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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 8, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 8, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Canal life... By MAC MCKINNEY 898-2989 south shore ~ ~ ....... ~ v v ~ v v On Apr. 24 five members of the ttood Canal Lions Club made a visitation to the Lions Club at Poulsbo for a luncheon at the Viking Restaurant and dinner at Silverdale in the evening. During the day a drive around the island was enjoyed -- many new homes to see. dancing and card playing. It was good to see so many local people attend; such a nice way to visit and become acquainted with your neighbors. The Hood Canal Lions held their first meeting at Robin Hood Restaurant May 1 with the Forest Festival queen and her princesses Golf news By MARGARET BARNARD A bright and sunny May Day was opening day for the ladies' golf club atLakeLand Village. Festivities started with a champagne breakfast in the clubhouse where tables were decorated with freshly-cut spring flowers. After a" delicious breakfast the ladies played nine holes of golf with prizes to those having the fewest putts. Billie Churchill came in first with 15 and Dorine Porter was second uya By LENNIA CATES --CR 5-2245 Art and Elizabeth Grant, Ken and Thelma Floyd and Bob and lna Miller all did something last week - returned to their homes here on the canal for the summer. They vacationed in different areas - Mexico, Arizona and California, respectively. Had hoped they'd brought the good weather with them. You do remember those .Meanwhile, St. Nicholas was fortunate in having Father Osgood of Seattle filling in for the second time this year. Mary l~oudenback got a beautiful 12½-pound salmon last week up by Tombstone Territory. Guess he was really a wild one as it took her over 20 minutes to bring in. RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale will be held at the Youth Center adjacent to Belfair Community Baptist Church on May lO, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., sponsored by St. Nicholas Episcopal Church Guild. Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt Since its inception in 1969 as guests, with 17. Six women tied for third two beautiful days last week! My filler for the week, or the Lions Eye Bank has furnished ,, , ........ place. Do I dare tell you that sugar should I say that of Idle Ulsh: , .';. • . Y'" more than 580 eyes for persons mr. aria mrs. Jonn Lampoeu Excitement was added to the was 8 cents a pound when the Be more concerned with your U at D needing a corneal transplant. The have guestsenjoymg our weatheroccasion when George Armitage, Grants left Mexico? Toolate. character than with your effect on many peoples' lives ana rtoou •_anal. who had come with a friend and Candy Sills underwent reputation. Because your BULLDOZING through the eye bank and otherMrs. Lillian Updyke is in the teed off before the ladies started stomach surgery last Friday atcharacter is what you really are, Lions projects is immeasurable. Naval Hospital in Bremerton and playing, scored a hole-in-one on B u rien Memorial Hospital. while your reputation is merely cR5-2195 The Civic Club oarty at the Mrs. Vera Bishop is back in Mason number five. It certainly paid off Hopefully she will be releasedwhat others think you are." CR5-211 3 Un ion firehall lead 40 in General Hospital. All wish them a for him to brave coming out on Saturday, at which time she will Seems like I was supposed to adms day- and fortheladiesto be brought to her folks' home congratulate someone for share in the celebration here for at least atwo-week something. Let me think. afterwards. recuperation period. Get well Congratulate, heck, he deserves a Besides having low putts in soon, gal! purple heart. Jesse Cates, who the ladies' competition, Billie Am happy to report that Bill married me 10 years agolast Churchill scored a 38 on the back Ferraro is coming along just fine Monday! nine. after open heart surgery last • Glass replacement The Handicap Tournament, week. Just before Christmas Bill -~-- ~ • Custom storm sash originally scheduled for May 3, was given around three months to FOR SALE & screens iJe•o•e•o•ollelJello•eEoEe•ello•ollo•omoBogoEegomomogo was postponed because of bad Bay Oxbow Custom Cabinets : • JOHN C. DALBERG • • • ie The Finest In Oak Cabinets •• 275-3109 ALLYN, WA. lOlOlOlllilOOOlOOOIIo lie OeleOeOelOlilllolOIOlolol8 BODY SHOP IIII I LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE TOWING 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton IIIIIII New three-bedroom rambler, 11/2 baths, with fireplace. Shake roof. Double garage. Close in. 45-day possession. $35,900. REID Belfair 275-2868 I I II IJ Belfair Trading Post Happy Mother's Day @ TEA CUPS • VASES I TIRE PLANTER Fireplace wood & assort, window screens BELFAIR TRADING POST 9:30 to 5:30 Wed. thin Sunday 257-3525 Belfair fireplace Shop Special Glass Fire Screens • Free Standing Fireplaces • Custom Built Fireplaces 275-6165 NEXT TO BELFAIR HOME CENTER 6 Days 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. From ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. Bear Creek Mini Mart OLD BELFAIR HIWAY 275-6222 New Hours 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - 7 Days A week MOTHER'S DAY POTTED PLANTS 275-2031 i' II !1I MILK ARCO GAS Homo ... ga1.$1.40 R,g ....... gel 55.9' 2"/0 ..... 0aL $1.35 1 $1.29 Supreme .. gal. 59.9' ,skim... ......... B~B~u~u~~H~~u~B~g~B~B Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone C R 5-6680 LOU DONNELL ..................................... Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............ Advertising Manager, CR5-6259 Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584 ; telephone 426-4412. A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal. I~~--__---_ 7-;]II[;77"7~[[[;7"_;:"7,,~']mB#~tlHHIIMHIlIIIIIIlIlIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIBN weather. It will be held May 10, with starting times as follows: men (18 holes), 8 to 9 a.m.; women (9 holes), 1 to 2 p.m. PeeWee news By BEY. STEINKE North Mason Poe Wee Adult Association will meet May 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 7 of the Upper Elementary school building. Election of officers for the next year will be held. The Poe Wee Mothers Club invites all new mothers to attend their short meeting at 7 p.m. the same evening in the same room. Important upcoming events will be discussed. The change in meeting days this month only is because of a conflict of baseball games being played that week. Rummage is needed for our sale to be held in late June. Pick-up is available by phoning CR5-2094 or CR5-2459. It will be greatly appreciated if you are doing your spring house-cleaning and can give us a call. since. 1899" The greatest shoe value on earth! { Charles R. Hoem ( L___2 75 -61 29 live with an operation not recommended. With time running out and his condition deteriorating daily, doctors decided they had no choice. It was a big decision for Bill too, and apparently a wise one. You can bet all his Maggie Lake friends are happy for him and his family. Happy birthday, Tiger! At 8 o'clock in the morning? That's what happened last Saturday AM when over 12 campers and trailers pulled into Hugh Lane's place at Maggie Lake for a surprise birthday party celebration. All in all, around 60 people helped in the day-long festivities - couldn't happen to a nicer guy. There was another household full of well-wishers last weekend, too, at the Boettcher place helping Ben chalk up another one. Many happies, Ben! A canary flew into the Richesons' living room window last Sunday night, knocking itself out. Ethyl took it into the house and after a night of tender loving care it recovered and was released Monday morning apparently none the worse for its abrupt crash landing. Father Avery is under the weather again, sorry to say. We hope he'll be back with us soon. * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bbnded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton SOME WOODED SOME PASTURE 5 ACRES & LARGER REID REALTY BELFAIR SHELTON 275-2868 426-6572 'd BELFAIR ELECTRIC CO. LOCAL LICENSED ELECTRICIANS GUARANTEED WOR K Wiring... Lighting... Electric heat HELPFUL ADVICE -- FREE ESTIMATES SHOP HERE FIRST FOR YOUR MAJOR APPLIANCES We are franchised General Electric Dealers Special Pricing -- Factory Service Terms -- Free Delivery We take trade-ins. 275-2020 1/2 BLOCK NORTH OF THRIFTWAY Feeling = little 2 Bottles of O 200 tablets for Only Money saving valuel 9-7 Weekdays 9-8 Friday 10-4 Sunday 275-6161 I IIIII I I BOAT WINCH 1 1 0 Volt 275-2723 Hood Canal Glass 275-2623 Call any time Belfalr Chamber of Commerce Meeting 6:30 p.m. Social Hour 7:30 p.m. Dinner Belfair Cafe Everyone Welcome The best way to keep your friends is to not give them away! Tidal Wave Beauty Shop c 5-25o9 Chevron CHEVRON Heat~ r-ue~ For Chevron Heating Fuels-- Modern Heating Equipment-- Complete Housewarming Service... "JUST CALL" SERVICE FUEL CO., 479-2772 Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. 1318 Park Ave. 8remerton, Wa. CR5-2201 OHunting & Fishing License • Fishing Tackle • Frozen Herring • Ammunition Open everyday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or later!! 5 Minutes from Belfair in Allyn "S Hexie Azaleas Red in full bloom .....................Ea. • FUCHSIA BASKETS • RHODODENDRONS • FLOWERING TREES i GIFTS • POTTERY • BEDDING PLANTS @ Nursery & Gift Shop 275-2447 Allyn, Wa. III _ i Hours." 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sundays & Tuesdays I 1 BLOCK FROM ALDERBROOK II II Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - May 8, 1975 coU n ty • Serving all of Mason County • Long distance rates • 24-hour service G LAS-PL Y 16' to 24' lifetime warranty USED BOAT BUYS 16' cabin boat, 40 h.p. & E-Z loader ......... 15' Marlin, 40 h.p. & trailer ............... 16' Duracraft 65 h.p. & trailer ............... 21" Fiberform, 188 h.p.& E-Z Loader .......... 8' Columbia .......................... 17' Glasspar 120 h.p. & trailer .............. 21' Reinell, 188 h.p. & E-Z loader ............ 10' Columbia ........................... i We specialize In MerCruiser and Mercury outboard replH¢ SANDE'S at Beffair Bank Terms NORTH MASON FRIENDs of the LIBRARY Italian Dinner Tossed Green Salad Garlic Bread Dessert Beverage May 9th 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. $2.50 A dults $2. O0 Students A lso children's plates Belfair Masonic Temple Sponsored by Job's Daughters Happy Mother's DoY ...... Mother's Day $pocial Prime Rib CORSAGES FOR MOTHERS GLO ROOM Monday - Thursday 12 noon to 1 a.m. Frl. & Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 a.m., Sun. 12 noon to RESTAURANT HOURS: Sunday - Thursday 6 a.m. to 10 p.m, Fri. & Sat. 6 a.m. - 3 a.m. Plenty of free parking, lots of room for camper~ & trailers. e 275-6226