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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 9, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 9, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, May 9, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A=23 MARY'S MEMOIRS ug nd 'il- Fl'le ~Ile -a of ,he 3A ;ed on on on to in ils ire ,ar is ay )rt gh ~W )ic off Ler lg, ed ,re ta- $7 ~nt Thursday, May 8, 1941 A fine warm day and in the morn- ing tried to sleep late but to no avail so got up and went to the store. Worked all day and picked some more of the red rose buds to send in to Harold Williams at the hospital. Added up all the money or- ders and they came out very good. Now am pretty well caught up on all the office work. Betty waxed the floor and it looks very good. Home early and planted some an- nuals and weeded the sweet peas and some of the garden. It was so nice out this eve- ning. Ruth went to usher at the School and will he home late. was over before they could join the 15arty. Russel Dahl and the Sisson boy came from Victor. Rudy and Alma Sundstrom came in and brought us some sixteen crabs all Cooked and when John and Annie By SEYTA SELTER high Friday, May 9, 1941 This morning I went to Mrs. Wil- liams and she did my hair and then in the evening Ruth and I went to the mothers and daughters banquet at the high school and we wore our new dresses and looked So nice. We were the only mother ahd daughter that were dressed alike and created quite a stir-among the girls who most likely had never thought of the idea. The dinner was nice and-there was a fine program later. Met some nice people and had a fine time. One of the teachers showed some still pictures of the trip she had taken and they were some of the ones we took with the movie camera. We enjoyed them very much. Had Mrs. Michael and Mary Ruth and Mrs. Nichols and Barbara as passengers and all had a good time. Saturday, May 1O, 1941 Workedat the house all day and put up all the curtains with the right hem in them and did a lot of work that needed to be done. In the evening the kids had a beach party and the two boys from Victor came late and had to wait until the scavenger hunt and three friends a'me from town weate the crabs and did they enjoy them. Had a nice time and to bed late and very tired. Sunday, May 11, 1941 A fine day and I washed the curtains for Ruth's house and in the afternoon went to-the dam and found it was all out. Now we shall have to install a new dam. In the afternoon the Glen Alexanders from Seattle and their daughter came and stayed until about six. When they left, the wind cameup and blew a hurricane and the float came to shore, draggingthe anchor. I planted some watermelon seeds and hope that they:will mature. The wind was blowing so that a big maple came down and the lights went out. Ruth went with the kids to the park and had a nice time. Marie ditched the boys, and they got mad. In the eve- ning we went to the Chicken Coop and had dinner and then home. Monday, May 12, 1941 Monday and we did not wash for there was no electricity. So Bill washed all the front windows and we did a lot of work around the store. In the evening went to the program that the Boys and Girl Scouts had for their mothers and our girls did so well that they received a lot of compliments. The song "Mother" went off-very well and I was satisfied that the work was not all in vain. Afterwards the fathers served Chocolate and cake and ice cream the Girl Scouts and Alice Pope had brought. It was all Very nice and the folks enjoyed it. Wednesday, May 14, 1941 Tuesday, May 13, 1941 A fine day and in the morning Went to the Weavers meeting at cleaned the house and went to the Mrs. Pe ers0n's with all the members store and visited Mae on the way there but Housen, Stine and Richard- and then did some work around the son. We had a fine time and the folks store and Betty irpned. Did some admired that fine wool rug that Mae typing and got caught up on all the made. And the linen towels that Mrs. work. Sid wrote us a letter and he Skene had along were lovely. We plan has a job with the Douglas Aircraft on going to the Weavers meeting in in California and will be married in Seattle and seeing the display of all June. Louie Curl is home for ten days the weaving that is entered annually from the Navyand looks fine. The Joe at the show each year. In the evening Hacketts came in the store Tuesday went to the schoolhouse and talked and they had a lot to tell us about the about the coming carnival with the trip home from the south. They are as other members of the council. The brown as berries. Girl Scouts are taking on theHobby Show and will have charge of that Seyta Selter is a lifelong lover of room. I hope the affair will be a suc- Hood Canal; currently residing in cess. When I came home the Wick- Olympia. She practices ancestral heal- bergs from Ocean Park and Mrs. Tom ing, sometimes teaches at The Ever- Black from Allyn were there. They green State College, and is a passion- brought us some clams and stayed ate amateur genealogist, archivist and and visited for an hour. And Sam family historian. She can be emailed and I were so tired we nearly went to at sleep while we were talking. " -- ~s- he ~i- [a- ad [IS ty sit :al n- ,~y, he fll .al a ty n, N. ~n Now Accepting Reservations Office Hours: Mon-Sat 9am = 5pm,Sun 10am - 2pm Gate Hours: 6am - 9pm [ ] SIGN ME UP! My Check is enclosed! [ ] GET ME STARTED! But bill me later Name: Address: City: State Zip