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Page A-24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 9, 2019
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The measure would require asimple majority vote
Unlike a similar ballot measure voters rejected
in 2017, this year's measure specifies exactly where
money earned through the proposed public safety
sales tax, starting in 2020 would be spent.
Thirty-one percent ($400,000) would go toward six
additional corrections deputies; 28% ($360,000) to-
ward inmate outsourcing; 9% each ($120,000) for jail
construction/improvement reserve and for 1 pre- Undersheriff vavis Adams, nobody spoke in favor
trial services full-time employees; 8% ($100,000) for of or against the proposed ballot measure during the
1/1/2 full-time'employees in district court administra- public testimony period of the hearing.
tion; 5% each ($70,000) for a full-time public defense During commissioner deliberations, Randy Neat-
paralegal and a full-time employee in the county helin, District 1 commissioner, said he was in favor of
clerk's office and $60,000 for a part-time employee in putting the measure on the ballot, allowing the citi-
the prosecutor's office. In accordance with state law, zenry to choose if wants to add an additional sales tax
Mmra e
in 2017
revenue earned from the sales and use tax must be in the county.
split with 60% going to the county and 40% to the "I want to make it clear, I will be voting in favor of
City of Shelton. this, but what I'm voting for is putting it on the bal-
if a?pr heAug allQ e reason why is I would never deny the right
the 0.3% phblic safety sales tax is expected to gener- of the people to burden themselves," Neatherlin said.
ate $1.3 million in additional annual revenue for the "I'm still up in the air on whether or not I'm fully sup-
county, said Frank Pinter, Mason County support portive of(the measure) or whether I will vote for it."
services director. Commission chair Kevin Shutty noted during com-
Though meeting attendees included Shelton May- mission deliberations that the idea of the public safety
or Bob Rogers, City Manager Jeffrey Niten, Mason sales tax was brought to the commission earlier this
County Sheriffs Office Jail Chief Kevin Hanson and year by the Citizens Budget AdVisory Committee.
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adVisory board," Shutty said. "It also has been recom-
mended unanimously by the county's Criminal Justice
Working Team. And so this has already begun to be
vetted as a ballot measure in the community by folks
that have ether taken a look at the county's
as part of that process last year or folks that are a part
of our entire criminal justice system in the county."
Shutty added that though the percentages and
dollar amounts of revenue earned shared between
county departments from the proposed sales tax
may change. However, he said that When language
is finalized for the August ballot measure, voters will
know exactly where and how that revenue would po-
tentially be spent.
Randy Neatherlin, Board of Mason Coun{y
i "
. 517 Franklin St.- 360-426-1000
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