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Thursday, May 9, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-19
Sophie, played by Ashea Sedgwick, looks at the diary that kicks off the zany adventures. North
Mason High School's performance of "Mamma Mia!", which opens at 7 p.m. tonight in the Toni M.
Smith Auditorium at the Belfair high school. Herald photo by Dana Kampa
By Dana Kampa
Port of Atlyn commissioners swapped smiles
Monday in the port buflding's meeting room as they
celebrated the Sargent Oyster House restoration
project getting teeth.
Tile state Legislature recently
approved a budget with $378,000
in funding for the project. Of that
total, $218,000 is allocated to the
Port of Allyn for the first stages of
the restoration; $160,000 goes to
the North Bay Historical Society
for the historical preservation as-
pects of the project.
Last fall, the port hired Gordon Scott
Thomas Honeywell Governmen-
tal" Affairs to lobby for the project
on the port's behalf. Trevor Justin and Briahna Mur-
ray presented an update to the port commissioners
this week so they can plan their next steps.
"Thank you for your time and effort getting this
on board," port commissioner Judy Scott said to the
lobbyists. ' /ou don't know what a relief this is."
She also thanked the many local volunteers who
By Dana Kampa
North Mason High School is
bringing a vibrant, high-energy
-tak~ on the comedy "Mamma
Mia!" for its spring musical. The
show opens at 7 p.m. today in
the Toni M. Smith Auditorium at
the high school. During Tuesday
night rehearsal, stUdents hashed
out the final details of the show.
The story follows Sophie,
played by Ashea Sedgwick, as she
seeks tO uncover her family's mys-
terious past before her wedding.
Director Hilary Gennaro said
to have a !?t of new faces in the ing the prerecorded ABBA cho-
drama program." rus and performers' live singing.
This is Gennaro's first spring But he said the students rose to
musical since she joined the the occasion by getting their tim-
school district. With 20 students ing down to the second.
taking the stage and others "I'm really, really proud of our
working in the tech department, tech crew because this is a corn-
this year's show is set to impress, plex set with a lot of moving piec-
Gennaro said she is excited es," Gennaro said. "It's a rolling
about th6 momentum the drama- set, and we flip sides for differ-
program is gaining andlooks for- ent scenes, and there are a lot of
ward to how that translates to loose pieces. They've done a great
future productions, job of keeping track of everything
North Mason band director and delegating responsibility."
Chris Drewry said this year's Gennaro noted some differenc-
students have taken the lead be- es between the stage production
hind the curtain as well, manag-, and the movie. Audiences can
see OYSTER, page A-21
By Dana Kampa
dana@masoncounty, com
The North Shore public dock owned by the Port
the show seemed like the perfect ing the light cues and learning expect an eerie dream sequence of Allyn suffered damage during winter due to high
match for his group of studen he ropes of a completely newunique ta theXheatricatproduc- winds, and the port is in the midst of determining
given their talent for humor, microphone system. Drewry said tion following intermission. But the best way to fix it following a dispute with its in-
"I love the comedy of this show, it is rewarding to see returning attendees will still get to hear all surance company.
and the staging was fun because students gain confidence run-their favorite show tunes. Storms damaged the floating dock portion of the
it's so colorful," Gennaro said. ning the show. Don't miss out on the show- gangway in January, and port executive director
She said the students have Wee see many of these kids all stopping, gold-clad final number, Lary Coppola said it appears some of the dock's sup-
shown remarkable leadership, year, and this is the culmination of "Waterloo." port beams were also damaged.
dedication and positivity while what they learned from beginning The show also runs 7 p.m. Fri- Coppola said Enduris denied the port's claim be-
producing the show, and it trans- trimester," Drewry said. "Nowday, May 16, 17 and 18. Gennarocause the dock had reached the end of its useful life.
lates to the stage: they get to apply it and own it." said the 3 p.m. show on Sunday However, he noted the dock had been replaced in
"There were several students From choreography to helping is the perfect Mother's Day treat. 2001, when it was 42 years old, and the insurance
who have been in the drama one another memorize lines, the Tickets are $10 for general company had honored the claim to replace it then.
program before who were re- outgoing stu dents have helped admissiom and $7 for seniors, Now that a diver from Enduris has inspected
ally excited about the show, and set high standards, he said. available at the door. The audito-
they brought that energy to it," Drewry said the show-present-rium is located at 200 E Campussee DOCK, page A-21
she said. "But I was also excited ed a unique challenge in balanc- Drive, Belfair.
4.2~.~9 "Welcoming Ways" Guest/Customer Service Training featuring The tra'ning is available to the public, free of charge. Reservations are required.
Stephanie Rowland, Chamber President & CEO and For questions and RSVP, please emaih
Certified Business Etiquette Trainer, Protocol School of Washington D.C. Wednesday, May i4, 10-noon -Afderbrook Golf& Yacht Club
Who is the first contact for your business? Wednesday, May 28, $0-noon - Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club
Are you comfortable putting your company's first impression in their hands? Wednesday, June 5, 10-noon - Our Community Credit Union, Shefton
Prepare your staff to maximize that moment. It only comes along once! Friday, June 14, $0-noon, Port of Alfyn
The busy summer season s coming. Join us for this important training,
: "~ i~; ~ :~sc N
The N rth Mas n Chamber is 0r ud t present these f ur' tw -h ur' w rksh ps ~ &;, ~:~,~; i~,:~,~ ~ ~
on behalf of ourVisitor Information Centers L, ~ ;.: v c:~. ~ ~OOCU' ~lvn
Visit North Mason Chamber, Belfair Licensing, and Visitor Center in Belfair & Union 360.275.4267