:','?::!: ::?:: +' ++ "*'++ '+*+* ++** '* '+
" }: "'" ; >' '- iIlc]lldpd stetp.1 i(comot[v. °flltit:e CtlYli)belI, MI's. \\;Vativ Mohr-
:'t' I ( i' ' ,:tonY. de.;cl'ipti,m. P, aldwin 'M'al-Ira:,, m and Mrs. G,iv Ki,.I'qa,,ici,.
s mc t h'ts. Mll<;l(i()s. al(t (dhel' rod-lype [
the fast dying era of railr()/td log-I eIigill('s as well ;iv Climax and MIL AND MI{14. Ken Kral and
ging was tothy dllllOllnce(] hy L. ] Shay gttilr'(,(t loconlotives until re- children ()f the Slflle b'isheries de-
.I. F,)rre, Nr}rthwost Tinlher l)l+l ct,n{iy were still in daily use. A l:mrtnwnt "will be Sl)endiug lwo
,,,ow me,+,, " H d"oo'sport Potlakb News
(* e (ff the lst of this atmn', / ,
Mgging r'aih'oa(ts, Ferry+;! poirltedi I
IIt. Through tile' acquisiti(m t)f I
vision Min tr fir Rayn ier In-I stleeted few of these bconmtives] mt)nlhs al the "(]arden". Mr. Kral
ason CountySavings eorp(:,rat, d, According" to, For-]are l)i(*lur,.(I in "i!]nd of an Era."iis s bi01oRist on tilt, M,*lbom',m
rest. this I:)ooklel was prepared inl Smm ()1! ill(' t)ht)loglaphs ehostm IIak' hrojeeI.
wla ' Jl.,.--,.=, • K&lllnl +t ,-.J*tAtlJi, ua;iaAc'lt'l%/t°J'|lrW r£-R. ])()nso tD. a g)ro,ing, d(.nlalld, on [ reah b',ick thr()llgh nlOl', tha|l ! Tht, sixth .,'rllde Girl St,elliS live
the part [)l ralh'oa(llng enthusmsts ] half a century of the I.ggin'g in- i husv doing needle wt)ri+, pro jr'el.
Title Insurance Bldg. r(t uthers for phot(graphs and ldustry's coh){'ful past. The en-iThe'v :ire making and stuffing
inforlllfl|iou t)ll cl)nll)an (')A'[ (d] dine "types sh(,wn are typical of :"htl{lll)tV dllmpty" and t,mhroid)r-
' I II . - and operated steam locomotives. I tilt? many that did st) nmeh 1L) give inp f'.(:es on them.
* " ---I thi. period its color :m(I I.;T(,atlless Troop 29. fifth gl'mt( (;irl
era [)f "railroad b)ginff." 1)ca Ericson, of Sht,lttm. wilh :t
r According h) t¢(,rr(sl, sic:tin lo- ;talk on Costa Rica.
I L nioUves will m,m he ((mH)letely The Henry Flansen fa|+lrlily ale
ARGI OR SMALL | replaced in the c(mpa y s tree proudly traveling in a new 16 ft
'[ " r 1'4 ! ha,'vesti,,g ope,'ations. "It is our o,,thoard. Can't ,,',tit till it's siding
Edger and Vibtor es hi,pc that ]'aih'oading enthusi.,sts weather.
! fT,, If | and ,tilers will find ill tile pages of
e .... o o+ oo o+ + +ore+ i ++ + ++ +
' !1 tion and photographs they desire,'"Teen Dreams" was on the "Slair-
I lJW[ IhVVII VHIIIIIV' J[ but some of the color that the era way to ttw Stars" TV t)rogram on
| ]F[I II of railroad logging once held," Channel 13.
....... , |[ Forrest said. Skip A. Hash, F.T.A.S.N., is
| | ][9. Home II END OF an Era booklets (:an home on leave In May he ,,ill
I " .IL:,a\\;% __ • .+ : : , +, ........... II be obtained free through any Ray- leave foNorfolk, Vs. to mect his
| 'lt | A U |] onler Incorporated mill or office ship the-kiSS Holder DDE 819. On
in Western %rashingt0n. Rayonier Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Cltfforrl
l rLK rVLIInBI[O Jlofices are located in Port Angeh:s, \\;Vhitcombe and children, Gene,
| "-"'"'-" " 11Hoqmam. Shelton, Sappho and Se- Don, and Ginger of Tact)ma were
I ll¢ian & E.rell Lumimr €o, l] TM w+, ,+,+,,, +,-,+,+h,++
: ' t ................................... and Mrs. Delbert Athow of Span-
!away. Overnite and Sunday guests
" Tough Ductile Iron were Mr. and Mrs. Vrally Andcr-
I .,.ore. ,..,, it °' +' ''°n, +° + +" °+
ductile iron also compares fawlr- of Shelton. The Ray Hashes cele-
I ' ....... ....... , ............. t . . .,-ably with carbon steel in strength, brated their wedding anniversary
wiLh thpir Ktwsls.
'I'Jl, so\\;'erlth and eighth gl.tll'lel's
of tilt. Lower Skokt+mish School
held a d;ulce on Ii'riday t, vening.
.MI{,'4. III'RT T'+VElqD was h(m-
ot'0d vvitha t);t|)v shov,,el, ill the
home (q" Mrs. Leiu Sandvi K. Many
4lf th( CllShlll/l n \\;vonl('ii assisled
with tile ;tl't'angel]lel+lts with Mrs.
Dave Ct)liins furnishing a beauli-
frilly decorated c,d<e \\;vith decor-
aletl ea 1,:e bootees l)er(hed on top.
Mrs. Bill Henner trimned the
bathinett( for the pr0scnts. Ab(mt
twenty wolnen fronl hoth Cush-
nlal/ l)htllts, j<Jincd ill the games
Pdl(l fllll with prizes going to Mrs.
Da\\;'t C()llins. Mrs. John Laraluie,
and Mrs. Bm't Tweed.
I.[oger Sct)t I arid his fiancee,
Nlol'g:ll'0t I+htt'nl(,lee were weekend
visihlrs in the Andy Scott heine.
Rog'er is finishing ills b'orcstry
cou)'se at tile ^iT" with fiel(I worlc
at (Ilenwood near Vqlit.e Salmon.
Sunday railers at the Scott lmme
\\;veI+e Mrs. Everett Parnte]ee and
Mrs. [{(filer of CenLralia and Mrs.
Glen Roller tinct chihh'en of Shet-
Also visiting with their parents
the Scotts and Rosie Smith were
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scott and chil-
dren of Olympia.
Mr .and Mrs. Nell North of Se-
attle were weekend visitors in the
Clarence Hicks home. They were
showing off their new toy French
poodle "Frosty".
Mrs. Max Schmidt Sr. was home
for a week from Camp Grisdale
due to the snow and bad weather.
Sixteen women attended a baby
shower in honor of Mrs. Oliver
Buckles held ill the hotue of Mrs.
George Yocum and assisted by
Mrs. Andy Scott R.elay game
This small world gets bigger every year
To help meet your growing demand for
petroleum products, we invested $235 million
for exploration and developmen£in 21 states
of the U. S. and 12 other Western Hemisphere
Our research and technical service staff has
grown to 1400 people. Today we make more
than 1000 products not )ld 15 years ago.
During that time our research budget more
than tripled.
Producing and distributing products takes
continuing investments in new refinery equip-
ment, pipelines, tankers, trucks and trailers.
Last year, $108 million went into these new
The exciting dortd within a drop of off keeps growg as we make discoveries that
bring new ad better products into your World.,
Even now, these products enter every hour of your day -- from automotive fuels and
lubricants to synthetic fibers for blankets you sleep under at night and clothes you wear
during the day.
Wax containers that preserve food; plastics, paints, photographic film, detergent,
medicines, synthetic rubber and thousands of other items for farms, homes, industry
and the Armed Forces now are made better because of oil ingredients which Standard
supplies to manufacturers.
..... But th'm, 'I. ftu--much more. And so last year, as everyyear,• _ ..,.°ne. :°f
our biggest jobs s finding ways to make off serve you better -=- using esearch to
create rmv and improved products, and building facilities to pqt these products to work.
Here are some of the things we did during 1958 to expand the world within a drop of oil:
Our ,395 employees were paid $281million
in wages and benefits. Standard's 52,754
stockholders received nearly 4¢ for each
dollar of the market value of atockholdinp.
, Standard was one of the largest customers
in the West. Our purchases included 50,000
items.., helped provide jobs and payrolls for
more than I0,000 firms ia htmdreds o/West-
ern communities,
Through affiliates, we helped advance prog
tess in more than 70 free Eastern Hemisplre
countries. Oil development helps provide
jobs; supplies funds for education, health
and housing.
, plaza+ahead to. se+ou better :<+:,, ....... , ........ .....
WAll, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bishop, Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Gott and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland
(left to right) shared in a royal Honolulu wel-
come on arrival by Northwest Airlines last week.
The Mason county delegatian joined with a party
of 50 grocers from threughout Washington State
to bring greetings ,from the E
the new 50th State. The
state food dealers from their
Hawaiian Village, made tours
cane flelda and Dole pineapple
with considerable ?un arid
Walklkl beach.
were played with all winning
prizes, the winning team were pre-
sented cookie cutters and the los-
ers, baby tears plants Other prizes
were won by Mrs. Roy Pierce,
Mrs. Tom Seiger, and Mrs. Leslie
MR. AND MRS. Gordon Win-
gard of Tacoma and four children
were callers in the Bill Renner
home at Cushman. Sunday aftet
noon the two families took a ride
up to the Staircase and we/'e
amazed at the amount of pople
already out riding in the hills.
The children of Mrs. Emery
Winters' kindergarten class will
hold a modern art exhibit on Wed-
nesday, May 13, at 11:00 a.m. in
the kindergarten room at the
Hoodsport School. Not to be out-
done by a Van Gogh exhibit this
will be strictly "abstract art".
Anyone interested is invited to at-
tend and coffee will be served.
The Preschool picnic will be held
on May 14 at the home of Mrs.
Bart Robbins at Hamma Hamma
Farms. If it rains the picnic will
be held on May 21. Anyone in-
terested in preschool for next year
is invited to come also. A plan-
ned potluck dinner will be served
and if you haven't been contacted
by either Mrs. Robbins or Mrs.
Jim Dean, you are urged to call
them. You are expected to furnish
your own table service.
Marvin Bailey was chosen
"King" of the Junior High Prom
on Friday evening in the Shelton
Jnior High School. His date for
the evening was Deenie Dudley,
daughter of Mrs. Betty Dudley of
Shelton. The tlteme of the Dance
was "Holiday in Stardom"• Mar-
vin is the son of Mr .and Mrs.
Earl Jagnow. Chaperones for the
evening from Potlatch were Mr.
and Mrs. John Pill.
Mr and Mrs. John Parsons of
Hoquiam are spending several
days at the John Pill home. Mrs.
Pill with Mrs. Dick Belling of
Shelton are traveling to Yakima
to attend the P.T.A. Convention
Sunday callers in the Ken Si-
mons home at Potlatch were Mr.
and Mrs. Duke Arnold, Mrs. Marie
Jorgensen and Chris Nelson.
The Hoodsport Commercial Club
will meet on Monday May 11 in
the School basement with a pot-
luck dinner. The public is invited.
:The dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m.
:For the evenings entertainment,
I slides and pictures of some of the
local members vacation trips will
be shown.
MEMBERS OF the Lower Sko-
komish P.T.A will hold a Bake
Sale at Carpenters store in Hoods-
port on Friday May 8 in the
morning. Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and
Mrs. Ray Peterson are in Charge
:of the sale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shortsleeves
are spending some time visiting
H0odsport. They have been living
in Bellingham during the winter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Linscott
and boys were weekend visitors at
the Karl LinscoLt home.
i The Lower Skokomish P.T.A.
and the Hoodsport P.T.A. will hold
a joint meeting on Monday, May
11, at the Lower Skokomish
School. There will be Installatloll
of Officers. Refreshments will be
served by Mrs. Ray Peterson, Mrd
Glenn Gee, Mrs. Bud McDowell
If your child should acci-
dentally injure some mem-
ber of the public, either at
home or away, you might
be sued for thousands of
dollars. Better m'ab sur
, Comprehensive Personal
, Liability coverage is in-
t €luded in your personal
insurance program.
I 4th & R.R.
HiA 6.8272
River Causes
FI00d Bm,00e
• By Mrs. T. B. +ldeh
BRINNON -- The Dosewallips
River went on a rampage last
Wednesday night following the
heavy rain and melting snow in
the mountains. The Edward Har-
ri home was endangered as the
river course changed and headed
:for the house taking about 4 acres
i of fine garden land. Several fruit
trees were washed away and sev-
eral1 other large trees, one of
which fell over the electric wires
causing an outage all over town.
The County road crews arrived
Thursday morning, hauling rock
from Quilcene to hold back the
river. By the timely action the
pump house was saved though the
river had already undermined the
building. The Harris home is above
the Dosewallips Bridge and isa
part of the property the State
Parks 4:)epartment have been ne-
gotiating to buy ,or public recre-
i MR. AND MRS. Walter A. Kelly
:atterded the openingession of
the Rotary Disti'ict fevence,
:which was held in Port Angeles
Sunday evening in the new audi-
In lieu of a house to house call,
three coffee hours were given fop
the annual Cancer drive, by Mrs.
Erwin Kelly, Mrs. T. B. Balch and
and Mrs. Dick Buechel.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott trav-
eled to Seattle on Wednesday to
attend the Ice Follies with the
Kenneth Linscott family as a
birthday present to Kenneth•
Mrs. Maude Crosby will "Make
a Dollar Grow" with a silver tea
at her home on Thursday May ]:4.
Beginning at 1:30 p.m. guests may
play cards, tour the lovely gar-
den, or Just visit.
Visitors at the L. X. Evans
home were Mrs. Nina Hathaway
of Upper Hob Store and Phyllis
Brink of Forks. On Friday and
Saturday guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Harrington and Marian
Draper of Port Angeles and Se-
attle. "
JERRY SMITH celebrated his
sixth birthday with cookies for his
kindergarten friends on Wednes-
day, May 6. In the evening a f/m-
ily dinner for the Ray Petersons
and Smiths featured a lovely cake
made by his aunt.
Mrs. Leland
;62'.00 was
Sgt. J L.
when proud
eral weeks
ting along
Mrs. Clair
care-taker at
for Mt.
for a visit
son-in-law and
Mrs. Edgar
Ray G
her to the plane
Coach for a
lumbia and
Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday visitors
Jim Chaffee o
Other callers
Mrs. John K
Triton Cove,
Johnson of
and Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs.
tended the
Marie phil.tip s
sented as- one,
Mr. and
son, owners of
ty at
Thomas "Hall
bnsh, which
viously had
the Maples
Mrs. Lloyd
operating a
Hall plaqe
Creek about
will continue
business there.
An all nigh
held at the
from 8 p.m.
urday. On
good turn-out
roof is
tar paper.
There will
the Brinnon
8 with exhibits
preceding th
and everyon,
The newly
installed as
Shedden (
Mrs. Jaekie
Imlborfent as the trousseau, - fo ;nv;fa
wedding or to announce thaf you are
Unsurpassed in qualify; velvafy raised
tre Exlresslve )aper af e price fhaf
her lper ever made.
:1 "N,w tat y,u .it t, [,,
[ J( t )Y Vtfnta Courtenay,, ".!
l | o+n ImpOrtant ;oaa[ customs
av,, td,r ca//&, r*, '