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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE L~ For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale IFICE to save Jch, pair Danish new firescreen, Iment, silver set. 11-7, /8 AND plant sale, ay 10th, 10-4, out Arcadia t rummage sale by .and Jills 4-H Club Jrsday, May m~ ED standard S5/8 LE, Thursday, 9-5. Baby seat, stroller, clothing. cots, carpet etc. 512 East Hill near water $25, gas range, order. From 426-1469. -- Friday and Ho man Street. MOTHER'S DAY plants, hanging baskets, geraniums, fuchsias. Speece Greenhouse, Deer Creek Loop Road. Phone 426-6831. $5/8-29 SLATE POOL table, like new, $375. Call 898-2766. M5/8-29 ;=OR SALE -- Used Whirlpool washing machine, $75. 426-5383. 55/8 SILVER STREAK 28' quality travel trailer. Excellent condition, only $4,500. Poor health forces sale. 426-8941. K5/8 FRESH SEAFOODS -- Clams, pan size Coho salmon, oysters in shell or opened. Wholesale and retail. Call Squaxin Island Tribal Center, 426-2679. $5/8-29 8x41 TRAILER -- Just remodeled. Partially furnished. $2,000.426-5981. DS/8tfn GARAGE SALE, Friday and Sunday, 9-6. Men's 34 clothes, plants, freezer. 2 miles out Arcadia Road. L5/8 20" ROTARY mower, $25. 2-wheel trailer frame, $15. 1966 Ford body parts, no reasonable offer refused. 426-1966. $5/8 CLEAN EXPENSIVE carpets with the best. Blue Lustre is America's favorite. Rent shampooer, $2. Coast to Coast Store. C5/8 REDUCED PRICE -- Rockwell Model 41 electric edger/trimmer for sale. Like new condition, $20. Call 426-4915 any time other than Friday eves or Saturday. P5/8tfn TRUCK CANOPY 3x8, load-a-boat boat loader, 2 maroon braided rugs 81/2 x 11]/2, Iouvered UPRIGHT piano, m, $200. Call d-burning oven, $265. Od-burning 2 iron beds. s including canopy and mirror. rag. I Y a hall tree. 17x32 orange plush rug, good for area rug in basement or recreation room. 426-6552. B5/8 Top Soil Call 5:30 HUSQVARNA, 1974, 250 CR, mag. Bilstein shocks. 426-5489. M5/8-15 16' UTILITY boat, canvas top, 55 h.p., electric start, trailer, life jackets, cushions, bumpers, new paint. Ready to put in the canal. $650. Phone collect 495-3814. B5/8 FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer to George W. Backus, 202 Tipperary, Lake Limerick, from Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. Rock I Soil Bark S 4/1 7 tfn GARAGE SALE, Friday, May 9th. 2111 North Adams, in back. M5/8 10x14 TENT, $75. Chest freezer, 16 cu. ft., $125. Porch sale this Saturday across from Lake Nahwatzel boat launch. Z5/8 ANTIQUE PIE safe, $70. Franklin fireplace, $120. Call 426-4885. $5/8 GARAGE SALE --AFX Aurora race set, bunkbeds complete, bookcases, roller skates, driftwood and much, much more. One mile out Arcadia Road. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 10:30-4. G5/8 FIR AND pine wood, $24 a cord, YARD SALE -- Saturday, May any length. Alder $30. Phone 10, 10-5. Cancelled if it rains. 426-4970. $5/1-22 'Good clothes, vases, plants, purses, glass, cameras, shoes and MALE CHIHUAHUA wanting to lots of other good stuff. 1429 E. breed to female. Call 426-2840. Fairmont, Hillcrest. A5/8 Materials ~lnd & Gravel Crushed Rock Reacly Mix POURS TRUCKS Park Street 2/1 ltfn doors, pair 33" x 75" Photo Center, 426-6163. innersprings, tubular giant swing, P2/20tfn mirrors, toolbox, assorted tools, ...... king bedspread, chair. 426-5782. D5/8 CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn ,The Pot Shack | Mile East of Union on Hwy. 106 Concrete Picnic Tables Bird Baths Flower Pots Planters Macrame Hanging Pots \ 898-2545 PRE MIX UJ Serving the Hood Canal area with ready-mix concrete. Located in Potlatch f •/ 8/1 5tfn TOP SOIL View. A5/8 T5/1-8 1970 HONDA 50 with both electric and kick starter, built with opening like girl's bicycle so younger children are able to ride. $150. 877-5497. B4/24tfn WOOD FOR sale, alder, maple and fir, split and delivered. $30 per cord. Call 426-2701. C2/13tfn BARGAIN TABLE- Misc. items, some 112 price. Photo Center, 426-6163. P3/Atfn NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on continuous aluminum gutters.- 426-8201. S6/14tfn ROOFING -- NEED a new composition roof? For free estimate call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. Sl/10tfn FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames. PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn DINING TABLE, six chairs, mahogany, $250. 3-piece sectional, brown tweed, $95. Excellent condition. 426-2049. B518 SHELTON JANITORIAL Service, carpet cleaning our specialty. Phone 426-8936. Sl 1/30tfn TAPE RECORDERS -- Panasonic, Craig, Sony. From $29.95 up. Photo Center, 426-6163. P2/20tfn CHAIN LINK fence -- for free estimate, call Norm Bunko at Sears, 426-8201. Sl/10tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the, Tropics Ballroom (Schneider s Prairie). Ca Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S9/26tfn CEDAR FENCING. Call Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550, for free estimates. E5/16tfn JX BRAND country-fresh beef. Phone 426-3325 weekdays. 426-2806 evenings and weekends. J2/27tfn INSULATED CAMPER, $200. Call 898-2731. W5/1-22 COPPERTONE KELVlNATOR washer, good condition, $89. 426-8135. L5/1-8 JAY'S CUSTOM MEATS (Complete Meat Processing) FARM SLAUGHTERING Custom cutting, wrapping and freezing. Hams and bacon cured. Locker beef available. ELMA 482-2203 s/8-29 Field =' "I ~- - ,, j# Phone 426.1500 after 6 p.m. Serving Mason County • Septic Tanks • Backhoe Service • Bulldozing • G ravel P.O. Box "37: Supplied soil for 25 years. Skokomish Valley good, sandy loam or top soil. Pickups welcome. Will deliver truckloads anywhere. Small lot clearing. Call 426-3735 or 426-8993. 3/6-tfn For The Finest In: * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL ARE WELCOME | ............... :;::;3 LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS 6/] 3tfn HILLCREST SECOND STORE 3125 Olympic Hwy. South Open 10 a.m. -- 5:30 p.m. 426-2469 5/1-8 CAMPING TRAILER, 15 foot, sleeps 5. Phone 426-6303 or see at 2319 King. S5/8-15 QUALITY RUBBER stamps, featuring 1-3 day service at reduced prices for Shelton and Olympia residents. Special type stamps available for order. 426-1255 or 426-8993. K5/1-22 Grapeview WA 98546 PHOTO ALBUMS -- large variety -- magnetic plastic pages, scrapbook -- refill pages carried. Photo Center, 426-6163. P5/ltfn FINE CLASSICAL guitar, solid spruce top, case included, $200. Call evenings 357-5994 Olympia. H4/24tfn GIVE YOUR gifts the personal touch with Tri-Chem liquid embroidery. Call and book your party now. Janet Dyson, 426-8483. D4/17-5/8 AGED HORSE manure, $10 pickup load. 426-8827. F4/24-5/15 10-FOOT dinghy. Also 3% h.p. outboard. 426-4128 or 426-8262. Mc5/ltfn 2 CHAIRS and a studio couch. Call 426-3240. R4/17-5/8 VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and dairy products, all your health food needs. Old Healthy's Natural Foods, First and Railroad, 426-5158. O4/17tfn CAMERAS -- THAT make picture taking easy -- yet give you beautiful photos- Photo Center, 426-6163. P5/ltfn Wanted BARK BUYER, dry or wet, 2 miles on Panhandle Lake Road. 426-1173. L5/8-15 GOOD PRICE for green and dry cascara bark. Wayne Evers, Rt. 10, Box 94, Shelton. (Dayton-Matlock Highway -- 4 miles from Shelton.) 3:00-8:00 daily. Telephone 426-4052. P5/1-7/17 WANTED -- USED bridle to fit small horse. Also small snaffle bit. 426-4998 after 6 p.m. 3/4tfn TIMBER WANTED. Will buy for cash or log on contracL Also land clearing. Darrell's Logging, 426-6642. T4/3tfn WANTED: STAMPS and coins, singles and collections. As a collector, I can pay more than most dealers. 426-8007. P4/10tfn WILL TEAR down old barns, shacks, etc. for weatherbeaten siding. 426-6776 any time. 426-8597 evenings. L4/24-5/15 k WANTED: GRAIN drill, preferably with seeder. 426-3648. HS/1-tfn WANTED -- YOUR junk cars. Will• buy complete cars or will haul away others free if not completely stripped. 426-2725 or 426-8991. L8/15tfn D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn C E----D A-'-R -S H A K--'----E- bo,ts , gs stumpage, land and timber. T & L Cedar Products (formerly Larco Mill), 495-3909. P.O. Box 480, McCleary. T8/22tfn ~~%%%%%%%%% " Lost & F_ound PLEASE" --- MY Teddy Bear is still missing. Oh where, oh where is my Teddy Bear? Call Merle Snyder, 426-2470. S5/8 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent or lease- 2-bedroom home on nice skiing lake. Young professional couple with infant son relocating t'0 Shelton area. Excellent references available. Phone collect Seattle 1-634-1326. $4/17-5/8 Budness Opportunitbs Help Wanted ~%%%%%%%%%%- WoA Wanted @ Pets, Uvestock HAS INFLATION hit your pocketbook? Call for appointment, 426-6649. 5/1-8 HOME SHAKE mill, 30" bandsaw, 220 single phase, 3 h.p. All accessories except splitter. Aberdeen 533-1229. M5/1-22 PERSON TO sew uniforms for Minor's A&W Family Restaurant. Phone 426-2002. A5/8 BOOZE -- FOOD. Immediate openings for chef, cooks, food, cocktail waitresses. All shifts, good spots, high tips, local positions. Call Dee at Key, 943-9591, Tumwater. K5/8 Used Ca. 1967 CHRYSLER, air, all power, new tires. Will take trail bike or ~ickup canopy as part trade. hone 426-5956 after 6 p.m. J5/8 OWNER OUT of country. '74 Vega GT, 4-speed, AM-FM, air, deluxe interior, 16,500 miles. Call Pat, days 426-2614; evenings 426-4840. B5/8-15 '68 MUSTANG, 289, new engine, rebuilt transmission, 18-20 mpg, excellent condition, 1 owner. $1,395 or best offer. 426-2812. R5/8 CAPRI 2000, 1971, $1,800 or best offer. 426-1129 or 748-3642. H5/8-15 1964 FORD wagon, $250, 1966 Oldsmobile, $300. Across from Lake Nahwatzel boat launch. Z5/8 EXPERIENCED COOK. 877-5251. F5/8-29 ENTHUSIASTIC. EXCEPTIONAL position for experienced tailor, good wages, good boss. Also needed experienced sales person. Call Monte at Key, 943-9591, Tumwater. K5/8 SHAKE BOLT cutters, Matlock area. 426-6931. G4/24-5/15 SHELTON SCHOOL District is accepting bids for tearing down the football and baseball ~randstandsat Loop Field. pacifications may be obtained at the business office, Evergreen Elementary School, 8th and Pine. s4/24-5/8 SECURITY GUARDS- 21 to 65. Shelton area, full or part-time. Send name, age, address, phone number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton. 4/17-5/29 PART-TIME AD make-up, typing. Call for an appointment. Ask for Lee, 426-4412. 5/8 1974 CHEVY Cheyenne short box, 350, excellent condition, low mileage. Phone 426-9288 evenings. W5/1-8 1968 CHEV Caprice, chromes and moons, real sharp, $975. Phone 426-5638 after 4 p.m. D4/24tfn Retired man or couple with trailer to live on farm. Lots of extras provided in exchange for odd jobs done. Close to town. 426-4936. 4/17-5/8 Call Walt at Capitol Chevrolet for a special price on a new or used truck or car. I appreciate your business. Residence 426-2181 Business 3574633 3/20-27 5/8 Used Cars 1974 Dodge Coronet Custom 4 dr., 318 V-8 engine, auto. trans., air conditioning ............................. 1974 Plymouth Valiant $, 4 dr., 6 cyl. engine, air cond., auto trans ......... 1972 Ford Pinto S' 2 door, auto. trans. -- red .................... 1970 Dodge $, Dart Swinger ............................. 1960 GMC $ Dump truck ............................. FRONT&RAILROAD SHELTON 426-8183 Now is the time to trade -- we need used cars! ] 974 Marc. Marquis 4-dr ................... $4,795 1974 Mustang ........................... $3,595 1974 Maverick 4-dr ....................... $3,395 1974 Maverick 2-dr ....................... $3,195 ! 973 Datsun 240-Z ...................... $4,595 1973 LTD 2-dr. Brougham ................. $3,|95 1973 Courier ............ SOLD ..........$2,895 1972 GMC ............................. $2,795 ] 972 Marc wagon ......... SOLD ..........$2,795 1972 Pontiac Ventura .................... $2,495 1972 Pinto 3-dr .......................... $2,195 1972 Pinto .............. SOLD ..........$1,895 ]970 Galaxie 500, 4-dr ..... SOLD ..........$1,495 1968 % ton .............. SOLD ..........$1,395 ! 968 Galaxie, 2-dr ......... SOLD ..........$1,050 1968 Bonneville .......................... $ 995 1968 Mercury ........................... $ 995 1967 Plymouth Valiant .... SOLD ........... $ 995 1961 Chrysler, 2-dr ..................... $ 650 JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8231 48 month financing available YOUNG MARRIED woman seeking house-cleaning jobs. Any, days Monday through Friday. Have references. 426-2330. M5/8-15 LAWNS, GARDEN clean-up. 21-year-old male. Canal area. 877-5860. B5/8-29 LICENSED DAYCARE. Day or night. Hillcrest area, Cascade St reet. 426-4159. S 5/1-22 FREE TO anyone who'll love and play with him, a mostly grown black Lab. 426-5383. S5/8 BEAUTIFUL male AKC Irish setter pups. 426-8425. B5/8 YOUNG NORWEGIAN elkhound free. Call 426-5964. B5/8 F O R S A L---l~-:-----~w o three-month-old billy goats. Phone 426-6152. F5/ltfn CHILD CARE- Licensed, special 'activities. 2]/z blocks from Evergreep School. 426-2589. C2/20tfn HORSESHOEING, HOOF and foot care. Graduate farrier's. school. J. Dill, 426-8774. O.4/17-5/8 PARENTS Two WSU graduates want to start a Summer Preschool program. We would like your child to attend. May 31st is the last day for enrollment. For more information, call 426-6333 day or evenings and 426-1154 evenings. 5/8-15 Personal IF DRINKING is causing a problem in your family, call Al-Anon, 426-3072, 426-4535, or 426-2551. T5/ltfn SHELTON FAMILY Planning Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, class held 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. Call 426-4407, Mason County Health Department, for appointment. S4/3tfn WEANER PIGS, $20. Large sow, will farrow soon, $125. 4264758. W4/3tfn HORSESHOEING -- Ed and Dorothy Stiegler, 943-5094 or 357-7580. S3/13tfn DOG CLIPPING and groqming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMont, 426-4164. L9/17tfn HORSE lrI IUB BY KING LAZY T TRAILER SALES 426-1054 426-5555 3/13tfn Farm Slaughtering ' Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashioned curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B. J. Probst 426. ! 643 Kamilche LECITHIN! VINEGAR! BA! Kelp! Now all four in one capsule, ask for VBA+, Nell's Pharmacy. O4/3-5/15 LOVE RESTORED -- low everyday prices -- old treasured photographs -- restored to original condition. Photo Center, 426-6163. P4/3tfn G EORGE VALLEY Furniture and Appliance -- the best night spot in town --Sealy mattresses. 3/14tfn Sporting Goods 1968 HONDA 305 Scrambler. Excellent condition, licensed, street and dirt tires, $350. Hoodsport 877-9201. Z5/8 '69 SECURITY camper, 8', gas or electric refrigerator, jacks, extras. Used very little. 426-4206. B5/8-15 Spring Discounts On 16- TO 24-FOOT AND Repower with new or used I.O. engines and stern drive. Demo ride by appointment. Factory certified mechanics on duty. UNION MARINA ON HOOD CANAL 898-2252 Open 7 Days A Week 5/8-15 Real Estate Wanted Red htate !!. HAVE ALASKA client wishingto 12x60 MOBILE home, til~out purchase 40 to 80 acres. Call living room with 16x28 addition uoug at Shelton Land and Homes and 12x16 storage shed. On 125 at 426-5555 or evenings at waterfront wooded lake lot. 426-1050. $5/8 Year-round caretaker, golf course, -- ~ -- swimming and fishing. 4824371 WE BUY and sellequities or after 6 p.m. M4/24-5/15 contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or 15 OR 20 acres, house, barn, acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr: Mitchell for quotes, bids or, further information. Have buyers for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 8th & Railroad, 426-4486. 8/12tfn WANT TO buy 2-bedroom home in $8,000 bracket. Will take an existing contract if $8,000 will handle. Mail particulars to Box 10, c/o Journal. H1/30tfn Red Estate OLDER HOME remodeled throughout. 1,680 square feet, 3 bedrooms, family room, rec. room, 1Vz baths, fenced yard, large garden area. 426-1076. O5~-22 3-BEDROOM home, one year old, one acre, 3 miles out of town. $2,500 down. 426-5279. 5/1-22 terms. H2/2Otfn Matlock. 426-3648. EXECUTIVE HOME For sale overlooking McCleary with landscaped %-acre yard and private drive to large double garage. 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, fireplaces and family room. Large dining and living rooms with unique Pullman ceilings. Spacious master bedroom with balcony. More extras, must see. $55,000 or trade for small farm. 495-3814. 5/1-8 7th and Railroad Ave. ShMton 426-336 ! SPENCER LAKE 8% acres. $3,500 down, will carry contract at 7%, No middle man. I own the land and make my own deal. Call Bremerton collect 373-2604 after 6 p.m. 5/ltfn 2% acres on Bingham Creek. Power to property. All surveyed. Total price $5,750. Will sell on contract, make offer on terms. Don Benson Thursday, May 8, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3]