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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
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i ill:!~ i P PAPERS bring a smile to the face of local Tex Avila. honor dinner planned High School seniors graduate with a of B or better guests at a dinner to 15. are invited may be secured at the Shelton High School office or at Lloyd's Men's and Women's Shop. The dinner will be served in the new high school cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. It is sponsored by Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD a female dog." of COurse." not?!! Aren't you 'out the current pet Don't you know of just one a.multiply into a In a mere seven happen to have the male?" You mean, statistics lieve that females produce progeny alone spayed ... " female of the far too long borne of blame for reproduction. agree that the lusty male dog when lasciviously revel, in the pursuit of ss would be Y capable of ng dozens of mothers each Ja so, but..." r oximately fifty Unwanted litter who in a few "I am finally a citizen of this wonderful country!" says Mexican-born Ishmael Avila, local woodcarver whose work has won comes acclaim at state and county fairs. "For 17 years I have worked for this!" A former wetback, Avila Officers installed by VFW Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hyatt were installed as commander and president of the Mason County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary No. 1694 on May 2. Installing them were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seeley from VFW Post and Auxiliary No. 318 of Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jenkins of VFW Post and Auxiliary No. 318 were installing officer of the day and installing conductress. Mrs. Hyatt presented to outgoing president Lucille Chapman a gift on behalf of members of the auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt presented gifts to their installing officers. Past district commander Larry Godwin presented a past commander's pin to Eugene Hyatt for previous year's term as commander. Mrs. Kenneth Thele, installing musician, received a gift from Mrs. Hyatt. Other officers installed for the post were: senior vice commander, Bill Hartman, Jr.; junior vice commander, Les Miller; chaplain, Lee Chapman; quartermaster, Larry Godwin; adjutant, Darrell Sparks; 3-year trustee, Frank Kokett; 2-year trustree, George Witcraft; 1-year trustee, Wayne Robinson; surgeon, Robert Springer; judge Boho'is convene short months are hell-bent on ravaging every innocent little girl-dog in a ten-mile radius!" "But the spaying of the female..." "Who started this myth about the spaying of the female? Some male chauvinist pig! Castration of the male is of less risk to the pet and less costly to the owner than the somewhat extensive surgery required to render barren the female." "You would advocate the neutering of the male rather than the female?" "Definitely. Do we perform hysterectomy upon the mare? No. We geld the stallion. Let's up date our thinking and zero in on the: male dog for a change." "I notice that you have a male dog, too. Is he neutered?" "Well... no. But as you can see, my dogs are kept strictly within the confines of my own well-fenced yard." "But don't they.., well... breed?" "Of course not! I've posted 'No-littering' signs all over the place." Puppy-love will wane away when each gay dog has had his day. Mrs. Virginia Martig of Shelton attended the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States celebrated at the 66th annual Baha'i Convention held April 24 to April 27 in Wilmette, Illinois, at the Baha'i House of Worship. Delegates from all states were present as well as visitors from many other countries. Home, sweet Such is the patriot's boast, whe~'er we roam, His first, best country ever is at home. Oliver Goldsmith advocate, Robert Snyder; officer of the day, Frank Kokett. Officers installed in the auxiliary were senior vice president, Josephine Sparks; junior vice president, Mabel Aitken; secretary, Idell Rutherford; treasurer, Colleen Gephart; chaplain,- Lucille Speece; conductress, Fae Robinson; guard, Andrea Jones; trustee No. 1, Georgia Hellman; trustee No. 2, Ila Chase; trustee No. 3, Lucille Chapman; color bearer No. 1, Glenna Faulkner; color bearer No. 2, Esther Bastian; color bearer No. 3, Merle VanderWal; color bearer No. 4, Elsie Gallagher; flag bearer, Georgia Hellman; banner bearer, Ila Chase; patriotic instructor, Jessie Cox; musician,, Bea Gray. Guests included District 5 junior vice commander Bob Bell of Montesano, department guard Margaret Bell of Montesano, auxiliary president Ailene McMillan of Olympia, post commander John Libby of Olympia, past district commander Forrest Beerbower of Elma, District 5 senior vice president Dorothy Beerbower of Elma, District 5 surgeon Ogden Jhanson of Elma, auxiliary president Marguerite Jhanson of Elma, past post commander Don Martinson of Olympia, auxiliary president elect Rose Martinson of Olympia, District 5 cancer chairman Charlotte Mann of Elma, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christianson of Burien Post and Auxiliary 4314. Mrs. Esther Morgan, a charter member of the auxiliary, was present to receive her 45-year continuous membership pin. Beatrice Gray received a 35-year pin and a 30-year pin went to Jessie Cox. All post and auxiliary members were reminded of the District 5 convention to be held in McCleary on Saturday, beginning with a no-host dinner at 6:30 p.m. and business meetings to convene at 8 p.m. Delegates should be present for election of officers. Memorial services will also be conducted. i I 2531 2511 Deep Well Multi-Stage Jet Pump • 40 to 60 lbs. pressure for 40 to 280 ft. depths • 1 and 1 ]/z H.P. multi;stage jet pumps are also on sale Convertible Shallow and Deep Well Hydro-GlassTM Pump Vz H.P. $ Pump only * Fiber glass construc- tion resists corrosion • 30 to 50 lbs. pressure for 5 to 110-ft. depths a . CI izen entered the United States legally in 1968 with the aid of Simpson Timber Company by whom he is now employed as a logger. On Friday he was one of 94 persons who convened in the Federal Courthouse in Seattle to be sworn in as citizens. Avila, known to his friends as "Tex," did little special study for the all-important examinations. "It wasn't necessary," he explains. "I'm an avid reader and a history buff, and I keep up with current events." Avila's entries in the Mason County Fair will include a recently completed life-size bust and an intricately carved cedar chest. Viking Fest to be held in Poulsbo The seventh annual Viking Fest will be held in Poulsbo from May 16 through May 18 with the 16th annual North Kitsap Arts and Crafts Show to be held from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. on May 17 and from noon until 7 p.m. on May 18 in North Kitsap High School. Designs in Clay will be displayed by P. J. and John Dunlap of Harstine Island. Linoleum block printing will be demonstrated by Richard Brewer and Gaff Baker of Union. Nordic dancers will appear at 7 p.m. on May 16 with vaudeville shows slated for 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday events will begin with 7 a.m. pancake breakfasts in the Poulsbo Armory to be followed by a full schedule of activities. Fury Beware the fury of a patient man. John Dryden Sandy Jones Llyn Byrd Girls honored Girl-of-the-Year for Epsilon Omicron chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is Sandy Jones, with Llyn Byrd as Pledge-of-the-Year. Announcements were made at the Founders' Day dinner held at Tyee on the evening of April 30. The Bible is filled with inspiration anti guidance... vivid examples of protection and comfort through understanding God. You can find answers to your needs with the special help of weekly Bible Lessons in the Christkm Science Q.artw . Buy your own copy of the uuarleny, or study the Bible Lesson, in our public Reading Room. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 107 South Second -- Shelton SOCIAL SECURITY RECIPIENTS As another service of FI RSTBANK, you can have your Social Security check deposited directly by mail each month to your account at the Shelton FIRSTBANK Branch. NO WAITING -- NO WORRY -- NO CHARGE. Contact FIRSTBANK now or call 426-8295 for information. ICE) NATIONAL BANK Shelton Branch, Seattle-First National Bank MEMBER FDIC ALL DEPOSITS INSURED TO $40,000 It's Here rl d ,I 'S e Save now on Granada, America's best-selling newcomer. For a limited time only, you can get a Limited Edition Granada for less. That's because $250 has been taken off the standard Granada sticker price on the 2-Door and 4-Door Limited Edition Ford Granada. Choice of three handsome color combinations: Dark Brown with Tan interior. Dark Red with Red interior. Silver Metallic with Red interior. You get the stylish elegance Granada is known for. Plus the economy design, ride and handling that make Granada the smart choice today. But act fast. The number is limited. Limited Edition Ford Granada 2-Door Sedan able now and we have lots of boxed candy 36 or 19-gal. Capacity Captive AirTM Tanks $ 36~al. tank 19-gal. tank $" Tanks resist waterlogging, reduce pump starts tO help prolong pump life MAY SPECIAL Hydro Glass Jet Shallow Well Pump, ½ H.P. with 19-gal. Captive Air Tank. Model 2510. Was $194.95, SAVE $35. 95 Sears Has a Credit Plan to Suit Moot Every Need Prices are Catalog Prices Shipping, Installation Extra Satis/action Guaranteed or Your Money Back SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE Sears Evergreen Square 426-8201 24-Hr. Shopping ~EARN. ROEBUCK AND CO. New low price Includes: New Bench Seat • Vinyl Door Trim • Unique Exterk'r Trim, plus Limited Edition such standard features as these: Solid State Ignition • Front Disc Brakes • Steel-Belted Radials • Deep-Pile Carpeting • Wood- tone Instrument Paneling • 2- or 4-Door Model. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Granada for a limited time only... i~TM Thursday, May 8, 1975 Shel ason County Journal Page 23