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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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y8 Anonymous, 8:30 Library. luncheon, noon, )Cafe. Club, 6:45 a.m., Chapter No. ~m., Baptist Church. Club of Mason noon, Senior /Ladies Civic Club, a firehaU. and Auxiliary, 8 :hall. sale by Madrona 1462 Auxiliary, 10 of Commerce board a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Lodge, 8 p.m., 10 10dendron Show, 10 ~lay 11 churches invite you church of your endron Show, 11 Big Fours, 7 p.m., fairgrounds. by 12 iND. 3 commission P.m., PUD conference COmmission meeting, Bridge Club, 7:15 Town CHefs, 7:30 Salon No. 508 ll.FOrty, 7 p.m., !tennial Committee Pa~., Senior Center. Anonymous No. P.m., Timberland Club luncheon, noon, meeting, 2 10 a.m., Fir meeting, 8 p.m., r~ Council meeting, ;nsion office. 8 p.m., airport Honor, 8 p.m., DES, 8 p.m., men, inn. )Unty Hospital meeting, 8 ', May 14 Kiwanis Club, Inn. t.) at the lodge. Club, 8 p.m., room. tning Class, 7 Department. 7:30 a.m., meeting, 8 Woman's Club, ~'helton Schools LUMBER ! 12-16 daily gravy, vegetable dog on bun scalloped milk. Cornish tasties Pastry, green :11o, milk. Cookies, milk. qth crackers, bread and Pie, whipped Hwy. I01 i 11:30 a.m., Potlatch clubhouse. Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 Mason County Democrat,TinlbcrlandLibrary. Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Shelton Park Board, 7 p.m.,Ming Tree Care. city hall. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Christmas Town Rounders, 8 Timbers Restaurant. p.m., fairgrounds hall. Tops Washington Chapter No. Plant and rummage sale by 313. 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Cracker Jacks and JElls 4-H Club, Kiwanis Club of Mason 9 a.m.-4 p.m., PUD No. 3 County Seniors, noon, Senior auditorium. Center. Gra VlSl Pat M. McGrady Jr. of New McGrady, a freelance writer York City was a Lilliwaup visitor and author of "The Youth last week, spending several days Doctors" and "The Love with his brother and sister-in-law, Doctors," was in the area to Seamus and Ann McGrady. attend the eighth annual meeting Born in Shelton, during World of the American Society for War 11 Pat lived in Lilliwaup with Aesthetic Surgery, Inc., held May his mother and brothers, Mike 4 through May 8 in Vancouver, and Seamus, while his father was B.C. The session was of special in the South Pacific with the U.S. interest to him as he is writing an Marine Corps. article on skin aging for Town & Pat's visit, the first in six Country Magazine. years, was enhanced by some For nine years the writer has sunny days and he commentedbeen doing research on the aging that "This must be truly the process and is on the board of world's most beautiful place!" directors of the American Aging Lill" iwaup Association• He is a crusader for government funding of anti-aging research, be!ieving more emphasis on the deterioration accompanying the passage of time could result in beneficial therapies acquired from the knowledge gained• His home is in the upper west side of New York City. He has a seven-year-old daughter, Vanessa, and son lan, who is four. His parents, Pat and Grace McGrady, will be at home in Lilliwaup sometime after the first of June, the visitor reported. is now open! ! I t MOTHER'S DAY CAKES I 1 I Open Mon. to Sat. I 119 East H St. 9:oo to 5:30 426-1449 $ U.S. CHOICE BEEF LARGE END ROASTS ...... •• • •••••• ••• tll. e~ HALF HAMS .......... J.1.38 • . . YOU'LL FIND THESE AND MORE SPECIALS FROM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT! ARMOUR'S STAR, LEAN, FULLY COOKED, S TO 7 LB. WHOLE HAMS... • . .WATER ADDED LB. U.S. CHOICE BEEF DELICIOUS STEAKS .................. SPENCER STEAKS U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STEAKS ................ • •• s1 LB. $ LB. RATH'S BREAKFAST PORK SAUSAGE ..................... • •• LB. CUDAHY BAR-S SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE ............. 12 OZ. PKG. THURINGERCHUBS 21 88 ARMOUR'S STAR FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT , ...... 1 I/4 LB. • • BALL PARK FRANKS FRESH OYSTERS HTGRAOE'S ALL MEAT $1 OR ALL BEEF .......... LB. MEDIUM SiZE .... 10 OZ. JARl • SPECIAL SAVINGS ~~, FOODS... ... SAVE AT SHOP-ARITE! ! • MR. PIBB, TAB, OR FRESCA o•e• oe e •oe•e ee ~I • e~ • • • ~•• go • eo e••eeeo • • • • • • . 120Z 6PK II ............... POUND BOX ASSORTED GELATIN .... BOXES $ .......... 48 OZ. BOTTLE TIDE DETERGENT •.-v.-.-...-..-..---'-'- • PITTED OLIVES [ , 0,,,, ..,-, ,o, Off.. ................. ,,oz ROX$1.09 SELECT .......................... OZ. TIN COLLECT CHAPTERS WEEKLY~ 6 MANDARIN GARLIC DILLS 89 ) ( ORANGES 4/$1 SHOP ,l. ....................... 480Z. JAR DUCHESS ........................ 11 OZ. TINS NEWl INGLES ) ( MUSHROOMS 3/$1 POTATO CHIPS 2 4Va OZ. TUBES 89 F 4 OSTROM'S PIECES • STEMS ............. 40l ............ - ), 4 HUNT'S TOMATOES lg FUDGE BROWNIES 95 I~ ~ SOLID PACK 28 OZ. TIN "Bq~ BETTY CROCKER CHOCOLATE ......... 22V~ OZ. RAISIN MUFFINS ), ( INSTANT FOLGERS $1.49 wo.=, ............ • ................ PACKAGE 65 l) 4 COFFEE ......................... 6 OZ. JAR HOSTESS TWINKLES $1.29 ) HURRY! | ( FOLGER'S COFFEE $2.99 ............................. l) ( REG., DRIP OR ELECTRIC PERK ......... 3 LB. )))) WEEKsONLY TW0T0 COMPLETEMORE 44 CHIPS AHOY COOKIES PECAN SFK)RrBREAD 89 YOUR SET OF SEWING 4 NBC ............................. 14V~ OZ. PKG. NBC ......................... 14~a OZ. PKG. • BOOKS ..... q ~*- SEW AND , ASSORTED PAPER NAPKINS 160 COUNT eee• e••~• eee•eee~eee KRAFT PHILADELPHIA .................. 8 OZ. PKG. COFFEE •.. 10 0Z. JAR BAKER'S ........ 12 OZ. PKG. .,o.o.., $1 69 w,.v,,,,,o, .......................... 8 oz. • SELECTION OF POTTED PLANTS AND BRECK SHAMPOO $ CUTFL0WERS...REMEMBER ......................... ,, oz • . r,~r~~w.. WHIP CHILDREN'S MOM,, Mother's Day ,,,OSETE •• O el •O •e• •ee• •• •e•e• • •• ASPIRIN .......................... 36 COUNT CORN ON 205 ,,-,,,, ea ........................ 4 tAR We specialize in decorated cakes for MISS MUFFETT all occasions. ............. oz. PROS. Phone 426-3377. PRICES EFFECTIVE TENDER GREEN SPEARS • • • FROM EASTERN WASHINGTON LB. CHERRY TOMATOES... cuP 49 WHITE ONIONS FLAVORFUt LFTTII~F CRISP, SOLIDHEADS 25 iii I~Ipi .............. EACH CUCUMBER.t.~.L~CRISP ~9 • • •EACH B ICE CREAM 29 OZ. tin 13V~ OZ. PACK MAY 8,9, 10, 1975 Va GALLON SLICED PEACHES DUCHESS YELLOW CLINGS - LIMIT PARADE 12 0Z. TIN RIGHTS RESERVED INC. LUSCIOUS RIPE BERRIES WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 8 Thursday, May 8, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Jour),,, P,