May 8, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 8, 1975 |
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Three students from the
Mason County PUD No. 1 and
PUP No. 3 service areas were
selected to represent their
respective high schools for
participation in the fifth annual
statewicle "Hartford Tour and
Nuclear Power Seminar."
Students picked by their high
schools are outstanding in science
or have a particuhr interest in the
field. Those selected from this
area were Mel Morgan, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mel Morgan Sr., and
Richard L. Baillie, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Baillie, representing
Siclton High School; and Casey
Caughie, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Caughie, representing
North Mason High School.
They were accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Flint from
Mason PUD No. 3.
Sponsored in behalf of
member public utility districts
and city members of Washington
Public Power Supply System by
the Washington PUD Association,
the event was divided into two
sections, Apn3 17-18 and May
1-2, 1975. The participants from
afternoon seminar other
presentations focused on "The
Power Picture" and tic students
heard a debate on "Should We
Rely on Nuclear Power to Help
Supply our Future Energy
Needs?" Of special interest was a
conducted tour of the Richland
Science Center.
Thursday evening the entire
group was honored at a special
banquet at the Rivershore Motor
Inn with special speakers,
including a provocative look at
"Energy - Where Do We Go
From Here?" by a college
student, member of the American
THOSE ATTENDING a Hanford Nuclear Tour are the following: left to
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this week were:
Mervyn Settle, legal, Shdton,
and Lillian Dale, legal, Shelton.
Richard Younglove, 28,
Shelton, and Bonnie Sallee, 28,
James Runyan, 43, Grass
Valley, California, and Lois
Ferenty, 39, Grass Valley,
Hood Canal
Paid for by TaxPayl~
404 Special LEVY,
Cosmetics this area were included in the Nuclear Society. right, Mrs. Wilbur Flint, Casey Caughie, Mel Morgan, Richard Baillie, and
second section. In total Following a 7 a.m. Friday Wilbur Flint.
[ forYOU ! appr°ximately 350 students and m°rningbreakfast, buses with
adults from 26 PUD counties and selected tour guides took the ------- .... ----------------------
cities of Seattle, Tacoma and st u de n ts o n a H an for d -I i Publkations
[ AWAY GRAY [ Legal Publications Legal Publkations
! Q. What kind of coloring | Richland were represented..They Reservation tour including the N
IPreparation can I use toI represent a major portion of the reactor, WPPSS Hanford ffc s a yS-iffePl anng-dateffas s-p ci at on .w' i-h-sur ty --/s/ ,Hc 4:Landis
I brighten up my gray hair? I I state's electric customers, generating project and the been set for May 12th, 1975, at acceptable to the Owner. ALICE M. LANDIS
11:45 A.M., in the Mason County The Board of Directors Personal Representative
don't wish to use a permanent [ Perhaps, at no other time in construction site of the fast flux Court House, Commissioners' reserve the right to reject any or JOE L. SNYDER
ldye" | our nation s history has there test facility. There was a briefing Room, to declare the property all bids and to waive informalities. Attorney for Personal
I A. There are nowl been so much written and spokenat WPPSS nuclear project No. 2.surplus and to establish a WYNHOFFMAN, Representative, 125North
minimum price on said property. Secretary of the Board 5th, P.O. Box 26
|semi-permament hair coloring labout the energy crisis- need for Tic "Nuclear Power Seminar' DATED this 28th day of BY ORDER OF: Shelton, WA 98584
IProducts on the market that| 5/1-8-15-3t
|last through 4 or 5 shampoos. | conservation and wise use of convened at 12:30 p.m. following April,BoARD1975. OF COUNTY GrapevieWNo. 54, Grapeview,SCh°°l District
IThese lotions can be used to | energy - the future of nuclear lunch in the auditorium of the COMMISSIONERS OF Mason County, Washington
lwash shimmering silver into[ power and alternative energy Battelle-Northwest headquarters MASON COUNTY, 5/1-8-2t NOTICE TOCREDITORS
lhair while banishing yellow isources. There is extreme interest with specific discussions on WASHINGTON Probate No. 4583
/s/John Bariekman CALL FOR BIDS (RCW 11.40.010)
idiscoloration. [ in the Pacific Northwest aboutnuclear energy, the fast breeder Chairman Sealed proposals will be SUPER IOR COURT OF
I SI"REAKERS I future, adequate energy supplies, reactor program, and nuclear /s/William O. Hunter received at the office of the City WASHINGTON FOR MASON
/s/Martin Auseth Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, COUNTY
Today's concerned students areenergy and the environment. ATTEST: Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 Estate of LAURA DeETTE
1 Q. How can I give my hair I taking an in-depth look at the During the two-day program there /s/Ruth E. Boysen A.M. on Monday, May 19, 1975, DeLANO HARNER, Deceased.
Iasun'streakedl°°k? | total picture along with validwas considerable time for Auditor & Clerk of the Board at which time they will be The undersigned has been
| A. There are now several | 5/1-8-2t publicly opened and read aloud appointed and has qualified as
/kits on the market that enable l environmental considerations. All questions to and answers from f°r:NORTH 13TH personal representative (PR) of ::
lYou to do your own streakingI factors make this unique various experts. ADVERTISEMENT STIRgET the estate of the above named
| or frosting. | educational project extremely Speakers for the special FOR BIDS , N T E R S E C T deceased. Each person having a balstone funeral home
/ If you want dramatic broad | timely. Nuclear Power Seminar included Sealed bids will be received by IMPROVEMENTS. claim against the deceased must
the Board of Directors, Grapeview The major items of serve the claim on the
|streaks through your hair, | Groups from throughout the Larry Rader, manager of public School District No. 54, for the construction are: undersigned PR or on the
|choose a streaking kit. AI state arrived at the tour relations for Battelle Pacific following project: 1,450 CY Common attorney(s) of record at the serving the community with over 75 yaals
|frosting kit will enable you to | headquarters, the RivershoreNorthwest Laboratories; Pat PROJECT: RELOCATABLE Excavation; 450 CY Ballast; 150address stated below and must file
EDUCATION FACILITIES, CY Crushed Surfacing; 200 Ton an executed copy of the claim complete professional service
/ " ' um with the clerk of the court within
frost your entire head. Motor Inn in Richland by noon McKenna, training manager, G RAPEV IEW SCHOOL A.C., Class B ; Lump S
May 1 for a group luncheon and Washington Public Power SupplyD I S T R I C T N O . 5 4 , Painting; Lump Sum Signing; and four months after the date of first
• the official welcome by Rich Gay, System; Dr. Fred J. Leitz, staff GRAPEVIEW, WASHINGTON. other such work as required topublication of this notice or
' N U ' BY:BOARD OF complete theproject, within four months afterthedate ~l~k~$
ellis Pkarmc commissioner of Benton County scientist, Westinghouse Hanford; D I RECTORS, GRAPEVIEW Work shall commence within of filing of a copy of this notice
PUD and president of the and George Bailey, manager of SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 54, ten (10) days after award of the with the clerk of the court,
GRAPEVIEW, WASHINGTON. Contract and be completed within whichever is the later, or the
!1 FifthEmergency& FranklinPh'st.--426-33271426"2165 i Washington PUD Association. technical studies, Washington P L A C E : G R A P E V I E W thirty (30)working days. claim will be barred, except under
/ Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 I Featured speaker was Donald P.Public Power Supply System. All ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, SHELTON SPRINGS ROAD those provisions included in RCW
Hode], administrator, Bonneville groups began return trips to their OFFICE, GRAPEVIEW, BICYCLE-PEDESTRIAN PATH. 11.40.011. faatrdPh"
WASHINGTON. T h e m a j o ri te m s of Date of filing copy of notice
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 Power Administration, on "The homes about 4 p.m. May2. DATE: May 16th, 1975. construction are: to creditors April 18, 1975. Ow..a o.~o,.,0,, b,,,o~,,.
Need for Power. During the TIME: 7:30 P.M. 170 CY Crushed Surfacing; Date of first publication April w.,h~.g,o.S,.,.~ ..... ,o~ ....... . .....
--- Bids presented after the time 170 Ton Asphalt Concrete-Class 24, 1975.
fixed for opening cannot be "B"; and other such work as
10 yrs. experience in
Home Design
15 years of
° 1onol :
• Civil C°Unselin,..
- urO in@ u
A pro-
total design
service in
all fields
of graphics
and drafting.
2215 Olympic Hwy. N,
"ALL RISKS" with $50
deductible clause attached.
This is
with a
a comparative example, available
larger deductible at additional
Home, Frame
Appurt. structures
Unscheduled Pers. Prop.
Add'l Living. Exp.
Personal Liability
Medical pay to others
Vehicle Prop. Damage
Credit card coverage
"Serving MUTUAL OF
Basic Rates
Used by Many
Companies Annual...
117 I. Cola St.
Legal P lkctions
WHEREAS, it has been
determined that the following
property is no longer usable by
the Sheriff's Department and
Should be declared surplus:
1970 PlymOuth 4-door,
License C 26054,
PM41NOD255871; Beaulieu 16R
Movie Camera, Augenienx 12-120
Auto Zoom Lens.
WHEREAS, it appears that
the request is reasonable and
Crushed Rock
Top SoiJ
Beauty Bark
considered. Bids will be opened
publicly at the above stated time
and place, and read aloud. No
bidder may withdraw his proposal
after the time set for the opening,
or before award of the Contact,
unless said award is delayed for a
period exceeding thirty (30) days.
Bidders and others interested are
invited to be present.
Drawings and specifications,
including Bidding Requirements
and Contract Documents may be
obtained at the office of the
Architect, HAROLD E. DALKE,
Street, Shelton, Washington and
may be viewed at the AGC's,
Seattle and Tacoma; Associated
Sub-Contractors, Tacoma;
Northwest Plan Service, Seattle;
Plan Bureau, Seattle; and Olympic
Plan Service, Olympia.
Bona fide prime bidders may
obtain one set of drawings and
required to complete the project.
Work shall commence within
ten (10) days after the award of
the Contract and be completed
within fifteen (15) working days.
All proposals must be made
on the regular blank forms
furnished and must be
accompanied by cash, certified
check, or bid bond, in the amount
equal to five percent (5%) of the
total bid. Such accompanying
certification will be returned to
aH unsuccessful bidders ~'pon the
completion of the award of the
Contract or the rejection of the
Bids. The bid bond shall be made
payable to the City Treasurer,
City of Shelton, Washington.
The City of Shelton reserves
the right to reject any or all bids
and to waive all informalities.
Contractual documents may
be obtained at the office of the
City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall,
Eddie Kneeland
a bid is submitted and the
documents are returned in good
condition within ten (10) days
after time set for bid opening.
specifications at the Architect's Shelton, Washington.
office upon deposit of $25.00. Dated at Shelton, Washington,
Deposit will be refunded provided this 29th day of April, 1975.
Helen W. Stodden
Each bid must be
accompanied by a certified check,
cashier's check or a bid bond,
with State licensed surety
company as surety, in an amount
not less than 5% of the basic bid,
plus additive alternates, if any,
made payable to Grapeview
School District No. 54.
Successful bidder will be
required to file a Public Works
Bond as stated in the
Inside Fire District
W/1 1,000 fire hydrant
Mutual of
Inside Fire District
W/1-2 mile of station
Inside Fire District ;127.00
2-5 miles to station
Over 5 miles ;148.00
to station
ENUMCLAW since 1974"
No. 4576
LANDIS, Deceased.
The undersigned is the
appointed and qualified Personal
Representative of said estate.
Persons having claims against the
deceased must serve the claim on
the undersigned, or the attorney
of record, at the address stated
below and must file an executed
copy of the claim with the Clerk
of the Court within four months
after the date of first publication
of this notice or within four
months after the date of the filing
of a copy of this notice or the
claim will be barred, except under
those provisions included in RCW
Date of filing copy of notice
to creditors: April 25, 1975.
Date ot first publication: May
1, 1975.
"Quackupuncture" is
term used by Dr. Samuel
Rosen, Mount Sinai
School of Medicine, NYC,
to describe acupuncture
tireatment for severe
hearing loss caused by
nerve damage. He says
several new U.S. treatment
centers espouse such
methods, which most
Chinese otologists regard
as "highly experimental,
rarely beneficial."
!Heirs Pharmacy
E mergency Ph. 426.2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Attorney(s) for the Estate William R. Batstone,
616 Central Building
Seattle, Washington 98104 703 Railroad Avenue
funeral directOr
Susan Goodburn, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hay Street, Shelton, will spend a week at the Flying HorseshOe
Eastern Washington as the grand prize winner of the
subscription campaign, Susan won the trip, in addition the
commissions, for selling the most new subscriptions during the
campaign. The Journal distributed $1,600.00 to local
participated in the selling drive.
Page 12. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 8, 1975