May 8, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 8, 1975 |
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CR 5-2774
Old Belfoir Highway
While Panther Lake was not aboard may write to USS
included in last week's fishing Maryland, Box 128, Kingson, III.
flA. Davis
275-2032 .Tree Work"
. B.::do ing
Episcopal Church Welcomes
ST HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:i5a
ST NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday !1:1
Come As You Are
The Bulldogs split a double ab r h rbi rundown, it was not overlooked.20145, for information of the
feature with the Orting Cardinals Burrows 4 1 2 2 None of those ardent fishermen reunion to be held in Milwaukee,
in bat and ball competition, Sullivan 3 1 1 0 was willing to either show or tell• Wis., July 11-13.
Aries 2 0 1 1 Some did strike out and others There are many of us who
taking a loss in the first game with g~essley 4 .22 0 did better using colorful eggs.would like to send our best
a score of Orting 5, NM 4, and a u son z 1 z u
victory in the second when NM Landram 1 0 0 0 One of the earliest out on the regards to aviators, crew and
dewinged their opponent 3-0. Blevins 2 1 0 2 lake must have been the grandson other ship members as the
Hauge 2 0 0 1 of Ken Crawford He started off reunions come along. ' Random length ....... $
Aaron Olson stirred the first TOa.b~nn] 0 0 0 at an early hour in great style, DECKING 230'*.
piece of action with a single in t o u u o . ]
both second and third innings, Medeiros 1 0 0 0 calhng for help to land the 4Vz-lb.
with an added single in the third Total 23 6 7 6 whopper trout that was giving 1 "' "
• him 'whatfor" in a challenge of ST'~ ~D-'~R~"~"~';nn~al ~ ~!i{
hit by Ron Burrows. Burrows also In thesecondgame behind }~ 6'WOOD / Sale Winners Jilli
............. who keeps the worm on or off the teg0l Publications I" --50 I
hit a double in the fourth,me pltcnmg o[ nob t~levlns ann hook
followed by a solo hit in the sixth the hitting of George Landram, ..." , ~L~ $ $100.00 Ea M D Snyder 1!! A
by Bob Blevins and a single apiece the Bulldogs clinched a playoff 1o prove tha! the ~ Rosalie Byerly t,;ill
................... greener on me diner sine oi me "YJ~ ~ ~'* I~norm I lilt:
by Ken Aries and Stun Presley in nerm m me west Lentrai olsti1ct fe ,, _ CALL FOR BIDS
• nee, Ken and wife Clara took Sealed bids will be received by ~"J.. //..., ~ ~ For The LLdgehst I $50.00 Ca. . . K,nney ['~i'~ s/l~
the bottom of the seventh. Aaron No 2 at Roosevelt Field against . - t.~--Light O L " !1'!:1
. " ......... ~ off lor the ocean when the fishing the Board of Commissioners of
STATISTICS, GAME IOLS°n pitchedTort lownsena on may o ~,ev]n~ .. Mason County Fire Protection ~('Y'~/W~'" sasGJ,, " $25.00 Ea. Sandy Weegman i~i::iiril!ll "
struck out 12 batters and gave up urought°n v.a.n!hernomeSlOWedsome razord°wnandc, ams District No. 2, Belfair, \~- " °°' ' mlm
only five hits. The hitting stars of .. . " Washington, at their office at the
ab r h rbi the game combined for three meYReduUngid::lf~gtmh:nT~lnoU:lJ'de:r constructing an addition toan C[D.~ FFNCING ]Mrs c'°Pp,Davidorain, Vl
Olson 4 0 2 3 Main Fire Station, for E.H. Brown, tiiivll ,
Burrows 3 1 2 0 home runs Landram for two and ! Y
- • ' I military of my era are beingexisting house which belongs to ~.-'~..- ...... JlKeith Meints Marvin Haydon,
Sullivan 3 0 0 0 rresiey, one. . ..... the District. ~lm~:~#~2~.~Y...~ *. * ,~ ~I~¢ I ' I
Aries 321 0 scneau[ea, lucre are many All information pertaining to 4x4 I
Presley 4 0 1 0 GIRLS" TRACK tomato and pea planters aroundthe above job can be had by ............... I.F. 29' J.K. Husby, Ken Solene, ,,
Landram 3 0 0 0 here who have memories of thecontacting Chief William DeMiero '"__, =1o 00 Ea PLYWOOD SIDING
Blevins 4 0 1 0 At the Nisqually League meet balloon ...... at the Main Fire Station.
Medeiros 2 0 0 0 ............... oarrages mat noverea ~~ 2X4 ]
may I at reaeral way me girls ov .......... Each bidder will be required ............... t.f. | 2~
Hauge 2 1 0 0 . er me ~avy yarn aug me to inspect the job and submit a Ken Crawford M. Jennings ""
track team put on a fine show. -u"--- " - .........
Total 28 4 7 3 . ~ omarme nets mat me beattze plan of his proposal, with his bid.
One first was awarded to Kerry f . IIIlilllIIIIIIII illlllllllll re-'e" ! #Jll R. K. Brown Pat Rowan A dl
............. erry crossed daily in those war Bids will be received until ~ ~ lX6 ...... t.,. | ~ [ E.E. Juhola Mrs. A. C. Heald r~rl~ i!B U m i i~11 ~b ~ ~1~~
In the second game against Burreh ior ner ~t~u time o[ z'~ ~ u e
the red and white birds, the which was a new meet and Northy a~h 7:00 P.M. on May 27, 1975, at
which time all bids will be -- RA¢KFTWF6VF ,,,el H.L. Hays MindyChurch rnc nullu UVt
.... ere should be some of our ~ =~'~6~"...~..'.." I U'I Bob Harris Philo Allen ------
Bulldogs scored revenge and tookMason record. Other places liven ow ........ publicly opened and read. " ....... ,i,,,
.... n in the .~uu iormer naval The Board reserves the right Z,~ ........ -I1
the win 3-0. to NM were a tourm ptace to v'"
. , a ~ators expected at the annual to accept or reject any or all bids
Action in the first inning was Karen Schillinger in the nigh jump .......... or to accept the bid which, in the
,, . , racHlc r~ortnwest maval Aviation
a solo apiece bY Aaron Olson and for her jump of 4'10 " the girm' Re - , judgment of the Board, is deemed DOORS ROMEX ly $10
" " naezv°us °n r~ay l0 at the t° be the m°st advantage°us t° I COPPER WIRE ~
Ion Burrows. Olson, Burrows and medley team received sixth place S -
Read to set
n the 440 anapoint Naval Support Activity the Distirct.
Ken Aries all hit singles in the as did Debbie Burke i ' in .....
~eatue Keservations may be /s/Roy Mitchell BIFOLD DOORS in place
third, and SCan Presley hit a single run in 68 3 The 440 relay team - .'.
after moving into the fourth v,o,-~-"'-""'~ ,,,.,~:/'~" w,t,"':*~" ~" u,,,,~+;'~° o~. .,,co maaeClub, at the Sandpoint Officers' /s/ThomasSecretary B. Taylor FLUSH MAHOGANY I with Ground II nun .... um,J'" ......... mm
inning. Nothing else connected seconds. The only finalist in a. Anomer'" reunion that will be a Chairman pro-tern. 5/8-15-2t 2' I 12/2 250'roll
until later in the t°P °f the field event was Chert Esser in the f'r~ ] st ...... is planned lOT the crewmen $2288 I ] 0% Off
seventh, when Aries, Olson and shotput with a heave of 29'8¼".of "~- ........... II
Joe Watson hit singles and Bob ,-c p,ou, din ,any, me [ I
...... battleship USS MarylandMany
Blevins changed the pace a little DuG LU2il ~ Menu For
o' us were working in the navy Sh/.35p599/I t ~ t] ~ ~~
by hitting the only double. Aries A German shepherd pup " ard in Bremer'o
.......... "', Y t nat thetimeof ] I
and Blevins performed mound o~ac~ w,,.,ong.a,r was repot,co .... Odd.,. ........... North Mason
' t,,~ .t.a=, aa~tirour oomolng ' Dig
duties, lost May I in the Tahuya River ~,.,_.,,, ., ...... ". .
'*'a''"~'~ comm~ss]°ne° mI Schools [ I TOILETS "
STATISTICS, GAME 2 Valley area. 1920, bombed at Pearl Harbor,
ab r h rbi repaired here at Bremerton, then
Aries 4121 KEYS LOST went °n t° earn a great record in I May 12th thru May 16thI Quiet II
OlSOnBurrows430310 3 , Ten keys on a round ring were Pacific combat. The lady was EasyTolnstal, I I,,- 1.¥I i
Presley 4 0 1 0 reported lost in Belfair or retired (decommissioned) at the II overMONDAY:whippedHamburgerpotatoes, mixedIgravy I A GRADE #1
SullivanLandram 23 00 00 00 Silverdale on Apr. 29. close of WW 1I. Those who served I vegetables, biscuit & butter, I ~ I -" ~F I i ~k~~ ~ ~ 114
TotaIBievins 293110311 3 "1 fruit, milk. .I I illl
Hauge , 0 0 0 ~O~ C~~ 5(]
Medeiros 2 0 0 0
Watson 2 1 1 0 I TUESDAY: Hot dog on a bun, I L
Tobin 1 0 0 0 I French fries, broccoli, dessert, I
II The Largest Selection Of Mobile Homes" III I
The blue and white Dogs from IIin the Northwest II I WEDNESDAY: Meat 'oa',I
.o,.,, .,,, o0.,.. II Quality yex Bilt Single.and Double W_ides Always II I.ot roll&butter, je, lo. milk. I |t PERFERATED a I
bill game last week The first I potatoes, gravy, buttered peas, I ¢ SOLID or I I (: ~ 7'1== "
game score left North Mason with II on Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, Burt Wold or II, , ft. PERFERA " =~
a lead of two points in a final II A' Logan. . .... II lover buttered rice, carrots, hot |
score of 6-4. The second game I THURSDAY: Beef stroganoff I SPE(