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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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W. Railroad Phone 426-4486 NEW & USED HOMES Land-- Waterfront REALTOR $3,100 TO $8,950 - FAWN LAKE - All have access to the lake or are waterfront. The underground power and water lines go to each lot. Security gate at front entrance to exclude public thoroughfare. Terms available. Just a few miles from town out Cole Road. $12,950 -- 60 FT. ON OAKLAND BAY - Cute 16 x 20 cabin across from Shelton. Perfect for the weekender and summer hideway. Electric heating, good water, loads of clams. Owner will carry contract, terms. $12,950 _ 100 FT. SALT WATERFRONT - Over 1,000 feet deep, high bank with a nice slope of the land. Located in the Agate area on Hammersley Inlet. On county road with power and telphone lines to the tract. Owner will carry contract. $12,950 _ 103 FT. ON TOTTEN SHORES - 1-1/3 acres. Terms available, and owner will carry contract. $23,950 _ QUICK POSSESSION - Spacious 1969 20x56 double-wide on Oakland Bay property. Two baths, two large bedrooms and a 20-ft. living room. Automatic electric furnace. Excellent condition and terms available. Well-kept mobile home. 14,950 _ HOME AND 3 ACRES ON THE WATER - Delightful older home with full basement, farm-size kitchen, double garage, storage buildings, greenhouse, fruit trees, plus more, al! on a dead-end road! I llce level property and well-protected. HOMES $12,500 - MOBILE ON 1/3 ACRE - Located in the Timberlakes area. Almost brand new, 12 x 46. New drapes and appliances included. Use of both lakes, swimming, fishing and salt water ramp included also. Move right in! Owner says bring me an offer. $13,500 _ WALK TO SHOPPING - 2-BEDROOM - Fully carpeted, drapes, large dining room, big utility. Paneled and appliances included. Located on level lot and easy walk to all stores. =13,500 M Th,s b I h 2 baths full - MT. VIEW - 2-BEDROO - " unga ow as , y Paneled dining room, and newer gas furnace. Lots of space for your garden on the 3 city lots included. =14,500 -- HILLCREST - TWO-BEDROOM - AS LOW AS 8-1/8% - Cottage style home, fenced yard, and large separate garage. All new bath, sparkling kitchen, utility and paneled living room. Easy terms. ;15, ,950 _ WALKING DISTANCE TO STORES - 2-stpry Cape Cod style. Large living room with Heatilator fireplace, cozy dinette and 3 bedrooms Huge utility and an attached garage. i15950 MINI FARMslON TnHitEs EDGE OF TOWN - Lovely little three-bedroom ho " " g " " own airyland Park on approximately acre No restrictions on keeping animals or poultry. 18,500 LARGE OLDER HOME - 3 bedrooms, den and a bath and a ,half. 2-story and on a double lot! Lots of room for the kids and garden. =Large workshop in the double garage. Payments could, be as low as , $135 a month. "They don't build 'era like this any more. 19,000 _ NEW BASEMENT HOME ON YOUR LAND - $142 MO. - Beat high heating costs with double insulated windows included at no extra charge. You provide the land and the water system and Shelton Construction, Inc. will build you a complete 1700 sq. ft. home. Comp etely finished with two bedrooms on main floor. Daylight lower !evel for you to finish later. All painting, carpet and septic tank included. Ready to move in. 100% loans available. On your land, paid for or not. ,250 _ NEAR SPENCER LAKE - Only one year old. 3-bedroom Lambler with a built-in bar and sliding glass doors off this superb tche f x r I t and rear ar • n. Loads o e t a c ose s, oversized garage y d with nice big trees. Get back to the country with a low down payment, easy [erms or trade. $450 total moves you in!! ¢22,950 to P k our floor lan to I $29,500 -- NEW HOMES - ic y p day, Some are started and others to start soon. All have carpets, appliances and double glass windows to save on your heating bill. Low interest rates and minimum down payments. Payments as low as $167. MATLOCK AREA - ACRE - 2-bedroom mobile home. Bath and a half. Appliances and washer and dryer included. Only 2 years old nad a 12x64 patio. There is even a creek on the back of the property. terial included for an addition. 7'950 -- CUSTOM BUILT - SHAKE ROOF - Huge one-floor rambler With two baths, large recreation room, double garage attached and Wood f u=lt nd storm e closets Shdin s- • ed lot. Loads o b " - a g • " " g glass door to clUded patio. Situated on dead-end cul-de-sac with no through traffic. wWner leaving for Californ a and must sell. This three-bedroom beauty dl Sell for 5% down! SAVE $1,425 TAX REBATE - New 3-bedroom, two baths. Irnost 1,300 square feet of real deluxe living available with only 5% Wn and interest at 8]/4%. Mr. View in a block of $30,000 homes. OUble glass windows and well insulated. ,950 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS - REC. ROOM - Two bedrooms deluxe bath on main floor plus beautiful kitchen and built-ins. ere are two more bedrooms, second fireplace, and plumbing in the wer le I h basement Lar e lot on • . vel of this day ig t - g dead-end with little traffic. Completely finished rec. room. W. Railroad Phone 426-4486 REID "MITCH" MITCHELL, BROKER "Home of the square deal" Don Johnson ..................... 426-5137 Ellen Givens R. Cal Hopper .................... 426-3582 Mary Campbell .................... 426-6787 REALTOR .... A BIG BONUS i '1 G REATE R SH ELTON'S , I NEWEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. r~ .j ' CL. 7/I// N / ---1, . =====__ ;< / %.,. 7 DOOB'E GARAGE " RE PLUS:/ MORTGAGE FINANCING a ¶ 14101 AVAILABLE FROM g'/ /iF 70 This is a beautifully decorated tri-level home, built by Gordon Parker, designed with breathtaking, unique features in every room. Three bedrooms, den, 2z/2 baths, family room. Total space 2,332 sq. ft., plus double garage with automatic door opener. $48,950. Ask about our Home Trade-in Plan ! REALTOR® 6th and Railroad ..... ------- .... ' CALL EVENINGS & WEEKENDS ......... - ..... - ..... ] ohn Watkins 426-2678 Dave Thacher 426-8635 | Morley Preppernau 426-8676 Torger Lee 426-4653 } Ed Stock 426-1138 Carl Johnson 426-8407 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- Services ROTOVATING -- KUBOTO tractor with 50" rotovator. 426-67 ] 5. W5/8-29 HORSESHOEING -- Jim Brummitt. Phone 866-1646. B4/10tfn GARDEN ROTOTILLING, 16 h.p. tractor, 40"-wide cut, reasonable rates. Call Bob Brewer, 426-4936. B4/17-6/5 HEAVY-DUTY rotovating, 60-inch Howard, 55 h.p. tractor. 426-3648 or 426-6756. H4/24tfn GARDEN TILLING. For quality work and reasonable rates, call 426-2320. L4/3-5/29 AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322. 1202 Cota St. R7/20tfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B i/4tfn GARDEN ROTOTILLING. Call Senior Center, 426-2568. D4/3tfn Services CRUSHED ROCK for your driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. Gt2/7tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. ]/15tfn PRESERVE THOSE precious old photographs with fine art copies. Twenty-five years experience. Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn Lew's Tree Service Tree Topping Tree Re~tloval St un3p Renloval Phone 426-2064 Shelton, Washington 9/19 tfn Services GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precisto~ Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 795 Phone 42&-2501' Ammons Septic Tank Service Phone 426-3153 5/J-tfn %%%%%%%%%" ~%~...%%%%%~. l Cards Of Thanks I would like to thank all the people of Mason General Hospital and the First Baptist Church 'for their kindness during my illness. Isa McDonald Mc5/8 Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, beautiful floral offerings and memorial to the church building fund received during our recent bereavement in the passing of our loved one, Ralph O. Hatch. We especially thank Reverend and Mrs. Leo W. Hamar for their help and comfort. Also a special thanks for the love and care by the staff of the Ridgemont Terrace Nursing Home in Port Orchard. Judith C. Hatch June & Phil Johnson & family Gladys & Ralph A. Hatch & family H5/8 CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Mrs. Hazel Young & family Y5/8 WATERFRONT - RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL . ~" 121 W. RAILROAD 450 FT. OF SHARED WATERFRONT -- A deep water dock, boat launching ramp, PLUS a truly beautiful custom-built 3-bedroom home with stone corner fireplace, formal size dining room, lovely carpeting and truly a dream kitchen and combination utility-sewing room. $39,500 with 90% financing. Call to see it and be in for this summer's fun. $21,950 -- MT. VIEW -- This 3-bedroom, 1VPbath home can be yours with no down payment, closing costs only, with an 8VP/o, 33-year mortage. Many extras, such as dishwasher, range, carpeting, fireplace, attached garage, carport and covered patio. Let's go see it. $49,500 -- BUT SEE WHAT YOU GET -- A 3-bedroom 1 V2-bath home with all appliances, 162 ft. on low bank waterfront, a deep water dock a huge workshop, plus a small mobile home/guest house and it's all on 2 wooded acres. It's a lot for so little. Call today. 1 32 FT. WATERFRONT, BAYSHORE -- Fine gravel beach, Mt. Rainier view, 1Vz mile from city limits. $16,500. Terms, $3,000 down. HIGHLAND ESTATES -- 3 bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, carport and large lot. If your gross income is $]3,500 or less, you may qualify for 8½% financing with no down payment, closing costs only. $21,950. SPENCER LAKE, ONE OF THE FINEST -- 107 ft. of frontage with an acre and a half of timbered land, dock, concrete bulkhead and much, much more. The owner spent nearly $7,000 on preparations to build a lovely retreat and then he was transferred. Call to see; you'll be pleasantly surprised. LAKE LIMERICK, SACRIFICE -- Excellent nice level waterfront lot, 75 ft. by 246 ft. Reduced by $1,000. Assume existing 7% contract of approximately $2,850, payable at $55 per month. Price now $5,950. BAYSHORE ROAD, 3 LOTS, PLUS -- Exceptionally nice view property, 190 ft. road frontage with 145 ft. of depth. $4,500. Terms. CITY LOT -- All surveyed and fenced. Level and ready for building. $2,750 cash. ® REAL ESTATE 121 Railroad Ave. 426-6592 Equal Housing Opportunity 7th and Railroad Ave. Shelton 426-3361 5-year-old waterfront home, unfinished daylight basement. View of Mr. Rainier, $49,500. Owner retiring and will sell on contract. Terms can be arranged to suit buyer. Don Benson Legal P~lk=~lkms %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That POTLATCH BEACH MUTUAL WATER COMPANY of Potlatch, Washington on March 26, 1975 under Application No. G 2-23773 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from a well in the amount of 250 gallons per minute, continuously each year, for community domestic supply. The source of the proposed appropriation is located within SWV4 SWI4 of Section 23, Township 22 N., Range 4 W. W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from May 8, ]975. 5/i-8-2t i! ii iili ili Thursday, May 8, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33