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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 7, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 7, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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59 evrolet, auto- clean, geod 6-4619. M4/9 ifn )&apos;.tpe, GMC after 6:,0 T4/23-5/7 Cross Court- overdrive. HA 6-4287. G-t/30tfn removed TANKS 500-gal., SHELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chrlstmastawn CLA'SIFIED SERVICE Legal Publication s MASSEUR TREATMENTS at my rc-[ NIITICE OF 1VATIEII RIGUT idcllcO nPal' th,. L,,wcr Skoklllnisn [ ttl'l IA('A'I'ION Nil. 15382 S(qi,,i)l; Call Trlijiln 7-5438 f.r ill)-/+STATb', O14" WASHINGTON. OFFICE l)(,intinonl St/tul'(l:iv. Sull(l:iv, dilHil ill,' STPI'EIiVIS()]I ()l  IVATER RE- Vrodlil,s(lliv. ,\\;. 1 i'. ill)licit, O',l,/lGlfn { HI)IItCES. ()LYMI:'[. iVlT%TJ v.ii, laOn: our I T\\;t<I,' NOTICI" That Enunett F Y ...... ::.'" . " .. .... o.  ,., , J ' l ('i'a(.e M Kidrick i,f ]:r* lllei'ton I1 )ale. Slan('fl[o llatlonai ocllou - t ;'., , / • • ' • Ac'trd m. Mi's. Casada, phone ]HA v isll ngt, n. on Al)vil 7. 1959. filed ap- 6-8229. 1/1 tfntl,ii¢':ili(,ll I,,i" ci'iiiit to divert tile pub* I ' w h' s. of Wool,ql Luke in the Legal Publicatior s No. 2710 NO'rlCI:. (iF IIF, ARIN(I ON FINAi ItI,ipORT AND I, ETITION FOR DISTIIIlIUTION 2/19tfn IN TIlE SUPERIOR C()URT OF Till.] service for STATE (iF WASItlNGTON F(ll EV- MASON COUNTY Inc. (in I'rolnite ctl In the Matter of the EslltiC of ANNIE d, WILLIAMS, l)ocoased. REPAIRS NOTICE IS IlEREBY GIVEN flail L(JI.A MAY SIMPSI)N, Executrix ()f the Will of Annie J. Williams, (i(,- vi!ased, lilts fih,d in till, ()ffi(;c of th,, Clerk ill' sriid Court a fin.'il reliort .'ili(l lietithln for dislributilni, asking thl. Wool insula-]C(lllrl to s(,ttil, sii(I repol'l, disti'illutt. HA, 6-6417. i tile prop'rty tel tile p(!rsiills thercll, Oll- 6/20tin titled alid to (llsctlarc lit,! l)ctiiil'n'r is lxc(ntr x' lnd that wlid I'(p Ijl'l and Stallion at pet t on w ll'bc heard on the 5th day Dark (best- .f Julia, 1!159, at 10:00 o'clll('k ill tll,' Rox 10. foFenoon of said day. ill. as soon tii.r.- tt3/19 lfn ill'tel, a Ilia llutit(,i' can b(, hclii'(l ill the cl)ul't rOl)lU el' tile above-elltilh!d court, in till. C(iurthouse iu Shi.llon, ll.{ason County, Washington, at which tim(. rind place tiny pcl.SOll intcrestcd In ., aid Estate ilia)- alipear and file ob- cctions thereto and contest tbc Sallle. Dated this 1st day of May, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court By: IRENE McGUIRE Deputy ,EWIS & CORREA Attorneys for Eslale Bell Bldg., 121 Snuth 4th St. Shelt0n, Washington 8-18tin (SEAL, Mason Co. Sup. Ci.) 5/7-14-21-') 4t Preferred Properties DOWN . . . need lots Of room this 4 bedroom home recreation room, is just right for you. beat, dishwasher, outdoor barbecue, are features. FHA appraised at $12,000.00. Up thiw big, well-10cated home for such cottage with lots of sleeping area. basement. Sweeping view of beautiful With 100' of protected waterfront, with lng and boating off your own dock. For information call Waterfront Office, Elms White, TR 7-5439. 7 ACRES, 6 MILES • • • years old. We think this is a very fine A perfect spot for the family that for activities. Excellent water supply. for horse or cow. Conventional financ- Us today. FAMILY HOME... new wall-to-wall carpeting, all newly ceramic tile bath. Two bedrooms down upstairs for 2 more bedrooms and recrea- Full 5asement with automatic furnace. only $12,750. $450 down FHA. ER THAN AVERAGE BUY . . • 3 bedroom plus home Just outside city le living roajsa, attractive dining room, and utility• Floor furnace. Everything nice condition, Only $7,950 with low down t tO right party. FIREPLACE, 5 ACRES .... is the full price on this little charmer. the Agate district Large portion of the cleared, has several outbuildings and ex- for gardening. IDE, 2 BEDROOMS . . . home on corner lot for only $5,500, $300 at only $40 per month, including real rent beater, Better call today and ,rrow. :RONT FARM . . . at 610' waterfront tract with 35 acres of areal and 30 in heavy stand of timber. including 1300 sq. it, house, second numerous utility buildings and large ,Use; Gross income of $20,000 annually. any time for further details. REALTY CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First EXCELLENT BUYS! 0F SHELTON'S NICEST HOMEi • • • has 4 bedroms, 2 baths, dining room, fire- r, excellent heating, full basement, yard. By appointment. VIEw FROM THI$CUSTOM BUILT HOME . , 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, system, etc. By appointment. ON ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS  . . summer home on 200 ft. by 1600 ft. no and tidelands. Terms if desired. Call 6-$340), li RIGHT IN FOR $500 . . . 2 bedroo home with fericed yard itChool. Only $5500. R$1T IIIIATER • • • Anieaide home for only $2050 with $200 Ha automatic hot water heater: range, ON THI i COUNTRY HOME . . . outbuildings, fruit trees, berries, moved away so will take any- paYment--balance at $SO/month. Q&yTON--YQU NAME THE TERMS ... yQur home and live in the country. $1000, .ayWly you like. :APITOL HIL. HOMlll ON 3 t-OTS • . • shrubs, anfl fruit trees are only iS000. On! i500 down IICEST OF 2 EDROOM HOMES... appraisel and ready for oceupancy immed- economical furnace heat, takes $600 to move in LISTINGS O1 IMPROVED AND UNIM- ON ARCADIA 'SHORE TRACTS. INE HOOD CANAL PROPERTIES WILL SOON BE HERE -- BETTER A. ROY DUNN RIALTOR * TiteInsurance Bldg ;iilll,lllil (if 0.05 sei!ond foot subject to ,'xistinv righi, Ap'il 15 to Octo- bl,l" I ,'ach year for thP purpose of h'rignt il,li i11¢1 c(,ntintlllUS] ' fl)r fire l,r,d,'('lhm; tllal the lppr,,xinatc point (,f di%.rsii,n is ],(:aie(I wJthhl Lilt 87 I V'f,ol (:il lAlke Trlil'l s IH' i!| ion 19, ,Townsliil I 23 N., Rangl! 2 W., W.M., in 7atllln iT(,lint3". Anv (dLit,cthins lnust l)e accoml)an- iod )y a two d,llar ($2.00) recording l'e(, lilld fih,d with ills Slate Super- visiH' (if Water IItSOUI'CeS wiillin thh'ty (3(J) € ys train May 7. ]951i• Witn,,ss liy llalld and offh'ial seal Ihis 131h day of April, 1959. M. G. WALKER Stat,, SUl)Or'¢isor of Waior l:,esourees (SEAL) 4/30-5/7 2t No. 3108 NO'rICE TO CRI, IilTOI4S IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE QIP WASHINGTON FOR MASIIN COUNTY In ih,, M:ltt,'r of the Estate of WIL- LIAM L (IItAIiAM. Deccssed. ' I:',,ll(ln g'. Dick is tim appointed and qualified Administrator of said estate. All persons having clahns against said doceas,.d at',, required tO serve the same in dup icate duly verified o said Adininistrato or" his attorney, R(,beri L. Snyder at the address below siat,'d, nnd file lhe salne with the Ch, rk of Paid Court, together with iirllllf of suvh .set'vies, wi ttlin siltl njontlis after tile date, (if first'+)ul)lica - lion (if this notice, or the, salne will bt' llarz'ed. DATE i,f flrsl publication: lpPil 30, 1959. CONDA W. DICK A(lminisl rator R(tite 1, ]Box 447 Stmltlm, Washington ROBERT I.. SNYDER Att.rliey at Law Govcy Buihling 4i30-5n-14-1 t NOTICF OF WATER llll(i]lt! APPLICAT|ON NO'. 3' STATE OP WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF WATER RE- SOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That Eugene L. and Alice D)rman of Shelten, Washington, ou April 21. 1959 filed application for p,wnlit to divert the public waters uf T,,wns Creek tril)uta|'¥ of Oakland. Bay fil tt  amount of 0.01 second ,>ot subj,ct to existing rlghta, con iuousiy eacl year for the lurpose o doinestlc supply; that th approximate oin of. diversion is located wlthil taviu neiton D.L.C. Nb. 97 of Sec- " Sheltoti Washin Legal PubS00ati6fiS Faith Lutheran Slates S00cial Services Na. 88t NO'I'I(E (]iF IIl",tltlN(; FINAl, " HEPOIIT AN]) I*ETITION I FOR Pl½TIIIBUTil)N IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE oF WASItIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate) In the Matt.r ,)1 the Estate of MAR- TtlA L. JACOBS, Doct'ased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GLENN E. CORREA. Administrator de b.llis non has filed in tim office of t='le t"''".'.  .1 ,,sa'll(: Coult a ,llIla]" I e )ort ' I slid petlti.n tar dis lribull(,n, asktng the ColArt to sP.ltie aid ri.t)ort , dialrib- ute the propcrty to L}IP l)l,l's()ns thPrcto entith:d and discharge tile pclitionlq, as Adlllinistrat(ir de bonis II(lll; and that said report and petition, will b, heard un the 29th day of May, 1959, 10:00 o'clock in the iorenoon of ,said day, ov as soon thereafter as the mat- ter can be heard at tile cou'rt roum vl • the above-entitled ecru't, in the w...t"il" /k"liSe.. ia Shciton. , l¥1ason County, Washington, at wllmh and place y pers0a iteceted. In said tte (nay appear alad file onjecttons therhto and cditet the sne... Dated. this 24th d> oLAprH, 1959. IIARBY DE YTT: Clerk tff said Court, By: I r_ec blcGulre, Deputy. LEWIS & CORRliIA Atturneys for Estate Beli Big:,. 12 South ,Ith St. l:l'sit on.' ashl,gtot) (SEAI Ms,ca co. up ct ) " " 4/30---5/7-14-21 4t Ne. 260 NOTICH OF HEARING FINAL F, PORT AND I:TITtoN F lax o/ IN THE   q-" OF TH .ASON -., " - In the Matter of the Estate of MA- BEL CARMAN. Deella. G • TICE IS HERE .][VF that .-' # " • P.t( l PORREA as Adminlat-,to,- MAY 8-12 IS thl date for Fil Lutheran Churil  s peolai spr|flg dP bonis.non of the ..estat,.;of ]abel services. "hi Ri v. R. H. Ritm Iler, a member of t11€ faculty 9f Car an. has fi in me omco o! th ..... ' " CI of said oen, lilt. a. Filial Report t.illt bUtlhtrilin lille institute !9 l!illttli" trill .l!l .th0 Slqlli&llr.i!t an{ Pt Ion !it or .t)l$Irlt Utlol;. tmkln 'g ll#Sli slrvi It. Iast0r Hllmllllll II<. ltl! 0rgillq01ll. IIt r gl ltlill Ad.mlin(strat0f d_  ..... i. __ _that lt • 'I1 €[01 Oq . II t I g..M II Itlflt tilt rp|! ilt!iQ .lf" al 14 o1 d " tl oa l De ra ' ' q ".. pc. alp_ :uu.,  ,. I,,, miller lmrvat ls atu"eql unse"tr llnq_ a!m0OlC laeiln • !nl AiM. ,aithsu .l of 'their,- series ,of lmrvicu will be on .the tMme 'mas[hG )topder,Gi ivl bate Depa'rtment or' Id Cour.t,. at l:!l¥ine baed on the book of Ephesians. His topics will be: Fri- which time ane [ ]eouena_m. d.1 7:30 p.m. "We Have Been Promised a Share;" Saturday 7:30 tmte, a in saia r,.  , r nu " ' I" d "1 am an 11"00 am file objections thereto Pd ;mt lm p.m. It s Good to Be Alive Sun .ay 8:5 . . d • . ... same. -'" "---- -- i" __L_ I "Riches Through Bible Study"; unoay ¢:30 p.m. "A Lite to oe DAED i r I 1 ,, ,, ,, Wilh00vifiltiit!- ' ' I Ll,d ; Monday, 7:30,, p.m. It il Different NOW ; Tuesday 7:30 i:hiK-t af ilg: .ourt I tl.m. "On to Victory! if']!_il Mei-luire, DePuty I - -- -- Ie]WIa & =)e i CHIRCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ! • ? .sJ:tor s * Bill udi .... [ Beginning I. riday night of this Qatllllt T,, I ,,, Sou[h 7'ourtn ire ' / . elton Wu ng - - -- ..... , hi ton 4/16-23 30 51I it[ week special spring services will IIWlll /U l-let= .... -" : --[be held at Faith Lutheran church Rev, Glenn Frye To Speak Here Rev. Glenn Frye, youth director for the famed Cannon Beach Bible Conference, of Cannon Beach, Ore. and past(n', will be speaking night- ly at the Skokolnisi Ci)rnnuuity church. Tills young man has a unique ministry with young peo- ple and has been instrumental in establishing churches in Oregon. His ministry is highly conmlende(l by friends and members of the Vilhlge Missions organization of Kansas Cily, Mo. You will wahl to bear him each night. There will be special Inusic each evening with a "to-the-point" Bi- ble message. Everyone is urged to attend. Circle these dates, May 11- 17, and be present. The time is 7:45 p.., and 11:00 a.m. on Sun- day. The place of meeting will be in the Middle Skokomish school 0f Sikokamish Valley. For additional information, feel free to call Pas- tor Burg at HA. 6-8959. FIRST Ct|RICTIAN CHU!I]-I • /wl E. WhlDwy Minister Phone HA 6-3101 Bible ,school and Sunday school begin at 9:45 each Sunday morn- ing in the IOOF hall followed by church services at 11 a,m. Eve- ning services convene at 7 p.m. Sunday there will be a pecial program for Mother's Day. Special usic will be provided by the PSCB Girls' trio at the morning service and also at the 2:30 Moth- tits-Daughters' tea. A preaching rally will be held from l0 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, MaY 30 at the local church. On June 15-19: from 9 a.m. to ngon are the dates set for the V£cation Bible school. All chil- dren are cordially invited. The senior youth of tle church are planning a Progresiv e din- ner. Midweek Bible study classes are held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the minister's home. Pit I Adventists Phln Boar d Meeting i Midwetk prayer s,,rviee hcnll' Is :Ve(lnesd:ty evtring 8 (l'cl(.'l< at I the Soy(iriSh I)ay Advenlist l:l'iui'ch. Thtn'C will be a nmt!lh"ig of lho +htircll [ioard Ionilht I Thui'slavi i:ll; 7:30 at the." chul•(h. :ll')l;Inti c.hool hour is IJ',30 F, allli"- day, with wol•ship service follow- ing at 11 o'clock, In tile evening therP will tic a pl'tigrslil at tlle church grttde school at 7:4:'), \\;vhic.h will illclude moving pictures. ,l Illl I•of reshlneuts. ........................................................... ... N , ,H H,, J FJrst Ohriitian Ohurth "New Testament Christianity d Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Hall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church Services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ,,,,.,,, ii i i iii i , , . , $11 _ I I ,, |., i, MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Building Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by FImt Missionary Baptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. Everyone Welcome i , i i Sahil David's Ohur©b (Episcopal) tlon 18, Township 20 N.. Range 3 W. W. hi,, in Mason County. Ally obiections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the State Supervisor of Water Rem)urces within thirty (901 days (tool May 14, 1959. Witness my hand and official seal lhis 29tb day of April, 1959. M. G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resomes SEAL) 5-7-14 2t Application No. 258 NOTICE OF SALE OF TIMBER ON STATE ]LAND Notice is hereby given that on Tues- lay, the 2nd day of June, 1959, com- mencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon: of said day, in front of the main en- trance door to the county court house in the City of Shelton, County of Ma- son, State of Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, the timber on the following described state land will be sold at public auction to; the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: : Fourteen old growth Douglas fir only, marked with red tags, comprls, ink approximately 72,0D0 bd. fL, lo- cated on part NW!L NW'4, Section 16. Townshil) 20 North. Range 4 West. W.M,, containing 10 acres, more or NO. 7 vith the Rev. Robert H. Rismiller S00MMON00 the Seattle mb,00 IN T E SU RIOR ul% OF T S ' e i  .... t, .... '^.. T=,{! gitute a the gueat sp aker. Serv- MASON CNT ...... lies will he held each evening Gladys Jane Van Vacter, Plaintiff, clday through Tuesday at 7:30 ....... --v--- .... i m The services are open to the Wiuam . van vacer, ete aaa. ' " STAtPE O€ WASIINQTON T q'HE lllliic. Special music W!II be pra- SAID WILIJAM , VAN VACTER Vlltl at eacn service ny r'asor DEFENDANT: leim You are lereby summoned to appear l n" within sixty (ll0) days after the date! ]astor Rismiller will seak at of the first publicatlonl ' of this. sum*s' tll0 two ................. R,,ndav mornin ,vorshin mons, to-wit, with n sixty (60) day ..__.. .... ,._ * °'15 and 1"0 n after the 30th day of Apr|i, 19§9. ='Vtu.  .u, e o. . * ,.v and defend the above-entitled actions .1.. Mother s uay will be o- in the above-entitled court ann answer Ierved also at the services the complaint • of the p'aintifL 04 .... " " "" " ,,d; .... o,v of your anSWer uuon libel The Sunday s0h0ol and adult u'ndrgnef attorney" [ 171dofhc; 17 [Bible 01alia meet at 9:30 under low stated . and in case of your I111- [the leadership of our newly elected ur so to ao ;luagment will he ten- R,+,i .'.tn.t ..... nPdllllf tm the[SlllldllY school superintene]ent, Mr. ...... "----" "'" .....  ........ ' ee u emand of the complaint,, w"hl0h has [Vincent Himlie, Help use k p p been filed with the clerk Or said €curt./our Sunday schonl benefits hv ro- That the cause of action reln is/ularate=anc .- -" ....... --° for a divorce between the partie above 'H . v. named wherein Plalntiff.leg! druf2 The Luther League will have a triatfimt on the itr oI tne deena- h e ' r ' • nt " Sort m eting Sunday cvenno at " ' @L E. Ck')RREA, 6:30 before the special sorvfe for Attorney for Plaintiff. th purp0se of election of oicer Offl0e and post-office addras: < for the e0ming year. 4th & Cedar Streeta Rev. Robert Bonner Echola, Coming $.nday] v,o., "Born To Livre '' ia the title o [ AT SAINT DAVID'S: sound color film scheduled or 7[ p.m. Iunday at the First Baptist Services 9 and 11 a.m church. I Church School 9:45 a,m. People today ask the question "Why am I alive?" Or "Why wa * AT SAINT JOHN'S OI I born? A 35-minute color film U[  tvIQ F:lHT[:::t'r  United Convocation S, has 'been made . ahswering this " 4 p.m. queltion and describing the SO,y----- T -- -'---'----- HE METHO00UROH of the high .hogl boy whoe g[t'l , , , . ", '" ....  - friend took him to a conference where together they faced the great issues of life. This film reveals how that life ,Rh & ,ne -- Paronage 320 N, 4th -- Phone IIA 6-4" really begins when Christ comes CHARLES T. HATTEN, Minister into the human life. The human Morning Wocshlp 11:00 a.m. heart is said to be incurably re- ligious but is always self con- Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m. scious about expecting God's ............................................... blessing for wayward)lying. This T BAPTIST CHURCH ,.,$ -   ...... l .... I ........ L_L _ ,  i L filn, answers the question, "How FIRS 'ta" get in step with God's blessing and primed for a human life," AT SAINT JOHN'S Olympia: U'nlted Convocation Service,"-- 4th & Pine -- Paronage 320 N. 4th -- Phone fIA 6-4174 I less, Bell Buildiog, T ber will be sold on a log scale 121. outh ,, r, th Street The spring meeting of the B0uth auth nd ndnlf. (if (ha ennl '' basis Stlein Wlin ton PU et Scan irult's omen's ....................... " • :" ' 4 35/7 14 21 28---6/4 6t g d C W " munity will a preciate seeingthis 5th & Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor MInlnlUlli acceptable bid per thous- / " " " "kq/Itita.,tr "t**dPnti wtll h hold P and bd. ft.: $44.50 for Douglas fir and ...... '*_ ...... J." yy-"'': "'"=-y "%=' picture. $200 for cull logs if any . -- ----' ---' 'E''  lSl'" at urown lutneran cntlrcn In e- SUNDAY, MAY 1@-- "At time',ff sah}'the pui:chaser must "VI',I'S'I'E'y'cIV'" tha attl next Tqesday begintlila at ........................... • "' • ,, " -- ...... "  9:45 a.m, Sunday School. { a depomt of 100%, of the bid nursuant to resolution adoptefl ,by th 11:00. a.m Ladies who can attend [L;¢,'-- ," .... pFJCe D'ISO(1 on In€ (rulse estlln te ( b ,anli throu $3 2(]4.00' "of (tits dc;oslt p/us a $I. :rt',.hell}n'3octmlssmel.s seal lOtl]d get in touch with tlte l[rltlaH Ot;IUHC.U 11:0o a.m. Morning Worship. bll ........ if sale fee ora total ef $320900 ."''i-he .',e, d for the'urcaSer Ldies Aid president Mrs. Keit c • • " ' "Where Is Home?" . n, 2 be. _in th .{£. ,f_ cashl, money of thre 2 used. metallic 25.j)06 gallon }taPs(. 00ervlce Announceo =..-..<, ..,.,..e£.S..c, or payt uratt, fluid storage tanks locatea on wnat ......... : 6:00 p.m, Youth Groups, Four Departments° J.l.e balance o m{, [equjreu aeposit, .if lwas formerly known as. the S hg|ton . uner evenl;s_ ior, the week m- I Scientific understanding of the ny, .iuy t,,' p a,ti Dy pels(nai CheCK. INIwal Auxiliary Air S!tiuonln mason Cluue tile miaweeK service on lman of God's creating brings true 7:00 ,m, Color Youth Film. ' t urcoascr must also iurnlsn a Sul,e{y l i011nty Washington '+ta*ll Dius lUUSt llir'l--..i .... .t* #.P,O lh I ...... J _ " -- -- bond of $500.!)0. to guarantee (u!.nlpli- Ibe for 'cash. The succesful bidder will tt,y .... ,,.. ,.$ ....... v... ineait n anu ecurity. Born To Live ante with all terms el tnc nui at Ibe renuired to remove the tanks wih- senior cylolr rehearses on wearle0-1 m,o ;o o tho, t, ha ot ¢,rth 66 ,i sah.. All checks, money .ordlrs, Atc:. Ifn th,ree months from' of sale day at 8:00 p.m. The youth court- [.t''=ii.'*'i.vt.''m': ur(!l ssl°)n 1 o[I}e Jlla(l(?Publl(payaDleLandstO ale t.:om- [andto clean up the plsent sITe O[ Salci i I , wt,h +he oo*- ,., ,. ............ .. ..... . .... , ...... - '  ' "  ....   <;\