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StIELTON-MAeON COIYNTY 30URNAL .... Pib|tshed In "Chrlsfmasown, 7..A.;" flhelton,
New High Sohool Football Field To Be Ready at Belfai This Fall
By Mary Wing b,rn Sntmda.v, Mny 2. Mrs. l)av- the ]m'gest family. Weaver, Dawn Dee Springer,
BELFAIR - Bids have been
called on the leveling of the new
athletic field at North Mason ju-
nior high school. School t)oard
building committee chairmsn, C.
i Vance Shephard, annolnced bids
will be opened May 15 on the job,
] which i)lv()lves moving 6,000 yards
Iof dirt to level a 300x350 foot
[field. P)'eliminary work has been
dime t)y h)cal volllnteers, inehM-
ing bhwing' u i) of s(tmps. The
I school directors plan to have the
field ready for f()otball next fall.
Two teachers in this area have
recently fallen prey to the so-
called childhood diseases, measles.
Mrs. Marvel Cleveland and Bill
Hawkins each were compelled to
take several days off, and found
the measles no joke for adults.
FOUR WOMEN from the h)eal
V. F.W. auxiliary attended a
luncheon May 30, at the Elks'
Temple, Bremerton, hoste.ed by
the Auxiliary, 4th district, V.F.W. ]
The luncheot honored the depart-]
merit president, Mrs. Merrill I
Behm, Bremerton. Those from ]
here who went were Mesdames I
John Paxton, Gordon Squire, Carl
Nichols and Ethel Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis,
old Belfair highway, are the par-
enta of a 10-pound baby daughter,
is and the baby a]'(, doing well at
Harrison Memorial i o.s p i t a 1.
Br(,merton. The other nine I)'ivi
children at home are busyin;', try-
ing to agree on 11 111.1111t, t'()l' the
))ewcon)er, with ",JJaeqtw)in(," (h,
leavy favorite at (h(, l:)st vheck.
The baby evens tho el)roll t() fix,(,
b()ys and five girls for tile |)avit-es.
M('lnbers of the clnlrc]l :family
(if the Belfair Communiiy t,a[)liL
church will hear a (.atitli(la[.e pas.-
tor, Sunday. May 10, the t.(!ver('nd
Milton Gire, Bt the M,)tht'r's Day
service. Mr. (]ire h'ts heen lll-
vited by the pulpit c()mmitt('e ()f
the h)eal cht|rch to aPt)ear ]1el'e,
and t) consider the Belfair church
as a pastorate,. t the salne time)
the local parish will d(,eid(, whelh-
er to accept him as their oh(lice
for pastor. Mr. Gire is from Her-
long, Calif. He is a m:lrried man
with three daughters.
The Reverend and Mrs. John
Haugen are spending their last
month in Belfair before moving to
a new pastorate in ()pp()rtunitv,
Wash. Their new address will be':
East 11511, Fourth Avenue, Spo-
kane 63, Wash.
p|ttnned at the Belfair Community
Baptist church for Sunday after-
noon, May 17, at 3:30 p.m. Three
choirs will perform; the adult
The largest related family i)res-
ent, in(:ll)(iirg s()])s and dat.|ght.ers,
grandparents and grandehihtren,
was that of Mr. and M)'s. C. C.
ILM(ly. Mrs. Elmer la41e and
Mt,q. I)I))) t':trsiens)n were both
r(,cognized fro' imving lie y(,mlg-
(,sl chihh'tm ilr('sent. Mrs. Sing-
le':; infant (laughter iv Jill, and
Mrs. (:(].::!U,,nson s MariIvn. 'Ywo
(?(alpIPs; W(!I'0 llfllned as being ,the
ohtesl, by combining the ;?.(,: of
tm.blnd and wife. They were Mr.
;rod Mrs. R()l)ert McKay and Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. I)ickey. The Dick-
eye are from Bayshore. All the
()) are froll Belfair.
This Thursday evening, May 7,
men of thc church will entertain
their wives arid daughters at a
motlw.r and daughter banquet. A
turk(,y dinner will be served, and
th men are on their honor to (Io
the cooking themselves. There
will be a program as well.
title this year for the annual
spring concert of the North Ma-
son se.ho(llS, Set for this Friday
evening, May 8, at 8 p.m., it will
take place in the Belfair school
gym. Three bands will perform,
using all instrumental music stu-
dents in Belfair elementary, AI-
lyn, and North Mason junior high
schools. Band director is Doug
Madel(,n Rarey, Mary Deather-
age, Bob Btxenman, John Norman,
Suzy Wing, Nancy Ninneman,
Lois Drake, Milton Jonson, Pat
T()ombs, Susan Clappe, Gary Pat-
terson, Pare Bead and Nonny Ke-
ys ck,
The graduating class of South
Kitsap high school will have very
few Belfair members this year. It.
will include only one girl from this
area, Karen Blomlie; and the for
h)wing boys: Bob Bacon, Nickey
Blair, Gerald Blakefield, Dave and
Don Corliss and Robert Pless. The
graduates will receive their diplo-
mas at commencement exercises
at the school June 4.
Flood Damage
Very Limited
By Mary Dawson'
,weatherman is surely a mixed up
kid. Last week we nearly washed
away as the days and days of
steady rain raised our lake about
4 feet. The streams all ran over
their banks and water stood a
foot deep in all the lowlands The
where I slt Marsh.
Call it-
"Helping Bud to Blossom"
to take
pbmts, lie
the perch
slre to them
Mrs. Harper
plants in a
out, expect-
But they
shape even
was mystl-
note on
"We'll lose
YOu PUt Am-
monium Sulphate o it. Pete."
(He's the milkman.)
From where I sit, "neilChber-
choir, the youth choir, and the
Junior group. There will be sev-
eral special nnmbers, with Mrs.
John Haugan featured as soloist,
as this will be her last appearance
with the local choir. Also featured
will be Miss Judith Lckrem and
Fred Myer, who will offer organ
and piano music, both solos and
duets. The public is welcome to
Recognition was given a nutnber
of church goers at the Belfair
church, last Sunday, at the start
of National Family Week. The
Charles Kovack family, with six
members" present, was named as
lrUeubrly when it's put into
for example, why not have
of beer or a cup of coffee?
(Serving them their preference I • Our Hood Canal II
"""""'-"'"'""" I| 00e00re.o..t,vo II
....... I!100 !1
1959, United State Brewers Fouadation ) • )
Corliss. There will be chorus mu-
m'de and special group Iltlnlhera)
under the direction of vocal mu-
sic director Miss Shirley Laing.
Parents and friends are invited to
A local boy, Frank DeMiero, son
of tile Bill DeMieros, appeared in
the Olympic College musical show,
"Show Boat," in Bremerton last
weekend. Frank sings with the
e.(lllege chorus and choir.
14th birthday was celebrated
Saturday, May 2, when Shirley
Ann Thompson was honored by
her parents at a party at the BeN
fair Masonic Temple social hall.
Held between the hours of five
and nine, the party featured danc-
ing and games, and gift opening
by the honoree. At refreshment
time there were two cakes be-
decked with pink frosting roes
and green leaves, grape punch and:
ice cream. The cakes were made
by Shirley's grandmother, Mrs.
W. B. Thompson, and decorated by
Leo Novelli. Present at the party
were Shirley's parents, the Jack
Thompsons; her brother, Johnny
Thompson; her grandmother; Mr.
Novelli, and the following young
friends: Geri Matz, Elaine Cross-
white, Valerie and George Weisel,
Bill Ruff, Nancy Mattus, Kenneth
JL k' , I I t= ' II IIII I, I
... , , , ,' ,,,,,,, ,, , , Ih_:....:.: '
' " , ' ,:" t, '"
• ,, , . .... ,
The opening event of the 15th Annual
Forest Festival program, The Queen's
Banquet, will take place May 21 in the
Mt. View School.
In addition to enjoying an excellent
meal, those attending the banquet will
join with the community in honoring
Queen, Andrea Kneeland, her court, and
the junior princesses from s c h o o 1 s
throughout the county.
This year honor will also be paid to
fifteen "old-timers," the history makers
of our logging industry.
Dinner will be served beginning at
6:30 p.ra. Tickets are available for $2.50
each at the JOurnal office, the Shelton
Hotel and Beckwih's Jewelry store.
Lake and Beeville school bus took
the children home early on'Wed-
maday,, when it was feared one
culvert would wash out. However,
not too much damage was done
and by Saturday things were pret-
ty much back to nornml. This
Monday a.m. the thermometer
dropped to 32 degrees and a blan-
ket of new snow wan to be seen
across the lake on South Moun-
tain. Oh well summer is coming.
TIlE REGULAR monthly meet-
ing of the Mary M. Knight School
Board will be held on Wednesday,
May 13 at the school house at g
p.m., reports Mrs. Wayne Evers,
clerk of the board.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kingery and
children of Shelton have moved to
the Lyman Klngery place near the
Mary M. Knight School. We Rll
welcome these young people to our
Dennis Reed returned to his
home at the Ms_flock Store Sunday
evening after a two weeks visit in
Pittsburgh, Penn. with his folks,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Collins.
AMONG THE many youngsters
in our neighborhood having the
measles are Judy Springer, young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Springer and Linda Hickaon, in-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Hickson. Many of our neigh-
bors are also fighting this flu epi-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Thomas in Shelton last Friday
Ralph Springer, Kenny Howard
and son enjoyed Sunday afternoon
fishing in tte Dry Beds.
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franklin and
daughter Judy motored to Span.
away on Sunday and visited :Mr
Franklin's brother and family, the
Harley Franklins.
Mrs. Clifford Ford spent satur-
day in Shelton visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. William Homan.
Gone Brown of Deckerville dis-
trict left by plane Saturday for a
visit in Hawaii with friends there.
Mrs. Van Norman, Mrs. Ken-
neth Zillyette and son spent last
Wednesday shopping in Shelton.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Zillyette and son visited the Bill
Jasper family on Hod Canal. Lat-
er that day they drove up the
canal to Rest a While Park where
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Gardner who are this year operat-
ing the coffee shop and boat con-
Cession there.
Mlt. AND MRS. Jack Sellgrs of
Satsop and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Morgan of Elms were Sunday vis-
itors at the Kenneth Zillyette
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Franklin
spent Friday night and Saturday
visiting the latter's brother anti
family Mr. and Mrs. Bud Roberts
in Kennewick, Wn.
Dinner guests last Wednesday
of Mrs. James Blocker were MrS.
Beatrice Forbes of Chic0, Calif.
and Mrs. Jack Manley of Sheltori.
Sunday callers at the home of
Mrs. T]dna Bellman and Mr&
Myrtle Cameron were Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Connell of Olympia.
Mrs. Bellman returned home re-
cently from the Shelton General
HoSpital and Is much /mproved,
I'm happy to say.
Henry Chappel had the misfoy-
tune last week to get hit in the
Jaw by a binder chain. Severa:l
stitches had to be taken. Mr:
Chappel is recuperating nicely
from the blow.
Mrs: Sam egg and children t)f
Seattle are visiting this week at
the home of her father Albert
ma wer Mrs; Larry Case and
baby, Mrs Henry Chappel and son
and Mary Ann..Kuhnle. They met
Mrs. Sam egg there and she re-
turned home with them.
Mrs. Ralph Killough's seven1h
and eighth graders took their field
trip on Wednesday April* 29 ThSy
went by school bus to the Seattle-
Tacoma air terminal where they
were guests of the Western Air-
lines. During their three hour
visit there they were taken aboard
a DC6 plane and the guide ex-
plained all the instruments, etc. to
them. They learned how weather
reports are made, saw the radar
room and watched While planes
were contacted. SeveraI planes de-
parted and arrived while they
were there to add to their inter-
eating experience.
They then drove to Woodland
Park whre they ate their hmch.
The weather was damp but they
h)oked at. the animals while there.
Mrs. "Dec" Palmer, Mrs. Ed-
ward Valley and Mrs Earl Landis
and the bus driver Wayne Evers
also enjoyed the trip very much.
WE EXTEND our sympathy to
the Fred Rossmaier and Edward
Valley family in the recent death
of Mrs. Ahna Rye a former real-
dent of this vicinity. Mrs. Nye
was the mother of Mi's. Rossmaler
and Mrs Valley*. She will begreato
Iv mtStl BY lr flflO t'IttglWt#
Boys Club at
Dayton to Be
Meeting Subject
By Mabel Khhl
DAYTON -- The Community
Clull wilt hold its next meeting on
Frtday,'May 8. There will be a dis-
cussion concerning a boys' club
and all parents interested in a
project o£. this kind are urged to
attend. Thor6 will be pnthmk re-
freshments as usual and as an
added incentive, oyster stew will
;be provided for those who care for
THE LADIES' CI,UB will meet
on Wednesday, May 13 with Mrs.
Pete Roberts as hostess. At Club
last week, the birthdays of Mrs.
Carrie BarRer and Mrs. A. E.
Lemke were observed.
The ladles attending the hmch-
con at Matlock last week report a
very enjoyable day. Mayor Earl
Moore of Shelton gave a very in-
structive and enlightening talk on
=civil defense.
Attending the hardtime dance
at Grapeview on Saturday eve
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
LeGarde and Lorna, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Dillenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
;nie LeOarde, Mr .and Mrs. Robert
Leman, and Mrs. Paul Challender.
The p)ceeds go to the Grapeview
Mr. Robert Lemke returned last
Tuesday from Kodiak, Alaska. He
spent the weeRend with his par-
entsl Mi . and Mrs. A. E. Lemke
and in Poi-t Angeles visiting rel-
Little four year old Colleen Mc-
Henry was a very happy girl last
Thursday when she caught two
nice sed trout at Panhandle
Lake. She told her mommy she did
it all by herself with no help from
We are glad to hear that Linda
Rishel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Rishel is feeling much
better now. She is in the Clinic
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr.
and Mrs, C. W,, Lundquist of
Richard and Bill Roberts spent
Saturday overnight with their
grandmother, Mrs. Nena Roberts
Of Shelton.
Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton is
spending a few days in the home
of Mr. Bill Kidd.
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam M. Brown an@ children called
on Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Robertson
of Arcadia Road.
Henrietta Warne,' was Friday
overnight guest of Bobby Dillen-
Saturday evening visitors at the
home of Harold Kidd were Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Evans of Alsea, Ore.
ON TliURSDAY evening, Mrs.
Darl Goldy and Barbara attended
a bridal shower in the home of
Mrs. Ernest Stoner of Shelton
honoring Miss Mary Ann Kuhnle
of Matlock.
Mrs. A. H. Wolden of Seattle
and daughter, Lu ann returned
home on Monday after spending a
week with her parents, Mr, and
Final divorce decrees were
awarded last FrMay in the Masot
county court to:
W. E. Thnmreck from Bernice
T. Tlmmreck.
Wanda Wyatt from Vernon F.
Lois Ellen Hinkle from Herschel
Lee Chapman from Betty Lm
Alice B. Rickards from Claude
E. Rickards.
Mrs. A. E, Lemke.
On Mnnday, Mrs. Edward Bun-
nell and Nellie made a shopping
and business trip to Seattle.
Mrs. Alice Dlelle of Shelton was
a Sunday evening caller at the
home 6f Mr. and Mrs. Scab Combs.
Sunday guests in tim Dell Ad-
ams home were Mr. and Mrs. Lea-
ter Adams and children of Seattle
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tlbbits
and children.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Matthews were M:r.
and Mrs. W. T. Matthews and Mrs.
Ray Matthews and three chlldre.n
of Sumner.
Mr. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate
helped Robert Goldy on his new
house on Saturday and Sunday.
On Stmday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Kidd and sons visited Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Evans of Hoodsport.
MR. AND MRS. Pete*Roberts
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Nena .Roberts of
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Stoner were Mr. and Mrs,
Bud ull and children of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee, Al-i
lan, Casey arid Timmy motored tel
Onalaska. on Monday and visited
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Rayon had
as weekend guest her sister, Mrs. I
Mabel Smith of Centralia.
Saturday visitors in the J. W.
toner home were Mr. and Mrs.
Earl King of Bremerton.
i i ,,||,1 .... ' +' - •
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StIELTON-MAeON COIYNTY 30URNAL .... Pib|tshed In "Chrlsfmasown, 7..A.;" flhelton,
New High Sohool Football Field To Be Ready at Belfai This Fall
By Mary Wing b,rn Sntmda.v, Mny 2. Mrs. l)av- the ]m'gest family. Weaver, Dawn Dee Springer,
BELFAIR - Bids have been
called on the leveling of the new
athletic field at North Mason ju-
nior high school. School t)oard
building committee chairmsn, C.
i Vance Shephard, annolnced bids
will be opened May 15 on the job,
] which i)lv()lves moving 6,000 yards
Iof dirt to level a 300x350 foot
[field. P)'eliminary work has been
dime t)y h)cal volllnteers, inehM-
ing bhwing' u i) of s(tmps. The
I school directors plan to have the
field ready for f()otball next fall.
Two teachers in this area have
recently fallen prey to the so-
called childhood diseases, measles.
Mrs. Marvel Cleveland and Bill
Hawkins each were compelled to
take several days off, and found
the measles no joke for adults.
FOUR WOMEN from the h)eal
V. F.W. auxiliary attended a
luncheon May 30, at the Elks'
Temple, Bremerton, hoste.ed by
the Auxiliary, 4th district, V.F.W. ]
The luncheot honored the depart-]
merit president, Mrs. Merrill I
Behm, Bremerton. Those from ]
here who went were Mesdames I
John Paxton, Gordon Squire, Carl
Nichols and Ethel Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis,
old Belfair highway, are the par-
enta of a 10-pound baby daughter,
is and the baby a]'(, doing well at
Harrison Memorial i o.s p i t a 1.
Br(,merton. The other nine I)'ivi
children at home are busyin;', try-
ing to agree on 11 111.1111t, t'()l' the
))ewcon)er, with ",JJaeqtw)in(," (h,
leavy favorite at (h(, l:)st vheck.
The baby evens tho el)roll t() fix,(,
b()ys and five girls for tile |)avit-es.
M('lnbers of the clnlrc]l :family
(if the Belfair Communiiy t,a[)liL
church will hear a (.atitli(la[.e pas.-
tor, Sunday. May 10, the t.(!ver('nd
Milton Gire, Bt the M,)tht'r's Day
service. Mr. (]ire h'ts heen lll-
vited by the pulpit c()mmitt('e ()f
the h)eal cht|rch to aPt)ear ]1el'e,
and t) consider the Belfair church
as a pastorate,. t the salne time)
the local parish will d(,eid(, whelh-
er to accept him as their oh(lice
for pastor. Mr. Gire is from Her-
long, Calif. He is a m:lrried man
with three daughters.
The Reverend and Mrs. John
Haugen are spending their last
month in Belfair before moving to
a new pastorate in ()pp()rtunitv,
Wash. Their new address will be':
East 11511, Fourth Avenue, Spo-
kane 63, Wash.
p|ttnned at the Belfair Community
Baptist church for Sunday after-
noon, May 17, at 3:30 p.m. Three
choirs will perform; the adult
The largest related family i)res-
ent, in(:ll)(iirg s()])s and dat.|ght.ers,
grandparents and grandehihtren,
was that of Mr. and M)'s. C. C.
ILM(ly. Mrs. Elmer la41e and
Mt,q. I)I))) t':trsiens)n were both
r(,cognized fro' imving lie y(,mlg-
(,sl chihh'tm ilr('sent. Mrs. Sing-
le':; infant (laughter iv Jill, and
Mrs. (:(].::!U,,nson s MariIvn. 'Ywo
(?(alpIPs; W(!I'0 llfllned as being ,the
ohtesl, by combining the ;?.(,: of
tm.blnd and wife. They were Mr.
;rod Mrs. R()l)ert McKay and Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. I)ickey. The Dick-
eye are from Bayshore. All the
()) are froll Belfair.
This Thursday evening, May 7,
men of thc church will entertain
their wives arid daughters at a
motlw.r and daughter banquet. A
turk(,y dinner will be served, and
th men are on their honor to (Io
the cooking themselves. There
will be a program as well.
title this year for the annual
spring concert of the North Ma-
son se.ho(llS, Set for this Friday
evening, May 8, at 8 p.m., it will
take place in the Belfair school
gym. Three bands will perform,
using all instrumental music stu-
dents in Belfair elementary, AI-
lyn, and North Mason junior high
schools. Band director is Doug
Madel(,n Rarey, Mary Deather-
age, Bob Btxenman, John Norman,
Suzy Wing, Nancy Ninneman,
Lois Drake, Milton Jonson, Pat
T()ombs, Susan Clappe, Gary Pat-
terson, Pare Bead and Nonny Ke-
ys ck,
The graduating class of South
Kitsap high school will have very
few Belfair members this year. It.
will include only one girl from this
area, Karen Blomlie; and the for
h)wing boys: Bob Bacon, Nickey
Blair, Gerald Blakefield, Dave and
Don Corliss and Robert Pless. The
graduates will receive their diplo-
mas at commencement exercises
at the school June 4.
Flood Damage
Very Limited
By Mary Dawson'
,weatherman is surely a mixed up
kid. Last week we nearly washed
away as the days and days of
steady rain raised our lake about
4 feet. The streams all ran over
their banks and water stood a
foot deep in all the lowlands The
where I slt Marsh.
Call it-
"Helping Bud to Blossom"
to take
pbmts, lie
the perch
slre to them
Mrs. Harper
plants in a
out, expect-
But they
shape even
was mystl-
note on
"We'll lose
YOu PUt Am-
monium Sulphate o it. Pete."
(He's the milkman.)
From where I sit, "neilChber-
choir, the youth choir, and the
Junior group. There will be sev-
eral special nnmbers, with Mrs.
John Haugan featured as soloist,
as this will be her last appearance
with the local choir. Also featured
will be Miss Judith Lckrem and
Fred Myer, who will offer organ
and piano music, both solos and
duets. The public is welcome to
Recognition was given a nutnber
of church goers at the Belfair
church, last Sunday, at the start
of National Family Week. The
Charles Kovack family, with six
members" present, was named as
lrUeubrly when it's put into
for example, why not have
of beer or a cup of coffee?
(Serving them their preference I • Our Hood Canal II
"""""'-"'"'""" I| 00e00re.o..t,vo II
....... I!100 !1
1959, United State Brewers Fouadation ) • )
Corliss. There will be chorus mu-
m'de and special group Iltlnlhera)
under the direction of vocal mu-
sic director Miss Shirley Laing.
Parents and friends are invited to
A local boy, Frank DeMiero, son
of tile Bill DeMieros, appeared in
the Olympic College musical show,
"Show Boat," in Bremerton last
weekend. Frank sings with the
e.(lllege chorus and choir.
14th birthday was celebrated
Saturday, May 2, when Shirley
Ann Thompson was honored by
her parents at a party at the BeN
fair Masonic Temple social hall.
Held between the hours of five
and nine, the party featured danc-
ing and games, and gift opening
by the honoree. At refreshment
time there were two cakes be-
decked with pink frosting roes
and green leaves, grape punch and:
ice cream. The cakes were made
by Shirley's grandmother, Mrs.
W. B. Thompson, and decorated by
Leo Novelli. Present at the party
were Shirley's parents, the Jack
Thompsons; her brother, Johnny
Thompson; her grandmother; Mr.
Novelli, and the following young
friends: Geri Matz, Elaine Cross-
white, Valerie and George Weisel,
Bill Ruff, Nancy Mattus, Kenneth
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The opening event of the 15th Annual
Forest Festival program, The Queen's
Banquet, will take place May 21 in the
Mt. View School.
In addition to enjoying an excellent
meal, those attending the banquet will
join with the community in honoring
Queen, Andrea Kneeland, her court, and
the junior princesses from s c h o o 1 s
throughout the county.
This year honor will also be paid to
fifteen "old-timers," the history makers
of our logging industry.
Dinner will be served beginning at
6:30 p.ra. Tickets are available for $2.50
each at the JOurnal office, the Shelton
Hotel and Beckwih's Jewelry store.
Lake and Beeville school bus took
the children home early on'Wed-
maday,, when it was feared one
culvert would wash out. However,
not too much damage was done
and by Saturday things were pret-
ty much back to nornml. This
Monday a.m. the thermometer
dropped to 32 degrees and a blan-
ket of new snow wan to be seen
across the lake on South Moun-
tain. Oh well summer is coming.
TIlE REGULAR monthly meet-
ing of the Mary M. Knight School
Board will be held on Wednesday,
May 13 at the school house at g
p.m., reports Mrs. Wayne Evers,
clerk of the board.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kingery and
children of Shelton have moved to
the Lyman Klngery place near the
Mary M. Knight School. We Rll
welcome these young people to our
Dennis Reed returned to his
home at the Ms_flock Store Sunday
evening after a two weeks visit in
Pittsburgh, Penn. with his folks,
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Collins.
AMONG THE many youngsters
in our neighborhood having the
measles are Judy Springer, young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Springer and Linda Hickaon, in-
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Hickson. Many of our neigh-
bors are also fighting this flu epi-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Thomas in Shelton last Friday
Ralph Springer, Kenny Howard
and son enjoyed Sunday afternoon
fishing in tte Dry Beds.
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Franklin and
daughter Judy motored to Span.
away on Sunday and visited :Mr
Franklin's brother and family, the
Harley Franklins.
Mrs. Clifford Ford spent satur-
day in Shelton visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. William Homan.
Gone Brown of Deckerville dis-
trict left by plane Saturday for a
visit in Hawaii with friends there.
Mrs. Van Norman, Mrs. Ken-
neth Zillyette and son spent last
Wednesday shopping in Shelton.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Zillyette and son visited the Bill
Jasper family on Hod Canal. Lat-
er that day they drove up the
canal to Rest a While Park where
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Gardner who are this year operat-
ing the coffee shop and boat con-
Cession there.
Mlt. AND MRS. Jack Sellgrs of
Satsop and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Morgan of Elms were Sunday vis-
itors at the Kenneth Zillyette
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Franklin
spent Friday night and Saturday
visiting the latter's brother anti
family Mr. and Mrs. Bud Roberts
in Kennewick, Wn.
Dinner guests last Wednesday
of Mrs. James Blocker were MrS.
Beatrice Forbes of Chic0, Calif.
and Mrs. Jack Manley of Sheltori.
Sunday callers at the home of
Mrs. T]dna Bellman and Mr&
Myrtle Cameron were Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Connell of Olympia.
Mrs. Bellman returned home re-
cently from the Shelton General
HoSpital and Is much /mproved,
I'm happy to say.
Henry Chappel had the misfoy-
tune last week to get hit in the
Jaw by a binder chain. Severa:l
stitches had to be taken. Mr:
Chappel is recuperating nicely
from the blow.
Mrs: Sam egg and children t)f
Seattle are visiting this week at
the home of her father Albert
ma wer Mrs; Larry Case and
baby, Mrs Henry Chappel and son
and Mary Ann..Kuhnle. They met
Mrs. Sam egg there and she re-
turned home with them.
Mrs. Ralph Killough's seven1h
and eighth graders took their field
trip on Wednesday April* 29 ThSy
went by school bus to the Seattle-
Tacoma air terminal where they
were guests of the Western Air-
lines. During their three hour
visit there they were taken aboard
a DC6 plane and the guide ex-
plained all the instruments, etc. to
them. They learned how weather
reports are made, saw the radar
room and watched While planes
were contacted. SeveraI planes de-
parted and arrived while they
were there to add to their inter-
eating experience.
They then drove to Woodland
Park whre they ate their hmch.
The weather was damp but they
h)oked at. the animals while there.
Mrs. "Dec" Palmer, Mrs. Ed-
ward Valley and Mrs Earl Landis
and the bus driver Wayne Evers
also enjoyed the trip very much.
WE EXTEND our sympathy to
the Fred Rossmaier and Edward
Valley family in the recent death
of Mrs. Ahna Rye a former real-
dent of this vicinity. Mrs. Nye
was the mother of Mi's. Rossmaler
and Mrs Valley*. She will begreato
Iv mtStl BY lr flflO t'IttglWt#
Boys Club at
Dayton to Be
Meeting Subject
By Mabel Khhl
DAYTON -- The Community
Clull wilt hold its next meeting on
Frtday,'May 8. There will be a dis-
cussion concerning a boys' club
and all parents interested in a
project o£. this kind are urged to
attend. Thor6 will be pnthmk re-
freshments as usual and as an
added incentive, oyster stew will
;be provided for those who care for
THE LADIES' CI,UB will meet
on Wednesday, May 13 with Mrs.
Pete Roberts as hostess. At Club
last week, the birthdays of Mrs.
Carrie BarRer and Mrs. A. E.
Lemke were observed.
The ladles attending the hmch-
con at Matlock last week report a
very enjoyable day. Mayor Earl
Moore of Shelton gave a very in-
structive and enlightening talk on
=civil defense.
Attending the hardtime dance
at Grapeview on Saturday eve
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
LeGarde and Lorna, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Dillenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
;nie LeOarde, Mr .and Mrs. Robert
Leman, and Mrs. Paul Challender.
The p)ceeds go to the Grapeview
Mr. Robert Lemke returned last
Tuesday from Kodiak, Alaska. He
spent the weeRend with his par-
entsl Mi . and Mrs. A. E. Lemke
and in Poi-t Angeles visiting rel-
Little four year old Colleen Mc-
Henry was a very happy girl last
Thursday when she caught two
nice sed trout at Panhandle
Lake. She told her mommy she did
it all by herself with no help from
We are glad to hear that Linda
Rishel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Rishel is feeling much
better now. She is in the Clinic
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold LeGarde were Mr.
and Mrs, C. W,, Lundquist of
Richard and Bill Roberts spent
Saturday overnight with their
grandmother, Mrs. Nena Roberts
Of Shelton.
Mrs. Esther Kidd of Shelton is
spending a few days in the home
of Mr. Bill Kidd.
On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam M. Brown an@ children called
on Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Robertson
of Arcadia Road.
Henrietta Warne,' was Friday
overnight guest of Bobby Dillen-
Saturday evening visitors at the
home of Harold Kidd were Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Evans of Alsea, Ore.
ON TliURSDAY evening, Mrs.
Darl Goldy and Barbara attended
a bridal shower in the home of
Mrs. Ernest Stoner of Shelton
honoring Miss Mary Ann Kuhnle
of Matlock.
Mrs. A. H. Wolden of Seattle
and daughter, Lu ann returned
home on Monday after spending a
week with her parents, Mr, and
Final divorce decrees were
awarded last FrMay in the Masot
county court to:
W. E. Thnmreck from Bernice
T. Tlmmreck.
Wanda Wyatt from Vernon F.
Lois Ellen Hinkle from Herschel
Lee Chapman from Betty Lm
Alice B. Rickards from Claude
E. Rickards.
Mrs. A. E, Lemke.
On Mnnday, Mrs. Edward Bun-
nell and Nellie made a shopping
and business trip to Seattle.
Mrs. Alice Dlelle of Shelton was
a Sunday evening caller at the
home 6f Mr. and Mrs. Scab Combs.
Sunday guests in tim Dell Ad-
ams home were Mr. and Mrs. Lea-
ter Adams and children of Seattle
and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tlbbits
and children.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Matthews were M:r.
and Mrs. W. T. Matthews and Mrs.
Ray Matthews and three chlldre.n
of Sumner.
Mr. A. W. Puderbaugh of Agate
helped Robert Goldy on his new
house on Saturday and Sunday.
On Stmday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Kidd and sons visited Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Evans of Hoodsport.
MR. AND MRS. Pete*Roberts
and sons were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Nena .Roberts of
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Stoner were Mr. and Mrs,
Bud ull and children of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee, Al-i
lan, Casey arid Timmy motored tel
Onalaska. on Monday and visited
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Rayon had
as weekend guest her sister, Mrs. I
Mabel Smith of Centralia.
Saturday visitors in the J. W.
toner home were Mr. and Mrs.
Earl King of Bremerton.
i i ,,||,1 .... ' +' - •
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