May 8, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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NEIGHBORS IN NEED received a $50 donation in April from Shelton High
School Z Club. Funds were raised by the daily sale of doughnuts at noon in
the school. Pictured left to right are Z Club members Debbie Johnson,
vice-president; Belinda Nielsen, calling chairperson; Lori Huber, treasurer;
and Carrie Cross.
show slated
for weekend
Shelton Chapter of American
Rhododendron Society will
present its annual rhododendron
show in the PUD auditorium from
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday
and from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. on
Admission is free, and as door
prizes rhododendrons will be
awarded. The plants are now on
display in Seattle-First National
Bank and in the Bank of Puget
Music Week
is observed
Shelton Music Club and
Pizzicato Junior Music Club join
the National and Washington
State Federations of Music Clubs
in observing National Music Week
May 4 through May l 1. This, the
A Bicentennial "Spirit of'76"
theme was accented by red, white
and blue colors, patriotic
emblems, flags, ribbons, flowers
and music in the Union City
Masonic Lodge ttall for the
installation of Carol Hunter as
Royal Matron and William Hunter
as Royal Patron of Canal Court
No. 79, Order of Amaranth.
Others installed to office were
Ruth Boysen, associate matron;
Clarence Wermer, associate
patron; Edna ttaines, treasurer;
Erna Martin, secretary; Carroll
Hash, conductress; Corda
Watkins, associate conductress;
Elmer Edwards, trustee; Mottle
Backlund and Maybelle Willson,
marshals in the East and West;
Frieda Smith, standard bearer;
Francis Akers, prelate; Frances
Radtke, musician; Lucille
Edwards, truth; Zula Kelly, faith;
Evelyn Nicholson, wisdom; Betty
Abbott, charity; Frances Moake,
historian; Raymond Hash, warder;
and George Moake, sentinel.
Installing officer Elma
Edwards, retiring Royal Patron,
was himself installed to office as
trustee by Edward Radtke who
also delivered the obligation at
the altar to all of the officers.
Other installing officers were
Frieda Smith, marshal; Martin
Smith, aide; Hattie Pierce, prelate;
Mamie Kaare, secretary; and Bea
Larson, musician. Ben also
entertained during intermission
52rid annual observance
celebrated by Presidential decree,
offers another opportunity to
present a national salute to
America's music and musicians.
Window space for display was
allotted the Pizzicato Junior
Music Club by the J. C. Penney
Company. The Shelton Public
Library displays music books with
a floral arrangement by Etta
Rector. Pizzicato Club counselor
is Lillian Norvold who is assisted
by Mrs. R. Nielson.
Shelton Music Club is
celebrating the event with a
A double-ring ceremony
performed at 7:30 p.m. on
February 21 united in marriage
Monica Joan Kneeland and Steven
Lynn Beach. Father Michael
Feeney OSB officiated in St.
Edward's Catholic Church.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Kneeland
of Shelton. Parents of the groom
are Mr. and Mrs. Arden R. Beach
of Olympia.
Escorted by her father, the
bride was attired in a full-length
white gown with matching veil.
Pink, blue, yellow and white
daisies blended with white roses
to fashion her bouquet.
Debbie Kneeland was maid of
honor, and bridesmaid was
Bridget Kneeland with Gretchen
Kneeland as junior bridesmaid.
Flowergirls were Melissa and
Paula Detterman.
Best man was Jeff Beach.
Ushers were Ben Forman and Pete
Kneeland with Start Wilson and
Brett Bretthauer as seating ushers.
Altar boys were Jerry Glasscock
and Scott Geist with Martin and
Michael Glasscock as ring-bearers.
Vocalists were Tracy DeMiero and
Barb Bunch, with Mrs. Ben Larson
as organist.
Cake was cut by Sally Beach
at the reception given in St.
Edward's Hall after the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lynn Beach
by Diane Glasscock and Debbie
Kneeland. Nathan Glasscock took
charge of the guest book with
Marsha Geist at the gift table.
The bride, a graduate of St.
Placid High School in Olympia, is
employed at Shelton city hall.
The groom is a 1975 graduate of
St. Martin's College,
resides in Shelton
trip to Port Angeles.
Mastectomy patients aided
Reach to Recovery, a service
branch of the American Cancer
Society, is reaching for women
encouragement is given.
Reach to Recovery
coordinator for Kitsap and Mason
distributed among the first five
high-scoring pairs, partners with
the most 300 pinochles and
partners with 1,000 aces and
! 500 trump.
Teams from Olympia. Tacoma
~d Shdtoa participated with
with music and songs, special program by the recorder who have had mastectomies. Counties is Mrs. Vincent Harms of
rl nl"'noc"ei" For the coronation ceremony and string players in the home of Reach to-Recovery is a Port Orchard. She wouldlike to what )lOll
Frances Radtke served asmatron; JudyStone. program designed to help contact women who would be
W nners announce William Hunter, honored marshal; mastectomy patients meet their interested intheprogram, either
Frieda Smith, standard bearer; physical, psychological and for information concerning CLAR~
Olympia Senior Center, with each team c mp d o eight 1,000 ac d 1500 trump went Mattie Backlund and Vi Ferris,
36,220 total team points, wonthe pairs. In first place was Kate Dye uric!aimed, marshals in the East and West; Salon to meet cosmetic needs. Trained women, rehabilitation or to be a Reach to Professional
who have also had mastectomies, Recovery volunteer to call on & Floore
pinochle tournament held by and Howell Williams of Olympia; Everyone ~emed to enjoy Lucille Edwards, crown bearer;
Shelton Senior, Center and second, John Layton and Bessthe tournament,' says sponsorMartin Smith, sword bearer; and Mason County Salon No. 508, visit patients in the hospital or ",m patients, equipment.
sponsored by Brad s Quick Stops Lindsted of Tacoma; third, Roxy Brad Owen. '~lt could become an Bea Larson, musician. Eight and Forty, will meet their homes with their doctor sAnyone interested may write
of Shelton on the afternoon of McCurdy and Goldy Painter ofannual event.' Honor guards were Lloyd Monday. authorization, to Mrs. Harms at 3271 Foss Road, a betterjt
April 25 in St. Edward's ttall. Shelton; fourth, Phoebe Jones Griffen, Capitol Court; Ken Mrs. Robert Smith, who is They present a kit to thePort Orchard, Washington 98366.Sanders & polisl
A total of $200 in prize and Ruby Hall of Olympia; fifth, Linscott, Sunlight Court; Donald planning the 7 p.m. potluck patients with information and She would alsowelcomeinquiries Open savend~
money went in part to the 16 Kate Sandusky and Harold On dean's list Baker, Laurel Court; Maxwellsupper, is assisted by Mrs. Agnes exercise material, and show them from doctors about this program, aweek,
players comprising the winningMailloux of Olympia.
t e a m w i t h the remainde~ Sheryl Sund, daughter of Mr. Jordan, Bremerton Court; Wayne Alexander. The business meeting the exercises. In the kit is a list of
Birchfiel, Paradise Court;and Earl will follow at 8 p.m. in the bathing suits, a list of types,
and Mrs. Harold Sund of Mentzer, Juan De Fuca Court. Memorial Hall. anticipated costs, and where
Three hundred pinochle
winners were Lydia Burjie and
George Dye of Olympia. Phoebe
Jones and Ruby Hall of Olympia,
Ruth and Roy Moore of Shelton
and Hilda Washburn and Evelyn
Stuby of Tacoma. The prizes for
HAPPINESS is holding the right cards at the Shelton Senior
Center pinochle tournament held on April 25.
With $20 or more perm
% Serve you For Mother's Day
and JANE
Senior Citizen Discounts every Mon., Tues., Wed.
P:~ge 8 - Sheltor~-Mason County Journal - ihursday, May 8, 1975
Hoodsport, in recognition of
superior scholarship has been
placed on the Dean's honor list
for the winter quarter at Seattle
Pacific College.
Sale scheduled
A plant and rummage sale will
be held by Cracker Jacks and Jills
4-H Club from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
next Thursday in the PUD No. 3
Francis Akers and Betty
Abbott were greeters, and Betty
also served as uncrowning matron
for Erna Martin, outgoing matron.
William Hunter Jr. and Paul
Hunter were in charge of the
guest book; Judy Hansen and Pare
Hunter, programs; Lucille
Edwards, floral arrangements;
Frances Moake, gift table; Ruth
Boysen, refreshments; Gayle
Kortnik and Jan Patterson,
pouring; Carolyn Cowles and
Luane Bartz, punchbowl.
Scholl goes everywhere you go. Hiking. Biking.
Shopping, Exploring. In ~f( ~~
good feelin', genuine ~it~ %~.~.:
leather casuals. Soft- ~~
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Gently cushioned arch
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"The Family Shoe Store"
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We have conservatives enough.
William Ellery Channing
prosthesus may be obtained. A
temporary prosthesus is also
Reassurance and
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