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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 9, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 9, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday; May 9, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page A-11 By Michael Heinbach michael@masoncounty, com Less than 24 hours after a full-size pickup truck struck a 62-year:old woman May 1 in a downtown Shelton crosswalk, the suspected diver in the colli- sion made his initial appearance in Mason County Superior Court in Shelton, and ordered released from custody. Zane Neal Hansen appears May 2 via video conference from Mason County Jail for an identification hearing in Mason County Superior Court Judge court appearance via video conference from Mason County Jail after spending the night in the facil- ity. Authorities believe the ~6-year-old Shelton man was under the influence of methadone a synthetic opioid commonly used to treat heroin or opiate addiction -- at about 5:15 p.m when the Ford F-250 he was driving northbound on South First Street attempted to turn left onto West Rail- road Avenue. It hit and severely injured a woman attempting to cross West Railroad. At Hansen's court appearance, Judge Monty Cobb found probable cause for a pending charge of vehicular assault under the Prongs of DUI and/or reckless driving. In arguing conditions of release, Tyler Bickerton, deputy Mason County prosecu- tor, told the court Hansen's criminal history in- cludes 12 cases in which at least one warrant was issued to secure Hansen's presence in court. Bick- erton said there was a high "likelihood Mr. Han- sen would not appear in court" and that Hansen poses "an extreme danger to the community" in requesting Hansen's bail be set at $10,000. Bick. erton added Hansen's criminal history dates back to 1992 -- the year Hansen turned 18 and that he's previously had warrants for his arrest out of .Shelton Municipal, Olympia Municipal and Mason County District cot~rts. Judge Monty Cobb ordered Hansen, previously convicted three times of controlled substance pos- session and once on third-degree assault (substan- tial pain) in Mason County, released on his prom- ise to appear at his Scheduled his arraignment hearing Monday in Mason County Superior Court. According to Washington State Patrol reports, the victim was airlifted to Harborview Medi- Cal Center in Seattle~ A WSP trooper's incident report states CT scans at Harborview revealed the 62-year-old woman received a skull and fa- cial bone fractures as a result of the collision. A spokesperson from Harborview told the Shelton- Mason County Journal on Tuesday the victim was released from the medical center the day after her arrival. No further information on her condition was available. A WSP report states that prior to the trooper's arrival, Hansen told Shelton Police officers that he used heroin and methamphetamine two days' prior and "advised he had been to a methadone clinic in Olympia on the same day." In speaking with the trooper, Hansen reportedly stated he was probable cause to charge the 46=year- old Shelton man with vehicular assault and released Hansen on a promise to appear at his Monday arraignment hearing. Jouma/ photo by Michae/ Heinbach going home at the time of the collision and was ap- proximately 30 feet from parking his pickup truck at the time of the accident. After Hansen consented to standardized field sobriety tests, authorities reportedly observed Hansen with bloodshot eyes with constricted pu- pils. Hansen additionally reportedly had difficul- ty holding his stance in the walk-and-turn test, turned the wrong direction and could not properly walk heel-to-toe as instructed. According to reports, a WSP drug recognition expert concluded Han sen was under the influence at the time of the collision. 1180 E. Pickering Road (360) 426-2505 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Omelets to Order ReserJations Recommended - " " Primq Adults s19 Under 12: Sll Under 4 years old, Free! VAUD: THRU JUNE 14, 2019 $50 SPA CREDIT & $50 EMILy'S FOOD SOME RESTRICTIONS & BLACKOUT DATES MAY APPLY. F +