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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Selecting your favorite foods in the size to fit your family's needs helps keep food costs down. At THRIFTWAY, you'll find favorite I~'ands -- in sizes you want! Great variety! Favorite brands! 7-day specials! THRIFTWAY-- where convenience and savings meet! THRIFTWAY THRIFTWAY salutes MOMS for the won- derful job they do in serving appealing, nutritious family meals every day of the year! To say thank you and show your Mom or favorite Homemaker your appre- ciatlon--give her a day out of the kitchen and dinner at her favorite restaurant! FROZEN FOOD Suppers Salisbury, Beef Stew, Veal Parmagian, Chicken Dumpling. P, pperidge Banana, Boston Creme, Lemon Coconut, Choc., Maple Spice. 11 I/z-oz. Ore-Ida Tater Tots Ore-Ida Onion Rings ;;: Pure Grape Pork Fried Rice 73¢ 39¢ 57¢ 69¢ FRESH PRODUCE Red, Plump & Juicy. Top with Yogurt. Pint Cup. Each O....o,,es, • rende, 39¢ Fresh Green pe, ou°d Red Potatoes 5/89¢ Red Leaf Lettuce 4/$1 Green Leaf Lettuce ro : " o4/Sl DELICATESSEN SPECIALS USDA INSPECTED POULTRY Tastewell. 36-ounce Jar Creamy or Crunchy Green. 4'*1 Each o r Excellent Flavor for Toast, Sandwiches or Frying. 1-lb. THRIFTWAY'S "FLAVOR AGED BEEF" is guaranteed to per Beef Sirloin Tip Steak Beef Chuck Steak USOAa-miCe=n.,...,,. 1.39 Lynden Hens Frozen. 11 to 13 lb. • Average Size Fresh Fryer LegsGrown.Washin't°npound ~(:~(~U Fresh Fryer Thighs wa..o,tooGrown, pound s1.19 Fresh Fnjer BreastsOrowo.Wa'"n"°°poo°. '1.19 Lean Ground Beef 98¢ Fresh. pound Veal Steaks King's Command.4.ounce. each '1.29 Skinless Wienersos'°r-,°'''' Sl.29 Beef or Regula,. lb. Potato Salad ,.,.,,,,o°d 55¢ 18-ounce Cup NATIONAL BRANDS SAVINGS SELECTED SEAFOODS Kraft Cheese Slices' ', Pure Apple Juice Pancake Mix Krusteaz Brand. *G-ounce Package Cut Green Beans Can Del Monte Beans :o,o,..oo, French Cut. 16-oz. Cream Style Corn Instant Potatoes Del Monte. ! 7-oz~ Can Pillsbury. 16-oz. Hungry Jack DoE Food "":"°°"'""' Blue FOU,Sor'~. Ho,se N~untain Meat 14~/;-ounce Lasagne Noodles .,.,o° Long. 12-oz. Pkg. )AIRY SPECIALS THRIFTWAY EXTRA VALUES Heinz Cider Vinegar °::;: Silverbow Honey 4-pound Can BAKERY SPECIAL For Cleaning Dentures. 40 Count e WESTERN FAMILY CHEESE Regular, Menthol, Lime & Special. 7-ounce SPECIAL OFFER Refreshes Your Breath. 14 -o un ce Flex Hair Conditionee. 1 7-ounce Best Bet. 4-pound Bag Elbow Macaroni or Long Spagh. i : ..... 3 to 5-lb. Average. Medium Size lb. 0 Pork Rib Chops S1.19 Pork Loin ChopsPor==' 'ros"'pou°, Sl.29 Whole Hog Sausage =,d ,12.ounce ,o,, 89¢ Fresh. Broil or Fry Ocean Fresh Sole F~!I';: Sl.29 Kippered HalibutondSnackS•Eat.Heatlb. S 1.29 Special Orders Welcomed Milk Carnation. 2~ Darigold Yogurt=% 4/89 • f 3-ounce Can Dar Tr ¢ igold im Milk .,. 68 Ritz Crackers ,.,:a,"'o:=,. Darigold Sherbet 97¢ Facial Frozen Dessert.o,,.oa,,o. 1.19 Sanitanj Napkins Regular. 12 CI. K0tex Light DayS No:C:; c, Kotex Light DayS .o:k:::'.=;; c,. Hamburger ¢ Hot Dog Buns s"urfr" o°, 45¢ .Donuts cu,,om,., ,.o 99¢ Plain, Powdered, Devil= Food Raisin Snails Custom. sl.O5 7 to o PEg. MILD CHEDDAR Chunk, po.nd Sl.37 MONTEREY JACK Natu,ar pound Sl.37 LUXURY BLOCK Notura|. pound Sl .41 MEDIUM CHEDDAR Ch.°k p und Sl.47 LONGHORN M,d Natura C edda, Sl.53 MOZZARELLA Chu. u°d S 1 .57 SHARP CHEDDAR C,u°k. S 1.71 SWISS GRADE A CHUNK u.d $1.73 we welcome 1 1900 STAMP $leOIPPell$ DELUXE HAMPDEN Folding Tables and Folding Chairs KING SIZE 34-INCH TABLE Compa,e at Sl7.95 DELUXE DEEP CUSHION CHAIR Compa,e at $12.95 GUARANTEED FINEST QUALITY i 36 County Journal Thursday, May 8, 1975