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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Publkations Legal Publications Legal Publkations STATES OF reservoir with normal e|evationat petition to intervene in :[IERI~L POWER 480 feet extending approximatelya c c o r d ance with the City of Tacoma, two miles upstream to the Commission's Rules. The Project No. 460. Cushman No. 1 powerhouse; (3) a application is onfile with the APPLICATION power intake structure located on Commission and is available for ~AJOR LICENSE the left abutment; (4)a 17-foot public inspection. Take further UCTEDPROJECT diameter pressure tunnel notice that, pursuant to the 5). Public notice isextending 2.5 miles from the authority contained in and 1at application for intake to three 12-foot diameterconferred upon the Federal Power !nee was filed on steel penstocks which lead to the Commission by Sections 308 and 1974, under the Cushman No. 2 powerhouse; 309 of the Federal Power Act (16 Act (16 U.S.C. (5) Cushman No. 2 .powerhouse U.S.C. ss 825g, ss 825h) and the City of Tacoma, which is approximately 181 feet Commission's Rules of Practice respq ndence to: long and 1 01 feet wide, and Procedure, specifically )irec or of Public containing three generating units Section 1.32(b) (18 C.F.R. ss .O. Box 11007, each rated 27,000 kW; (6)a 1.32(b)), as amended by Order ngton 98411), for switchyard containing two No. 518, a hearing may be held Cushman Project 12.6-115 kV step-up transformer without further notice before the in Mason and banks and four 115 kV circuit Commission on this application if Washington, near breakers; (7) two 115 kV no issue of substance is raised by ~s and cities of transmission lines extending any request to be heard, protest Shelton, and Gig approximately 37 miles from or petition filed subsequent to the North Fork Cushman No. 2to the Pearl Streetthis notice within the time liver. The project Substation located within the required herein and if the f the Un ted States C ity of Tacoma ; and (8) applicant or initial pleader ic National Forest, appurtenant facilities. Power requests that the shortened ndian Reservation, produced by this project is procedure of ss 1.32(b) be used. National Park. The integrated into Applicant's If an issue of substance is so has a total electric system for use intheCity raised or applicant or initial of 124,200 kW of Tacoma, Washington. 928 acrespleader fails to request the ISlets of two of project lands have been shortened procedure, further s: Cushman No. 1 designated by Applicant for notice of hearing will be given. ent consists of: public recreation and are or will Under the shortened procedure in No. 1 Dam, a be developed, operated and herein provided for, unless Jig,h, 400-foot longmaintained by the State of otherwise advised, it will be aam (with 45-foot Washington or private interests unnecessary for applicant or blocks) which is under leases or use permits. Theinitial pleader to appear or be both sides by Washington State Parks and represented at the hearing before ravity sections and Recreation Commission has the Commission. I earthfill dam withdeveloped the Lake Cushman Kenneth F. Plumb the left bank; (2) aState Park on 565 acres of project Secretary 5/1-8-15-22-4t ~g nine miles land. The Lake Cushman Resort a~ ~g a total Company will continue to operate al .=-feet and a its 10-acre development. Another of 372,000 entity, the Lake Cushman NOTICE OF SALE OF Lion 735 feet; Company, has leases to develop VALUABLE MATERIAL ON =r intake structure 307 acres in four recreation areas. STATE LAND m from the arch Current recreational facilities STATE OF WASHINGTON, eft of the river include camp and picnic units, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL 17-foot demeter boat ramps, and cabins. RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, I which extends Additional camp units and boat Commissioner of Public Lands the intake to two camp units, as well as tennis Notice is hereby given that on ~eter penstocks, courts and snowmobile facilities, Tuesday the 27th day of May, Cushman No. 1 are planned for these areas and 1975, commencing at ten o'clock i) Cushman No. 1 two additional recreation areas, in the forenoon of said day, at the se which is Any person desiring to be heard South Puget Sound Area 134 feet long and or to make any protest with Headquarters, located at , containing two reference to said application Enumclaw, County of King, State 'atingunits each should on or before Jur~e 23, of Washington, by the Area V; (6}switchyard 1975, file with the Federal Power Manager of said Area, the timber wo ] .2-115 kV Commission, Washington, D.C. on the following described state ormer banks and 20426, a petition to intervene or land will be sold at public auction circuit breakers; a protest in accordance with the to the highest bidder, to wit: transmission lines r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e MASON COUNTY PProximately five Commissions's Rules of Practice Application No. 36836 two transmission and Procedure (18 C.F.R. ss 1.8 Goat Ranch Pond located Prom Cushman or ss 1.10). All protests filed with approximately 6 miles by road I) appurtenant the Commission will be northwest of Belfair. The sale is hman No. 2 considered by it in determining composed of all timber bounded consists of: the appropriate action to be taken by clearcut boundary tags in Unit o. 2 Dam, a but will not serve to make the No. 1 on part NEll4 of Section 320-foot long protestants parties to the 22, Dart WV2NWV4 of Section 23; n flanked by a proceeding. Any person wishing in Uriit No. 2 on part SEV4NEV4, on on the left to become a party to a proceeding part NEV4SEV4 of Section 22; in a thrust block on or to participate as a party in any Unit No. 3 on part SWII4NWV% (2) a narrow hearing therein must file a part NWV4SWV4 of Section 23; all )r Overhauls Ignition Tune-ups SERVICE 426-1212 Farm Slaughtering • Cutting & Wrapping • Curing, Sausage Making • Sharp Freezing HOME MEAT SERVICE Kamilche 426-1643 Music Lessons • Piano • Classical Guitar • Accordian • Music Theory • Oriental Rhythms GRIGOR TRITCHKOV 30 years experience 426-1858 = Floor Covering Painting- Installations -- Linoleum-- Carpeting Paintina -- Tile -- Formica & Licensed Wall Papering - Signs 426-3073 REX FLOOR COVERING " " llnre'-un- Prefinished' 426-8896 Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Dears & Woodwork Furniture Repair - Licensed& Bonded Free Estimates • = Flair Care * Paintings * Photo Art glets. Switches * Gifts * Jewelry Boxes ,an Cosmetics : CH~sJ~ma~apd~'cF~r:i;rU;mees Heinitz Painting Co. Ira~ _ * Specialty Antique Restoration |EAUTy SALON Shelton Furniture Repair Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 and Art Studio Rt. 1, Box 168 426-18S8 Gifts -- PLUMBING ..... I Mexican Imports, Pottery, I • New construction i • Remodeling I Leather Goods, CeramiCS, "abinets I Wrought Iron [ • Remodeling II dABS I • Service ~8.~ WOOD426.3657 I KIEBURTZ PLUMBING ~eview ~. } 426-3108 . r Z Insurance ", Refrigerations-I I Tired of shopping? I " I Expert Service / I Let us do it for you! I ~ervice Call I Auto-Home-Boat-Life'Health I I • G.E. • Frigidaire • Gibsonl I Business-Preferred R,sk: I I • Hotpoint • Whirlpool • ColdspotI 61 , ~.o++o++ i i OlYMPiC REFRIGERATION / Insurance is our only business. I I ARNOLD & SMITH I I = APPLIANCE / | INSURANCE AGENCY J i ,,,E cote 4,,,, I t 426-5108 J Oncrete Verts & Blocks E~rick & Stone & Tools QI SHELTON 426-3344 SPAcE HAD You? Landscaping e Landscape Design Shrubs e Rock • Waterfalls. Lawn Sod or Seed HERB BAZE LANDSCAPING 426-4718 Masonry * Fireplaces * Block Foundations * Anything with Masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Music %HI l TCJN W/'~ 98684 Mike Gibson OWNER f (}t~ ALL y()Utl NI" | (J', IN MI)SI[; 4P(,-4"t02 Rentals a Trailers • Lawn & Garden Tools • Complete Painting Equip, & more Open every day 8:OO to 5:30 BARDEN'S RENTALS 120e olympic Hwy. S. 426-1091 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications legal Publicatbm timber bounded by right of way NOTICE TO CREDITORS the adoption of the above-named. CALL FOR BIDS GIVEN: That the Board of boundary tags on parts of the NO.4585 A hearing for such purpose Sealed proposals will be County Commissioners will meet following: SEV4NE₯4 of Section IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF will be had on the 16th day of received at the office of the City on Monday, May12, 1975, at the 22, SWV4NWV4, NWV4SWV4 of THE STATE OF WASHINGTON May, 1975, at the hour of 10:00 C lark-Treasurer, City Hall, hour of 2:30 P.M., in their office Section 23, all in Township 23 FOR MASON COUNTY IN A.M., or soon thereafter, at the Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 in the County Courthouse at North, Range 2 West, W.M., PROBATE Courtroom of said Superior A.M. on Monday, May 19, 1975, Shelton, Washington, to hear and containing 58 acres, more or less, IN THE MATTER OF THE Court, Shelton, Mason County, at which time they will be determi~b ~ bCI~T~IT[~--~T making such sale, at which time comprising approximately ESTATES OF DOROTHY A. Washington, when and where all publicly opened and read aloud and place the Board shall hear 890,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir, BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. persons interested shall appear rot: 250,000 bd. ft. of Iodgepole and BRENNAN, Both Deceased. and show cause why such CITY OF SHELTON, 7TH evidence and take testimony, white pine, and 5,000 bd. ft. of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN adjudication should not be made, STREET, ALDER STREET TO should any be offered, as to the hemlock, cedar and hardwoods, that the undersigned has been and why, if made, such petition RAILROAD AVENUE, U.A.B. advisability of making such or a total of 1,145,000 bd. ft. appointed and has qualified as the should not be thereafter heard PROJECT 194(03), PHASE II. proposed sale. Minimum acceptable bid: personal representative of the forthwith and the prayer thereof T h e m a j o r i t e m o f EXHIBIT "A" $93,422.50. Timber will be sold on a cash Estate of DO ROTHY A. granted, construction is: 600 Ton Asphalt 1967 Plymouth Sedan No. BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. Witness, the Honorable Concrete -- Class "B" and other RE45F71241823, Co. No. 1NO~o; or installment plan basis. Timber BRENNAN, deceased; that all Hewitt A. Henry, Judge of said such work as required to 1968 Ford F250 Pickup must be removed prior to May 31, persons having claims against said Superior Court and the Seal of complete the project. F25YRD12727, Co. No. 205; 1978. deceased are hereby required to said Court hereunto affixed this Work shall commence within 1968 Ford F250 Pickup No. On or before May 27, 1975, serve the same, duly verified, on 17th day of April, 1975. ten (10) days after the award of F25YRD12728, Co. No. 206; at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must the undersigned or his attorney of /s/Betty Thompson, the Contract and be completed 1967 Chevrolet Sedan No. make a minimum deposit of record at the address below stated Deputy Clerk within twenty (20) working days. 154697L166171, Co. No. 110; $9,342.25 in the form of cash, ELAINE PROVINCE, and file the same with the Clerk All proposals must be made 1952 Jeep ~Ton No. 20876, Co. money order or certified check, of the said court, together with Clerk of the Superior on the regular blank forms No. 216; 1971 Ford 1"900 Said deposit shall constitute an proof of such service within four Court, Mason County f u r n ished a nd must be (Burned) No. T9OLUK14054, opening bid at the appraised (4) months after the date of first Washington accompanied by cash, certified Co. No. 309; price. Upon award of this sale, the publication of this notice or the 4/24-5/1-8-3t check, or bid bond, in the amount 1956 Ford F800 W/Oil Dist. respective deposits shall be samewill be barred, equal to five percent (5%) of the No. F80K6H63717, Co. No. 413; returned to the unsuccessful Date offirstpublication:May total bid. Such accompanying 1952 White Truck-Tractor No. bidders. On the day of sale, the 8, 1975. certification will be returned to 4 11044, Co. No. 409; 1955 purchaser must pay the balance /s/TOD F. CARTER all unsuccessful bidders upon the Gallon Grader No. 99798, Co. between the bid deposit and the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of Personal Representative NOTICE TO CREDITORS completion of the award of the No. 505; 1952 Jeep ΌTon Trailer GLENN E. CORREA NO. 4584 Contract or the rejections of the No. 285622, Co. No. 708; 1951 sale fee, or may, if the purchaser Attorney for Estate IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF bids. The bid bond shall be made Miller 26' Flat Bed Trailer No. so elects at the time of sale, pay Bell Building THE STATE OF WASHINGTON payable to the City Treasurer, C465, Co. No. 702; 1947 Buffalo an additional amount, to bring 121 South Fourth Street FOR MASON COUNTY IN City of Shelton, Washington. Roller No. 258169-2, Co. No. the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of Shelton, Washington PROBATE The City of Shelton reserves 820; 1948 Athey Bolt Loader No. the full bid price based on the 5/8-15-22-3t IN THE MATTER OF THE the right to reject any or all bids 03L977, Co. No. 810; ESTATE OF WILLIAM C. FRY, and to waive all informalities. 1964 Portable Hot Patch No. cruise estimate. This balance may Deceased. Sealed envelopes containing 267, Co. No. 914; 1961 Chevrolet be paid by personal check. I Purchaser must also furnish NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the bids shall be marked "7th ½ T o n P i c k u p N o . NO:J-680 that the undersigned has been Street U.A.B. Project 194(03), 1C2530114716, Co. No. 216; within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $13,000.00 to IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF appointed and has qualified as the Phase I1". guarantee compliance with all THE STATE OF WASHINGTON personal representative of the Contractual documents may terms of the bill of sale. All FOR MASON COUNTY Estate of WILLIAM C. FRY, be obtained at the office of the checks, money orders, etc. are to JUVENILE COURT deceased; that all persons having City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, be made payable to the IN RE THE WELFARE OF claims against said deceased are Shelton, Washington. Commissioner of Public Lands. PHILLIPS, ELMER, A Minor. hereby required to serve the same, Dated at Shelton, Washington, A C C E S S R O A D TO ALL WHOM IT MAY duly verified, on the undersigned this 29th day of April, 1975. REVOLVING FUND: $1,020.00 CONCERN: and Elmer Phillips, or his attorney of record at the CITY OF SHELTON address below stated and file theHelen W. Stodden to be paid on day of sale. N a t u r a I F a t h e r o f t h e same with the Clerk of the said Clerk-Treasurer Accessibility: Via Department above-named minor: court, together with proof of such 5/1-8-2t of Natural Resources access. You are hereby notified that service within four (4) months Complete contract and there has been filed in this Court specifications may be examined at a Petition of Deprivation of the after the date of first publication South Puget Sound Area above-named, praying also that of this notice or the same will be NOTICEOF HEARING Headquarters located at there be first an adjudication that barred. ON INTENTION TO E numclaw, County Auditor's the parent's written surrender of Date of first publication: May SELL COUNTY o trice, and office of the such child is not required by law. 8, 1975. PERSONAL PROPERTY Commissioner of Public Lands, You are further notified that /s/Robert J. Fry N O T I CE I S H E R E B Y Olympia. your failure to contest the Personal Representative GIVEN: That it appears to be in GLENN E. CORREA the best interest of Mason County To be sold at South Puget deprivation of the above-named at S ou nd Area Headquarters the hearing described in this Attorney for Estate that the personal property (Enumclaw), on, Tuesday, May notice may result in the Bell Building described in Exhibit "A", 27, 1975, at 10 o clock a.m. permanent and unconditional 121 South Fourth Street belonging to the County be Additional information on deprivation of custody and Shelton, Washington declared surplus and sold. control of the above-named and 5/8-15-22-3t N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y terms and procedures of sale are contained in the "Public Auction Sale" pamphlet. Said timber on said land will be sold for not less than the appraised value, as appraised by the Commissioner of Public Lands in the manner provided by law, a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason County, and in the office of the Area Manager of South Puget Sound Area. /s/Bert L. Cole BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands 5/1-8-15-22-4t 1956 International 3-5CY Dump No. 535808, Co. No. 311; 1953 Highway Sander No. 24391, Co. No. 903; 1953 HighwaySander No. 24387, Co. No. 904; 1967 Highway Sander No. 22796, Co. No. 905; 1957 HighwaySander No. 24343, Co. No. 906; 1964 Highway Sander No. 34233, Co. No. 907; 1964 Highway Sander No. 34238, Co. No. 908. DATED this 30th day of April, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. /s/Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board. 5/1-8-2t Ugh The remedy is worse than the disease. Francis Bacon ??QUESTIONS?? Northside :.,.u, View Your religious questions will be given prompt & courteous attention Baptist Church Alliance Church when addressed to 910 East Dearborn "123 W. "C" Street Washington R, "J" Sts. Bible Answers, P.O. Box 146 Interim Pastor Dave Bellamy Shelton, Wash. 9a584 LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor 426-1027 Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. This is a public service available to Sunday School . . ; ..... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. all persons regardless of religious Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 1]:OO a.m. Evening Service .6:00 p.m. affiliation. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. ........ Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. NOTICE OF F-vening Worship ....... 6:30 p.m. Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) . 7:00 p.m. TRUSTEE'S SALE Jesus loves you -- we do, too!A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN S.B.C. EARL EVERS, Pastor .... that the undersigned Trustee will, on May 16, 1975, at the hour of FIRST BAPTIST 10:00 a.m., before the door of .; the Mason County Court House, Word of Life Fellowship Call 426-5336 CHURCH in Shelton, Washington, entrance, sell at public auction to the or write: Box 884 Sth and Cote downtown Shelton highest bidder, payable at time ofServices: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday sale, in cash, the following Location: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, 4th & Cedar May 1i, 1975 described real property, situated A.M."A MOTHER'S in the County of Mason, State of Pastor Dennis Teague, 426-2758 FAITH" Washington, to-wit: Shelton Church Lot 2 in Block 11 of Second Extension to Mountain View as of the P.M.Message by recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, Rev. Ray Mainwaring page47. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Nozorene Situate in City of Shelton, 9:30 a.m ....... Sunday School Mason County, Washington, G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Fairmont & Holman ,11:oo a.m.. Morning Worship which is described in that certain 7:00 p.m.. Evening Gospel Hour Deed of Trust dated July 16, Church School -- 9:00 a.m. Worship Service -- i0:30 a.m. 1971 and recorded July 20, 1971 Carl C. Green, Pastor 426-1298 Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor in Volume, page, under Auditor's Youth Groups-- 7 p.m. File No. 261854, records of Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Mason County, Washington, from Morning Worship ... 11:00 a.m. Bible study & prayer meeting Eugene L. Gerhold and Helen First Church of Christ, Scientist Youth Choir ....... 5:30 p.m. *The Mornlna Worshl9 is G erhold, h/w as Grantors, to Evening Service .6:00p.m. Transamerica Title Insurance 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. • • • • broadcast live over KMAS, 1280 Company as Trustee, tosecure an Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Church 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 7:00 p.m. •k© obligation in favor of Coast Wednesdayeveningtestlmonymeetlngs7:3Op.m. ~~~~ :~'~ Mortgage Company as Reading Room --107 S. 2nd Beneficiary. Beneficiary is now Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Federal National Mortgage Hours:12 to S p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday Association. Child care provided during services i Connection & ! 2th Sts., Phone 426-2805 No action is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation Priesthood Meetin~~. ........................... 9:15 a.m. in any Superior Court by reason FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. of the grantor s default on the obligations or covenants secured Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister Sacrament Meeting ............................ 5:00 p.m. by said Deed of Trust, which Bible School ...... 9:45a.m ...... ."0-.m. -- ~ ramiw ~ervlce / u p I Failure to pay when due ~-Day rch payments of $149.00 for the Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. months of August 1974 and Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service SIXTH AND RAILROAD subsequent months. ..... Saturday - 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School ! The sale contemplated may be 11 :OO a.m. --Hour of Worship i discontinued on or before 10:00 Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.- •ible Study and Prayer / • a.m., May 16, 1975, and not afterwards, only by payment of Faffh Lutheran Church GARETHELLlS PASTO. 426-3508 I each installment now or hereafter becoming delinquent plus a charge of $2.98 as to each 7th and Franklin installment, Trustee's costs, and Episcopal Church Welcomes You Trustee's fee of $50.00. Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. The sum now owing on the Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m. St. David's - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & 10 a.m. obligation secured by the Deed of Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service St. Andrew s House - Union, 2:00 p.m. Trust is $17,424.08, with inte:rest at the rate of 7% per annum from Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 COME AS YOU ARE July 1, 1974, and such other costs and fees as are provided by law. The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the MTe OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH St. Edward's Catholic Church obligation secured by said Deed of Trust as provided by statute. MISSOURI SYNOD Said sale will be made without Father Michael Feeney 3rd and Cedar warranty, express or implied, 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor regarding title, possession or -- Masses-- encumbrance. Property Address: 1627 Sunday, May 4, 1975 Saturday/ ................................ 7 p.m. Jackson St., Shelton, We, 98584. Sunday .................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. DATED this 8th day of Summer MassatPotlatch January, 1974. Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m. -- Services 10:30 a.m. ROBERT 13. LESLIE, May 25-Aug. 30 -- Clubhouse -- 6 p.m. Trustee /s/Robert B. Leslie .... ,--. Robert B. Leslie JOHNSON, QUIGLEY, The church that preaches what the Bible teaches. THE FRIleNDLY CHURCH HATCH & LOVERIDGE SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 292o SeatU -First Bank THE UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Building, Seattle,n 1521 Monroe Street Washington 981'~/17_24_5/1.8.4t OF SHELTON M.A. Younglund, Pastor Dale Sutter, Assistant Our new church meets in its brand-new location at the Island Sunday School .............................. ;9:45 a.m. Lake Firehall every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Morning Worsnip,, ............................. , ,, ~uo~: a.m. Mother s Day message by Pastor COME WORSHIP THE LORD WITH US Gospel Service, Pastor speaking ................... 6:00 p.m. IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH Tuesday, Youth Service ........................ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Share and Prayer .................... 9:00 a.m. The whole gospel to the whole world. Family Nkjht .7:00 p.m. REVlvALTIME, SL~E)A'%;,'kG'61~I" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ii ~. 3:00 p.m. Lewey R. Ferris, Director 426-5390 (Radio Voice of the Assemblies of God) Thursday, May 8, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35