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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 20 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrlstrnastown, U.S.A.," Sheltoh, Washin: * FOR SALE * FOR r,a FOR SALE , FOR RENT FOR RENT WANTED i SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit SOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, FOR SALE OR RENT--Professional ClaSsified Advertising GOLDSBOROUG, I TRAILER PARK. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in FOR SALE trees, large well branched trees, choice of I22 colors. L.M. DECOR- rug, upholstery equt)mt, supplies. Convenient to mills and downtown en. Also attractively furnished one home. electric W&amp;gener Feed Co,, 219 So. First. ATING CItNTER, 821 Railroad. L.M. Decorating tentetr, 321 Rail- Rates etallations, oil conversions. helton stores, City sewer and water. At bedroom apartments. All utilities la,'ge sun Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tin I/ tin road Avenue. 2/ tin 15 words or les (minimum highway bridge, S4/4tfn furnished except light, Reasonable. Furnace Co., 321 So. Thtrd. Dial HA. St. ........................................ -- ....................................... Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177, . 6=6121: ....................................... 511t£n FIOME ONE B-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carte ONO CHAIN SAWS, $, h.p. direct BOATS, MOTOBB, TRAILERS, equlI- cl,.arge $1.00 single insertion, FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and'chain, meat at Wslt's Marine Supply, on plex. Electric heat, garage, utility 12/4 tin INE FULL-TIME WATKINS locality one with rug; available on Hood Canal. Earmngs wall to wall lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/12 tin beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoo- $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin ONE AND TWo bedroom unfurnished better than average for persun Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. FOR SALE: large selecon of re- port TR. 7-6244. 1/19tfn three insertions. Additional in- F()'R--'ilgh-t-ho-us--eke--el--'ng'rbona. apartments, hot water heat, range, arc who is willing to work. No lay-oils. Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-8036. 4/9 tin conditioned rangem, r.H.A. TERMS now available on all sertions 25¢ each. Rates for 100 v'. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. refrigerator icluded. Holly Hill Watkins nationally known spices and age; two 60' wemhers, dryers. F, elll building materials allows you to larger acts on request  R4/18tfn Apts., 920 Olyinpic. Joe Hartough, extracts are advertised in Life, La- nice home manager, Apt, 8. Phone HA. 6-808 dies Home Journal, Good llouse- down, about .'OLORler, faster,FILMmorePr°cesag'effio[ent.directAlsodea'4- pllance Center. lump conmtruction coats under one FOR RENT---Partly furnished apt. 2 or HA. 6-659E B6/26tfn keeping, McCalls and other maga- HA 6-6573, bill. For information inquire at Card of thanks $1.50 Read- large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. F-O-R---RiNi<--Fr-is----0-n--6-edi:0-r zincs. For details write Watkms -- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- #"OR BALE. dry heavy or light slab Lawton Lumber. 490 8. lit St. Phone er notices 15 word minimum, furnished. HA 8-4394. Call after 6:30 ler's Studio, 124 No. d., HA, 6-6169. wood, $10 a cord. HA 6-k127. duplex apartment, washing facilities. Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- FOR SALEIV4 a/ltta 6/Stir $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. p.m, K2/26 tin .................................................................... 706 Cots. /1 ,HA" -411. P1/2 tin erton, Washington, or phone ESsex shore on t'RAVEL IS OUTt ROO]PI:IG alad all oiler buildlllg - FOR Sust revelved, a few  "Not Responsible" notices FOR RENT: 3 room furiiished house $25 A MONTH unfurnished l-bedrooln 7-5661, 8:00 a,m. to i0:o0 a.m. formation rangementa for all tour, terlal$, aotMg dora, 86 months to model 18 h.p. mvtnrude outboard me- $1.50 per insertion, at 1522 Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- apt. Neat, clean, completely modern. 3/12 tin ....... Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- ,dAN OR WOMAN WANTED Ior Wat- F()R SALE BY tatlon snd rmervationL at pay undeer  terms now available tor at greatly reduced prices, Hill- 6517, A4/2tfn tlonal cost to you. Claret Bell AJgle, i st Lawton Jaumlr, 4.10 $. lt t., crest Hardware. 1]16 tin All classified advertisements TEACHERS, RELAX after school nished apts. at slightly higher rates, kins locality in city of Shelton. Work waert'r.nt on phon  6-4124 or HA. 6-6/.t phone HA. 6-4(. /6tfD " hours of your own choosing. $3.00 House. well, I 2-bedroom Canal beach Ihbme, wash- 3772. A4/9 tin per hour and up easily possible. Tibia, exccpti( .... /26 n;S£'ECIXL-Y-%h-b0--xTS's;'pl-tr-= BT Btr IN TOWN! ] eeaT[ll mtmt be paid in advance. Ads hours. School-year lease, furnished Sport mn's Apartment Motel HA 6- taken over the telephone must is a wonderful opportunity for re- Sbelton. For SKINDIV-RS "-'wi toe full treads. Lunaford s Fire. pack h-gal. carto 97 eets, I-] or, dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. FO-RN-T-Mode-n furnished cabin, tired person who needs extra income. 6-8015. loa $1279, $-glom $&. Fem-ll be paid before the end of the Catto, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, electric range and tank. Water free, surplus 4,-in. Neoprene wet suite, ! stone, lsr's I Cream Center, 4, North[ll month. An extra charge of 10€ weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. Write Watkins Products, 2109 East tailored ¾-in.. sklrd'ving and water] stone. 4/30 First. 6/Stfn | will be made when billing t .......... c4/2 tin Reasonable. Phone HA 6-481  llth St.. Bremerton. Washington, or 100 FT. .................................. tin call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to i0:00 Nice skiing suits or kits Newest in skin- [TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. DisP'-XT--w'-o'odFo-r-  LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., ^ QUIW.T rooms, ny day or . (living equipment 1951 Hilhnan Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin eat Festival week end. We have an | necessary, heat and hot water furnished. Phone CLEAN AND a.m. 3/12 tin oily limits. week. wameron Hotel 213tin ................................. f'"" uninl Minx for asia, I-'hone HA 6-6877. inexpensive, but fair quallty, white • I I HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin O-R---RE-NT-- Attractive waterfront AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray Phone HA M.Pgus" Divmg & Marine, 4 miles WE BUY YOUR or will sell outslde paint for your use. Only $.10 -- FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- paintmates houseS,phone roofs,HA 6-4322.etc' FOrlnqmreeSU- FOUR I East Arcadia Road, 3/19 tin per gallon tn 4 gallon quantities or FOR SAI furnished, yard, large garage. Walter lences, l0 miles from town. Call IIA ment on gX:TR/,'S'PEcfX!(-'S'AL-E--7;ff-sther' more. / 1202 Cola St. R3/1 u tin Orayst0ne of Shelton 5/7-14 George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. J-3641. GI/15 tin ...................................................... limits. Fruit l)a Gifts. Lunsford's Firestone.4/30 FOR SALLY: used steel  GOLDFISH for sale. 35 cents each. 10/2-11/13 tin ruRNfID APARTMENT available BOAT BUILDER. cabinet maker, or HA 6-6707. ................................................ pulleys and shaftS. EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTES mle 638 Arcadia, phone HA 6-4378. FOR RENT: I bedroom furnished apt. At Ooldsborough Apts. S414txn any nmbithms young man to learn FOR FOR SALLY' household articles, dav- rage. Shelton Junk Co., d servi st Hlllex,t Hardware. _ _ .V4/30 tin 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4348 after WdRR'T-L=--3_-roh---f6:nld-apt.; : boat buildmg. Apply 1916 ()lympc on Torten enport and chair, beds, dressers, din- Mill. phone HA. @-. 9/etfn /0tfn C---'-lR-iZ'-)or---sale in two 6 p.m. Dl0/llti $30 per mon ette set, washing machine, etc. Phone washing facilities, carport, adults Hiway North or call HA 6-6837 eve- FOR RENT--Large partly furnished only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. _n!ng_2s-- ............... _B3/fi6_ tin The Journal HA, 6-3475. L4/3--5/7 COVERINGS -- for wall, "(IHRISTMASTOWN, U.S,A." rubber yard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. ............................................................................... floors. Paint t wallpqper, stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 Phone HA 6-6077. L4/30 tin tlree room apartment downtown. R4/16 tin WILL DO IRONING in my home. By FOR ............................................ Adults. No pets. Water. gar-  4-room apt., completely the hour. tflckup and delivery. ReD place; ca1 ]S Y()UR LAWN ready for the Forest rugs, tile, ysrdgoods. L.M. meh. 10"/ So. 4t. 12fling" BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- bags furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. age; tw( Festival? Galbralth Golf Green Per- ATIN CENTER, 21 Railroad. furnished. Phone HA 6-6500. erenccs. Phone 6-2,138. Wt/9 tin tlllzor, the nrganie lawn fertilizer, l 1129 tin ,X:)R SALE--2-wheel trailer, good con- pany sales and service. Local repre- P1/29 tin .................................. cverly will give you a beautiflll green lawn sentative Walty Anderson. Phone FOR RENT -- Carhln Apts. Newly F 1/ tin WE BUY scrap iron, Datterles, radia- for early surmner. We have spreaders FURNITURE' FOR SALE  Living dition, Call HA 6-69 preferably HA 6-6001. A4/30 tin furnished, 3-reran apartments, steam FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and tore, copper, salvage of all kinds. FOR for your use, room set with rug coffee and end evenings. G2/26 tfl ........................................ trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tin FOR SALEReasonable. t)olled Here- heat. Downtown. $50 and up, Phone Shelton Junk Co., 'irst and Mn( honw. neW Graystone of Shelton, 5/7-14 table@. Bedroom set. Dinefte set. MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital 1601 Lnur- ford Bull, No papers but full HA 6-4655. 4/2 tin MOISERN--3:r-6on--gro-u-nd-f166-r--fur Streets, Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7tfn downtown, .............................................................. All practically new. Pinna HA 6- el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds blooded. Coming 4 years old. Phone FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large nihed apt. Steam heat electric kit- - ...................................... HA 6-4315. NEW WIITE portabh, sewing mR- 6981. , T4/-5/7 repaired. Do It howl Come in and chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- WANTED--Rote-tilling, gardens and chine. Never been used. Phone HA 6-80, $4/30-5/14 3t lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- F)R SALE: Hoodsport Trojan 7-5506. F5/7 -THING DOWN, 6 'molM:be  see my collection of sew dolls and building, 220 wiring, close to stores stained lady. 208 No. Ist. Phone - ................................................................... under F.H,A. ts on all bu|ldlnl[ fancywork. Also original inserted S'ADI)'E-i:I-oRSE-F0R-SALF'-L:6 years on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for 6-6170 or 6-4481. M3/12 tin 68a2. 2/5-5/2 FOR SALE --. 15 men's ch,aned and euppli. Lump it all der one bill patterns ia pillow case. Mrs. Ann old, gentle and well trained. Phone cabinet shop or business or home --R-0Oi"FIJRNISi=I'E--2-bdd: (tiAIN--SAW-"SHXRFENIN,-apeedy, pressed suits. Rumniage sale, Friday Lawton Lumber. 420 8. lit t. Ph. Twardowskl. 11/6 tin HA 6-6415. B4/30-5/7 or both or tear down if sold, Phone rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, accurate precision grinding. Now at IOR-'S£LEZ-Pii'rta-i)i-e-'-r,-a'd-i(').-gi)lf clubs HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tin Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone TRADE $1800 and Salurday, next to M&S. $5/7 HA. 6-4808. S/SleD SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Ropes- and bag. phonograph, trumpet and V0R-RENT222 "bedrr)0n.--thfurnishcd electric range, trash burer, oil heat- HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin zl er. Water and garbage included, throe bedroom 16-'()RSE"J()iINSON:-'go0d ei)nditt6n rICH sessed. Take over payments of $6.00 case, tennis rackets, camera, bowl- housc, nicely decorated, across from Ground loor. Shorter Apts. 325 Montgom('rY $65. f.r sale, Phone HA 6-8134. road and per month or pay off balance of lng ball and bag. Inquire Lunsford's Golf Course, $55 per me. Phone HA 5th r ine B2/ tin 12 ESA']E boat. tractor, L 5/7-14 . $6.60. Equipped to iog zag, over- Firestone, 317 Railroad Ave. 4/30 6-4000. B4/30 tin .................................................... ance duc $3, cast, blind hem, decorative ' stitches, etc. For further informa- OAT, TI2AILERS and outboard me- ()iE--'BED'R-(:)Oi-'a-p-art-me-n-t--f-o:-rent ONE BEDROOM duplex on Mt. View merits, phone tion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- tor at Hillcrest Hardware. 2/0tfn wikh fireplace, downtown. Utilities with garage, Stoves, water and gar- FOR SAIE: the It. W. ke]seprop- ......................... paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. bags furnished. Adults only. Phone erty on 7ill and Euclid St. Phone BILL'S SEPTIC TANK time.  4/23 tin THE NEXT TIME you pass by our Furnished. $1/22 tin HA 6-3218. B4/30-5/14 Union 411 S6/5ttn SERVICE , I  .... BEST BUY IN TOWN! '. Heavy plant stop and so, some of our un- pack &-gal. cartons 97 cents, gal- nsual stepping st(me designs and. O-iNfii-LAR17-3--R-()OI---a'part-ment--"at ONE BEDROOM apt.. heat furnished. WHY PAY RENT when yell ('an buy ions $1.79, 2(-gallons $3.97. Fees- colors. An Inexpensive way to make,' reduced rent. Will take one small Inquir(. 1119 Franklin or phone, HA a building h)t:ation with a small year cARD child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-6t96. B 5/7 tfn ar.und stream and gravity water. May we exte an{l "l|(,ighl)orS SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING ler's Ice Cr('am Center. 422 North a walk way t(, your outside ch)thesi 6-2228. La12/4 tin FOR RiNT-vITH-LA-SE--- ia:ge Some build ng r t ,r a It €'(st a lh,, fluwers ant Phone HA 6-2442 SEASWIFT MARINE First. 5/9 tin line..7th and Park sts .............................................. htth, |nero than ..... st of d|'Hlin4 and Graystone of Sin:lion 5/7-14 FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- waterfront h)me, Beautiful view. fixtures for d(,cp well. Sc€. Ciar(.nvt during ,u' 5/7-tin 29 FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp. i£:(;E--L]SrRE-hTC;h]7-id,4-Tii.i;,ii nished apartment. Adults only. 311 Suitable for family with 3 or 4 ehil- Wiw,l, Wagon Wheel Motel. 5/7-21 husband CONSTRUCTION T.e Gray Marine motor or will trade for of soil bt leaves pile soft and lofty, No. lsL. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tin dven. $'75 per n|o. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- ISLANd) LAKE 125 fl. f,',,nt:, $25 ............... CARll smaller boat and trailer. Phone HA Lun|bcrmen's Mer('antile Conlpany. F--OR-RENT--on;:"bedro()n?-fu|'nished. t('rf|'ont.H!?t , HA_6-_.5:J5. ...... 5..]7 U'n . per it. Pho||e llodsl,ort  5227 or Vet w s.h it, .... 6-6779. L 5/7 tfa 5/7 all-eh,('tvic house. Plume HAs5/76-,1641.tfn t{()LISE FOR RENT or lease availa'e llA 6-i979. L 5/7: f(,r tlw beaut ..... ,, , I  TWO PIGS, three months old, for sah,, £(iS,5"--C,',E-')WASHR--'[-i{(V-(ii'y;;i:7-hest Jan,' 6 No pets. Also 2 bedroom ......................... ......................... FOR SALE: two bedroom Hilh'rest $20 each. Phone 6-3242. H 5/7-21 nffer. Phone HA 6-3801. W 5/7 FOR RENT --- 2 bedroom housv, fu|'- hi,rise for sale. Inq|tirc 1-t19 Cot:| 16-FOOT BOAT 4---1,1 X 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- g/i, Lt]--t/PiGi:I-"pih-n7--fSr--hii, ' f7)ffSX£E--7-'20f83(-d£"hVnis.&::-Ti nisiwd. Plume HA 6-4719. B 5/7 tin a('r ,as ilw b' dge L 5/'7-28 12Ohm, plaste|',,d walls, hu|'dwood liv- t)rti-i)odi,: abouts from $200 to $375 good conditi01% reasonably priced, st|ape thrtlout, convcrtibh, top and lr0-R - RENT  2,i'3 l.;d|',im| unfu|.-l; ,.-,. ..... " .... ' ............ ' " mg r,)lm| floor. New oil furna|'e, nlmy r( % ,r±a. Big ld np ( st13 Phone HA 6-4819 ,evenings. |'orkpit fly, excellent built-in tor- nish,*d house. G||rugt,. Phone /IA "  . ,  '.' d(n0)[e garagt!. $4800. Ph(,ne }tA. 6- d('aLtl uf our 4178. with 226h).ap i Scott-Atwater u 5/7-21 . age, galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 includes 6-4549 or I{A 6-84:¢6, P 5/7 tin ch!aning vquip|ucnt and supplies. LM H,t/30--5/1.4 Ih,!r. Alfred O motor, has center deck, 1--16x6' 3" V-Bottom $400 )-E--6N'y--n';:7-WTsin-h-dh---t,:er boathouse. Don McCuiston. l)hone l0R - RENT L:. 3 ,.(|};m i/,,use. newly Decorating Center. 321 Pdlroad. FOR XI :-" +" Ii-; x,.i  r ' ' ' t )dl=(' ' ' M'TS" ......... .IP|TY. windshield, ski hooks, ski- $149.95. One used drye,', $65.00. One HA 6-3363, 5/7-21 .decorated, stove fnrnished. Boas.n- 5/7 tin b(,m,, u,w bh.'k f|'om Jr. l!tgh. Low Be rope, lots of chrome. With re- rotisstere $24.66. Also used refriger- (=)LDG'I4OWT'H-W)()D-I0iTsali;--Pbom , able. Call ItA 6-8550 evenings, down p Bm nt or will rent. Plume My. an mote control, 1---.16 x 7' 5" Lap, treks Con- ators. Shelton Elecetric. 419 Raih'oad. HA 6-4010. P 5/7-6/,t G 5/7 tin WANTED  ItA 6-,ti. J 5/7 tin .....  ................................ ] • .......................... ' I4(}RSA1.J,; or {vad. 5 t"o,}||i b(nlsu, 2 Hasn't been Ilsed s|nce lest vertible'top and steering $925 5/7 it FRE, -. 5 adorable collie puppi,,s. 0()R RENT .... 2 hc(h'oool ]lomc. pat'tly I i)t'dr(}om • (',rt)ort wllh 3 bds f,r -NC-IRT--'EiECT'RI'(---c-'hSI;d--()rgan. Must have gold h n|c. Pii)ne HA furnistwd, mR" the mills. Phone ESTABLISHED territory for Avon free sewice. All as good as Converts to portable. Easy to play. 6-8828. T 5.'7 HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 Cosmetics now Ol)Pn in A 1vn-Gr pc- 15 acres wih hot|so. Phone llA 6-81.5,1 FO new for All ,Above- New Construction $199.95 see at Johnnys Music Box, 2-" I0IIER--TANK" 250 -aid-300- gal. 'iW(f-BI]DROOM - ftn.ii]hTd b(,use for toView'Vict°rearlv,area" actPrefcrem:enow. Ph,megiWm' F()R-a!'t!,rSALE5fi}.!W. ................ 30 acr. fa|'m,',tlrtiali.v' ...... A'5/7=J'l t 1 ...... $500  $ '' .'" .. . 5/7 tfu.: ...... i,"('apelty. Phone HA 6-2442. B 5/7-1.t r,'nt. Call alhr 5:3{) p.m. tIA 6-,t62:],M 5-7 ' .... HA 6-419. (]4/30-5/7 ('l.ard. wilh Y-I ,,dr' ,, il fl ,. Si 0 acres of .... .' -( .................................................................................... rANTEDi--Dead- ,tock,'-prompt,-fre¢ ' rail,,:, fr(m| Sh,,lt,,a tI_)ayh,n i'oad). of alder timber F )R SALE Easlman 8 Innl Illovi(, canl- FOR RENT--3-room apt, furnished, 5th ]:'hen,, HA 6-6:}81. Y,I/23 tin bf'F,  3 PHONE HA 6-8723 EVENINGS Phone HA 6.4652 BOOTH era F27 good a new worth $99.5(,. and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. m/12 tin courteous service, Phone us collect ........................ Will sac|'ifire for $35. Phone ItA Elms 1211, Grays Harbor Renderin$] FOR SAL[-Zl-bed| I|,u., at 1227 home. Located 5-7-14 6-246,t. inc. - . , _ _ 2315 OLYMPIC HIWA NO. CONSTRUCTION CO. J 5/7-28 [ ............................................. 2/7t[I West Tum|,'v. Wl'ih' 1418 St,. Cbe|'vv. of Shelton in HOUSES MOVED, RAISED SEPTIC TANKS WANTED .... Interior and exterior Port Angeles. 1t4/23-5/21 at $8500 with painting. Bill Homan. Phone HA t 6-6337. Call evenin,. H4/23-5/7 a reliable par Y., i , t _ ..... I , and FOUNDATIONSHA. 6-61 Custom Tractor Work Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating DRESS-MAktNGinii Al{i;,.,itiin:--b-ui-: APPLIANCES USED FURNITURE .... s/2vt Rotovatig or regular plowing, Gibraltar Const. Co. andt°nh°les'fancyworkapr°ns'n|adcZipperS'to .rd('r.Cr°chetphon(' ON QD'IC] , disctng and harrowing, excavating, Earl T. Marr HA 1-2104 $4/23 tin HOOD CANAL -r,,,,m house FOR RENT ,,. blade leveling, road grading, road Ph. HA. 6-3053 at. 1, Box 476 ........................................ eonei,ete WANTED: 101)0 recappable tres. O.K land with pine We gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tf Beach frontage with tide lands, cared about 4 by hour Ingle-handed. Jerome ......................................... Clark Electric Floor Sanders FIR LAB WOOD RECEPTIONIST-CASIIIER LOW bank, level lots tt Pleasant ton. Needs so Burke, HA 6-3878. WE ItAVE AN uuuvtlal opening in onr Harbor. Sterling Electric Portable Buy and Sell.. Green -- 15 - 20 Inch local braneh off lee f, r s m(' ne who good buy at Hand Sanaers $16 PER LOAD , cau n|eet people well. han(llo figu|'vs Lovely residence at Triton Cove. be arranged, s a(:curatelv and is a good typist. 5(, * Regina Electric Floor SEE US FIRST helton aqd Vicinty . day week, (onv,,n ent y l(,(-sl('d of- RESORTS • BUSINESSES Polishers PHONE HA 6-2118 rice. salary ,)port. Th(" p('rson We 5 room Hou Jack, BUDGET SHOP KENNETH F. COX Phone HA 6-4292 want is interested In g,'.duail, ss- BYRON E. BROCK, rooms, 2-12-tin COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL stnning additional responsib|lities has new .nd n,,,'c.sng i,(.,, va,u,, and ,n,,,,,n,.. Realty large LAWTON LUMBER 2I R.R. Ave  .... New ad Remodeling To ,,,I,'y. ph(,e, M,'. . R. Leisc,'. - HA 6-4447, Capital Finan('(. Co., 124 HAMA HAMA LOI)GE, Ehhm located on 420 S. 1st Phone HA, 6-430S HA 6-4332 ,, , , Tidewater Construction .............................................. Raih.oad Ave. 5/7-14 Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 nice yard 2-10t 5/7-tin Your Local Builders Exclusively at WANT TO RENT nit(, 3 bedroom around home. house with basel|wni alld garage in ........ HIGHEST CASH PAID No Job too large or too small. Beckwith Jewelry f6,?l She.on a,,.a "Phone .A ' $65oo. G I. l ...................... Shelton, Washington - . K 5/7 , - I- I ....... J[ " For Timber Stumpage 11-0 Un - f3---wz:-£-;,,l-a-£-;,,-,,,, FOR SALE Have trade of. USED FURNITURE News From imd Lands The G d Shop wan,ed Sholton a,',.a, happily n,ar- in Dayton , rted. age 23 to 43. late nn)del ear. For Owner Transferred brush land. , Interested parties ar en interview appointm,.nt ('all LE 3-0881 SEE THIS 6-ROOM * " or write 102 West 2nd, Ab(.rdeen. 5 Davenos ........................ $15.00 up BELFAIR GARDENS can svenings Collect. ' ROUTE 1, BOX 48 B 5/7-29 Northcliff Home Also 2 homes 3 Sofas &Chrs. $45.00 up Bar-Din Enterprises DRY SLAB WOOD Phone HA 6-3710 WXNEi)--)---B0-'---us'd--fui'ntthr& Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. be traded for ............ Will pay cash or consignment. Phone 923 Roy Blvd. in Mason Z-Pc. Sectional .................... $39.00 Roses for blooms in June. We IORT aomrcTs Azaleas Ea. $1.75 HA 6-2411. K 5/7 tin Range, Else, $40.0ff have ., large selection, grow- $20.00 Load .......... W.idTEi)------B'aTk-oT-plei--r-pT((;s . P 4/23-5/7 have to trade ......................... .$ng vigorously in containers. Star RL 2, Box 119. SAdiron, Wn, Flame, yellow, lavender, and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling 3 Refrigerators ........... $39.50 ea. Guaranteed to bloom or men- Telephone HA 6-a837 Phone HA 6-6463 heavily budded. Company. P. O. Box 3012, Tacoma Csn yOU nse$ 99, Juniper 8-9340, 4/16 tin ' bed rooms, 2 Din. Sets .................... $,50 ca. ey back. Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning C-11-20.ttn Rhododendrons xN-iig-o--o---am-i--ir-a--ot room, some timber. Cash. Cruiser available e Chron,,,, Set ........................... $39.50 .... _ 1arge plants, budded, our e,e. Zones Tie  Lumber FOR SALE place, oil swi,,g Roe!,r $17.0 BELFAIR GARDENS ...................... with space Oce. Table ............................ $6,50 Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. Bar-Din Boats $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. co.. P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/tf. facilities in BATTERIES- TIRES Clematis FRUIT TREE spraylng by licensed 2 bedroom house, full basement, is in good . sprayer. Garden plowing. Alder saw- furnace, one lot. $6000, $500 cellent value b'h)l" Lan'ips .................. $9.00 ea. Across from Bel£air P.U.D. 8' 14' boats our spia3ty Enlarged Stock for Ten colors, large flowered blues, dust for sale. Phil Hardie, phone down payment, balance can be Vanity w/rnirror .............. ,. $19.50 ....... ,L  ' [ Immediate Delivery purples, pinks, reds and whites. HA 6-6554. 3/5 tin Child's Table & Chrs ......... $6.00 , I Any size or style boat on order * * * ments abou • W FIBERGLASS Lowest Cost per month Also evergreen. WANTED--Used furniture. Will pay 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, $5,000.00, Located on NEW FURNITURE BATrERIES - TIRES Flbhermen and duck hunters, for first line tires $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. cash or take on assignment. Phone HA 6-3375. 2/26 tin $50.00 per month until $500.00 is ness district. paid in_ as down payment, balance' Enlarged Stock for Immediate see us before you buy Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Magnolias Ea. $3.00 HAND-MAN - Odd jobs! If you ...... think it can't be fixed call Henry at $.10.00 per month. Nke 4 room .................... Blooming plants. Landis. HA 6-9098. 2/12 tf * * * bed rooms, Chest, finished $14,95 Delivery - Lowest Cost per Bar-Din Enterprises Sears Catalog Sales RED BUD TREES ...... $2,00 EA. Cotton Mattre .................. $13.95 month for Nationally WORK ............................................ WANTED--Clerking, care for 1S6 foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 garage with sick, house cleaning, Janitor, work acres more or less, nice creek on home for Swing Rockers ................... $59.00 Advertised ryrz cord Forest Products Office ROSES .......................... $1.00 E. or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis property, elope to town $4,500.00. Located Apt. Size Range .................. $124.95 Allst te Silent Cushion Tires 1916 Olympic HighwayNo. Durand, phone HA 6-8036 or HA 6- Telephone HA 6-6837 Evergreen Square 3323, 1/22 tin * * * Hillcrest Daveno ................................. $79,50 FREE TIRE MOUNTING formerly Martin's Boat Shop Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 3 bedroom house, living room and alue at dining ro(mi combined, fireplace, dable party. 21-Cu. Ft. Upr. lerezer ...... $a69,95 Sears Catalog Sales ' !;,,..r.. oil furnace, plastered, 1 lot 60x s BUDGET SHOP Oce . . ...... 100 foot--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. r room moderll '.-..  ..... $450.00 down nd closing costs, rooms and faff Across from Evergreen Square Evergreen Square . ... :,.,.::. * * * acres more HA. 6.,201 EELLS AND VALLEY BELIEVE S S S  '"l ) Spencer Lake WaLerfront ..... 330 property and inc d 2¢  '   foot at $25.00 per .foot, low bank. to home. ....... . , , , ,, • If It s Concrete * * outside city 4 very large bedroom house, full road. Priced • , , , m   or Carpentry Work basement, fireplace, dining room, wishes cash. G I DAI R E Fir00 ° Honest , sy erit,y an J)/ < insideVery gOOdlot__$12,500.00.condition, corner lot and on smaller s See FRI d s *** ,, acres o, gee erviceare remem Let George Do It new3 bedroom ho,,se with nice ___ tl on Mr. View, dining room, nice plenty of • R G RS bered long after price utility room, attached garage, fire- about 8 mile EII ERATO is forgotten.  place, all electric heat- -$12,000.00. good hardtop BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING WALTER GEORGE sider terms. @ RANGES 2" " Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Walls, Driveways, Real Estate Angl' Steps, wimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored 124 North First WASHERS Office HA 6-6642- Res. HA 6-3530 Phone - @ DRYERS BABY CHICKS! " also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT  New Hampshire G ' 165 FEET OF CHOICE EORGE S APPLIANCd snd TV "$ERVIOE White Leghorn @ GENERAL ON HAMMERSLEY TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 White Rocks (meat type) Cement and Carpenter ,'eadia side. 6 - 10 foot bank. Pro pr(|ximately 1,000 feet deep, total' 4 2 ttERMAN GEORGE $,1,2[)0 or less than $26 per frontage foOl Wagoner Feed Co. 219 So. First St. Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Call Kurt Mann M t"RCANYtLg" PHONE HA 6-4532 . Terms WATERFRONT HA or HA 6-3228 Eve Pa 20 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrlstrnastown, U.S.A.," Sheltoh, Washin: * FOR SALE * FOR r,a FOR SALE , FOR RENT FOR RENT WANTED i SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit SOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds, FOR SALE OR RENT--Professional ClaSsified Advertising GOLDSBOROUG, I TRAILER PARK. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in FOR SALE trees, large well branched trees, choice of I22 colors. L.M. DECOR- rug, upholstery equt)mt, supplies. Convenient to mills and downtown en. Also attractively furnished one home. electric W&gener Feed Co,, 219 So. First. ATING CItNTER, 821 Railroad. L.M. Decorating tentetr, 321 Rail- Rates etallations, oil conversions. helton stores, City sewer and water. At bedroom apartments. All utilities la,'ge sun Phone HA 6-4532. 2/12 tin I/ tin road Avenue. 2/ tin 15 words or les (minimum highway bridge, S4/4tfn furnished except light, Reasonable. Furnace Co., 321 So. Thtrd. Dial HA. St. ........................................ -- ....................................... Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177, . 6=6121: ....................................... 511t£n FIOME ONE B-4 CAT, blade and drum; Carte ONO CHAIN SAWS, $, h.p. direct BOATS, MOTOBB, TRAILERS, equlI- cl,.arge $1.00 single insertion, FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading drive, $99.50, 16-inch bar and'chain, meat at Wslt's Marine Supply, on plex. Electric heat, garage, utility 12/4 tin INE FULL-TIME WATKINS locality one with rug; available on Hood Canal. Earmngs wall to wall lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; 1944 Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/12 tin beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoo- $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/18 tin ONE AND TWo bedroom unfurnished better than average for persun Int. 2-ton truck. $4,000 takes all. FOR SALE: large selecon of re- port TR. 7-6244. 1/19tfn three insertions. Additional in- F()'R--'ilgh-t-ho-us--eke--el--'ng'rbona. apartments, hot water heat, range, arc who is willing to work. No lay-oils. Call HA 6-8448 or HA 6-8036. 4/9 tin conditioned rangem, r.H.A. TERMS now available on all sertions 25¢ each. Rates for 100 v'. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. refrigerator icluded. Holly Hill Watkins nationally known spices and age; two 60' wemhers, dryers. F, elll building materials allows you to larger acts on request  R4/18tfn Apts., 920 Olyinpic. Joe Hartough, extracts are advertised in Life, La- nice home manager, Apt, 8. Phone HA. 6-808 dies Home Journal, Good llouse- down, about .'OLORler, faster,FILMmorePr°cesag'effio[ent.directAlsodea'4- pllance Center. lump conmtruction coats under one FOR RENT---Partly furnished apt. 2 or HA. 6-659E B6/26tfn keeping, McCalls and other maga- HA 6-6573, bill. For information inquire at Card of thanks $1.50 Read- large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. F-O-R---RiNi<--Fr-is----0-n--6-edi:0-r zincs. For details write Watkms -- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- #"OR BALE. dry heavy or light slab Lawton Lumber. 490 8. lit St. Phone er notices 15 word minimum, furnished. HA 8-4394. Call after 6:30 ler's Studio, 124 No. d., HA, 6-6169. wood, $10 a cord. HA 6-k127. duplex apartment, washing facilities. Products, 2109 East llth St., Brem- FOR SALEIV4 a/ltta 6/Stir $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. p.m, K2/26 tin .................................................................... 706 Cots. /1 ,HA" -411. P1/2 tin erton, Washington, or phone ESsex shore on t'RAVEL IS OUTt ROO]PI:IG alad all oiler buildlllg - FOR Sust revelved, a few  "Not Responsible" notices FOR RENT: 3 room furiiished house $25 A MONTH unfurnished l-bedrooln 7-5661, 8:00 a,m. to i0:o0 a.m. formation rangementa for all tour, terlal$, aotMg dora, 86 months to model 18 h.p. mvtnrude outboard me- $1.50 per insertion, at 1522 Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- apt. Neat, clean, completely modern. 3/12 tin ....... Also available 1 & 2-bedroom fur- ,dAN OR WOMAN WANTED Ior Wat- F()R SALE BY tatlon snd rmervationL at pay undeer  terms now available tor at greatly reduced prices, Hill- 6517, A4/2tfn tlonal cost to you. Claret Bell AJgle, i st Lawton Jaumlr, 4.10 $. lt t., crest Hardware. 1]16 tin All classified advertisements TEACHERS, RELAX after school nished apts. at slightly higher rates, kins locality in city of Shelton. Work waert'r.nt on phon  6-4124 or HA. 6-6/.t phone HA. 6-4(. /6tfD " hours of your own choosing. $3.00 House. well, I 2-bedroom Canal beach Ihbme, wash- 3772. A4/9 tin per hour and up easily possible. Tibia, exccpti( .... /26 n;S£'ECIXL-Y-%h-b0--xTS's;'pl-tr-= BT Btr IN TOWN! ] eeaT[ll mtmt be paid in advance. Ads hours. School-year lease, furnished Sport mn's Apartment Motel HA 6- taken over the telephone must is a wonderful opportunity for re- Sbelton. For SKINDIV-RS "-'wi toe full treads. Lunaford s Fire. pack h-gal. carto 97 eets, I-] or, dryer. Also summer season. Mrs. FO-RN-T-Mode-n furnished cabin, tired person who needs extra income. 6-8015. loa $1279, $-glom $&. Fem-ll be paid before the end of the Catto, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, electric range and tank. Water free, surplus 4,-in. Neoprene wet suite, ! stone, lsr's I Cream Center, 4, North[ll month. An extra charge of 10€ weekends Hoodsport, TR 7-5338. Write Watkins Products, 2109 East tailored ¾-in.. sklrd'ving and water] stone. 4/30 First. 6/Stfn | will be made when billing t .......... c4/2 tin Reasonable. Phone HA 6-481  llth St.. Bremerton. Washington, or 100 FT. .................................. tin call ESsex 7-5661, 8:00 a.m. to i0:00 Nice skiing suits or kits Newest in skin- [TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. DisP'-XT--w'-o'odFo-r-  LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt., ^ QUIW.T rooms, ny day or . (living equipment 1951 Hilhnan Ogden. HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin eat Festival week end. We have an | necessary, heat and hot water furnished. Phone CLEAN AND a.m. 3/12 tin oily limits. week. wameron Hotel 213tin ................................. f'"" uninl Minx for asia, I-'hone HA 6-6877. inexpensive, but fair quallty, white • I I HA 6-3084. $3/19 tin O-R---RE-NT-- Attractive waterfront AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray Phone HA M.Pgus" Divmg & Marine, 4 miles WE BUY YOUR or will sell outslde paint for your use. Only $.10 -- FOR RENT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- paintmates houseS,phone roofs,HA 6-4322.etc' FOrlnqmreeSU- FOUR I East Arcadia Road, 3/19 tin per gallon tn 4 gallon quantities or FOR SAI furnished, yard, large garage. Walter lences, l0 miles from town. Call IIA ment on gX:TR/,'S'PEcfX!(-'S'AL-E--7;ff-sther' more. / 1202 Cola St. R3/1 u tin Orayst0ne of Shelton 5/7-14 George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4636. J-3641. GI/15 tin ...................................................... limits. Fruit l)a Gifts. Lunsford's Firestone.4/30 FOR SALLY: used steel  GOLDFISH for sale. 35 cents each. 10/2-11/13 tin ruRNfID APARTMENT available BOAT BUILDER. cabinet maker, or HA 6-6707. ................................................ pulleys and shaftS. EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTES mle 638 Arcadia, phone HA 6-4378. FOR RENT: I bedroom furnished apt. At Ooldsborough Apts. S414txn any nmbithms young man to learn FOR FOR SALLY' household articles, dav- rage. Shelton Junk Co., d servi st Hlllex,t Hardware. _ _ .V4/30 tin 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4348 after WdRR'T-L=--3_-roh---f6:nld-apt.; : boat buildmg. Apply 1916 ()lympc on Torten enport and chair, beds, dressers, din- Mill. phone HA. @-. 9/etfn /0tfn C---'-lR-iZ'-)or---sale in two 6 p.m. Dl0/llti $30 per mon ette set, washing machine, etc. Phone washing facilities, carport, adults Hiway North or call HA 6-6837 eve- FOR RENT--Large partly furnished only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. _n!ng_2s-- ............... _B3/fi6_ tin The Journal HA, 6-3475. L4/3--5/7 COVERINGS -- for wall, "(IHRISTMASTOWN, U.S,A." rubber yard load, $9 delivery in Shelton. ............................................................................... floors. Paint t wallpqper, stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 Phone HA 6-6077. L4/30 tin tlree room apartment downtown. R4/16 tin WILL DO IRONING in my home. By FOR ............................................ Adults. No pets. Water. gar-  4-room apt., completely the hour. tflckup and delivery. ReD place; ca1 ]S Y()UR LAWN ready for the Forest rugs, tile, ysrdgoods. L.M. meh. 10"/ So. 4t. 12fling" BUCK & SONS Farm Equipment Corn- bags furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. age; tw( Festival? Galbralth Golf Green Per- ATIN CENTER, 21 Railroad. furnished. Phone HA 6-6500. erenccs. Phone 6-2,138. Wt/9 tin tlllzor, the nrganie lawn fertilizer, l 1129 tin ,X:)R SALE--2-wheel trailer, good con- pany sales and service. Local repre- P1/29 tin .................................. cverly will give you a beautiflll green lawn sentative Walty Anderson. Phone FOR RENT -- Carhln Apts. Newly F 1/ tin WE BUY scrap iron, Datterles, radia- for early surmner. We have spreaders FURNITURE' FOR SALE  Living dition, Call HA 6-69 preferably HA 6-6001. A4/30 tin furnished, 3-reran apartments, steam FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and tore, copper, salvage of all kinds. FOR for your use, room set with rug coffee and end evenings. G2/26 tfl ........................................ trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tin FOR SALEReasonable. t)olled Here- heat. Downtown. $50 and up, Phone Shelton Junk Co., 'irst and Mn( honw. neW Graystone of Shelton, 5/7-14 table@. Bedroom set. Dinefte set. MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital 1601 Lnur- ford Bull, No papers but full HA 6-4655. 4/2 tin MOISERN--3:r-6on--gro-u-nd-f166-r--fur Streets, Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7tfn downtown, .............................................................. All practically new. Pinna HA 6- el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds blooded. Coming 4 years old. Phone FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large nihed apt. Steam heat electric kit- - ...................................... HA 6-4315. NEW WIITE portabh, sewing mR- 6981. , T4/-5/7 repaired. Do It howl Come in and chen, close to stores. Ideal for pen- WANTED--Rote-tilling, gardens and chine. Never been used. Phone HA 6-80, $4/30-5/14 3t lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- F)R SALE: Hoodsport Trojan 7-5506. F5/7 -THING DOWN, 6 'molM:be  see my collection of sew dolls and building, 220 wiring, close to stores stained lady. 208 No. Ist. Phone - ................................................................... under F.H,A. ts on all bu|ldlnl[ fancywork. Also original inserted S'ADI)'E-i:I-oRSE-F0R-SALF'-L:6 years on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for 6-6170 or 6-4481. M3/12 tin 68a2. 2/5-5/2 FOR SALE --. 15 men's ch,aned and euppli. Lump it all der one bill patterns ia pillow case. Mrs. Ann old, gentle and well trained. Phone cabinet shop or business or home --R-0Oi"FIJRNISi=I'E--2-bdd: (tiAIN--SAW-"SHXRFENIN,-apeedy, pressed suits. Rumniage sale, Friday Lawton Lumber. 420 8. lit t. Ph. Twardowskl. 11/6 tin HA 6-6415. B4/30-5/7 or both or tear down if sold, Phone rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, accurate precision grinding. Now at IOR-'S£LEZ-Pii'rta-i)i-e-'-r,-a'd-i(').-gi)lf clubs HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tin Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone TRADE $1800 and Salurday, next to M&S. $5/7 HA. 6-4808. S/SleD SINGER SLANT- NEEDLE. Ropes- and bag. phonograph, trumpet and V0R-RENT222 "bedrr)0n.--thfurnishcd electric range, trash burer, oil heat- HA 6-4602. 1/15 tin zl er. Water and garbage included, throe bedroom 16-'()RSE"J()iINSON:-'go0d ei)nditt6n rICH sessed. Take over payments of $6.00 case, tennis rackets, camera, bowl- housc, nicely decorated, across from Ground loor. Shorter Apts. 325 Montgom('rY $65. f.r sale, Phone HA 6-8134. road and per month or pay off balance of lng ball and bag. Inquire Lunsford's Golf Course, $55 per me. Phone HA 5th r ine B2/ tin 12 ESA']E boat. tractor, L 5/7-14 . $6.60. Equipped to iog zag, over- Firestone, 317 Railroad Ave. 4/30 6-4000. B4/30 tin .................................................... ance duc $3, cast, blind hem, decorative ' stitches, etc. For further informa- OAT, TI2AILERS and outboard me- ()iE--'BED'R-(:)Oi-'a-p-art-me-n-t--f-o:-rent ONE BEDROOM duplex on Mt. View merits, phone tion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- tor at Hillcrest Hardware. 2/0tfn wikh fireplace, downtown. Utilities with garage, Stoves, water and gar- FOR SAIE: the It. W. ke]seprop- ......................... paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. bags furnished. Adults only. Phone erty on 7ill and Euclid St. Phone BILL'S SEPTIC TANK time.  4/23 tin THE NEXT TIME you pass by our Furnished. $1/22 tin HA 6-3218. B4/30-5/14 Union 411 S6/5ttn SERVICE , I  .... BEST BUY IN TOWN! '. Heavy plant stop and so, some of our un- pack &-gal. cartons 97 cents, gal- nsual stepping st(me designs and. O-iNfii-LAR17-3--R-()OI---a'part-ment--"at ONE BEDROOM apt.. heat furnished. WHY PAY RENT when yell ('an buy ions $1.79, 2(-gallons $3.97. Fees- colors. An Inexpensive way to make,' reduced rent. Will take one small Inquir(. 1119 Franklin or phone, HA a building h)t:ation with a small year cARD child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-6t96. B 5/7 tfn ar.und stream and gravity water. May we exte an{l "l|(,ighl)orS SPEEDY VACUUM CLEANING ler's Ice Cr('am Center. 422 North a walk way t(, your outside ch)thesi 6-2228. La12/4 tin FOR RiNT-vITH-LA-SE--- ia:ge Some build ng r t ,r a It €'(st a lh,, fluwers ant Phone HA 6-2442 SEASWIFT MARINE First. 5/9 tin line..7th and Park sts .............................................. htth, |nero than ..... st of d|'Hlin4 and Graystone of Sin:lion 5/7-14 FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- waterfront h)me, Beautiful view. fixtures for d(,cp well. Sc€. Ciar(.nvt during ,u' 5/7-tin 29 FT. SEMI cabin cruiser with 22 hp. i£:(;E--L]SrRE-hTC;h]7-id,4-Tii.i;,ii nished apartment. Adults only. 311 Suitable for family with 3 or 4 ehil- Wiw,l, Wagon Wheel Motel. 5/7-21 husband CONSTRUCTION T.e Gray Marine motor or will trade for of soil bt leaves pile soft and lofty, No. lsL. Phone HA 6-3025. P3/12 tin dven. $'75 per n|o. Call Mr. Mann,Wa- ISLANd) LAKE 125 fl. f,',,nt:, $25 ............... CARll smaller boat and trailer. Phone HA Lun|bcrmen's Mer('antile Conlpany. F--OR-RENT--on;:"bedro()n?-fu|'nished. t('rf|'ont.H!?t , HA_6-_.5:J5. ...... 5..]7 U'n . per it. Pho||e llodsl,ort  5227 or Vet w s.h it, .... 6-6779. L 5/7 tfa 5/7 all-eh,('tvic house. Plume HAs5/76-,1641.tfn t{()LISE FOR RENT or lease availa'e llA 6-i979. L 5/7: f(,r tlw beaut ..... ,, , I  TWO PIGS, three months old, for sah,, £(iS,5"--C,',E-')WASHR--'[-i{(V-(ii'y;;i:7-hest Jan,' 6 No pets. Also 2 bedroom ......................... ......................... FOR SALE: two bedroom Hilh'rest $20 each. Phone 6-3242. H 5/7-21 nffer. Phone HA 6-3801. W 5/7 FOR RENT --- 2 bedroom housv, fu|'- hi,rise for sale. Inq|tirc 1-t19 Cot:| 16-FOOT BOAT 4---1,1 X 5' 10" V-Bottom Run- g/i, Lt]--t/PiGi:I-"pih-n7--fSr--hii, ' f7)ffSX£E--7-'20f83(-d£"hVnis.&::-Ti nisiwd. Plume HA 6-4719. B 5/7 tin a('r ,as ilw b' dge L 5/'7-28 12Ohm, plaste|',,d walls, hu|'dwood liv- t)rti-i)odi,: abouts from $200 to $375 good conditi01% reasonably priced, st|ape thrtlout, convcrtibh, top and lr0-R - RENT  2,i'3 l.;d|',im| unfu|.-l; ,.-,. ..... " .... ' ............ ' " mg r,)lm| floor. New oil furna|'e, nlmy r( % ,r±a. Big ld np ( st13 Phone HA 6-4819 ,evenings. |'orkpit fly, excellent built-in tor- nish,*d house. G||rugt,. Phone /IA "  . ,  '.' d(n0)[e garagt!. $4800. Ph(,ne }tA. 6- d('aLtl uf our 4178. with 226h).ap i Scott-Atwater u 5/7-21 . age, galley. Sleeps 2. $2000 includes 6-4549 or I{A 6-84:¢6, P 5/7 tin ch!aning vquip|ucnt and supplies. LM H,t/30--5/1.4 Ih,!r. Alfred O motor, has center deck, 1--16x6' 3" V-Bottom $400 )-E--6N'y--n';:7-WTsin-h-dh---t,:er boathouse. Don McCuiston. l)hone l0R - RENT L:. 3 ,.(|};m i/,,use. newly Decorating Center. 321 Pdlroad. FOR XI :-" +" Ii-; x,.i  r ' ' ' t )dl=(' ' ' M'TS" ......... .IP|TY. windshield, ski hooks, ski- $149.95. One used drye,', $65.00. One HA 6-3363, 5/7-21 .decorated, stove fnrnished. Boas.n- 5/7 tin b(,m,, u,w bh.'k f|'om Jr. l!tgh. Low Be rope, lots of chrome. With re- rotisstere $24.66. Also used refriger- (=)LDG'I4OWT'H-W)()D-I0iTsali;--Pbom , able. Call ItA 6-8550 evenings, down p Bm nt or will rent. Plume My. an mote control, 1---.16 x 7' 5" Lap, treks Con- ators. Shelton Elecetric. 419 Raih'oad. HA 6-4010. P 5/7-6/,t G 5/7 tin WANTED  ItA 6-,ti. J 5/7 tin .....  ................................ ] • .......................... ' I4(}RSA1.J,; or {vad. 5 t"o,}||i b(nlsu, 2 Hasn't been Ilsed s|nce lest vertible'top and steering $925 5/7 it FRE, -. 5 adorable collie puppi,,s. 0()R RENT .... 2 hc(h'oool ]lomc. pat'tly I i)t'dr(}om • (',rt)ort wllh 3 bds f,r -NC-IRT--'EiECT'RI'(---c-'hSI;d--()rgan. Must have gold h n|c. Pii)ne HA furnistwd, mR" the mills. Phone ESTABLISHED territory for Avon free sewice. All as good as Converts to portable. Easy to play. 6-8828. T 5.'7 HA 6-3477. 5/7-14 Cosmetics now Ol)Pn in A 1vn-Gr pc- 15 acres wih hot|so. Phone llA 6-81.5,1 FO new for All ,Above- New Construction $199.95 see at Johnnys Music Box, 2-" I0IIER--TANK" 250 -aid-300- gal. 'iW(f-BI]DROOM - ftn.ii]hTd b(,use for toView'Vict°rearlv,area" actPrefcrem:enow. Ph,megiWm' F()R-a!'t!,rSALE5fi}.!W. ................ 30 acr. fa|'m,',tlrtiali.v' ...... A'5/7=J'l t 1 ...... $500  $ '' .'" .. . 5/7 tfu.: ...... i,"('apelty. Phone HA 6-2442. B 5/7-1.t r,'nt. Call alhr 5:3{) p.m. tIA 6-,t62:],M 5-7 ' .... HA 6-419. (]4/30-5/7 ('l.ard. wilh Y-I ,,dr' ,, il fl ,. Si 0 acres of .... .' -( .................................................................................... rANTEDi--Dead- ,tock,'-prompt,-fre¢ ' rail,,:, fr(m| Sh,,lt,,a tI_)ayh,n i'oad). of alder timber F )R SALE Easlman 8 Innl Illovi(, canl- FOR RENT--3-room apt, furnished, 5th ]:'hen,, HA 6-6:}81. Y,I/23 tin bf'F,  3 PHONE HA 6-8723 EVENINGS Phone HA 6.4652 BOOTH era F27 good a new worth $99.5(,. and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. m/12 tin courteous service, Phone us collect ........................ Will sac|'ifire for $35. Phone ItA Elms 1211, Grays Harbor Renderin$] FOR SAL[-Zl-bed| I|,u., at 1227 home. Located 5-7-14 6-246,t. inc. - . , _ _ 2315 OLYMPIC HIWA NO. CONSTRUCTION CO. J 5/7-28 [ ............................................. 2/7t[I West Tum|,'v. Wl'ih' 1418 St,. Cbe|'vv. of Shelton in HOUSES MOVED, RAISED SEPTIC TANKS WANTED .... Interior and exterior Port Angeles. 1t4/23-5/21 at $8500 with painting. Bill Homan. Phone HA t 6-6337. Call evenin,. H4/23-5/7 a reliable par Y., i , t _ ..... I , and FOUNDATIONSHA. 6-61 Custom Tractor Work Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating DRESS-MAktNGinii Al{i;,.,itiin:--b-ui-: APPLIANCES USED FURNITURE .... s/2vt Rotovatig or regular plowing, Gibraltar Const. Co. andt°nh°les'fancyworkapr°ns'n|adcZipperS'to .rd('r.Cr°chetphon(' ON QD'IC] , disctng and harrowing, excavating, Earl T. Marr HA 1-2104 $4/23 tin HOOD CANAL -r,,,,m house FOR RENT ,,. blade leveling, road grading, road Ph. HA. 6-3053 at. 1, Box 476 ........................................ eonei,ete WANTED: 101)0 recappable tres. O.K land with pine We gravel. Well-aged sawdust. Work If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tf Beach frontage with tide lands, cared about 4 by hour Ingle-handed. Jerome ......................................... Clark Electric Floor Sanders FIR LAB WOOD RECEPTIONIST-CASIIIER LOW bank, level lots tt Pleasant ton. Needs so Burke, HA 6-3878. WE ItAVE AN uuuvtlal opening in onr Harbor. Sterling Electric Portable Buy and Sell.. Green -- 15 - 20 Inch local braneh off lee f, r s m(' ne who good buy at Hand Sanaers $16 PER LOAD , cau n|eet people well. han(llo figu|'vs Lovely residence at Triton Cove. be arranged, s a(:curatelv and is a good typist. 5(, * Regina Electric Floor SEE US FIRST helton aqd Vicinty . day week, (onv,,n ent y l(,(-sl('d of- RESORTS • BUSINESSES Polishers PHONE HA 6-2118 rice. salary ,)port. Th(" p('rson We 5 room Hou Jack, BUDGET SHOP KENNETH F. COX Phone HA 6-4292 want is interested In g,'.duail, ss- BYRON E. BROCK, rooms, 2-12-tin COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL stnning additional responsib|lities has new .nd n,,,'c.sng i,(.,, va,u,, and ,n,,,,,n,.. Realty large LAWTON LUMBER 2I R.R. Ave  .... New ad Remodeling To ,,,I,'y. ph(,e, M,'. . R. Leisc,'. - HA 6-4447, Capital Finan('(. Co., 124 HAMA HAMA LOI)GE, Ehhm located on 420 S. 1st Phone HA, 6-430S HA 6-4332 ,, , , Tidewater Construction .............................................. Raih.oad Ave. 5/7-14 Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5322 nice yard 2-10t 5/7-tin Your Local Builders Exclusively at WANT TO RENT nit(, 3 bedroom around home. house with basel|wni alld garage in ........ HIGHEST CASH PAID No Job too large or too small. Beckwith Jewelry f6,?l She.on a,,.a "Phone .A ' $65oo. G I. l ...................... Shelton, Washington - . K 5/7 , - I- I ....... J[ " For Timber Stumpage 11-0 Un - f3---wz:-£-;,,l-a-£-;,,-,,,, FOR SALE Have trade of. USED FURNITURE News From imd Lands The G d Shop wan,ed Sholton a,',.a, happily n,ar- in Dayton , rted. age 23 to 43. late nn)del ear. For Owner Transferred brush land. , Interested parties ar en interview appointm,.nt ('all LE 3-0881 SEE THIS 6-ROOM * " or write 102 West 2nd, Ab(.rdeen. 5 Davenos ........................ $15.00 up BELFAIR GARDENS can svenings Collect. ' ROUTE 1, BOX 48 B 5/7-29 Northcliff Home Also 2 homes 3 Sofas &Chrs. $45.00 up Bar-Din Enterprises DRY SLAB WOOD Phone HA 6-3710 WXNEi)--)---B0-'---us'd--fui'ntthr& Phone HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p.m. be traded for ............ Will pay cash or consignment. Phone 923 Roy Blvd. in Mason Z-Pc. Sectional .................... $39.00 Roses for blooms in June. We IORT aomrcTs Azaleas Ea. $1.75 HA 6-2411. K 5/7 tin Range, Else, $40.0ff have ., large selection, grow- $20.00 Load .......... W.idTEi)------B'aTk-oT-plei--r-pT((;s . P 4/23-5/7 have to trade ......................... .$ng vigorously in containers. Star RL 2, Box 119. SAdiron, Wn, Flame, yellow, lavender, and piling. Tacoma Pole and Piling 3 Refrigerators ........... $39.50 ea. Guaranteed to bloom or men- Telephone HA 6-a837 Phone HA 6-6463 heavily budded. Company. P. O. Box 3012, Tacoma Csn yOU nse$ 99, Juniper 8-9340, 4/16 tin ' bed rooms, 2 Din. Sets .................... $,50 ca. ey back. Ethel M. Barton - John A. Dinning C-11-20.ttn Rhododendrons xN-iig-o--o---am-i--ir-a--ot room, some timber. Cash. Cruiser available e Chron,,,, Set ........................... $39.50 .... _ 1arge plants, budded, our e,e. Zones Tie  Lumber FOR SALE place, oil swi,,g Roe!,r $17.0 BELFAIR GARDENS ...................... with space Oce. Table ............................ $6,50 Star Rt. 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. Bar-Din Boats $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. co.. P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/tf. facilities in BATTERIES- TIRES Clematis FRUIT TREE spraylng by licensed 2 bedroom house, full basement, is in good . sprayer. Garden plowing. Alder saw- furnace, one lot. $6000, $500 cellent value b'h)l" Lan'ips .................. $9.00 ea. Across from Bel£air P.U.D. 8' 14' boats our spia3ty Enlarged Stock for Ten colors, large flowered blues, dust for sale. Phil Hardie, phone down payment, balance can be Vanity w/rnirror .............. ,. $19.50 ....... ,L  ' [ Immediate Delivery purples, pinks, reds and whites. HA 6-6554. 3/5 tin Child's Table & Chrs ......... $6.00 , I Any size or style boat on order * * * ments abou • W FIBERGLASS Lowest Cost per month Also evergreen. WANTED--Used furniture. Will pay 2 bedroom house, 2 lots, $5,000.00, Located on NEW FURNITURE BATrERIES - TIRES Flbhermen and duck hunters, for first line tires $1.75 & $2.00 Ea. cash or take on assignment. Phone HA 6-3375. 2/26 tin $50.00 per month until $500.00 is ness district. paid in_ as down payment, balance' Enlarged Stock for Immediate see us before you buy Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Magnolias Ea. $3.00 HAND-MAN - Odd jobs! If you ...... think it can't be fixed call Henry at $.10.00 per month. Nke 4 room .................... Blooming plants. Landis. HA 6-9098. 2/12 tf * * * bed rooms, Chest, finished $14,95 Delivery - Lowest Cost per Bar-Din Enterprises Sears Catalog Sales RED BUD TREES ...... $2,00 EA. Cotton Mattre .................. $13.95 month for Nationally WORK ............................................ WANTED--Clerking, care for 1S6 foot of waterfront on Bay, 10 garage with sick, house cleaning, Janitor, work acres more or less, nice creek on home for Swing Rockers ................... $59.00 Advertised ryrz cord Forest Products Office ROSES .......................... $1.00 E. or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis property, elope to town $4,500.00. Located Apt. Size Range .................. $124.95 Allst te Silent Cushion Tires 1916 Olympic HighwayNo. Durand, phone HA 6-8036 or HA 6- Telephone HA 6-6837 Evergreen Square 3323, 1/22 tin * * * Hillcrest Daveno ................................. $79,50 FREE TIRE MOUNTING formerly Martin's Boat Shop Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 3 bedroom house, living room and alue at dining ro(mi combined, fireplace, dable party. 21-Cu. Ft. Upr. lerezer ...... $a69,95 Sears Catalog Sales ' !;,,..r.. oil furnace, plastered, 1 lot 60x s BUDGET SHOP Oce . . ...... 100 foot--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. r room moderll '.-..  ..... $450.00 down nd closing costs, rooms and faff Across from Evergreen Square Evergreen Square . ... :,.,.::. * * * acres more HA. 6.,201 EELLS AND VALLEY BELIEVE S S S  '"l ) Spencer Lake WaLerfront ..... 330 property and inc d 2¢  '   foot at $25.00 per .foot, low bank. to home. ....... . , , , ,, • If It s Concrete * * outside city 4 very large bedroom house, full road. Priced • , , , m   or Carpentry Work basement, fireplace, dining room, wishes cash. G I DAI R E Fir00 ° Honest , sy erit,y an J)/ < insideVery gOOdlot__$12,500.00.condition, corner lot and on smaller s See FRI d s *** ,, acres o, gee erviceare remem Let George Do It new3 bedroom ho,,se with nice ___ tl on Mr. View, dining room, nice plenty of • R G RS bered long after price utility room, attached garage, fire- about 8 mile EII ERATO is forgotten.  place, all electric heat- -$12,000.00. good hardtop BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING WALTER GEORGE sider terms. @ RANGES 2" " Concrete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floors, Walls, Driveways, Real Estate Angl' Steps, wimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored 124 North First WASHERS Office HA 6-6642- Res. HA 6-3530 Phone - @ DRYERS BABY CHICKS! " also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT  New Hampshire G ' 165 FEET OF CHOICE EORGE S APPLIANCd snd TV "$ERVIOE White Leghorn @ GENERAL ON HAMMERSLEY TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 White Rocks (meat type) Cement and Carpenter ,'eadia side. 6 - 10 foot bank. Pro pr(|ximately 1,000 feet deep, total' 4 2 ttERMAN GEORGE $,1,2[)0 or less than $26 per frontage foOl Wagoner Feed Co. 219 So. First St. Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Call Kurt Mann M t"RCANYtLg" PHONE HA 6-4532 . Terms WATERFRONT HA or HA 6-3228 Eve