May 8, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Black Hills League tennis champions are, left to right: back
Thomason, Paul Skipworth, Lincoln Miner, Jim Teberg, Dave
ront row, Alex Cavalcanti, Dale Campagna, Coach AI Hopp,Bruce
ark Jaros. The racqueteers pictured below have qualified for
Jim Teberg
Bruce Dorcy
Dale Campagna
Dave Hanson
Lincoln Miner
Paul Skipwo~ th
AI Hopp and his Shelton High
School tennis team wrapped up
their sixth consecutive Black Hills
League championship Thursday
wilh a 5-0 sweep over HtXluiam's
no I inell.
The win, on Shelton's courts,
pushes the Highclimber record to
14-0 for the season. The Climbers
are heavy favorites to repeat as
the number one squad in the
upcoming sub-district and district
In the Hoquiam match, Dale
Campagna opened with a 6-0, 6-3
roul over Hoquiam's number one
seed Jim Lindberg.
Wes Slockwell dumped Tom
Lane 6-2, 6-0. Line Miner
defeated David t"urth 6-0, 6-3.
Dave Wickcn, the hustling
young freshman, got by the
Tigers" Tom Saycr 6-2, 6-1.
In doubles competition, the
Climbers' Dave Hanson and Bruce
Dorcy whipped Osborne and
Sherman 6-2, 6-1. Jim Teberg and
Paul Skipworth repeated with a
6-2, 6-1 win over Htx|uiam's
Stewart and Warner.
Mark Jaros and Alex
Cavalcanli completed the doubles
play wilh a 6-2, 6-4 win over Jim
Slarr and Bill Palton.
Great and small
Hc prayeth well, Who Ioveth
Both inan and bird and beast.
Hc prayeth best, who Ioveth best
All things, both g~eat and small.
Samel Taylor Coleridge
By LARRY WILLIAMS Jerry Brush (P), Joey Durand Baseball Throw:
Few people are turned on by (HE)B; -- Kurt Mortenson (NM), A -- Linda Zech (NM), Karen
Hanson {S), Barb Pavel (HC),
winning fifth place in a chinning Jeff Story iS), Richard Velkov Monica Steinke (NM), Barbara
(HC), David LaMont (P), SteveOuintana (HC);
contest at the annual county Chapman iS); B -- Ruth Marsh (NM), Mona
track meet. One of them is C -- Ron Smith iS), Mike Hodge (NM), Sherri Herninger iS),
Ninnis (P), Don Smith (HC), Dale Laurie Evans iS), Susan Crabtree
Charlotte Smith, a tiny fourth Flores {MMK), Dale Hurley iS). (MMK);
grade student at North Mason C- Anna Plant (HC), Branda
Elementary School.
"Look what ! got for me and
my school," the newly-found star
said. "What is it, sweetheart?" she
was asked. With a grin as big as
she is, she held up her gold fifth
place ribbon.
As far as this tiny little athlete
was concerned, she had won
That was the setting for
Tuesday's annual county track
meet held at Highclimber Stadium
with 200 gradeschoolers from
Hood Canal, Mary M. Knight,
Southside, Pioneer and North
Mason Schools participating.
Some stars of the future may have
I:een there.
Hood Canal won the team
title with 180% points, followed
by Southside 149%, North Mason
115, Pioneer 83, Mary M. Knight
71 and Grapeview 20.
Total scores in the boys'
division were: Hood Canal 93,
North Mason 57, Southside 50,
Pioneer 47, Mary M. Knight 40,
Grapeview 15.
Southside captured the girls"
division with 99~A, Hood Canal
had 87½, North Mason 58,
Pioneer 36, Mary M. Knight 31
and Grapeview 5.
50-Yard Dash:
A -- Jerry Brush (P), Willie
Jonnso, uNM), Mark Wheeler iS),
Rickey Johnson (MMK), Ronnie
Dunham (G);
B -- Dan Molinero (HC), Kris
Rocke (NM), Leslie Moiler (P),
Roger Murray iS), Mike Willig
C --Bill Boggs (HC), Mike
Chamberlin iS), Rex Bovack
(MMK), Tracy Nelson (NM).
75-Yard Dash:
A --Jerry Brush (P), Bryan
Whitehall (NM), Richard Hickson
(MMK), Allen Ricllert (HC), Mark
Wheeler (S);
B -- Dan Molinero (HC),
Albert Keith (NM), Roger Murray
iS), Lee Deffenbaugh (MMK),
Carl Barry (P);
100-Yard Dash:
C -- Bill Boggs (He), Paul
King (NM), Ed Montoya (P),
Rodney Bovack (MMK}, Mike
Chamberlin iS);
Baseball Throw:
A -- Fred Jenner iS), Allan
Rickert (HC), Ty Byerly (.NM),
Bobby Noyes (NM), Mike
Lupinacci (P) ;
B -- James Petraitis (G), Dave
Becker (NM), Craig Louderback
.(G), Ed Longshore (HC), Eric
borenson (S);
C -- Charles Keith (S), Robert
Allen (HC), Martin Crabtree
~MMK), Ed Montoya (P), Michael
erley (G) ;
' Broad Jump:
A -- Jerry Brush (P), Allan
Richert (HC) Lowell Stevens
(NM), John Fh~shman (S), Bryan
Whitehall (NM) ;
B"-- Mike Visser (HC),
Rocke (NM), Grogs Lester (HC),
Tony Beaver iS), Lee
Deffenbaugh (MMK);
C -- Bill Boggs (HC}, Dale
Flores (MMK), Ed Montoya (P),
Mark Baker iS), Mark Deyette
B -- Mike Visser (HC), Carl
Barry (P), Dave Becker (NM), Joe
Hoff (HC), Tony Beaver iS) ;
C -- Mark Deyette (HC), Dan
Cook (MMK), Jay Rothrock
(MMK), Archie Miller (HC), Mike
Chamberlin iS).
A -- Bryan Whitehall (NM),
George Cook (P) Bill Hams (G),
Sports twenty-five years ago
Shelton's Central League baseball record remains
untarnished over the past week but a non-conference rival
hung a hear tbreaking loss on the Highclimbers.
Don Cleveland's pitching was hotter than a pistol when
the Climbers whipped Elma 6 to t in a Friday night game
on Loop Field. Jimmy Miller was equally sensational in the
batter's box and his two hits drove in half of the
Highclimbers' runs.
Saturday was a sad day, however, as pitcher Bob
Eacrett threw a great game against North Kitsap only to
end up at the short end of a 1 to 0 final. The iunior
righthander racked up 15 strikeouts and gave up only one
walk. The last inning was the clincher when two Shelton
errors allowed the Vikings to snatch the victory.
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1st & Cota Shelton
Open -- Dan Cook (MMK), Brown (HC), Kris Sorenson (S),
Laurie Conklin iS), Kathy
Terry Brown (HC), Mark Baker Hobson (NM).
iS), Grog Stairs (HC), Bruce
Adsero (MMK). Broad Jump:
200-Yard Relay: A -- Karen Hanson (S), Beanie
Hood Canal, Pioneer, North Knoop (P), Linda Zech (NM),
Vicki Heinitz (S), Barbie
Mason, Mar.y M. Knight, Quintana (HC).
400-Yard Relay:
Hood Canal, North Mason,
Pioneer, Mary M. Knight,
50-Yard Dash:
A -- Evelyn Crabtree (MMK),
Vicki Heinitz iS), Linda Zech
(NM), Beanie Knoop (P), Janelle
Marks (G) ;
B -- Bonnie Chamberlin iS),
Andrea Zernicke (MMK), Brenda
Butters (HC), Kathy Goldsby (P),
High Jump:
B -- Sandi Knoop (P), tied for
second: Nancy Card (HC), Sharon
Jonson (NM), Lisa Ayers (S), Julie
Stites (S);
C -- Kim Smith (HC), Kris
Sorenson (S), Edwina Springer
{MMK), Kelly Makoviney iS),
Melanie Johns (HC).
A -- Gina Grey (HC), Cindy
Butters (HC), Jill Patnode (P),
tied for fourth: Vicki Heinitz iS),
Charlotte Smith (NM) ;
Jenny Pruter (G); B -- Debbie Leyde ,.(NM),
C -- Brenda Brown (HC), Veronica Martinson (NM), t:}onnie
Teresa Dudics (MMK), Patty Chamberlin iS), Colleen Estep
Gallagher (P), Kris Sorenson (S), (P), Brenda Butters (HC);
Sharon Pearson (G). C -- Teresa Johnson iS), Patti
Dvment (HC), tied for third: Kim
75-Yard Dash: Smith (HC), Teri Bieniek (P),
A -- Vicki Heinitz iS), Linda Debbie Ragan (S).
Zech (NM), Jill Patnode (P),Shotput:
Evelyn Crabtree (MMK), Shannon Open - Sue Boggs (HC),
Kirk (HC); Becky Esser (NM), Cynthia Barger
B -- Bonnie Chamberlin iS), (HC), Terri Thompson iS), Laurie
Susan Crabtree (MMK), Mona Evans iS).
Hodge (NM), Patricia Johnson
(G), Brenda Butters (HC).
100-Yard Dard~:
C -- Sue Bog_gs (HC), Teresa
Dudics (MMK), Teri Bieniek (P),
Kris Sorenson iS), Robin Pope
200-Yard Relay:
H ODd Can,il, Southside,
Pioneer, Mary M. Knight, North
400-Yard Relay:
Southside, Pioneer, Hood
Canal, North Mason, Mary M.
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