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Thursday, May 9,2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-5
our kids (hedge fund manager)and 60live in pain so bad that his
other of our largest corpora- life is no more than a life of
tions that paid no income pain. People; this man went
not tax? .I don't want my kids to " to war for his country and
b ecomesiaves~rour largest ~~e~mffhe
I[.]tt:~ I ll]l(:ll]lLld, foreign lender, communist deserves to be treated like a
China. human, not a bank accmmt.
Our government has sold
Dave Daggett out more men and women
Editor, the Journal Shelton that deserve to be taken care
Our kids are inl~eriting a of stop living on what-ifs and
slave country. An old proverb take care of our vets.
says "the rich rule over the Kudos and
poor, and the borrower is Randy Deibert
slave to the lender." Amidst Shelton
this week's news of our boom-
ing economy and low unem-
ployment rates, let's keep in to fire chief
mind that it comes at a cost
to our kids. According to the Tim McKern
Congressional Budget Of-
fice (CBO) the economy has Editor, the Journal
recently grown at the fastest Several months ago, I "-[rog' letter
rate during this economic re- wrote a letter to editor after
covery, having my commercial insur- Editor, the Journal
However, our national ance spike due to an increase A couple of letters caught
$22 trillion debt has grown in fire risk assessment ap- my eye in last week~paper.
even faster. It is up to 76.5% plied to Mason County by In "Little green frog and os-
debt/GDP from when Trump Travelers Insurance. I wastrich," Earl Mallinger of Shel-
took office at 75%. The CBO's told by the company that the ton made a valiant attempt
analysis says that although risk had spiked to 9 in 2019 at writing a fable. While he
tax cuts likely helped tem- after being a 6 (1-10) for 15 clearly doesn't like Donald
porarily boost the economy, years. Chief McKern workedTrump, I thought his thesis,
most of benefit went to the withTravelers to correct the or moral, was elusive.
wealthy and our kids will system-wide problem and his The other (and more read-
soon pay far it. efforts have led to a corrected able) effort was by Andrew
In our state, we're better insurance cost. Many thanks! Maker of Hoodsport under
offbecause we have a require- the caption, "Donald Trump-
ment for a balanced budget. Linda Newman is no patriot." I feel compelled
Before we start feeling too Shelton to address the writer directly,
smug though, the rich still - - so
rule over the poor here: For Dear Mr. Maker,
example, last year when I Take ~C I confess to being sur-
made a campaign speech at a care gl prised at your letter. I have
wealthy Democratic fundrais- always believed that most
ing event, I told the audience OU r local vets high-ranking military officers
that our current Washington possessed the maturity, expe-
ta. structure enables rich Editor, the Journal rience and acumen sufficient
folks to pay the least amount I have seen in the past cou- to make them resistant to
of taxes while the needy pay ple months a man who went temporary delusions such
the highest percentage of to war for his country being as the silly and debilitating
their income toward taxes, treated like he was nothingTrump Derangement Syn-
We needed a capital gains tax more than a retirement plandrome (TDS). I am sorry you
on the super wealthy, which for his health care doctor,have succumbed, but insofar
should go toward funding our This man is a good man withas your politics are affected,
schools and lowering property no drug or alcohol problems: you should be pleased.
taxes for average folks, he has been forced to live in We know liberals are try-
I received several scowls pain so bad he wants to give lng to take control of our
and we didn't raise a single up to be out of pain. country and culture. They
dime at that event (Maria Is it right this man can't have already caused great
Cantwell was wise and didn't get any kind of pain medica- harm to many institutions,
mention the topic). Republi- tion otherthan a pain med such as our schools, enter-
cans are no better who said a Naproxen that i~ known to tainment industry and much
capital gains tax was simply cause several bad side effects, of the mainstream media~
a (much hated) income tax and told by his doctor that it Fortunately, however, our
and that spending on services won't help his pain? In fact. Constitution and Bill of
paragraph alone contains~a
fallacy.) Were this an argu-
ment in a lawsuit, I suspect it
would be laughed out of court.
Further. you might have
been awarded a higher grade
here had you chosen a better
target for your invective, e.g
the Obama administration
rather than Donald Trump. It
also wouldhave helped had
you provided any support for
your claims. As the late Clara
Peller used to ask in those
old Wendy s commercials,
"Where's the beef?."
Finally, I would be remiss
not to thank you for your ser-
vice. I, too, am a retired naval
officer and came close to, but
never attained, your lofty
rank. I've met senior naval
officers from many countries
and spent my own 20-plus
year career in the U.S. Navy.
Since you did not tell us, I
thought you would not object
if someone asked, "Inwho's
navy did you serve?" Also, I
would suggest you use cau-
tion when stating your legal
bona tides so as to impress
your readers. Remember,
Michael Avenatti .is also an
Robert E. Graham
An open
letter to
Sen. Sheldon
Editor, the Journal
Dear Sen. Sheldon,
[ read with intense interest
the article in the Shelton-Ma-
son County Journal concern-
ing Sen. Sh~ton explaining
the use of fabricated story,
"How financial records were
used in a scheme to kidnap
and hold a woman hostage
for ransom in Mexico." This
occurred in a debate about
amending the now, "State.
mandated public access to
politician's financiatrecords."
The amendment was adopted,
it appears with the help of
this fabrication, or as some
would call a lie. How clever of
May 4issue0ftheShe/t0n-Mas0n
Coun Journa/ inc0rre ly stated.
in the 2019:21
inaccurate." It does sound
so much better than "I lied,"
which admits knowledge of
it not being the truth. But of
course, you knew what you
meant. You then stated, "This
is an example of what some
people can do with public in-
formation. The amendment
was adopted and we'll see if it
stays in the final bill, but we
don't know right now."
It must feel very enabling
to be able to steer the accep-
tance of such an important
amendment with just a story,
even though it wasn't true.
Everyone can understand
your impatience with the re-
porter, saying, "I think We're
done with it. There are plenty
of other things that are far
more important to work on
right now."
There you have it, so
-dedicated that you won't let a
"misspoke" with a false story
that changed the public's
right to know how truthful
and honest our legislators
are, keep you from going right
ahead with other things, as if
this never happened.
But there is one more
troublesome question. It is
legal, if you (misspeak) or lie
as some might call it, a gr~at
big lie, greatly helped to pass
this amendment to take away
the public right to'view politi-
cian's financial information?
There are a couple of old say-
ings, that some might say aP-
ply; "Trust and verify," And,
should be curtailed with no it doesn't help anything but Rights are still intact. I dis- you to use this untrue story "Putting the fox in charge of
increases ~n taxes for~heriz :1~, help him into-aTgrave, agreewith your entire hateful to help have this amendmc~rit - t,he~herrhouse~."
Partly because the capital I watch the hell this man letter, but we are still a free change accepted to remove
gains tax failed, Washington has to go through. He has country, so write on! this unnecessary access to
businesses and most regular never abused any drug of any If your letter was a mini-politicians' financial informa-
folks will now pay more taxes kind and has great insurance, essay on a test in Logic 101, tion. But, you must admit
to balance our state budget. Why can't he be given some-a survey course for university that it was made mandatory
Things will get worse for the thing to give him some relief freshmen, it would likely because ofthe very good pos-
national debt because the so he can heal? I know people have received an "F" along- sibility of abuse and nobody
super-rich indeed rule. get addicted to pills, but used with the dreaded teacher'swas aware of it happening.
During these prosperous properly, and only when note, "See me." Your writ-But of course, except you.
times, shouldn't the U.S. stop needed under doctor's orders, ing reveals passion and good But I must admit it was a
being a borrower instead giv- they help. grammar, but mostly we little confusing on two points.
ing even more-tax breaks to He has a choice to live in encounter contradictions, The statement, "The reporter
Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Elon pain or self-medicate. He misused terms, and many, showed me what I said on
Musk (Tesla), Dan Loeb won't break the law, but will many questions. (Your first the senate floor, and I was
You should be warned
though, that you will prob-
ably be inundated with let-
ters, and maybe even calls,
-with questions, and possibly
saying they just don't believe
it was a simple "misspoke"
mistake. Some may even call
it lying.
Patricia Vandehey
see LETTERS, page A-6
continued from page A- 1 speller - I have to be extra hatten". instead of "Manhat- at spelling. And Sue gave
wary when I'm rushed. I've tan"; "guagmire" instead ofme further reason to im-
misspellings, I dismiss what embarrassed myself a few "quagmire"; "healt" insteadprove.
the person is trying to ex-times in 25 years of work of"health"; and "Round "I'm bothered by misspell-
press. Why should I believeat daily newspapers by Mound" instead of"Grand ings," she said, adding that
they put enough effort into~nisspelling words in head-Mound." when she reads the newspa-
thinking when they put so lines - the most glaring Avoiding embarrass-
little effort into spelling? location for a misspelling. I ment is a mighty motivator
I'm not a naturally good remember them all: "Man- for me, so I've gotten better
with a pen. Gulp.
Uh, have you ever marked
up one of my stories?
"I'm sure I have," Sue said.
per, she checks every article
she reads for spelling and Contact Kirk Ericson at
grammar and marks it up
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