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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII League suits & =ridings IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII rAM LEAGUE }~ ITT-Ray 37 ~o MaCoStat 8 ~/ Elks 46 o 14 Verle's en 29 21 Evergre 16 EllingsonI '~ Endicott 13 I~ Evergreen5 5 Ellingson6 1. ITT-Ray. 44 '~$, Elks. 13 . 'Won LOSS =r 3 0 ~lty 2 i ~._2 I ,s 2 1 2 I I I 2 0 3 0 3 OR DIVISION Gott Oil 15 =u Mell Chev. 4 " Bechtold 11 l~ Local 276 6 Moose 12 Miklethun 15 , ~ SRA 0 I$: Win Loss 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 ~$T DIVISION I~ MCFCU 11 21 Kiwanis 14 16 Morgan 19 Hirnlie 12 ~ raine . d out to be Win Loss 2 0 0 , 8 21 il0R DIVISION , Lumbermen s 4 Petty's 4 : Win Loss i o o :V N I West R. 5 orush R. 21 Sh. Binders 1 ~" Queen o ~Otary 1 1 Win Loss 2 2 0 2 0 I 0 I i I 1 I 1 0 1 Q 2 2 blVl$1ON II 20 IWA 10 9 SITE 24 out to be Win 1 Loss 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Christmas hold its and tour to ~1 be held in Olympia. of tree J. Hofert and ram is a Mason Office on the life of Io. 404 pl " la i ants In C ssroom By JAN DANFORD , 1111 !!1 Four hundred flourishing Alderb,rook Golf and Yacht T.les i~ tomato plants attest to thethe planting of the seeds in peat .... li ~i II!~ Club Men s Sixth Annual Best horticultural prowess of ten Ball Amateur Tournament was special education students who ~!!ii! iiill played May 3 and 4. Winners in have grown their commercial crop the first flight were: By HERB Wl LLIAMS ~ in a Reed Building classroom. ::~i / ~ Gross - Larry Daniels-Pete . . Sue Williams, director of !~ Nellis (Bayview)139; Bill Vocational HandicappedProgram, i ~!!~ . Scarbrough-Don Jacobs (Kitsap has guided the willing hands from G o 1 f & C C ) 1 4 3 ; B i I 1 ~' G rege r-Randy Jensen (Grays&PeckStuart-RandyHarborGibson CC)Net l(Fircrest) (Twin 49. CC) _ Bill 145; Grosz Lakes)Jim Martin-Lloyd 149; (Kitsap 131; Ball-Greg Heinie Steve Golf seeds localint° gallons cans. pellets to the final transplanting deducted pellets The at store no plants and from cost. which fertilizer will profits Expense provided be sold and will of peat in the the bea ii!i ~;~ Hilderman-Kerm Bacon remaining funds will be used to ~!~ ~' 1i (Alderbrook) 1 32; Dr. Bill purchase materials for the Special Duncan-Bob Duncan (Dungeness) Education Program and to finance ..... ~ 1 3 3 ; H o w a r d A n d e r s o n a field trip to Seattle. (Alderbrook)-Doug Hendry From this endeavor, part of (Allenmore) 1 33; Walter t he mini-horticultural program ~; )~ ~ (~4 ~ii ~ ~ ::::i~ ~7''~ ~~1~ ~ii !;~ ......... ' L arsen-Art Nolan (Earlington) offered in Special Education to ~~ ~ !i~i~ ~!ii!II ~ 1 35; Mike Ogg-Mike Edmonds satisfy science credits, ~ ~ ~:~i~'-:l~:~;~~j (Rolling Hills) 137. p at ti cipating students are i~ !~I ~ : i}i~i ~iI ~ ~ ~ t In the second flight winners learning how to grow tomato .,:~ were: plants from seed as an ~ ~i! ~]~i~i )ii i iiiii~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ !~f Gross - Bob Steen-Bob Steen independent venture with an ~:i: !:~i ~i~i~!~~ ~i~ Jr. (Kitsap Golf & CC)159; tied a cq aired knowledge of .... ii~ ~ ~+~ii ~i f:i~;i ~lllblF "i ~" with Ray Reames-Chuck Rowe soil-selection, germination and ~' i/ili i!il~ ~[~!LII ~-i (Alderbrook) 159; Cotton fertilization. They are accepting !~:!i~.:~~ ~" ...... ~'~ ~:. McKinney-John Breckinridge responsibilities in caring for the (Wilderness Ridge)161; Don plants, and are experiencing the TEuNIDTtE#]ZmPLANTS ina Reed Bulldlngclassroom as part Cooley-Bud Winderl (Kitsap)165. operation of a small business. If-l-TDmiEnNiISor Net winners were - Harold Classroom farmers are Ran S t e p h e n s - J a c k P e n t o n y Moore, Bob Rollevson, George (Alderbrook) 130; Don Lay Reedy, Bob Holtorf, SteveVicious circle Jr.-Mark McMahon (Kitsap) 131 ; Mar tinell' Sam Greenlee' Dean {aT;i~'de]p :~!!l;'iSr~u~lb~VglidTf'F()OS BAILI Dwight Bacon-W. Harvey (Gold Olin, Dave Winkler, Roger Kane, Mountain) 132; Bill Hughes-Lon and chairman Scott Reichert. P Davis (Alderbrook) 135; Jerry ~ii !td:ii !e rn ec j~]u~ill i~ !i )LJRI AMJEII Reid-Tim Reid (LakeLand Stones for bread Village) 137;VernHaskins-Wayne Or what man is there of you, Parker (Rolling Hills) 137. whom if his son ask bread, will he Saturday s lap prize waswon give him a stone? lf ye then, being i!ii f ii S nd ; ;f iTl .m. by the team of Dr. Bill D ,uncan evil, know how to give good gifts and his son, Bob, 65. Sunday s lap unto your children, how much prize was won by Don Lay more shall your Father which is in Jr.-MarkFifty.eightMCMahon,teams63. competed, heaventhat ask him?give good things to them mst~tutlons of W;rcmty of Friends 1 09 Second Street representing some 20 clubs. Matthew 7:9, 11 Hood Canal TO CIIV~ SCENT TO FOOL FISH/~ levy vote w,,.o,,.,^-.